February 15, 2015 - St. Susanna Catholic Church

St. Susanna
616 Reading Road
Mason, OH 45040
(513) 398-3821
FAX: (513) 398-2254
The Lord’s Day
Saturday Vigil
5:00 PM
7:30 AM, 9:00 AM,
11:15 AM, 6:00 PM
Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday, Friday,
8:15 AM
8:15 AM, 6:00 PM
Holy Days of
6:30 AM, 8:15 AM,
7:00 PM
6:45 PM
4:00 PM
6:45 to 9:00 PM
First Friday
After 8:15 AM Mass
Friday to beginning of
8:15 AM Mass Saturday
Monday through
7:45 AM
St. Susanna Parish ╬
Reflecting with the Pastor …
Build Up … Never Harm the Body of Christ!
Today’s readings, focusing on leprosy and on meat sacrificed to idols, might seem
to be pretty remote from contemporary Christian life. It certainly isn’t something we
want to imagine this Valentine’s weekend. At the time of Paul, much of the meat
available for purchase or consumption came from an animal sacrificed as an offering
to a cult idol. Many of Paul’s converts would have been members of extended
families who were still adherents of the many gods worshiped in first century
Greece, and who would naturally be a part of family celebrations. Should Christians
join in the party? And should they eat the meat that was the foundation of the feast?
Mr. Robert Heaney explains that the Corinthian Christian community was divided
on what to do. Some, whom we might call “progressives” or “liberals,” argued that
the so-called gods were mere human creations. Therefore meat sacrificed to these
non-gods was no different from meat butchered in the ordinary way. By contrast,
others whom we might call “conservatives” or “traditionalists,” weren’t so sure and
argued that, at the very least, eating such meat gave a bad example and possibly
flirted with something akin to devil worship.
For the most part Paul sided with the “progressives.” Paul stressed that if eating
such meat scandalized your brothers or sisters, then it shouldn’t be done. He said
that focusing on my rights, my needs, was wrong. The focus had to be on what built
up the community, on what exercising my rights might do to my brothers and sisters
in Christ.
Paul gives us good advice. Don’t go looking for trouble! Focus on what is most
important. Think and act first and foremost for others. Neither protest your rights
nor parade your scruples. We need to be concerned – very concerned, in fact – for
the rights of others. If we are to be true to the name of Jesus, we are called to act
always on behalf of others.
As Christians, we are members of a new family with exactly the same obligations
to one another as we have toward the members of our biological family. Now, as
Christians, your family is bigger than it used to be. All Christians are your sisters and
Fr. Bob Farrell
Reflect …
Reflection: Today’s story describes a man who is so excited and happy that he has
to tell everyone he meets what has happened to him. The man with leprosy
firmly believed that Jesus could cure him and he begged Jesus to do so. Moved
with pity, Jesus stretched out His hand, touched the afflicted man, and said,
“Be cured.” And the man’s deformities were immediately healed. Though Jesus
instructed him to speak only to the priest about his cure, the man could not
restrain himself. He told so many people Jesus had to retreat to the desert to
avoid the crowds who followed Him everywhere.
Questions: When you feel especially blessed by God, what do you do about it?
How do you share your feelings about your experiences of God’s love and His
healing power?
If you need to inform the parish of an emergency situation outside of Parish Office hours,
please call 398-3821 ext 3200 and leave a message. The line is constantly monitored.
A priest will be contacted and you will receive a return call as quickly as possible.
Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time ╬ February 15, 2015
Page 2
The Parish Office will be closed
Monday, February 16th, in
observance of Presidents’ Day.
Sunday Café meets every Sunday from
10:10 to 11:10 AM in the St. Susanna Room.
This Week:
Poverty Cure series concludes with
Churches, Communities and Culture
Next Week:
A new series begins: The Big
Question … a Study on Forgiveness
Are You Celebrating a
Special Anniversary This Year?
Each year the Archdiocese recognizes
couples who are celebrating their 50th
wedding anniversary at a Golden
Anniversary Mass. This year, the Mass
will be held at 2:00 PM on Saturday, May
2nd, at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral.
Bishop Binzer will be the principal
celebrant. In addition, the couples
receive a scroll as do couples who are
celebrating their 25th, 60th, 70th and 75th
wedding anniversaries. If you will be
celebrating a milestone anniversary
during 2015 and would like to receive
an invitation to the Golden Anniversary
Mass and/or a scroll, please contact the
Parish Office, 398-3821. The deadline
for informing the Parish Office is Friday,
March 13th.
Ash Wednesday
Is This Week,
February 18th
Masses will be
6:30 AM, 8:15 AM, 5:00 PM & 7:00 PM.
The collection taken at Masses will be for
the Church in Central and Eastern Europe.
The proceeds help to restore the Church
and build the future in a region that still
struggles from the effects of Soviet rule.
Please consider a generous donation.
Envelopes are provided in your packet and
online donations at the parish web site
are welcomed.
Check Out the
Parish App!
Have you downloaded the Parish App to your phone?
Check out this new tool for keeping up with
the latest news about all things St. Susanna Parish!
The app is easy to download; simply go to the Apple
App Store and type in “St. Susanna” and download to
your iPad or iPhone. Register to the app by clicking
on the Create New Account text on the front login
page and click on the Activate Account button
in the confirmation e-mail you receive. Then choose
the various groups and activities that interest you.
Don’t have an iPhone or iPad?
The app is also available for use on PC’s.
Go to https://www.fsgmobileparishconnect.com/
fsgConnectClient/Account/Login?id=stsusanna and
create an account. Soon our Parish App will be
available for your Android phones and tablets, as well.
Mass Intentions
Monday, February 16
8:15 AM Mass
Joan Mercure
(Connors Family)
Tuesday, February 17
8:15 AM Mass
Special Intention for
the Polly Family
(Mike & Sharon Weil)
Wednesday, February 18
6:30 AM Mass
Tom Fox
(Marilyn & Mary Ann Webster)
8:15 AM Mass
Mrs. Jerry Neff
(Young at Heart Group)
5:00 PM Mass
Edward Annan
(Kirk & Jean Nordbloom)
St. Susanna Parish ╬
Wednesday, February 18
7:00 PM Mass
Eleanor Carlson
(Chuck & Sandy)
Thursday, February 19
8:15 AM Mass
Don Matre (Gail Matre)
2:30 PM Mass at
Mason Christian Village
John Huesing
(Ricky & Karen Mathews)
Friday, February 20
8:15 AM Mass
Lourdes Javier
(Purisimo Ouanao and
Xenia Casumpang Families)
Saturday, February 21
8:15 AM Mass
Sharon Rusk
(Steve & Pat Goellner)
Saturday, February 21
5:00 PM Mass
Bill Flynn
(Flynn Family)
Sunday, February 22
7:30 AM Mass
John Marron
(Marron Family)
9:00 AM Mass
Ruby Verble
(Mom & Dad)
11:15 AM Mass
Jerry Williams
(Joan Barnhill)
4:00 PM Mass in Spanish
Intentions of Mary Bloom
6:00 PM Mass
Dale, Thelma and
Sally Weisman
(Weisman Family)
Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time ╬ February 15, 2015
Reflect on
Next Sunday’s
First Reading
Gn 9:8-15
Second Reading
1 Pt 3:18-22
Mk 1:12-15
February 21/22
5:00 PM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
11:15 AM
4:00 PM
6:00 PM
Fr. Jerome Bishop
Fr. Bob Farrell
Fr. Bob Farrell
Fr. Jerome Bishop
Mass in Spanish
Fr. Phil Seher
Misa en español es
el segundo y cuarto
domingo del mes
a las 4:00 PM.
Mass in Spanish is the
second and fourth Sunday
of every month at 4:00 PM.
Nursery services are
provided on Sundays
for the 9:00 AM and
11:15 AM Masses.
The nursery is located
in the undercroft.
Call ext 3126 or e-mail
for details.
of the Word
for Children
The proclamation of the
readings of the day
with age-appropriate
discussion is provided
for children in
Grades K-2 at the
9:00 & 11:15 AM Masses
from September to May.
Contact Susan Gravely,
Page 3
CFP Grades 1-8
Faith formation for
elementary students
will be Summer Sessions
and Sundays
from 10:15 to 11:45 AM
and Mondays
6:30 to 7:45 PM.
Contact Susan Gravely,
ext 3110 or
with questions.
Saint Susanna
The parish school
provides a Catholic
education for
Grades K-8.
Contact the School
Office, ext 3108 or
for more information.
Early Childhood
Faith formation
for 3-, 4-, preK
5-year-olds and
meets on
Sunday mornings
at 9:00 AM.
Contact Kristen Tell,
ext 3135 or
for more details.
Weekday Preschool
is available for
ages 2-5
in the undercroft
of church.
Contact the Preschool
Office, ext 3131 or
for more information.
St. Susanna Parish ╬
Attention, all Moms!
M Is for
Muffins with Moms!
Attention, All 6th-12th Graders,
Moms and their children ages 3 through
Kindergarten are invited for a fun
morning of fellowship with other
parishioners. Please plan to join the fun
on Saturday, February 28th from 10:00 to
11:30 AM in the cafeteria. Muffins, fruit
juice and coffee will be provided. Please
indicate at registration if your child has
an allergy and an alternate will be made
available. Register on the parish web site
under the Faith Formation tab. Choose
Family Formation. Please register by
February 23rd to allow for the purchase
of sufficient food and craft supplies.
This event is sponsored by the Early
Childhood Ministries Team, which
encompasses Preschool and Early
Childhood. Please note that your child
does not need to be enrolled in either of
these programs to participate in this
event! A suggested donation of $5.00 per
family would help cover costs for this
event. Please give your donation to staff
members the morning of February 28th.
Direct questions to Chris Baumgardner,
Preschool Director, 398-3821 ext 3131
or baumgardnerc@stsusanna.org, or
Kristen Tell, Early Childhood Program
Coordinator, 398-3821 ext 3135 or
Faith Alive and LIFE Nights
Are Faith-Filled and Fun!
Faith Alive This Week:
St. Valentine and Love for All!
Faith Alive Next Week:
What is LENT all About?
LIFE This Week:
What Is Social Justice
and How Do We Respond to It?
LIFE Next Week:
What Is Lent All About?
Young Adult Ministry to
Hold Mardi Gras!
The Young Adult Ministry will be holding
a Mardi Gras Party on Tuesday, February
17th from 7:00 to 9:00 PM in the St. John
Bosco Room. Dinner and King Cake will be
provided! All parishioners age 18 through
30, married or single, are invited to join
the Young Adult Team for one last feast
before Lent! RSVP to Caitlin Craig,
craigc@stsusanna.org or 398-3821 ext
3195, so that there will be enough food
for all!
Those Volunteering with Children
Must Fulfill Requirements
All those who volunteer with children must attend a Protecting God’s
Children seminar provided by VIRTUS, have a cleared background
check of no more than five years old, and must read the monthly
training bulletins online. If you have not yet attended a seminar, please contact
Laureen Catlin, Safe Environment Coordinator, catlinl@stsusanna.org, before you
visit www.virtus.org in order to register. She will provide you with a FASTRAX code
that will cover the fee for you to complete the process for the background check.
The next seminar here at St. Susanna Parish
is on Wednesday, February 25th at 6:30 PM in the Media Center.
You must register online to attend. Visit www.virtus.org to register!
Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time ╬ February 15, 2015
Page 4
Deadline Passes
There will be no school on Monday
(16th) in observance of Presidents’ Day …
school will resume on Tuesday, February
The annual Pennies for Patients outreach
will end this Tuesday.
On Wednesday, the School Community
will attend Ash Wednesday Mass together at
8:15 AM.
Wow, what an amazing registration
process we encountered for next school
year. Parents, your public relations efforts
have been a key reason for our
positive enrollment numbers. Thank you
for supporting our school and thank you
for trusting our faculty and staff to
educate your child/ren. If you forgot to
register, please make sure your forms are
turned in as soon as possible; the deadline
was last Thursday (12th).
Volunteers Working with Children …
In order to volunteer with children, an
adult must attend VIRTUS' Protecting
God's Children session and have a cleared
background check. The sessions are offered
regularly at the parish and throughout the
Archdiocese. Please see page 4 for the next
scheduled session. Required registration
for the session and the online background
check process are handled through
www.virtus.org. St. Susanna Parish covers
the cost for the online background check.
E-mail Laureen Catlin, catlin@stsusanna.org
to get a "Fastrax" code to use instead of a
personal credit card.
Training Bulletins Are Essential…
If you have attended VIRTUS’s Protecting
God’s Children session, you must remain
current with the monthly training bulletins.
The Archdiocese will begin to monitor
compliance with this requirement soon.
If you miss 3 or more bulletins, your
approval for volunteering with children
will be revoked. Visit www.virtus.org,
log in and take note of the information in
the right panel to read bulletins you have
From the St. Susanna
School Community
St. Susanna Parish ╬
Registration for CFP for
Grades 1-8 Has Begun
Registration for the 2015/2016 CFP
Grades 1-8 sessions is now available.
Please remember that to be prepared
for First Reconciliation and First
Communion, children must attend first
grade CFP or first grade classes at a
Catholic school. To be prepared for
Confirmation, children must attend
both 7th and 8th grade CFP classes or
Catholic school classes. To register for
the 2015/2016 CFP Sessions, visit the
parish web site, www.stsusanna.org.
Please direct questions for Summer CFP
Sessions to Cody Egner, 398-3821 ext
3149 or egnerc@stsusanna.org and
questions for Fall CFP Session to Susan
Gravely, gravelys@stsusanna.org or
398-3821 ext 3110.
For Your Summer Planning:
2015 Summer CFP dates are June 15th-19th
and July 13th-17th. Summer sessions are one
week long, Monday through Friday
from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM.
CFP Teachers Needed!
If you are interested in teaching in the
Summer CFP Sessions, please contact
Cody Egner, egnerc@stsusanna.org or
398-3821 ext 3149. Meeting child
protection requirements is necessary.
See facing page. If you are a
schoolteacher or a catechist, please
consider teaching during one or both of
the sessions. The summer sessions are
June 15th-19th and July 13th-17th.
Early Childhood Welcomes
Children Age 3 through
Registration for the Early Childhood
Program for the 2015-2016 school year
is now available on the parish web site.
The program meets on Sundays from
9:00 to 10:00 AM. Early Childhood
helps to support parents in introducing
the faith to their young children. Music,
prayer, crafts, stories and hands-on
learning activities are provided to
engage these young parishioners.
opportunity for your child!
Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time ╬ February 15, 2015
Faith Alive
Faith Alive is a youth
ministry experience at
St. Susanna Parish
for 6th, 7th & 8th grade
students that focuses
on service and
experiential learning.
Faith Alive
meets on Sundays
4:00 to 6:00 PM
in the St. John Bosco
Youth Room.
Contact Caitlin Craig,
or 398-3821 ext 3195.
LIFE is the faith
formation program for
grades 9 through 12.
Sessions are
every Sunday at 7:00 PM
in the St. John Bosco
Youth Room.
Contact Caitlin Craig,
or 398-3821 ext 3195.
Interested in
Catholic? Adult
Catholic Seeking
Contact Susan Gravely,
ext 3110 or
All Volunteers Who
Work with Children
Need to Attend a
VIRTUS Session
and Have a Clear
Background Check.
For details, visit the
parish web site, choose
Parish Info tab then
Child Protection
from its dropdown menu.
Page 5
Preparation Class
This class is a
prerequisite for
infants to age 6;
contact Cathy Meyer
at the Parish Office,
398-3821, ext 3100.
For children over age 6,
contact Susan Gravely,
ext 3110 or
Contact the Parish
Office, no later than 6
months prior to the date
of intended marriage.
Parish Library
The Library is located in
the undercroft of the
church. Media can be
checked out at any time.
Stop by the Parish Office
for help.
Baptized Adults Who Wish to Be
Confirmed or to Become Catholic,
Sessions to Prepare for
Confirmation or Becoming
Catholic Begin Soon
Are you an adult who has been baptized,
but not confirmed as a Catholic? Are you
interested in becoming Catholic and have
already been baptized? The parish will
offer a 10-12 week series on becoming
Catholic. The meetings will be Sundays
from 10:30 to 11:45 AM in the School
Resource Room beginning March 1st.
Initiation into the Catholic Church will be
Pentecost Sunday, May 24th. If you
are interested or wish to obtain more
information, contact Susan Gravely,
gravelys@stsusanna.org or 398-3821 ext
Would You Like
to Be a Member
of the Parish?
Contact the Parish
Office, 398-3821;
register after all Masses
on the first Sunday of the
month in Parish Office
and third weekend
of each month
at the Information Desk;
or visit the Parish Office
during office hours.
Parish Office Hours
Monday through Friday
from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
with extended hours on
Tuesdays until 6:00 PM.
First Sunday of the
month from 8:15 AM to
12:30 PM.
St. Susanna Parish ╬
Women’s Association Is
Hosting Morning of
Prayer and Reflection
Ladies of the parish, save the date of
March 5th for another wonderful
presentation by Jeanne Hunt, speaker,
author, and catechist. She will help those
present to grow in their relationship with
Jesus. Her presentation will be Amate
Jesum et circumludimini. If you are not a
Latin buff, come and learn. Here’s a hint,
it’s full of fun! The event begins with
8:15 AM Mass and is followed by a light
breakfast and the presentation in the
St. Susanna Room. The morning will
conclude with a salad bar potluck lunch.
Contact Carol Helmecamp, 770-4248 or
cshelmecamp@yahoo.com, to register.
It’s Not Too Late to Join the
Parish in Lenten Preparation
Participate in
Living the Eucharist!
It’s not too late to receive materials and/
or join in a small group for the Living the
Eucharist Lenten series! All are welcome
… the more the merrier! Please think
about joining a small group! Materials
are available for adults, teens and
families. Can’t make a group? Consider
doing a study with your spouse or take
some time for individual reflection. To
obtain materials, contact Susan Hack,
hacks@stsusanna.org or 398-3821 ext
Take Action for Life!
All the faithful are called to promote the
sanctity of life in all its stages … from
conception to natural death. The St.
Susanna Respect Life Ministry is asking
for your help in making your home a
place of mercy and hope on behalf of the
Lord during the 40 Days of Life event. For
40 days from February 18th to March
29th, please pray, fast, and witness to the
sanctity of life and make a special effort
as individuals and families to pray for
Members of the parish Respect Life
Ministry will be present at the Women’s
Med Center in Sharonville for prayer each
Friday during February 18th to March
29th during the hours from 7:00 AM to
7:00 PM. Could you please join them and
spend one hour participating in this
peaceful, prayerful vigil. Please consider
the value to the unborn, the community,
and yourself by participating in this
witness. Representatives from the
ministry will be in the gathering space
after Mass to answer any questions. You
may also direct questions to Betty Quinn,
847-4766. To obtain more information
about the 40 Days for Life event, visit
Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time ╬ February 15, 2015
Page 6
Contact: 398-3821
It’s Kairos
Cookie Time
Once Again!
Purchase Fair Trade Items
through the Parish
Amen, I say to you,
whatever you did for one of
these least brothers of mine,
you did for me. - Matthew 25:40
St. Susanna Parish has a new ministry
which offers the opportunity to purchase
Fair Trade coffees, teas and chocolates.
Why is this important? Fair Trade impacts
over 1 million farmers and families in
about 60 countries. It offers true change,
not charity, in assisting farmers to
compete fairly with more resources and
local control. An excellent video on
understanding Fair Trade can be viewed
on YouTube. Please search for Awaken
Your Consciousness which was posted by
Equal Exchange. Visit the St. Susanna web
site for further links of stories and
information. Order forms can be found
online, as well as in the gathering space,
for delivery during this month of
February. Please consider downloading
the new St. Susanna Parish App to receive
updates on Fair Trade, as well as other
ministries in our parish! More detailed
information about the app can be found
on page 3. Direct questions to Susan
Hack, hacks@stsusanna.org.
These web sites can provide
more information:
The next Kairos retreat at Lebanon
Correctional Institution will be March
12th-15th. Once again your help is
needed. Baking cookies always seems to
be the most popular way of lending a
hand. Bags and instructions for making
the cookies will be distributed after all
Masses next weekend. Please plan to
deliver the cookies to the church on
March 7th/8th or to the Parish Office by
March 11th. Perhaps you are able to
provide financial support. The cost of a
weekend is approximately $7,000.00,
which is covered by contributions only.
To sponsor an inmate is $125, which
covers his meals for the weekend, and
his Bible and cross. Any and all
contributions are greatly appreciated
and are tax exempt. Also there will be a
prayer sign-up sheet at the Peace and
Justice Kiosk, where you can offer an
hour of prayer during the weekend. Just
sign your name on the time slot when
you will remain in prayer. Thank you in
advance for your help with this vital
ministry. To make a donation or to
make arrangements to attend the
closing ceremony on Sunday, March
15th, contact Mike Weil, 476-9959 or
Parish Office, ext 3100
School Office, ext 3108
Fr. Bob Farrell,
Pastor, ext 3101
Fr. Jerome Bishop,
Parochial Vicar, ext 3106
Deacon Dan Rader,
vm 3165
Deacon Lou Wong,
ext 3137
Chris Baumgardner,
Preschool, ext 3131
Caitlin Craig,
Youth Ministry, ext 3195
Cody Egner,
Formation, ext 3149
Karen Fultz,
Business Manager, ext 3121
Susan Gravely,
Children’s Formation,
ext 3110
Susan Hack,
Adult Formation, ext 3169
Kevan Hartman,
Principal, ext 3109
Mary Beth Meyer,
Faith Formation, ext 3120
Doug Popp,
Actively Live Out Today’s Gospel Message
through Parish Outreach Ministries
In the Gospel today, Jesus, moved with pity, touched the leper
and healed him. Let us pray today for the grace to be generous
with our gifts to help those who are suffering.
By your gift to the parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference you indeed
put your faith into action as you bring healing to the poor, the hungry
and the sorrowing. Perhaps you would like your gift to be hands-on
service as a member of the parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference.
Just contact John Bennett, 675-3620, and touch others as Jesus did!
St. Susanna Parish ╬
Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time ╬ February 15, 2015
Facilities, ext 3154
Kristen Tell,
Early Childhood, ext 3135
Guy Vanasse,
Music & Liturgy, ext 3105
Page 7
A report on
how your….
the Mission of
St. Susanna
Fiscal Year
7/1/2014 to
Report on the
Budget - $37,000
Offerings - $44,509
Over (under)
Budget - $7,509
Year to Date (2014-15)
Budget - $1,502,000
Offerings - $1,559,844
Over (under)
Budget - $57,844
to keep in
prayer those serving
their country overseas:
Ryan Hale,
Shane West,
Mark Anzer,
Joseph Patrick Fusco,
Justin Schuh,
Jake Denman,
Jonathan Stanifer,
Christian Sorfnsen,
Ryan Whitaker,
Thomas Prieve,
Michael Zeller and
Alex Back
St. Susanna Parish ╬
Young at Heart Holding Events
Young at Heart will meet on Wednesday,
February 25th. Meet in the church by
11:40 AM. The Mason High School Choral
Group will perform from 11:50 AM to
12:05 PM. Lunch will follow in the
undercroft. Everyone 55 or older is
invited for fellowship and a delicious
meal at the cost of $12.00. Reservations
are due by calling the Parish Office,
398-3821 no later than Friday, February
20th. Payment can be placed in the
collection basket on Sunday to the
attention of Jeannine Frank. Bring food
donations for the Schuh Center into the
church and place in the Peace & Justice
kiosk. Reservations for the LaComedia
trip in April will be taken at the meeting.
Please direct questions to Mary Cox,
YAH is also organizing a possible trip
September 8th-11th to the Stratford
Festival in Stratford, Ontario, and to
Niagara-on-the–Lake. The trip will
include performances of The Sound of
Music and Sweet Charity. Also included
are three breakfasts and three evening
meals … one atop the Skylon Tower
revolving dining room that overlooks
Niagara Falls. Cost is $678 for double
occupancy. A deposit of $75 is due by
March 1st with balance due July 1st. For
more information, contact Tom Ashwell,
398-6589, or Jane Brinkmann, 777-5838.
Natural Family Planning
Classes Offered
married? Interested in finding out more
about putting joy into your marriage?
Look into Natural Family Planning
classes, part of God’s Plan for Joy-Filled
Marriages. The next class series at
St. Susanna Parish will begin on February
22nd from 1:00 to 4:00 PM in the
St. Isidore Room in the undercroft. To
register or find out more, visit
www.cccli.org or contact Tom and
Colleen O'Rourke, 398-3116.
Don’t Miss a Single Fish Fry!
The First Fish Fry Is
Now February 20th!
Come for Faith, Fish and Fellowship
at the Parish Fish Fry
Each Friday During Lent!
Enjoy an extensive menu of freshly
prepared fish, shrimp, pizza, macaroni &
cheese, green beans, fries, salad,
coleslaw and applesauce, along with
Weekly Specials including fish tacos and
jambalaya (see complete menu on the
parish web site). For the parish and
community “Seniors,” we offer a Young
at Heart Room featuring private dining
and table service in a comfortable and
quiet area. And for those on the run,
there will be Drive Thru service!
It takes a parish to run a Fish Fry! If you
are interested in volunteering, please
visit the parish web site and click on the
Fish Fry logo to sign up!
The Fish Fry Events will be held in the
Meyer Center from 5:00 to 8:00 PM
Fridays during Lent. Come and enjoy!
Market Day
This Month: Promo Code: FEBBONUS
FREE Cheese Ravioli with $90 purchase!
FREE Chocolate Chunk Cookie Dough with
purchase of any three cookie pre-portioned
dough flavors! FREE $20 to Spend with
Shutterfly with any purchase!
Next pick-up: Thursday, February 26th
in the cafeteria from 5:30PM-6:30PM.
Drive around back and volunteers will
put your order right into your car for you!
Visit www.Marketday.com to order by
11:00 PM on Friday, February 20th.
Order Guides available on end racks of
Information Desk in the gathering space.
Direct questions to Heather Van Pee,
739-3188, or Sue Mullin, 673-9331 or
Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time ╬ February 15, 2015
Page 8
Please Support CMA!
The 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal
throughout the Archdiocese continues.
The CMA provides an opportunity each
year to support Catholic Charities and
Social Services, Campus, Hospital and
Prison Ministries, Seminary and Vocation
Support, St. Rita School for the Deaf,
Retired Priests of the Archdiocese and
New Evangelization projects. Please
prayerfully consider supporting this
year’s CMA. You can pledge or donate
online at CatholicAppeal.info.
Boosters Seeking
Officer and Coordinator
Boosters is seeking dedicated volunteers
to fill the positions of Vice President and
Facilities Coordinator. The positions
would begin at the end of this school year
and be for a 3-year term. Please bring
your positive attitude and ideas to help
our growing sports programs! To apply,
please fill out an application by visiting
www.stsusannatitans.com. Choose the
Manuals and Forms button on the right.
Direct questions about the positions to
Nancy Glaser, nancybglaser@gmail.com,
or Gina Kelly, gina.kelly@clorox.com.
Festival Team Seeks
Key Member
Are you looking for a ministry to share
your time & talent with the parish? The
Festival Committee is seeking highenergy, creative, and organized people to
join their Kids Area Team this year. If
you've ever wanted to choose the games,
select the prizes, and help contribute to
the fun and excitement your kids have
while at the Festival, then this ministry is
for you. Work alongside our current Kids
Committee, and learn the “ropes” of this
area from those who have run it for 5
years. As they prepare to “retire” and
pass the torch, will you step up to carry
the flame? Help shape the experience
your family has at the Festival! If you are
interested or need more details, contact
Amy George, algeorge75@hotmail.com.
St. Susanna Parish ╬
St. Susanna Parish Is Offering
a Travel Package to See the
Pope in Philadelphia!
Parishioners are invited to participate
in a 4-Day/3-Night travel package.
The motor coach will leave from
St. Susanna Parish on September 25th
and return on September 28th.
Package includes:
the motor coach transportation,
lodging, Festival of Families event,
Papal Mass, breakfast at the hotel
each morning, welcome dinner,
baggage handling, all gratuities for
drivers and porters, and visit to the
National Centre for St. Padre Pio.
Recent addition: a Friday evening trip
to the Sights & Sounds Millennial
Theatre Show Joseph (son of Jacob).
Prices are $679 for double occupancy
$649 for triple occupancy
$619 for quad occupancy
$899 for single occupancy.
The trip is for adults and high school
students only. There is much walking!
Reserve your place with a
$100 deposit due by March 1st.
Make checks payable to St. Susanna
Parish and deliver to the Parish Office.
Payment in full is needed by July 1st.
Direct questions to Susan Hack,
hacks@stsusanna.org or
398-3821 ext 3169.
to the following
individuals who were
the winners of the
365-Day Raffle of 2014-2015
for February 1st - February 7th:
Gina Kelly ($100)
Sandy Maloney ($40)
Vince Macciocchi ($40)
Lisa & Justin Faris ($40)
Jimmy Golias ($40)
Wayne Meyer ($40)
Fernando Basalo ($40)
Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time ╬ February 15, 2015
Gina Kelly, 573-9648
Dan Lally, 755-3228
Finance Commission:
Karen Fultz, 398-3821
Fish Fry Coordinator:
Scott Kososki, 461-9098
Health & Wellness:
Laura Barbetta, 847-1849
Hispanic Ministry:
Wilson Velez, 336-0829
Knights of Columbus:
Matt Bennie, 309-5250
Men’s Prayer Group:
Bill Bross, 777-6069
Moms Group:
Karissa Cullen, 509-3445
Natural Family Planning:
Tom & Colleen O’Rourke,
Schuh Center:
Teresa Bolte, 779-8965
Prayer Network:
Kathy Mussman, 777-5981
Renee Fischer, 234-9313
Respect Life:
Betty Quinn, 847-4766
Risen Life:
Roberta Brunck, 777-1476
School Commission:
Ray Yunkunis, 336-0073
St. Vincent de Paul:
John Bennett, 675-3620
Women’s Association:
Christine Phelan,
Young at Heart:
Paul Steiner, 398-2709
Do you need
assistance or
know someone
who does?
Leave a message
for the parish
St. Vincent de Paul
398-3821, ext 3500.
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