St Joseph’s Parish News Diary for this week: Sixth Sunday Sunday 15th February 10.30 am Baptism Prep. Session 3—UR Rite of Welcome during 9.15am Mass Monday 16th February Tuesday 17th February 10.30 am Coffee iand Pancakes in Club Room after Mass 8.00 pm UCM –UR Wednesday 18th February 8.30 pm Meditation Group—UR 8.00 pm No Jubilee Prayer Group as Ash Wednesday Thursday 19th February Friday 20th February Saturday 21st February 2.30 pm Simply Perfect First Holy Communion Wear—Hall 7.00 pm Youth Film Night—UR Sunday 22nd February 9.15 am Children’s Liturgy 10.30 am Baptism Preparation Session 4—UR Rosary: Daily at 10.30am Parish Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: First three Fridays of each month from 7.30-8.30pm. Malayalam Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Last Friday of each month from 7-8.30pm Benediction on Saturday 10.30-11.00am Baptism: Parents & Expectant Parents—please contact a Priest during Surgery. One month preparation required. Wedding: Please contact a Priest during Surgery. Six months notice required. Presbytery & Parish Office Presbytery: 1 Orchard Road, Bromley, BR1 2PR Parish Pastoral Team Fr. Tom Fr. Saju Fr. Cyriac Palakudy Mary Crosby Deacon Barry Deacon Aidan Tel: 020 8402 0459 Tel: 020 8402 0459 Tel.: 020 8402 0459 Tel: 07946 996759 Tel.: 07445 417335 Tel: 07747 036253 e: e: e: e: e: e: Parish Secretary: Susan Allatt 8.30am-1.00pm Monday-Friday Tel.: 020 8402 0459 Twitter: @ParishStJosephs Surgeries (at Presbytery: no appointment needed) Monday: Fr. Saju 6-8pm Wednesday: Fr. Tom 5-7pm St. Joseph’s School: Tel: 020 8460 1976 | Website: St. Joseph’s Playgroup Ltd: Monday to Friday in Church Hall. Enquiries please ring 07961 413694 Year B 15th February 2015 Readings are on page 137 of the Parish Mass Book 020 8402 0459 | | Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays: 11 am-12 noon & 5.00-5.45 pm or on request. Desk of the Parish Priest Lent, a time for developing and deepening Good Habits Nearly sixty years ago a Jesuit Priest offered us the following guide for living during a retreat for school boys: Place an act, form a habit Form a habit, develop a character Develop a character, reach your destination Our destination is to be ‘fully human, fully alive’ in the words of Jesus ‘Be holy for the Lord your God is holy’. That is our vocation in life to be the kind of person that God wants us to be, Saints. Saints are people who have become friends of Jesus and learned from him good habits for living. This doesn’t come easy. It requires discipline and commitment. We can learn a lot from top sports men/women about developing good habits. They give long hours of practice to developing a perfect swing in golf or passing shot in tennis until the prefect pattern becomes part of who they are. Bad habits are replaced by good habits. Lent is a time for developing good habits which replace bad habits. So may I suggest that you make a list of three or four good habits that you would like to develop and begin or continue to practice throughout the period of Lent and beyond. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in your choice. Then commit and be faithful and consistent. If you lapse—begin again. The Gospel on this Ash Wednesday invites us to pray, fast, give alms. Begin with these. In addition prepare for Mass each Sunday by reading and pondering the scriptures in the Newsletter insert. Cont….. MASS TIMES AND INTENTION Psalter Week 2 Saturday 14th February 6.00 pm Cronin & McNamara Families Sunday 15th February Sixth Sunday 8.00 am Paddy McCarthy RIP 9.15 am Int. of Perrson Family 11.00 am Special Intention 12.30 pm Baptism: Cyrus Camsiyochukwu Ndeokwelu 5.00 pm Janey & Seamus Vance RIP (Mel) Monday16th February 7.30 am* Holy Souls 10.00 am Edward Ernest & Jane Macey RIP 7.30 pm Syro Malabar Mass Bro. Pinto Edattukaran RIP Tuesday 17th February 8.45 am No Mass—Half Term 10.00 am Funeral: Mr. John Plant RIP Wednesday 18th February Ash Wednesday 7.30 am Int. Geraldine Colleary (Harrington) 10.00 am John Vincent & Rozaria Fernandes RIP 7.30 pm Joe Broderick RIP (Cunnliffe) Thursday 19th February 7.30 am* Mary Joyce & Family 10.00 am Mary & Michael O’Shea (Dillane) Friday 20th February 10.00 am Michael Dilworth RIP (Crosby) 10th Anniversary 11.00 am St. Raphael’s: Canon Grady RIP 7.30 pm Stations of the Cross 8.00 pm Holy Mass 8.30 pm Syro Malabar Stations of the Cross Saturday 21st February 10.00 am People of the Parish 6.00 pm Gerald Crowe RIP (Doran) Sunday 22nd February First Sunday of Lent 8.00 am Mrs. Kathleen Cunniffe RIP 9.15 am UCM 11.00 am Mary Shiels (Dillane) 5.00 pm Rupert & Rita Anthony RIP (Volry) *7.30am Masses will be held in Holy Trinity Chapel Finally join a Lent reflection group that will be using Matthew Kelly’s ‘Rediscovering Catholicism’ as a resource. Contact the parish office for more information on this. Have a grace filled Lent. Fr. Tom Wednesday 18th February is Ash Wednesday and there will be Masses at 7.30am, 10.00am and 7.30pm in the church. Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament: Monday to Thursday 10.30-11.30am Time for silence and time to pray the rosary Friday evening 7.30-8.30pm Saturday 10.30-11.00am Our Parish Faith Formation Baptism Preparation Session 3 will be held today following the 9.15am Mass in the Upper Room. The Rite of Welcome will take place during the 9.15am Mass. Lent Retreat Time Out on Monday 23rd February at 7.45 for 8.00-9.30pm in the church hall. The Retreat will be led by Fr. John Mulligan who led the day on the Joy of the Gospel. See posters in foyer and outside cabinet. Walk with Me. A Lenten Journey of Prayer for 2015. The Joy of Living the Beatitudes. This booklet explores the wisdom and light contained in the Beatitudes. Available in the foyer priced £1. Please also pick up one of the cards with the Beatitudes printed on the reverse. First Holy Communion Preparation Session 3 will be held on Tuesday 24th February at 6.30pm in the upper room, Saturday 28th February at 8.45am in the upper room and Sunday 1st March at 10.30am in the upper room and Holy Trinity Convent. Parish News Lenten Groups. Many people have been excited by Matthew Kelly’s book Rediscovering Catholicism and have asked that we use this excellent resource for our Lent Reflection Groups. If you would like to be part of a Lenten Group or form one of your own please contact the parish office for a copy of the study guide. Fr. Tom Clergy Support Fund Campaign. Last weekend we introduced the Clergy Support Fund Campaign. We invited you to attend presentations we will be holding in March to explain how the Diocese support our sick and retired priests. Thank you to all who completed the cards we handed out at all the Masses. You will soon be receiving invitations to attend a presentation. If you were away last weekend and you wish to find out about how sick and retired priests are supported please complete a card you will find on the benches and hand it in to a member of the Parish Pastoral Team or to the Parish Office. The UCM invite you to come and enjoy delicious pancakes and coffee in the Club Room after the 10am mass on Tuesday, 17th February (Shrove Tuesday). There will also be a raffle. All proceeds to go to the Priests' Training Fund. We are holding the Women’s World Day of Prayer at St. Joseph’s on Friday 6th March at 10.30am. The service has been prepared by the women of the Bahamas and the theme is ‘Jesus washing the disciples’ feet’. Everyone is welcome. Refreshments served afterwards in Holy Trinity Convent. Please support this event. The Journey in Faith Group will meet on Monday 23rd February at 7.45 for 8.00pm in the Upper Room. The new Flower Arrangers rota is now available. New volunteers welcome. No experience necessary. Please email Paula Gilboy at Family Groups - Coming soon to St Joseph's on the weekend of 28 February/1 March there will be talks at each Mass on Family Groups. Children’s Liturgy are now asking parents of Year 1 children to attend the older group of Children’s Liturgy in order to balance the groups. Thank you for your co-operation. Mission & Outreach MARRIAGE MATTERS ( Keeping our love alive. Sometimes we have a sense of being at odds and separated from each other. The question, often unasked, is ‘do you love me?’ The answer is the same as Jesus gave to the outcast leper ‘of course I do!’ From being apart, we can be one again. How often do we say to each other ‘I love you’? The Cafod Representatives will speak at all Masses next weekend. There will be a second collection for their Lenten Appeal. Churches Together in Central Bromley Lent Course for 2015 will be held at Trinity United Reformed Church, Freelands Road at 8.00pm on the following Tuesdays: 24th February, 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th March. All welcome. See poster in outside cabinet. Dementia and Disability. A day of study and reflection. To be held on Saturday 14th March from 2.00-5.30pm at Our Lady of the Crays, 312 High Street, St Mary Cray BR5 4AR. For more information contact the Centre for Catholic Formation on 020 8672 7684 or email: ‘Just Money’ an evening exploring Catholic Social Teaching, featuring an interview with Clifford Longley the well known Catholic journalist and radio broadcaster. In autumn 2014, he published a brilliant essay, ‘Just Money: How Catholic Social Teaching can Redeem Capitalism’. In it, Clifford reflects on the banking crash and its causes in the light of Catholic Social Teaching. Timothy Radcliffe OP described Just Money as “the best presentation of Catholic Social Teaching that I have ever read. It is really excellent.” If you would like to learn more please come along to Holy Innocents’ Orpington on Wednesday 4th March at 8.00pm. Contact Stephen Walsh on 07778 612050 for further details. Retrouvaille—A lifeline for married couples. For further information please ring 07887 296983 or email Inspired by St Francis of Assisi? You are invited to the Fraternity monthly meeting of the Secular Franciscan Order on Sunday 22nd February, 2.30pm-5-00pm. In St Mary's Small Hall, Wellesley Rd Croydon. Everybody's welcome. (Entrance down ramp at side of church). Youth Ministry St. Joseph’s Youth Group are planning to hold a ‘Film Night’ for ages 12 and over on Saturday 21st February 2015 from 7-9pm in the upper room. They would like to invite all young people in the parish and their friends to attend. Light refreshments will be served. Cost £2.00 per ticket. Tickets are available from the parish office. Please send in suggestions of age appropriate films you would like to watch! Flame 2—The biggest Catholic Youth Event in the country. To be held at Wembley Arena on Saturday 7th March 2015 from 11.00am to 5.30pm. Suitable for those in Year 10 to young adult. For more information and to book your place please contact the parish office. Miscellaneous For future events at St. Christopher’s Hospice please see: StChris_Concert_Series_2015.pdf Question of the Week Adult: Would you have the courage to tell others to do as you do in order to be a Christian? Why or why not? Child: What can you do this week to be an example to others? PARISH FINANCES We are the Parish and we all belong to God Last Week: Total offering: £1330.50 and £496 was given for the Catholic Education Service. This Sunday there will be a second collection for the Poor Parishes Fund (formerly the Needs of the Diocese). When making your will you may wish to remember your Parish.
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