St Joseph’s Parish News First Sunday of Lent Year B 22nd February 2015 Readings are on page 148 of the Parish Mass Book 020 8402 0459 | | Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays: 11 am-12 noon & 5.00-5.45 pm or on request. Desk of the Parish Priest ‘Lent: a time of “Turning and Learning” On Ash Wednesday Catholics come to church in great numbers. They have a deep desire to be marked with Ashes on their forehead and hear the priest say “Remember that you are dust and into dust you shall return”. These words echo the story of the creation of Adam “God fashioned man from the dust of the ground and blew the breath of life into his nostrils”. (Indeed the name Adam means dust of the earth). With every breath we welcome the life giving breath of God. We are not self made and ego directed. We are God shaped in his own image and Spirit directed. It is the same Spirit that drives Jesus, the new Adam, into the desert where he fasted for forty days and was tempted to be ego led rather than be guided by the Spirit deep within his being. During the forty days of Lent we are invited to keep company with Jesus—to draw near to him. He says ‘”learn from me. I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your soul”. In a troubled world and in a life that is full of stress there is little time or mental space to draw a breath and reflect. During Lent we can take time and space to do just that—to connect with our soul, our true self and draw on the life giving breath of God’s presence. Try one or more of the following. Act alone or as a family: Set aside 3, 10 or 15 minutes. Perhaps light a candle. Maybe read a few verses from the Wednesday Word. Reflect, Pray. Claim time on the train, or at lunch break. Use online resources. What matters is that day by day we try to become the kind of person that Jesus wants us to be as we keep company with him. Fr. Tom MASS TIMES AND INTENTION Psalter Week 1 Saturday 21st February 6.00 pm Gerald Crowe RIP (Doran) Sunday 22nd February First Sunday of Lent 8.00 am Mrs Kathleen Cunniffe RIP 9.15 am UCM 11.00 am Int. Mary Shiels (Dillane) 5.00 pm Rupert & Rita Anthony RIP (Volry) Monday23rd February 7.30 am* Sr. Abel RIP 10.00 am Brid Moran RIP (Lohan) Tuesday 24th February 8.45 am Florence Sloan RIP (Jones) 10.00 am Michael Hollowed RIP (French) Wednesday 25th February 10.00am James Kandankavil RIP Thursday 26th February 7.30 am* Sr. Marie Louise RIP 10.00 am Bill McConnell RIP Friday 27th February 10.00 am Annie Lowery RIP 11.00 am Mass at St. Raphael’s 7.30 pm Stations of the Cross 8.00 pm Holy Mass 8.30 pm Syro Malabar Stations of the Cross Saturday 28th February 10.00 am Int. Deirdre Loughran (Loughran-Biggs) 6.00 pm Patrick Grant RIP (Margiotta) Sunday 1st March Second Sunday of Lent 8.00 am People of the Parish 9.15 am Maria Roses RIP (Heys) 11.00 am Deceased Family of Ros Bray 2.00 pm Baptisms: Hannah Booker, Orlaith Owen, Walker Beaumont, Luca Thompson and Josephine Skinner 5.00 pm Jude McCarthy RIP (O’Sullivan) *7.30am Masses will be held in Holy Trinity Chapel Lent Retreat Time Out on Monday 23rd February at 7.45 for 8.00-9.30pm in the church hall. The Retreat will be led by Fr. John Mulligan who led the day on the Joy of the Gospel. With prayer and short reflection led by Fr. Saju. See posters in foyer and outside cabinet. Lent 2015 - Daily Reflections. Please see: Our new website Our Parish Faith Formation Baptism Preparation Session 4 will be held today following the 9.15am Mass in the Upper Room. First Holy Communion Preparation Session 3 will be held on Tuesday 24th February at 6.30pm in the upper room, Saturday 28th February at 8.45am in the upper room and Sunday 1st March at 10.30am in the upper room and Holy Trinity Convent. Confirmation Session 8 to be held on Saturday 28th February at 3.30pm in the Hall. Journey in Faith—Rite of Election 6 people from our Journey in Faith Group were called by name yesterday as they stood, with members of our parish community, before the Archbishop in St George’s Cathedral. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue their preparation to be received into full communion with the Church The Journey in Faith Group will join the Lent Retreat Time Out in the hall on Monday 23rd February at 7.45 for 8.00pm. Parish Consolation Group - Thursday 26th February from 4.30-5.30pm in the Sanctuary of the Upper Room. It may be some years after your bereavement before you feel the need or are able to share the experience. Do not let the length of time prevent you from joining us. You will receive a warm For more information please contact Mary Crosby or the Parish Office. Family Groups There will be talks at each Mass on the weekend of 28th February and 1st March. Parish News Lenten Groups. Many people have been excited by Matthew Kelly’s book Rediscovering Catholicism. If you would like to be part of a Lenten Group or form one of your own please contact the parish office for a copy of the study guide. Fr. Tom New Parish website: The St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Parish website has relaunched. The new site has an updated design and clearer navigation, making it easier for you to find information about the Sacraments, Parish groups and our other parish activities. The website also includes a news page, key dates listing and a blog section, as well as our Twitter feed. The website can be visited at the same web address as the old website: If you would like to contribute a blog entry for our Reflections page, email Rob Jones at Calling all choir members and aspiring singers and/or musicians to a Music Workshop 7.30-9.30 in Upper Room Friday 6th March led by Mag Shepherd a member of the Diocesan Liturgy Commission’s Music Committee—no experience needed just a love of singing and making music. A Seniors’ Lunch will take place at The Toby, Bromley Common on Monday 23rd February at 12.30pm. Please call Gina on 020 8464 3742 by Sunday evening if you would like to attend. The Cafod Group are meeting at 8.00pm on Monday 23rd February in the Skip Appleton Room. New members very welcome. We are holding the Women’s World Day of Prayer at St. Joseph’s on Friday 6th March at 10.30am. The service has been prepared by the women of the Bahamas and the theme is ‘Jesus washing the disciples’ feet’. Everyone is welcome. Refreshments served afterwards in Holy Trinity Convent. Please support this event. St. Edmunds Parish Pilgrimages to Lourdes Monday, 25th May - Friday, 29th May. Will be led by their Parish Priest Canon Jack and Deacon Seán. Please phone Roy on 020 8650 6281. Full details on notice board in foyer. Mission & Outreach MARRIAGE MATTERS ( ‘Wilderness’ can be a reality in our marriage relationship at times, a kind of ‘desert experience’: hungering for a gentle touch or return of the closeness in our relationship. Yet, we can look back on such times and recognise the Spirit was at work. God’s grace was in our yearning, calling us to choose life and turn away from self-indulgence. Cafod Fast Day: Friday 27th February. Storms, droughts and floods are having a devastating impact on our poorest brothers and sisters around the world. Cafod works with local expert organisations to ensure affected people are not only able to survive but to thrive. Fast Days are opportunities to support that vital work. A Fast Day envelope is attached to this Newsletter. A second collection will be taken at all Masses next weekend. Please give as much as you can, so that long-term, deep-rooted devastation from extreme weather doesn’t become a fact of life. The UK Government has promised to match every pound and penny you give this Lent up to the value of £3.5M. Thank you. Please pick up a prayer card from the foyer. Churches Together in Central Bromley Lent Course for 2015 will be held at Trinity United Reformed Church, Freelands Road at 8.00pm on the following Tuesdays: 24th February, 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th March. All welcome. See poster in outside cabinet. Dementia and Disability. A day of study and reflection. To be held on Saturday 14th March from 2.00-5.30pm at Our Lady of the Crays, 312 High Street, St Mary Cray BR5 4AR. For more information contact the Centre for Catholic Formation on 020 8672 7684 or email: The St. John’s Lent Lecture 2015—God and Disaster. Are natural disasters Acts of God.? Lecture by Professor Bob White on Sunday 1st March at 7.30pm at St. John’s Church, Park Road. Admission free. See poster in outside cabinet.. Thank you to all those who continue to donate to the Bromley Foodbank. All items are gratefully received. Please leave any further donations in the box in the porch of the presbytery. Thank you. Youth Ministry Flame 2—The biggest Catholic Youth Event in the country. To be held at Wembley Arena on Saturday 7th March 2015 from 11.00am to 5.30pm. Suitable for those in Year 10 to young adult. For more information and to book your place please contact the parish office. Miscellaneous Vacancy for Year 2 Teacher at Virgo Prep School, 147 Central Hill SE19 1RS. For further details see poster in outside cabinet or contact Miriam Morris at or ring 020 8653 2169. Vacancy at local Nursing Home for someone to organise activities/entertainment for the residents in the afternoons. Time and hours flexible. For further details please contact the parish office. An Oyster travel card was found in the church after the 8.00am Mass last Sunday. Please contact the parish office if you have mislaid this. Fundraising Money found on church premises. If you think you have mislaid this please contact the parish office. Question of the Week Adult: When or how could you step away from your daily responsibilities to renew yourself, so that you can do a better job of following in the footsteps of Jesus? Child: What good habit could you work on during Lent so you could grow closer to God? PARISH FINANCES We are the Parish and we all belong to God Last Week: Total offering: £1298.00 and £435 was given for the Poor Parishes Fund (formerly the Needs of the Diocese). When making your will you may wish to remember your Parish. Diary for this week: Sunday 22nd February 10.30 am Baptism Prep. Session 4—UR Monday 23rd February 12.30pm Seniors’ Lunch—The Toby 5.30 pm Brownies 7.45 for 8.00pm Lent Time Out—Hall 8.00 pm Cafod Meeting—SAR Thursday 26th February 4.30 pm Consolation Group—UR 8.00pm Christmas Fayre Wrap Up—UR Friday 27th February 7.00 pm Scouts—Hall 7.30 pm Explorer Scouts—Club Room Tuesday 24th February 10.30 am Coffee in Club Room 6.30 pm FHC Session 3—UR Saturday 28th February 8.45 pm FHC Session 3—UR 3.30 pm Confirmation Session 8—Hall Wednesday 25th February 8.00 pm Meditation Group—UR 8.00 pm Jubilee Prayer Group Sunday 1st March 9.15 am Children’s Liturgy 10.30 am FHC Session 3—UR & HTC 3.45 pm Baptism Prep Session 1—UR Rosary: Daily at 10.30am Parish Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: First three Fridays of each month from 7.30-8.30pm. Malayalam Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Last Friday of each month from 7-8.30pm Benediction on Saturday 10.30-11.00am Baptism: Parents & Expectant Parents—please contact a Priest during Surgery. One month preparation required. Wedding: Please contact a Priest during Surgery. Six months notice required. Presbytery & Parish Office Presbytery: 1 Orchard Road, Bromley, BR1 2PR Parish Pastoral Team Fr. Tom Fr. Saju Fr. Cyriac Palakudy Mary Crosby Deacon Barry Deacon Aidan Tel: 020 8402 0459 Tel: 020 8402 0459 Tel.: 020 8402 0459 Tel: 07946 996759 Tel.: 07445 417335 Tel: 07747 036253 e: e: e: e: e: e: Parish Secretary: Susan Allatt 8.30am-1.00pm Monday-Friday Tel.: 020 8402 0459 Twitter: @ParishStJosephs Surgeries (at Presbytery: no appointment needed) Monday: Fr. Saju 6-8pm Wednesday: Fr. Tom 5-7pm St. Joseph’s School: Tel: 020 8460 1976 | Website: St. Joseph’s Playgroup Ltd: Monday to Friday in Church Hall. Enquiries please ring 07961 413694
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