OUR PARISH IS SERVED BY: Rev. Msgr. William J. Fadrowski, V.F. Pastor Rev. Msgr. Thomas G. Madden Pastor Emeritus Rev. Scott F. Attanasio Parochial Vicar Queen of Peace Church 10 Franklin Place North Arlington, New Jersey 07031 February 15, 2015 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev. Jeivi M. Hercules Parochial Vicar Mr. William R. Benedetto Deacon Mr. William H. Myers Deacon Important Information Parish Directory Page 1 Mass Intentions Page 2 Reflections & Scripture Page 3 Phone: (201) 997-0700 Fax: (201) 997-6214 Website: www.qpcna.org SCHEDULE OF MASSES: THE LORD’S DAY Saturday Vigil Mass at 5:30 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12 Noon 5:30 PM Spanish Weekdays 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 5:30 PM (5:30 PM Mass ends in Mid June and resumes after Labor Day) Holy Days Vigil Mass at 5:30 PM, the evening before the Holy Day 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 12 Noon 5:30 PM on the Holy Day Recitation of the Rosary after the 9AM Mass Monday through Saturday Eucharistic Adoration Every Monday from 9:30AM to 5PM in the LaSalle Center OUR MISSION STATEMENT As a Roman Catholic parish community, Queen of Peace Church is committed to making Jesus Christ known and loved by building a community of faith. We do this with worship and prayer, by teaching and living the Gospel, and by reaching out to those in need. February 15, 2015 –Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time #621 page 1 THE PARISH COMMUNITY OF QUEEN OF PEACE OUR PARISH IS SERVED BY: U Rev. Msgr. William J. Fadrowski, V.F., Pastor Rev. Msgr. Thomas G. Madden Pastor Emeritus Rev. Scott F. Attanasio, Parochial Vicar Rev. Jeivi M. Hercules, Parochial Vicar Rev. Msgr. Robert F. Coleman Rev. Brian K. Muzas (Weekend Assistants) Mr. William R. Benedetto, Deacon Mr. William H. Myers, Deacon Sr. Anita Maria O’Dwyer, SSJ Pastoral Associate Brother Francis M. Farrell, F.M.S Pastoral Associate Mr. Anthony Tabish, Director of Music Mr. William Connors, Facilities Director Mr. Henry Jedziniak, Business Manager Mrs. Maureen Hennessy, Pastoral Assistant Mrs. Rosemary Smith, Pastoral Assistant CONFESSIONS Saturday ~ 1 to 2 PM and 4:45 to 5:15 PM (before the 5:30 PM Mass). Any time by appointment.. U PARISH REGISTRATION To become a registered member of our Parish Family stop by or call the Rectory. A registration form is also available on our website: www.qpcna.org. Only registered parishioners can obtain letters to become a sponsor or godparent. U SCHOOLS Mrs. Ellen Naughton, Principal QPGS (201) 998-8222 Mr. John Tonero, Principal QPHS (201) 998-8227 U RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Deacon William R. Benedetto Director of Religious Ed. (201) 998-0901 U We teach THE GOOD NEWS for children who attend Public School in grades 1 – 7. Classes are held in our Grammar School September thru May. Choice of classes either on Sunday at 9:00AM to 10:15AM or Monday afternoon at 3:30PM to 4:45PM is available. Students in Grade 8 meet Monday evenings from 7 to 8:15 PM. For more information call the Religious Education Office at 201-998-0901. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) For adults who desire to be baptized, receive First Communion or Confirmation; or for those who want to return to the practice of their faith, please call the Rectory (201) 997-0700 for information about these classes.. U MARRIAGE Arrangements should be made for a marriage at least one year in advance by meeting with a priest. Call the Rectory at (201) 997-0700. U PRE-CANA RESERVATIONS The next Pre-Cana will be held at Queen of Peace the weekend of April 25 & 26, 2015. Please call the Family Life Ministries Office to register (973) 497-4328 or on line at www.rcan.org/famlife/precana.htm. U BAPTISM The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated the first Sunday of each month. Baptism Preparation Sessions are held on the third Sunday of each month. Arrangements should be made by calling the Rectory (201) 997-0700 to schedule the date. U SICK CALLS Urgent calls will be attended at any time of the day or night by calling the Rectory. In cases of prolonged illness, arrangements can be made for regular visits by calling the Rectory at (201) 9970700 to speak with a priest or deacon. U IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS U Church: (Rectory Office) (201) 997-0700 Fax: (201) 997-6214 Convent: (201) 997-2141 Grammar School: (201) 998-8222 Fax:(201) 997-7930 High School:(2 201) 998-8227 Fax: (201) 998-3040 LaSalle Center Scheduling - Sr. Anita (201) 991-0235 Pastoral Associate for Evangelization - Sr. Anita (201) 991-0235 Social Services Helpline: (800) 227-7413 A Pregnancy Center number has been set up for those struggling with what to do in a crisis pregnancy. If you need help please call Pat Chiariello (201) 246-7379. February 15, 2015 –Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, February 15th 7:30am Frank Florio 9:00am Dorothy Putereaugh 10:30am People of the Parish 12:00pm Domenico Degennaro 5:30pm Johan Lasso Spanish Mass Monday, February 16th 7:30am Chester Borowski 9:00am Patrick Caufield 5:30pm Malia “Mollie” Fullone Tuesday, February 17th 7:30am Sophie Varcoe 9:00am Cecilia Gaughan 5:30pm Nancy Brobeck & Family Wednesday, February 18th ASH WEDNESDAY 7:30am Ann T. Schreck 9:00am Susan Coins 3:30PM Ash Wednesday Service 7:30PM Louis St. Germain Thursday, February 19th 7:30am Mary “Marge” Kessler 9:00am Julia Daly 5:30pm Mikey Filippone Friday, February 20th 7:30am Joseph DeNicola 9:00pm William Speziale 5:30pm Henry A. Mateos Saturday, February 21st 7:30am Wanda Wardell 9:00am Guild Mass 5:30pm Justin Miller Sunday, February 22nd 7:30am Patrick Lodato 9:00am Diego Milara, Jr. 10:30am John A. Calabrese 12:00pm People of the Parish 5:30pm Angel Lopez Spanish Mass Magnificat Lenten Companion is available at the doors of the Church and the Rectory. Be sure to stop by to pick up your copy. It is our gift to you. #621 page 2 MEMORIALS FOR THE WEEK OF February 15, 2015 Altar Bread ~ Ann T. Schreck Sacramental Wine ~ Julia Sotak Sanctuary Lamp ~ Anna Ozzano REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS THE DECEASED: Filomena Curcio, Maria Elena Ramos, Irene Walsh, Christine G. Wojtal, Wanda H. Slifko. THE SICK: Gloria Barros, Mathew Cataffi, Mary Reposta, Audrey Brady, Aileen Hurlburt, Richard Silkowski, Martha Santi, Kevin Galasso, Maureen Demnicki, Stephen Brown, Thomas Virgin, Donna Colangelo, Debbie Muelick, John Bazydlo, Pat Cordero, John Barone, Maria Monegro, Dolores DeLuca, Infant Ryan Joseph Lomuscio, Elizabeth Cerqueira, Antonio Pinto, Joshua Piperato, Lorraine Benedetto, William Pecherski, Maria DaSilva, Matthew Makaus, Mary O’Connell, Joey Logan, Joan Stein, Jovan Calero, Bernice Healing, Mary Feury, Dennis Reilly, Tina Nasco, Joseph Lonchar, Sakura Ibarrola, Mary DeVinio, Camilo Monroy, Juana A. Lainez, Stephen P. Forman, Jr., Nola Chico, Matthew Cattofi, Rosalyn Prinzo, Alina Perez, Mary Eustler, Danielle Boyko, Gabriella Pereira, Mary Halpin, Matthew Pavel, Ryan Hansen, Annmarie LaCorte, Mabel Farrell, George Truszkowski, Rose Heba, Evelyn Scerbak, John Mendini, Gladys Hernandez, Rosalie Dilemme, Rose Fiore, Bernie Schramm, Veronica Milo, Mary Rossi, Raffaela Russo, Ethan Branca–Boylan, Anthony Domingues, Eileen & Richard Power, Teresa Reilly, Robert M. Golak, Mary Dimler, Fran Duncan, Diane DeQuinzio, Mirle Ziemski, Veronica Baron, Infant Isabella Siebert, Leonor Monroy, Elizabeth Halpin, Mary Chmielewski, Luis Borges, Patricia Rivera, Nicole Ruela, Dennis Murphy, Carol Costello, Frank Denicola, Dottie Judge, John Graci, Steven Monahan, Louis DiGesu, Carol Rusenko, Ricardo Salamanca, Bobby Cardoso, Joseph Zacher, Sam Reiser, Eileen McHugh, Thomas J. Carew Jr., Guiliana Moore, Art Arrigo, Florence Dwyer, Francis Vena, Marilyn Benedict, Elaine G. Tremarco, Jeffrey Sheehan, Robert Bianchi, Roma LaRosa, John Meo, Marc Basile, Edwina Giuttari, Fred Lemme, Nicholaus Robinson, Lillian Mazzola, Nick Fonseco, Marina Chesney, Fran Malnati, Bettianne Kwiatkowski, Marlena Countermine, Joseph J. Marco, Angie Viscuso, Lucille Cervino, Tony Neiland, Katlyn Bolander, Karen Sica, Patricia Higgins, Gina Kennedy, Elaine Basile, Mary Wasielewski, Julianna & Justin Finocchiaro. To have a name included in the Pray for the Sick section of the bulletin, please request in writing and send it to the Rectory Office-Attn:Bulletin. QUEEN OF PEACE EMAIL PRAYER CHAIN We thank you God for helping so many people! When your prayer requests are received they are E-mailed to all Prayer Group members. Remember the QP website- www.qpcna.org just open the Prayer Chain link. which is found under the Ministries tab - Outreach. Interested in joining the prayer group - just E-mail Lorraine at lorraine.benedetto@yahoo.com with your name and email address. Lorraine will contact you via email. HU UH February 15, 2015 –Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time #621 page 3 Baaptism Preparation Session, this Sunday at 1:30pm in Church Monday, Eucharistic Adoration 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the LaSalle Center Ash Wednesday - see page 5 for details Scripture Reflections for NEXT WEEK FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Scripture Reflections for THIS WEEK SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME U Teenagers fear an outbreak of acne before a major event. They’re sure every eye will focus on a small blemish that seems enormous to them. Sometimes they even avoid going out at all until their faces return to normal. They’re fortunate not to be living in ancient Israel, where skin outbreaks and eruptions were likely viewed as leprosy. Public contact was forbidden. They’d have had to shout “unclean!” as they approached someone. Their exile would have been religiously regulated, and those they met would have avoided any touch. The man with leprosy who approached Jesus wouldn’t have touched Jesus—it was bold of him just to ask Jesus’ mercy. In a move that surprised Everyone, Jesus reached out to touch the one who was “unclean.” I can only imagine the man’s shock and relief just at the touch of a person who didn’t see him as less than human. The wound of separation was healed at that moment, and Jesus confirmed it by healing the man’s body. Nor did Jesus stop there. He restored the man to his community by asking him to follow Mosaic Law (the Law of Moses) and be declared clean. Teenagers often think their physical flaws are the worst things they can suffer. In truth, it’s separation— whether it comes from within us or from others. Jesus has the power to heal whatever separates us and restore us to community with God and others. Mary Katharine Deeley U sundaybulletins@liguori.org U First Reading Genesis 9:8-15 (23B) After the great flood, God told Noah of the covenant between heaven and earth. Neveragain would a flood destroy the earth. To mark this covenant, the Lord set up a rainbow in the sky. Second Reading 1 Peter 3:18-22 As the ark saved a chosen few in Noah’s day, so does baptism by faith save God’s chosen today. Baptism is “an appeal to God for a clear conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” Gospel Mark 1:12-15 The Spirit sent Jesus to the desert to fast and pray for forty days. Afterwards, Jesus appeared in Galilee proclaiming “the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” THE CONFRONTATION BETWEEN EVIL AND GRACE Armed with the hope of the covenant and the promise of Baptism, we find the courage to read the story of Jesus’s own journey into the desolation of the desert, the place of death and life, where wickedness and grace contended in the story of Israel. Without the detail of Matthew and Luke, Mark gives stark warning of the confrontation between evil and grace that awaits us as we follow Jesus’s lead on our Lenten journey from sinfulness to salvation through Baptism celebrated or renewed at Easter. PROFESSIONAL FAMILY COUNSELING is available for individuals and families. Please call Sr. Monica, LPC, LCSW at (201) 997-5262 for an appointment. Fees are based on a sliding scale. February 15, 2015 –Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time #621 RELIC CHAPEL MEMORIAL CANDLES You may want to consider one of the intentions of the soul of a loved one, or a special intention, by having a vigil candle burn in front of your favorite Saint. Each week only eighteen candles will burn. All candles will be lit for the week requested but may not always appear in the current bulletin due to the bulletin deadline. Any requests not printed will appear in the bulletin the following week. To reserve one of the candles call or visit the Rectory. A donation of twenty dollars is appropriate. RELIC CHAPEL MEMORIAL CANDLES FOR THE WEEK OF February 15, 2015 Intention Michael D’Aprile Special Intention Ann T. Schreck Saint Given by St. Anthony St. Vincent de Paul Soc. Our Lady Anonymous St. Jude Phil Schreck STEWARDSHIP SCRIPTURE REFLECTIONS THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME “Brothers and sisters, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” – 1 Corinthians 10:31 Do a quick check of your priorities. Where does God rank in that list? If He’s not first, you have some work to do. Putting God first in everything helps develop the attitude of “I am grateful for the gifts God gave me” instead of “I want more”. For most people gratitude leads to generosity. MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITIES We will be purchasing new altar cloths and altar linens for use at Mass. For a donation of $50.00, your name, or that of a deceased loved one, will be listed on a framed Memorial Scroll which will be placed in Church. If you would like to make a donation, contact Maureen Hennessy at the Rectory, 201-997-0700, ext. 25. page 4 Word of Life… “The challenge is to make the Church’s “yes” to Life concrete and effective. The struggle will be long, and it needs each one of you. Place your intelligence, your talents, your enthusiasm, your compassion and your fortitude at the service of life!” — Pope Saint John Paul II, Homily, World Youth Day, August 15, 1993 © 1993 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission HYGIENE AND COMMUNION FROM THE CUP We heed the Lord’s command when we receive from the Cup of Eternal Salvation…take and drink! Common sense should prevail, however. Anyone who has an active respiratory infection, i.e. cold or flu, or anyone with any sore on their lips should refrain from using the common communion cup. In addition, if you have the above mentioned conditions, perhaps a friendly nod or smile could take the place of a handshake during the sign of peace. If you’d like to participate in Parish Giving, our electronic giving program, please visit our website— www.qpcna.org. Simply click on the Parish Giving link to see information and instructions to register. Remember to include your envelope number. For more information please see brochures and inserts available at the doors of the Church. CAPITAL FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN The Archdiocese of Newark has embarked on a fundraising campaign to support Catholic education, parishes and other initiatives. Queen of Peace Church will participate in this Capital Fundraising Campaign later in 2015. Details will follow in future Bulletins. Please note, as a result, we will not participate in The Archbishop’s Annual Appeal this year. This Appeal will resume again for Queen of Peace Parish in January 2016. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS AS THEY MAKE THIS BULLETIN POSSIBLE! February 15, 2015 –Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time SCHEDULE FOR ASH WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 18th MASSES: 7:30AM 9AM 7:30PM (NO 5:30PM MASS) #621 page 5 ASH WEDNESDAY COLLECTION There will be a collection on Ash Wednesday, Februaary 18th for the retired Priests in the Archdiocese. Please be generous and God bless you for your support! 3:30PM PRAYER SERVICE --DISTRIBUTION OF ASHES NOW IS THE TIME Who needs ashes? Why fast and prepare on this day? The joys of last year’s Passion (Palm) Sunday and Easter are now reduced to dust. These ashes point out our fragility as we await salvation in Christ Jesus. We must start again to “turn around to find where we ought to be” and to prepare the way of the Lord in our lives. Now is the favorable time and the day of our salvation. The Lord, our bridegroom, lifts us up from our weakness. We hope to enter into grace and to share in His own divine life. Are you ready…and willing? ARCHDIOCESE OF NEWARK 2015 LENTEN REGULATIONS 1. The days of both Fast and Abstinence during Lent are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. If possible, the fast on Good Friday is continued until the Easter Vigil (on Holy Saturday night) as the “paschal fast” to honor the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus, and to prepare ourselves to share more fully and to celebrate more readily His Resurrection. The other Fridays of Lent are days of Abstinence. On a day of Fast, only one (1) full meal is permitted. Those between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast. On a day of Abstinence, no meat may be eaten. Those who have reached the age of 14 are obliged by the law of abstinence. 2. The obligation to observe the laws of Fast and Abstinence “substantially”, or as a whole, is a serious obligation. 3. The Fridays of the year, outside of Lent, are designated as days of penance, but each individual may substitute for the traditional abstinence from meat some other practice of voluntary self-denial as penance. 4. The time for fulfilling the Paschal Precept (Easter Duty*) extends from the First Sunday of Lent, February 22, 2015 to the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, May 31, 2015 All the faithful, after they have been initiated into the Most Holy Eucharist, are bound by the obligation of receiving Communion at least once a year. *Canon 920, §1. All are invited and encouraged to join us for a Lenten Mission with FR. JACK O’CONNOR, C.P. May the Passion of Jesus Christ be always in our Hearts MONDAY, February 23rd TUESDAY, February 24th WEDNESDAY, February 25th 7:00 P.M. IN CHURCH CHILDREN’S LITURGY WILL COMMENCE DURING THE LENTEN SEASON Our first Children’s Liturgy to begin our Lenten Season will commence on Saturday, February 21st at the 5:30 PM Liturgy. What is the Children’s Liturgy? Before the first reading, all the children who are attending 5:30 PM Mass will be called to the middle aisle by the priest and then sent forth with leaders to a special place to hear the Word of the Lord, a child’s homily, creed, and prayers of the faithful. The children will return to the Church at the offertory of the Mass. Anyone interested in assisting at the Children’s Liturgy during this Lenten Season, please call the Religious Education Office at (201) 998-0901. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Friday evenings in Lent following the 5:30 PM Mass Traditionally, Lenten devotions in parish churches have drawn attention to the suffering and death of Jesus. The most popular devotion is known as Stations of the Cross. February 15, 2015 –Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time WOMEN'S COMMISSION DAY OF REFLECTION AND MEN'S CONFERENCE The Women's Commission Day of Reflection – "Behold Your Mother” -- will be held at Seton Hall University on Saturday, March 7, 2015. Women from the Archdiocese of Newark and beyond will gather, offering an opportunity for quiet reflection and fellowship with other faith-filled women. Both events will feature prominent keynote speakers, opportunities to experience the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Eucharistic adoration, and the celebration of Mass. Ticket price is $25 for adults, $15 for students, $20 for senior citizens and priests & religious free including breakfast and lunch. For early bird registration please visit our website at www.rcan.org/womcon for a $5.00 discount before February 1st--online only. For more information call 973-497-4545, E-mail: CatholicWomen@rcan.org or contact your Parish Conference Leader, Sr. Anita at 201-991-0235. The Men's Conference – "Be Not Afraid…He is With Us!” will take place on Saturday, March 14, 2015 at Seton Hall University. Men will gather to share faith and experiences through friendship, prayer, and fraternity. Ticket price is $25 for adults, $15 for students, $20 for senior citizens and priests & religious free including breakfast and lunch. For early bird registration please visit our website at www.rcanmenscommission.org for a $5.00 discount before February 1st. For more information call 973-497-4545, E-mail: CatholicMen@rcan.org or contact your Parish Conference Leader, Larry Crawford at 201-306-3609. Mark your calendars for these two special and important dates. Registration forms are at the doors of Church. RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY Please join the Respect Life Ministry each First Saturday of the month by attending the 7:30AM Mass, then travelling to the abortion clinic in Montclair to pray. For information please contact Larry Crawford at 201-306-3609. #621 page 6 The Archdiocese of Newark will celebrate Anniversary Masses commemorating special years for couples. If you are celebrating a special anniversary year please make note of the dates: * April 19, 2015 a Mass will be celebrated for all couples throughout the Archdiocese who are celebrating 50 or more years of Marriage * May 3, 2015 a Mass will be celebrated for all couples throughout the Archdiocese celebrating 5 & 25 years of Marriage All Masses will be celebrated at 3 p.m. in the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Newark. Archbishop John J. Myers will be the celebrant for the Masses. ***Registration forms are available at the Rectory. 10TH ANNUAL DIVINE MERCY CONFERENCE Saturday, March 21, 2015 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Cardinal Spellman High School Bronx, NY We are honored that Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron, Archdiocese of Detroit will join us and be the main celebrant at Holy Mass. Featured speaker includes: Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, Msgr. James Lisante, Fr. Frank Pavone, MEV, Dr.Bryan Thatcher, Catherine Wiley and Fr. Glen Sudano, CFR, one of the founding members of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. The day includes the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Mass. The event is sponsored by the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception and the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. For Information or to register: call 1-800-462-7426 or online at http://thedivinemercy.org/bronx Final date to register Online is March 19, 2015. Thank you and God bless you! Office of Development and Stewardship Are you 65 years of age or older? A Charitable Gift Annuity may be right for you. It not only benefits you, it also benefits your loved ones and the Church. Find out today how to establish a gift annuity by contacting Theresa Lynch in the Planned Giving Department, Archdiocese of Newark, at (973) 497-4042 or by e-mail at lynchthe@rcan.org. February 15, 2015 –Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time #621 OREMUS: A GUIDE TO CATHOLIC PRAYER This eight-part DVD series facilitated by Sr. Anita and Br. Francis will begin on Wednesday, February 25th in the LaSalle Center. Fr. Mark Toups guides you through the simple, yet profound steps to an effective and fruitful prayer life. You will discover how God speaks to you, even in the smallest encounters. Following the Tradition of the Catholic Church and the wisdom of the saints, you will learn how to express yourself to God in prayer, and how to hear his voice. For more information please see flyers on bulletin boards at the doors of the Church. WELCOME VISITORS & NEW PARISHIONERS! If you have recently moved to the area, if you are new to our Church, or perhaps returning after a long absence…W WELCOME! We are very pleased you have chosen Queen of Peace to worship and pray this holy season. Why not stop by the Rectory and let us know who you are? Fill out our census card…or download the registration form on our website: www.qpcna.org... join our parish community…let us tell you all we have to offer you as members of Queen of Peace parish. Also, it is important to remember that sponsor letters, for those planning to be either godparents or sponsors for Baptism or Confirmation, can only be given to registered parishioners. Come, join our family! If you have any questions or would like to know more about Queen of Peace Church, please contact Sr. Anita at (201) 991-0235. She will be happy to help you. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP TO MEET A six week small group session for the bereaved will begin on Wednesday, February 18th. Skills in the steps of the grieving process will be discussed. ENROLLMENT IS LIMITED! Meetings will be held on Wednesday evenings from 7:30PM til 8:30PM in the LaSalle Center. For more information, or to register contact Deacon Bill Myers or the Rectory at (201)997-0700. ALL ARE WELCOME! OUR GIFT SHOP LOCATED AT THE RIDGE ROAD DOORS OF THE CHURCH, WILL REOPEN IN THE SPRING. page 7 THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS AND RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY BABY BOTTLE DRIVE This weekend, February 14th and February 15th members of the Knights of Columbus and Respect Life Ministry will be handing out baby bottles at the doors of the Church. The bottles will be collected by members of the Knights of Columbus and Respect Life Ministry after all Masses on the weekend of March 7th & 8th, (or simply drop it off at the Rectory Office). SAINT VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY LAUNCHES LENTEN FOOD DRIVE The Queen of Peace Food Pantry Lenten Food Drive will begin on Ash Wednesday, February 18th and continues through Good Friday, April 3rd. Please see flyers at the doors of the Church for specific details. Your donations of food and/or gift cards will be greatly appreciated as we continue our mission. BLESSED MIRIAM TERESA DEMJANOVICH, S.C. RELIC CHAPEL MEMEORIAL CANDLES AVAILABLE Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich, S.C. is the first American to be beatified in the United States. If you would like to have a Relic Memorial Candle burn for any favor through the intercession of Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich, S.C., vigil candles are now available. To reserve one of the candles call or visit the Rectory. A donation of twenty dollars is appropriate. ICON OF BLESSED MIRIAM TERESA DEMJANOVICH, S.C. A 5x7 reproduction of the Icon of Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich, S.C. is currently on display in the Queen of Peace Gift Shop. If you would like to order a copy of the Icon please fill out tear-off below and enclose payment (cost per copy is $20.00). Return all orders to the Gift Shop or to the Rectory Office. Checks should be made payable to Queen of Peace Church. --------------------------------------------------NAME _____________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________ _________________________________________________________ PHONE ____________________________________ # OF ICONS ORDERED _______ AMT ENCLOSED ________ Cheek____ CASH_____ February 15, 2015 –Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time ROSARY SOCIETY NEWS Annual Rosary Communion Breakfast Sunday, March 15, 2015 (Immediately following the 9:00 AM Mass) The speaker will be Fr. James White. For tickets and information please contact Betsy Trunzo at 201-997-3914. QUEEN OF PEACE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #3428 SPONSORS….. SHROVE TUESDAY DINNER The Queen of Peace Knights of Columbus Council #3428 will host their Annual Shrove Tuesday Dinner on Tuesday night, February 17, starting at 6:30pm. The night before Ash Wednesday has many names, Mardi Gras, Pancake Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, and Shrove Tuesday as Christians prepare to mark the beginning of Lent. All are invited to celebrate this occasion with the Knights and enjoy a sumptuous dinner consisting of pancakes and other fine dishes (beer, wines, and soda included) at the Knights' Hall located at 194 River Road in North Arlington. A special presentation on the history and traditions of this day will be shown. The costs are only $15 for adults and $10 for children ages 6 to 12 (no cost for kids under 6). Tickets can purchased at the Queen of Peace Rectory, the Knights' Hall, or by calling 201-463-2151. ****** ST. PATRICK'S DINNER/DANCE The Queen of Peace Knights of Columbus will be hosting their Annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner/Dance on Sunday, March 8, beginning at 2:00pm at the Knights' Hall. Come, put your green on, and join in the celebration and enjoy fine music plus the bagpiping excellence of Fran Raftery. The Knights will be serving traditional Irish and American food along with beer, wine, and soda. The cost for all this food and entertainment and good time is $30 per adult, $10 for children ages 6 to 12, and FREE for the little Lads and Lassies under the age of 6. Tickets can be purchased at the Knights' Hall, the Queen of Peace Rectory, or by calling Bill O'Rottner at 210-463-2151. The Knights also ask that those attending either event to please consider donating a non-perishable, non-expired food item to their "Food for Families Project". SISTERS OF CHRISTIAN CHARITY SPONSOR ITALIAN TABLE AFTERNOON Join the Sisters of Christian Charity and our own QP Music director Anthony Tabish for an Italian Table Afternoon on Sunday, March 8th, beginning at 3PM, Mallinckrodt Convent, 350 Bernardsville Road in Mendham. Share fine Italian food, fellowship and fun with the 3 Po Tenors... three dedicated artists combining their extraordinary musical talents in a truly special presentation! For more information, please contact Mary Beth Green dev.director@scceast or call 973-543-6528 X313. #621 page 8 Queen of Peace High School Home School Association Presents Its Annual Tricky Tray Event “A Country Western Jamboree” TRICKY TRAY Friday, March 6, 2015 in the “Sonny Connors” Gymnasium at QPHS Tickets are $15.00 per person, which includes dessert, beverages and1 sheet of Level 1 prize tickets. Prepaid value packets are available through February 20th. For tickets or more information call Nara Rodriguez at QPHS at 201-998-8227 ext. 234. Please Note: Tickets are limited. No tickets will be sold at the door. All seating is reserved. Doors open at 6:00 PM Come join us! No one under 18 will be admitted. No refunds will be given. No Alcoholic Beverages. Guests are welcome to “Bring your own Entrée.” ******** Queen of Peace Elementary School Home School Association Presents Its 10th Annual Tricky Tray Event “Frightfully Delightful” TRICKY TRAY Friday, March 27, 2015 in the QPES Cafeteria. Tickets $15.00 per person and includes beverage, Dessert and door prize. Please Note: Tickets are limited. No tickets will be sold at the door. All seating is reserved. Doors open at 6:00 PM Ticket request must be made by February 17th – seating is limited! For tickets or more information E-mail Tracy Henry at QPESTrickyTray@aol.com or call 973-946-2155 Come join us! No one under 18 will be admitted. No refunds will be given. No Alcoholic Beverages. Guests are welcome to “Bring your own Entrée.” *****ORDER FORMS FOR BOTH EVENTS ARE AT THE DOORS OF CHURCH. THE NORTH ARLINGTON ELKS 129 Ridge Road, NA FISH FRY ASH WEDNESDAY February 18th from 4 to 7pm donation is $12. Complete broiled or fried fish dinner with clam chowder. Shrimp Cocktail or Clams on the half shell are available for $5 a ½ dozen & $8 a dozen. Take out is also available. Plumbing & Heating LA VENERE RISTORANTE 10% Dine-In • Take Out • Delivery • Private Parties Catering For All Occasions • Repast Luncheons • Baptisms “See you after Mass!” (201) 997-8778 614 SCHUYLER AVE., NORTH ARLINGTON OFF JOHN DEGRACE, Parishioner On Your Dinner Not To Be Combined With Any Other Offer Since 1964 Specializing in Bathroom Remodeling • 24 Hr. Emergency Service 267 River Road, N. Arlington www.johndegraceplumbing.com • 201-997-8565 98 Ridge Road N. Arlington, NJ 201-997-2010 Fax: 201-997-8488 www.HBdrugs.com Law Office Of Daniel Jurkovic, P.C. CERTIFIED ELDER LAW ATTORNEY 52 CHESTNUT ST. • RUTHERFORD, NJ 07070 (201) 460-9888 Certified by the A.B.A. Approved National Elder Law Foundation FINCH FUEL OIL CO., INC. 648 Schuyler Ave., Kearny Clarence P. Finch, Jr., President (201) 991-2370 314 Ridge Rd. Lyndhurst, NJ MICHAEL DIPIERNO, CRPC® JOHN W. DONNELLY, CFP® JORGE VERGARA 201-939-0322 401(K) ROLLOVERS • IRAs • LIFE INSURANCE • ANNUITIES MUTUAL FUNDS • STOCKS & BONDS • FINANCIAL PLANNING 973.320.5747 • 359 Centre St. Suite 2 • Nutley, NJ 07110 Securities and Advisory Services offered through LPL Financial, a registered Investment advisor. Member FINRA/SIPC PLEASE PATRONIZE THE BUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONALS THAT ADVERTISE IN YOUR BULLETIN AND THANK THEM FOR THEIR CONTINUED SUPPORT! YOUR ADVERTISERS MAKE YOUR BULLETIN POSSIBLE. QUEEN OF PEACE IS LOOKING FOR A FEW MORE SPONSORS. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PLACE AN AD IN THE BULLETIN, PLEASE CONTACT JOHN PATRICK PUBLISHING COMPANY 800-333-3166 • WWW.JPPC.NET Thank you. 621 Queen of Peace, N. Arlington, NJ UPS (third) John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net Over 20 years experience HONEST, AFFORDABLE, RELIABLE SERVICE TO FIT YOUR TIME AND BUDGET FREE ESTIMATE - References Available Call today: 551-265-7400 Monica 403 Ridge Road • Lyndhurst, New Jersey 07071 ANDREW S.C LUBAS , M.D., LLC B F P OARD 36 Ridge Rd., N. Arlington, NJ (201) 998-5036 134 RIDGE RD. LYNDHURST, NJ 201-933-1700 www.Carcamodental.net RACTICE 379 Ridge Rd., No. Arlington, NJ Roma Ristorante 201-246-0200 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED FOR 40 YEARS N LO EW OK ! Book Your Party at Roma! • Private Party Rooms • Up to 75 People CL E MATT CATERING AVAILABLE FOR EVERY OCCASION! 201-991-2550 • 33 Crystal St., No. Arlington • www.RomaRistoranteNJ.com Wilfred Armitage & Wiggins “Where Beautiful Smiles Are Created” AMILY Funeral Home Mark G. Wiggins, Manager NJ Lic. No. 3916 596 Belgrove Dr. • Kearny, NJ 07032 (201) 991-0657 Open 24 Hours Y ’S We Buy Old Gold & Diamonds Diamond Setting • Diamonds • Watches Fine Jewelry & Low Sensible Prices Imported 14K & 18K Gold Jewelry ERTIFIED Caring For Children, Adults & Seniors 16 Ridge Park Dr. 991-0570 No. Arlington EXPERT JEWELRY & WATCH REPAIRS Manicure, Pedicure, Full Set, Fill 103 Washington Ave. Belleville, NJ • 973-759-6290 Joseph M. Nazare, Manager, NJ Lic. No. 2852 • Karen Nazare Zitman, NJ Lic. No. 4520 Hair Studio ARLINGTON JEWELERS CITY NAILS Est. 1929 (201) 438-7272 UN Mother/Daughter Cleaning Service Tree Service All Phases of Tree Work Snow Removal • Firewood Deliveries Matthew Sabato 800.975.3789 Cell 201.481.0185 Welcome to the Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner All Baking Done on Premises Take Out Available We Speak English, Spanish, Italian & Polish 201-935-3192 27 Orient Way • Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. It’s not what we do it’s how we do it! Dr. Richard Ekstein Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 www.duqcapital.com 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 Walk-ins Are Welcome! $5 Discount For First Time Customers! Get 10% OFF on Your 2nd Visit! Valid only for FULL Service Grooming! PRESENT AD DISCOUNT 201.998.0327 • 973.652.3376 • 742B Kearny Ave., Kearny NJ 1of only 14 Board Certified Prosthodontists in NJ Specializing in Implants & Smile Makeovers 312 Belleville Turnpike, Suite 3B, North Arlington www.SmileDesignSpecialist.com 1-844-Doctor-E ELLIS HOME IMPROVEMENTS Decks • Tiling • Masonry • Framing • Drywall Painting • Hardwood Floors • Windows & Doors General Carpentry • Finish Carpentry 201-286-3113 • Lic. #13VH06576900 • Parishioner Free Est. • Lic. & Ins. • No Job Too Small MELORO Monuments 271 Ridge Rd., No. Arlington, NJ (201) 991-2896 www.meloromonuments.com White Eagle Monumental MONUMENTS MARKERS • LETTERING 257 Ridge Road N. Arlington, NJ 07031 (201) 991-0094 John P. Branwell, D.P.M. Come Home to Better Banking & DETAIL CENTER “Where Quality is Always at Hand” 322 Belleville Tpk. Kearny, NJ PODIATRIC MEDICAL AND SURGERY 201-955-0303 Medicare / Most Insurance Accepted www.PersonalTouchHandCarWash.com 37 Seeley Ave., Kearny, NJ 201-998-9700 Se Habla Ingles y Español Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards 753 Ridge Rd. • Lyndhurst 201-939-5550 Member FDIC Log Onto www.jppc.net conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted • FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! 621 Queen of Peace, N. Arlington, NJ UPS (inside) John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net PAROW FUNERAL HOME INC. SERVICE WITHIN THE MEANS OF ALL 1957-2007 50 YEARS Henry S. Parow, Mgr., NJ Lic. No. 1937 Denise Parow, NJ Lic. No. 3802 Elizabeth Parow, NJ Lic. No. 3974 (201) 998-7555 185 Ridge Road, North Arlington (Across From Church) Sadowski Auto Care ~ Service Is Our Business ~ Professional Financial Services, Ltd. Established 1991 Personal & Business Income Tax Preparation “YOUR COMPLETE CAR CARE CENTER” Authorized NJ Inspection Station $10 OFF ANY SERVICE 586 Ridge Rd., No. Arlington, NJ 07031 Tom Eddie (201) 998-8424 • Fax: (201) 998-1015 Doreen A. Catanio, CPA Bill Lindemann President 182 Prospect Ave., North Arlington, NJ 201-991-1040 LAUNDROMAT Securities offered through TFS Securities, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. A full service broker dealer located 847 Broadway, Bayonne, NJ 07002 201-823-1030 Investment Advisory Services Offered Through TFS Advisory Services, a division of TFS Securities, Inc. Tax preparation and Accounting Services provided by Doreen A. Catanio, CPA NOW OPEN! Wash & Fold Free Pickup & Delivery Comforters (Twin/Queen) $10 FREE WASH When you buy one wash 148 RIDGE RD NORTH ARLINGTON, NJ 973-412-5511 DR. STEVEN N. POLING PODIATRIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 201-460-1555 “A Tradition of Excellence” Louis J. Stellato, Jr., CPC,CFSP, Mgr., NJ Lic. No. 3052 Louis J. Stellato III, NJ Lic. No. 4672 • Dorianne Stellato, NJ Lic. No. 4707 Lic#00528A 201-997-9263 240 PARK AVE. • RUTHERFORD, NJ Ph: (201) 997-9700 • F: (201) 997-9707 FANELLI BROTHERS IPPOLITO AUTO BODY 338 River Rd, N. Arlington, NJ 07031 ADULTS • ADOLESCENCE PODOPEDIATRICS DIABETIC FOOT CARE A Body Shop / Towing Service 10 Schuyler Avenue No. Arlington, NJ 07031 FUNERAL HOMES, INC. 425 Ridge Road • Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 201-438-4664 www.stellatofuneralhomes.com NailBeauty Bar 201.955.9313 Mon.-Fri. 9:30am-7:30pm Sat. 9:00am-6:30pm Sunday Closed 38 Ridge Road North Arlington, NJ 07031 grand opening sale RIDGE IRAs • Pension Rollovers Tax Deferred Investing • Mutual Funds CENTURY 21 Semiao & Associates 761 Ridge Road • Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 (201) 460-8000 ext. 107 • www.century21semiao.com Gina Ghione, Sales Associate New Jersey Monthly Magazine Five Star Agent 2012/2013/2014 TJM CUSTOM CLUBS LLC Jim Muller, Owner 136 Pleasant Pl Kearny, NJ 07032 201-345-3054 Email: Gina.Ghione@century21.com • Mobile (201) 390-9375 Gina Ghione Your Neighborhood Realtor since 1994 THOMAS M. CONNOR, M.D., F.A.A.P., F.A.C.C. tjmcustomclubs@gmail.com COMPLETE CUSTOM GOLF CLUB REPAIR FranksGMC.net “Shop Local” Schumacher Chevrolet Board Certified Pediatric & Adolescent Cardiologist 101 Old Short Hills Rd., Suite 104 West Orange, NJ 07052 973-731-5550 4-14 Saddle River Rd., Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 201-794-1366 8 Main Street • Little Falls, NJ Serving The Paterson Area For Over 75 Years • New And Used Car Sales Service & Parts Mon.-Fri.: 9AM-6PM Sat.: 8AM-1PM 973-256-1065 www.schumacherchevy.com 621 Queen of Peace, N. Arlington, NJ UPS (back) New & Used Car Sales Mon.-Thurs.: 9AM-8PM Fri.: 9AM-6PM • Sat.: 9AM-5PM John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net
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