The Church of St. David 316 N. Easton Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday February 15, 2015 Be my protector, O God, a mighty stronghold to save me. For you are my rock, my stronghold! Lead me, guide me, for the sake of your name. Saint David Parish is a faith-filled Catholic Christian Community which responds to God’s call to all people to seek God, to know God, to love God with all our being, and to become God’s adopted children and heirs of God’s blessed life. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Night: 5:00 PM Vigil Mass Sunday Mass: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 12:30 PM Daily Weekday Mass: 6:30 AM (Chapel) Holy Day: 5:30 PM Vigil Mass, 6:30 AM & 9:00 AM and 7:30 PM (except Christmas and New Years) Eucharistic Adoration (Chapel): Monday thru Friday 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM (except National Holidays) Miraculous Medal Novena: Every Saturday after the 9:00 AM Mass MINISTERIAL STAFF Rev. Richard P. Connors, Pastor RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Mon.- Fri. 9 :00 AM to 12:00 Noon & 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM New Parishioners: For Parish registration please contact the rectory. Rev. Msgr. Richard T. Bolger, Pastor Emeritus Deacon William Eliason, Retired Sr. Maryanne Winterberg, IHM, Convent Superior Sr. Margaret Rose Adams, IHM, School Principal Sr. Mary St. Mark, IHM, D.R.E. Sr. Joan Sasse, IHM, Assistant D.R.E. Sr. Kathleen Maguire, IHM, Pastoral Visitor Sr. Judith Moeller, IHM, O.L.C. Principal Stephen P. Kowalchik, Choir Director Barbara Aughtmon, Parish Organist Maureen Mahon, Parish Secretary John Hotz, Business Manager Joan Fenstermacher, Sacristan SACRAMENTS Confessions: EVERY SATURDAY - 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM. and 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM. NO scheduled confessions for the Eve of First Fridays or Holy Days. Confessions for First Fridays by appointment only. Baptisms: Second and Fourth Sundays of each month at 1:30 PM. Prior scheduling is necessary with the Pastor. N.B. Baptism Workshop: 2nd Thursday of each month in Rectory at 7:30 PM. Parents and Godparents are encouraged to attend before the birth of the child. Marriages: Make arrangements at the Rectory at least 6 months before the date of marriage. Marriages can be celebrated on Saturdays up to 2:00 PM. Sacraments at Home: Any sick or housebound parishioner can have the priest visit to administer the Sacraments. please call the Rectory. Rectory Convent Queen of Angels School Faith Formation Office 215-659-0445 Upper School Lower School 215-657-0252 * 215-657-0253 215-659-6393 215-659-4251 Email: Our Lady of Confidence Day School: Religious Education Office 215-659-4059 215-657-9311 ANNOUNCEMENT DEADLINE: Monday 3:00 PM. Announcements may be edited for space. For more information, visit us on the web at 164 1 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time February 15, 2015 MASSES FOR THE WEEK Weekly Mass Intentions: SATURDAY Feb 14 5:00 PM VIGIL For the Intention of the Celebrant SUNDAY Feb 15 7:00 AM For the Intention of the People 9:00 AM Vincent Heesan 11:00 AM Francis Degnan 12:30 PM Frank Bold MONDAY Feb 16 6:30 AM William Tracy TUESDAY Feb 17 6:30 AM Jack McCarthy WEDNESDAY Feb 18 Ash Wednesday 6:30AM, 9:00AM, 12:00Noon, 4:45PM, 7:00PM THURSDAY Feb 19 6:30 AM Jane HaraKal FRIDAY Feb 20 6:30 AM Mariannna F. Roan SATURDAY Feb 21 9:00 AM William Meltach Altar flowers can be donated in memory of loved ones. Please call the Rectory for details. LIVING YOUR FAITH How can you live out your faith in your job? Do everything to the best of your abilities. Work hard, be honest, don’t cheat, show that you care about your work. Recognize that your gifts come from God, and thank Him for them and give Him the credit when something goes well. If you’re bored with nothing to do, take a little time to pray or read scripture instead of surfing the Internet. Your job is just as important as a missionary’s job in Africa, even if it doesn’t seem like it. Give it your best and give the credit to God, and you will see a greater sense of accomplishment from your work. FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK A SH WEDNESDAY is February 18. Masses are 6:30AM; 9:00AM; 12Noon; 4:45PM; 7:00PM. The 9:00AM, 12Noon and 4:45PM will have music and school children in attendance with sufficient room for all guests. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the holy season of Lent, providing us six weeks of time for extra prayer and extra penitence. It is not “diet time” or “feel good about your successful fulfilling your Lenten sacrifice” time. Here are some suggestions that may enhance your Lenten experience: One practice of lent is attending daily Mass, another is making daily or weekly visits to the Blessed Sacrament. Another practice is respecting the Holy Name of Jesus by bowing your head at his name and asking others not to use this name except in prayer. Make a serious and deeply reflective Confession beginning with a true and complete examination of conscience. Make your penitence different each week by doing something that reflects your union with the needy, i.e. fast for a full week or write a check to a charity which helps the poor. Give up criticism of others for one week. Go to Mass for a full week. Pray the rosary or an extra rosary for a full week. Be creative with your involvement of what it means to receive the Ashes at the beginning of your Lent. On Ash Wednesday ask yourself: What does it mean to me to receive the Ashes? Why is this practice of a sacramental so important to you? Is it better to wipe the ashes off immediately after Mass or to have them visible on you throughout the day? Ashes and Holy Water are both sacramental. Are they both equally important to your expressions of faith? God Bless You and your Families, Rev. Richard P. Connors REMEMBERING IN OUR PRAYERS... ...our sick: Bobby Taggart, Edward Duff, Mary Lou Zappitelli; and those in nursing homes or hospitals. ...our deceased: Josephine Melhbaum, Rose DeBelle ~ Sarah Shinners Loveland Catholic Community Examiner For more information, visit us on the web at 164 2 Parish Activities and Events Sunday Feb 15 ♦ Children’s Liturgy of the Word (9:00AM Mass) ♦Scrip Sales (10:00 M – 11:00 AM in FCH) ♦AA Mtg. (6:30PM – 7:30PM in FCH) Monday Feb 16 ♦ Brownie Troop Meeting (3:00PM in FCH) ♦ Scrip Sales (thru backpacks only on FULL school days) ♦ Charismatic Prayer (7:30PM in Upper Room) Tuesday Feb 17 ♦ Scrip Sales (7:00PM - 7:30PM in Rectory) ♦ Choir Rehearsal (7:30PM in the Upper Room) Wednesday Feb 18 ♦ Widows’ Group (9:45AM in Upper Room) ♦ RCIA Team (7:00PM in Rectory) ♦ Legion of Mary (7:30PM in Rectory) ♦ Gamblers Anonymous (7:00PM in FCH) Thursday Feb 19 ♦ St. David School of Religion (4:30PM-6:00PM Q of A Lower School & 7:00PM in Upper School) Friday Feb 20 ♦ Scrip Sales (9:30 AM – 10:00 AM in the Rectory and in backpacks on FULL school days only) Saturday Feb 21 ♦ Jr. Legion of Mary (10:00AM in Rectory) Looking Ahead Queen of Angels School News Queen of Angels Regional Catholic School Registration Now Open!!!! Queen of Angels School provides the children with a quality Catholic education that includes all the regular subjects enhanced with art, computer, gym, library, music, and Spanish for all grades. Grades 5-8 also have an honors math class. Grades K5 receive religious enrichment each week. The children make regular use of iPads, Netbooks and Surface tablets to enhance their learning. The value of our PreK program in terms of quality of education and price surpasses all. Our PreK program is filling up quickly. If you would like more information about our school or to make an appointment to register, please contact Sister Margaret Rose Adams, our principal at 215-659-6393 or St. David Parish Youth News EPIC Youth Group Sun Feb 15 & 22, Mar 1: Life Night 6 to 8 pm @ OLHC; Topic: Discipleship Poor Person’s Supper: Friday March 20, 2015 Sat Mar 7: Man-Up Philly (For guys and their dads) The St Vincent de Paul Society will be holding their 8th annual Poor Person's Supper on Friday, March 20, 2015. Please bring your family to the Father Curran Hall at 6 PM for a dinner of various soups, breads, beverages, and desserts. Free will offerings will be gratefully accepted for the benefit of our client assistance program. Thanks for helping us to help others. Sun Mar 8: Generation Phaith @ Archbishop Carroll 10:00 am to 5:30 pm; Cost: $20.00; if interested in attending contact Sun Mar 15: Mass with Teens, Dinner & Bingo Lenten Parish Mission Mar 8-10 Website: Blessed are they who walk the way Jesus desires! Join us on Sunday, March 8th, Monday, March 9th and Tuesday, March 10th for our Lenten Parish Mission preached by Father Chris Walsh, Pastor of St. Raymond Church in Mt. Airy. Join us each night at 7pm in the Church as we explore the Beatitudes as a path toward Total Surrender, Loving Trust and Cheerfulness in our walk with Jesus. Upcoming Job Opportunity Recently I was recalled by the Census Bureau to work on a temporary survey called the American Housing Survey (AHS), which occurs every 2 years in the 5 county region. There will be good, temporary jobs available for the spring and summer. Interested persons must take a test during that window in order to be considered for employment. Feel free to contact John Monaghan with any questions at, or 267-253-7314 (Cell) . Middle School Youth Group News Grades 5-7 All are welcome to the Middle School Youth Group! Bring friends! We work with the Corporal Works of Mercy and using our talents to help others. If you have any questions, contact Jenn Falsone 215-582-9072 or Friday, February 20th 7-8:30 pm: We will make gifts for children less fortunate to be sent overseas Friday, March 20th - time TBD: We will be assisting the St Vincent DePaul Society with their annual Poor Man's Supper. For more information, visit us on the web at 164 3 Good News You Can Use ♦ Scrip Info Even if you don't have children attending Catholic school, you can still purchase scrip. You can earmark the credit you earn and put it towards a neighbor, friend or simply indicate "needy family". Call Carol if you have any questions (215784-9384). ♦ A Night at the Races - Sat Feb 21 Benefits St. David CYO & Tritons Swim Team. Doors open at 6:00PM in the Queen of Angels Upper School Gym. Tickets: $25 per person, includes buffet, beer & 3 horse wagers (tickets given at the door). Reserve tables for groups! Black Jack, Money Wheel, Raffles and 50/50! Horse Wagers: $2.00 (pick the horse that comes in first) Sponsor a Horse: $10.00 (1 in 10 chance to win $50) Sponsor a Race: $25 (advertise your business) Contact: Pete Fayette or Clair Toner or 267-634-7341. Find Ticket and Sponsor Forms on QofA Option C or http:// ♦ SLOW DOWN! For the safety of all please drive slow, 10mph speed limit, in our lower school/church parking lot seven days a week and at all hours of the day or night. ♦The Knights of Columbus is offering Disneyworld packages in March and April of 2015: 4 and 5 day trips are available starting at $2999.00 for a family of four. Contact number: 610-892-1166. ♦Regina Coeli Academy is presenting Annie Jr. on February 21 in the OLHC church hall. Father Janton the pastor of OLCH is playing Franklin Roosevelt: Contact number of details: 215-576-1615. ♦St. Basil Academy is offering 7th Grade Practice Entrance Test on March 7, 2015. Contact number: 215-8856952. ♦Rachel's Vineyard retreats are for anyone hurting from the spiritual and emotional pain of an abortion. March 20-23, 2015. Contact number: 215-906-6337. ♦Father Judge High School Financial Aid and Express Registration Night: February 26th and March 12. Contact number: 215-338-9494. Did you know? Getting Ready for Lent Why do we put ash on our forehead? Ashes are applied to our forehead in the sign of the cross as the words, "Remember, you are dust and to dust you shall return" are spoken to us. The other formula which is used, "Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel" emphasizes our call to continual conversion and holiness of life. This act symbolizes our mortality as well as our need for ongoing repentance. It is a reminder that this life is short and merely a foreshadowing of what we shall become through the redemption of Jesus Christ on the cross. The work of our redemption will not be complete until we are raised from the dead, in resurrected bodies like His own and called to the eternal communion of heaven. Where do the ashes come from? The ashes for Ash Wednesday normally are made from blessed palm branches from the previous Palm Sunday. The ashes are sprinkled with Holy Water and incensed before distribution. ~from ♦ St. Francis Inn We are collecting nonperishable food, blankets, toiletries, diapers and baby formula (no clothing, however) to benefit the needy served by the St. Francis Inn in Philadelphia. Please bring donations to Father Curran Hall from February 13th to the 23rd, from 8:00AM to 8:00PM. Checks to the St. Francis Inn may be dropped off at the Rectory. Fr. Michael Duffy, OFM will celebrate Mass at St. David on February 23rd at 7:30PM. We will have a social after Mass and all the Franciscans will be with us. Please join the celebration. Advertiser Showcase Show your appreciation by supporting our local advertisers, such as: AAA Cosmetic Inc. St. David Tithing & Finances Sunday February 8, 2015: $14,353.19 DEADLINE FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements for the bulletin must be submitted to the Rectory by Monday 3:00 PM. For more information, visit us on the web at 164 4 Certified Public Accountants Associates, P.C. • • • • • • • A Professional Corporation 118 W. Butler Avenue P.O. Box 407 • Ambler, PA 19002 Tel: (215) 542-1492 Fax: (215) 542-8529 Member of Parish DK AUTO REPAIR Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Preventative Care Orthodontic/Orthopedics Day and Evening Hours Sleep Apnea/TMD Implants Laser Servicing, All Make & Models 215-882-1220 DAVE KAISER, Owner Tech 3401 W. Moreland Rd. Willow Grove, PA Local Diocese Member BARRY F. DAROCHA, D.M.D., M.A.G.D., F.I.C.O.I. SUSAN M. ROTZAL, D.M.D., M.A.G.D., F.I.C.O.I. 230 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside, PA 19038 Phone: 215-885-4252 • Fax: 215-885-7487 BUX-MONT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES CO 659-1313 659-0245 Special Discount Rates for Seniors Call 657-1212 AIRPORTS•HANDICAPPED•PKG. DEL. SRV. P. MICHAEL SCHELKUN, M.D., D.D.S.* MARK P. KIENLE, M.D., D.M.D. LEWIS J. SCHWARTZ, D.M.D. (Emeritus)* Kevin O’Connor Parishioner The Bob Gordon Team C: 215-704-4979 O: 215-517-8800 Regency Realty *Board Certified Dental • Facial • Reconstructive • Cosmetic & Implant Surgery 158 York Road Warminster, PA 18974 (215) 672-6560 215-884-0800 853 2nd St. Pk., Ste. A-106 Richboro, PA 18954 (215) 355-4500 467 Pennsylvania Ave., Ste. 106 Ft. Washington, PA 19034 (215) 591-3590 PRE-PLANNING/PRE-FINANCING JOSEPH J. MC GOLDRICK Funeral Home THOMAS M. McGOLDRICK, F.D. • JOSEPH McGOLDRICK (1924-2013) 507 West Avenue • Jenkintown, PA 19046 Waterproofing Mold Remediation Structural Repairs 15% OFF 1.888.799.3056 2630 Woodland Rd. Abington, PA 19001 Geriatric Rehab Program Comprehensive Wound Care Diabetic Management & Training √ Specialized Extended Short Stay Program √ Post Hospitalization Rehabilitation √ Chronic Illness Management √ √ √ "Dad needed surgery and we knew he would need rehab. Brookside did a wonderful job caring for him. I am so pleased. Thank you Brookdide." Mary P. 215-884-6776 Tour our elegantly decorated facility in the heart of Roslyn, PA. Medicare & Medicaid Cerified Accepts HMO, PPO & Commercial Insurance plans Serving PA, NJ & DE 215-639-8500 Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Law Offices of Allan C. Perry Speak Directly With The Attorney Family Law • Wills Personal Injury 306 Easton Rd. Willow Grove 1120 York Road, Willow Grove, PA 19090 215.830.0433 Check out our reviews on: Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards 215-706-5770 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED PLUMBING, HEATING, DRAIN CLEANING & AIR CONDITIONING SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT FREE ESTIMATES Ph: (215) 728-1482 Fax: (215) 742-7098 8675 Torresdale Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19136 $650 OFF 10% OFF FREE WWW.BILLFRUSCO.COM “America’s Premier Inspection Service” Independently Owned & Operated JOBS OVER STEVE BALLASY Owner / Inspector Diocese Member Insured • PA Certified $2000.00 610-745-4719 • • 164 The Church of St. David, Willow Grove, PA (i) Rt. D 10% OFF INSPECTION AAA COSMETIC INC. Log Onto ✔ ✔ ✔ conveniently from your home or office. ✔ ✔ ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING ✔ All Major Credit Cards Accepted Residential • Commercial • Buyer Inspections • Pre-Listing Inspections CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Expert Basement Waterproofing Basement Remodeling Mold Remediation & Odor Removal Water Damage Restoration & Cleanup Crawl Space Water Proofing Financing Available SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT LIFETIME WARRANTY Licensed & Insured 1-855-435-6009 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • JOHN J. BRYERS FUNERAL HOME, INC. Burial and Cremation Services 215-659-1630 Jeffrey S. Thompson – Supv Keith J. Murphy – FD Brian M. Hurst – FD Robert Mehlbaum - Asst 406 N. Easton Rd., Willow Grove, PA 19090 Free Estimates Transmission & Clutch Service Carpet • Vinyl • Hardwood Refinish Old Hardwood 215-657-1880 Since 1967 Roslyn Mileage • Performance • Durability 900 Easton Rd., Willow Grove, PA (1/2 Mi. So. of Turnpike) 215.657.0848 501 North Easton Road, Willow Grove Robert Wetzel, Supv. Pet Grooming In Your Home PLUMBING & HEATING Bathing, Clipping, Flea Treatment, No Tranquilizers 215-657-4157 215-830-8433 Carla’s Pet Grooming Carla Ristine Parishioner For all your insurance needs. 659-9827 215-659-0911 INC. PHILADELPHIA Funeral Directors Since 1881 Bill Herchenroder, Supv. ROCKLEDGE Erich Wetzel, Supv. For bathing ease, safety and independence... America’s Walk In Tubs Makers of the world's TOM NELSON DOGS & CATS Joseph J. Deegan, Agent 21 N. York Rd., Willow Grove 215-659-6300 Fax: 215-659-9264 Email: WILLOW GROVE AUTOMOTIVE 401 Moreland Road Willow Grove Complete Auto Repairs State & Emission Inspections Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® statefarm.comTM ROAD SERVICE TUNE-UPS BRAKES & MUFFLERS State Farm Insurance Company Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois lowest step in tub, The EverlastTM Low Entry Tub Fully Insured • Work Guaranteed FLYNNCO WELDING & FABRICATION CUSTOM FABRICATION & IRONWORKS RAILINGS • HEAVY EQUIPMENT REPAIR GENERAL WELDING • FREE ESTIMATES WAYNE E. FLYNN - OWNER 21 WOODLAWN AVE., WILLOW GROVE Discounts Available CREDIT CARDS 215-659-WELD (9353) ACCEPTED HARTLEY'S RAINGUTTERS PLUS, INC. ROOFING ◊ SIDING ◊ WINDOWS EZ SHIELD COVERS 215-659-1752 FREE INSPECTION (patent pending) RIGHTWAY 800-945-2233 WATERPROOFING CO. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST Robert S. Strobel Insurance, Inc. 30 YEARS IN BUSINESS 215-427-1727 AUTO • HOME • UMBRELLA • COMMERCIAL 3535 Welsh Rd., Willow Grove, PA 19090 CALL FOR YOUR FREE QUOTE 215-957-6619 HATBORO JEWELERS Goldsmithing • Silversmithing Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair Appraisals 120 S. York Rd., Hatboro Kenny & Sue Bishop Licensed & Insured PA Lic. #006806 267.781.0770 VENTURE VENDING 215-443-2500 294 Horsham Rd. Dresher & Horsham Rds. Horsham, PA 19044 Member of St. David’s Parish FAMILY DENTISTRY SODA • SNACKS • COFFEE 215-873-5249 John P. Epright, D.D.S. Wet Basement? Call today REGENCY PARK TOWERS BASEMENT WATERPROOFING MOLD REMOVAL, REMOVAL, FOUNDATION REPAIR 1003 Easton Rd., Willow Grove, PA By Appointment Fax: 215-443-8724 • BYOB • LUNCH • DINNER • TAKE-OUT • OFF PREMISE PARISHIONERS CATERING (215) 657-2424 1500 York Road Abington, PA 19001 GEORGE G. 484-410-4110 FitzPatrick Stephen R. Fitzpatrick, Supvr. WWW.FITZPATRICKABINGTON.COM 215-887-1500 Since 1904 by Charles P. Direso (215) 657-7754 Fully Insured Member, St. David ANGELONE FUNERAL HOME, INC. Leandro N. Angelone, Jr. - Supervisor 501 North Easton Road • Willow Grove 215-659-0202 COUTTS ELECTRICAL 10% OFF to Parishioners 215.481.9595 30 Yrs. Exp. • FREE Est. Lic. & Ins. PA #061293 Diocese Member The Leading Vascular Center of Excellence in the Delaware Valley Tired leg(s) or foot wounds that won’t heal? Leg pain preventing you from getting around? Or keeping you awake at night? Think Peripheral Vascular Institute of Philadelphia first and get back on your feet! Dr. James McGuckin Peripheral Vascular Institute 4220 Market Street. 2nd Floor Phila., PA 19104 215-240-6007 • $49.95 INTRODUCTORY 1 HOUR SPECIAL Quality Program Development, Auditing & Consulting Services (215) 657-0837 Parish Member Walk Ins Welcome • 7 Days A Week Willow Grove Shopping Center (Near Barnes & Noble and HomeGoods) 164 The Church of St. David, Willow Grove, PA (B) Rt. D 215-657-6100 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 •
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