ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Issue- 1st Jan- Mar 2015 Vol. 3 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved “A Clinical Study of Ayurvedic Treatment on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOD)” ________________________________________________________________ Kuwar Rekha Chhagan*1 ___________________________________________________________________________ 1. Assistant Professor – Streeroga&PrasutitantraDept, R. A. Podar Medical College, Worli, Mumbai *Corresponding Author:; Mobile: +91 9405010769 ___________________________________________________________________________ Abstract – During the last decade, ayurvedic treatment on PCOD. The incidences or PCOD has risen alarmingly. treatment was conducted for duration of 3 Previously it was confined to only higher months. Response to treatment was recorded income class, now days it has also by parameters. Result revealed that PCOD encroached the middle and lower class as can be cured successfully by using this well. ayurvedic regimen. syndrome Key words –Polycystic ovarian syndrome, (PCOD) also known by the name of [1]Stein- PCOD, PCOS, Endocrine disorders, Herbal Leventhal syndrome. Incidence of this compound, Yogbasti, Uttarbasti Polycystic ovarian condition is growing amongst young women in reproductive age. It is almost ranging INTRODUCTION: between 5-10% of young women coming Woman’s lifestyle is changing under from infertility. It is now increasingly the name of modernization, now a days perceived as disorder of changed life styles, speed has become the keyword of present. faulty and Beside these stress, unhealthy food habits, nuleitional deficit. Infertility is by far the blind following of western life style have most common feature due to anovulation; contributed to destruction of quality of life. therefore the present study has been carried This not only affects physical health but also out for clinical study of the efficacy of mental status. diet, endocrine disorders 1 ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Issue- 1st Jan- Mar 2015 Vol. 3 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved [2] Polycystic ovarian syndrome is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome condition where hormonal imbalance affects (PCOD) follicular growth during the ovarian cycle To study the effect causing the affected follicles to remain in Artavnirmiti the ovary. menstrual cycle in PCOD The ovarian cycle is governed by a To study in the of irregular rate of hormonal feedback system moderated by fertilization and rule out other hypothalamus.Thus causes of infertility it requires constant feedback of hormonal for it to regulate the MATERIAL AND METHOES: release of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinising Total 40 patients were registered hormone from the anterior from pituitary gland. The hormonal feedback that OPD of Streeroga and PrasutitantraDepartment of R. A. Podar hypothalamus is receiving due to high level Medical College, Worli, Mumbai. Fulfilling of oestrogen, which has been formed from the criteria of selection was included into three androgen in peripheral tissue. study. Ayurveda suggests that this is vata Inclusion Criteria – type disorder with involvement of other Married patients PCOD Anovulatory cycle ambu- Infertility patients vahashrotas and artavadhatu. The selected Irregular menses / scanty dosha, in some measures, gynaecological disorders are mainly supposed to be due to vitiation involving trial [4] of vata.[3]PCOD pitta, drug kapha, was doshadushadushti is disorder medas, decided according and menses due to anovulatory to cycle hypothesized samprapti. Elevated LH AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: LH : FSH Ratio > 3 To study the efficacy of ayurvedic treatment Exclusion Criteria – on 2 Unmarried patients ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Issue- 1st Jan- Mar 2015 Vol. 3 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved CA Cervix, Polyp Uterine fibroid Congenital defects of female Tubercular endometritis HIV / Hbs Ag / VDRL+ Subjective and Objective Parameters – A) Subjective Parameters 1. Duration of bleeding Duration Grade Score 3 – 5 Days Nil 0 6 – 7 Days Mild 1 8 – 9 Days Moderate 2 Spotting > 9 Days Severe 3 2. Irregular Menstruation LMP Days Grade Score 28 Days Nil 0 28 – 45 Days Mild 1 45 – 60 Days Moderate 2 Above 60 Days Severe 3 3. Amount of bleeding and quantity of menstrual blood No of Pads / Cycle gynaecological disorders genital tract Other Score Grade 3 ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Issue- 1st Jan- Mar 2015 Vol. 3 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved < 15 Nil 0 15 – 19 Mild 1 25 – 25 Moderate 2 > 25 Severe 3 4. Pain during menstrual period Pain Grade Score No Pain Nil 0 1 Painful menstruation but Mild no need of analgesics Daily activities inhibited Moderate 2 Daily activities are Severe 3 inhibited, pain continuous B) Objective Parameters 2. USG for pelvic pathology 1. Haematological investigations 3. Follicular CBC vaginal study – and A serial abdominal ESR sonography was done from 10th Blood Group day of menstrual cycle till after ovulation. HIV / VDRL / Hbs Ag BSL (F / PP) TREATMENT PROTOCOL: Urine R & M Standardization and authentication of drug LH / FSH Ratio will be done. The treatment was conducted T3 / T4 / TSH in following way for 3 consecutive cycles. Prolactin 4 ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Issue- 1st Jan- Mar 2015 Vol. 3 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved The patient was treated with 5gm powder of In entire study 74.50% patients were Anethum Sowa[5](Shatapushpa), Asparagus housewives and 25.50% were professionals. Racemosus[5](Shatavari), Longum, Within treatment timeframe patients had not Nigrum, taken any modern medicines. Piper Piper [6] ZingiberOfficinale (Trikatu), Most of the patients having complaints of CaesalpiniaBonducella[7](Latakaranja), irregular menses and few of them with TephrosiaPurpurea absent (Sharapunkha), Longa[7](Haridra), Curaima PterocaarpusMarsupium menstruation, menstrual (Vijaysar), blood, scanty or dysmenorrhea, less acne, obesity, hirsutism. MomordicaCharantia[7](Karela), An assessment criterion was based on a [8] EmblicaOfficinalis (Amalaki) – Twice a gradation Day. symptoms which are - irregular menses, Before menses patient were treated with duration [9] quantity of menstrual blood, hirsutism, acne YogBasti (TriphalaKashay and TilaTaila) for 3 consecutive cycles. of of symptoms. bleeding, The cardinal dysmenorrhea, and obesity before and after treatment. non-surgical Data was analysed by using paired ‘t’ test. procedures Snehan, Swdan, Basti and LH / FSH Hormonal Report revealed that [10] the ratio observed up to the normal level. Panchkarma and other Uttarbasti are some external therapies are useful along with regular Suryanamaskara, exercise Sarvangasana – Report revealed and observed the reduction and of polycystic appearance of ovaries and Paschimottanasana. improvement of follicular maturity. OBSERVATIONS: RESULT: Symptoms No (n) Mean Score Mean (d) Relief SD SE t % Irregular 40 2.475 0.250 2.275 76 0.733 0.166 19.19 of 40 2.350 0.425 1.925 57 0.5723 0.0905 21.27 Menstruation Duration 5 ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Issue- 1st Jan- Mar 2015 Vol. 3 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved bleeding Dysmenorrhea 40 1.000 0.050 0.90 92 0.579 0.0944 10.06 Quantity 1.900 0.150 1.750 70 1.104 0.174 10.03 of 40 menses blood Hirsutism 40 1.950 1.875 0.075 - 0.2667 0.0422 1.78 Obesity 40 1.700 0.200 1.500 85 0.5991 0.0947 15.83 From the observation made before and after The given treatment works to improve the treatment following inference are drawn. hormone utilization and regulates overall The symptoms like hormone balance. The powder of herbal irregular menstruation improved by 76%. drugs is also quite beneficial in curbing the At the end of treatment 57.5% three aggravated doshas and brings balance, patients had normal duration of strength to the menstrual system. It helps to menstrual bleeding. regulate artavadhatu. 92% of patients were relieved from The properties of deepana and pachana of dysmenorrhea. above drugs elevate the jatharagni and 70% patients had average quantity of dhatwagni along with artavagni. menstrual blood. given is also effective on kapha reduction, In obese patients 85% had normal insulin enhancing, anti-androgenic, anti- BMI level. dibetic, anti-oxidant, hypolipidimic drugs But in hirsutism there was no and eventually help to relieve the symptoms statistically significant result seen. of PCOD. Powder General basti regulates the nervous control DISCUSSION: and uttarbasti regulates CNS controlling the According to Ayurveda PCOD is a disorder pelvic organs. Hence by governing HPO involving pitta, kapha and vatadoshas, rasa axis through hypothalamus, it helps in and meda-dhatu, rasa, rakta and artava- maintaining follicular growth. vahashrotasa. CONCLUSION: 6 ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Issue- 1st Jan- Mar 2015 Vol. 3 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved 87% patients ShatavariShatpushpaKalpadhyay11,Varanas were successfully get cured. i 62% patients had conceived 6. SushrutaSamhita by AmbikaduttShastri, within the follow up period Sutra Sthana, Chapter No. 46, Verse-221, of 3 moths. 222, 223, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, No significant complications Varanasi Edition2004 observed in overall study. 7. CharakaSamhita by KashinathShastri, VimanSthana, Chapter No. 8, Verse-142, In conclusion PCOD can be effectively 143 cured by using ayurvedic treatment regimen. Varanasi Edition2009 References: 8. 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KashyapaSamhita by Hemraj Sharma and T Sanskrit Varanasi Edition2004 Chapter No. 25, Page No. 299, Edition 2010 Y ChaukhambaSanskritaSansthaana Acharya, 7 ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 Vol. 3 ISSN 2320-7329 Issue- 1st Jan- Mar 2015 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved Cite this article: “A Clinical Study of Ayurvedic Treatment on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOD)” Kuwar Rekha Chhagan Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science-2014; 3(1): 1-8 8
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