ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Issue- 1st Jan- Mar 2015 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved PHAMACEUTICAL AND ANALYTICAL EVALUATION OF TALSINDURA RASA ___________________________________________________________________________ Pendse vandana khushalrao*1 ___________________________________________________________________________ 1. Professor ,post graduate department of Rasashastra and B.K. Ashvin rural A yurved college. Manchi -Hills ; Sangamner , Tal. Sangamaner Dist. Ahemadnagar.(M.S.) * Corresponding Author: Mobile No. 9096487911 ___________________________________________________________________________ mentioned varies parameters to evaluate the kupipkwa rasayana..some ABSTRACT: modern analytical tools can also adopted to asses Rasashastra is a science of minerals and these method. Here an attempt is made to these mineral products are toxic in nature1. evaluate and prepare talsindura – rasa by These are traditional method and do analytical study subjected to process to shodhana, marana, jarana, murchchna, of obtained sample. kajjali, kupipakwa rasayana to convert into KEYWORDS: nontoxic and absorbable. In Rasashastra Kupipkwa , murchchna , shodhana ,jarana various methods are available to convert , kajjali. Marana. mercury in the form of which is beneficial INTRODUCTION: to our body for curing the diseases in Ayurveda has interacted with various certain dose . Talsindura-rasa is Herbo- medical systems from time to time and this 1 mineral preparation, It is important to interactions2 along with updated research mention that sindura group of kalpas are has facilitated its growth . The importance named on the basis of their red colour like of that of sindura. Prepared by Kupipkwa emphasizing towards chikitsa in which all method. unique, principles is laid down in acute condition efficacious, potent, difficult and gandhak for better and quicker results.1 These jarana plays an important role in it. The preparations are suppose to be harmful to ancient scholars of Rasashastra have our body as per western medicine, but in This method is 1 herbo-mineral-metal preparations ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Issue- 1st Jan- Mar 2015 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved Rasashastra text the adverse effects are also ensure safety limits and accuracy of mentioned has drug7. In the present era in order to played a major role in popularizing establish the safety concern the prepared Ayurveda drug should be understood well already. in Rasa-shastra masses. Ayurvedic and physicians are of the view that various interpreted with the help of modern pharmaceutical processes in ayurveda like technology and must be supported by shodhana proper (purification), scientific validation.8 Physio- marana(inceineration), murchchna, jarana, chemically talsindura-rasa is HgS and kupipkwarasayana etc. converts metallic AS2O3 but after doing XRD test(X-Ray preparations into non-toxic. In current diffraction). Iron (Fe2O3) found in the kinetic era rasaushadhies have given upper part of medicine in trace amount8. Ayurveda a complete novel health care Aims and Objectives: look1. Talasindura-rasa is a haerbominaral which is made in valukayantra. In haritala Shuddha and Pharmaceutical study of bhaishajya manimala. gandhaka,shuddha shuddha by talsindura rasa according to siddha talsindura-rasa kajjali prepared of shuddha parada, prepare Talsindura-rasa kupipkwa rasayana vidhi. preparation prepared by kupipkwa method 3 To To Evaluate the ancient gouripashana. modern Gandhak jarana plays an important role in studies. parameter in and analytical enhancing the potency of mercury and MATERIAL AND METHODS : arsenic. This jarana process claimed many Materials : pharmacological and therapeutic properties in mercury. So dhatu rasayana has its Rasabhaga rasata :. yukta kupipkwaimportance punraikaikstalmallagandhakta: in Kupyam Rasashastra. paripchetpwankaffuw hanti talsindura A standard operative procedure in the : // - r.yog .s . & s.b.m.m. preparation of talsindura-rasa, along with Shuddha parada(H g), certain analytical methods helps to reveal out the chemical composition dwayham Shuddha gandhaka (S) of Shuddha haritala ( AS2 S3), formulation with there concentration and 2 ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Issue- 1st Jan- Mar 2015 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved Shuddha gauripashana (AS2 O3) etc .―shodhana is done as per reference . text.1 Method: Selection and collection of raw material Preparation of Talsindura rasa drugs as per grahya lakshnas as per 2 1 Ref : siddha bhaishajya manimala reference text. Materials : Parada shodhana was carried out by doing shuddha parada – 600 gm trituration in khalwa yantra. with( lime, shuddha gandhaka – 100 gm rason kalka ,saindhav lavana ). Shuddha haritala -100 gm days.then it is washed to get back 9. shuddha gauripashana-100 gm Gandhaka shodhana was done in Methods ; kupipkwa rasayana gogruita and dissolved gandhak liquid is Equipments: poured into godugha.we get solid slab of Valuka yantra, prepared kanchkupi, cork, sulphur. Then washed with hot water. shalakas, copper coins, torch, bhatti , Dried and powered.procedure is repeated 3 thermometer etc. times13. Procedure : Haritala shodhana was carried out by The whole procedure was divided into 3 doing swedana with the help of dola yantra phases15. in I) purva karma kushmand For 7 heating swarasa.(benincasa hispida)14 ii) pradhan karma iii) paschat karma . Gauripashana Purva karma: karavellak Collection (momordica charantia) by doing swedana of necessary equipments : shodhana swarasa is done with bitter guard Mortar and pestle, Kanchkupi – (A Glass with the helpof dolayantra.14 of bottle which is wrapped with rag and Preparation of Kajjli. mud of 7 layers and dried .) the thickness were weighted accurately. of rag and mud sealing is quoted to be of Mixed 0.75 inch. and trituration was started till the kajjali Valuka vessel filled with yantra ( earthen sand upto 8‖ –9 thickness. at the bottom become Shuddha dravyas together in stony khalwa yantra black , slakshnatwa ,and Bhatti ( for fire completely nishchandra . bhasma pariksha ) Thermometer ( to moniter the amount done .the kajjali powder is then filled into of heat )―― Cork, a bottle(1/3 part) which is covered seven Iron shalakas ,torch 3 ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Issue- 1st Jan- Mar 2015 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved times with kapda mitti.after drying,the black in colour. kanthastha and Talashta kachkupi bottle is kept in valuka yantra talsindur rasa shiny blakish red parpati and sand is filledupto the neck of bottle. rupa and was collected and weighted .. Pradhan karma : RESULTS : In the pradhan karma gradual heating Analytical evaluation ; schedule is kramgni This evaluation devided into two parts. for 24 hours/ temp recorded.10 1 . Ancient method Mrudu agni : Room temp to 2000C (8 2 . Moder n method . 0 hrs) Madhyam agni; 200-400 C (8 hrs) Teevragni ; 450 -650 0C(8 hrs) is Ancient Method : A) Analytical parameters for physical 1 given in valuka yantra . shalaka sanchalana characters ; –(the mouth of bottle is kept open with 1 . Varna (colour) - - Redish black shiny. heilp of a red hot iron strirer) and 2. Nishchandratwa – (lusterless ) – present observation of fumes and flames. Copper 3. varitaratwa - (flotness) - present coin test done . appearencre of redness at 4.Unam test – properly present (excellent) the bottom. Adherence of mercury 5.Rekhapurnatwa particles . then closing of the bottle mouth present(genuine ) should be done when extra sulphur is burn 6.Slakshanatwam—present. completely. The fumes stop coming out of 7 .sukshmatwa (fineness) – Present. the mouth of the bottle . the joints of the 8.anjana cork and the mouth should be seald present.9.physical state- churna powder properly with molasses and lime powder form. made into paste with water , after this B.) Analytical parameters for chemical Teevr agni applied . characters ;8 Pashchat karma : changes as compound formation. Etc. the The swangasheeta bottle(after cooling on below mentioned parameters are to be its own) considered. was broken tactfully and (furrow filling ness)- sannibha (softness)- To assess the chemical sublimate deposited Talsindur rasa at the 1. Gatarasatwa (Tasteless) –present neck 2. and (kanthstha / bottom of kanch kupi. talastha) .talsindura rasa Apunarbhavatwa (irreversibility) present 3 .Nirutthatwa – present. .while taking out,it looks redish yellow 4 - ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Issue- 1st Jan- Mar 2015 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved ( specially done for haratala mixed at different stages of kupipkwq rasayanas bhasma – no melting or fumes). process.. Modern Methods: Analysis of Talsindura –rasa 1.) XRD – X –ray diffraction studies 8 The .X –ray diffraction methods are based on Organoleptic and physico- chemical are the scattering of x –rays by crystals. It is suggestive of sample is helpful to check product sparsha , redish black crystals in rupa, . Qualitatively. data (Table-1) pertaining to corrosive on And Identify a given sample. Evaluate the sample of parada different compounds with same chemical churna was analysed for the total mercury formula but different structure and it was found 78 .90%. the sample of . For determine the arrangements of atoms in residue minerals and metals. Talsindura rasa mercury. The result of analysis sample on 100-800 at the scattering rate negative .It indicates there is absence of 40/mm of 6kw energy.xrd pattern is parada in residue sample obtained from mercuric sulphide and AS2o3 . And fe2o3 kupi . so it may be inferred that mercury is in trace . this elements is either by raw totally was converted in arsenic form and material ,mortar sublimated completely .along with trace or the plant extracts added during trituration.8 2)Atomic Absorption was analyzed for estimation of was elements . Speetro scopy Black red shiny in varna ,Ash value can (AAS)3 It can identify the trace elements be calculated present in kupipkwa rasayana bhasmas mercury ,14.31% ofsulphur and 13.28 % qualitatively .it is the best Analytical of haritala ,3.28% of gauripashana(malla), 1 method to evaluate Talsindur - rasa is shown to contain the presence of Arsenic and Iron3. 3) Differentiol in sample78.90% of mercuric sulphide (Hg S)associated with Thermal AS2S3 several organic micro molecules Analysis (DTA)6 derived from It provides information on the chemical during reaction , phase transformation ; structural Fe2O3 is found in this sample is in trace changes etc, occurs in a sample during amount. heat up and cool down cycle. Helpful in DISCUSSION: the probable chemical reaction that occurs 5 the the plant extract processing. Of used the drug. ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Issue- 1st Jan- Mar 2015 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved Kupipkwa method is very unique, and is For best tituration do not use metal khalwa example of murchchna. Talsindur murchchna of kajjali mixture use rasa is prepared by kupipkwa rasayana stone or porcelain khalwa to prevent the method satisfied the required criteria of loss of kalpa. traditional analytical techniques .Talsindur rasa should be considered as REFERENCES: Mercuric 1) Rasashastra , dr, Damodar Joshi .. sulphide as major constituent along with arsenic and iron as trace edited by dr,shreekumari Amma., elements The results conformed the Publication Division Ayurveda College presence of heavy metals as Fe , Ar and, Trivendrum, 1985 pages 320 -321. S , and Hg .in the prescribed 2)Rasayogasagar pharmo , pt, Hariprapannaji copeial limits. Shodhana is necessary for Sharma ,vol -1 talsindura rasa yog 154 / materials .because of proven 695. Published by krishnadas academy effects and into converts these toxicity Varanasi 2nd edition 1982 , page 585. preparation non –toxic and digestible and absorbable. In classical kupipkwa method importance for .3) literature ,Bhatt R, kaladhar. has given more gandhak . Siddha bhaishajya manimala ,shri published pancham guchch /37 by choukhamba crishnadas academy ,Varanasi 3rdedition 2003 ,page jarana, it depends upon the quality of gandhaka and 364, types of agni i.e. kramagni .in valuka 4) . Parameters on quality assessment of yantra on ayurveda & siddha drugs –part bhatti.(specialized heating pattern –indirect constant heat ) CCRAS , New delhi . During 5 )Parada Vigyaniyam , preparation of nirgandha kajjali A . vasudev m.d. there was a loss of may be due to Sharma Ayurveda Mandir ,Datia 1997 - process or human error. During talsidura 277. rasa preparation 6)Instrumental 350 gm of kanthastha methods of chemical st part was obtained out of 900 gm of kajjali analysis , DR.B .K. Sharma 21 . and talastha part was obtained 500 gm ,Goel publishing house 2002 p- 352 -357. of kajjali. Weight of parada is not 7)Shri Gopalcrishna Bhatt. Rasendra sar increased . sangraha , motilal Banarasdas prakashan 6 edition ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Issue- 1st Jan- Mar 2015 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved 4th edition ,Varanasi . rasayana chapter 12) Ayurved 65 -70 . p 627 -629. rasayana 8)Anonyms for pharmacopoeial Ayurvedic council for standards research in ayurveda and Ayurved Bhavan ,limited 216. 13) Bhartiya 9)Bhashajya ratnavali, pandit lalchand raji Vaidya vaidya 1924 ,1928, Hindi ,publishers motilal Rasashastra Yadavji Aushadh Gunadharma Trikamaji edition 1924 , Sanskrit part -4 ,Vd.Panchanan Gune Aacharya Vaidya Yadavaji Trikamji Acharya . Mumbai ,India. 2 -21 - Gangadharshastri , published by vaidyak 24. grantha bhandar ,pune edition 1998 page 15) Rasartnasamuchchaya, 91. Dudhgaonkar ,Kulkarni .1 11)Rasa Tarangini Marathi 14 ) Ayurved Prakash -Shrimadhav 1st banarsidas , delhi ,India. Shastra kupipkwa Nagpur, edition Sept 2009 , page 211 - siddha , new delhi 1987 10)Ayurvediya , prakashana , published by shri Baidyanath formulations , central sarsangraha Pt, Kashinathshastri, shashtha tarang , published by .Marathi , Motilal Vagbhata , st edtion 1972 Shivaji UNIVERSITY , Kolhapur .India. 3 -70 , 125 th Banarasidas , Delhi ,4 edition 1979 reprint 1994 ,page 140 -146 . Table -1 : Observation and Results of Analytical Tests Sr. Parameters Kajjali No. Talsindura-rasa (in percentage) 1 Loss of Ignition 2 Loss of drying at 110 0c 3 Ash value 4 Acid insoluble ash 5 Water soluble ash 6 ( in percentage) 0.72 0.45 2.12 2.12 2.50 5.25 0.05 0.27 0.30 0.25 Mercury as Hg 53.65 78.90 7 Sulphur as S 38.70 14.31 8 Harital as AS2S3 24.11 13.28 9 Gauripashana as AS2O3 18.02 3.28 w/w w/w w/w w/w 7 ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Issue- 1st Jan- Mar 2015 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved 10 Iron as Fe2O3 ------- Table- 2 Observation and Results of Analytical Sr. parameters 1 Varna ( colour) Tests 0.72 ( Ancient method ) Talsindura rasa Redish black shiny 2 Nishchandratwa(lusterless) present 3 Varitaratva (flotness) present 4 Unam test Properly present (excellent) 5 Rekhapurnatva(furrow filling ness) Present (genuine) 6 Slakshanatwam present 7 Sukshmatwa (fineness) present 8 Anjana Sannibha (softness) present 6 4 Series 1 2 Series 2 0 A B C D E 100 80 60 40 20 0 Series 1 Series 2 A B C D E Bar Diagram 1 Analytical Evaluation of Kajjali and Talsindura-rasa Bar Diagram 2 Analytical evaluation of Kajjali and Talsindura-rasa A – Loss of ignition B- loss on drying at 110 0C C – Total ash value A – Mercury as Hg B – Sulphur as S C- Harital AS2S3 D- Gauripashan D- Acid insoluble ash E – water soluble ash % as AS 2O3 E – Iron as Fe2O3 % 8 ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Issue- 1st Jan- Mar 2015 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved Cite this article: PHAMACEUTICAL AND ANALYTICAL EVALUATION OF TALSINDURA RASA Pendse vandana khushalrao Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science-2014; 3(1): 1-9 9
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