ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015 Vol. 3 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved To study clinical efficacy of bruhati & dwiharidra in kaphaj yonivyapad by yonipuran. *jayashree Sawashe. M.S.(STREEROGA & PRASUTITANTRA) ASSIST.PROFESSOR (STREEROGA & PRASUTITANTRA) PAD. DR.D.Y.PATIL COLLEGE OF AYURVED AND RESEARCH CENTRE PIMPRI, PUNE . *Corresponding author MOB.976632160. which INTRODUCTION As the Stree is mula of is YonigatShewta,Picchilstrava, reproduction, her health is our Yonikandu,Yonigata Alpa vedana prime importance which leads to which are the features of kaphaja palan of best Gruhasthashram1,2 Yonivyapada and is neglected by Stree is important part of our women as minor symptoms.So to society bring light to the importance of and family.Being this disease and it’s treatment to Daughter,wife,mother,carrier plays the society I had decided to work different roles and follows social on this disease,that is Kaphaja and family responsibilities.Thus in Yonivyapada using “Bruhatiphala this fast life she is subjected to all and sorts of physical and mental Yonipuran in hardships.Due Yonivyapada’as described oriented women , to she change in Dwiharidra lifestyle,modern food habits of fast Aacharya food,junk food she is unable to uttartantra 38/27. follow the and Kaphaja by Sushrutaacharya in rulesof Dincharya,Rutucharya,Rajaswala, Rutumati Kalka’s Sutikaparicharya which are explained by Aacharyas for women’s health.Thus She is prone to various yonirogas, one of AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To study the literature of Kaphaja Yonivyapada. 2. To study the Clinical Efficacy of Bruhatipha and Dwiharidra *Special Issue for “National Seminar- Practical approach in Prasutitantra And Streerog 2015” 1 ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015 Vol. 3 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved Kalka’s Yonipuran In Kaphaja The Yonivyapada as stated in Sushrut mainly of Kaphaja yonivyapada were 3 Samhita Uttartantra 38/27 selected The following methodology was complaining irrespective of **Inclusive Criteria-Following Patients were selected for our study- adopted to conduct the study. 1) Patients of 18-45 years age group. 1]Literary Reviewreview patients occupation,religion,age and prakruti. MATERIALS AND METHODS Literary female of all Ayurvedic Texts and Samhitas was 2) Only married patient. 3) Patients having Kaphaja done thoroughly for collection of yonivyapada i.e. having following information of Kaphaja yonivyapada. signs and symptoms- The previous research work done by various scholars in this subject was a.Yonigata shweta ,picchil strava. studied. It was used as preliminary data b.Yonikandu. for c.Yonigata alpa vedana. present kaphaja study.Referances yonivyapada Bruhatiphala,Dwiharidra of and kalka’s **Exclusive Criteria-The following patients are excluded yonipuran from Bruhat Trayee and from our study. Laghu Trayee,Rasa granthas were 1)Unmarried patients. collected and compiled.Also referances 2)Patients with ring pessaries. from modern Gynaecology books were 3)Patients with a major illness. collected. [Like Heart diseases, respiratory diseases etc.] 2]Clinical study- 4)Patients with malignancies. A]Study design- 5)Patients Randomised single blind study in patients having Kaphaja with endocrinal disorders. [e.g. Diabetes Mellitus etc.] yonivyapada was done. Selection of patients*Special Issue for “National Seminar- Practical approach in Prasutitantra And Streerog 2015” 2 ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015 Vol. 3 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved 6)Patients with immunocomprasive to diseases. patient.Then sterile Bruhatiphala Dwiharidra kalka is [Like HIV etc.] 7)Patients the kept in prathmavarta.As kalka is with tikshna it is placed for 2hrs.Then it physiological white discharge. is removed and irrigation of 8)Patients having age group of prathamavarta above 45yrs and below 18 yrs of lukewarm water. age. Total Dose :10 gm once daily for METHODS -Study Group- 7 days. 30 patients were treated with 5. Bruhatiphala TREATMENT: - and Dwiharidra Kalka’s Yonipuran. is done with DURATION OF In Text, the duration of OF treatment for this drug is not ADMINISTRATION: - Patients given. So initially all the patients were given the drug in following were treated for 7 days. In way common the duration of period for MODE Prayog : Prathamavarta. Swaroop – Kalka 4 . Matra [Dose]: 1) Kalka giving these medicines was selected as 7 days. 6. FOLLOW UP: - 5 -10 gm OD During treatment Per vaginally for 7 Days. all course the of signs & symptoms are noted on Day 1st, Aushadha Sevan Kala of Kalka-Post Menstrual.. Kalka is taken on gauge and tampoon is made.Its sterilization done.Lithotomy position is given Day 3rd, Day 7th . Examination of the patients were done again on Day 15th to study the recurrence of the symptoms 7.OBSERVATION TABLESR. OBSERVATIONS DURING TREATMENT AFTER *Special Issue for “National Seminar- Practical approach in Prasutitantra And Streerog 2015” 3 ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015 Vol. 3 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved NO. TREATMENT 1st A] 3rd 7th 15th Yonigata Shwetastrava 1. Praman Absent Alpa Madhyam Adhik2.SwaroopAbsent DravaTantoolGranthi3. Gandha AbsentPresent- B] Yonigata Vedana- Absent AlpaMadhyamC] Adhik Sthanik Kandu Absent Presentnot be graded so we gave these For assessment of Clinical results symptoms a subjective type of we prepared symptom flowchart gradation [i.e. observed by the by giving gradations to symptoms. patients]. The symptom like Gandha, could OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS *Special Issue for “National Seminar- Practical approach in Prasutitantra And Streerog 2015” 4 ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015 Vol. 3 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: D) Socioeconomic status wise:- - Out of 30 patients, maximum patients were found A) Sex wiseIn this study all female having low socioeconomic status patients were included. followed by middle class& higher B) Age wise- class. They were 18[60%], 9[30%] 1As per inclusion criteria & 3[10%] in numbers of patients we selected patients percentages respectively. having age between 18 years to 45 E) Prakruti wise :- and yrs and we distributed it in four- Out of 30 patients in trial group sub age groups. Out of 30 patients maximum number of patients was number of patients found in age found group less than 25 years were vatanubandhi 9[30%], in 25 to 30 yrs age group by they were 8 [26.66% ] ,in 30 to kaphanubandhi,vata 35yrs age group 6 [20.00%] and in kaphanubandhi and kapha pradhan age group above 35yrs 7 [23.33%] pittanubandhi prakurti. They were in 10[33.33%], numbers and percentage in Kapha pradhana prakruti followed Pitta pradhana 8 pradhan [26.66%], respectively. 6[20.00%],6[20.00%] in numbers C) Occupation wise: - and percentage respectively.. Out of 30 patients in trial group maximum number F) Agni wise:Out of 30 patients of in patients was found in Housewife trial group maximum patients group, were found having Women, service and Business Mandagni,followed by group.They were18[60.00%], Tikshnagni,Vishamagni & 5[16.66%], 5[16.66%] followed and2[6.66%] in by Farming number & Samagni. They were 21[70.00%],5[16.66%],2[6.66%],2 percentage respectively. *Special Issue for “National Seminar- Practical approach in Prasutitantra And Streerog 2015” 5 ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved [6.66%] in numbers & percentage having mild kandu & no kandu respectively. was found in 24 patients. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS:- 3) Yonigata vedana:- 1) According to Strava Out of 30 Patients in Trial group, Pramana:Out of 30 patients in trial Yonigat vedana was present in Mild grade in 12 group maximum patients were [40.00%]& found having moderate Strava symptom pramana followed by severe & 18[60.00%] mild before treatment. They were After treatment 2 patients had mild 20[66.66%], vedana, while 28 patients had no 6[20.00.%], &4[13.33%] percentage in numbers respectively. & yonigata was not before vedana found in treatment. vedana. After treatment 2 patients were having 4) Gandha:- moderate strava, 4 were having Out of 30 patients in trial mild strava & no strava was found group 12 patients [40.00%] had in 24 patients. Gandha symptom & absent in 18 patients [60.00%] before 2) Kandu:- treatment. After treatment Gandha Out of 30 patients in trial group was found present in 2 patients. maximum patients were found DISCUSSION OF CLINICAL having moderate kandu followed OBSERVATIONS: by 1] Strava: severe & mild treatment.They before were Patients were selected 20[66.66%],5[16.66%],5[16.66%] having Yonigat Shweta strava in in percentage severe, moderate & mild grade in respectively. After treatment 2 was study group. After treatment strava having was absent in 24 patients. numbers & moderate Kandu,4 were *Special Issue for “National Seminar- Practical approach in Prasutitantra And Streerog 2015” 6 ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015 Vol. 3 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved Bruhatiphala Dwiharidra’s kalka Due to the Kaphaghna, Kapha-Klheda shoolaghna shoshak action, action, acts as kaphaghna, kledaghna & shothahar krimighna. So Gandha symptom is action of the trial drug, it is found controlled. effective in the trial group. So the Gandha was found in 12 result is highly significant. patients out of 30 patients in trial 2] Kandu : group. After treatment it was Patients showed in Sthanik trial kandu group absent in 28 patients in trial group. as So the trial drug is effective on gandha symptom. explained in earlier topics due to kaphaghna, kledaghna krimighna, twachya properties of trial drug the symptom kandu reduces. CONCLUSION 1. After treatment kandu was After the present study, it can absent in 24 patients in trial group. be concluded Bruhatiphala Kalka’s The drug is effective on and yonipuran Dwiharidra is quite symptom kandu; so it can be said effective that the drug is highly significant. Yonivyapada. Signs & symptoms 3] Yonigata Vedana : as well as pathological conditions Kaphaja improves with a dose & duration Patients showed yonigata mentioned in the study. alpa vedana,after treatment vedana was absent in 28 patients .So the on that 2. As Ayurvedic Drugs are trial drug is effective on vedana cheaper & available easily in symptom,so it can be said that trial market. Patients can afford the drug is significant. treatment easily. 4] References Gandha : Gandha symptom found in trial group because of krimi pradurbhava, kleda, kapha dushti. 1. Vaidya Yadavaji Trikamji Acharya, Charak Samhita with Chakrapani commentary Chikitsa sthana chapter 30 citation no 5 , *Special Issue for “National Seminar- Practical approach in Prasutitantra And Streerog 2015” 7 ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved Chaukambha Surharati Prakashana Varanasi page no. 634. 2. Prof. Jyotir Mitra Ashtangsangram of Vagbhatcharya Sashilekha with Commentryv by Indu Edited by Dr. Shivprasad Sharma Sharir Sthana Chapter 2 citation no 60 Chaukambha Sanskrit series office Varanasi page no 284 Uttartantra chapter 38 citation no 27 Chaukambha Varanasi page no 163 4. Prof K R Srikanta Murthy Sharandhar Samhita A Treatse on Ayurveda Mahyam khanda chapter 5 citation Chaukambha no 1 Orientalia Varanasi page no 81. 5. Prof K R Srikanta Murthy Sharandhar Samhita A Treatse on Ayurveda Mahyam khanda 3. Kaviraj Dr.Ambikadatta Shastri Sushrut Samhita sansthana chapter 5 citation Chaukambha no 1 Orientalia Varanasi page no 81. Sanskrit Cite this article: TO STUDY CLINICAL EFFICACY OF BRUHATI & DWIHARIDRA IN KAPHAJ YONIVYAPAD BY YONIPURAN. JAYASHREE SAWASHE Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science-2014; 2(4): 1-8 *Special Issue for “National Seminar- Practical approach in Prasutitantra And Streerog 2015” 8
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