La Madeleine THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF ST. MARY MAGDALEN PARISH WELCOMES YOU TO WORSHIP FR. LOUIS J. RICHARD, Pastor FR. NEIL PETTIT, Associate Pastor DEACON TAM M. TRAN DEACON RANDY E. HYDE DEACON WILLIAM VINCENT BAPTISMS NEW PARISHIONERS WELCOME!! Please call the parish office to register Sunday 12:15 PM Please call the parish office to schedule RECONCILIATION MASSES Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:00, 9:30, & 11:00 AM 3:00 PM (Vietnamese) 5:30 PM Saturday: 2:30 - 3:30 PM Sunday: 4:45 - 5:15 PM Before weekday Mass Other times by request WEEKDAY MASSES Monday - Saturday: 6:30 AM MARRIAGE ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the parish office to schedule Please contact the parish office at least SIX months before marriage date PARISH STAFF Mrs. Eileen Boudoin, Cemetery Manager Mr. Malcolm d’Augereau, Maintenance Mrs. Merle Gary, Receptionist Mr. Tommy Guidry, Director of Music/Organist Deacon Randy Hyde, Christian Service Center Director Mr. Drew David, Youth Director Ms. Renella Livers, Christian Formation Director Mr. Sidney Savoie, II, Outreach Evangelization Deacon David Vaughn, Business Manager Mrs. Kim White, Housekeeper Saint Mary Magdalen Church 300 Pere Megret P. O. Box 1507 Abbeville, LA 70511-1507 website: Telephone: 893-0244 First Sunday of Lent February 22, 2015 LENTEN MISSION There will be a Lenten Mission at St. Mary Magdalen on Monday, March 23rd & Tuesday, March 24th at 6:30 p.m. presented by Fr. Matthew Higginbotham The Challenge of Lent During Lent we might consider a Greek word that resonates during the season: metanoia. Just the sound of it is challenging and commands attention. Literally, the word means “to change one’s mind.” In our Christian tradition it has come to be connected with repentance and more importantly, to conversion. But perhaps the online Merriam Webster dictionary defines it most beautifully: metanoia– a transformative change of heart. To Catholic stewards, that phrase perfectly defines our yearning during Lent. We yearn to be transformed by a change of heart. Actually, that kind of change can be a scary proposition. It sounds risky. It’s certainly life-changing. If metanoia actually took place within us, if we allowed that kind of heart-based transformation into our lives, would our lives be different? On the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (January 11) the Gospel reading revealed to us that Jesus walked down to the Jordan River and asked John the Baptist to baptize Him. There were two men, utterly transformed. John would call others to repentance in preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Jesus would be led by the Holy Spirit into the desert before embarking on a ministry that proclaimed the Kingdom of God. John would be beheaded for his ministry; Jesus would be crucified. Are we ready to be transformed during this Lenten season? Yes, we want to be good during Lent, attend extra Masses, lay off the chocolate, make sure the family attends Holy Week liturgies. But metanoia? Transformation alters us, opens our hearts in radical ways. We witness it in the couple who adopted, with very little time for discernment, three kids who had been orphaned and needed to be kept together; in the family that makes a decision to tithe despite financial worries; or the doctor who travels abroad to take care of the sick and impoverished during his vacation time. Transformation requires courage. It is not a thing casually approached. Perhaps our Lenten resolve shouldn’t be limited to the usual small sacrifices or token pieties, but to a deep commitment to a daily prayer that asks for the courage to be transformed by a change of heart. Let this simple prayer suffuse our Lent: “Even if it takes time, Lord, make me smaller in the world, bigger in the kingdom.” Metanoia– let us rise to the challenge of the Christ who beckons us to follow Him this Lent into the desert. ICSC, 2015 Page 1 MASS INTENTIONS for the week of February 23rd—March 1st, 2015 MONDAY Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Mt 25:31-46 St. Polycarp 6:30 A.M. Leah Broussard; Cody Ross Mire; Austin Trahan TUESDAY Is 55:10-11; Mt 6:7-15 6:30 A.M. Mrs. Rene (Ann.) LeBlanc, Sr. & Fly.; Johnnie & Genevieve Broussard; Gladys & Lenes Duhon; Austin Trahan WEDNESDAY Jon 3:1-10; Lk 11:29-32 6:30 A.M. John Vidos; Dr. & Mrs. P.O. Landry & Fly.; Prayer Blanket Intentions; Norma Zerangue Telotta; Wills Lege (Ann.); Cindy & Galvez Baudoin & Fly.; Gerald Libersat, Sr. ; Stanley Guidry; Greg Mouledous; Allen Bares, Jr.; Austin Trahan THURSDAY Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Mt 7:7-12 6:30 A.M. Vincent Tu; Austin Trahan FRIDAY Ez 18:21-28; Mt 5:20-26 6:30 A.M. Fr. Louie Richard; Cindy Baudoin & Fly.; Elvina Bourque & Fly.; Austin Trahan SATURDAY Dt 26:16-19; Mt 5:43-48 6:30 A.M. Lovelace & Gertie Broussard; Austin Trahan VIGIL OF THE SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Rom 8:31b-34; Mk 9:2-10 4:00P.M. Nicole LeBlanc; Ray Frederick; M/M Stanley Morton; M/M John Vigneaux; Elaine Mary Theriot; Angel & Michael B. Faulk; Loule Faulk & Fly.; John Vidos; Tony & Enid Guarino; Josephine Guarino; M/M Sam Guarino & Fly.; Leonard & Wayne Sellers; Heloise Broussard; Barbara & Daniel Jude Broussard; J. D. Mouton; Roger C. Sellers; Othon & Alma Trahan; Whitney & Rita Bonin; Dot Sellers; Thang Do THE SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Rom 8:31b-34; Mk 9:2-10 7:00 A.M. Hope Mazzeno; George Veazey & Fly.; Johnnie & Genevieve Broussard; Austin Trahan 9:30 A.M. Lovelace & Gertie Broussard; S. Wyble & Fly.; Mark S. Mouton (Ann.); Wardray & Vargie Landry; Joseph Bui Huy Long; Maria Do Thi Vui 11:00 A.M. For the Parishioners 3:00 P.M. All Souls; Peter Nguyen 5:30 P.M. Greg Mouledous Flu Season—Refrain from Sign of Peace We have decided for the next several weeks of the height of the Flu Season to discontinue the traditional “Sign of Peace” handshake greeting at Mass. This is a temporary move to help reduce the spread of communicable disease during this intense Flu Season. Spiritual Life and Worship SCHEDULE FOR : February 23, 2015—March 1, 2015 Monday 4:30 p.m. Come Lord Jesus Group 6:00 p.m. Journey through the Bible Series Tuesday 6:30 p.m. RCIA Wednesday 6:30 a.m. Men of Mary Group Attend Mass/Recite Rosary 9:00 a.m. Safe Environment Training 5:15 p.m. Children’s Choir 6:30 pm Adult Choir Thursday 7:00 a.m. Adoration with Exposition until 10:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. VC Mass Friday 5:30 p.m. Way of the Cross REMINDER: During Lent, Way of the Cross will be held in Church on Fridays at 5:30 p.m. February 20-March 27 Tenebrae ~ Palm Sunday, March 29th at 7:00 p.m. A program of prayer, chant and choral music featuring adult and children’s choirs Baptisms Naomi Helen Bertrand child of Roy “Tre” Bertrand, III and Megan Elizabeth Pearson Francis Martin Bui child of Luke Duc Bui and Linh Dinh Kieu Banns Thomas Charles Holleman and Ashley Ann Fletcher ADORERS NEEDED Eucharistic Adoration with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is held every Thursday after the 6:30 a.m. Mass until 10:00 p.m. Thursday night. The hours of 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. are in need of adorers. Please contact Mason Romero at 893-7753 or email if you are interested or need more information. EXPLORING THE LITURGIES OF HOLY WEEK PALM SUNDAY THROUGH EASTER Presented by Faye Drobnic, Diocesan Office of Worship Monday, February 23rd - St. Theresa Church, Abbeville 6:30 p.m. –8:30 p.m. No fee or registration required *Catechist certification: Level V or VI elective substitute, 3 credits, 2 hours, repeat presentation so may be earned only once. LENTEN MISSION—ST. THERESA CHURCH, ABBEVILLE Monday, March 23 – Wednesday, March 25 at 6:00 p.m. Mass will also be celebrated. For more information call the office at 893-5631. LENTEN MISSION—OUR LADY OF THE LAKE, DELCAMBRE Monday, March 9 & Tuesday, March 10 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Penance Service: Wednesday, March 11 6:30 p.m. Presented by Fr. Nathan Comeaux. For more information call 337-685-4426. APOSTOLATE OF PRAYER -SAINT PEREGRINE On To Eternal Rest PRIESTS PRAYER CALENDAR Virley Bodin Duhon and Hilda Ardeneaux Pesson A statue of St. Peregrine, patron saint of cancer patients, along with a prayer blanket, rosary, novena, and other religious items will be available to place in homes for prayer and meditation. This is for anyone who may be suffering with, or has been affected in their life by cancer. Call the Parish Office at 893-0244 if you or someone you know would like to have the statue in your home. Please pray for a priest each day: Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE—SATURDAY & SUNDAY FEB. 28 & March 1, 2015 of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold If you cannot serve at your appointed time please find a substitute to fill the spot. Thank you. them into the likeness of Your Ada Duhon L Curtis Landry (S) EOM Matthew Romero AS Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Saturday 4:00 p.m. Fr. Barzare Vicky Landry L Vicky Landry EOM Eileen Garrett AS Priest. May their lives be pleasAda Duhon EOM ing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen Monday, February 23rd: Rev. Dan Edwards Tuesday, February 24th: Rev. Darren Eldridge Wed., February 25th: Rev. Peter Emusa Thurs., February 26th: Rev. Cyprian Eze Friday, February 27th: Rev. Richard Fabre Sat., February 28th: Rev. Kendall Faulk Sunday, March 1st: Pope Francis Sunday 7:00 a.m. Fr. Jude Halphen Francis Cao David LaCour L Francis Cao L Pat Langlinais (S)EOM Kay DeHart EOM Sunday 9:30 a.m. Fr. David Bertrand L Susie Bertrand L Joseph Vallee (S)EOM Byron Hebert EOM Joseph Berberich EOM Phyllis Berberich EOM Meg Hebert L Byron Hebert L Eileen Boudoin (S) Susan DesOrmeaux EOM Jules Hebert EOM Merle Gary EOM Sunday 11:00 a.m. Fr. Jude Halphen CHOIR SINGS Josh LeBlanc Deacon Vincent Baptism: Deacon Vincent Sunday 5:30 p.m. Fr. Keith Landry Joan Greco (S) NO WEDDINGS (AS) Altar Server (L) Lector (S) Sacristan Sid Savoie L Kathleen Miller EOM Philomenia Hatch L Robert Gallet EOM Sid Savoie EOM Letty Gallet EOM David LaCour AS Michael LaCour AS Aaron Bertrand AS Jack Henry AS Maria-Elena DesormeauxAS Anne Catherine Gallet AS MC: William Faulk Cruc: Bill Broussard Thur: Zachary Broussard Aco: Ross Cao Aco: Celeste Broussard Emory Quackenbos AS Luke Roger AS Jude Roger AS Joshua Listi AS (EOM) Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Page 2 Community Life & Outreach ST. JOSEPH’S BEREAVEMENT COMMITTEE YOUNG APOSTLES NEWS AND EVENTS Next Youth Group meeting will be held on Sunday, February 22nd at the Pere Megret Center from 6:30-8:00 p.m. ALL Steubenville South participants must attend. AN EVENING WITH CHRISTOPHER WEST The Office of Marriage and Family Life is sponsoring An Evening with Christopher West on March 7, 2015. The doors open at 6:15pm with dinner at 6:30pm and talk at 7:30pm. The evening will be held at the St. Pius X Life Center, 201 E. Bayou Parkway, Lafayette, LA 70508. Join us and our speaker Christopher West, author of “Fill These Hearts: God, Sex, and the Universal Longing”. The cost for the evening is $50.00 per couple/ $25 singles which includes your dinner. For more information or to register, please visit our website, Personal Lenten Spiritual Enrichment Ideas: Create daily “prayer pauses”- implement time for personal reflection and prayer. Evaluate what self-sacrifice means to you, particularly in relation to your willingness and degree of regular giving and serving. Reflect upon the parable of the mustard seed, use Lent to become a strong vine from the branch of God’s kingdom. Dedicate your mind and body, your gifts and opportunities, for fruitful productivity in daily stewardship living. Participate in parish/diocesan Lenten activities– Way of the Cross, penance service, missions, and Holy Week liturgies to prepare for the glorious celebration of Easter. Dear brethren, the Lord has marked out for us the fullness of love that we ought to have for each other. He tells us: No one has greater love than the man who lays down his life for his friends. In these words, the Lord tells us what the perfect love we should have for one another involves. John, the evangelist who recorded them, draws the conclusion in one of his letters: As Christ laid down his life for us, so we too ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. We should indeed love one another as he loved us, he who laid down his life for us. ~ St. Augustine Page 3 Volunteers are needed for St. Mary Magdalen’s St. Joseph Bereavement Society. Please call Melissa Vincent for more information at 337-322-8489. Also, if you are a current volunteer, please call Melissa to update your contact information. Thank You! ENGAGED COUPLES Spend a weekend away from the cares and distractions of everyday living. Attend a Catholic Engaged Encounter Weekend in preparation for your marriage. Upcoming weekend dates are March 6-8, and April 17-19. For cost of weekends, other dates, and to learn more, visit our website at or contact Paul & Carolyn Trahan at 337-254-8947 or 337-898-9257, or cee.trahan@gmailcom. Find us on Facebook at Lafayette Catholic Engaged Encounter. World Wide Marriage Encounter Weekend MARRIED COUPLES: Valentine’s Day is coming! You’re thinking roses or candy, but shortly after, the roses are wilted and the candy is gone. Why not do something that will last a lifetime! Escape from the busyness of your hectic lifestyle and endless obligations and spend some very special time together. Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend and give each other the gift of yourself. The Weekend focuses of effective communication techniques, which will enhance the intimacy in your relationship. The next available WWME weekend in Baton Rouge on March 6-8, 2015 at the Tracy Conference Center. For more information call (800586-5469) email ( or go on-line at MOTHER’S DAY OF REFLECTION Our next annual Mother’s Day of Reflection will be held on Wednesday, May 6, 2015, St. Edmond Church Hall from 9:00 am-2:00 pm. Our speaker for the day will be Patty Schneier, who will speak on God, I Really Don’t Have Time for This! And I Always Wanted to be a Princess. Registration for the day in now open. Please visit our website to register, SPECIAL NEEDS CURSILLO The Special Needs Cursillo is scheduled to begin on Thursday evening, April 16th, until Sunday, April 19th, 2015. It is held at the Cursillo Center in Prairie Ronde, LA, with accommodations for the weekend. Everyone is invited to attend, handicap, elderly and anyone who cannot make the regular weekend and wants to come. The criteria is being Catholic and in a valid marriage and having a sponsor who has made Cursillo. Accommodation can be made for a sponsor if needed and financial help if necessary. Nurses are on staff and doctors are on call to cater to and administer medication when and if needed. Transportation is available by calling Gloria Matte at 337-658-3759 Christian Formation Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion Safe Environment Program 2015 Initial and Continuing Education Schedule 2015 Wednesday , February 25, 2015 St. Mary Magdalen Ministries Building 9:00— 10:00 am Continuing 9:00—11:00 am Initial The next session for the 2nd grade CCD preparation program for First Reconciliation and First Communion will be on Tuesday, March 10, at 4:15 p.m. in the Ministries Building. Practice for the First Communion Ceremony will be on Tuesday, May 5, at 6:00 p.m. First Communion Ceremony is on Saturday, May 9, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. OFFICE OF VOCATIONS Event: Vocations Supper for Young Men When: Wednesday, March 4, 2015 6:30 p.m. Where: Immaculata Center, 1408 Carmel Drive, Lafayette Contact: Director of Vocations (337) 261-5690 Deadline to register: March 2, 2015 Call Deacon Vaughn at 893-0244 To access the Protecting God’s Children Awareness Training for Continuing Education simply go to click on the “Registration” link highlighted in yellow and select “Begin the registration process”. It is customary that the pastor or a religious accompany the candidate(s) to the Vocation Supper. A sponsoring pastor/ religious may bring one or two candidates. Space is limited to fifteen (15), so register early. Page 4 Stewardship and Development Weekly Offertory Second Collections February 15, 2015 Collection Regular Collection: $ 10,245.61 Second Collection: Maintenance Fund $ 2,766.84 Thank You for your generosity. This Weekend NO SECOND COLLECTION Next Weekend MONTHLY INSURANCE COLLECTION Gracious God, You sent us Your Spirit to help us live the Gospel according to the gifts we have been given. Show us how to be good stewards of your grace and passionate followers of Christ, Your Son. Grant us the wisdom to recognize that through His gift of the Eucharist there is one bread, and we are one body. Give us the strength to proclaim His Good News in word and deed. Teach us to live, no longer for ourselves, but in Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen. Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great “Eternal Father, I offer thee the most precious blood of thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen” Our Lord told St. Gertrude the Great that the above prayer would release 1000 souls from Purgatory each time it is said. The prayer was extended to include living sinners as well. Page 5 Reflection for February 22, 2015 In today’s Gospel, Jesus urges his listeners to do two things: to believe in the Good News and to repent. The steward is called to repent: to acquire an openness to begin anew, to change existing attitudes and habits, and to act with faith in the Gospel. In this season of Lent, now is the time to ask ourselves whether or not we truly believe in the Gospel; and if we do, to what extent are we willing to change our prevailing habits and be more faithful to the Gospel? Time, Talent, and Treasure NEW MAUSOLEUM AT ST. PAUL CEMETERY St. Mary Magdalen is pleased to announce the completion of its newest mausoleum at St. Paul Cemetery located on Jacqulyn Street. This beautiful structure, dedicated to the crucifixion of Jesus Cross, is complemented with a bronze and wood crucifix and is marked by sections designated as Our Lady of Sorrows Walk, St. Joseph Corridor, St. Veronica Walk and St. Joseph of Arimathea Walk. The building contains crypts for single and double burials as well as niches for single cremation burials. For questions and sales information, please contact the Cemetery Office at 337/893-0244. Page 6 Langlinais & Broussard ____________________________________ Certified Public Accountants 2419 Veterans Memorial Dr. 893-6232 209 S. St. Charles Street, Abbeville 893-4661 TRICIA H. LEGE, O.D. Therapeutic Optometrist 204 N. St. Charles, Abbeville 337-740-2020 Compliments of Mr. & Mrs. Joe Berberich and Colby Providing Insurance and Financial Services TERRI LANDRY 893-9122 THOMAS Richard A. Broussard Since 1945 893-5515 312 S. State All Forms of Insurance 500 S. State St. INSURANCE AGENCY Insurance Agency 893-5183 Wayne Hebert, CLU Agent Bus. 893-7490 Res. 893-6089 400 Corporate Corner EARL’S FURNITURE Phil’s F & R Air Conditioning Inc. Boys & Girls Wear 316 S. State Richard’s Meat Market Nu-Tek ASE Fresh Meats “Best Boudin in Town” 893-1724 Car Service Center, Inc. COMPLETE VEHICLE SERVICE ON ALL IMPORTS & DOMESTICS W/CONPLETE IN-HOUSE MACHINE SHOP 219 W. SUMMERS DR. PH: (337) 898-1955 ABBEVILLE, LA FAX: (337) 898-1953 RAY CHEVROLET-OLDS, INC. DAV I D FUNERAL HOMES 893-1243 893-3777 Doré&Company TAX, ACCOUNTING, BUSINESS SERVICES 404 Pere Megret St. 893-5400 Residential & Commercial 119 S. John M Hardy Dr. 893-5646 St. Mary Magdalen Cemetery Columbarium Units/Cremation Niches St. Paul Cemetery Lots and Mausoleum Crypts Contact St. Mary Magdalen Church 337-893-0244 “Creating peace of mind by building solid spiritual relationships”. In memory of Beverly P. Noel DUHON BROS. OIL CO., INC. “The Security Of Quality Healthcare, The Comfort Of Home” 716 W. Summers Your Convenient Local Service Bank THIS SPACE AVAILABLE! Distributor—Texaco Petroleum Products 1-800-754-6990 Jude Duhon—Pres. Lafayette • Crowley • New Iberia • Opelousas 818 S. Henry 893-0674 Food Allergies? All Natural Certified Organic 893-6304 Prescriptions -Compounding-Medical Equipment Attorney At Law 893-5776 A Corporation of Certified Public Accountants Susan M. Broussard 898-1237 In Memory of Debbie Kite Andy Veazey Attorney at Law 2 Flagg Place, Lafayette, LA 70508 (337) 234-5350 Fax: (337) 234-5310 Sales & Service 1915 S. State 893-0642 Arabie Construction Excellent References Home & Commercial Improvements 893-3753 MINVIELLE Lumber Co. 1412 South State Street Lumber & Building Material 893-3881 Abbeville Meridional Voice of Vermilion Parish since 1856. 318 N. MAIN ST. 893 -4223 TWO SOUTH MAGDALEN SQUARE • 893-6161 RONALD W. MELEBECK 203 S. Jefferson Street 337-893-5470 The Let us plan your wedding or special event. Compliments of Tiona Broussard 337.898.2067 337.207.2322 MARY KAY Magdalen Place Please patronize our advertisers This is the best way to thank them for your bulletin. To place a business advertisement, or a memorial to a loved one or friend, call the parish office at 893-0244. Lance Legé, D.D.S. Family Dentistry 904 N. Cushing, Kaplan 643-7766 JAMES A. NOEL, JR. La. State Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser #R0638 898-1166 409 E. Lafayette St. EdwardJones ASSISTED LIVING 2309 Richard Street, Abbeville, LA 70510 Edie Casselman, Executive Director phone 898-1944 • fax 892-1298 • cell 250-1294 EST. 1910 BAbbeville ANK OF ERATH Branch Erath Branch 1309 Charity Street Abbeville, LA 70510 337 893 3761 Delcambre Branch 102 West Main St. Delcambre, LA 70528 105 West Edwards St. Erath, LA 70533 337 937 5816 Kimble Sagrera AAMS, ChFC, CLU Financial Advisor 337-898-2117 In Memory of Justin and “Jay” Broussard Angela Gallet Director 898-2912 899 West Port St.
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