Term 1: February 18, 2015 newsletter St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School: Phone 3481 4600 Fax 3481 4699 Absentee 3481 4688 Email pmangohill@bne.catholic.edu.au Principal Mark Creevey Dear Parents, Today is Ash Wednesday. It is an important day in the church calendar as it is the beginning of Lent. During this Lenten period we will be participating in a variety of both personal and religious activities. Just one of these activities is our social action and justice focus on the support for the Catholic organization called Caritas. Mr Kitchener will share with the students what our focus will be this year. In the past our students have become very supportive of the wonderful work that Cartias does in our name as we have raised money for different purposes to assist needy communities. Our money raised has been directed towards the purchase of livestock, digging wells, providing education, transport and fishing equipment. When we combine our contributions we can really make a difference in the lives of whole communities. Lent concludes with the deeply religious and significant occasions of Holy Week and Easter. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Today 27 of our students are representing themselves and our school community at the District Swimming Carnival at the Lawnton pool. We wish our students the very best for the day. Mrs Creese, Mrs Hogan and Mrs Penny will accompany the students in our school bus. Tonight there is a P&F meeting to gather data about wish lists for expenditure in 2015. If you would like to contribute to this discussion please come along and provide some ideas for the P&F. The meeting starts at 7pm in the staffroom. You are most welcome. If any parents would like to assist the school in a Volunteer role you will need to attend an Induction for Volunteers. This is for new families or families who have found their circumstances have changed and they are now able to assist in the classroom, at the Café, on excursions and the like. Two sessions are currently planned, as listed in last week’s newsletter, for Wednesday afternoon at 2pm and Thursday morning commencing at 8:30am. Hope to see you there! Every Week Sometimes not first or last week of Term. Assembly 8.30am Wednesdays Uniform Shop Mondays 2.30pm-4pm Fridays 8.00am-9.30am Cafe Wednesdays & Fridays School Banking Tuesdays Mini Singers (Prep-2) 7.45am Tuesdays (Library) Starting Week 4 Senior Band Practice 7.30am Wednesdays (Hall-Stage Area) Junior Choir (Yr 2-3) 7.45am Wednesdays (Music Room) BP Choir (Yr 4-6) 7.45am Thursdays (Music Room) Yr6 Choir (New) Wednesdays & Fridays (1st Break in Music Room) Playgroup 8.30am Tuesdays (OSHC) Piano/Keyboard Music Tuesdays & Thursdays (OSHC Bldg) Guitar Lessons Wednesdays (full) Term 1: February 18, 2015 Principal Mark Creevey Parents, some of our practices involving our drop off and pick up of students needs to be reviewed. I will do this in conjunction with our high school colleagues. Our high school students are released from school at 2:30pm on three days and at 3:00pm on two days. This is so that it doesn’t clash with our departure at 2:45pm each day. As a school community with over 800 students we need to streamline these procedures as much as possible. Two improvements are possible: The first improvement should be at morning drop off time when the students alight from vehicles they should move more quickly and smartly to their designated waiting areas. I have seen parents hastily combing hair amongst many other things which contributes to the congestion in the mornings. Please be mindful of other parents wanting to use the space provided and be as efficient as is possible. The second improvement we can make is that there be no queueing in the drive-through zone before 2:40pm as the high school students will be picked up there when they have their 2:30pm finish. This happens three days every week. There is no need for parents to queue from 2:25pm as all that is achieved is a congested carpark. We are a smart learning community that constantly evolves and meets the needs of a continually changing environment. Let’s be part of the solution and not be part of the problem. I recognize there are other issues but collaboratively we will address these too. Tomorrow we will be having the second of our emergency procedures drills. This is our Lock Down Drill. Whilst we sincerely hope we never have to use either the Fire Evacuation or the Lock Down procedures, in reality it is best to be prepared. Prep enrolments for 2016 continue to roll in and we will commence the interview process towards the end of the term. Flexischools Café Menu Ready for Action. Apologies for the problems with our online ordering system - flexischools. It is now working properly. Please check that you have correctly updated your student's class. If you have any problems please email fcstoreywood1@bigpond.com. Tennis Australia are providing a FREE tennis racquets and shirts for all interested Prep students at St Benedict's. A form will be sent home with the prep students this week which must be completed by the 27th February in order to receive this gift. All forms to be returned to the tennis coach hampson.wayne@gmail.com or to the school office by Friday 27th February. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Thought for the Week: “The secret to success is never to give up” Have a great week Regards Mark Ash Wednesday 2 Term 1: February 18, 2015 3 APA Jo Scott-Pegum Dear Parents, Meet Our Staff I have asked the new staff to prepare a short bio to introduce themselves to the school community and each week we will enjoy reading a small snippet about our new staff members. This week I introduce Rachael Hayles our Year 6R teacher. Dream, Believe, Create, Succeed! My life’s motto. If you can dream it and believe in it you CAN create it and succeed! Hello, my name is Rachael and I am originally from Mackay. My parents still live in our family home where my younger sister, Sarann and I grew up and love to return home to as often as we can. I grew up wanting only to be a teacher and as such have been teaching for 9 years. I have taught at Doomadgee, Moranbah, Mackay, London and Brisbane. I have a love of travelling and my next venture is South America or Africa. New York is simply one of my most favourite cities in the world. My love of travelling began as a 16 and a half year old when I went on exchange for 12 months to Zurich, Switzerland. I love sport and keeping fit. I used to play a lot of netball and touch football. I also have a love of EATING! I class cheese as a food group. I enjoy cooking but could do with some baking practice. I am very pleased to be teaching here at St. Benedict’s and look forward to getting to know everyone. Rachael. Year 6 Leadership Day On Monday I was honoured to be a co-presenter of the Year 6 leadership day along with Mr Creevey, Mr Kitchener and the Year 6 teachers. The Year 6 students showed great signs of leadership on the day: cooperation, listening, resilience and patience to name a few. Some students also faced one of their fears by taking a turn with public speaking. When the students were with me we looked at some of the challenges and hopes that they hold for their year. They were also inspired by words of wisdom from other leaders and were given the opportunity to choose some wise words to think and reflect upon. The final activity we did together required the students to draft their St Benedict’s epitaph – what they would like to be remembered for when they leave our school at the end of the year. I was inspired by who they are, how they think, what their dreams are and how they work together in a collaborative and cooperative way. We are blessed with our student leaders of 2015. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Brain Rule 3: Sleep Well, think well. (John Medina ’Brain Rules’) The brain is in constant state of tension between cells and chemicals that try to put you to sleep and cells and chemicals that try to keep you awake. The neurons of your brain show vigorous rhythmical activity when you’re asleep – perhaps replaying what you learned that day. People vary in how much sleep they need and when they prefer to get it, but the biological drive for an afternoon nap is universal. Loss of sleep hurts attention, executive function, worki9ng memory, mood, quantitative skills, logical reasoning and even motor dexterity. Food for thought! Kind Regards, Jo Good Luck! Good luck to Bailey Nikl, Thomas Irvine, Thomas Howarth(AFL), Jacinta Fitzgerald, Emmalea Chivers, Joshua Lude, Thomas Arato and Jordan Randall who were selected at School trials to go to the Pine Rivers District Trials for Basketball and AFL. Term 1: February 18, 2015 Sport Our District Swim Team Laurel Creese Dear Parents, Attention Years 4, 5 and 6 Students (Pine Rivers District Trials - Term 1) Thanks to the parents who sent back the green form which outlines what sports your child is involved in. There are a lot of students involved in sport after school which is great! Congratulations to our Swimming Team who were selected to compete at the Pine Rivers District Swimming Carnival this Wednesday 18th February. The Pine Rivers District (PRD) trials for various sports are coming up quickly and are held nearly every week. I have outlined the dates for Term 1 and will update this for Term 2 later. Please refer to www.pineriverssport.qld.edu.au for more information if necessary. We will be inviting students in Year 5 and 6 and sometimes Year 4 to trial at school in order to select students to attend these trials. Important points: We invite students at school first and then we have a St Benedict’s (SB) trial. Students are selected on skills and behaviour. If they are selected they are given forms to complete and there is normally a small trial fee which has to be paid at the office. The SB and PRD trials are not compulsory. If you or your child decides not to participate that’s okay but please inform me especially with PRD trials. Trials are usually for students born 2004 and 2003 however sometimes they open trials up to students born 2005. Trials are for students who already have playing experience or show a special talent. PRD trials are held after school normally from 3.30pm-5.30pm. Parents are responsible for transport to and from the trials and for supervision at the trials. If your child is successful at the PRD trials they will then be selected to compete at the Metropolitan North Regional (MNR) trial. Proposed St Benedict’s and Pine Rivers District Trials Calendar - Term 1 www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Week Students advised/school trial held District Trial Date 10 Years Bridie Bowden Jayda White Lana Tancred Maicy Lynch Georgia Dine Madison Dale Zali O’Shanesy Jonty Springer Frazer Von Dohren James Locke 11 Years Jemma Steine Abby Hanson Alexandra Hill Isabella Panetta Lily Strange Kane Penny Kiel O’Hanlon Kade Fletcher Jayden Taane Thomas Howarth Riley Dan 12 Years Elyssa White Emily Corkeron Paris Murphy Veronica Sala-Eden Cooper Parodi Daniel Bowell 3 School trial for Basketball and AFL Trials 4 School trial for Tennis 5 School trial for Hockey and Rugby League Mon-23/2- PRD Girls Basketball @ Dakabin High-3.30p.m Wed-25/2-PRD Boys Basketball Trials @NLSC -3.30p.m Tues 24/2 - PRD AFL Trials @ Swans AFC Bells Pocket Rd-3.30pm Wed-25/2-MNR 10-13 Swim @ Lawnton 6 Students invited to attend School trial for Netball on Thursday or Friday due to Yr 6 Camp Tues-3/3-PRD Hockey Trials @ Murrumba SSC @ 3.30p.m Thurs-5/3-PRD 12&U Boys & Girls Tennis 7 Students invited to attend School trial for Soccer Tues-10/3-PRD 12&U Rugby League Trials @ Bears FC Mathieson Park, Petrie Wed-11/3 PRD 12&U Netball Trials 2003@Living Faith School and 2004/05@Our Lady of the Way 8 Mon-16/3-MNR 12&U Basketball @ Boondall Tues-17/3-MNR Squash Trials 9 Tues-24/3-PRD 12&U Boys & Girls Soccer Trials @JOR Murrumba Downs 10 Wed-1/4 & Thurs 2/4 MNR U12 AFL Trials @ Zillmere 4 Term 1: February 18, 2015 APRE Brett Kitchener Dear Parents, Today was a significant day in the religious life of our school as we celebrated Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the official start of the season of Lent, a time of preparation in the Church. Lent is preparation for Easter which commences at the end of the Lenten season. During Lent the colour purple is visible in the church and on the priest’s vestments. All classes will symbolically replace the green cloths (ordinary time) on their class prayer tables with purple cloths to represent the commencement of this time of preparation. The other time in the church calendar when purple adorns our place of worship is the season of Advent. This also is a time of waiting and preparation. On this occasion the waiting and preparation is for the season of Christmas. At both Christmas and Easter the colour white is the symbolic colour in the church signifying the most holy of times. Traditionally Catholics have made personal sacrifices during Lent by aiming to “give up” comforts or luxury items. This belief was driven by a desire to appreciate in a very small and personal way the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus our Saviour. In modern times there appears to be a shift in many Christians from giving up to giving more. The Project Compassion campaign, which all Catholic schools within Brisbane Catholic Education commit to, is a clear representation of the notion of giving more. Our Project Compassion campaign for 2015 will be launched on assembly nest week. Our Parish Holy Cross Parish 3293 0800 www.redcliffecatholic parish.com 6pm Saturday Mass at Holy Cross, Kippa Ring (Confessions at 5pm) 7.30am Sunday Mass at Mary Queen of Peace, Woody Point 9am Sunday Mass at Holy Cross, Kippa Ring 9.30am Sunday Mass here at St Benedict's, Mango Hill 5pm Sunday Mass at Holy Cross, Kippa Ring I have come across a prayer reflection about giving up which is well worth our consideration. What to Give Up Give up complaining - focus on gratitude Give up pessimism - become an optimist Give up worry - trust Divine providence Give up anger - be patient Give up pettiness - be mature Give up gloom - enjoy the beauty around us Give up giving up - hang in there www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au New year’s resolutions may have passed. Lent is a time for conversion, an exciting chance to make a new beginning. As Father Brian said to the students in Mass today, ‘it may not be easy but it is a wonderful opportunity which awaits us’. May Lent be a rewarding time for you and your family. Enjoy the rest of your week Brett Ash Wednesday 5 Term 1: February 18, 2015 Resource Centre & Curriculum Amanda Bradford & Ellen Ramsay You must have your library bag to borrow. Library News Star Borrowers We are well into the swing of borrowing for the term. We are keeping an eye on our students that borrow consistently each week. At the end of the term we will be rewarding these ‘Star Borrowers’. Each week students must remember to bring their library bag for borrowing to be considered a star borrower. New Books We have a tonne of new books arriving regularly into our library for students to borrow. Visit our Resource Centre homepage https://libraryl.bne.catholic.edu.au/ oliver/libraryHome.do?corporation=PMAG for more information on some of our new books and for access to the catalogue after hours. Curriculum News Spelling Professional Development This afternoon, our teachers are involved in a Professional Development afternoon based on Spelling, with specific emphasis on spelling strategies and working toward a whole school spelling program. Kim Summers and Michael Cini (Education Officers from Brisbane Catholic Education) will facilitate the session. We look forward to continuing our journey with them. Writing Competition Students of all year levels can enter the 2015 Schools Writing Competition where they can enter short stories or poems, there is no theme and students are encouraged to let their imaginations run wild. There are some fantastic prizes on offer. This competition closes on the 29th March. To enter online or to download an entry form visit http://www.write4fun.net/competitions/54 The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Class Borrowing The theme for 2015, ‘A Young Commonwealth’, recognises that young people account for the majority of the Commonwealth’s population and play a vital role in shaping the world we live in. The Royal Commonwealth Society hopes that the essay topics based on the theme will lend themselves to aspects of the school curriculum and provide opportunities for creative writing. The competition is open to young writers aged 18 and under who are living in, or are a national of, a Commonwealth country or territory. For more information head to https:// thercs.org/youth/competition Please note that the closing date for entries is 1st May 2015. Monday 1B, 2W, 3B, 3W, 5R, 5W, 6B, 6W Wednesday PB, PR, PW, 2B, 2R, 6R Friday 1R, 1W, 3R, 4B, 4R, 4W, 5B Worldbook St Benedict’s has a whole school subscription to WorldBook Online. Everyone in our school community can access this fantastic site! Our subscription allows us to access the three areas within the site – Early World of Learning, Kids and Students. They now have available a mobile version of the website, too! Login http:// worldbookonline.com/ wb/Login?ed=wb Our School User Name stbh Password st4509 Safer Internet Day Safer Internet Day (SID) is organised by Insafe in February of each year to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially amongst children and young people across the world. Below we have included a link to a fact sheet about Privacy on Social Network Websites (Facebook, Instagram). Whilst these are websites that students should not be accessing until they are over the age of 13 years, it is important to be equipped with this valuable information. http://www.saferinternet.org/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=5899d2c2-e7f5-476f-a7e982ba1e052d43&groupId=10137 . 6 Term 1: February 18, 2015 Pastoral Coordinator Helen Hickey What a delight it was to share in the Ash Wednesday Early Years sacred time this morning. The newest members of the St. Benedict’s community, our Preppies, joined the Yr1’s and 2’s in prayer as they listened, sang songs and joined in actions which helped them to understand a little of the Jesus story, in particular, our challenge to grow and change our hearts during this time of Lent. As adults, we don’t have to look very far at all to see the love, forgiveness and compassion of our God in action. It is often seen in unexpected ways in our beautiful children. May this Lent be a time of finding God quite unexpectedly in our lives. Frederick Buechner shares his wisdom... “There is no telling where God may turn up next, around what sudden bend of the path if you have your eyes open, your wits about you, in what odd, small moments almost too foolish to tell.” Watch for evidence of God’s presence. Action for This Week May we as a community continue to pray for and keep close to our hearts the two Australians facing execution in Indonesia. The mere thought of this barbaric action has saddened the hearts of many as the news rippled across the nation. We hope and pray that Frederick Buechner’s wisdom and insight will become a reality for these brave men and their families. “There is no telling where God may turn up next, around what sudden bend of the path.” Playgroup Tuesdays 8.30am to 10.00am Location St Benedict’s OSHC Building This is a great chance for the adults to have a cuppa and meet new families in a relaxed setting while younger children socialise and make friends too. Enquiries hhickey@ bne.catholic.edu.au Playgroup Saint Benedict’s Play Group is held every Tuesday in the OSHC building next to the School Undercover Area. The morning is run by Sandra Price who also works at the OSHC. All are welcome to come along and enjoy a cuppa and some morning tea whilst the children play. A gold coin donation would be appreciated. Please note that we have moved forward our start time to 8.30am and finish time to 10.00am. This is has been done so drop off and start of playgroup runs much smoother for the mums and dads attending. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Peace and blessings Helen Morning tea every Wednesday after assembly in the Hall with Helen. All are welcome! Finance & Fees PMAGFinance@bne.catholic.edu.au Term 1, 2015 School Fees Term 1 school fees Direct Debit Forms were due to the office by Friday 13th February and are available to download from the St Benedict’s school website. If you did not receive your account statement (via email) or would like an up-to-date statement emailed to you, please contact Nerrida on 3481 4600. 7 Term 1: February 18, 2015 Teaching & Learning Michele Lund, Christina Mitchell & Pam Sweeney (Guidance & Counselling psweeney@bne.catholic.edu.au) Parents and Teachers Working Together It is important that as parents you get to know and develop good relationships with those people who care for and educate your children. Having a good relationship with your child’s teacher is one of the most valuable things that you can do for your child at school. It demonstrates to him/her the importance of a positive relationship. If there is an issue then you have an opportunity to model for your child how to solve problems or concerns in a positive and respectful way. It also builds a sense of connectedness and belonging for your child and family. Teachers are keen to get to know your child's needs and interests and to plan for your child's learning. It is much easier to do this when they feel that you are working with them in partnership to help and support your child. Don’t forget if you have a concern that you wish to discuss with your child’s teacher, it is important to make a time to meet outside of class time. Once the bell has rung teachers are focussed on teaching and learning for all the children. To help build a good partnership with your child’s teacher, you might: Share your child's interests, activities or fears with your child’s teacher. Share ideas about what you know works best for your child e.g. preparing your child for a change in routine or if there is a relief teacher. Ask questions about how your child is going and how you can help Be as involved as much as you can in activities at the school e.g. help out in class activities, in the library, at working bees and at school functions. Join in with the wider school community and Parent and Friends group Discuss any issues or concerns relating to your child with the teacher in private. You will need to make a mutually convenient time. Let the teacher know when you are pleased about something that has happened at school and when you feel that your child is feeling happy and learning well. St Benedict’s Lego Club This year there has been a significant increase in the number of students in Prep to Year 2 who wish to participate in Lego Club during play times. We would greatly appreciate any donations of Lego to add what we have available for the children to play with. Please send to the Teaching and Learning room. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Cafe fcstoreywood1@bigpond.com.au Hours Our St Benedict’s Primary School Café is open Wednesdays & Fridays. Flexischools Orders Apologies for the problems with our online ordering system flexischools. It is now working properly. Please check that you have correctly updated your student's class. If you have any problems please email fcstoreywood1@bigpond.com. Enquiries Our new Café Convenor is Fiona Storey. She can be contacted on 07 5497 8458 or fcstoreywood1@bigpond.com.au Volunteers Needed! Volunteers are most welcome and appreciated in the Café. Please contact Fiona (our Café Convenor) or the school office if you are able to offer assistance in any way. Enquiries 07 5497 8458 or fcstoreywood1@ bigpond.com.au 8 Term 1: February 18, 2015 Café Menu Orders Open Wednesdays and Fridays Flexischools Orders flexischools.com.au Pre-order anytime but no later than 8:15am on the day. Fresh Selection /Snacks Fresh Fruit Cup (3 types of fruit) ............................................................. $2.00 Apple Slinky (green or red) ........................................................................... $1.20 Piklets (2 with jam) ...................................................................................... $1.90 Enquiries Fiona Storey 07 5497 8458 or fcstoreywood1@ bigpond.com.au Snack Pack (3 jatz/pieces of cheese) ............................................................ $1.00 Red Rock Deli Chips (Honey Soy Chicken or Sea Salt) .................................. $1.30 Jumpy’s (chicken) ......................................................................................... $1.30 Grainwaves (Sour Cream & Chives) .............................................................. $1.30 Coolpak Popcorn (butter) ............................................................................. $1.00 Lamingtons ................................................................................................... $1.80 Muffins ......................................................................................................... $1.50 Gingerbread Man ......................................................................................... $1.80 Sandwiches/Wraps/Salad Boxes Frozen Treats Basic salad - Lettuce, Cheese, Carrot Cucumber, Tomato, Beetroot, Egg, Mayo, Tomato sauce, BBQ sauce ....... $0.30 Zooper Doopers .......... $0.50 Toasted ...................................................................................................... $0.30 Vegemite ...................................................................................................... $2.00 Paddle Pops ............... $1.50 (Rainbow or Chocolate) Cheese .......................................................................................................... $2.00 Frozen Yoghurt .......... $2.00 Vegemite & Cheese ...................................................................................... $2.20 Vanilla Cup .................. $2.00 Chicken ......................................................................................................... $3.00 Vanilla Cup Sundae .... $2.50 Lemonade Icy Twist .... $1.50 Chicken & Salad......................................................................... $3.60 / Box $4.80 Ham .............................................................................................................. $3.00 Drinks Ham & Salad .............................................................................. $3.60 / Box $4.80 Poppers 250ml ........... $1.80 (Orange, Tropical, Apple, Apple-Blackcurrant) Egg ................................................................................................................ $3.00 Egg & Salad................................................................................ $3.60 / Box $4.80 Tuna ............................................................................................................. $3.00 Milk Poppers 250ml ... $1.80 (Chocolate or Strawberry) Tuna & Salad ............................................................................. $3.60 / Box $4.80 Water .......................... $1.00 www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Hot Food Tomato or BBQ sauce................................................................................... $0.20 Patties Party Pies Lite ................................................................................... $1.00 Traveller Pie (160g) ...................................................................................... $3.80 Aussie Lite Sausage Roll (125g) ................................................................... $2.70 Chicken Nuggets (5) ..................................................................................... $2.50 Hot Dog ........................................................................................................ $2.50 Hot Dog with cheese .................................................................................... $2.70 Volunteers Needed! Volunteers are most welcome and appreciated in the Café. Please contact Fiona (07 5497 8458 or fcstoreywood1@bigpond.com.au) if you are able to offer assistance in any way 9 Term 1: February 18, 2015 School Office pmangohill@bne.catholic.edu.au 2016 Prep Enrolments Prep Enrolments for 2016 are currently being accepted. Interviews for current families will occur prior to Easter holidays and for new families immediately after Easter. You will not be able to schedule an interview until your enrolment paperwork has been turned in. If you have a child due to commence Prep in 2016, please be sure to submit your enrolment application to ensure a place for your child. Sick Kids? Going On Holiday? If you know your children will be away from school for longer periods of time please let your teacher know in person, via note or email. Please remember to call the St Benedict’s absentee line 3481 4688 to report absent or sick children to the school. Lost Property? With a school consisting of over 600 students, property is bound to get mixed up or lost sometimes. If you label your child's property clearly, it is quickly returned to students when it is found. Office Hours St Benedict’s Primary office hours are from 8am to 3.30pm. P&F mangohillpandf@bne.catholic.edu.au Congratulations to Our New P&F Executive Team President: Danielle Cornford, Vice President: Camellia Kelly, Secretary: Katie Patterson, Treasurer: Tracy Crammond. Tonight’s Wish List Meeting Tonight there is a P&F meeting to gather data about wish lists for expenditure in 2015. If you would like to contribute to this discussion please come along and provide some ideas for the P&F. The meeting starts at 7 pm in the staffroom. You are most welcome. Next P&F Meeting www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Our P&F Meeting will be held at 7pm, March 4, in the St Benedict’s Primary School staffroom. All are welcome! P&F Electronic Mail If you would like to receive all P&F correspondence directly into your Inbox, please join our Mailing List. No more digging through school bags for P&F notes! Join our Mailing List. http://eepurl.com/CbuDr Mango Hill Markets Stay up to date: www.facebook.com/mangohillmarkets www.mangohillmarkets.com.au Volunteers Needed! Volunteers are always welcomed with open arms to the library! If you are available to volunteer this term, please come over and see Ellen Ramsay or Michelle Fitzgerald to discuss times that are available. Volunteering in our Resource Centre may involve covering new books, shelving, organising displays or helping with borrowing. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. 10 Term 1: February 18, 2015 Uniform Shop mary.smith@bne.catholic.edu.au Hours Mondays 2.30pm-4pm and Fridays 8.00am-9.30am or available by appointment. Oops, that’s not my hat? You may have accidently taken home someone else's school gear. Please check your gear at home and return any ‘lost property’ to the school office. Thank You! Parents are welcome to check through our orange ‘lost property’ baskets in the office any time. St Benedict’s College smangohill@bne.catholic.edu.au Twilight Tour and Visitors Day for Term 1 This year, as well as our already popular Visitors Days, we will be hosting Twilight Tours for those parents who have difficulty getting here on a week day morning. The first Twilight Tour for 2015 will be held on Thursday 12 March from 5.00-6.00pm. Visitors Day in Term 1 will be held on Friday 27 March from 9.00am-12.00pm. Please register to attend either event with Lea Rubio, College Secretary via phone on 3385 8888 or via email to smangohill@bne.catholic.edu.au. Enrolment Interviews for 2016, 2017 and 2018 Places Our first round of interviews for this year will be held during the week commencing Monday 23 March for applications already lodged. Interview availability will vary from day to day, with appointment times during the school day; after school and early evening on Thursday; and on Saturday morning. Our College Secretary will be in touch early in March to schedule a meeting time. If your child is currently in Year 4, we strongly advise that you place an application for Year 7 in 2018 by Thursday 2 April. Our next rounds of interviews will take place in Term 2 and Term 3. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Please contact our office for further information or an enrolment pack – 3385 8888 or smangohill@bne.catholic.edu.au. Centacare Here at St Benedict’s, Centacare run the Outside School Hours Care facility as well as the Kindergarten Services. Please contact the Centacare coordinators directly regarding these services. OSHC (Outside School Hours Care) Nikki Sawatzki - Coordinator 3293 4507 or mangohilloshc@bne.centacare.net.au Kindergarten Services Michelle Kramer - Kindergarten Teacher 3204 8452 or 0498 393 334 or mangohillkindy@bne.centacare.net.au 11 Term 1: February 18, 2015 Community MBRC Road Safety Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Have your say and go in the prize draw to win a bike! MBRC is currently reviewing and updating the ‘Road Safety Strategic Plan’. Let us know what you think the big road safety issues are in the Moreton Bay Region by 06/03/2015. Use the link below to take part in the short survey and be involved in shaping Council’s business on what can potentially save lives on our roads. www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/roadsafetyplan www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Tennis News There are still a few vacancies available if you were thinking of signing up for tennis in Term 1. A Tennis raffle will be available for all students who have enrolled in tennis and fees paid by Friday 20th February. A new tennis racquet is the prize. All players who sign up for tennis will receive a free tennis shirt after filling out the correct form. Please ask your tennis Coach for a form. Tennis Australia are providing a FREE tennis racquets and shirts for all interested Prep students at St Benedict's. A form will be sent home with the prep students this week which must be completed by the 27th February in order to receive this gift. All forms to be returned to the tennis coach hampson.wayne@gmail.com or to the school office by Friday 27th February. Wayne Hampson Tennis Coaching 0438 195 723 12 Term 1: February 18, 2015 Community Redcliffe Leagues Hockey Club Have you thought about hockey for your child? We have a fabulous program called Hook in2 Hockey which runs for 6 weeks starting late February and introduces children from the age of 4 to our great sport in a fun environment. Your sign on will include a FREE Stick, Ball, Shin Pads, Mouth Guard and Hockey Jersey - everything you need to join in the fun straight away! Apart from this program, we also have Boys and Girls teams starting from U7's. We would love to hear from your family. Contact: Lynne Somerville 0417 758 107 for more information. TAE KWON DO CLASSES Held at St Benedicts on Saturdays from 10.30am to 11.30am. All ages are welcome. Please phone Daisy or Damian on 3886 0967 or 0438 860 967. Sign up for two months and receive a free uniform. All classes are supervised by an instructor with a Blue Card. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au We do receive regular updates regarding the Moreton Bay Rail project mainly because of it’s general proximity to St Benedict’s and our community. You can find regular updates at www.moretonbayrail.qld.gov.au Please call: Pine Rivers Koala & Wildlife 0401 350 799 if you see wildlife in need in your area. 13 Term 1: February 18, 2015 Community If you have any questions regarding the SEQ Bus Network Review please contact TransLink External Affairs by email at external.affairs@translink.com. au or phone 07 3338 4438. Venue: North Lakes State College Sign on Days: Monday the 2nd & 9th of February Sign on time: 3.30pm to 5pm Start Date: Round 1, 16/02/2015 Game Times: Games start at 4:00pm Game Days: Monday Divisions: Boys & Girls u6,u7,u8,u9,u10,u11,u12,u13,u14,u15 Season Length: Season consists of 10 games richy@oztag.com www.queenslandoztag.com.au www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au The PCYC Pine Rivers Danzdezign Cheerleading are offering free class trials in all of their Competition & Recreational Cheer & Dance classes from Friday 6th February – Friday 13th February 2015. If you want to get involved in a new sport or simply wondering what all the cheer hype is about then head down to the PCYC, Les Hughes Sports Complex, Francis Rd Bray Park to get involved in one of our free classes. For more information on class times & suitability contact Rebecca today 0404 474 340. AUTUMN SEASON (2015) BOYS & GIRLS Speed Alert! On St Benedict’s school property we have a 20k speed limit (10k in some construction zones). Dropping your children to school and picking them up after school should be a calm and enjoyable experience for everyone. Please show patience and courtesy while observing the rules of the road in and around our school. It is imperative you drive slowly and safely as there are children about! 14
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