Term 1: March 11, 2015 newsletter St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School: Phone 3481 4600 Fax 3481 4699 Absentee 3481 4688 Email pmangohill@bne.catholic.edu.au Principal Mark Creevey Dear Parents, As we are coming towards the close of this term our teachers will be offering parents an interview opportunity where you can discuss the progress of your child. I would invite all parents to accept this teacher invitation as the best scholastic results are achieved when home and school work in close partnership. At present we are working towards having an online booking system for when interviews are available (Parent Teacher Online PTO). Please be alert for this information coming home soon. Interviews for the whole school community will occur in the final two weeks of term with some scheduled in the first two weeks of the next term. It is a great opportunity to hear how your child is progressing, set some goals for the future and find out how best you can assist in the learning process. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au On the weekend, one of our staff members, Mrs Amanda Bradford had her baby. It was a boy! Lachlan entered the world on Friday evening. All are doing well. Congratulations to the Bradford family! We are in the process of filling the vacant positions created by the maternity leave situations and Mrs Chrissie Mitchell’s move to Bardon. The CST position has closed and interviews are being conducted this week and the Support Teacher position closes on Sunday night with interviews being scheduled next week. Our Prep interviews for next year commence next week for our existing families. If you anticipate that your child will be starting in Prep next year and haven’t submitted the application can you please give this matter your urgent attention. We have over 100 applications already and this number continues to grow daily. Our interviews for new families will commence in Week 2 of Term 2, after the Easter vacation. Last year we had approximately 180 Prep applications and we could only accept 84. This is a devastating situation for many families seeking a Catholic Primary School education in the area. BCE were hopeful of building a new school in the Griffin area to assist with these large numbers but this has not been possible. I have been asked to examine the possibility of having a fourth stream of Prep students at St Benedict’s to assist more families to enjoy a catholic education. More information to follow when available. Every Week Sometimes not first or last week of Term. Assembly 8.30am Wednesdays Uniform Shop Mondays 2.30pm-4pm Fridays 8.00am-9.30am Cafe Wednesdays & Fridays School Banking Tuesdays Mini Singers (Prep-2) 7.45am Tuesdays (Library) Senior Band Practice 7.30am Wednesdays (Hall-Stage Area) Junior Choir (Yr 2-3) 7.45am Wednesdays (Music Room) BP Choir (Yr 4-6) 7.45am Thursdays (Music Room) Yr6 Choir (New) Wednesdays & Fridays (1st Break in Music Room) Playgroup 8.30am Tuesdays (OSHC) Piano/Keyboard Music Tuesdays & Thursdays (OSHC Bldg) Guitar Lessons Wednesdays (full) Term 1: March 11, 2015 Principal Mark Creevey Awards PB Whole Class PR Whole Class PW Whole Class 1B Hannah Davis 1R Francesca Druce 1W Austin Barnes 2R Jeremy Hales 2B Chloe Barnes 2W Lucas ProencaFaulkner 4B Kailen Klaas 4R Samuel Hocking 4W Addison Richardson 5B Kali Oliver 5R Lana Tancred 5W Millie Tagney 6B Jacob Davies 6R Cameron Scott Mrs Scott-Pegum has organised a survey to gain an interest level for an addition to our school uniform for the winter months. The proposal is to offer a full sleeve jumper as an option. Details of cost, etc, have been included with the survey. It would be exactly the same colour as the vest which is already available. If we have enough interest we could provide a one-off order opportunity each year for the jumper. The survey will be available via the Skoolbag app as well as a hard copy available at the assembly today and a copy to come home with each family. I will be guided by your interest levels in this possible addition to our uniform. Next Friday our school swimming team will be participating in the annual Zone 6 Catholic Schools Swimming Carnival. We wish all of our representative team the very best of luck. The carnival will be held at the Albany Creek pool. Students will be transported to and from the venue via chartered bus. Our nominated swim team were given information after assembly this morning. Best wishes! Anzac Day It has been 100 years since the landing at Gallipoli. This year St Benedict's would like to commemorate this special event with the help of our whole school community. If you are willing and able could you please help out with one or more of the following: 1. Any current serving military families to touch base with Mrs O'Hanlon (one of our Yr 3 teachers) as soon as possible, in person or via email kohanlon@bne.catholic.edu.au . 2. Anyone who has immediate family that are ex serving members; a student’s mother, father, step parents or older sibling. If these families could email two or three photos from their service time, along with details of the dates they served and any deployments. 3. Anyone who has grandparents who served in the military, past or present. Please forward a single photo (uniformed or not) with their name and the students’ name whom they belong too. 4. Anyone who has extended family (uncles, aunties, cousins) Please forward their name only. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au All information is to be emailed to kohanlon@bne.catholic.edu.au. Thank you so much for your support in organising this special occasion. Thought for the week: “Love is magical. It’s a language the deaf can hear, a song the infirmed can dance to and a sunset the blind can see.” Have a great week! Regards, Mark Yr 6 Camp 2 Term 1: March 11, 2015 APA Jo Scott-Pegum Dear Parents, School Jumpers We are currently surveying parents about school jumpers. The paper survey has gone to several classes, and was available at assembly today. An electronic version is available via surveymonkey and the link has been sent through the Skoolbag app. If there is interest in having a school jumper we will add it to the uniform, but rather than stock in the uniform shop it will become available by order. Year 6 Leadership Our Year 6 leaders will be honoured and commissioned at a badge ceremony next Wednesday at assembly. For this occasion they will be able to wear the new leadership shirts that were handed out today. Students will also be able to wear their leadership shirts on Friday’s each week. Parent Teacher Interviews - Look out for this logo! Parent Teacher interviews will be occurring in the last two weeks of Term 1 and the initial 2 weeks of Term 2. Interviews form part of the suite of reporting processes that keep communication strong and open between the classroom and home settings regarding student learning, engagement and progress. We thank the teachers for their preparation and planning for these important meetings, and for catering for different needs of parents with regard to availability of times for interviews. I trust you will find the interview a positive experience in helping your child to continue productively in their learning journey. To make booking interview times easier for parents and teachers, we are rolling out the Parent Teacher Online (PTO) process this term, and most class teachers will be using this as the formal booking method for parent teacher interviews. You will shortly receive an instruction flyer and your username and password. Meet Our Staff www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au I have asked the new staff to prepare a short bio to introduce themselves to the school community and each week we will enjoy reading a small snippet about our new staff members. This week we introduce Mrs Liz Kucharski who is part of our Prep Teaching Team. Life is a big adventure and we are riding its wave! Hello, I'm Liz and I'm new to St Benedict's this year however I'm not new to teaching. I began my teaching adventure studying at the Queensland University of Technology. After graduating I left my family and friends and headed off on my first major teaching adventure to a remote Aboriginal community in the Northern Territory where I officially began the first three years of my teaching career. It was a dream of mine to work with Indigenous people and it was one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences of my career. I learnt so much during my time there as a teacher and early years co-ordinator. I was also fortunate to receive a scholarship to visit schools in China with other Australian teachers. It was another experience that I learnt much from. Although most importantly of all, I learnt about the strong culture and spirituality of Indigenous Australians during those years. I might have stayed longer in this community had I not had a yearning to explore the world and experience the delights of London. So I set off again on another adventure to travel and teach in a new setting. Again I gained a wealth of information and some great skills teaching fulltime in a very dynamic city. It was great to experience so many different cultures and to learn so many great ideas/practices for teaching during my time there. My next adventure was returning to Australia after some great years in London! I began work with Brisbane Catholic Education at St Flannan's Catholic School. My repertoire of skills and experience grew once again during my time there. Now I have come to St Benedict's to commence a new chapter in my teaching career. I am excited and energised about teaching and learning here. I hope to share my skills and gain new ones from this wonderful community. This new adventure is just beginning! Thanks, Liz 3 Term 1: March 11, 2015 APA Jo Scott-Pegum Brain Rule 7: REPEAT TO REMEMBER. ‘Brain Rules’ Dr John Medina The brain has many types of memory SYSTEMS. Declarative memory follow four stages of processing: encoding, storing, retrieving, and forgetting. Information coming into your brain is immediately fragmented and sent to different regions of the cortex. The more elaborately we encode a memory during its initial moments, the stronger it will be. You can improve your chances of remembering something if you reproduce the environment in which you first put it into your brain. Working memory is a collection of busy work spaces that allows us to temporarily retain newly acquired information. If we don’t repeat the information, it disappears. Long-term memories are formed in a two-way conversation between the hippocampus and the cortex, until the hippocampus breaks the connection and the memory is fixed in the cortex – which can take years! Our brains give us only an approximate view of reality, because they mix new knowledge with past memories and store them together as one. The way to make long-term memory more reliable is to incorporate new information gradually and repeat in timed intervals. Now that is food for thought! Kind regards for a happy week. Jo School Office pmangohill@bne.catholic.edu.au 2016 Prep Enrolments Prep Enrolments for 2016 are currently being accepted. Interviews for current families will occur prior to Easter holidays and for new families immediately after Easter. You will not be able to schedule an interview until your enrolment paperwork has been handed in. If you have a child due to commence Prep in 2016, please be sure to submit your enrolment application NOW to ensure a place for your child. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Sick Kids? Going On Holiday? If you know your children will be away from school for longer periods of time please let your teacher know in person, via note or email. Please remember to call the St Benedict’s absentee line 3481 4688 to report absent or sick children to the school. Lost Property? With a school consisting of over 600 students, property is bound to get mixed up or lost sometimes. If you label your child's property clearly, it is quickly returned to students when it is found. Office Hours St Benedict’s Primary office hours are from 8am to 3.30pm. 4 Term 1: March 11, 2015 APRE Brett Kitchener Dear Parents, Our Parish Holy Cross Parish 3293 0800 www.redcliffecatholic parish.com 9.30am Sunday Mass here at St Benedict's, Mango Hill St Benedict’s along with thousands of schools across the country have registered for the National day against Bullying and Violence, which falls on March 20 this year. We are very proud of our well established proactive strategies which aim to promote children’s social and emotional well being. Anyone who has spent time in our school community would have witnessed our strong WALK and You Can Do It language and culture in classrooms and in the wider school community. Commitment to a day such as this is yet another proactive strategy aimed at ensuring that the education and well being of our students remains our core business. Further information about our simple plans for recognising this day will be included in next week’s newsletter. The dedicated website has a parents section which contains videos and information you may wish to consider and share at home. Project Compassion Mrs Hickey has a message worth reading in this week’s newsletter in regards to the Project Compassion campaign. Can I remind you all that the children are focusing on raising money for seedling trays for communities in Fiji. Five dollars will provide a tray of seedlings which can serve as an enduring source of food for families and in some instances an opportunity for marketing and small sales. Please encourage your children to continue to work at home in order to earn the money which they will bring along to support our campaign. Parish Sacramental Program Holy Cross Catholic Parish will be offering Baptism for those children who would like to journey through the 2015 Sacramental Program but have not yet been baptised. There will be a Compulsory Baptism Instruction Session held on Tuesday 24 June, 5pm at Holy Cross Church, Kippa Ring. The Sacrament of Baptism will then be celebrated at the 5pm Youth Mass held on Sunday 5 July at Holy Cross Church. If your child has not been baptised prior to the commencement of the 2015 Sacramental Program you will be asked to delay until the 2016 Program. Please contact the Parish Office now on 3293 0800 for further information. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Community Mass This Friday at 9am in our hall we will celebrate Eucharist and all parents, friends and parishioners are welcome to attend. Our Year 5 classes will be in attendance at this Mass and will assist in the Mass. Please consider your availability for this important occasion which will give you a lift in positivity to take in to the weekend which follows. Religious Education Curriculum This week the teachers have been working with a representative from Brisbane Catholic Educations’ Religious Education Team and I on developing the school’s Religious Education Program. We are ensuring high quality teaching programs where both religious literacy and culture are successfully integrated. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week ahead. Peace be with you, Brett 5 Term 1: March 11, 2015 Sport Laurel Creese Rugby League Congratulations to Brandon Reid and Kane Penny who were selected in the Pine Rivers District Rugby League Team yesterday. Great effort! Netball Trials This week Jessica Biddle, Deandrah Ziolek, Molly Lloyd and Katie Meurant are doing District Netball trials. We look forward to hearing how they went. A big thanks to Mrs McPhee and Mrs Kennedy who ran the Netball trials last week and organised the students in their break. Soccer Trials This week Mr Parker and Miss Bugden are doing Soccer trials. They had one yesterday and the final trial is on Friday at break time. We have quite a lot of students trialling which is great. Good luck and thanks to our dedicated teachers!!! Touch Trials Next week. Students who were interested in trialling received a note on Monday. LAP Running Club Come join our LAP Running Club on Monday and Friday Mornings for Year 3-6 7.45 -8.15a.m. This Friday we also invite Year 2 students to come along to the Club. Come and try and see if you like it! Cross Country Program and Team Colours Less than 2 weeks to go until our school Cross Country on Monday 23rd March. A more detailed invitation and timetable will be sent out to families this week however we have included approximate times so you can plan your day. We also want as much colour on the day as we can get. Please organise for your child and yourself to wear your team colour to support! On the following Wednesday’s assembly (after Cross Country) we will have the presentation of Age Champion medallions and the Inter-house Shield. We hope you can attend. APPROX TIME EVENT 8.30am Race 1 - Students born 2003(12yrs) 9.10am Race 2 - Students born 2004(11yrs) 9.40am Race 3 - Students born 2005(10yrs) 10.00am Race 4 - Students born 2006(9yrs) 10.15am Race 5 - Students born 2007(8yrs) 10.30am 11.30am Break Race 6 - Year 2 Class Races( also any students born in 2007 who prefer to race with Yr 2) Race 7 - Year 1 Class Races 12.00pm Race 8 - Prep Class Races 11.00am www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Catholic Zone Swimming Today the Swimming Team for the Catholic Zones, for next Friday 20th March, was announced and students who were selected were given an information note. The Permission and Code of Conduct is due to the office no later than this Friday 13th March. I have included a Criteria which assisted us to select the team and give each student at least 2 swims each. Zone Swimming Criteria for Selection: Look at the Number of events they would qualify for based on times from the School Swimming Carnival. If they only qualified for 1 event, we then gave preference to students who swam in 50m events or students who participated in more events and their times were of a reasonable standard. If the above was not successful in helping to decide we looked at times overall and selected the students who did better times overall 6 Term 1: March 11, 2015 Pastoral Coordinator Helen Hickey Food for Life is the theme inspiring our Caritas Lenten outreach throughout all of our Archdiocesan Catholic Schools and Parishes. Our generosity and kindness will allow communities in Fiji to buy seedlings that will produce healthy plants and crops, enabling families and communities to eat and further develop their market skills, bringing hope for tomorrow. Christina Feldman, in her book ‘Compassion: Listening to the Cries of the World’, captures beautifully the gift of compassion and just how it links our hearts with the hearts of others. Compassion is the most precious of all gifts. In times of sorrow and bewilderment, it is what restores us and offers refuge. It is the force of empathy in your heart that allows you to reach out and touch the broken heart of another. It is rooted in the heartfelt acknowledgement that others, like ourselves, yearn to be free from suffering and harm, and to be safe and happy. It is compassion that rescues us from despair and helplessness that provides a refuge of peace and understanding inwardly and outwardly. Compassion does not claim to be a quick-fix for the age old causes of suffering, nor is it a magic wand that will sweep away sorrow. But it is our commitment to compassion and our willingness to nurture it in every moment that gives meaning to life. Our generosity of heart and spirit will a make a real difference to a community in Fiji this Lent, allowing families to find a way forward and hope to fill their hearts. Compassion is one of our Benedictine charisms. It is in this community and our circle of life that we are all called to lead with compassion. In the weeks ahead let us commit to a compassionate attitude in all we do, acting in ways that nurture this charism in our lives. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Morning tea every Wednesday after assembly in the Hall with Helen. All are welcome! Uniform Shop mary.smith@bne.catholic.edu.au Hours Mondays 2.30pm-4pm and Fridays 8.00am-9.30am or available by appointment. Oops, that’s not my hat? You may have accidently taken home someone else's school gear. Please check your gear at home and return any ‘lost property’ to the school office. Thank You! Parents are welcome to check through our orange ‘lost property’ baskets in the office any time. 7 Term 1: March 11, 2015 Resource Centre & Curriculum Ellen Ramsay Library News We have a variety of new series in the library that will prove to be very popular with the students. The Hey Jack series by Sally Rippin is a wonderful series for early readers with carefully balanced text and illustrations. This series will particularly appeal to boys with down-to-earth, humorous, real-life stories. Adam Blade, author of the popular Beast Quest series has written the new Sea Quest series where readers can delve into new worlds, beasts and adventures. These books will appeal to students from Year 2 onwards. The Secret Kingdom series by Rosie Banks will appeal to girls from Year 2 onwards. Readers can enter a magical world of friendship and fun as the characters embark on adventures through the Secret Kingdom. Worldbook St Benedict’s has a whole school subscription to WorldBook Online. Our school subscription allows us to access the three areas within the site – Early World of Learning, Kids and Students. They now have available a mobile version of the website, too! Login http:// worldbookonline.com/ wb/Login?ed=wb Our School User Name stbh Password st4509 In the Library we also have a number of books from the publisher Barrington Stoke to suit struggling or reluctant readers. These books are commissioned, edited and designed to break down the barriers that can stop reading happening, from dyslexia and visual stress to simple reluctance. These books have a green smiley face on them, so that students with dyslexia and struggling readers can easily identify the books that may suit them. These books are shelved in the Fiction section of the library amongst all our other titles, and are available for anyone to read. The Glenn Maxwell junior fiction series, written by Patrick Loughlin, is about an up and coming cricketer who is mentored by Australian cricket star Glenn Maxwell. The series includes cricket tips and advice from Glenn himself. We were lucky enough to have Glenn sign the inside cover of one of our books. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Curriculum News Next Thursday and Friday the Years 1 to 4 students will participate in the Commonwealth Bank Start Smart Program. An Education Officer from the Commonwealth Bank will facilitate sessions with each class in the ICT Hub, topics covered will include; Australian currency, keeping money safe, credit cards and key cards, spending habits and maximizing savings. The program aims to teach these financial literacy skills in a way that students can understand and enjoy. This program aligns with the Numeracy General Capability and the learning area of Mathematics in the Australian Curriculum. Class Borrowing You must have your library bag to borrow. Monday 1B, 2W, 3B, 3W, 5R, 5W, 6B, 6W Wednesday PB, PR, PW, 2B, 2R, 6R Friday 1R, 1W, 3R, 4B, 4R, 4W, 5B 8 Term 1: March 11, 2015 Teaching & Learning Ruth Sharman, Christina Mitchell & Pam Sweeney (Guidance & Counselling psweeney@bne.catholic.edu.au) At St. Benedict’s we provide a range of small group and whole school programs to help children with their social and emotional learning and well-being. If you feel your child would benefit from any of these programs please speak with your child’s teacher or contact me at St. Benedict’s on Monday or Thursday. You Can Do It! – Program Achieve by Michael Bernard This is a whole school program and as such is taught in all classes from Prep to Year 6. Michael Bernard has identified the social and emotional capabilities that all young people need to acquire to be successful in school, experience wellbeing, and have positive relationships. This program teaches children about the five keys to success – confidence, persistence, organisation, getting along and emotional resilience. During these lessons students will learn ways to develop their confidence at home, school and in social situations. They learn how to persist at learning even when it gets hard or if they are not really interested in the topic. They learn how to be organised and how this helps them to learn and be successful at school and in life. They learn skills about how to get along with others including how to share, join in games and to consider other’s opinions. They also learn skills to help them to be resilient and bounce back when things do not go as they expect them to. Exploring Feelings Program by Dr Tony Attwood Exploring Feelings is designed to help children in Years 2 – 6 to understand their feelings and to deal with anxiety or other strong feelings constructively. Children learn how to develop an emotional toolbox of strategies to help them cope when they are feeling anxious. They work with a small group of peers. Socially Speaking by Alison Schroder This program teaches children how to develop positive social skills and how to transfer these skills to everyday life. Children in Years 2 – 4 learn skills such as, how to communicate, how to make friends and how to be a good friend. They work with a school officer and a small group of peers and have many opportunities to practise the skills they are learning. The Seasons Program Grief is a normal and natural response to loss. Grief can result from all kinds of change and loss including family breakdown, friendship changes, the death of a relative or friend, unemployment, abuse, serious illness, injury or disability. The Seasons Program helps children to understand that their feelings are very normal and teachers them strategies of how to cope with these changes in their lives. This program is available for students in Yrs 2 - 6. Drumbeat Program The Drumbeat Program uses music to engage children in learning, to teach social skills and build self-esteem. Children are engaged in experiential learning where they cooperate together to make music as a group and work towards developing healthy social interactions and connections. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Fun Friends by Paula Barrett This program has been developed for the treatment and prevention of childhood anxiety in 4-7 year olds. FUN FRIENDS is a play-based program that teaches children essential resilience skills including; how to regulate emotions; how to be brave and try new things; how to build a strong sense of self and self-esteem and how to change negative "red thoughts" into positive "green thoughts". These resilience skills are taught in a way that children in this age group can easily grasp and adopt. Finance & Fees PMAGFinance@bne.catholic.edu.au Term 1, 2015 School Fees Term 1 school fees were due March 2nd unless Direct Debit arrangements were already in place. If you did not receive your account statement (via email) or would like an up-to-date statement emailed to you, please contact Nerrida on 3481 4600. 9 Term 1: March 11, 2015 Cafe fcstoreywood1@bigpond.com.au Hours Our St Benedict’s Primary School Café is open Wednesdays & Fridays. Flexischools Orders Please check that you have correctly updated your student's class on Flexischools. If you have any problems please email fcstoreywood1@bigpond.com. Volunteers Needed! Please contact Fiona (our Café Convenor) or the school office if you are able to offer assistance in any way. Enquiries 0429 647 268 or fcstoreywood1@ bigpond.com.au P&F mangohillpandf@bne.catholic.edu.au Next P&F Meeting Our P&F Meeting will be held in April, in the St Benedict’s Primary School staffroom. All are welcome! P&F Electronic Mail If you would like to receive all P&F correspondence directly into your Inbox, please join our mailing list. No more digging through school bags for P&F notes! Join our mailing list. http://eepurl.com/CbuDr Mango Hill Markets Stay up to date: www.facebook.com/mangohillmarkets www.mangohillmarkets.com.au St Benedict’s College smangohill@bne.catholic.edu.au www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Instrumental Music In 2015 our Instrumental Music Program if off to a great start, with a number of students enrolled for voice, piano, guitar, drum-kit, bass and concert band (brass - including trumpet and trombone, woodwind – including flute, clarinet and saxophone, and percussion. Our professional tutors provide 30 minute lessons during the school day. Learn more about all that is offered to students at St Benedict’s College, including Extension and Excellence Programs, Robotics, Athlete Development Program, Music, Drama, Senior Pathways and much more, at our upcoming Visitors Day on Friday 27 March, 9.00am-12.00pm. To register for this event, or to obtain enrolment information, please contact College Secretary, Lea Rubio via email to smangohill@bne.catholic.edu.au or via phone to 3385 8888. 10 Term 1: March 11, 2015 Centacare Here at St Benedict’s, Centacare run the Outside School Hours Care facility as well as the Kindergarten Services. Please contact the Centacare coordinators directly regarding these services. Kindergarten Services Michelle Kramer - Kindergarten Teacher 3204 8452 or 0498 393 334 or mangohillkindy@bne.centacare.net.au OSHC (Outside School Hours Care) Nikki Sawatzki - Coordinator 3293 4507 or mangohilloshc@bne.centacare.net.au www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Bookings for Easter Vacation Care are open now! Please peruse the attached program and return the booking form via the red message bag, in person or email by the 20th March 2015. As always we’ve got loads of fun stuff happening so get in quick as places are limited! Phone Nikki on 3293 4507 for more information. 11 Term 1: March 11, 2015 www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Centacare 12 Term 1: March 11, 2015 Community Art Classes are held at the St. Benedict's Art Room every Tuesday, Thursday (3:15-4:15pm) and Friday (3:30-4:30pm). Please contact us at smockon@live.com. You can also find us at https://www.facebook.com/smockonartclasses Tennis News Wayne Hampson Tennis Coaching 0438 195 723 Hampson.wayne@gmail.com www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au TAE KWON DO CLASSES Held at St Benedicts on Saturdays from 10.30am to 11.30am. All ages are welcome. Please phone Daisy or Damian on 3886 0967 or 0438 860 967. Sign up for two months and receive a free uniform. All classes are supervised by an instructor with a Blue Card. Worldwide Marriage Encounter: A weekend away for married couples in peaceful, picturesque surroundings – away from the distractions of everyday living. Take time out of your busy schedule, to invest in your most precious asset . . . your Marriage! This is a unique opportunity to recharge your relationship batteries, refocus on each other and fall in love all over again! Weekend date: 15th – 17th May 2015 Venue: Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston QLD (on Brisbane’s bayside) For bookings/details contact: Maria and David Murphy, ph (07) 3342 1456, dandmmurphy@optusnet.com.au Information website: www.wwme.org.au Please call: Pine Rivers Koala & Wildlife 0401 350 799 if you see wildlife in need in your area. 13 Term 1: March 11, 2015 Community MBRC Road Safety Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Have your say and go in the prize draw to win a bike! MBRC is currently reviewing and updating the ‘Road Safety Strategic Plan’. Let us know what you think the big road safety issues are in the Moreton Bay Region by 06/03/2015. Use the link below to take part in the short survey and be involved in shaping Council’s business on what can potentially save lives on our roads. www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/roadsafetyplan Pine Rivers PUMAS Rugby Union Club Under 9 and Under 10 PLAYERS WANTED! If you want to try out something new, fun and exciting, then Pumas Rugby is the place for you! Our clubhouse is located at Les Hughes Sports Complex, Bray Park. CONTACT US NOW Call 0488 020 292 or Email registrar@pumasrugby.com www.pumasrugby.com Do your kids like: www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au MOUNTAIN BIKE ORIENTEERING: Riding off road. Searching for targets. Interpreting a map. Saturday, 28th March, 2015. Narangba. 900 acres of fire trails, horse tracks, open land. Fast single tracks. Scenic location. Foot event and camping an option. Social or competitive. 11 courses. 1:30 to 6:30pm. 30mins to 3 hours. More Info: www.sunshineorienteers.com.au/events Phone Deb 0439 979 260 camping, sailing, hiking, caving, abseiling or rock climbing? orienteering, construction or knot tying? learning first aid skills or geocaching? open fire cooking, kayaking or learning about conservation? learning survival skills, astronomy or learning bush skills? learning about aircraft or tackling obstacle courses? making new friends and experiencing new challenges? earning badges to wear on their uniform? Contact: Deception Bay Scout Troop Group Leader Adam Black on adamsblack81@gmail.com or 0423 626 706 www.scoutsqld.com.au 14 Term 1: March 11, 2015 Community Redcliffe Leagues Hockey Club Have you thought about hockey for your child? Contact: Lynne Somerville 0417 758 107 for more information. 7 DAY CAMP DATES 4 – 11 April and 11 – 18 April DAY TRIPS AVAILABLE on Mondays & Tuesdays Riding Camps are for children 6yrs – teens and all riding abilities are catered for. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au For more information please contact us… Phone: 5486 6166 Email: info@kiahpark.com.au Website: www.kiahpark.com.au Facebook: www.facebook.com/KiahPark1 15
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