newsletter Term 1: March 25, 2015 St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School: Phone 3481 4600 Fax 3481 4699 Absentee 3481 4688 Email Principal Mark Creevey Dear Parents, Our first term is quickly drawing to a close with only a little over a week to go until the Easter Vacation. Next Wednesday we will not have our normal assembly as we will be focussing on the Passion of Jesus. The Year 5 students will lead us in this special prayerful occasion. All parents are most welcome to attend. Today is also a special feast day in the church year which is called the Annunciation. I had the pleasure of visiting the Church of the Annunciation in Israel a couple of years ago and it is one of those special places to visit, pray and reflect. This week we have shared with the students two short trials to evaluate if these procedures might work better than current practices. The first trial is that each morning one of the staff on duty will offer to take students for a walk & talk on the oval from 8 to 8:20am. The second trial is that the students will at the second break go out to play first and then come and eat their afternoon snack. We will be watching to see if it has any benefits and if the students are more settled when they return to class. On assembly today we congratulated all of our students who participated in the Cross Country Carnival on Monday and presented medallions to our age champions. We also congratulated the Anicii House on being the winning team on the day. Thank you to Mrs Creese for her organization and invitation to do things differently. Thank you to the P&F for the iceblocks for each runner and providing snacks and refreshments. Well Done! Every Week Sometimes not first or last week of Term. Assembly 8.30am Wednesdays Uniform Shop Mondays 2.30pm-4pm Fridays 8.00am-9.30am School Banking Tuesdays Mini Singers (Prep-2) 7.45am Tuesdays (Library) Senior Band Practice 7.30am Wednesdays (Hall-Stage Area) Junior Choir (Yr 2-3) 7.45am Wednesdays (Music Room) BP Choir (Yr 4-6) 7.45am Thursdays (Music Room) Yr6 Choir (New) Wednesdays & Fridays (1st Break in Music Room) Playgroup 8.30am Tuesdays (OSHC) Piano/Keyboard Music Tuesdays & Thursdays (OSHC Bldg) Guitar Lessons Wednesdays (full) Term 1: March 25, 2015 Principal Mark Creevey Awards PB Levi Swenson PR Clyff Watson PW Paige Elliott 1B Jordan Bishop 1R Lily Bowden 1W Marcus Policar 2B Billie Smart 2R Georgie Reed 2W Alyssa Bernardo 3B Ryan Baptista 3R Kynan Craft 3W Cameron Pozzobon 4B Eric Wichman 4R Samuel Watson 4W Alberto Cubillan 4W Tyla Boyd 5B Maxwell Kooreman 5R Ava Davis 5W Kate Todman 6B Kaitlin Casserly 6R Jayden Taane 6W Lily Strange We have been filling our vacancies created by our teachers who have recently gone on Maternity Leave. Mrs Lisa Gallagher has been employed as our Curriculum Support Teacher and will start her responsibilities in the first week of Term 2. Mrs Fryer has been the successful teacher for the Support Teacher: Inclusive Education role. We congratulate Mrs Fryer on her appointment but this will necessitate us finding a new teacher for 1B. There is an advertisement for this position on the BCE website. We are seeking a great teacher for our Year 1 class. On the maternity front, we congratulate Mrs Amanda Bradford on the birth of her son Lachlan about a week ago and we also congratulate Mrs Lund on the birth of their son Samuel on Friday evening. Congratulations to both families on these very special occasions. As I mentioned last week we will be seeking a suitably qualified person to take over the role of the Café Co-ordinator/Convenor here at St. Benedict’s in Term 2. If you believe that you could be this person I would invite you to put in an application for the position. The position would entail paid work on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Some of the responsibilities would be organizing a roster of volunteers, ordering food, preparing a healthy menu for students and keeping records of expenditure. If you would like to be considered for this position could I ask you to put in an application stating skills and experiences which would be beneficial for this position. More details are available from the school office. Anzac Day It has been 100 years since the landing at Gallipoli. This year St Benedict's would like to commemorate this special event with the help of our whole school community. Please remember to contact Mrs O’Hanlon (one of out Yr 3 teachers) if you can contribute. Thought for the Week: “Give love today. Love others. Love your family. Love God. God will see to it that you have sufficient love, and give you more in return than you can ever give away.” Have a great week! Regards Mark Cross Country 2 Term 1: March 25, 2015 APA Jo Scott-Pegum Dear Parents, The term is quickly ending and yet as tired as we are, our learning journey continues until bell time on the last day of term. As I walk around the school I witness our learners still wholly engaged in the process of learning in their classrooms and in their specialist lessons of Music, Art, LOTE, PE as well as in their playtime. This week we have added a new dimension to our before school procedures – it is ‘Walk and Talk’ time on the oval. For the remainder of term it will be a casual ‘walk around with our friends’ enjoying some physical activity before school (this is very good for our brains before we learn). Next term we will be creating the space as a walking club called Let’s WALK with a process for the children to clock up their kilometres and to be recognized for their efforts – may be a different St Benedict’s Walk! LET ‘S Another initiative we are trialling is ‘Play before Eat’, this is occurring at 2nd break this week. We will see if it makes a difference to our learners and their learning in the afternoon session. When the bell goes the children go directly to their play area and after the 20min playtime a bell goes for them to return to their verandahs and sit, eat, drink, cool down and calm down for class. We will let you know how the trial goes. This week you should have received an order form for the school jumper, which is a new addition to the uniform at school. The jumper will not replace the jacket, and can be considered an optional extra. Meet the Staff: Anita Blackwell (2B) Hello, my name is Anita and it’s great to finally be here at St Benedict’s!! Four years ago I officially became a staff member of this beautiful community. However, due to maternity leave and job share agreements I had to delay my start here. My husband and I have been blessed with two beautiful daughters. Our older daughter is currently attending St Benedict’s Kindergarten. So, you will often see me taking the big walk or run to and from the Kindy in afternoons and mornings. My teaching career began 9 years ago with BCE and I have taught at St Agnes Mt Gravatt, St Joseph’s Bardon and Holy Spirit at Bray Park. From each school I have gained many positive experiences that have enhanced my teaching in many areas. One of my favourite things to do on holidays is to go camping with my family. It’s great to get away from the hustle and bustle of life. I am very pleased to be teaching here at St Benedict’s and I look forward to working with this wonderful community. Anita Brain Rule 9: VISION TRUMPS ALL OTHER SENSES. ‘Brain Rules’ Dr John Medina Vision is by far our most dominant sense, taking up half of our brain’s resources. What we see is only what our brain tells us we see, and it’s not 10% accurate. The visual analysis we do has many steps. The retina assembles photons into movie-like streams of information. The visual cortex processes these streams: some areas registering motion, others registering colour, etc. Finally, we recombine that information so that we can see. We learn and remember best through pictures, not through written or spoken words. And on that note about vision, I heard on the radio this week that scientists have developed glasses to help colourblind people see colour! Amazing! If that is of interest to you, you may like to visit this site and watch a little clip. Have a great week. Kind Regards, Jo 3 Term 1: March 25, 2015 APRE Brett Kitchener Dear Parents, Treats for Caritas Each year classes demonstrate initiative by approaching me with their intention to sell treats to raise money for our annual Caritas appeal. This year we decided to do all activities of this kind in one week so parents were aware and the need to remember money for treats all throughout the term could be avoided. Significant amount of work goes into these events. I appreciate that many parents are part of this work particularly when it comes to making cup cakes. The recipients of this work who receive our donations next term would be very appreciative of our endeavours. Holy Week Next Wednesday on assembly our entire assembly will be devoted to a dramatization of the events of Holy Week. Our Year 5 classes this year will assist us in telling this most important story. This is always a most meaningful experience for all concerned. I encourage you to attend at 8.30am in the hall if you are able to. Religious Education Curriculum Our teachers are currently involved in preparing the units of work for next term. This has provided me opportunity to meet with the teachers to discuss plans for Religious Education in Term 2. All classes are preparing rich curriculums which are planned to develop the religious literacy of our students. Pastoral Care Parents A note is going home today to classes where a Pastoral Care parent has not yet been identified. This is not a task which is overly difficult or time consuming but rather is rich and rewarding. Please consider this opportunity carefully as our community benefits greatly from the involvement of our parents. Thanks to those parents who have already volunteered for this important role. After we have identified representatives for all classes we will meet as a group early next term. Enjoy your week Brett Finance & Fees Term 1, 2015 School Fees Term 1 school fees are now OVERDUE (unless Direct Debit arrangements were already in place). If you did not receive your account statement (via email) or would like an up-to-date statement emailed to you, please contact Nerrida on 3481 4600. Our Parish Holy Cross Parish 3293 0800 www.redcliffecatholic 9.30am Sunday Mass here at St Benedict's, Mango Hill Parish Sacramental Program Holy Cross Catholic Parish will be offering Baptism for those children who would like to journey through the 2015 Sacramental Program but have not yet been baptised. There will be a Compulsory Baptism Instruction Session held on Tuesday 24 June, 5pm at Holy Cross Church, Kippa Ring. The Sacrament of Baptism will then be celebrated at the 5pm Youth Mass held on Sunday 5 July at Holy Cross Church. If your child has not been baptised prior to the commencement of the 2015 Sacramental Program you will be asked to delay until the 2016 Program. Please contact the Parish Office now on 3293 0800 for further information. 4 Term 1: March 25, 2015 Sport Laurel Creese Cross Country and Swimming Helpers A big thanks to Jo Lynch, Kathryn Munro and Jasmine Clarry who helped out at the Cross Country on Monday. I would also like to acknowledge the great help provided by St Benedict’s College. The students were so helpful and encouraging to our students. We also had some wonderful support from some parents at the Catholic Zone Swimming Carnival on Friday. Thanks to Belinda Zambrano, Lynne Hill, Michelle Locke, Amanda Hanson, Melissa Dale and Vanessa Fenwick and Catherine Davis for your support. Congratulations to our 2015 Age Champions: 2010 Clyff Watson and Miley Paterson 2009 Will Tonga and Chloe Pozzobon 2008 Tiakina Bateman and Kelsi Pares 2007 Kooper Tonga and Tayla O’Shanesy 2006 Connor Matthews and Chloe Witalik 2005 Kyle Jarrott and Maicey Lynch 2004 Jacob Matchett and Alex Hill 2003 Cooper Parodi and Elyssa White And a big congratulations to Anicii (blue) House who are the 2015 Inter-house Shield winners! Cross Country (Thank you Suzanne Ward and Shell Swenson for the fabulous photos!) 5 Term 1: March 25, 2015 Sport Laurel Creese Squad Selection and training for all students who placed 1st-10th at the St Benedict’s School Carnival on Monday 23rd March. If your child has been selected for the St Benedict’s Cross Country Squad (came 1st-10th at the school carnival) please see below for more information regarding squad selection. There are 2 events which the students will be training for- Pine Rivers District Carnival (students born 2005-2003) on Friday 1st May and the Catholic Zone Cross Country (students born 2008-2003) on Friday 15th May. The Pine Rivers District Carnival is run in separate age groups(05,04,03) and they accept 8 nominations per age group in the boys and girls therefore children who were placed 1st -8th in the School Carnival will compete at Pine Rivers District Championships but team selection will be based on training attendance and performance at these sessions. The Catholic Zone Carnival (Friday 15th May) will be run in the following categories and we are only permitted to nominate 10 runners per category Junior (07-08); Intermediate (05-06) and Senior (03-04). Therefore team selection for this carnival will be based on attendance and a pre-event competition at training in Week 2. The following are training times that your child is expected to attend (A roll will be marked). As a courtesy, please send a note if they can’t make it. All training sessions will begin on the Oval at the times listed below. If it is raining we will still meet in the hall. WHEN WHO Monday 7.45-8.20am Boys & Girls born 2007 & 2008 Wed 7.45-8.20am Boys & Girls born 2006 & 2005 Friday 7.45-8.20am Boys & Girls born 2004 & 2003 Students will need to supplement school training by staying active and including some running training 1-2 times per week. As a guide, competition distances are: Districts- 10yo-2km; 11 &12yo-3km. Catholic Zones-Juniors1km; Intermediate-1.5km and Seniors-2km Requirements Bring a water bottle and a light snack e.g. fruit for after training. For morning sessions have 2 pair of shoes in case of dew or wet ground. Congratulations Maicey Lynch competed at the Little Athletics State Championships over the past weekend. Maicey placed 1st in the 800m with a time of 2:44.40 and 2nd in the 400m with a time of 1:10.57 (just missed out on the gold by 0.4 of a second). She did a PB in her Long Jump with a jump of 3.72m to place 13th out of 31 girls. Congratulations! What a wonderful achievement. Thanks, Laurel Creese Cross Country 6 Term 1: March 25, 2015 Pastoral Coordinator Helen Hickey National Batten Disease Awareness Day 31st March Batten Disease is a rare, debilitating and degenerative condition where children are born appearing healthy and then, in as little as a year, lose eyesight, begin to have seizures, lose the ability to walk and talk and then over further years eventually become dependent in every aspect of their lives. In many cases, as these symptoms are hard to explain, Batten Disease can go undetected for some time. In some cases it has been years before a complete and accurate diagnosis has been made. There are only about 40 known cases of Batten Disease in Australia and New Zealand. There is no known cure or treatment for Batten Disease - it is always fatal. Hearing the words that your child will never grow to adulthood is indescribable and unfathomable. Much needed research continues as scientists strive to find a cure for this deadly disease. This week we remember all children and their families living with Batten’s disease. Let’s find a special place in our hearts for all families facing incurable illness and life changing disabilities. Every birth is an amazing miracle. As each of us lives life, striving to reach our own potential, may we be strengthened in the knowledge that we never walk alone in the journey of life. Our God walks beside us in sickness and in health, in life and in death. Peace & blessings, Helen Morning tea every Wednesday after assembly in the Hall with Helen. All are welcome! School Office 2016 Prep Enrolments Prep Enrolments for 2016 are currently being accepted. Interviews for current families will occur prior to Easter holidays and for new families immediately after Easter. You will not be able to schedule an interview until your enrolment paperwork has been handed in. If you have a child due to commence Prep in 2016, please be sure to submit your enrolment application NOW to ensure a place for your child. Sick Kids? Going On Holiday? If you know your children will be away from school for longer periods of time please let your teacher know in person, via note or email. Please remember to call the St Benedict’s absentee line 3481 4688 to report absent or sick children to the school. Lost Property? With a school consisting of over 600 students, property is bound to get mixed up or lost sometimes. If you label your child's property clearly, it is quickly returned to students when it is found. Office Hours St Benedict’s Primary office hours are from 8am to 3.30pm. 7 Term 1: March 25, 2015 Resource Centre & Curriculum Ellen Ramsay Library News Excursion to North Lakes Library Thursday the 26th and Friday the 27th of March our Years 5 and 6 students will be participating in a free library tour at Moreton Bay Regional Council’s newest library, North Lakes Library at Corso North Lakes. During the one-hour interactive experience the students will tour the library and explore the resources available, as well as walk ‘behind the scenes’. They will participate in Literature based games and activities and discover the environmental features of the building. The timetable will be: Thursday 26th March 9-11am: 5B & 6W Thursday 26th March 12:30 – 2:30pm: 5W & 6B Friday 27th March 9-11am: 6R & 5R Holiday Library Borrowing Students are able to borrow books from the Library in the last week of this Term for use over the holidays. All books will need to be returned in Week 1 of Term 2. Worldbook St Benedict’s has a whole school subscription to WorldBook Online. Our school subscription allows us to access the three areas within the site – Early World of Learning, Kids and Students. They now have available a mobile version of the website, too! Login http:// wb/Login?ed=wb Our School User Name stbh Password st4509 Curriculum News Teacher Planning Day All teachers are being released for a planning day with their year level team. This allows teachers to participate in professional dialogue about where the learners are at in their learning journey and how best to move them forward. The teachers will work together to plan engaging learning experiences for the students for Term 2 using the Brisbane Catholic Education Model of Pedagogy to guide them. Uniform Shop Hours Mondays 2.30pm-4pm and Fridays 8.00am-9.30am or available by appointment. Oops, that’s not my hat? You may have accidently taken home someone else's school gear. Please check your gear at home and return any ‘lost property’ to the school office. Thank You! Parents are welcome to check through our orange ‘lost property’ baskets in the office any time. Cafe We apologise, our Café will be closed until further notice. 8 Term 1: March 25, 2015 Teaching & Learning Ruth Sharman & Pam Sweeney (Guidance & Counselling Coaching Children to Resolve Conflict The skills needed for effective conflict resolution include skills for managing emotions, as well as thinking skills for problem-solving and communicating with others. The key conflict resolution skills are: being able to control angry or anxious feelings learning to listen even when you disagree understanding the other person’s opinions and feelings being able to think of different solutions exchanging ideas with the other person finding ‘win-win’ solutions. The chil things th d con ren get at f l i i nt seem ct ov er m o min ay or t but o ad t h ey u issu es fo are re lts a r ch l ildr en. How parents and carers can help: Using the steps of conflict resolution to coach children to come to their own solutions helps them learn the skills they need. Learning to resolve conflict successfully takes good coaching and lots of practice. Coaching children to resolve conflict: Step 1: Help children see conflict as a problem they can sort out fairly, with help, for example: “It looks like there’s a problem here. I’m sure if we talk about it we can sort it out.” Step 2: Get each child to explain how they see the conflict. Get them to focus on what they want or need, and what their concerns or worries are, rather than blaming the other person. Step 3: It is often helpful for the coach to then re-state the concerns of both parties, for instance: “So, Eli, you’re worried that you won’t get a turn; and Van, you’re trying to make it to the next level of the game and you’re worried that if you stop now you won’t get to it.” Step 4: Get children to suggest at least three different solutions, such as: “What are some ways to solve this so you can all feel okay about it?” If they can’t think of any, offer some ideas for them to think about. Step 5: Help children agree on a solution that will work and put it into action. Step 6: Praise them for sorting it out From: St Benedict’s College To obtain enrolment information, please contact College Secretary, Lea Rubio via email to or via phone to 3385 8888. Speed Alert! On St Benedict’s school property we have a 20k speed limit (10k in some construction zones). Dropping your children to school and picking them up after school should be a calm and enjoyable experience for everyone. Please show patience and courtesy while observing the rules of the road in and around our school. It is imperative you drive slowly and safely as there are children about! 9 Term 1: March 25, 2015 P&F Next P&F Meeting Our next P&F Meeting will be held on April 1st, in the St Benedict’s Primary School staffroom. All are welcome! Hot Cross Bun Orders Due Please have all Hot Cross Bun orders in by this Friday, March 27th. P&F Electronic Mail If you would like to receive all P&F correspondence directly into your Inbox, please join our mailing list. No more digging through school bags for P&F notes! Join our mailing list. Mango Hill Markets Stay up to date: Volunteers Needed! In our Drive Through, St Benedicts operates a highly efficient, effective and safe, after school pick-up program developed by the QLD Government, called Look Out. Volunteers are essential to the program. Please contact the School Office if you can spare 20 minutes of your time, any afternoon from 2:45 to 3.05pm, to support our school. 10 Term 1: March 25, 2015 Centacare Here at St Benedict’s, Centacare run the Outside School Hours Care facility as well as the Kindergarten Services. Please contact the Centacare coordinators directly regarding these services. Kindergarten Services Michelle Kramer - Kindergarten Teacher 3204 8452 or 0498 393 334 or OSHC (Outside School Hours Care) Nikki Sawatzki - Coordinator 3293 4507 or Bookings for Easter Vacation Care should have been booked by last week! If you would like to still book in, please phone Nikki on 3293 4507 to find out if space is available. 11 Term 1: March 25, 2015 Community P P A E E R F Art Classes are held at the St. Benedict's Art Room every Tuesday, Thursday (3:15-4:15pm) and Friday (3:30-4:30pm). Please contact us at You can also find us at Tennis News Term 1 Tennis Coaching will finish on Monday 30th March, Tuesday 24th March, Wednesday 1st April & on Thursday 2nd April. I hope you have enjoyed the Tennis Term. All Term 1 players will automatically be enrolled into Term 2 Tennis Lessons. Term 2 Tennis will commence on Monday 27th April, Tuesday 28th April, Wednesday 29th April & Thursday 30th April. New Tennis Coaching enrolment forms will be handed out during the first week back at school. TAE KWON DO CLASSES Held at St Benedicts on Saturdays from 10.30am to 11.30am. All ages are welcome. Please phone Daisy or Damian on 3886 0967 or 0438 860 967. Sign up for two months and receive a free uniform. All classes are supervised by an instructor with a Blue Card. Please call: Pine Rivers Koala & Wildlife 0401 350 799 if you see wildlife in need in your area. Wayne Hampson Tennis Coaching 0438 195 723 MOUNTAIN BIKE ORIENTEERING: Riding off road. Searching for targets. Interpreting a map. Saturday, 28th March, 2015. Narangba. 900 acres of fire trails, horse tracks, open land. Fast single tracks. Scenic location. Foot event and camping an option. Social or competitive. 11 courses. 1:30 to 6:30pm. 30mins to 3 hours. More Info: Phone Deb 0439 979 260 12 Term 1: March 25, 2015 Community 7 DAY CAMP DATES 4 – 11 April and 11 – 18 April DAY TRIPS AVAILABLE on Mondays & Tuesdays Riding Camps are for children 6yrs – teens and all riding abilities are catered for. For more information please contact us… Phone: 5486 6166 Email: Website: Facebook: FARMER PATS The Family Store, giving you more! Redcliffe Leagues Hockey Club Have you thought about hockey for your child? Contact: Lynne Somerville 0417 758 107 for more information. 13 Term 1: March 25, 2015 Community Pine Rivers PUMAS Rugby Union Club Under 9 and Under 10 PLAYERS WANTED! If you want to try out something new, fun and exciting, then Pumas Rugby is the place for you! Our clubhouse is located at Les Hughes Sports Complex, Bray Park. CONTACT US NOW Call 0488 020 292 or Email Do your kids like: camping, sailing, hiking, caving, abseiling or rock climbing? orienteering, construction or knot tying? learning first aid skills or geocaching? open fire cooking, kayaking or learning about conservation? learning survival skills, astronomy or learning bush skills? learning about aircraft or tackling obstacle courses? making new friends and experiencing new challenges? earning badges to wear on their uniform? Contact: Deception Bay Scout Troop Group Leader Adam Black on or 0423 626 706 Worldwide Marriage Encounter: A weekend away for married couples in peaceful, picturesque surroundings – away from the distractions of everyday living. Weekend date: 15th – 17th May 2015 Venue: Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston QLD (on Brisbane’s bayside) For bookings/details contact: Maria and David Murphy, ph (07) 3342 1456, Information website: 14 Term 1: March 25, 2015 Community We do receive regular updates regarding the Moreton Bay Rail project mainly because of it’s general proximity to St Benedict’s and our community. You can find regular updates at For all enquires, please contact Kerri Hutchison Email : Phone: 0408 348 500 15
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