Term 1: March 4, 2015 newsletter St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School: Phone 3481 4600 Fax 3481 4699 Absentee 3481 4688 Email pmangohill@bne.catholic.edu.au Principal Mark Creevey Dear Parents, This week many of our students have been engaged in activities outside of the school. Our Yr 6 students are currently participating in their annual Leadership and Relational Camp at Burleigh Heads. This camp is for 4 days and the students will return at approximately 3pm on Thursday. They all arrived safely and have been participating in a number of activities which include tubing, initiative games, body boarding, raft building, stand up paddle boarding, dance and Karaoke to name a few. I am sure that they will come home exhausted on Thursday. Mr Kitchener and the Yr 6 teachers have been in attendance and I will relieve Mr Kitchener and attend myself on Wednesday and Thursday. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au On Monday our Yr 3 students had an interesting and enjoyable day at the BCE Aboriginal and Islander Centre at Inala. This centre has been operating for almost 20 years and it exposes our students to the diverse culture of our Aboriginal and Islander communities. When I spoke with Josh (one of the Yr 3 students) about what was the best part of the day, he happily shared that the Boomerang throwing activity was his favourite. On Friday our Yr 1 classes are off to the Planetarium and Botanical Gardens at Mt Cootha. I am sure they will also have much to learn from the experience too. Thank you to the many parents who assist by volunteering their time to ensure each and every experience is a safe and enjoyable experience for our students. We have had over 50 parents complete the Volunteers Induction Program recently. Many thanks for your interest and support. We have two important meetings coming up soon. Our monthly P&F meeting is being conducted tonight commencing at 7pm in the staffroom. While next Tuesday we will have a Pastoral School Board meeting commencing at 7pm in the staffroom. We have a vacancy on the school board at present. If you would like to offer your assistance in this area please inform the school office. Thank you for the very valuable input which parents provide to our school community. We are all the stronger because of your wisdom, passion and support. Every Week Sometimes not first or last week of Term. Assembly 8.30am Wednesdays Uniform Shop Mondays 2.30pm-4pm Fridays 8.00am-9.30am Cafe Wednesdays & Fridays School Banking Tuesdays Mini Singers (Prep-2) 7.45am Tuesdays (Library) Starting Week 4 Senior Band Practice 7.30am Wednesdays (Hall-Stage Area) Junior Choir (Yr 2-3) 7.45am Wednesdays (Music Room) BP Choir (Yr 4-6) 7.45am Thursdays (Music Room) Yr6 Choir (New) Wednesdays & Fridays (1st Break in Music Room) Playgroup 8.30am Tuesdays (OSHC) Piano/Keyboard Music Tuesdays & Thursdays (OSHC Bldg) Guitar Lessons Wednesdays (full) Term 1: March 4, 2015 Principal Mark Creevey Awards Last Week 1B Claire Mancini 1R Joshua BruzzanoWarrington 1W Adam Toohey 2R Sebastian Hughes 3B Katie Sward 3R Alina Chernyya 3W Hunter Rinaldi-Jones 4B Sebastian Lee 4R Hayley Porter 4W Mahalia Policar 5B Jonty Springer 5R Madision Dale 5W Jemma Rogers 6B Kai Sharp 6R Sarah Smith 6W Bailey Nikl This Week 1B Hannah Aboghazaleh 1R Lucas Policar 1W Matthew Doyle 2B Charlotte McLucas 2R Charlotte Preston 2W Lillian Anderson www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au 3B Xavier Campbell 3R Olivia Barbagallo 3W Leah Penny 4B Annastasia Henricksen 4R Koby Mott 4W Alexander Grana 5B Jazmyn Von Dohren 5R Eamon Shea 5W Elizabeth Kam Tonight from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm our staff is participating in a twilight Professional Development activity here at St Benedict’s. The topic which staff is exploring with the assistance of Michael Cini from Brisbane Catholic Education is Spelling and Grammar. We have a very professional and dedicated staff who put in many hours of professional dialogue and pedagogical practice so that we can offer the best of opportunities and learning experiences for our students. Well Done! On the BCE website we have two vacant positions which we will fill in the very near future. They are positions for a Curriculum Support Teacher and a Support Teacher: Inclusive Education teacher. We have had a couple of changes with a couple of Maternity Leave opportunities and Mrs Mitchell has accepted a position closer to her home. We thank Chrissie for all that she has done in our school and wish her well in her new position at Bardon. Anzac Day It has been 100 years since the landing at Gallipoli. This year St Benedict's would like to commemorate this special event with the help of our whole school community. If you are willing and able could you please help out with one or more of the following: 1. Any current serving military families to touch base with Mrs O'Hanlon (one of our Yr 3 teachers) as soon as possible, in person or via email kohanlon@bne.catholic.edu.au . 2. Anyone who has immediate family that are ex serving members; a student’s mother, father, step parents or older sibling. If these families could email two or three photos from their service time, along with details of the dates they served and any deployments. 3. Anyone who has grandparents who served in the military, past or present. Please forward a single photo (uniformed or not) with their name and the students’ name whom they belong too. 4. Anyone who has extended family (uncles, aunties, cousins) Please forward their name only. All information is to be emailed to kohanlon@bne.catholic.edu.au. Thank you so much for your support in organising this special occasion. This is an urgent reminder for Preppies to submit your Free Tennis Racquet & Shirt Form to your school’s reception or to hampson.wayne@gmail.com before Friday 6th March. Thought for the Week: “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it to others.” Pablo Picasso Have a great week! Regards Mark 2 Term 1: March 4, 2015 APA Jo Scott-Pegum Dear Parents, We are already in the second half of Term 1. It is hard to fathom the way in which time sometimes has a feeling of increasing speed. In writing this, I take a moment to pause and pray that both you and I find some small space in the day for personal prayer and reflection. Today I was inspired to write something in our newsletter in reflection on the class prayer shared this morning at assembly by 4W on the Charism of hospitality. The students clearly articulated a strong message about our beliefs and practices at St Benedict’s as we live the Benedictine Charism of hospitality and as we WALK Together in God’s Ways. I continue to enjoy the rich connectedness and welcome of all in the school community, not only towards me as a relative newcomer but, to each other in the general way we do things at St Benedict’s. When I am on playground duty I note the easy relationships between children in different classes as well as between different year levels. The children seem so open to welcoming others into their groups and their play. I witnessed strong evidence of this in the Prep sandpit / playground this week when two children overheard another saying she didn’t have a friend to play with, they turned around and said, ‘Come and play with us!’ We can learn a lot from our children. School Banking Wow, what an exceptional job our students are doing here at St Benedict’s with their school banking. As a school, we received a lovely cheque for $1624 from the Commonwealth Bank to complement your banking efforts. Well done! Meet Our Staff www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au I have asked the new staff to prepare a short bio to introduce themselves to the school community and each week we will enjoy reading a small snippet about our new staff members. This week we introduce more new members of the school staff, Mrs Ruth Sharman who is part of our Teaching & Learning Team. You may have seen Mrs Sharman around the St Benedict’s community before, as she is also a parent of two students in the school. Mrs Sharman has replaced Mrs Lund in Teaching & Learning while Mrs Lund is on maternity leave. Mrs Sharman comes to us from All Saints Primary School in Albany Creek. “The greatest fulfilment I get from teaching is the moment when a child overcomes whatever challenge they’re facing, with hard work, grit and determination and realises their own unique talents that assist in accomplishing this goal.” Mrs Sharman has two children, one in Prep and one in Year 1, and has been married for ten years. One of her favourite things to do on the weekend is to take her family and her dog to the beach for a day in the sun. Mrs Sharman has taught in both England and the USA but says that no matter where you go, children are the same the world over. “They want to be inspired, challenged, guided, loved and nurtured by their teachers. I look forward to doing all of this and more as I embrace the wonderful community of St Benedict’s this year.’ WATCH this space Next week we will learn a little more about the other new members of the teaching staff, do you know who they are? Brain Rule 6: Attention. ‘Brain Rules’ Dr John Medina The brain’s attentional ‘spotlight’ can focus on only one thing at a time: no multitasking. We are better at seeing patterns and abstracting the meaning of an event than we are at recording the detail. Emotional arousal helps the brain learn. Audiences check out after 10 minutes, but you can keep grabbing them back by telling narratives or creating events rich in emotion. Enjoy your week. Kind Regards, Jo 3 Term 1: March 4, 2015 APRE Brett Kitchener Dear Parents, Many of us know our most universally revered Pope Francis chose the name Francis for his papacy. Inspired by the great hero of our church St Francis of Assisi, St Francis lived a life in devotion to the poor. Pope Francis is recorded as choosing the name Francis as he recognised one of his foremost goals for his tenure as Pope was to serve the poor of the world. Pope Francis has gained great favour for his work thus far in achieving the goal of serving the world’s poor. The season of Lent, accompanied by Project Compassion in our Catholic schools, allows us in a small way to align ourselves with the Pope and work as one Church on this most important goal. Last week your child or children should have brought home the family collection box for Project Compassion. In last week’s newsletter I highlighted ways in which the children can learn more about Alms giving by working to gain the coins they receive and place in these collection boxes. Our school goal in 2015 for Project Compassion is to raise money for seedlings which allow Fijians to grow their own crops for the provision of food to their own families/ villages and in some instances for the sale of vegetables to others at local markets. This Lent as we give to others, particularly as we work and make sacrifices to do so, we most certainly will experience the joy which St Francis of Assisi taught “that it is in giving that we receive.” Leadership Camp I have just returned from spending the first part of the week alongside our school leaders at their annual school camp. Camp always provides a great opportunity for growth as it extends children in many ways outside of their regular comforts and routines into situations and contexts where real learning and development awaits. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au I would like to take this opportunity to recognise the Yr 6 teachers Paul Willey, Rachael Hayles and Peter Parker. Not only does camp require extreme preparation, the experience itself is an extraordinary commitment for the teachers. These dedicated professionals are asked to leave their own families and commitments behind and effectively work 24 hours a day for consecutive days with enormous responsibility and trust. They do this with very little breaks, even sleep. Our Parish Holy Cross Parish 3293 0800 www.redcliffecatholic parish.com 9.30am Sunday Mass here at St Benedict's, Mango Hill Parish Sacramental Program Holy Cross Catholic Parish will be offering Baptism for those children who would like to journey through the 2015 Sacramental Program but have not yet been baptised. There will be a Compulsory Baptism Instruction Session held on Tuesday 24 June, 5pm at Holy Cross Church, Kippa Ring. The Sacrament of Baptism will then be celebrated at the 5pm Youth Mass held on Sunday 5 July at Holy Cross Church. If your child has not been baptised prior to the commencement of the 2015 Sacramental Program you will be asked to delay until the 2016 Program. Please contact the Parish Office now on 3293 0800 for further information. This truly is an extraordinary commitment as mentioned, one we should never underestimate. I told the teachers as I departed that I sincerely thanked them on the community’s behalf for their work. I hope that you might do the same when you next see them. Parish Sacramental Program Please note (in the green column) the Holy Cross Parish has provided information regarding Baptism and the 2015 Sacramental Program. You can contact the Holy Cross Parish directly for more information on 3293 0800. Enjoy the rest of your week, Brett 4 Term 1: March 4, 2015 Sport Laurel Creese AFL and Basketball Trials Congratulations to Bailey Nikl, Thomas Howarth (AFL) and Jacinta Fitzgerald, Emmalea Chivers and Jordan Randall (Basketball) who were selected in the Pine Rivers District teams. Best of luck for the upcoming Met North trials. Tennis and Rugby League Congratulations to Elyssa White who will compete in the District Tennis trials this Thursday and to Brandon Reid, James Andrews, Jack Ryan, Kane Penny, Kai Sharp and Ben Sharp who were selected to compete in Rugby League District trials next Tuesday. A big thanks to Mr Willey for doing the trials and giving up his time to support the boys. Netball Trials On Friday this week Mrs McPhee and Mrs Kennedy will be doing Netball trials at break time. We have approximately 16 girls trialling. Please see them if you have any questions. Good luck! Cross Country Only 4 weeks to go until our school Cross Country on Monday 23rd March. An invitation and timetable will be sent out to families soon. The students are doing some training and learning the course in PE lessons but they will need to do some of their own fitness training outside school times. The main thing is to be active and do lots of different activities not just running. To give you a guide for approximate running distances, 2003 & 2004 born students – 2km, 2005 & 2006- 1.5km ; 2007 - 1km and all the younger students- 500m. LAP Running Club To get ready for the Cross Country we are starting a LAP CLUB on Monday and Friday mornings for Year 3-6 from 7.45am - 8.15am. Sign on is this Friday and starts this week with Ms Creese. Meet on the oval. Please bring a water bottle. Please ensure that your child does not wear their swimmers to the Friday session as they may get too hot. AUSKICK Sign-up We had almost 30 students sign up for Auskick on Saturday. Great to see so many students interested in being active. Thanks to the Parents for supporting their children with this. Addition to the Sports Trials Calendar (refer to Newsletter 18.2.15 on the school website). www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au We will be holding school trials for Touch football in Week 9 this Term as the Pine Rivers District trials are in Week 2 of Term 2. Yr 6 Camp 5 Term 1: March 4, 2015 Resource Centre & Curriculum Ellen Ramsay You must have your library bag to borrow. Library News Volunteers A big thank you to Kellie Williamson and Sue Grimshaw who volunteered on Tuesday morning in the Resource Centre and assisted with book covering. If you are able to assist in our Library in any way please come and let us know. Book Club A reminder that Book Club orders are due soon and that cash payments can not be accepted. Book club is a great opportunity for you to purchase age appropriate books for your child/ren at discounted prices. Through your orders, St Benedict’s receives bonus coupons which can then be used to acquire new books for our library. We appreciate the support of Emily Prenzler, a parent volunteer who is operating Scholastic Book Club at St Benedict’s this year. Writing Competition Students of all year levels can enter the 2015 Schools Writing Competition where they can enter short stories or poems. There is no theme and students are encouraged to let their imaginations run wild. There are some fantastic prizes on offer. This competition closes on the 29th March. To enter online or to download an entry form visit http://www.write4fun.net/competitions/54 The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition The theme for 2015, ‘A Young Commonwealth’, recognises that young people account for the majority of the Commonwealth’s population and play a vital role in shaping the world we live in. The Royal Commonwealth Society hopes that the essay topics based on the theme will lend themselves to aspects of the school curriculum and provide opportunities for creative writing. The competition is open to young writers aged 18 and under who are living in, or are a national of, a Commonwealth country or territory. For more information head to https://thercs.org/youth/competition. Please note that the closing date for entries is 1st May 2015. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Class Borrowing Monday 1B, 2W, 3B, 3W, 5R, 5W, 6B, 6W Wednesday PB, PR, PW, 2B, 2R, 6R Friday 1R, 1W, 3R, 4B, 4R, 4W, 5B Worldbook St Benedict’s has a whole school subscription to WorldBook Online. Our school subscription allows us to access the three areas within the site – Early World of Learning, Kids and Students. They now have available a mobile version of the website, too! Login http:// worldbookonline.com/ wb/Login?ed=wb Our School User Name stbh Password st4509 Curriculum News Teachers will be involved in a professional development Twilight this evening facilitated by Michael Cini, our BCE Education Officer - Curriculum. The focus of this session will be on Spelling and Grammar in the curriculum and the pedagogical practices that help to move all students’ learning forward. We are blessed with teachers at St. Benedict’s who are always willing to learn and improve their practice. Australian Curriculum Update At St. Benedict’s this year we will plan, teach, assess and report in the Australian Curriculum learning areas that have been endorsed; English, Maths, Science, History and Geography. The Queensland Curriculum will be used for all other subjects. We will continue to become familiar with the Australian Curriculum areas yet to be endorsed; The Arts, Health and Physical Education, Technology, Languages, Civics and Citizenship (Years 3 to 6), and Economics and Business (Years 5 and 6). These areas are expected to be implemented in 2016. 6 Term 1: March 4, 2015 Pastoral Coordinator Helen Hickey The Gospel story last weekend was the account of Jesus’ transfiguration before the eyes of his disciples Peter, James and John... ‘There in their presence he was transfigured: his clothes became dazzling white as he stood talking to them. A voice came from the cloud covering them saying – This is my Son the beloved. Listen to him.’ The disciples were frightened, however, filled with awe. This moment of grace caught them by surprise. We, too, can be caught unawares at any time in our lives. Moments of grace and blessing lift us all and enable us to walk taller in life, strengthen us for the continuing journey. An unexpected moment of blessing… A few days ago my husband, Brian, and I were just finishing our daily walk along the waterfront at Sandgate, when a man who we often see walking, stopped us and said, ‘’I’d like to introduce myself to you both. I have felt a connection with you as we’ve frequently smiled and said hello to each other. I wanted to tell you that our precious son passed away yesterday after fighting a chest infection. His body just couldn’t cope with a further challenge to his already diminished health.” His little boy, of about 8 or 9 years of age, loved the daily walks along the foreshore at Sandgate, despite being confined to a wheelchair and the total care of his family. What a moment of grace and blessing it was for us to share the heartbreak of a stranger. Moments of grace and blessing can truly change our lives if our eyes and ears and hearts are ready! Playgroup Tuesdays 8.30am to 10.00am Location St Benedict’s OSHC Building All are welcome to come along and enjoy a cuppa and some morning tea whilst the children play. A gold coin donation would be appreciated. Enquiries hhickey@ bne.catholic.edu.au Peace & blessings, Helen Morning tea every Wednesday after assembly in the Hall with Helen. All are welcome! School Office pmangohill@bne.catholic.edu.au www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au 2016 Prep Enrolments Prep Enrolments for 2016 are currently being accepted. Interviews for current families will occur prior to Easter holidays and for new families immediately after Easter. You will not be able to schedule an interview until your enrolment paperwork has been handed in. If you have a child due to commence Prep in 2016, please be sure to submit your enrolment application NOW to ensure a place for your child. Sick Kids? Going On Holiday? If you know your children will be away from school for longer periods of time please let your teacher know in person, via note or email. Please remember to call the St Benedict’s absentee line 3481 4688 to report absent or sick children to the school. Lost Property? With a school consisting of over 600 students, property is bound to get mixed up or lost sometimes. If you label your child's property clearly, it is quickly returned to students when it is found. Office Hours St Benedict’s Primary office hours are from 8am to 3.30pm. 7 Term 1: March 4, 2015 Teaching & Learning Ruth Sharman, Christina Mitchell & Pam Sweeney (Guidance & Counselling psweeney@bne.catholic.edu.au) Social and Emotional Learning Parents and carers have a critical role to play in guiding and supporting children’s social and emotional learning. Social and emotional skills develop with practice. Everyday situations present lots of opportunities for children to learn and practise skills for coping with emotions, managing relationships and solving problems. You can help children build the skills they need by providing effective coaching. Encourage discussion of feelings. Encourage children to talk about how they are feeling. Listen with empathy so they feel understood. Help them see that feelings are normal and that all feelings are okay, it is important to understand them, and that understanding and talking about feelings helps you to manage them. Support children’s confidence. Help children identify and develop their strengths by encouraging them to have a go at things and find activities they enjoy. Praise their efforts, celebrate their successes and encourage them to keep trying and learning. Provide opportunities to play with others. Playing with other children provides practice in important social skills such as sharing, taking turns and cooperation. Help children develop their skills by praising their appropriate play behaviour, for example: “I noticed how nicely you shared your toys. That made it fun for both of you.” Lead by example. Parents and carers are important role models. Children learn how to behave by observing and imitating the behaviour of those around them, particularly adults. When you model positive ways of coping with strong feelings like anger, it helps children feel safe and shows them ways that they can manage strong feelings too. Give children choices. To develop responsibility, children need practice in making choices that are appropriate for their age and experience level. You can help children build decision-making skills by encouraging them to explore options and helping them think through the reasons for their choices. Involving children in family decision-making (that you are in charge of) helps them develop skills for responsible decision making and encourages cooperative family relationships. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Encourage creative problem-solving. Asking questions that help children think of alternative solutions supports their thinking and problem-solving skills. When problems arise you can explore them together by asking questions, such as: “What could you do about that?” or “What do you think might happen if you try that?” Teach children to use assertive communication skills. Show children how to confidently and respectfully communicate their thoughts, feelings and needs to others in an assertive way, for example: “I really don’t want to play that game. It’s too dangerous. Let’s play a different game instead.” From: www.kidsmatter.edu.au Finance & Fees PMAGFinance@bne.catholic.edu.au Term 1, 2015 School Fees Term 1 school fees were due March 2nd unless Direct Debit arrangements are already in place. If you did not receive your account statement (via email) or would like an up-to-date statement emailed to you, please contact Nerrida on 3481 4600. 8 Term 1: March 4, 2015 Uniform Shop mary.smith@bne.catholic.edu.au Hours Mondays 2.30pm-4pm and Fridays 8.00am-9.30am or available by appointment. Oops, that’s not my hat? You may have accidently taken home someone else's school gear. Please check your gear at home and return any ‘lost property’ to the school office. Thank You! Parents are welcome to check through our orange ‘lost property’ baskets in the office any time. Centacare Here at St Benedict’s, Centacare run the Outside School Hours Care facility as well as the Kindergarten Services. Please contact the Centacare coordinators directly regarding these services. OSHC (Outside School Hours Care) Nikki Sawatzki - Coordinator 3293 4507 or mangohilloshc@bne.centacare.net.au Kindergarten Services www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Michelle Kramer - Kindergarten Teacher 3204 8452 or 0498 393 334 or mangohillkindy@bne.centacare.net.au P&F mangohillpandf@bne.catholic.edu.au Next P&F Meeting Our P&F Meeting will be held tonight at 7pm, March 4, in the St Benedict’s Primary School staffroom. All are welcome! P&F Electronic Mail If you would like to receive all P&F correspondence directly into your Inbox, please join our mailing list. No more digging through school bags for P&F notes! Join our mailing list. http://eepurl.com/CbuDr Mango Hill Markets Stay up to date: www.facebook.com/mangohillmarkets www.mangohillmarkets.com.au 9 Term 1: March 4, 2015 St Benedict’s College smangohill@bne.catholic.edu.au Science Ignites Student Interest Year 7 and 8 students have had their interest in Science ignited even further in recent lessons as they begin to design investigations and use a range of equipment to conduct fair tests. The students have been tasked with investigating a range of interesting questions including 'What is the best way to make a quick cuppa?', 'What is the best water to quickly boil an egg - tap, salt or sugary?' and 'What is the best ice for camping?'. In class groups, students have designed investigations, and utilising newly developed laboratory skills, tested their hypotheses, analysing results to draw conclusions. Perhaps the highlight for most students however has been learning to light a Bunsen Burner. Learn more about all that is offered to students at St Benedict’s College, including Extension and Excellence Programs, Robotics, Athlete Development Program, Music, Drama, Senior Pathways and much more, at one of our upcoming events: Twilight Tour – Thursday 12 March from 5.00-6.00pm Visitors Day – Friday 27 March, 9.00am-12.00pm To register for either event or to obtain enrolment information, please contact College Secretary, Lea Rubio via email to smangohill@bne.catholic.edu.au or via phone to 3385 8888. Interviewing Now for 2016, 2017 and 2018 Our first round of interviews for this year will be held during the week commencing Monday 23 March for applications already lodged. If your child is currently in Year 4, we strongly advise that you place an application for Year 7 in 2018 by Thursday 2 April. Further interviews will take place during Terms 2 and 3. Cafe fcstoreywood1@bigpond.com.au Hours Our St Benedict’s Primary School Café is open Wednesdays & Fridays. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Flexischools Orders Please check that you have correctly updated your student's class on Flexischools. If you have any problems please email fcstoreywood1@bigpond.com. Enquiries Our new Café Convenor is Fiona Storey. She can be contacted on 0429 647 268 or fcstoreywood1@bigpond.com.au Volunteers Needed! Volunteers are most welcome and appreciated in the Café. Please contact Fiona (our Café Convenor) or the school office if you are able to offer assistance in any way. Enquiries 0429 647 268 or fcstoreywood1@ bigpond.com.au 10 Term 1: March 4, 2015 Community Art Classes are held at the St. Benedict's Art Room every Tuesday, Thursday (3:15-4:15pm) and Friday (3:30-4:30pm). Please contact us at smockon@live.com. You can also find us at https://www.facebook.com/smockonartclasses Tennis News This is an urgent reminder for Preppies to submit your Free Tennis Racquet & Shirt Form to your school’s reception or to hampson.wayne@gmail.com before Friday 6th March. The winner of our Tennis raffle for term 1 is Ethan Elliott from St Paul's school. Ethan will receive a free tennis racquet. Wayne Hampson Tennis Coaching 0438 195 723 Hampson.wayne@gmail.com www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au TAE KWON DO CLASSES Held at St Benedicts on Saturdays from 10.30am to 11.30am. All ages are welcome. Please phone Daisy or Damian on 3886 0967 or 0438 860 967. Sign up for two months and receive a free uniform. All classes are supervised by an instructor with a Blue Card. Worldwide Marriage Encounter: A weekend away for married couples in peaceful, picturesque surroundings – away from the distractions of everyday living. Take time out of your busy schedule, to invest in your most precious asset . . . your Marriage! This is a unique opportunity to recharge your relationship batteries, refocus on each other and fall in love all over again! Weekend date: 15th – 17th May 2015 Venue: Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston QLD (on Brisbane’s bayside) For bookings/details contact: Maria and David Murphy, ph (07) 3342 1456, dandmmurphy@optusnet.com.au Information website: www.wwme.org.au 11 Term 1: March 4, 2015 Community MBRC Road Safety Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Have your say and go in the prize draw to win a bike! MBRC is currently reviewing and updating the ‘Road Safety Strategic Plan’. Let us know what you think the big road safety issues are in the Moreton Bay Region by 06/03/2015. Use the link below to take part in the short survey and be involved in shaping Council’s business on what can potentially save lives on our roads. www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/roadsafetyplan Pine Rivers PUMAS Rugby Union Club Under 9 and Under 10 PLAYERS WANTED! If you want to try out something new, fun and exciting, then Pumas Rugby is the place for you! Our clubhouse is located at Les Hughes Sports Complex, Bray Park. CONTACT US NOW Call 0488 020 292 or Email registrar@pumasrugby.com www.pumasrugby.com Do your kids like: www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au camping, sailing, hiking, caving, abseiling or rock climbing? orienteering, construction or knot tying? learning first aid skills or geocaching? open fire cooking, kayaking or learning about conservation? learning survival skills, astronomy or learning bush skills? learning about aircraft or tackling obstacle courses? making new friends and experiencing new challenges? earning badges to wear on their uniform? Contact: Deception Bay Scout Troop Group Leader Adam Black on adamsblack81@gmail.com or 0423 626 706 www.scoutsqld.com.au 12 Term 1: March 4, 2015 Community Redcliffe Leagues Hockey Club Have you thought about hockey for your child? We have a fabulous program called Hook in2 Hockey which runs for 6 weeks starting late February and introduces children from the age of 4 to our great sport in a fun environment. Your sign on will include a FREE Stick, Ball, Shin Pads, Mouth Guard and Hockey Jersey - everything you need to join in the fun straight away! Apart from this program, we also have Boys and Girls teams starting from U7's. We would love to hear from your family. Contact: Lynne Somerville 0417 758 107 for more information. North Lakes Mustangs Soccer Club Inclusive Program is proudly supported by the Brisbane Paralympic Football Program. Term One Commences and Registration Day www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au When: Saturday 28th February Time: 2pm to 3pm Where: Woodside Oval – Cnr Discovery Dve & Gardenia Pde North Lakes North Lakes Mustangs will be providing a sausage sizzle at the conclusion of training on this day. Everyone (siblings, friends & supporters) are welcome and please pass on this information to friends & any families that you feel would benefit from being involved with this successful program. A Head Coach from the BPFP, Alyssa (Aly) BPFP Junior coach, Kaye our Coordinator and the Northside team are ready to create a fun and safe social environment for your children. For all enquires, please contact Kerri Hutchison Email : managerbpfp2@gmail.com Phone: 0408 348 500 PS: can you please RSVP your attendance as this enables us to ensure suitable training for the athletes and catering for our sausage sizzle. 13
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