FEBRUARY 21 & 22, 2015 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT MASS INTENTIONS A MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTOR Dear Friends in Christ, On this weekend of the First Sunday of Lent, the Church urges us to look deep into ourselves and to enhance what we see in ourselves that is good and to change what we know needs to be changed. The three pillars on which this season is based are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Let’s quickly take a look at each one. Communication is part of any worthwhile relationship. If we don’t communicate on a somewhat regular basis, the relationship starts to dry up. The same is true with our relationship with the Lord. We need to pray on a regular basis. It just can’t be a spontaneous thing or something we do when we are in dire need. We need to talk to the Lord daily. It helps if we choose a time and place where we can say our prayers. If we devote just ten minutes a day in prayer to the Lord, our lives can be changed. Of course, nothing beats the Eucharist as a prayer. Most people cannot get to daily Mass. However, during Lent our parish offers an added opportunity at 6:30 pm Monday to Friday to make Mass during Lent an easier thing to do. Fasting is also something that draws us closer to the Lord. Most of us have been “giving up” something during Lent for as long as we can remember. This kind of Lenten sacrifice can make us aware that material things are not all that is important during this season. The things of the spirit are much more important. Finally, almsgiving or making financial contributions to the poor is the third important element of a good Lenten observance. We began that as a parish on Ash Wednesday by making a contribution to the Blessed Margaret of Castello Home for Crisis Pregnancies. This is a program supported for many years by our parish. It is a small but important program to help young ladies with minimum resources to give birth to their babies. When you support a program like this, you are saying yes to the pro-life movement in a very concrete way. You are helping babies to enter this world who might have ended up as legally aborted children. Thank God their mothers had a place to go where they could be cared for and nurtured. One way that unites all three of the above is Operation Rice Bowl. Celebrating its 40th year, this program stresses eating a sacrificial meal once a week, accompanying that meal with weekly prayer, and using the money saved to give to the poor. I urge you to take one of the cardboard rice bowls in the rear of the Church. Although we are having the Lenten collection for Operation Rice Bowl next weekend for those who do not follow the program but want to help the hungry poor, you should not feel obligated to contribute to this collection if you are going to follow the program. You can save your contribution until Lent is over. Whatever you do for Lent, just make sure you do something! Every Lent brings us closer to eternity. I remember as a young priest thinking that I would have plenty of Lents ahead for me to enhance my relationship with the Lord. At age 67, the number of future Lents is not so numerous now. Look at your own situation, whatever it is. Make this the best Lent ever. Asking God’s blessings on you as we begin this holy season, I leave you In the peace of Christ, - PAGE 2 - SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2015 5:00 pm Vigil — Paul & Petronella Aleksinas SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 7:30 am — Stanley H. Grochowski (10th Anniv.) 9:00 am — Frederick Sylvester (10th Anniv.) 10:30 am — Arthur Murphy 12:00 pm — Thomas Cobey,III MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2015 6:30 am — Rose Figliola 8:30 am — Ronald J. Storey 6:30 pm — Alfreda Kane TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2015 6:30 am — Rose Marie Casciano 8:30 am — Rosemary Christian 6:30 pm — Elena Moran-O’Brien WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARAY 25, 2015 6:30 am — Jimmy Zakrzewski (4th Anniv.) 8:30 am — Mary Thompson (Birthday) 6:30 pm — Sean Ludascher THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2015 6:30 am — Sandra Pless 8:30 am — Richard Halpin 6:30 pm — Emily Luciano FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2015 6:30 am — Salvatore “Chic” Caputo 8:30 am — John Severino, Sr. (Birthday ) 6:30 pm — Dorothy Kline SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 8:00 am — Salvatore “Chic” Caputo 5:00 pm Vigil — Lena Sweeney (Birthday) SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 2015 7:30 am — 9:00 am — 10:30 am — 12:00 pm — Bill Hein Danielle Wallace Virginia D’Ippolito Sarah E. Napierkowski (5th Anniv.) PRIEST CELEBRANT SCHEDULE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 5:00 PM – Msgr. Garvin SUNDAY, M ARCH 1, 2015 7:30 AM – Fr. Sean 9:00 AM – Fr. Michel 10:30 AM – Msgr. Boland 12:00 PM – Msgr. Garvin THE SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND, FEBRUARY 21 & 22, 2015, IS FOR THE CARE OF AGING AND INFIRMED PRIESTS OF THE ARCHDIOCESE THE SECOND COLLECTIONS NEXT WEEKEND, FEBRUARY 28 & MARCH 1, 2015 IS FOR OPERATION RICE BOWL FEBRUARY 21 & 22, 2015 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT CRS RICE BOWL Adult Faith Formation 5 WEEK LENTEN RETREAT CRS Rice Bowl turns 40 this year! Commemorate this special milestone by participating in Rice Bowl this year. This special Lenten journey touches people LOCALLY, as well as, GLOBALLY! 75% of Rice Bowl supports CRS projects around the globe. 25% remains local and supports the work of local food cupboards and soup kitchens through Nutritional Development Services. Please take a Rice Bowl home with you to help deepen your family’s Lenten experience and make a difference in the lives of the poor. Do you want to grow in your relationship with God this Lent? Do you want to make “giving something up” for Lent more meaningful? Plan on joining a five week Lenten Retreat. Video segments from Fr. Robert Barron's "Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Lively Virtues" series will guide discussions on issues affecting Catholic life today, and how to opt for virtue over sinful habits. LENTEN MASS SCHEDULE “Humility and Pride” Thursday, February 26th after the 6:30pm Mass in the Parish Meeting Room Refreshments will be served And mark your calendars for: During Lent, in addition to our regular 6:30 am and 8:30am Masses, an evening Mass at 6:30 pm has been added during the week (Monday to Friday). Mass Intentions are still available for weekday Mass times during Lent. During the weekdays of Lent, the Adoration Chapel will close at 6:30pm. All are encouraged to honor Our Lord’s presence by attending the 6:30pm Mass. March 5, 12, 19, and 26 Faith, Family & Fatherhood This year’s Philadelphia Men’s Spirituality Conference (Man UP Philly) is on Saturday March 7th. It will be at Saint Joseph’s University Hagen Arena. For information, go to www.manupphilly.com. Any men interested in going and wanting to arrange a car pool, please call Deacon Rich at 215-698-9206. Also, any men interested in a Saint Christopher Men’s Prayer Group, please call Deacon Rich at the same number. Bible Study with the Seminarians Join our Seminarians as they take a look at the readings that will be proclaimed at the weekend Masses. Each week will certainly be a time of prayer and insight. Come as often as you can, and bring your friends Thursdays at 1:30 pm in the Parish Office STATIONS OF THE CROSS This Lenten devotion will be celebrated on the Fridays of Lent at 7:00 pm in Church. (please park in the Trainer Hall parking lot) FAST & ABSTINENCE AND OTHER ACTS OF PENANCE FOR LENT The Bishops of the United States prescribe, as minimal obligation, that all persons who are: 1. Fourteen years of age and older are bound to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, on all Fridays of Lent and Good Friday. 2. Eighteen years of age and older, up to and including their 59th birthday, are bound to fast by limiting themselves to a single full meal on Ash Wednesday and on Good Friday, while the other meals on those days are to be light. A MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTION WAS MADE BY IN MARYHELEN FRANKS FOR A SET OF VESTMENTS MEMORY OF THE FRANKS FAMILY BEST LENT EVER WHAT ARE YOU GIVING UP FOR LENT? Maybe it’s time to try something different. Don’t just give something up for Lent. Do something. Sign up for the BEST LENT EVER email program with Matthew Kelly, America’s best-selling Catholic author. It’s simple and free. The only cost is your commitment to live better each day this Lent. Sign up at BestLentEver.com - PAGE 3 - FEBRUARY 21 & 22, 2015 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT IMPORTANT REMINDER TO SCHOOL PARENTS REGARDING TUITION PAYMENTS AND CHURCH CONTRIBUTIONS SPECIAL ATTENTION TRACK TEAM REGISTRATION 4TH TO 8TH GRADES SUNDAY, MARCH 1ST & 8TH AFTER THE 10:30 AM MASS IN HOLY FAMILY HALL GIRLS SOFTBALL & BOYS BASEBALL REGISTRATION 5TH TO 8TH GRADES SUNDAY, MARCH 1ST AFTER THE 10:30 AM MASS IN HOLY FAMILY HALL PLEASE CONTACT MRS. GIAMMARUTI 215-673-5787 EXT. 32 IF YOU NEED MORE INFORMATION. FOR REPORT CARDS TO BE ISSUED ON MARCH 11: Stewardship families must be up-to-date in their church contributions, Mass attendance and all monthly tuition payments must be paid through February. Please call Lisa Keane, Tuition Manager, at the Parish Office (215-673-5177) with any questions or concerns. WEEKLY COLLECTION Collection for February 14 & 15, 2015 For families on the monthly payment plan, January payments should have been paid and February is past due. For families at the Stewardship rate, the amount in the church contribution should be at $700 through March 1. $13,008 (includes $1,757 from E-Giving) (ANOTHER BAD WEATHER WEEKEND) Collection for February 15 & 16, 2014 Sponsor a Needy Student 2015 Sponsor a Needy Student 2014 Children’s Scholarship Information $17,143 $3,506 $3,597 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR PARISH BLOCK COLLECION We need $13,210 to reach our goal of $130,000. We will continue to post periodic updates of the amount needed. New Children Scholarship Fund applications for the 2015-2016 school year are now available to be completed on the website, www.csfphiladelphia.org. Scholarship requirements are simple. To be eligible, families must meet income requirements, be residents of Philadelphia, have a child entering grades K-8th and complete the required essay. The submission deadline is March 1, 2015. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Lisa Keane in the Parish Office. 7th Grade Practice Entrance Test Market Day Next Sale will be on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 From 6:30—7:30 pm in Holy Family Hall. Order forms are now available in the back of church, in the gift card/scrip room, and in the parish office. Internet orders must be placed by: Thursday, February 26, 2015 by 11:00 pm. For additional information please call: Colleen Ross at 215-677-6927 Next Pick-up date is Thursday, March 5, 2015 Bereavement Support Group Monday, March 16, 2015 6:00-7:15 p.m.—Parish Meeting Room Please call Sister Maureen Erdlen, the moderator of the group, at 215-248-7203 for more information regarding this support group meeting. If you are dealing with the death of a loved one, this might be for you. The Parish Meeting Room is located in the school building right off the Lindsay Street parking lot. Please Pray for our Deceased Christopher Rommel Marion McNichol St. Basil Academy 711 Fox Chase Road Philadelphia, PA 19046 Saturday, March 7, 2015 from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Fee: $30.00 You will find the necessary registration form on our website at http://www.stbasilacademy.org/seventh.htm or call the admissions office at 214-885-6952 Roman Catholic High School Saturday, March 14th from 9:00 am to Noon Details and the registration form are available on www.romancatholichs.com. For any questions e-mail: admissions@romancatholichs.com or call 215-627-1270 ext 146 or 159. Nazareth Academy High School 4001 Grant Avenue Philadelphia PA 19114 Saturday March 7th from 7:45 am to 12:00 pm Registration is free this year; however, we require registration by Friday February 27th. Please visit our website www.nazarethacademyhs.org for registration. For additional information please call Admissions Office at 215268-1026 - PAGE 4 FEBRUARY 21 & 22, 2015 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK CATHOLIC CHARITIES APPEAL THEME FOR 2015 Judy May, Donna Marie Paone, Robert Sullivan GIVING HOPE Each registered household will or has received a direct mailing from the Catholic Charities Appeal Office. Please make your checks out to: Catholic Charities Appeal and mail your donation directly back to them at the following address: Archdiocese of Philadelphia Catholic Charities Appeal CL#4710 PO Box 95000 Philadelphia, PA 19195-4710 Dolores Anderson, Lee Blaney, Mary Kay Banks, Robert Banks, John Bilkins, Regina Carberry, Jerry Cahill, Mary Ann Daily, Jim DeGardnuer, Karen DiMezza, Marie Dolhancryk, Taylor Dworznicki, Bill Ferro, Nancy Finn, Nora Forgione, Ted Franks, Rosemary Gabriel, David Griffin, Ronald Gutschall, Joanne Henes, Patrick Keenan, Patrick Kilcoyne, Robert Kurtz, Leonard Laurito, Rina Laurito, Lisa MacWilliams, Jennifer Mariano, Heather McCaffery, Marie MacDonald, Mary McKeever, Joan Martin, Paul Martin, George Matwiejczyk, Frances McElroy, Genevieve McElwee, Elizabeth Morris, Lee Murphy, Anne Murtha, Mary Lew Nederoski, Baby Alexander Nolan, Barbara O’Connor, Thomas Pasquini, Josephine Pickul, Betty Rosa, John Rudolph, Anna Ryan, Robert Schuster, Michael Serpiello, Marianna Serpiello, Loretta Shields, Benny Shirk, Jack Slater, Arden Sukeena, Larry Sutliff, Jr., Shannon Valotta, Baby Aliana Walker, Baby London Walker, Walter Zubak You are invited! St. Katharine Drexel Shrine Feast Day Mass Tuesday, March 3rd Noon St. Elizabeth Chapel Commissioning of Honor Guards RSVP to 215-244-9900 ext 380 National Shrine of Saint Katharine Drexel 1663 Bristol Pike, Bensalem, PA NOTICE ABOUT OUR SICK LIST: If you wish to place or remove a name from the prayer list, please call the Parish Office (215-673-5177) during regular hours. H.O.P.E. HELPING OTHER PEOPLE IN AN EMERGENCY When family, friends or neighbors are unavailable and you have need for local transportation to get to doctor appointments, shopping, hospital visits or church, call our H.O.P.E. coordinator. Please leave your name and phone number and the coordinator will call you back. TO SCHEDULE A RIDE CALL: 215-947-3769 First-time parents, as well as parents who have not already done so, must attend a Pre-Jordan class before scheduling the Baptism. We suggest that you attend before the birth of your baby. The next class will be on: Wednesday, February 25, at 7:00 pm in the Parish Meeting Room. Please call the Parish Office to register in advance. Jackson Will Rogers RECEPTIONIST NEEDED: Sisters of the order of Saint Basil the Great 5 Days—8:00 am to 4:00 pm Send resume to province@stbasils.com ACADEMIC HONORS The following students from our parish have achieved Academic Honors for the First Semester of the 20142015 School Year. We congratulate them on their achievements. Nazareth Academy High School FIRST HONORS Senior: Kelly Bradley, Clare Gervino, Ashley Hunter, PRE-JORDAN BAPTISM CLASS Congratulations Newly Baptized email: skdshrine@comcast.net www.katharinedrexel.org Visit our Gift Shop for Religious articles and handmade items. Alexis Johncola, Nina Juntereal, Maria Market, Michelle Nocitra, Marissa Picozzi, Elizabeth Schrenk, Maria Schuck, Marissa Sylvester, Bridget Temple Junior: Claudia Candidi, Samantha D’Alfonso, Caitlyn Heston,, Sophomore: Maria Diaz, Grace Gervino, Kristen Lichtner, Sarah Schuck, Angela Sylvester SECOND HONORS Senior: Mary Harrington Sophomore: Miranda Candidi, Jessica Loughery, Lauryn Stride St. Hubert Catholic High School for Girls FIRST HONORS Sophomore: Devon Kelly - PAGE 5-
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