
Thursday 19th February 2015
A n t i g u a
a n d
B a r b u d a
The government plans to make an offer for the purchase of The Pavilion Restaurant and the seven acres of land adjacent
to it.
The Antigua and Barbuda Government plans to make an offer to
the receivers of the Stanford Development Company (SDC) for the
purchase of the Pavilion Restaurant
and the seven acres of adjacent land.
This comes out of a meeting of
the Cabinet on Wednesday. Reliable
sources say the decision to procure
the property which sits within the
precincts of the V.C. Bird International Airport is influenced by a
number of factors.
Firstly, the sources say, the offer
to purchase the Pavilion Restaurant
and surrounding lands will be made
in the interest of former Stanford
employees, who have been awaiting
monies due to them since 2009.
According to the sources it is anticipated that the purchase will seek
to have these workers’ compensated
shortly thereafter, particularly since
cont’d on pg 2
Thursday 19th February 2015
Massive silt build-up at St. John’s Harbor
A survey of the sea
floor in the St John’s Harbor reveals that there is
a build-up of silt that is
more than two meters
Manager of the Antigua Port Authority, Darwin Telemaque, says this
huge accumulation of deposit is causing the larger
cruise ships to touch the
ocean floor whenever they
navigate the Harbour.
He says this is the
crux of the problem that
forced the Port Authority to urgently undertake
the sweeping of the harbor floor that started on
Tuesday. According to
Telemaque, the Harbour is
charted to have water up
to eleven meters deep…
but in fact, because of the
silt buildup…the harbor
depth is approximately
nine meters.
cont’d from pg 1
He says this is evident
whenever the larger vessels are in port as solt silt
is stirred up and the water
takes on a brownish hue.
The Port manager adds
that the Authority has engaged a Trinidadian firm
the receivers have asserted that a
lack of funds has made payments to
the former employees impossible.
Just over a week ago, attorney
representing the disgruntled former
employees, Cosbert Cumberbatch,
conveyed his intent to challenge
amounts which differed significantly from amounts submitted by
the liquidators over a year ago and
which were not disputed.
The petitioners also state that
they were made aware of assets of
to carry out the sweeping
of the Harbour. The two
parties have designed an
action plan on how best to
approach the task.
Telemaque says the
harbour is divided into
four areas to ensure that
SDC being sold and that the Liquidators are holding sufficient funds;
thus, they propose, the Liquidators
are in a position to pay the said
workers, and should do so soonest.
Meantime, the Cabinet has further agreed that it is desirous to
have an Airport Hotel developed on
the site, and that nationals of Antigua and Barbuda will be invited to
invest in this project.
The reliable sources note that
the hotel industry requires many
millions of dollars for investment,
no area is left untouched.
He explains that the work
is expected to take approximately one month to
complete…and the port
authority will receive a
completion certificate by
the end of March.
and that foreign capital is usually
required, it is also acknowledging
that an opportunity for local involvement can only be to the benefit
of Antigua and Barbuda.
Two other local businesspersons have invested in airport hotels.
Rowan Henry and Austin Lapps
have both owned hotels at the airport.
Cabinet believed that this franchise ought to be reserved for locals, who are invited to participate
in the ownership and the profits.
Thursday 19th February 2015
Festivals Commission rolls out
Carnival volunteer program
A call is being made on residents who are interested in the Carnival Volunteer Program to register
at the office of the Antigua and Barbuda Festivals Commission.
The Festivals Commission
Chairman Cliff Williams, is passionate about the program.
“Carnival is a major undertaking and our biggest festival so each
year we look at our events and see
where we need extra hands to assist
in making it a professional cultural
He adds, “Interested individuals just need to have a strong passion for the cultural arts and have
a deep rooted desire in getting involved in the production of festivals
and events. I know many college
students who study marketing and
events-planning would also find this
experience beneficial.”
The Antigua Barbuda Festivals
Commission is in the process of
creating a database of such skills,
talents and experience to serve the
country as volunteers.
“A broad outline of skills and
talents we are seeking to attract are
graphic artistes, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, stage hands,
hospitality support, administrative
support, cultural adjudicators, etc.”,
Chairman Williams explains.
Interested persons are encouraged to collect registration forms
from the office of the Antigua and
Barbuda Festivals Commission upstairs the Pigotts Mall during regular business hours. Registration is
an ongoing exercise.
Antigua Carnival, dubbed the
Caribbean’s Greatest Summer Festival will be staged July 25 – August
Ministry of Sports to host Sports Awards
The Ministry of
Trade, Commerce, Industry, Sports, Culture
and National Festivals
will host the National
Sports Awards on March
28, 2015.
The awards will focus on performances
of national athletic and
mind sports’ athletes for
the period January 1,
2014 to December 31,
All Associations are
asked to complete the
application forms that
have been furnished by
the Ministry to facilitate
the process.
The deadline for submission of these application forms is March 2,
The Ministry is appealing to all associations to submit their respective forms on time.
The Ministry considers the performances and
achievements of national
athletes as very important to the development of
the nation and therefore
expects full corporation
from relevant associa-
A select committee,
headed by Director of
Sports is working around
the clock to ensure a
smooth awards ceremony.
This will be a formal event and all invited
guests are encouraged to
adhere to the specified
dress code. 4
Thursday 19th February 2015
Antigua re-nominates Sanders for
Commonwealth Secretary-General
ST JOHN’S, Antigua — Some two months
after withdrawing his
government’s nominee for
the post of Commonwealth
Secretary-General, Prime
Minister of Antigua and
Barbuda, Gaston Browne,
has now written to fellow
Heads of Government
of the Commonwealth
Caribbean to reinstate his
nomination of Sir Ronald
Sanders for the post.
A.D. 2015
In the estate of MARY
BENJAMIN, deceased
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the expiration of fourteen (14)
days from the date of this
Notice, application will be
made by DAVID NEHEMIAH CHARLES of Ebenezer
Gardens, St. Thomas, USVI
(formerly of Freemans Village, St. Peter, Antigua) to
the High Court of Justice
for the Grant of Letters of
Administration de Bonis
Non in the Estate of MARY
BENJAMIN, deceased, late
of Freemans Village, St. Peter, Antigua, who died on the
20th day of December, 1972.
Dated this 19th day of February, 2015
Rhodsha A. Oliver
Attorneys-at-Law for the
In a letter dated February 12, 2015, Browne
said that, since writing
on December 10, 2014,
regarding his withdrawal
of Antigua and Barbuda’s
nomination of Sanders, he
has been overwhelmed by
messages of regret and requests for reconsideration
from within and beyond
the Caribbean, including
from some heads of government.
The burden of those
messages, Browne said,
was that the Commonwealth has been “deprived, at a time of crisis,
of the candidate manifestly most suitable and most
likely to be chosen, given
his Commonwealth-wide
network and diplomatic
“It has been impressed
on me that Sir Ronald had
the declared support of 9
of the 12 Commonwealth
Caribbean governments at
our December 8th meet-
ing, and that it is still open
to me to put him forward
as the candidate of Antigua and Barbuda for the
post of Commonwealth
that he has been reminded that, at the caucus of
Heads of Commonwealth
Caribbean governments
in the margins of the Cuba-CARICOM conference
on December 8, 2014, in
Cuba, no other candidate
mustered more than two
votes, and that quite recently CARICOM heads
of government did not apply any consensus requirement to candidates for the
posts of Secretary-General
of the ACP Group and the
Deputy Secretary-General
of the OAS.
“Nonetheless, in the
interest of Caribbean unity among ourselves and in
the projection of our unity to the Commonwealth,
Notice from the Inland Revenue
Department (IRD)
All Residential Property Owners (to include land
and or house) who pay off their 2015 property tax
citation by June 30th, 2015 will get all their arrears
waived or wiped off.All ABST Registrants who are in
arrears are asked to pay the amount or make arrangements to pay the amount by March 31st 2015 and get
all penalty and interest waived.
Sir Ronald Sanders.
I am still anxious that we
proceed by consensus if
we possibly can. I have,
therefore, strongly urged
Sir Ronald to withdraw
his intimation of standing
down his candidacy despite his earlier decision in
what he considered to be
the interest of our region.
He, too, would still prefer
the region to go forward as
one, and has told me of the
great sense of honour he
felt at receiving the backing of so many heads of
government,” he said.
“I am pleased to say
that in the circumstances he has accepted my
proposal, and will make
himself available to the
Commonwealth as I have
requested on the basis
cont’d on pg 5
Thursday 19th February 2015
Training and equipment for ABDF
China is making available several
million dollars worth of technical assistance to the Antigua and Barbuda
Defense Force.
The pledge was communicated to
the ABDF during a visit to the country by a military delegation from the
People’s Liberation Army, the Chinese military arm. During the call, the
delegation held high-level discussions
with Chief of Defense Staff, Colonel
Sir Trevor Thomas, where they discussed continued assistance to the
Antigua and Barbuda Defense Force.
Sir Trevor said both countries
signed an agreement last year, under
cont’d from pg 4
of the Caribbean’s consensus candidate. At our
meeting later this month
I shall therefore seek that
consensus for Sir Ronald’s candidature as the
next Commonwealth secretary general. Given that
in Cuba last month there
was majority support of
Sir Ronald, I look forward
in fraternity to your backing,” Browne concluded.
One of three initial
candidates as the Caribbean
nominee, Sanders has the
broadest Commonwealth
experience and background, having played
a key role in Commonwealth affairs over many
years including in the Eminent Persons Group that
reported in 2011 on the future direction and reform
of the organisation.
which China agreed to make 20-million RMB or 2.4 million U-S dollars
available to the ABDF. He says that
money was committed for a five-year
period. However, he is announcing
that following the talks…the Chinese
army is making the full amount available this year instead.
According to Sir Trevor…the
delegation also gave the assurance
of continued military support to the
ABDF specifically in the areas of
training and logistics. The offer to
train and equip the ABDF Mass Casualty Management Unit and its Urban Search and Rescue Unit was also
The other two candidates, Baroness Patricia
Scotland, a sitting member of the British House
of Lords, nominated by
Dominica and supported only by Dominica and
Barbados, and Senator
Bhoe Tewarie, Trinidad
and Tobago’s candidate
and minister of planning
and sustainable development, both have question
marks against their candidacy.
Tewarie is little known
within the Commonwealth
and has little relevant experience, and Scotland has
already created some controversy and consternation
amongst foreign ministers
from both CARICOM and
the Commonwealth by unexpectedly appearing as
Dominica’s representative
at ministerial meetings in
New York recently, where
noteworthy in the discussions.
The Chief of Defense Staff says
these promises of assistance coupled
with opportunities to attend future
high level conferences. One such
conference is the African, Caribbean
and South Pacific Commanders Conference which will be held in June of
this year.
Both the Chinese Military delegation and the Chief of Defense Staff
are optimistic that the mutual cooperation between both Forces will continue to provide significant benefits
for the twin island nation of Antigua
and Barbuda.
there was reportedly considerable reluctance and
even downright refusal to
discuss sensitive regional
issues in the presence of a
sitting member of the British parliament. (Reprinted
from AMG online)
Thursday 19th February 2015
Intolerance is unacceptable
For centuries, the
world has suffered the
debilitating effects of
racism – from slavery
to indentured labour to
the Holocaust and most
recently the racism that
gave rise to the civil
rights movement in the
1960s and ‘70s.
It is a fact that many
the world over still suffer
from the backlash which
seems only at times to be
hiding under the surface
and ready to break forth
There have been
some improvement in
relations between races,
however, due to the tireless work of equal rights
groups and governments,
as well as the people
who wanted to progress
beyond a point of stagnation.
Yet there is still
something hovering in
the background, which
threatens to slowly tear
away the fabric of, that
which has been built
slowly and carefully,
especially in the last 30
plus years – it is called
xenophobia, which is just
another aspect of racism.
history, human beings have
generally found a way
to highlight the differences in each other and
use these differences to
physically or emotional-
ly destroy.
However, in 1948,
the General Assembly
of the United Nations
adopted and proclaimed
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
whereas part of Article 2
states: “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and
freedoms set forth in this
Declaration … no distinction shall be made on
the basis of the political,
jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a
person belongs, whether
it be independent, trust,
under any other limitation of sovereignty.”
Nowadays, the situation has improved, but
it remains the same due
to a ‘political correctness’, which has merely veiled the underlying
anger which lies within
the average human being
who has not been educated on the importance of
strength in unity.
Where political correctness has dictated
that some aspects of racism/xenophobia are to
be frowned upon, other
forms just seem to ‘slip
through the cracks’ because they are not reccont’d on pg 7
Thursday 19th February 2015
The Antilles and alignment with China
A recent World Bank
report speculated that
by2025 the Yuan (Chinese currency) will enjoy
more monetary prominence than both the US
dollar and the Euro.
What does this mean
for the Americas and
more specifically the Caribbean?
With many islands
making loan requests
to Chinese banks in exchange for the provision
of expertise, manpower
and infrastructure development, what will the
Antilles look like in 50
A product of British, Spanish, French
and Dutch colonialism
alongside the marginal
influence of African and
Eastern societies, the Caribbean remains a melting
pot infused with the cultures, religions, hierarchy
and biases of the dominant colonial entity.
cont’d from pg 6
However, the capitalist model illustrates a
paradigm shift that has
resulted in a subdued Caribbean, one that continues to wave a fledgling
flag of national independence and pride perpetually shaken by international actors.
There is little doubt
that within the last decade China has made an
immense impact on the
Changes in immigration and labour laws, or
at the very least turning a
blind eye to occurrences
that have happened but
are insignificant when
compared to the immediate benefits provides just
two examples.
With China’s mass
production facilities, its
By Vicki Cann
apparent cash flow and its
tegration and unification?
expertise in several ser- world order?
Will our leaders need
Send your comments
vice oriented industries,
how will the Caribbean to take a more serious to Vicki.cann@gmaail.
hold its own in this new approach to regional in- com
ognised as something dangerous
to a society, or they are allowed
as outlets for people who need to
express the underlying hate buried
deep inside.
In 2014, an Italian Minister
faced calls to resign after he referred to the country’s first Black
Minister as an orang-utan.
He received widespread condemnation over his remarks, for
which he only offered a ‘qualified
apology’, and faced prosecution
over them.
Some comedians are also offenders and use the stage to poke
racial/xenophobic ‘fun’ at others.
If a comedian pokes fun at the way
a person of a particular ethnicity
does things, chances are people
will laugh because they think it
is funny, but other emotions are
stirred up on the inside as well.
We must have that understanding that what is funny to one person can be offensive to others.
We have come too far – we
must move forward. (Reprinted
from the Barbados Advocate)
Thursday 19th February 2015
Tribute to Accident Victims’ Families
As I take a glance down memory lane, my daughter’s life is not the same;
Up to now I can feel the pain, as the sound echoes in my ears:
“Your daughter is in a serious car accident,” that was how the news went;
I felt the pain from head to toe - man this was a tremendous blow.
My daughter is alive, thanks be to God; if she had died my life would have fallen apart.
It took a devastating toll on my family and me, as I questioned, “God, why has this happened
to me?”
The long, lonely road for my daughter’s healing, - I can appreciate your feelings,
Losing a child to an accident, I really don’t know, but receiving that phone call can drop you
just so.
We weren’t rich to get justice done, but God has made a way for us somehow;
The lawyers that stuck with us, the nurses, true family and friends, have given us hope
when we were overwhelmed.
Every time I drive on Friars Hill Road, my heart palpitates and there’s something in my throat
It was no fault of hers to get such a blow, and he is so proud to be walking around so.
Negative comments you will hear, but trust God, He does care;
Comfort yourself and don’t be afraid to cry, God doesn’t judge you, you can get angry and ask
him “WHY?”
He is a God that you can express your feelings to, and that’s the only way you will get healing;
Your life will never be the same, you’ve lost a child, mother, and there will always be pain.
“How can it be that I lost my pickney, a mother and a friend and say it is well?”
You can say, “Guide me, oh thou great Jehovah, help me to get through this.”
“Can I find peace in the midst of this storm?” YES! “Can I find hope when I can’t go on anymore?” YES!
“Where was God when I needed him the most?” RIGHT THERE!
Hide me now under your wings; cover me within your mighty hands.
When the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with you above the storm;
Father you are King over the flood, I will be still and know you are God.
My deepest condolences.
Thursday 19th February 2015
10 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Thursday 19th February 2015
Thursday 19th February 2015
St Kitts-Nevis voters deny Douglas
historic fifth consecutive term
- St Kitts-Nevis voters denied Prime
Minister Dr. Denzil Douglas an opportunity of becoming the first regional leader to win five consecutive
general elections and instead voted
Team Unity, an amalgam of three
opposition parties to form the next
government in St. Kitts-Nevis.
While the Electoral Commission has not officially released the
results of Monday’s poll, Douglas’s
St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) appeared willing to concede the
victory on Tuesday.
The outgoing Information Minister Nigel Carty said while the entire country is awaiting the results
of the elections, the Supervisor of
Elections, Wingrove George “does
have a serious obligation to address
the country on what is the country’s
most critical event that is the election
of members to the National Assembly.
“Therefore we want to say to the
general public that we would really like for this matter to be over as
quickly as possible. We are calling
on the supervisor to do what is required to ensure that the results are
announced as quickly as possible.”
Carty said “however we believe
that based upon the information
which is coming from the various
constituencies …we believe from
what is stacking up that the unity coalition may have won the elections
and we want the country to be able to
know what precisely are the results
of the elections so we can move on”.
He said the SKNLP was calling
upon George “to appear as quick-
ly as possible to make the requisite
announcement to the country so that
the country can move on less this be
seen as something that it is not meant
to be,” said Carty, who is also the
SKNLP deputy chairman.
The Electoral Commission is expected to issue a statement later on
But Team Unity led by economist Dr Timothy Harris, 51, a onetime senior cabinet minister in a
Douglas administration, said it had
won at least seven of the 11 seats that
were at stake in Monday’s poll.
Team Unity comprises the main
opposition People’s Action Movement (PAM), the People’s Labour
Party (PLP) and the Concerned Citizens Movement (CCM) and Timothy said he was going to hold talks
with Governor General Sir Edmund
Lawrence on Tuesday on a number
of issues.
The 15-member National Assembly is made up of 11 elected
members and four others, two of
whom are government senators and
one opposition senator. The attorney
general is the ex-offico member of
the legislative body.
The St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) had entered the election
in an accommodation with the Nevis
Reformation Party (NRP) telling the
public it was the best party suited to
continue the socio-economic development of the twin-island federation.
But Team Unity had urged supporters it was time for there to be
“Prosperity for All” and accused the
outgoing administration of nepotism,
corruption and mismanagement of
St Kitts-Nevis voters denied Prime Minister Dr. Denzil Douglas (above) an opportunity of becoming the first regional
leader to win five consecutive general
the economy.
The party had campaigned on the
theme “Better Days are coming” and
had urged its “family” of voters to
ensure that they remove the incumbent from office.
Among the casualties of the election were deputy prime minister Dr.
Assim Martin who lost to newcomer
Ian Liburd and Sports Minister Glen
Phillip who lost to former PAM leader Lindsay Grant.
Former deputy prime minister Sam Condor, the deputy leader
of the PLP was also defeated in the
Prime Minister Douglas won
emphatically in Constituency Six,
as did Harris in Constituency Seven, while on Nevis, Premier Vance
Amory, the CCM leader trounced
the NRP’s candidate Cory Tyson by
a margin of 754 to 306 votes.
Marcella Liburd, the health minister in the outgoing government
won the first seat for the SKNLP
polling 1,775 votes as against 1 643
for her challenger Jonel Powell of
Team Unity.
12 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Thursday 19th February 2015
Wednesday’s Sudoku Solution
1. Sacred song
6. Attractive
10. Recedes
14. Liquid measure
15. Imitator
16. Attract
17. Female singers
18. Zoo
20. Dime or penny
21. Patch up
22. Pretended
23. Get free
25. Ledger entry
27. Ms. Hayworth
29. Narrates again
33. Forest clearing
36. Barbie, e.g.
38. Clock face
39. Ambition
40. Meat-filled pasta
43. Actress ____ Farrow
44. Highway exit
46. Sandwich shop
47. Scornful sound
49. Make wider
51. On cloud ____
53. Takes five
55. Finally (2 wds.)
59. Many times
62. “Once ____ a time...”
64. Location
65. Strolled
67. Extinct birds
68. Dryer fuzz
69. ____ between the lines
70. Motionless
71. Native minerals
72. Messes up
73. Curvy letters
1. Location
2. Fodder towers
3. Storage spot
4. Composer ____ Bernstein
5. “____ Doubtfire”
6. Showed up
7. Capsize
8. Cut of meat
9. Epoch
10. Voted in
11. Actor ____ Reynolds
12. French cheese
13. Sow
19. Gallop or trot
21. Encountered
24. Dock
26. Ringing device
28. Indiana Jones, e.g.
30. VIP’s car
31. Animal’s den
32. Bed board
33. Dress
34. Perjurer
35. Munitions, for short
37. Grease
41. Fruit beverages
42. Fails to exist
45. Mom and dad
48. Willie and Ozzie
50. Small depression
52. Bond creator ____ Fleming
54. Harpoon
56. Assistants
57. Shop
58. Experiments
59. Norwegian port
60. Unbiased
61. Song
63. Probabilities
66. Poetic “before”
67. “____ Hard” (Willis film)
Thursday 19th February 2015
I grew up in the ‘90s
in a neighborhood where
the kids respected their
neighbors. I now live
in a different state and,
obviously, a different
era. Neighborhood kids
constantly use my steep
driveway to ride their
bicycles, tricycles and
scooters without asking
Am I right in thinking
this is rude, because in
my opinion, they are trespassing? Not only could
I be held responsible if
one of them gets hurt on
my property, but they also
are extremely loud and do
this while my children are
trying to nap. They have
been asked to stop, and I
have threatened to talk to
their parents, even though
I don’t know where they
DEAR FRUSTRATED: Discuss this with
your insurance broker.
You are correct that if
one of the children gets
hurt on your property you
could be liable. You also
need to be more proactive
than you have been.
Tell the kids they are
disturbing your children
who are trying to nap, and
if the kids don’t go away,
find out where they live
and talk to the other parents. It would be cheaper than having to install
a gate in front of your
Wednesday’s Crossword Solution
ARIES (March 21-April 19).
Where’s your stash of mad
cash? You know, the money
you can spend on whatever
you want, no guilt. You’ll
find something worthy of
purchase today. If you don’t
have this kind of a stash, it’s
a lucky time to start saving.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Truth-telling time: You don’t
mind inclement weather because it gives you an excuse
to stay in. When the weather
is fine, you don’t have the excuse, and you’ll have to create one. You just really want
to stay in.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
There’s something you want
to know, and you might go
so far as to snoop to figure
it out. Is this wrong? You’ll
have to make the moral determinations alone, because
if you tell, the whole thing
CANCER (June 22-July
22). You’ll debate staying in
or going out. This probably
pertains to the weekend, but
you have to make the decision now because your plans
won’t come together if you
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Being cool won’t necessarily make you happy. Also, if
you know better, smiling and
nodding won’t work. Dare
to be uncool, and don’t go
along with things you know
aren’t quite right.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Having your work cut out for
you is actually a good thing
when you think about it —
better than having your work
uncut and trying to figure out
what you’re supposed to do.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
There was once a popular
vaudeville routine involving
three comedians in which
the comedian who got the
punchline also got a banana.
You’re top banana today, getting all the laughs.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). It’s time to face the fact
that you have real needs that
are not being met. A breathtaking moment is the main
feature of the day. You’ll be
talking about this one with
your best friends.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22Dec. 21). Sometimes it feels
like you’re being forced to
act like you’re having fun.
Roll with it, and then don’t
be surprised when the act
turns into actual fun and lots
of it.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Your habits will define
you, at least in the eyes of
others. This is the reason you
try so hard today to change
one of them, and if you keep
trying daily for the rest of
February, you’ll succeed.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). You don’t mind taking
on other people’s perspective
as a way of finding out where
they are coming from. Just be
sure to give that perspective
back after you try it on, because your own perspective
will serve you much better.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). According to one song,
sleeping eyes never lie. Last
night’s dreams had some
rather interesting truths hidden inside them, if you can
remember that far back. If
not, the same truth will show
up in your day.
14 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Thursday 19th February 2015
The Antigua and Barbuda Ex-Servicemen Association will
be having a fundraising barbecue and fish fry on Friday 27
February 2015, from 12 until 4 pm, at the Association`s
Headquarters at 1 Prime Minister`s Drive. Tickets for a fish
meal are EC$ 15 and EC$ 10 for a chicken meal, available
from members of the Association on 462-6903, 778- 8679,
721-1970 or 561-1062.
There will be a relaunch of Hospital/Healthcare Christian
fellowship in Antigua and Barbuda. We are inviting you to
our Prayer Breakfast. Date: Saturday 21st February 2015,
Time: 6:30 am - 8:00 am, Venue: Mount St.John’s Medical Center Chapel, Tickets $15.00. For tickets and more information, please contact Nurse Benjamin @ 722-1019 or
Nurse Henry @ 788- 0734
The Optimist Club of St. John’s will be hosting the ‘Kids
Speak Out’ Competition this Saturday 21st February 2015
at the ABI Conference Room on Redcliffe Street, 9:00 a.m.
This contest is an annual event geared at primary school
children, who are asked to give a 2-3 minute oral presentation on the topic “How My Optimism Helps Me To Press
On to Greater Achievements of the Future”
For additional information please contact 720-2949
The Order of St. Luke, Cathedral Chapter is hosting a healing prayer weekend under the theme “Forgive and be healed
- body, mind and spirit”. Beginning Friday 20th at 6:pm
and continuing Saturday 21st at the Dean William Lake Cultural Centre a healing prayer workshop. Sunday 22nd a healing service at St. Andrew’s Anglican Church on Fort Road
at 5:00pm. Come and be blessed. To register and for more
information contact the Deanery office at 4620820 or 462
Ruleta Camacho to speak on Environment Bill
Kicking off our 2015 members meetings will be Ms. Ruleta
Camacho, Senior Environment Officer at the Environment
Division. Ms. Camacho will speak to the content of the Environmental Protection & Management Bill, the status of its
reading in Parliament, next steps for its passage, and implications for the public and the environment once passed. Join
us on Saturday 28 February at 7pm, upstairs in the Museum
on Long Street, St. John’s.
EAG’s February field trip – hike to Pinching Bay
This month’s hike will take you past Hansons Bay to Sir
Georges Mill and on to the Old Battery near Fullerton Point.
We will pass sugar mill en route to Fullerton Point, overlooking Pinching Bay. Meet at 6:15 am on Saturday February 21st on the main road at the entrance to Cooks Dump
in Hatton. This is an easy walk along the coast, mostly flat,
level easy to moderate. Long pants, long sleeves are recommended for overgrown bush on parts of the trail.
The Consumers Association is seeking members who are
committed to promoting and defending the rights of consumers in Antigua and Barbuda.
Interested persons are invited to attend a meeting on Monday
23rd February ’15 at the Prices and Consumer Affairs Division, on the corner of Redcliffe Street and Corn Alley, St.
John’s Antigua, commencing at 5 pm.
The Consumers Association of Antigua & Barbuda is an independent, non-governmental, non-political and voluntary
For more information contact 774 7818 or 726 9804.
The Social Security Board wishes to advise all Social Security pensioners that pension payments for the month of
February 2015 will be paid commencing March 9, 2015.
Any inconvenience caused is deeply regretted.
Sammy says teammates need to rally
CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand – Darren Sammy believes embattled West Indies captain Jason
Holder needs the unbridled support
of his teammates, in order to navigate the current turmoil surrounding
the team’s poor form.
The 23-year-old Holder has had
a fiery baptism, presiding over the
Caribbean side’s 4-1 thrashing at
the hands of South Africa last month
and then as West Indies slumped to
a shock four-wicket defeat to min-
nows Ireland in their ICC World
Cup opener on Monday.
“You just need that spark and …
we as a group have got to carry him
through,” said Sammy, a former
ODI captain and the current Twenty20 skipper.
“He’s young, he didn’t ask to be
put in that situation and as one who
has been in that situation, I know
what that feels like. I will try my
best to help him along and also encourage the team to help him along
because captaining the West Indies
is a very, very tough job.”
Holder’s appointment as captain
was not without controversy. He replaced Dwayne Bravo who had only
been in the job for just over a year,
after replacing Sammy in 2013.
Bravo was also axed from the
squad, following his role as spokesman for aggrieved players during
the abandoned tour of India, a move
that prompted claims of victimisa-
cont’d on pg 15
Thursday 19th February 2015
National Associations encouraged to
submit Sports Awards candidates early
By Vanroy Burnes
The Ministry of Sports
is urging all national
sporting associations to
make early submissions
of their nominees for the
2014 Sports awards to be
held on March 28th.
Over the years some
national associations fails
to meet the deadline set
for nominations and never returns the nomination
forms to the Ministry,
while on the other hand
some associations pays
little or no attention to
the information’s required
and inadequately completed the forms which is
a cause for concern.
Public Relations Officer in the Ministry Ian
Magic Hughes said when
these associations short
change the Athletes of the
cont’d from pg 14
proper and correct information’s on the forms it is
the Athletes who suffers,
because the judges can
only judge from the information they receives.
According to the Public Relations officer, the
Athletes are the prime
treasure of the associations and should be treated with the highest level
of respect for what they
worth. The Public Relations is urging the associations to submit the information and the names
of their nominees on or
before the deadline March
Hughes said the judges must have enough time
to sit down and scrutinize the performances of
the athletes over the time
specified and to make
tion from several quarters.
Senior team player Chris Gayle, a
member of the World Cup squad, also
publicly lashed out at the selectors’ decision to drop Bravo and Kieron Pollard.
Despite this furore, Sammy said
Holder still commanded the support of
the senior players.
“At least now Jason has the backing
of the guys in the dressing room, the senior players want to see him do well,”
Sammy pointed out.
“It’s very tough, I don’t know what’s
their judgment.
The National Sports
awards which had a break
for a few years and in
some sense was watered
down will be back to its
full status as a formal
Black tie affair this year.
The last awards was held
in June of 2013 for Sportsman and Sportswoman of
the year for 2012.
The Cycling association scalp both prizes with
Tameka Butler and Jymes
Bridges sportswoman and
Sportsman respectively.
The event will be held
at the Sir Vivian Stadium on the night of March
28th 2015. The first Sports
Awards for Sportsman and
Sportswoman of the year
was held in 1992 with
Netballer Karen Joseph
and Basketballer Carl Bali
going on in his mind but from what I’ve
seen he’s a strong character, a strong individual.”
Sammy also advised Holder to seek
supernatural help in difficult times.
“[He needs to] stay strong and
pray to the man above. He controls all
things,” the all-rounder said. “If you’re
feeling down, you whisper a prayer to
him. That’s what I did but I had good
support around me with my family.”
West Indies are currently here preparing to face Pakistan in their second
match of the World Cup at Hagley Oval
on Friday.
Knight emerge the first
winners. Joseph went on
the capture the title again
in 2003 alongside Ayata
Joseph of Athletics. The
Athletics Association has
already announced that
Sprinter Daniel Bakka
Bailey and Shot-putter
Jess St. John as their nominees for 2014.
However current Director of Sports Heather
Samuel and Janill Williams both from Athletics
Associations had a three
peat victory.
Samuel won in 1993,
1994 and 1995, while Williams won in 1997, 1998
and 1999, Williams won
again in 2001 to become
the single most winner of
the title of Sportswoman
of the year. Sonia Williams the other winner
from Athletics won in
Former West Indies
Wicketkeeper Batsman
Ridley Jacobs scalp the
Sportsman of the year
title twice in 1999 and
2001 sharing the title with
Yachting Carl James. Four
other Cricketers also won
the Sportsman of the year
title in McChesney Simon
in 1194, Dave Soppy Joseph in 1995 Sylvester
Bouncing Joseph in 1996
and Kerry Jeremy in 2000.
16 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Thursday 19th February 2015
Kenya, Antigua showdown as Korir
and Mason face off in Run in Paradise
By Vanroy Burnes
The Highlight of the
Run in Paradise Antigua
& Barbuda International Half Marathon can be
dubbed as Kenya versus
Antigua as two giants of
the half marathon face off
against each other.
Race Director of the
Marathon Stanley Humphreys has confirmed that
the Kenyan Mike Korir
who last Sunday won the
Publix A1A half marathon
in Ft. Lauderdale Florida in a time of 1 hour, 11
minutes and 6 seconds has
been registered to compete in the Run in Paradise half marathon here.
Mike has previously won
two marathons in Philadelphia.
Humphreys has also
confirmed that Antiguan
half marathon runner Elliott Mason who has won
half marathon in Florida
has also been registered
for the race. It was reported that Mason was excited
about the event and said
he is looking forward to
the race. Mason became
even more excited when
he was told that the Kenyan Mike Korir was also a
quoted as saying that he
doesn’t care who register
because nobody can beat
him on his home soil.
Director Humphreys
said with this attitude we
can expect an exciting finish and he is hoping that
many more Antiguans &
Barbudans will participate
in this historic event. According to Humphreys, of
the hundreds of thousands
of endurance runners
only very few expected to
win since only a few can
maintain that speed for
that many miles.
Elliott Mason.
However it is the satisfaction one receives
from enduring that distance said Humphreys,
he continued that every
finisher in the Antigua &
Barbuda Run in Paradise
5K Walk/Run Fun Walk
will received a finishers
Medal to commemorate
the event so that they can
have it to show their children and grandchildren
that they were part of that
historic event.
Director Humphreys
said arrangements are
Mike Korir
now being made to have
local registration so that
you don’t have to register on line and hope that
it will attract many more
local participants.
According to Humphreys, Antiguans and
Barbudans who have relatives living in South and
Central Florida area can
invite them to come home
for the event on a special charter flight for just
US$395.00 return. It really cannot get any better
than this he said.
Caribbean Times is printed and published at Woods Estate /Friars Hill Road By Kimon Drigo who is also the Editor and resides at
Sugar Factory. Contact P.O Box W2099, Wood Estate /Friars Hill Road, St.John's Antigua/ Tel: (268) 562 - 8688 or Fax: (268) 562 8685.Email: