Digicel offers free so- cial networking pg 4 National budget de

Monday 19th January 2015
The police continue
to make major inroads
into the crime situation
following a recent firearm
seizure and major drug
bust over the weekend.
On Friday, the Joint
Task Force which comprises of members of the
Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force and the Police
conducted a major operation in All Saints. Acting on intelligence, the
team swooped down on
the home 29yr old Jamie
Thomas and discovered
a Ruger .22LR Automatic Pistol with 7 matching
rounds of ammunition.
The weapon was
found hidden inside his
Thomas is likely to
be charged in connection
with the matter. For the
A n t i g u a
a n d
B a r b u d a
National budget debate begins today pg 3
Police seized this Ruger .22LR Automatic Pistol along with
seven matching rounds in All Saints over the weekend.
month of January, the police have so far removed
five firearms and approximately 210 rounds of various types of Ammunition
off the streets.
Meanwhile, officers
attached to the Bolans
Police Station have made
a significant drug bust in
Ffryes Estate on Sunday.
Acting on intelligence,
the officers in the early
hours of the morning executed a Search Warrant
on a property occupied
by 30 year old Michaelus
Tracey and discovered
72 Cannabis plants along
with 6 pounds of compressed Cannabis.
cont’d on pg 2
Digicel offers free social networking pg 4
ABSTEP provides jobs in
park management pg 10
pg 23 For Voucher
Monday 19th January 2015
cont’d from pg 1
The compressed drugs
were found wrapped in
20 transparent plastics
bags, while the plants
were discovered growing
inside the house in what
appeared to be a makeshift Greenhouse. Approximately $32,000 was
also seized for investigative purposes. Tracey is
now arrested in connection with the matter.
In another matter, the
Joint Task Force executed a Search Warrant on
the home of David Anthony, 39 of Bathlodge in
the early hours of Sunday
morning, and 36 Cannabis plants were found and
Anthony is currently
in police custody assisting them in their investigations.
Finally, as part of their
continued Crime Fighting
Strategies, the police conducted a number of Stop
& Search exercises over
the weekend, which saw
well over a hundred vehicles pulled off the road
and searched at strategic
points throughout the island.
Friday night, officers
attached to All Saints,
Dockyard, and Liberta
Police Stations carried
out Stop & Search exercises in All Saints, Liberta, English Harbour and
other surrounding areas,
and searched a considerable number of vehicles
in the process.
Also, officers in Parham, Freetown, Willikies, and Coolidge Police
Stations launched a similar exercise on Saturday,
which saw a large number
of vehicles searched. No
arrests were made coming out of both exercises.
Monday 19th January 2015
National Budget debate begins today
Debate on the 2015 National
Budget for Antigua and Barbuda begins today in the House of Representatives.
As has been the customs for
budgetary debates, the Leader of the
Opposition, Hon Baldwin Spencer,
will lead off the debate on the Budget where government is proposing to
spend just over $1 billion on recurrent
expenditures. It’s the largest budget
ever for the twin-island state.
Prime Minister and Minister of
Finance and Corporate Governance,
Hon. Gaston Browne, delivered the
2015 National Budget last Monday
outlining his government’s fiscal policies and programmes for the financial
year. He disclosed that the budget is
projecting a significant gap between
expenditures and revenue, which is
estimated at over $600 million.
PM Browne said the government
intends to stimulate economic activity as a way to help plug the gap
between expenditure and revenue.
Government will not be raising taxes
this year, instead, it is offering some
incentives to raise revenues.
One such programme is a waiver of outstanding property tax should
home owners pay this year’s tax by
Home owners can also expect to
see a reduction in electricity bill as
there was a reduction in fuel variation
charge effective January 13, and good
news is not too far off for motorists,
as the drop in oil prices on the world
market will appear in the price at the
pump effective February first.
The Prime Minister spent some
time dealing with the issue of crime
noting that it must be brought under
control or else it would soon affect the
country’s main industry tourism and
the entire country as a result. Fighting
crime, he said, is a top priority for his
He also announced efforts to woo
additional investors to help create employment for the nation’s youth.
Already, Mr Spencer is on record
to say he is ‘unimpressed’ with the
Budget and he promises a robust debate in the House.
Spencer is also expected to defend his government’s record, which
took a severe battering from the Prime
Minister during his presentation.
Monday 19th January 2015
Digicel offers all-new suite of data
plans featuring free social networking
As more and more
smartphone customers get
hooked on social media,
Digicel is making it easier for them to keep on top
of their social networking
and communication needs
with an all-new suite of
data plans and social networking benefits.
From January 23rd
2015, data users will be
able to choose from a
range of new and modified
data plans designed to suit
the needs of any and all
users and pockets.
And, with pricing
starting at as little as just
$2 per day, users will be
able to surf, stream and
share on Digicel’s superfast 4G network safe in the
knowledge that Digicel’s
commitment to value has
their data needs covered.
Digicel is offering one
day, seven day and 30 day
plans all with generous
data allowances and free
social networking thrown
in on some plans.
EC$3.50 One Day plan
The World Bank Group (WBG) is seeking to hire a consultant for a six month appointment. He or she will be based in
Antigua and Barbuda to provide implementation support on
business taxation reforms. The consultant will work with a
WBG team to support the Inland Revenue Department by:
(i) providing technical input and insights on local business
taxation; (ii) collecting and analyzing data; and (iii) developing recommendations and implementing reforms.
Requirements: Degree in Accounting/Economics with a
strong background in Tax Policy and Administration; experience working with government institutions particularly
with regards to advising on process mapping and implementing new administrative solutions; and at least 10 years
of relevant professional experience.
For further details and to send expressions of interest, please
visit the World Bank Group’s eConsultant2 website (wbgeconsult2.worldbank.org) Selection #: 1167819 or send your
CV in English to LACProcurement@ifc.org Subject: Business Taxation Consultant. Deadline to apply is 23 January,
2015. Applications without a cover letter will not be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
will now offer unlimited WhatsApp, Facebook,
Instagram and Twitter as
well as 100MB for use on
all other types of data and
the all-new EC$20 Seven Day plan will now offer unlimited WhatsApp,
Facebook, Instagram and
Twitter as well as 500MB
for use on any other data.
Commenting on the
all-new suite of plans,
Digicel CEO of Antigua &
Barbuda, Victor Corcoran,
said; “We are constantly
talking to our customers
to find out what they want
and need from their mobile service – and how we
can ensure that they are
getting value from us.
“With our customers getting increasingly
hooked on social networks like Facebook,
Twitter and Instagram, we
decided to make unlimited
social media a core feature
of some of our most popular data packages.
“And, as we continue
to see record growth of
data usage on our network,
we want to make sure that
all of our customers continue to benefit from unfettered access to Antigua
& Barbuda’s Bigger, Better Network and that the
intensive usage of a small
number of subscribers
Digicel CEO of Antigua &
Barbuda, Victor Corcoran
does not impact their network experience.”
Digicel Group is a
leading global communications provider with
operations in 32 markets
in the Caribbean, Central
America and Asia Pacific.
After 13 years of operation, total investment to
date stands at over US$5
billion worldwide.
The company is renowned for delivering
best value, best service
and best network.
Digicel also runs a
host of community-based
initiatives across its markets and has set up Digicel
Foundations in Haiti, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea
and Trinidad and Tobago
which focus on educational, cultural and social development programmes.
Monday 19th January 2015
Monday 19th January 2015
The next terrorist could be your neighbor
Traditionally, acts of
terrorism were executed
by organisations that identify, train, plan and deploy
individuals or groups to
carry out these acts.
This is partly because
the skills needed for such
operations do not reside
in any one individual and,
hence, the need for a team
with different types of expertise and experience.
Terrorist organisations
have mutated in response
to the effectiveness of
counter-terrorism operations.
Prior to now, they
recruited ethnic and religious minorities of a
fundamentalist disposition and transported them
to bases in different parts
of the world to be indoctrinated to the point at
which they are willing to
sacrifice their lives for the
They would then infiltrate the target country
to carry out a specific operation, or to be sleeper
cells awaiting deployment
at some future date. The
structure and operation of
global terrorism was designed and managed from
a central leadership and
planning centre, usually
outside the target countries.
Because terrorism was
directed by organisations,
it was possible to infiltrate
their membership and
structures and to gather
intelligence on their operations by a range of sophisticated electronic sur-
The United States and,
to a lesser extent, other
countries have been able
to monitor terrorist organisations, terminate some
of their leaders and prevent some of their operations.
The efficacy of this
type of counter-terrorism strategy is now made
outdated by a significant
change in the tactics of terrorist organisations which
are now shifting from acts
cont’d on pg 7
Monday 19th January 2015
cont’d from pg 6
executed by small groups
to freelance acts carried
out by individuals or by
a team of two, such as the
bombing of the Boston
These persons exist in
sleeper cells and take the
initiative based on general
directions and not specific
instructions about targets
and dates. The technology
of killing and the Internet
have unwittingly assisted
in facilitating the individualisation of terrorism.
This is characterised
by terrorists who are natives and citizens of the
target country taking the
initiative based on a general directive to take action.
The details of what,
how and when they perpetuate terrorist acts are
known only to them. This
makes it extremely difficult to identify who is a
terrorist or who will become a terrorist. It means
that anyone could be a terrorist.
The implication is that
surveillance has to cover
every citizen and that is
simply not possible a la
George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen eighty-
The most difficult cases to intercept are those in
which an individual unconnected to any terrorist
organisation acts alone.
For example, the most
devastating act of terrorism in the US prior to the
9/11 attack was by a domestic terrorist, 21-yearold Timothy McVeigh,
who detonated a truck
bomb in front of the Alfred P Murrah Federal
Building in Oklahoma
City on April 19, 1995,
killing 168 people and injuring over 600.
This White American
citizen and former US soldier acted alone, had no
non-US affiliations and
was not trained by any
known terrorist organisation.
The two brothers accused to have carried
out the deadly attack on
French satirical magazine
Charlie Hebdo fit the profile of individual terrorists.
It was virtually impossible
to anticipate and detect.
This is an ominous
new development, making
it harder to fight terrorism,
because the next terrorist
could be your neighbour
or co-worker.
Monday 19th January 2015
Governance vs
Politics - Part I
Here is the problem: Where does
politics end and governance begin? Is
there any practical way of separating
two related functions that are so inextricably inter-twined? How many
shades of pale grey can the human
mind and eye detect and evaluate?
Early in the UPP first term Lester
Bird suggested that the new administration was paying too much attention
to politics, and too little to the more
serious matter of governance. At the
time Yours Truly begged to differ: As
I personally saw it back then, and incidentally as I still see it, the UPP government was completely wrapped up
in the governance aspect of its job –
and giving little if any attention to the
really critical issue of politics.
From the beginning, and right up
to the present time, the UPP has hewn
to the mistaken belief that its strong
suit against the ALP would be to provide our Country with better “governance” than the Electorate had seen
during Labour’s 28-year rule. Now –
if there were ever proof of the political
dangers inherent in the folly of believing one’s own propaganda, that was it.
The conflict between the needs of
governance and the game of politics
will always require that governments
perform a delicate balancing act. In
order to govern – in the interest of
whomever – an administration must
acquire and maintain a hold on political power. A party that loses its grip
on political power also automatically
loses its ability to govern. That is how
the Westminster system works: such is
the essence of Democracy.
This means that a ruling party must
keep its eye on two erratically bounc-
ing balls at the same time, and keep
them both successfully in play for an
extended period: in our case, for five
years at a stretch – a most devilishly
intricate feat that mere Human beings
can perform for only a very brief space
of time, if at all.
This truth explains why, in a
healthy Democratic system, no one
political party can maintain its grip on
political power for very long. In cases
where a single political organization
is able to achieve an elected parliamentary majority for term after term
(say: 28 years, or even more) this is a
sure signal that something is radically wrong with the Body Politic of that
sick society.
It is also a sure and certain sign
that the ever-incumbent administration is working the levers of power in
a self-serving manner: that is, giving
most of its attention to the needs of the
political game, and not enough to the
grittier business of providing the People with quality governance.
Seen from the perspective of those
who support the incumbent party, this
is a very practical attitude to adopt. Being after all only Human, party faithful absolutely love having the power
to operate the machinery of state. The
loss of that sweetly addictive taste will
sentence them to a season (sometimes
very long) in a hellish realm we call the
political wilderness. Nobody wants to
go there: a life “in opposition” requires
politicians to play the political game
as champions of “good governance”.
The nebulous phrase alliterates quite
nicely, but translates into the political
vernacular more as “good grief”.
This, as we all know, is because
the pursuit of good governance always
requires an incumbent administration
to inflict pain on various sectors of the
Electorate – with politically damaging results. Even the rankest novice
playing the political game understands
why support for a new administration
is highest at the start of its term, but
declines – often quite rapidly – as the
party actually begins to govern. For a
case in point we may survey the results of the recent US Congressional
mid-term elections: The Republican
Party managed to seize control of both
Houses, riding a wave of generalized
discontent generated by how various groups of voters perceive Barack
Obama to be approaching the task of
This will change in 2016, as the
US Body Politic grapples with its
global assessment of the path it wants
the Federal government to follow. The
political tea leaves and chicken entrails augur that the Republican Party
and its presidential candidate will suffer the wrath of an Electorate that is
changing in ways that spell trouble for
conservative, wealth-oriented, racist
Here in our tiny two-island state
of mind the political considerations
are rather different. With our relatively
unsophisticated Electorate and small
population all politics is very local,
and intensely personal. The newly
incumbent ABLP and the now opposition UPP approach the governance/
politics balancing act accordingly, but
from differing standpoints. It is useful
for followers of the political game to
examine both the style and the substance.
Monday 19th January 2015
Corporate community to receive
more opportunities for growth
As the Government
of Antigua and Barbuda
looks to transform the Sir
Vivian Richards Stadium
into a major business hub
and recreational center,
the corporate community
will get a chance to engage in talks with officials
at the end of the month.
According to management at the prestigious
stadium, the plan is to turn
the facility into a park
where sports lovers can
visit to relax or participate
in fun activities.
It is with this vision
in mind that a two-day
business seminar is being
planned, targeting small,
medium and large businesses who are interested in being a part of the
transformation process.
Manager at the stadium Marvin Joseph says,
“On the first day vendors
will participate in a business expo where their
products and services will
be on display, giving them
the much needed exposure.
“The second day will
be more intense as they
learn about the opportunities available at the stadium to conduct business
and tour the facility to see
the services being offered
to them and the general
Joseph notes that talks
with potential investors
have already commenced.
“We have a vision to see
locals and visitors coming to the stadium to shop,
dine and have fun so we
are looking for business
ventures along that line.
The two-day event will
attract craft-makers, beauticians, the major mobile
operators, car dealership
companies and the like,
whether small or large. We
want to create economic
growth for everyone.”
The stadium manager
also revealed that there
are several projects being
looked at for development
around the sports facility.
MERCEDES of St. Georges Street, Point Area, St.
John’s, Antigua is applying
to the Minister for Naturalisation and that any person
who knows any reason why
Naturalisation should not be
granted should send a written
and signed statement of the
facts to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of External
“We are currently in communication with companies who are interested
in developing a bowling
alley, a sports bar and
restaurants. Our Honourable Minister of Sports
also met with the Drag
Racing Association recently to hear about their
plans and to strengthen
the relationship we have
in hosting the car shows
in the area, so the future
looks bright for our sport-
ing sector in Antigua and
Barbuda”, says Joseph.
Though home to many
regional and international
cricket and football matches, the services offered at
the Sir Vivian Richards
Stadium include conference rooms, audio /visual
equipment and suites to
host major events.
The stadium’s business expo takes place on
January 31 and February
10 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Monday 19th January 2015
Tempo to feature local artistes
Performing and recording artistes in Antigua and Barbuda will
benefit from ongoing negotiations
with Tempo Network, the channel
that broadcast Caribbean and Latin
American music and programmes
based in Newark, New Jersey.
The announcement comes
from Prime Minister, Hon, Gaston
Browne, as he addressed the prize
giving ceremony for the Sir Lester
Bird Christmas Home and Business
Lighting competition at the Sir Vivian Richards Cricket Stadium Sunday night.
PM Browne said the aim is to
give maximum exposure to the talents and skills of Antigua and Barbuda nationals. He said the government will set up a special fund to
help local artistes with their productions and Tempo in turn will agree
to broadcast the music videos across
its network. Tempo reaches over
three million households in North
America and the Caribbean.
Browne said this will be a sig-
nificant fillip to an industry that is
still struggling to make its mark.
CT understands that negotiations are taking place where Tempo
will bring a major music festival to
the country in an arrangement being
discussed with the government.
Meanwhile, Culture Minister,
Hon E. Paul Chet Greene said he is
happy to see the return of the SLBC&BLC and in particular he is
happy that the competition honours
the man under whose patronage it
developed more than ten years ago.
He said he is looking forward
to an increase in the number of entries when it comes around later this
year. PM Browne said he too wants
to see the competition grow and he
announced that the prize monies
will double when it is launched this
The winners of the competition
2014 are:
East Zone
1st place:
Maritza Howell
2nd place: Linden Harrigan
3rd place
Georgette Marajah
North Zone
1st place:
Paul Aflak
Joycelyn Bridges
2 place:
3 place:
George Barry
South Zone
Rawlins Andrew
1st place:
2 place:
Condasie Brown
3 place:
Rocket April
West Zone
1st place: Theodore George
2nd place:
Aldaine Esdaille
3 place:
Walcott Lewis
Overall Winners
Theodore George
1st place:
2nd place:
Maritza Howell
3 place:
Andrew Rawlins
Business Winners
Shoul’s Toys, Gifts
1st place:
and Housewares
2nd place:
Home and Office
Beach Limers
3rd place:
ABSTEP provides temporary work
opportunities in Park Management
Antigua and Barbuda
Skills Training and Empowerment Programme
(ABSTEP) has partnered
with the GARD Center
and the National Parks
Authority to train individuals in park and recreational grounds managecont’d on pg 12
Panoramic view of the Nelson’s Dockyard Park from the Dow’s Hill Interpretation Centre.
Monday 19th January 2015
12 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
cont’d from pg 11
The GARD Center
in collaboration with the
National Parks Authority
offered job placements to
15 jobseekers on a Nature Parks and Recreation
Sub-Project executed as
part of ABSTEP’s Temporary Employment Programme.
ABSTEP is administered by the Labour Department’s One Stop Employment Center.
Those selected to
work with the GARD
Center and the National
Parks Authority will learn
about the proper management of park grounds,
trails and historical sites.
The sub-project involves revitalizing recreational sites for use and
enjoyment of locals and
beneficiaries assigned to this
sub-project will engage
in work at primarily three
Monday 19th January 2015
different locations: the
Nature Center in Mercers Creek, the Nelson’s
Dockyard National Park
in English Harbour and
the Dow’s Hill Fort, also
based within the national
Center, work involves the
establishment of a botanical garden, a birding trail
and the expansion of an
herbal heritage garden.
Beneficiaries based at
the Dow’s Hill Fort will
assist in the expansion of
the viewing platforms for
this historic site in order
to make the scenic landscape of Falmouth and
English Harbour more
accessible to the public.
At Nelson’s Dockyard National Park, beneficiaries will receive the
opportunity to improve
already established trails
and develop new routes.
ABSTEP is a government programme offer-
Nature trail at the Gilbert Agro-Heritage Nature Center in
Mercers Creek.
ing temporary work and
training opportunities to
legal residents of Antigua
and Barbuda, who are between the ages of 17-50
The programme is designed to help beneficiaries obtain and maintain
Monday 19th January 2015
Police receive apology following
corruption accusations in Gobat murder
CASTRIES, St. Lucia (CMC) - The investigation into the murder of
the St. Lucia born British
hotelier Oliver Gobat in
April last year, is creating
a furor here with his family offering “a full and
unreserved” apology to
the police for statements
alleging police corruption
in the ongoing inquiry.
“The Gobat family,
would like to offer a full
and unreserved apology
to the Royal St. Lucia
Police Force, to the Commissioner and officers
working on the Oliver
Gobat murder case, for
the comments made in the
recent article in the Daily
Mail Online,” according
to a statement released by
the family.
“Up to this point we
have been working well
with the RSLPF and we
have every confidence
that the officers involved
will solve this dreadful
crime,” it added.
Police Commissioner Vernon Francois on
Friday demanded an
apology from the family
after reviewing an article captioned “Death in
Paradise: Parents of millionaire hotelier found
‘executed’ in his burned
out Range Rover fear corrupt St Lucia police were
in on murder mystery”
appearing on the Mail
Online website on Thursday.
“The St. Lucia Police
Force calls upon the Gobat family to provide evidence of the probability
of Police corruption in
this matter.
“Alternatively, they
should publicly retract
their allegations and
proffer an apology to the
Royal St. Lucia Police
Force,” the police statement noted.
Francois said “our investigators have diligently investigated this matter
and continue to pursue all
possible leads”.
He said on Wednesday members of the investigative team and the
Commissioner of Police
convened a meeting with
the Gobat family, considered by all the parties to
have been “cordial and
“There was absolutely no suggestion from the
family of the “probability” of corruption on the
part of the police or police having played a role
in the commissioning of
this crime”.
“The Commissioner
Oliver’s parents, Helen and Theo Gobat, pictured above
at a St Lucia press conference, have doubled a reward to
of Police categorically
denies any suggestion of
“ineptitude” on the part
of police officers, as it relates to the movement of
the burnt out vehicle.”
The statement said
notwithstanding the pronouncements from the
Gobat family, “the Royal St. Lucia Police Force
proposes to fulfil its legal
responsibility to diligently investigate and pursue
every possible lead in the
The apology by the
Gobat family explained
that, “the grief of a parent over a murdered child
is something I would
not wish on anyone and
certainly my parents are
struggling to make sense
of their rest of their own
lives as a result.
“I believe these comments, which should not
have been made, were in
a moment of deep grief,
pain and frustration overcoming patience, combined with journalists
seeking a sensationalist
“This situation has
not been easy for our family to come to terms with,
and we deeply regret the
impact of the statements
in the article on the image
of the St. Lucia Police
“We the family greatly appreciate the services
to date of the RSLPF and
are confident that every
effort is being made to
bring Justice to Oliver,”
the Gobat family added.
14 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Monday 19th January 2015
The Antigua & Barbuda Red Cross in collaboration with the
American Red Cross has a First Aid App to launch. The Antigua & Barbuda Red Cross wants the residents of Antigua to
know the importance of the App and the long term benefits
to our Society. What you can do in case of an emergency or
life threatening condition. It also has the Red Cross history,
activities, sponsors, and quizzes. We would like the general public to be aware of the App and feel free to download
same, if you have an android device such as a phone or a
tablet kindly use the Android link and you can use the iOS
link for your iPhone device.
iOS devices: 3cu.be/shareatg
Android devices: 3cu.be/shareatg
If you have any questions contact Mr.Martin 723-7258 or
email redcross@candw.ag or todtom27@yahoo.com
Thank you for your attention and I look forward to your continued support.
All food-handlers/vendors with expired food-handler’s identification cards, as well as new food handlers
The Ministry of Health, Central Board will be conducting
training in Food Safety for Food Vendors, Restaurants, Hotels, Caterers, School Cafeterias, Community Groups, and
their Assistants who will be vending around Antigua and
Food Handlers are asked to bring along:1.
The Expired ID or 2 Passport sized photographs,
A Note Pad, and
A pen.
Venue: Multi-Purpose Centre Perry Bay
TIME: 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
DATE: Monday 26th & Tuesday 27th, January, 2015
Up and
Win winner
Eurilyn Browne is
the latest winner
in LIME's Top Up
and Win promotion. Ms. Browne
was presented with
her prize of $2,500
in cash by LIME’s
Shand Merchant.
Barbuda Express is sailing everyday except Mondays &
Wednesdays. Tours available 4 days a week, For more
info and reservation, please call 764-2291. You may also
visit our website http://www.barbudaexpress.com.
Thank you to ABI Insurance for saving me hundreds of
$$$$$ on my Motor Vehicle, Home and Life Insurance.
Family, Friends, Business Associates and others, call ABI
Insurance 484-6400 for GREAT SAVINGS or visit us on
Redcliffe Street. Please feel free to contact us at 484-6429
or 484-6425
SJDC Accounts Department Relocated
The General Public is hereby advised that the
Accounting Department (Receivables, Payables and
Cashier) of the St. John’s Development Corporation
is now located on the 2nd Floor of the Vendors Mall
Complex. The Board of Directors, Management and
Staff apologizes for any inconvenience caused in the
relocation process and look forward to a continuous
harmonious working relationship through 2015.
Find out for yourself how a few minutes a day training your
mind to focus improves the quality of your day.
Free class. 10am at the Museum on Long Street, St.Johns.
Any questions? Phone 776 2566
Monday 19th January 2015
Friday’s Sudoku Solution
1. Military stations
6. Links gp.
9. Turkish titles
14. In spite of the fact that,
15. James’s creator
16. Not a soul
17. Grammy winner for the album “Poodle Hat”
20. Painful
21. Tiny
22. First-born
23. It may be inflated
25. Galena and hematite
26. British benevolent society
since the 18th century
31. Do tailoring
34. Synthetic fiber
35. T괥 thought
36. Demolish
37. Leaning a bit
38. Hall of Famer Williams
39. Fanatical
40. Look after
41. “Typee” sequel
42. Hockey no-no
43. Work unit
44. Counterfeit cash
46. Andean tubers
48. Poetic nightfall
49. Kick out, in a way
52. Southeast Asian language
54. Southeast Asian language
58. They have off-center axes
61. Stinker
62. “I Saw __ Again”: 1966 hit
63. Hearing-related
64. Over and done
65. Lyric poem
66. One way to lie
1. Fido’s feet
2. Toast topping
3. Recipe direction
4. Like a $60 return on a $20
5. Turf
6. Stack
7. “What’s Going On” singer
8. Literary assortment
9. Bracelet site
10. Evidence of guilt, with
11. Threw with force, at sea
12. Spanish liqueur
13. Denomination
18. Roll call absentee
19. Some Scandinavians
24. Chap
25. Used as collateral, probably
26. Use the soapbox
27. Office stamp
28. Fizzling out
29. It turns blue in an alkali
30. Ancient Greek theater
31. Vaccine developer Albert
32. Online periodical
33. Shaped like pie slices
36. Storyteller
39. Wintry coating
41. Museum __
45. “Ouch!”
46. Heavy and then some
47. Fixed, as wicker chairs
49. Remove from text
50. Religious image
51. Gulf War missile
52. Was false
53. It might be a lot or a plot
55. Deli fare
56. Astronaut Shepard
57. Catalina, e.g.
59. Pi follower
60. WWII General __ Arnold
16 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Monday 19th January 2015
Monday 19th January 2015
I am moving out of my
parents’ place soon to be
with one of my best guy
friends, but I haven’t told
my parents who I’m moving in with. In the past,
they have caught on to
my lies when I was going
through my “phase,” but I
have been trying hard to
be honest with them, so I
don’t want to lie.
When I briefly alluded to it with Mom as a
“what if” situation, she
didn’t handle it well. She
freaked out. They don’t
understand that I can have
a guy best friend without
having a sexual relationship with him.
Now I am torn.
Should I be honest so they
don’t call me a liar down
the road? Please help! -MISS INDEPENDENT
to your parents. If you
do, you are only forestalling the inevitable. If you
are mature enough to be
moving in with someone,
you should be able to tell
them where they can find
you and who your roommate will be.
You and this young
that while you are good
friends, you are not a romantic couple. Having a
platonic male roommate
can have its advantages
-- as long as the parameters of the arrangement
are clearly understood before either of you signs a
lease, and your financial
responsibilities (and his)
are clearly stated, preferably in writing.
Friday’s Crossword Solution
ARIES (March 21-April 19).
Action alone won’t move
things forward — it has to be
the right action. You’ll be inspired this afternoon, so move
while you are feeling strong
and quite positive that the future you desire will come to
ly do what’s good for you.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Friends and family will show
their appreciation. As for the
others, they don’t know all you
give and do in the course of a
day but they’ll get a glimpse of
it when you’re unaware anyone
is paying attention.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
When you’re ready to change,
you will. Until then, be supportive of yourself. There’s so
much you can appreciate about
the way things are. In weird
way, it will all feel rather perfect.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
Knowing when to be funny
(and when not to be) will be
key to advancing your agenda. As one playwright put it,
“Everybody likes a kidder but
nobody lends him money.” —
Arthur Miller
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22Dec. 21). It’s human nature to
suppose that others are doing
better and feeling happier than
they really are. Try not to compare yourself, and keep your
heart open because your care
and tenderness will be sorely
CANCER (June 22-July 22).
New friends and stimulating
conversation will be part of the
day’s fun. It will all start with
an unusual choice you make
before you leave the house. A
Libra’s influence will be good
for you.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Wishing is tricky. If done incorrectly, it can push the desired outcome further away from you.
Approach with an attitude of
excitement and know that you
already have all that’s necessary to start making the change
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Self-discipline is a gift you
give yourself. Sure, sometimes
it feels like a punishment.
Soon enough the habit will be
formed and you’ll automatical-
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). An
odd turn of events this afternoon is best handled with a patient demeanor. You don’t have
to know the reason why things
happen to believe that there is
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). You’ll diffuse an emotionally charged situation by
inviting others to share, within
reason. Your calm demeanor
helps those around you calm
down, too.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). You like relationships to
run smoothly, which is why the
first sniff of drama has you running in the opposite direction.
When you can’t change another person’s mind at least you
can change the subject.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
You can afford to go a little left
of center with your work and
make some offbeat choices.
These unexpected choices will
stand out as memorable and
18 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Monday 19th January 2015
2015 Massy, United Insurance
Schools Cricket Tournament launched
By Vanroy Burnes
The 2015 Massy United Insurance, Ministry of Sports Inter-Schools Cricket Competition was
officially launched on Friday 16th
January at the Rising Sun Grounds
where the Massy United Insurance
Stand is erected.
During the ceremony which was
of two folds with the presentation
and awards ceremony for the 2014
season, there were addresses from
the representative of the sponsor and
officials from the Ministry of Sports.
The master of ceremony was the
Public Relations officer in the Sports
department Ian Magic Hughes, the
National Anthem was rendered by
the St. Joseph’s Academy School,
the Invocation by Ruben Julio Naso
while Mr. Austin Richards Senior
the schools Cricket coordinator, Mrs.
Nnolika Joseph Anjo Insurance Marketing Representative and Senator.
The Hon Colin James Parliamentary
Secretary in the Ministry addresses
the gathering.
Mrs. Nnolika Joseph in her address calls on the young cricketers
to be more committed to the sports
since it can bring lifetime benefits
and achievements, she urges the
youngsters to be more discipline in
there game and to respect those in
The Marketing coordinator has
pledge her company continued support for schools Cricket not only in
Antigua & Barbuda but the region,
She was very high in her praise
cont’d on pg 19
Monday 19th January 2015
cont’d from pg 18
for fast bowler Alzarri
Joseph who has gone on
to higher heights and the
outstanding performance
of young Tyrone Williams
who are featured on the bill
boards for the company.
The Coordinator of
Schools Cricket Austin
Richards Senior gave an
overall plans for the program, he noted that plans
are ahead to have a team
from the sister Island of
Barbuda to participate in
the program. Richards
also noted that the College
league will return this season.
Senator the Hon. Colin
James while delivering the
feature address assured the
gathering that it is his government’s intention to give
all the support to sports.
Senator James charged
the youngsters to be disciplined during their game,
and to blend sports with
academics since both go
hand in hand.
James noted that from
the information received
19 January 2015
that of the 17 Antiguan
players that represented
the West Indies no less
than came through the
schools program.
Senator James also
charges the parents to understand that the books
and sports work hand in
hand and that it is their role
to ensure that the Youngers
are well rounded individuals.
Senator James said it
is government intention to
ensure that proper facilities are provided for our
sportsmen & sportswomen
which will bring great results at the end.
Senator James joined
with Public Relation Officer Ian Magic Hughes and
Schools Coordinator Austin Richards Senior in giving Kudos to Massy United Insurance Company
for 29 years of unbroken
Sponsorship of Schools
During the presentation and awards ceremony, Karima Gore of the All
Saints Secondary School
scalped most of the prizes, Batsman with the most
runs 443, Batsman with the
best batting average 9 innings, 3 not outs, 3 fifties,
highest score 84 not out
with an average of 73.8,
Gore also scalp the bowler
with the most wickets 22
He was voted the MVP
of the league with 443
runs, 22 wickets for 121
runs, best bowling figures
5 for 4 average 5.5
The batsman with highest individual score was
Ceron Lawrence of Glanville’s Secondary. Dave
Whyte of Jennings sec-
Until 24 January 2015
ondary had the best bowling figures 6 for 6 against
Glanville’s, Malone Joseph of All Saints Secondary had the bowling average 5.1 with 13 wickets for
67 runs with his best 4 for
4. Shevorn Moore of Clare
Hall Secondary was player
of the finals with 81 runs
and 1 for 8.
Clare Hall Secondary
captured the Senior Title,
while All Saints secondary
the runner up. The Antigua
Grammar School captured
the junior title with Clare
Hall Secondary as the runner up. Paul Miller was the
player of the final.
26 January 2015
20 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Monday 19th January 2015
Windies demolished in second ODI
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, CMC – AB de Villiers struck the
fastest ever one-day hundred and led
three other batsmen in triple figures
as South Africa inflicted a severe 148run drubbing on West Indies in the
second One-Day International Sunday. Opting to bat first, the Proteas
ruthlessly pounded the Windies bowling to amass 439 for two off their
50 overs, with opener Hashim Amla
(153 not out), captain AB de Villiers
(149) and Rilee Roussouw (128) all
compiling centuries.
The total was a record for South
Africa, narrowly surpassing their 438
against Australia in 2006, and was
just four short of the world record of
443 set by Sri Lanka against Holland
also nine years ago.
De Villiers grabbed the opportunity to also rewrite the record books,
racing to a phenomenal hundred off a
mere 31 deliveries to eclipse the old
mark set by New Zealander Corey
Anderson who reached his landmark
off 36 balls, also against West Indies
last year.
Requiring to score at nearly nine
an over, West Indies were never really
in contention when they chased, especially after big-hitting talisman Chris
Gayle fell cheaply for 19 with the
score on 36 for one in the fifth over of
the innings.
His partner Dwayne Smith top
scored with 64, wicketkeeper Denesh
Ramdin hit 57 while Marlon Samuels
and Jonathan Carter both struck 40.
Darren Sammy chipped in with
an unbeaten 25 down the order and
captain Jason Holder, 21 not out, with
the match long gone.
Seamers Morne Morkel, with two
for 43, and Vernon Philander, two for
69, finished with two wickets apiece.
Amla and Rossouw took command of the game for South Africa
with a record opening stand of 247,
as West Indies leaked runs at five an
over through the first 20 overs.
The right-handed Amla faced 142
balls and hit 14 fours in compiling his
18th ODI hundred while Rossouw
counted 11 fours and two sixes in a
115-ball knock, that brought him his
maiden one-day century.
The left-handed Rossouw, 25,
was the first to his hundred with a
single to deep mid-wicket off the last
ball of the 34th over bowled by seamer Andre Russell, also raising the 200run mark.
Amla followed him three balls
later in the next over from Dwayne
Smith, carving the slow medium
Dwyane Smith got set with 64 but failed
to go on.
bowler to backward point for four.
Any hopes of a further breakthrough were quickly erased as de
Villiers set about the Windies attack
with relish, posting 192 for the second
wicket with Amla.
De Villiers smashed Russell for
two four and two sixes in the 40th
over which cost 22 runs and ripped
into Holder in seamer’s eighth, the
42nd of the innings, which cost 24
runs and included three successive
sixes and a four. The over lifted de
Villiers to his half-century off 16 balls
and pushed South Africa beyond the
300-run mark. Remarkably, he needed only a mere 15 balls more to complete his hundred, the landmark coming in Holder’s ninth over which cost
23 runs, as the Proteas plundered an
incredible 163 runs from the last ten
Caribbean Times is printed and published at Woods Estate /Friars Hill Road By Kimon Drigo who is also the Editor and resides at
Sugar Factory. Contact P.O Box W2099, Wood Estate /Friars Hill Road, St.John's Antigua/ Tel: (268) 562 - 8688 or Fax: (268) 562 8685.Email: editor@caribtimes.com/Advertising: advertising@caribtimes.com/www.caribtimes.com