Wednesday 19th November 2014
A n t i g u a
a n d
B a r b u d a
ASC students benefit
from tourism talk pg 3
Derede Samuel-Whitlock (center), Antigua and Barbuda’s Director of Tourism in the United
States, during her presentation.
New York - In preparation for the
upcoming winter season, Antigua and
Barbuda has launched the first phase of
a new online Sales, Training and Incentive Program for travel professionals.
Coined the “Antigua and Barbuda Insider Program,” this technology
tool is expected to give the Antigua
and Barbuda a competitive advantage
by greatly enhancing the destination’s
sales and marketing strategy.
Described as having interactive and
futuristic appeal, it is designed to create excitement and better engage travel
agents, within the ever growing tech
cont’d on pg 2
Digicel responds to
C&W statement pg 11
Darren Bravo opts
out of SA 24
pg 23 For Voucher
cont’d from pg 1
savvy travel community.
Powered by cutting
edge technology, the Insider Program provides a
continual learning platform to propel education
and awareness among
TO: Her Worship the
Licensing Magistrate
St John’s Magistrates Court
High Street
St. John’s
TO: The Magistrate of District “A”
St. John’s Magistrates Court
High Street
St. John’s
TO: The Commissioner of
Police Headquarters
American Road
St. John’s
CHANDLER of Clarkes
Hill, St. John’s, Antigua, DO
that it is my intention to apply
at the next special session, to
be held at the St. John’s Magistrate’s Court, High Street,
St. John’s Antigua on the 4th
day of December, 2014 for
a Tavern Licence in respect
of my premises known as
& BAR” situated at Clarkes
Hill, St. John’s Antigua. This
application is made pursuant
to Section 3 of the Licencing (Intoxicating Liquor) Act
Cap 249 of the Laws of Antigua and Barbuda Revised
Edition 1992.
Dated the 17th day of November, 2014
Lawrence Daniels
Daniels, Phillips & Associates
Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant
Wednesday 19th November 2014
travel agents who can be
more autonomous in accessing information and
content to promote the
Described as the
next generation in online
sales training, Antigua
and Barbuda is the first
Caribbean destination to
launch a robust sales and
training tool of its kind.
Close to two hundred
(200) travel partners including representatives
from the Caribbean Travel Organization (CTO),
attended the launch of
the “Antigua and Barbuda Insider Program.”
The event, which was
held at the Midtown Loft
and Terrace in New York
City, began with a cocktail reception to celebrate
the destination’s 33rd
Anniversary of Independence.
The reception featured
Jonathon Cooper, CEO of TravPRO.
around the colors of the
national flag, steel band
music by United Harmony in Steel and authentic
Antiguan and Barbudan
cuisine, by Chef Murphy
of Yabba Foods.
Following the cocktail reception, Mr. Jonathon Cooper, CEO of
TravPRO, a travel technology solutions provider, engaged attendees in
a 30-minute presentation
about some of the program highlights, unique
features and revolutionary technology solutions
of the Insider Program.
It will be operated
through an online platform which includes
training, webinars, seminars, events, expos and
sales calls.
This virtual sales
venue will also be accescont’d on pg 4
Wednesday 19th November 2014
Antigua State College students
benefit from tourism talk
ST. JOHN’S, Antigua and Barbuda –The
Marketing Class of 2014
at the Antigua State College was recently addressed by Lady Sandra
Williams, wife of Governor General Sir Rodney
Williams. Lady WIlliams delivered a talk on trends,
issues and opportunities
in tourism from international, regional and local
Marketing Instructor,
Mrs. Diane Cornelius, remarked: “The students,
our planners and leaders
of tomorrow, were able
to glean much valuable
information. Their critical thinking on Antigua and Barbuda’s tourism industry
has been sharpened as a
result of this presenta-
Lady Sandra Williams and the 2014 Marketing Class, Antigua State College.
tion. They were able to
participate in useful discussion on the subject
matter, and as a result a
large proportion of the
students were able to
identify how their skills
and interests could be
used in the marketing and
development of tourism. This is the first time
we have had industry
leaders at such a senior
level of the state bring
their knowledge and experience into the classroom, and we will certainly seek to continue to
make this a regular part
of our curriculum.”
cont’d from pg 2
sible through a mobile
app powered by TravPRO which is available
to Android and Apple users.
Upon completion of
the course work, participants can qualify as certified Antigua and Barbuda Insiders. With this
distinguished credential,
travel experts will be an
in promoting the destination, thereby generating significant interest
demand and retention
among their clients.
Derede Samuel-Whitlock, Director of Tourism
in the United States remarked, “As we prepare
for the upcoming season,
the “Antigua and Barbuda Insider Program” will
Wednesday 19th November 2014
be a welcome addition to
our armamentarium of
sales tools.
During the testing
phase, travel partners
have found the program
to be innovative and easy
to use and this will help
position the destination
highly in the minds of
some of our top producers”.
also stated, “In a highly competitive market
place, the program will
help fast-track our marketing and promotional
strategy by educating,
engaging and incentivizing our travel partners.
In an online environment, travel experts can
access a range of innovative marketing collateral
and technology solutions
Derede Samuel-Whitlock, Antigua and Barbuda’s Director
of Tourism in the United States.
on their terms. This level
of autonomy and flexibility will likely increase
sales confidence among
top producers and gen-
erate greater demand for
the Antigua and Barbuda
The second phase
of the Antigua and Barbuda Insider Program
will strengthen the destination’s “post-engagement” strategy for travel experts by providing
more content to help customize the client experience.
A range of local businesses across various
tourism sectors will be
featured. This will include hotels, restaurants,
adventure tours and
transportation providers.
Phase II of the program
will be launched by the
end of the first quarter of
Wednesday 19th November 2014
Wednesday 19th November 2014
Valuable time lost for students
must be made up
Quite an odd set of
circumstances has hit
the staff and students at
the Antigua Grammar
Over the past two
days, there have been no
classes as the school is
apparently run over by
No one would ever
consider this the usual
run of the mill eventuality that would somehow
sneak itself into the routine of classes at any educational facility in Antigua.
We would not want
to say these things happen as we cannot recall
in recent times a prece-
dent where any school or
similar entity have come
under such attack.
Nonetheless productive hours which would
have been otherwise
spent under the careful
watch of the teacher and
within the structure of
the school compound are
now being spent at home
by students at one of the
country’s leading educational institutions.
Very little can compensate for the loss of
valuable time at school
especially at this crucial
period when students are
going into the last month
of the school term.
cont’d on pg 7
Wednesday 19th November 2014
cont’d from pg 6
It’s pretty much approaching the period we
call exam time and every
bit of effort is needed by
students and teachers to
ensure that the best possible results are achieved.
Students were left
roaming the streets as
parents were caught off
guard by the news that
the school day had suddenly ended as a result of
the infestation.
Now its two days and
so parents have now been
left to either keep their
children under their care
or find some one who
will as they wait for the
all clear signal to return
to the classroom.
All of this should
trigger the relevant authorities into action in
devising new ideas as
to how they can protect
the school plant from
anything or anyone that
would disrupt the important process of educating our children.
Responsibility must
be taken by the Board of
Education, with whom
many citizens have left
their hard earned money
to ensure that quality education is available to all
It is probably going
to require some forward
thinking by the Board
and all authorities concerned that some sort of
fumigating of the schools
need to take place prior
to the start of every term.
In this way, students
and staff can be assured
of an uninterrupted flow
in the school year.
It is unacceptable
that we would have to
deal with these circumstances.
We are hopeful that
no member of the staffing body or student falls
ill as a result of the flea
Lost time for the students will now have to be
made up.
We do not think there
is any reason to panic but
at the same time some
important lessons should
be taken away from the
The old saying goes
that prevention is better
than cure and so the education authorities need to
take note and implement
the required policies that
protect the health of both
staff and students.
There are so many
issues affecting our
young people today and
we should not allow for
the minute distractions
to keep them away from
gaining the tools to take
them through an increasingly challenging world.
Possible Tactics to use if attacked
The key to this tactic, which can be successful in
aborting an attack, is to speak calmly and sincerely as one
human being trying to reach out to another. Don’t beg,
plead, cower or make small talk. Many times this is what
your assailant expects to hear and it may antagonize him
further. Talk about something in which you are interested,
something about which you can talk comfortably. It could
be your pet, a movie you’ve seen, a book you are reading,
or a recent death in the family. Hopefully, this will make
him see you as an individual offering concern and not as
his enemy. Make him see you are not an object to vent his
anger on.
Try to reduce his rage by enhancing his ego. Don’t
give a sermon. He may be trying to rape you because it
would give him great satisfaction to knock a moralizing
female down. It is important to reach him in a way which
will break his fantasy and allow him to see you as an individual (not an object) with honest feelings and concerns.
If something you are saying is antagonizing him further, switch to another topic, as quickly and smoothly as
you can.
When considering this tactic you should keep in mind
all rapists have the potential for inflicting serious harm.
This is probably the last tactic to try if all others have
failed. If you begin by fighting you will have little or no
opportunity to try another way. You have already committed to your behavior.
You must be willing and able to inflict serious injury
on your assailant. Surprise and speed of reaction should
be used to your benefit. If you use a fighting tactic which
will not completely incapacitate, you are probably going
to be in worse shape. If you try to fight him and he has a
weapon, always assume he won’t hesitate to use it.
Even victims with extensive training in martial arts
are not always successful with quick chops or kicks to vital spots on the body. The struggle itself could arouse or
further enrage your assailant.
Remember, if you are going to fight your attacker
use surprise and speed to your advantage. Many schools
(Dojo) teaches courses in defensive tactics for women
which specifically teaches how to incapacitate an attacker.
Wednesday 19th November 2014
Tourism Under
Let me ask you a very
easy question: Suppose you
lived in the temperate zone
and planned to pay an arm
and a leg for a nice vacation
in some warmer place on the
globe. Would you, as a rational person, voluntarily travel to a location where, after
you’ve enjoyed those beautiful beaches, and sampled
the island life, and returned
to the daily grind supposedly refreshed and rejuvenated,
you run the risk of being laid
low by an extremely painful
(and possibly fatal) disease?
Don’t bother to answer.
The implications of our little
question-and-answer exercise are frighteningly clear:
Antigua & Barbuda’s fabled
Tourism Industry, the jewel
in the crown of our economy, is facing a serious (and
possibly fatal) threat. If left
unchecked, the mosquito-borne Chikungunya Fever Virus holds the potential
to devastate the livelihood of
the thousands who service
the main driver of our economy.
Just as the Ebola virus
caused the collapse of the
health sector in Liberia and
Sierra Leone, the challenge
of Chikungunya has put a
spotlight on our local vector
control apparatus – and the
emerging picture is not good.
Increasingly, reports coming
from our prime tourism markets suggest that a significant
number of visitors to our
shores are returning home
unwittingly carrying a highly unpleasant souvenir.
The international media
is beginning to take note of
the trend, and a distinct possibility exists that a combination of rational caution and
outright panic may drive our
Tourism into the toilet – just
when improvements in the
World economy are sending
more visitors to boost our
economic fortunes.
Another mosquito-borne
disease, Dengue Fever, is
now endemic to Antigua
& Barbuda; but Dengue, a
less virulent affliction, does
not pose the same level of
threat as Chikungunya. To
the best of my recollection,
there have been no international reports of Dengue
Fever affecting visitors to
our tiny two-island subtropical paradise. Locally, cases
of Dengue Fever are merely low-level background
noise. Although carried by
the same insect – the Aedes
Aegypti mosquito – agonizing Chikungunya Fever is a
whole ‘nother story.
Okay, okay – I know:
The dedicated employees at
the Ministry of Health are
all doing a simply wonderful job. They are, as we all
know, doing the very best
they can with the very little
they have. Here is where the
chronic – and for so long
winked at – shortcomings of
our national fiscal exercise
come home to bite us by day
and by night.
Let us jump directly to
the bottom line: This country has adopted an economic model that sets up the
government as the primary
source of employment in the
land. In the real world, beyond the borders of our tiny
two-island state of mind,
your typical (textbook) public sector does not dominate
the economic landscape.
Governments can influence
the behavior of the economy
through judicious fiscal policies, but it is the dominant
private productive sector that
will drive the beast forward.
Here, safe within the
comfortable confines of our
complacent two-island state
of mind, we choose to see
things rather differently, and
for political reasons we have
turned the paradigm on its
head. In Antigua & Barbuda
an expensive and inefficient
public sector tries to do everything for everybody; with
the inevitable result that very
little gets done very well; for
the inevitable reason that no
matter how much the government squeezes out of the
private sector, the expanding
public sector outstrips the
ability of the public purse to
deliver the goods.
This explains why, in the
face of a critical threat to that
very same public purse of
which we speak so lovingly,
we are yet to see and hear
any really intense public education campaigns, or the deployment of multiple teams
of inspectors and agents to
cover the islands’ residential
areas, spreading the gospel
of Aedes Aegyti Eradication.
It also explains why the gutters and drains around those
residential areas are too often clogged and stagnant,
though the Aedes Aegyti is
reputed to fancy clean, still
water conveniently available
around the homes of its preferred food supply.
At this point the solution to the problem should
be as clear as crystal: The
Ministry of Health – and in
particular the CBH – needs
to concentrate like a laser on
its core functions. This must
mean finally devolving the
CBH solid waste collection
function to the NSWMC,
as mandated by the relevant
legislation. This move enables the Chief Health Inspector to focus primarily on
ramped-up vector control,
and control of liquid waste,
while the Ministry embarks
on a huge public education
offensive. The ministry must
be able to apply adequate human and financial resources
to the task, which implies
emergency subventions in
the face of a global threat to
our national economy.
We the People may take
the Chikungunya threat to
our country lightly, to the
peril of all we hold dear.
Wednesday 19th November 2014
10 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Wednesday 19th November 2014
Know the facts
Wednesday 19th November 2014
Digicel responds to statements
made by Cable & Wireless
Digicel today called
on all regulatory bodies
throughout the Caribbean to see through the
smokescreen put up by
Cable & Wireless/Columbus and subject the
proposed transaction to
the fullest regulatory
Responding to Cable & Wireless’s recent
comments in the media,
Digicel can confirm that
it looked at Columbus
Communications several
months ago and that it
was Digicel’s assessment
that the value of Columbus
was no more than US$2
The assertion by
UK-listed Cable & Wireless that Digicel is suffering from “sour grapes”
couldn’t be further from
the truth as the reality is
Digicel was not prepared
to over-pay for the business – unlike Cable &
With the proposed
combined entity having a
near stranglehold on the
fixed line, broadband and
cable TV markets across
the region, Digicel is
cautioning that this monopolistic position will
translate to higher prices
for consumers, a slower
pace of investment and
innovation, job losses
and ultimately reduced
economic stimulation for
the Caribbean – not least
because consumers will
be looked on to pay up
for the massive premium that was paid for the
Digicel Group CEO,
Colm Delves, said; “Any
discussion of whether or
not Digicel was interested in buying Columbus
is a smokescreen put up
by Cable & Wireless as it
tries to railroad through
a very expensive transaction that will put enormous pressure on its balance sheet.
While Digicel did
take a look at Columbus,
the simple fact is that Cable & Wireless paid some
US$1 billion more for
Columbus Communications than in our view it
is actually worth – a fact
that should be of grave
concern to its shareholders and the public alike.
There is a real probability that customers
will ultimately have to
pay the price for the exorbitant price that was
agreed. Cable & Wireless
has said that it can’t “talk
about pricing and plans
until the deals are done”
and that statement alone
should set alarm bells
He continues; “It’s
vital that the good of
consumers is top of mind
with regulators and Governments.
Digicel has been at
the forefront of competition in the communi-
cations industry and that
competition is key to a
vibrant market and to
economic development
- we cannot risk jeopardising all that has been
achieved to date.
The proposed transaction must be examined
properly and in the fullness of time by all of the
relevant agencies to ensure that consumers’ interests are protected and
The Inland Revenue Department extends its
ABST Fresh Start Initiative that was launched in
July 2014.
Taxpayers that have arrears for Antigua and
Barbuda Sales Tax (ABST), can have all of their
penalties and interest waived once they make arrangement with the department by close of business on December 31st 2014 to liquidate the outstanding tax amount due to the department.
Taxpayers will have the option of either making one payment to pay off their debt in full, or
entering into a payment plan with the department
to liquidate their debt over time.
The Commissioner invites all ABST taxpayers
who are in an arrears position to take advantage of
this Initiative.
For further information contact the Collections
Unit by calling 468-9488 or 468-9473.
……..Commissioner of Inland Revenue
12 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Wednesday 19th November 2014
To merge or not to merge;
that is the question
Dear Editor,
As a businessman
who uses telecoms services from all three providers as well as Cable
TV services from Flow,
I welcome the news of
the imminent merger of Cable and Wireless Communications
(LIME) and Flow.
There has been a
lot of talk on the radio
talk show of all the pros
and cons and whether
or not the Governments
should allow this to be
It’s therefore important that we clear
away the fluff and look
at the facts.
With all telecommunications companies
now looking to expand
their service offerings
to offer TV services
to consumers in Antigua and Barbuda, this
increased competition
will mean better value
and lower prices to consumers.
If the North American experience with
AT&T is anything to go
by, we in Antigua and
Barbuda can expect a
host of bundled product
offerings with phone,
Internet and TV con-
vergence packages at
price points to suit every budget.
This will only serve
to set the pace in the
consumer’s favour to
empower us to choose
on price, service and
When Digicel acquired AT&T business
in Antigua several years
ago, I didn’t hear any
cont’d on pg 13
Wednesday 19th November 2014
cont’d from pg 12
trepidation about this
requiring special “regulatory approval”.
In fact the net result
is clear today in that
Antigua and Barbuda
has one of the highest
penetration of Mobile
and Internet usage anywhere in the world.
It was the beginning
of true competition that
improved the overall
service to the consumer
and gave us choice and
better value!
With this merger
there will no doubt be
long-term investment
and innovation in the
latest Cable TV technology available.
This can only mean
more investment in Antiguan and Barbudans
who already have the
skill and talent to support these investments.
The spin off business opportunities for
who will now be able
to offer such innovation
like e-commerce and
mobile wallet payments
are huge.
It will be a boost
to businesses. Can you
imagine one day using
your smartphone to pay
your bus fare from St
Johns to English Harbour?
Well the technology
is now available and is
a real proposition with
the merger of these two
My response to the
prophets of regulatory
doom and gloom is to
judge them by the Biblical rule as to whether
or not someone is really
a prophet.
If what they predict
doesn’t come through,
and they had even one
wrong prophesy in the
past then just ignore
I look forward to
the day soon when I
can receive HD TV on
my smart phone, while
waiting on my barber.
It is long overdue
and cannot come fast
To borrow the words
of a famous sneaker
brand, they should stop
Concerned Citizen
14 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Wednesday 19th November 2014
US Coast Guard makes US$5.1m
cocaine bust in Caribbean Sea
States, CMC – The United
States Coast Guard says
crew members aboard the
Cutter Alligator offloaded
cocaine valued at US$5.1
million in St. Petersburg,
Florida on Thursday.
The Coast Guard said
the cocaine was seized in
support of Operation Caribe Venture.
During a routine patrol last week, a Customs
and Border Protection
Office of Air and Marine
aircraft detected a 25-foot
“go-fast” vessel in the Caribbean Sea.
Coast Guard officials
report that an armed Coast
Guard helicopter crew
aboard observed suspicious packages on board
the go-fast vessel.
“After the suspected
vessel failed to heave to,
the armed helicopter crew
employed warning shots
and then disabling fire to
stop the vessel,” the Coast Coast Guard Cutter Alligator conducts drug offload in St Petersburg, Florida.
Guard said.
The Coast Guard said aboard the go-fast vessel turned over to law enthree suspected smugglers were detained and later forcement officials.
St. Lucia Trade Union body
agrees to three year wage freeze
– The St. Lucia Trade Union Federation (TUF) which groups most
of the islands public sector unions,
has agreed to a three-year wage
freeze, as part of efforts to help resuscitate the economy.
The decision was announced
in a statement earlier this week at
the conclusion of negotiations between Government and the Federation for the period April 2013 to
March 2016.
The TUF has described the
wage freeze offer as “a huge contribution” to national development,
and expressed hope that other sections of the country will follow the
“good example”, in making a sacrifice for country in times of need.
“The Federation conveyed to
government its understanding of
the current economic situation facing the country, and was ready to
assist by making certain sacrifices
towards alleviation of the situation,” the statement signed by TUF
President, Julian Monrose noted.
However it made no reference
to Government’s request for a five
per cent wage cut for public sector
workers, as part of government’s
prescription to deal with an EC$76
million fiscal crisis.
While Government’s proposal for the wage cut had been ini-
tially rejected by all public sector
unions, Prime Minister Kenny Anthony urged the public servants
to either keep it on the agenda or
come up with alternative ways in
which the fiscal deficit could be
While the TUF made a list of
recommendations, which included the introduction of VAT (Value
Added Tax) on electricity, the St
Lucia Civil Service Association
(CSA), which is not, a member
of the TUF refused to include the
wage cut in any discussions with
the GNT.
In response to the decision of
cont’d on pg 15
Wednesday 19th November 2014
Barbados signs FATCA agreement with US
to improve international tax compliance
Barbado, CMC – The
government of Barbados, on Monday signed
the Foreign Account Tax
Compliance Act (FATCA) with the United
States and pledged the
implementation of global
standards for the supervision and regulation of
the international business
and financial services
The agreement was
signed by Minister of
Business, Commerce and
Small Business Development, Donville Inniss and
US Ambassador to Barbados, Dr. Larry Palmer.
“The signature of this
FATCA agreement represents one of the salient
pillars in the transformation of how we as an international business and
financial services centre
interact not only with
other jurisdictions on the
sharing of vital information, but is an indication
cont’d from pg 14
of the transformation of
how we interact with our
clients and apply greater due diligence in an
ever-changing environment,” Inniss stated.
He however cautioned that the signing
was not a deviation from
Government’s belief that
“businesses and investment must be allowed the
flexibility to thrive”.
Barbados’ commitment
to intensifying its cooperation with the U.S. to
improve international tax
compliance, and hailed
the TUF to accept a wage freeze,
CSA President, Mary Isaac said
she was not surprised, and declined
further comment until negotiations
between the CSA and government
are concluded.
the signing as “a significant step forward in efforts to work collaboratively to combat offshore
tax evasion”.
“The FATCA introduces reporting requirements for foreign financial institutions with
respect to certain accounts held by U.S. taxpayers. Because access
to information from other
countries is critically important to the full and fair
enforcement of domestic
tax laws, information exchange is a top priority
for the United States.
Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony who has not spoken publically for several weeks on the state
of the economy, gave the unions
several ultimatums for resolution
of the wage cut issue, all of which
have longed passed.
“By working together to detect, deter and
discourage offshore tax
abuses through increased
transparency and enhanced reporting, we can
help to build a stronger,
more stable and accountable global financial system,” Palmer stated.
The signing is the
culmination of discussions between Barbados’
Task Force and Negotiating Team, chaired by
Secretary to the Board
of the Central Bank, Elson Gaskin, and the U.S.
Treasury Department.
During his budget presentation
in April this year, Anthony without prior consultation with public service unions legislated the
5% wage cut, which he said was
urgently needed to resolve the islands fiscal crisis.
16 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Wednesday 19th November 2014
Israel vows harsh response to attack
-- Israel vowed harsh retaliation Tuesday for a Palestinian attack that killed
five people and left bloodsmeared prayer books and
shawls on the floor of a
synagogue in Jerusalem
- an assault that sharply
escalated already-high tensions after weeks of religious violence.
The attack during
morning prayers in the
west Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Nof was
carried out by two Palestinian cousins wielding
meat cleavers, knives and
a handgun. They were shot
to death by police after
the deadliest assault in the
holy city since 2008.
Four of the dead were
rabbis and one was a police officer who died of
his wounds hours after the
attack. Three of the rabbis
were born in the United
States and the fourth was
born in England, although
all held dual Israeli citizenship. Five others were
Palestinian President
Mahmoud Abbas condemned the attack, the
first time he has done so
in the wave of deadly violence against Israelis. But
he also called for an end
to Israeli “provocations”
surrounding Jerusalem’s
shrines that are sacred to
both Muslims and Jews.
Obama called the attack
“horrific” and without
justification, urging cooperation from both sides to
ease tensions and adding
that too many Israelis and
Palestinians have died in
recent months,
Tuesday’s attack, however, appeared to mark
a turning point, with the
gruesome scene in a house
of worship shocking a nation long accustomed to
The government released a photo of a meat
cleaver it said came from
the crime scene. Government video showed bloodsoaked prayer books and
prayer shawls in the synagogue. A pair of glasses
lay under a table, and thick
streaks of blood smeared
the floor.
“I saw people lying
on the floor, blood everywhere,” said Yosef Posternak, who was at the
synagogue in the quiet
neighborhood that has a
large community of English-speaking
“People were trying to
fight with (the attackers)
but they didn’t have much
of a chance,” Posternak
told Israel Radio.
In one of Israel’s first
acts of retaliation, Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the dem-
Paramedics carry a body out of a synagogue after an attack
in Har Nof, an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood on the western
edge of Jerusalem, yesterday.
olitions of the homes of
the attackers. But halting
further violence could
prove to be a tough challenge as police confront a
new threat: Lightly armed
assailants from annexed
east Jerusalem who hold
residency rights that allow them to move freely
throughout the country.
Netanyahu condemned
the deaths of the “innocent
and pure Jews.” In a nationally televised address,
he accused Abbas of inciting the recent violence and
said the Palestinian leader’s condemnation of the
attack was insufficient.
Hamas, the militant
Palestinian group that runs
the Gaza Strip, praised the
attack. In Gaza, dozens
celebrated in the streets,
with some offering trays
full of candy.
The U.S.-born victims were identified as
Moshe Twersky, 59, Aryeh
Kupinsky, 43, and Kalman
Levine, 55. The Israeli
Foreign Ministry said the
British man was Avraham
Goldberg, 68, who immigrated to Israel in 1993.
It described the four
as “rabbis,” an honorific
title in the ultra-Orthodox
world given to men who
are considered pious and
learned. Twersky, a native
of Boston, was the head
of the Toras Moshe Yeshiva, a seminary for English-speaking students.
He was the son of Rabbi
Isador Twersky, founder of
Harvard University’s Center for Jewish Studies, and
a grandson Rabbi Joseph
B. Soloveitchik, a luminary in the world of modern Orthodox Jewry.
Thousands of people
attended a joint funeral
for Kupinsky, Levine and
Goldberg before sundownheld outside the synagogue
where they were killed.
Wednesday 19th November 2014
UN push against North Korea
on rights moves ahead
(AP) -- The world’s boldest effort yet to hold North
Korea and leader Kim Jong
Un accountable for alleged
crimes against humanity
moved forward Tuesday at
the United Nations, where
a Pyongyang envoy threatened further nuclear tests.
The U.N. General Assembly’s human rights
committee approved a
resolution that urges the
Security Council to refer
the country’s harsh human
rights situation to the International Criminal Court.
The non-binding resolution now goes to the General Assembly for a vote in
the coming weeks. China
and Russia, which hold
veto power on the council,
voted against it.
The resolution was inspired by a groundbreaking U.N. commission of
inquiry report early this
year that declared North
Korea’s human rights situation “exceeds all others
in duration, intensity and
The idea that their
young leader could be targeted by prosecutors sent
North Korean officials on
a furious effort to derail
the effort.
North Korea sent a
sharp warning in com-
ments before the vote.
Trying to punish it over
human rights “is compelling us not to refrain any
further from conducting
nuclear tests,” said Choe
Myong Nam, a foreign
ministry adviser for U.N.
and human rights issues.
His colleagues gave no details on that threat.
Choe also accused
the European Union and
Japan, the resolution’s
co-sponsors, of “subservience and sycophancy” to
the United States, and he
promised “unpredictable
and serious consequences”
if the resolution went forward.
The European Union
quickly issued a statement
welcoming the support of
111 countries in the vote.
Nineteen countries voted
against, and 55 abstained.
“It is admirable that the
member states of the United Nations are acting to
protect the people of North
Korea when their own government fails to do so,” the
head of the commission of
inquiry, retired Australian
judge Michael Kirby, said
in an email, adding that he
is confident the Security
Council will “act responsibly.”
Human rights groups
turned their attention to
Choe Myong Nam, a North Korean official in charge of U.N.
affairs and human rights, listens during a meeting of the U.N.
General Assembly human rights committee, yesterday.
China and Russia, which
could block any Security
Council move. “No Security Council country, including China, can deny
the horror endured by so
many North Koreans,”
Kenneth Roth, director of
Human Rights Watch, said
in a statement just after the
vote. “The time has come
for justice.”
North Korea and its allies have argued that a resolution that targets a single
country would set a dangerous precedent and that
other developing countries
could be singled out, too.
The resolution says
the commission of inquiry report found grounds to
believe that crimes against
humanity have been committed under policies “established at the highest
level of the State for decades.” It calls for targeted
sanctions against the people who appear to be most
responsible. The commission of inquiry earlier
warned Kim Jong Un that
could include him.
Cuba proposed an
amendment that would
have stripped out the tough
language on the ICC, but
the committee’s member
countries voted that down
earlier Tuesday.
The mere possibility that its leader could be
targeted by prosecutors
has put North Korean officials, once dismissive of
human rights issues, on
edge. In recent weeks, it
dangled the possibility of
a visit by the U.N. human
rights chief, among other
attempts at outreach.
18 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Wednesday 19th November 2014
Work Place Feud
Good- morning, Good -morning, how are you?
Very well, thank you, have a good day too.
Hey, what she’s telling me morning for?
I can’t stand a bone in that woman that work here so.
Miss This, Mrs. That wants to see you;
She asked about the documents, if you sent them through.
Look, I am not going anywhere, just tell her no.
Cover for me, because I punch your card every morning you know.
How can I go and tell her that?
Wait, something wrong with your head? Don’t make me chat.
Oh, Molly did warn me, not to get caught up with you,
Because you are the work place bully, that love to cause feud.
Are you serious? Molly told you that about me?
When she is the one telling me nasty things about the boss pickney.
Sorry, sorry, it’s a slip of the tongue!
Wait, now you will see how the feud will go around.
Now I am going to Mrs. This and confess my mess,
By telling her you guys not good, and in here is stress;
Every day you all bombard me with all kinds of news,
And I am sorry to be breaking all the work place rules.
Knock, Knock, Mrs. This I am here to see you;
You see them out there, them nah love you.
Every day them have you and your pickney name here,
Saying that is bleaching cream she should have been named.
You see me, I just listen when them chat;
I love you, and I have your back;
As to the Molly, don’t even try to elevate she
Because she is the one nick name your pickney.
Well, well, you really love me;
Molly came long before and told me what all you said about me.
I know you think, by bringing this news you will get a raise,
But oh, no, Miss Love Me, I am out of in here.
Written By Mrs. Jacqueline Wetherill
Wednesday 19th November 2014
Tuesday’s Sudoku Solution
1. Playbill roster
5. Very, melodramatically
9. White colleague
14. Higher in the hierarchy than
15. “Family ___” (Game Show
Network rerun)
16. Find irresistible
17. Piece of paper currency
18. Casino card game
19. Showed sudden glee
20. Start of a quip by humorist
Red Green
23. Withhold from
24. Bird on a certain ranch
25. Spoke stentoriously
28. Snowshoe or March follower
30. Molotov cocktail “fuse”
33. Exhausted
34. Aspirin label datum
35. Kappa forerunner
36. Quip: Part 2
39. Austin Powers’ nemesis Dr.
40. What to do after you “read
41. Prepare for the National Anthem
42. “Catch on?”
43. Siblingless
44. Fashion designer Laura
45. Exist en masse
46. City near Provo
47. Quip: Part 3
54. Sweet ‘N Low rival
55. Chassis rod
56. Offers as an opinion
58. Gravy globs
59. Fermentation sediment
60. University founder Cornell
61. Kindergartner’s stickum
62. Bow and stern, e.g.
63. Appear
1. Negative aspect
2. Admit openly
3. Green of “America’s Sweethearts”
4. Gym fixture
5. Put one’s nose out of joint
6. Villain
7. “Natch!”
8. Garlic trait
9. Biblical temptress
10. Parisian’s parting word
11. Writes rapidly
12. Give ___ for one’s money
13. Held onto
21. Minuscule
22. Moore’s paramour in “10”
25. Takes part in a Pillsbury
26. Bluto’s dream girl
27. Stan’s tie-twiddling pal
28. Comfortably familiar
29. P.D.Q alternative
30. “The ___ Tenenbaums”
(Gene Hackman film)
31. Observe Yom Kippur
32. Like a chartreuse leisure
34. Hamilton-Burr incident
35. Land mass connectors
37. Charlie Brown, to Snoopy
38. Double-curved shapes
43. Vague threat
44. Marshal Dillon’s portrayer
45. Rewrite for Hollywood
46. Silenced a hinge
47. The Beatles’ second film
48. Soothing hue
49. Molasses-based liquors
50. Grimm work
51. Yokemates
52. Bring down
53. Brontë belle Jane
57. Humphrey’s “The Maltese
Falcon” role
20 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Wednesday 19th November 2014
The Antigua and Barbuda Tade Union Congress will convene its 12th Annual Delegates Conference. The opening
ceremony will be at the Multipurpose Centre, Perry Bay on
Thursday, November 20th at 9 a.m. The theme of this year’s
conference is Workers’ rights are Human rights. The featured speaker will be Dr. Collin Greene. The business session follows the opening and continues on Friday November
21st at 9 a.m.
The following VACANY is currently registered at OSEC:
The successful candidate will be responsible for the overall maintenance of the facility, inclusive of biomedical and
non-biomedical equipment. He/she will coordinate and supervise the work of the employees in general maintenance
(electrical, plumbing, mechanical, refrigeration and related
systems), up keeping of buildings and biomedical/non-biomedical equipment (e.g. Boilers, HVAC system, Generators).
The Maintenance Manager is also responsible for the daily
administrative functions of the Engineering/Maintenance Department.
Main Job Responsibilities include:
• Plan, coordinate and implement the maintenance programme
of all major hospitality utility systems, including but not limited to, high pressure boilers, stem lines, plumbing, sewage, gas,
electrical, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC),
and medical gases, oxygen plants and other related systems.
• Maintain all fire alarm system. Keep a log of same.
• Inventory management.
• Ensure current equipment maintenance logs are in place for
all equipment and machinery.
• Prepare and submit scheduled and ad hoc department reports.
• Maintain all records required to assure that the department
meets standards.
• Develop and/or review departmental policies and standard
operating procedures (SOP).
Primary Qualifications & Experience Required:
• A Bachelor’s degree in either engineering, facility management or building maintenance with a minimum of two (2)
years of experience at least at the level of an Assistance Facilities Manager.
• An associate degree in building maintenance with six (6)
years experience in plant engineering, plant operations and
plant maintenance in a large commercial, industrial or institutional building or building complex.
• Must be computer literate.
• Knowledge of low and high pressure boilers, heating, lighting, ventilating, electrical power, air conditioning, refrigeration, mechanical equipment as it applies to the operation,
maintenance and repair of such equipment.
Our Centre is located on Old Parham Road in the Ryan’s
Building, next to Antigua Motors. OSEC telephone numbers
562-8533/34/35. {Kindly note that the DEADLINE FOR ALL
APPLICATION is Thursday 20th November, 2014}
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The following VACANY is currently registered at OSEC:
The successful candidate will be responsible for the overall maintenance and enhancement of the company’s human resources by
planning, implementing, and evaluating employee relations and
human resources policies, programs, and practices.
Main Job Responsibilities include:
• Delivers training on workplace ethics and policies, management
coaching on employment laws and practices; including counseling managers on corrective action in dysfunctional situations,
and conducting successful terminations where appropriate.
• Ensures policy compliance with national labour laws.
• Guides the Board on the national policy governing non-national
employees including handling all immigration issues.
• Represents Company in labour and industrial matters with relevant internal and external interests.
• Secures appropriate legal representation for labour relations
matter where necessary.
• Leads the labour relations interactions of the Board.
Primary Qualifications & Experience Required:
• At least a Bachelor’s Degree in HR Management, Business Administration or equivalent.
• At least 5 years of professional experience across all HR disciplines, including employment, benefits, compensation, employee
relations, training and development, workers compensation and
conflict resolution.
• Experience working with a diverse workforce.
• Excellent time-management, problem-prevention and problem-solving skills.
• Demonstrate the highest level of ethical behavior.
• Work accurately with close attention to details.
• Maintain confidentiality of sensitive information.
• Excellent interpersonal skills to facilitate interaction with the
• Prior experience working in a Medical Center setting is an asset.
Wednesday 19th November 2014
My husband and I are
pregnant with our first
We are beyond excited and can’t wait for our
little one to get here.
Our problem: My
mother-in-law is getting
married two weeks after
our baby is supposed to
arrive, and she’s expecting all of us to go.
While I’m happy she
has found someone she
wants to spend her life
with, I will not be there
and neither will our child.
I have told my husband this and explained
my concerns, but I will
support him if he decides
to go since it’s his mother.
How can I turn her
down in a polite way so it
doesn’t sound like I’m a
horrible daughter-in-law?
MAMA: Unless a woman
is having a C-section, babies don’t always arrive
on the expected due date.
Sometimes they can
be a week late -- or more.
If you feel you need time
to rest, recuperate and get
your child on a regular
nursing schedule, tell that
to your mother-in-law.
As a new mother
you are going to have to
quickly learn to prioritize,
and your child’s well-being and your health must
come first.
Expect her to be disappointed, but make clear
that you love her and wish
her a lifetime of happiness, but you will be unable to attend.
Tuesday’s Crossword Solution
ARIES (March 21-April 19).
Most anxiety is caused by living in a time other than the
present. Bring yourself to the
current moment, and there is
nothing to fear, only business
to be handled in the “now.”
You are in danger of spreading yourself too thin. You
won’t get the prize by jumping around from task to category to interest. Streamline
your efforts. Narrow your focus.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Tired? Take it as a sign that
there is not enough challenge
in your routine to trigger
your natural enthusiasm. Go
off track. Half an hour spent
learning something new will
be enough to bring back your
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
You’re in a position to motivate and inspire others to do
their best work. Keep in mind
that some people like praise;
others like perks. Find out
people’s preferences, and then
serve them up.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
The action you are contemplating is likely to make 10
people happy and one person mad. Will it be worth it?
Much depends on who that
one person happens to be.
CANCER (June 22-July
22). Do you feel your luck
changing for the better? It
won’t happen all in one day,
but you can bet that you’re
about to land a client, move
into a fresh space or secure a
long-awaited green light.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). If
you don’t have a system for
getting feedback from those
who are affected by your actions, now is the time to create
one. Knowing what they think
and feel will help you better
serve your people (and you’ll
be better compensated, too).
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Victims are everywhere, but
so are determined people.
Claim your natural tenacity,
and you’ll attract the sort of
determined individuals who
can help you take your project
all the way.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22Dec. 21). Knowing what’s
coming in the culture is more
than a talent — you consider it
to be your duty. Someone has
to lead! Because you’re two
steps ahead of everyone else,
quite naturally that someone
should be you.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Those who frantically
try to make things happen are
quite simply denying what already is. It’s a waste of energy.
Take a careful look around.
Everything you need is right
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). The plan that wants you
to count and measure everything is not going to serve you
in the long run. For starters,
that will get old fast. Also,
when you’re doing what feels
right, the numbers don’t matter as much.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
True growth is uncomfortable. It changes you so fully
that there is no going back.
It slays the earlier pattern so
there is nothing to return to. If
you’re uncomfortable, you’re
probably doing it right.
22 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Wednesday 19th November 2014
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Lets ALL Help to Keep OUR community CLEAN
Wednesday 19th November 2014
Pacquiao back in China against Algieri
MACAU (AP) -- Manny Pacquiao didn’t need the huge bouquet
of flowers he was holding to feel
welcome in this gambling enclave,
where he will be fighting at an odd
hour Sunday against an opponent
who has to already feel as though he
won boxing’s biggest lottery.
Pacquiao got them anyway
Tuesday night at his official grand
entrance in the lobby of the massive
Venetian hotel-casino. He smiled
and posed with them because there’s
a fight with Chris Algieri to sell,
something Pacquiao seems to be
taking more seriously as his career
begins heading into the later rounds.
There are also new rumblings
along the Floyd Mayweather Jr.
front, but more on that later. For
now, Pacquiao seems re-energized
as he plots what he hopes will be a
spectacular performance that might
stop talk about his declining knockout power - he hasn’t had a stoppage
in five years now - and entice Mayweather to finally enter the ring with
him sometime next year in what
would surely be boxing’s richest
fight ever.
19 November 2014
WBO Welterweight champion Manny Pacquiao, left, of the Philippines, and WBO
junior welterweight champion Chris Algieri of United States, right, pose for photographers during a news conference in Macau.
“I’m not predicting a knockout,
but I’m looking for a good fight and
looking to prove I can still fight,”
Pacquiao said.
“I’m willing to fight anybody.
I’m not ducking anyone.”
That includes Mayweather, of
course, and promoter Bob Arum
said there have been some prelim-
Until 22 November 2014
inary behind-the-scenes talks to
make the long-awaited fight finally
Whether it actually takes place,
though, depends largely on Mayweather, who only recently has
given indications he may be more
agreeable to make the fight than he
has in the past.
24 November 2014
24 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Wednesday 19th November 2014
Darren Bravo opts out of South Africa tour
West Indies batsman Darren Bravo has opted out of the tour of South
Africa for personal reasons. Bravo is
the only name missing from the original squad of 15 chosen last week by
the WICB, which had made it mandatory that all players had to sign the
tour contracts before the Tuesday afternoon. The WICB indicated through
a media release that it would name a
replacement for Bravo in due course.
Bravo had also asked the Trinidad & Tobago selectors earlier to not
consider him for the regional four-day
competition which started last week.
The WICB did not disclose the circumstances behind Bravo’s pull-out.
“Darren Bravo wrote to chairman
of selectors Clive Lloyd and requested not to be considered for the Test
series due to personal reasons,” the
WICB release stated. “The WICB extends its best wishes to Bravo as he
seeks to address his personal matters
and looks forward to his return to the
The signing of player contracts
had assumed a critical importance in
the aftermath of the West Indies ODI
squad pulling out of the India tour
last month. That revolt was lead by
Dwayne Bravo, the West Indies ODI
captain, who said the players felt dis-
criminated against by the actions of
the West Indies Players Association,
which had gone ahead and signed a
combined business agreement along
with the new memorandum of understanding with WICB. Dwayne Bravo insisted the MoU would hurt the
players’ payment structure drastically
and the WIPA had bypassed them by
signing the agreement.
Even as it faced withering criticism from the BCCI, which slapped
a $42 million penalty for abandoning
the India tour, the WICB did not penalise the players. After their return
from India the WICB swiftly moved
to alleviate the player concerns by
holding meetings which were attended by senior players including Bravo
and Test captain Denesh Ramdin,
along with WICB president Dave
Cameron and WIPA president Wavell
But doubts remained about
whether the players would consider boycotting the South Africa tour,
which starts in December. The question marks further increased after
Trinidad & Tobago Cricket Board replaced Ramdin as the captain in the
regional four-day competition. At the
same time the Jamaica Cricket Association decided to not include Marlon
Darren Bravo will not be part of the West
Indies tour of South Africa.
Samuels in the squad for the firstclass tournament. Samuels was the
only player who disagreed with the
pull-out from the India tour.
But by signing the contracts for
the South Africa tour the players have
put faith in the ongoing negotiations
with WICB and WIPA.
“The WICB thanks the players
for their timely and positive responses
and looks forward to a successful tour
of South Africa,” the WICB release
said. (ESPNcricinfo)
Caribbean Times is printed and published at Woods Estate /Friars Hill Road By Kimon Drigo who is also the Editor and resides at
Sugar Factory. Contact P.O Box W2099, Wood Estate /Friars Hill Road, St.John's Antigua/ Tel: (268) 562 - 8688 or Fax: (268) 562 8685.Email: