MAJOR ACCIDENT Bus passengers rushed to hospital after

Friday 24th October 2014
A n t i g u a
a n d
B a r b u d a
Bus passengers rushed to hospital after
At approximately 4:20
p.m. yesterday afternoon,
a major accident took place
at the junction of American
Road, All Saints Road and
Bendals Road.
The accident involved
a passenger bus from the
(13) John Hughes line,
traveling down All Saints
Road, a Noah van traveling
on American Road towards
Bendals Road and a green
Nissan March traveling up
All Saints Road. A reliable source said
that it happened so fast, all
she saw was the bus flip-
ping towards her, so to secure herself she ran out of
her vehicle.
Within minutes, Emergency Medical Services
was on the scene and
rushed multiple passengers
to the Mount St. John Medical Centre.
PM Browne writes to
PM of 3
Antiguan boys ready for
kickstart 4
Swalings youth tournament a 5
pg 23 For Voucher
Friday 24th October 2014
Port Authority Swearing in
The seven-person Antigua Port Authority Board of
Commissioners was swornin at the Government
House on Thursday morning, October 23 2014. The
oath was administered by
the new Governor General,
Dr. Sir Rodney Williams,
who took the opportunity
to encourage the members
to perform their duties well.
The Chairperson of the Antigua Port Authority Board
is Ms. MaryClare Hurst
and the Deputy is Delano
Richards. Freestone Robinson, Dwight Gardiner,
Peter Thomas and Winston
Gomes are Commissioners,
and Craig Christopher, a
lawyer, is the Board Secretary.
Board of Commissioners
has been working since
their appointment; however, the date of the formal swearing-in was determined by the Governor
General, taking his own
busy schedule into account.
Several important proposals to develop the Port
have been submitted to the
Board of Commissioners,
and their evaluation will
play an important part in the
final decision which is to be
made shortly. The Minister
with responsibility for the
Port is the Prime Minister who also serves as the
Minister of Finance. All the
centers off revenue collec-
tion fall within the purview
of the Minister of Finance;
that would include the Inland Revenue Department,
the Customs, the Treasury,
and the Port Authority.
The Port Authority’s
many responsibilities extend beyond the Rat Island
Deepwater Harbour to include those several ports
where vessels dock and
revenue is earned.
The Antigua and Barbuda Investment Authority (ABIA) has announced
the re-launch of the Construct Antigua Barbuda
Initiative (CAB-I). The
Cabinet of Antigua and
Barbuda has agreed to the
continuation of the Initiative which will receive
applications from October
27, 2014 until March 31,
2015 with benefits expiring September 30, 2015.
CAB-I, which first became operational in August 2011, is a domestic
economic stimulus pro-
gramme which incentivizes home ownership and
property enhancements
by way of a public private
partnership between the
Government and participating suppliers and service providers. Through
the exemption of the Antigua and Barbuda Sales
Tax (ABST) at point of
purchase and in-store discounts, CAB-I approved
projects can benefit from
savings of 15% - 20%.
The programme has not
only made homeownership and property im-
provements more affordable but has significantly
impacted employment in
the construction sector
and has been credited with
the resurgence in economic growth since 2012.
The Initiative which is
open to citizens and residents of Antigua and Barbuda provides benefits for
residential construction to
include new buildings, incomplete residences, renovations, expansions and
information and application forms can be found
on the Authority’s website
The Construct Antigua Barbuda Initiative
has approved in excess
of 580 applications valued at EC$225 million
since its inception. The
programme, which has
significant private sector support, also provides
beneficiaries with access
to reduced mortgage and
insurance rates as well as
discounted legal and services fees with participating institutions.
CAB-I Relaunches Third Phase
Friday 24th October 2014
Gaston Browne writes to PM of Canada
Dear Prime Minister
On behalf of the people and Government of
Antigua and Barbuda, I
express deep concern at
the shocking terrorist attack on the institutions
of governance in Canada
and condemn it stoutly
and unreservedly.
We are relieved that
neither you nor any member of parliament was
harmed in the violent attack during which Corporal Nathan Cirillo was
killed, as he carried out
his duty as a ceremonial
honour guard at Canada’s
National War Memorial.
We extend our sincere
condolences to Corporal
Cirillo’s family.
Canada and Antigua
and Barbuda have always
enjoyed extremely close
relations. Many native
Antiguans and Barbudans
have made a second home
in Canada. Similarly,
many Canadians have either made second homes
in Antigua and Barbuda
or visit every year on holiday.
We hold very dear the
strong bond between our
two countries and the values that we share as members of the Commonwealth of Nations. The
terrorist attack within the
precincts of parliament
stab at the very heart of
our common values of
democracy and the rule
of law. Such attacks will
not be tolerated wherever
they occur.
Please be assured of
the solidarity of the people and Government of
Antigua and Barbuda in
this moment of trial for
the people and Govern-
ment of Canada.
Yours sincerely,
Gaston Browne
Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda
Copy: High Commissioner for Canada to Antigua and Barbuda Bridgetown, Barbados
Friday 24th October 2014
Antiguan boys are ready for the
Digicel Kickstart Academy in
Thursday 23rd October 2014 – St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda: Denny
Henry, Kwame Kirby and
Ngozie Harvey are set to
travel to Jamaica on Saturday (October 25th) for
a week of intense training
at the Digicel Kickstart
Academy under the guidance of the Chelsea FC
Foundation coaches led by
Senior International Development Football Officer, David Monk.
The boys were selected as the top three players
from a group of 30 who
participated in the Digicel Kickstart Clinics held
earlier this year in Antigua
and Barbuda. They will
now have the chance to
attend the Academy which
will be held at Sabina Park
in Jamaica from Sunday
October 26th to Saturday
1st November, where they
will train with other top
players from 13 countries
across the Caribbean and
Central America - Cayman, Bermuda, Dominica,
St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Grenada, Barbados,
Trinidad, Suriname, Panama, Haiti and Jamaica.
The boys have been
preparing to do their best
at the Academy and to
represent their country
as ambassadors. Their
coach, Sowerby Gomes,
said; ““They (the boys)
are ready and we do wish
them the best on their
journey at the Kickstart
Academy. I know they will
make us very proud and I
am confident that they will
gain more knowledge and,
upon their return, I want to
see them impart some of
what they will learn onto
their peers.”
Digicel LTE Marketing Manager, Patrice Simon, echoed sentiments of
pride as the boys get ready
to embark on their week of
intense training by saying;
“This is a proud moment
for us at Digicel as we see
of our future star players
leaving for the Kickstart
Academy to improve their
“Through the Digicel
Kickstart programme, we
are ensuring that our aspiring young footballers
receive opportunities that
will put them on the path
to success.”
The Inland Revenue Department extends its
ABST Fresh Start Initiative that was launched in
July 2014.
Taxpayers that have arrears for Antigua and
Barbuda Sales Tax (ABST), can have all of their
penalties and interest waived once they make arrangement with the department by close of business on December 31st 2014 to liquidate the outstanding tax amount due to the department.
Taxpayers will have the option of either making one payment to pay off their debt in full, or
entering into a payment plan with the department
to liquidate their debt over time.
The Commissioner invites all ABST taxpayers
who are in an arrears position to take advantage of
this Initiative.
For further information contact the Collections
Unit by calling 468-9488 or 468-9473.
……..Commissioner of Inland Revenue
Friday 24th October 2014
Swalings 4th annual youth
tournament huge success
Swalings ran its 4th annual youth Soccer tournament on Sunday 19th October with over 20 teams
competing in the various
age groups.
9 teams competed in
the U10s with Bullets Piggotts winning the tournament for the second year
in a row. Piggots came
through the group stages,
only progressing on goal
difference to beat Villa lions in the final by a goal to
In the U15s 7 teams
battled it out in a League
format with Empire coming out triumphant with
10 points, beating off joint
second place Villa Lions
and Swalings.
The U18s had 4 teams
pit their wits against one
another, again in a league
format, playing each other
twice, with Empire coming out on top again with
13 points and Villa Lions
as runners up on 11 points.
Swalings would like
to thank all their sponsors,
New Thrivings, Automotive Art, Yamaha Outdoor
World, TCM, Fruta, Gunthropes Spring Water, Per-
cival’s Service Station. We
would also like to thank all
the teams for coming and
making the tournament a
huge success and look forward to them all coming
back next year.
Friday 24th October 2014
Let’s not forget the other disease…
Somewhat quietly, the
first Latin American HIV
Continuom on Care the
First Latin American and
Caribbean Forum on the
HIV Continuum of Care,
was held back in May this
The meeting was landmark as it moved to adopt
new goals and standards in
the fight against HIV and
The UNAIDS and Pan
American Health Organisation (PAHO) 2020 targets were adopted during
the meeting, setting a clear
picture of achievement for
those involved in the fight
against a disease that has
caused so much pain to
households across the region by the many lives it
has claimed.
“These targets include
increasing to 90% the
proportion of people living with HIV who know
their diagnosis, increasing
to 90% the proportion of
people living with HIV
treatment and increasing to
90% the proportion of people on HIV treatment who
have an undetectable viral
load,” a statement emanating from the meeting explained.
Progress is indeed
being made in the fight
against the disease and
while the ambitious goals
of the experts are some
distance away, we can’t
help to offer commentary
on some current issues as
it affects the health of our
HIV/AIDS, it seems,
is being nudged into the
background as the worrying fears of another crisis
in the name of Ebola has
gripped the world with
fear. The panic has forced
into action the most powerful countries in the world
to commit their resourc-
es to the Western African
nations where the spread
of the disease seems most
We are just hopeful
that with all the eyes that
have become focused on
protecting borders and improving emergency care
facilities in the event that
we have to deal with a patient, that we here in Antigua and Barbuda are not
lulled into complacency
where HIV/AIDS is concerned.
The worrying thing
is, we seemed to have already being dropping into
slumber in the fight against
cont’d on pg 7
Friday 24th October 2014
cont’d from pg 6
AIDS and with the projected outlook being as promising as expounded by
hemispheric experts, we
need to be careful.
“The bold targets are a
response to recent scientific evidence that diagnosing HIV and starting treatment earlier can prevent its
transmission and dramatically improve health outcomes. Suppressed viral
load is critical for reducing
both the harmful effects of
HIV infection on people’s
health and the risk of infecting others,” was the
conclusion of the meeting.
We would like to hasten in suggesting that the
fight is far from over. Between now and the time
that experts get their closest to the targets, we still
must endeavor to save
lives. People have still not
curtailed their behavior,
engaging in risky conduct
that continues to see the
spread in the disease. The
number of persons who
should be testing themselves are still not at satisfactory levels and so many
innocent lives out there are
still at risk. The fight is far
from over!
So while we worry
about Ebola and even to a
lesser extent Chick-V, let
us not forget that there are
people still suffering and
more will lose their lives to
HIV/AIDS. Neither the future prospects in the fight
against this disease or the
current attention shift that
we have become victims
of should prevent us from
re-doubling our efforts to
ensuring that lives continue to be saved from what
was and still is a dreaded
Friday 24th October 2014
Separation of Powers
(Part 2)
One major legacy from
our connection to the UK
complicates a seamless
movement toward a presidential system of government, in our tiny two-island
Caribbean paradise.
Traditionally, the leader of the party winning the
largest number of seats in
the Lower House assumes
the office of Prime Minister, by virtue of securing
support from a majority of
the Members of Parliament.
In some countries this may
involve alliances with minority parties, and/or independent members. In our
particular case, we have the
luxury of a straight fight between two major political
parties, with the Political
Leader of the winning side
duly named PM by a clear
majority of his or her own
Our big, rich neighbor to the north enjoys a
cleaner, more democratic
system, where the Democratic and Republican National Committees stand
away from the fray while
supervising candidate selection, and trying to secure
the election of a presidential candidate with long,
wide coattails. The individual ultimately chosen
as candidate, and hopefully
President, will not be the
political leader, chairman,
or anything for any of his
or her party’s local, state, or
national committees.
In Antigua & Barbuda we shall probably have
to carry on with a system
where the party leader will
run as presidential candidate on behalf of the party
he or she leads. This means
that competition among
ambitious rivals within the
party will become much
more urgent, since to be
named Political Leader will
equate to being anointed
candidate for President.
One wonders what might
happen if a President were
to be unseated as party
leader while still in office.
Clearly, as in the case
of proportional representation, nothing in politics
is as simple as it seems at
first glance; and there are
pitfalls waiting to engulf
the unwary. This explains
the critical importance of
extensive and thorough
public consultations in advance of even a preliminary document. Only after
further public consultations
and parliamentary debate
should we put the final
draft to a national referendum. The entire process,
done thoroughly and with
due respect for the national
good above partisan inter-
ests, may well take several years from start to finish.
The happiest end result, from my point of view, will be
a system that borrows the best from the United States and
adapts it to our own circumstances. Once the result is an
effective separation of powers that insulates the Legislative against domination by the Executive, our challenged
Body Politic will have made great strides toward tackling
our Nation’s problems in an equitable, Democratic manner.
In our amended system of governance, elected representatives would do just that: represent, legislate, and
exercise oversight. Things may work quite well the other way in Westminster, but down here in unfair Antigua
& Barbuda we encounter serious issues when our elected
representatives serve as ministers of government as well
as legislators. Believe it or not, the twisted policies that
can emerge from these inherent conflicts of interest are
largely to blame for the socio-economic challenges confronting our poverty-stricken, under-developed islands.
This means that our directly-elected head of government will have a relatively free hand in selecting qualified
professionals with proven track records to fill the several
pre-determined ministerial portfolios in cabinet: No more
fooling around with mix-and-match ministries, with departments migrating according to someone’s personal notion of what a new administration should look like. The
Lower House will have veto power over cabinet appointments, so the head of government had better have adequate coattails.
Two big issues remain to be resolved, and I am open to
suggestions on ways and means of selecting the members
of an Upper House, and indeed if a Senate is necessary
at all. I am not in the least willing to compromise on the
issue of a fixed date for national elections: every 5 years
on the dot.
I have not even mentioned a whole raft of other issues
that will need to be debated and resolved: an Amazon of
water will flow under the bridge before we arrive at the
conclusion of our pilgrimage toward a workable system
of Democratic governance, tailored to suit our real World
needs; but yet, our national journey of a thousand miles
Friday 24th October 2014
The cop- dpp-ag- Cutie Calamity
(part 1)
In a changing society,
the complex nature of man
and his behavior have not
only marvelled mankind,
but have virtually injected fear into the hearts of
every man, woman and
child. Thus, as the society
evolves, “...attitudes and
behaviors change.” Invariably, these were influenced
by “...socio-economic and
political challenges. These
were also compounded by
acts, as the “...Evil and the
Reckless” continue to perpetrate atrocities against the
hapless and vulnerable people of society. Narrow these
experiences to “...Public
Life,” there is rivalry. It
will have been seen that “...
opposing public officials
had instigated acts calculated to cause, inter alia, “...
disappointment; ...embarrassment and/or frustration
to political rivals.” These
are not unique to any one
particular nation. Globally,
these have often been manifested mostly in “...hostile
political environments.”
Compounded by these,
were actions with all the “...
trimmings” of “...Treachery and Acrimony.” These
may also have been evident
in certain “...Prosecutorial
Actions,” by Law enforcement. Evidence has shown
that some proceedings
cont’d on pg 10
10 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
cont’d from pg 9
were influenced by “...environmental pressures,” and
specifically initiated to “...
inflict psychological harm;
...hurt reputation; ...destroy
credibility and end the careers of the ambitious and/
or the opportunists.” Not
infrequently, Law enforcement agencies appeared to
have been caught up in situations that had given the
public reasons to believe
that in its discharge of its
duties, personnel may have
been influenced into situations that had “ counter to the Law enforcement
Code of Ethics; ...offended
human sensibility and had
“...fallen woefully short of
public expectations.”
When public officers
are implicated in “...acts
akin to criminality or behaviors bordering depravity,” the alleged conduct is
subjected to public scrutiny; ...interest is heightened,
while confidence is shattered both, in the alleged
offender and the system.
Then anxieties and tension
grew, while incessant calls
are made for “...Justice to
take its course.” Wrongdoers are unperturbed, knowing that they will neither
be punished, nor asked to
demit office nor sacked.”
Though this has been a uni-
Friday 24th October 2014
versal practice, it is no more
evident than in most regional states. Inter-departmentally, when it became
public knowledge that “...
Squabbles” had developed
between the office of the
“...Commissioner of Police; ...Defendant Steadroy
‘Cutie’ Benjamin; ...Director of Public Prosecutions
(DPP) Anthony Armstrong
and former Attorney General Justin L. Simon QC,
few people may have questioned the role of former
Justice Minister, Senator
Collin Derrick. Given the
principle “...Separation of
Powers,” the Chambers of
the Attorney General may
have been well advised to
stay clear, lest it was perceived to have been “...Executive Interference.”
The recent developments in the case “...
Commissioner of Police
v Steadroy C. O. Benjamin [2008], suggested that
criminal charges may not
only have been instituted
without “...Prima Facie Evidence,” but seemingly as a
result of “...environmental
pressures.” There were suggestions that “...Drafting of
the charges had originated
in the Chambers of the Attorney General. The investigator Corporal Cordell
O’Garro may have been “...
caught between a rock and
a hard place,” performing
his duties under specific
“...Coercive Instructions.”
For instance, two charges
of ‘Forgery’ were formally
instituted against the Defendant on “...July 7, 2008,
while two other charges
were filed on July 23,
2008.” Though the charges
may have been bad in drafting, they were not necessarily duplicitous.” This had
not escaped the attention of
the Judicial Committee of
the Privy Council (JCPC)
[PCA No. 0083 of 2011].
Within this jurisdiction,
as it is in the “...Organization of Eastern Caribbean
States’ (OECS) jurisdictions,” save and except a
law so provides, any approach by Law enforcement to the office and/or
Chambers of the Attorney
General with criminal matters, might reasonably be
viewed as “...highly inappropriate; ...suspicious.”
This could have easily provoked arguments, if not
speculations that members
of the Executive may have
exerted their influence on
the way the forgery case
may have been handled or
charges drafted.” The positions held by the former Attorney General supports the
arguments against his “...
Chambers’ Involvement.
For instance, he was (i)
...the Principal Legal Adviser to the Government;
(ii) ...Member of Parliament; and (iii) ...Member
of the Executive/Cabinet”
[CO. Section 82]. These,
undoubtedly, will have affected the universal principle of the “...Separation of
From another perspective, those with “...professional knowledge and
competence in drafting
criminal charges,” might
just have been deliberately
left out of the investigative “...Scheme of Things.”
Likened to the “...President
Richard Nixon’s Watergate
Scandal” [1972-1974], this
may have led the public
to believe that there had
been “...Executive complicity and/or prompting.”
Thus, it was apparent that
“...some motive may have
influenced the clandestine
approach.” This had resulted in a “...War of Words”
between the “...former Attorney General Justin L.
Simon QC and current Attorney General Steadroy
‘Cutie’ Benjamin.” Caught
in the middle of the fiasco
was “...investigator Corporal Cordell O’Garro.”
The Judicial Commitcont’d on pg 12
Friday 24th October 2014
12 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
cont’d from pg 10
Friday 24th October 2014
lic,” the Police Department
appeared to have deliberately ignored the responsibilities of then “...Minister
of Justice, Senator Collin
Derrick.” That which may
have been overlooked,
were “...Irrefutable Facts”
respecting his “...Ministerial Responsibilities. It could
also be said he had divorced
himself from that which he
may have seen as “...Political Persecution, being
clothed under the guise of
“...Criminal Prosecutions.”
This supports the cliché
that “...There are wolves in
sheep clothing.”The facts,
however, will show that
Senator Collin Derrick was
(i) “...Justice Minister; and
(ii) ...he had responsibility
for Law and order, Police
and Public Safety.” Though
this may have placed him
in a light that may have
led many to conclude, he
may have been guilty of “...
Dereliction of Ministerial
Duty,” the record ma show
that he had played no active
part in the preparations for
filing of the Complaints
without Oath and/or the trial.
To all intents and purposes, an apparent “...
intrusive and/or ministerially-sanctioned
by the Chambers of then
tee observed, “...Corporal
O’Garro said he drafted
the charges filed on the
7th August 2008; ...However, he gave no evidence
as to who drafted the new
charges filed on the 22 September 2008” [Para. 11].
Reasonable inferences may
have been drawn from media statements attributed
to former attorney General
Justin L. Simon QC of “...
an involvement that may
have been viewed as clandestine.” Clearly, Corporal
O’Garro may have been
restrained by the criminal
offence of “...Perjury.” Incidentally, the charges were
eventually dismissed in
the St. John’s Magistrate’s
Court [October 1, 2014].
Not only had the Defendant escaped the “...Claw
of the Law,” but may also
have been given reasonable cause to suspect and/
or believe, that under the
“...guise of prosecution,”
the criminal prosecution
may have been orchestrated against him “...acrimoniously by known parties.”
Whether or not, he
was accepted as a “...Papa;
or felt lazy or Irie,” given
developments that had resulted in the prosecution of
Steadroy ‘Cutie’ Benjamin,
attorney and Notary Pub- cont’d on pg 13
Human Resource Manager
Job Summary
To provide the necessary support and guidance to
Management in the development of a Human Resource Management Unit.
Main Responsibilities
To assist in the negotiation process of Collective Agreements with the relevant Unions;
To assist in the identification of training
To assist in the development and implementation of programme that will deliver employee satisfaction and improve commitment levels;
To coordinate the administration of the Authority’s personnel policies as it relates to recruitment, wages, salaries, benefits, training, industrial
relations and general administration.
Core Requirement and Professional Experience
Bachelors Degree in Human Resource
Management, Business Administration, International Business Management with Psychology or
vice versa.
At least five (5) years experience in Human
Qualified persons should submit an application no
later than 31st October, 2014 addressed to:
The Human Resources Department
National Solid Waste Management Authority
Sir George Walter Highway
St. John’s Antigua
Friday 24th October 2014
cont’d from pg 12
Attorney General Justin
L. Simon QC,” may have
been discerned from uncontroverted “...Positional
Facts.” It was a fact that
Senator Collin Derrick’s
had the portfolioed position of “...Minister of Justice, with responsibility
for the Police and Public
Safety [2008-2009]. Prior
to his short-lived tenure in
that position, he boasted a
reasonably successful legal practice; ...had been
Defence attorney for many
accused/defendants. More
importantly, when a crisis had developed within
the Police Service over “...
administrative and operational deficiencies and the
public had shown evidence
of deterioration of confidence in the service, he
was instrumental in eliminating “...incompetent and
inefficiency” from the top
of the agency. He had replaced an incompetent and
the ineffective leader with
“...expatriate Canadian Police Leadership.” Whatever
they had brought to the Police Service, it was expected that they had the requisite abilities in “...Drafting
Criminal Charges.”
cont’d in next issue....
14 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Friday 24th October 2014
Job Summary
The General Manager is required to direct and manage all
activities of the NSWMA, the duties of which are established
in s5 of the National Solid Waste Management Act 1995.
Main Responsibilities
plans, organizes and directs all activities within the
directs the management, operations and maintenance of
the NSWMA existing national solid waste management
activities and develops new plans and programmes to address existing or emerging problems;
directly supervises the work of all professional and technical staff;
prepares a national solid waste management plan and reviews it annually;
prepares annual reports detailing the activities of the
NSWMA throughout its financial year including a statement of audited accounts;
develops and manages all budgets approved by the Authority;
develops and maintains collaborative relationships with
the Antigua Port Authority, the National Parks Authority and the private marinas and harbours concerning the
management of ship-generated wastes; and with the
Ministry of Health concerning the management of medical wastes.
Core Requirement and Professional Experience
• Masters Degree in Management, Health Management,
Environmental Sciences, Business Management; and
• Five years experience in a senior position within a firm or
government department
Qualified persons should submit an application no later than
October 31st , 2014 addressed to:
The Human Resources Department
National Solid Waste Management Authority
Sir George Walter Highway
St. John’s, Antigua
Job Summary
Attend to visitors and deal with inquiries on the
phone and face to face. Supply information regarding the organization to the general public, clients
and customers.
Education and Experience
• High school diploma (Minimum 5 CXC subjects including English)
• Knowledge of administrative and clerical procedures
• Knowledge of computers and relevant software
• Knowledge of customer service principles and
• Keyboard Skills
• Ability to work a switchboard
Key Competencies
• Verbal and written communication skills
• Professional and Personal presentation
• Customer Service Orientation
• Information Management
• Organizing and Planning
• Attention to Detail
• Initiative
• Reliability
• Stress tolerance
Qualified persons should submit an application no
later than October 31st , 2014 addressed to:
The Human Resources Department
National Solid Waste Management Authority
Sir George Walter Highway
St. John’s , Antigua
Friday 24th October 2014
Antigua & Barbuda Independence Celebrations
Schedule of events from 23rd October – 03rd November, 2014
Thurs 23rd Oct, 2014
23th – 31st Oct, 2014
24th & 25th Oct, 2014
Sat 25th Oct, 2014
Sun 26th Oct, 2014
Mon 27th Oct, 2014
Tues 28th Oct, 2014
Wed 29th Oct, 2014
Thurs 30th Oct, 2014
Fri 31st Oct, 2014
Sat 01 Nov, 2014
Sun 02nd Nov, 2014
Mon 03rd Nov, 2014
Launch of Independence
National Visual Arts Exhibition
Business Decorating Competition
Barbuda Culture Night
Independence Marathon
Independence Thanksgiving Service
Independence Fashion Show
Independence Thanksgiving Service
Folk & Dance Presentation
Basketball Tournament
National Independence Lecture Series
Schools Independence Programmes
Schools Independence Programmes
Golden Memories Programme
Festival of Choirs
Home and Garden Show
Independence Banquet
National Independence Youth Rally
Schools Panorama Competition
Talent, Fashion and Hair Show
National Dress Day
Independence Celebration Concert
Barbuda’s Fun Day
National Market Day
Red Hott T-Shirt Mas
National Sports Day
Theatrical Presentation
Exhibition and Screening of Documentaries
Cultural Show
Independence Flag Raising Ceremony
Sunrise Fete
Caribbean Travelling Film Festival Launch
Horse Racing
Ceremonial Parade
Independence Food Fair
Caribbean Travelling Film Showcase
Senior Citizen Show
Fishing Tournament
6:00 pm
Independence Village
10:00am - 7:30pm Independence Village
4:00am - 8.00am
Pentecostal House of Restoration
Independence Village - ADM
Independence Village
Independence Village
All Schools Antigua
Independence Village
Holy Family Cathedral
Sir Vivian Richards Stadium
All Day Event
All Day Event
6:00am – 6:00pm
All Day Event
Antigua Recreation Grounds
Public Market
St. John’s
Dredgers/Communities/ T.N. Kirnon
Cathedral Cultural Center
10:00am – 7:00pm
7:00pm – 9.30pm
4.30am – 12:00pm
10:00am – until
12:00 until
All Day Event
7:00am - 9.:30pm
Independence Village
Independence Village
Barbuda Holy Trinity School
Blue Skies - ADM
Sir Vivian Richards Stadium
Sir Vivian Richards Stadium
Sir Vivian Richards Stadium
Sir Vivian Richards Stadium
Sir Vivian Richards Stadium
16 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Friday 24th October 2014
Friday 24th October 2014
18 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Friday 24th October 2014
Nigerians free once again to visit
Trinidad & Tobago – Khan
P O RT- O F - S PA I N ,
Trinidad, CMC - Health
Minister Dr Fuad Khan
says Nigerians are once
again free to visit Trinidad
and Tobago with immediate effect.
He made the announcement on Wednesday at a post- Cabinet
press conference held at
the San Fernando Teaching Hospital.
Khan also said and the
Government has agreed to
contribute US$100,000 to
the United Nations Ebola
Response Multi-Partner
Trust Fund to fight the
virus in the affected West
African countries.
However, the October
9 ban prohibiting visitors
from Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and the Democratic Republic of the
Congo, in an effort to prevent the virus from entering the country, remains
Cabinet’s decision to
lift the ban follows the
World Health Organization (WHO) declaration
on Monday that Nigeria
was now free of the Ebola
Prime Minister, as well as
the Cabinet, have agreed
that based on the information from the WHO
and based on the stringent
screening methods that
have occurred in international countries, standard
to embarkation and exit
of passengers, the Cabinet
has decided to lift the ban
on the Federal Republic
of Nigeria with immediate
effect,” Khan said.
came 42 days since Nigeria’s last reports of
any new cases. Khan explained that period was
twice the maximum incubation period for the virus
to develop.
New Ebola travel bans by
Suriname and Dominican Republic
PARAMARIBO, Suriname -- Suriname and
the Dominican Republic
became the latest countries in the region that
will no longer allow entry to foreign travellers if
they have previously been
to Ebola-hit West African
countries. According to
a protocol issued by the
Suriname health ministry,
travellers other than Su-
rinamese nationals who,
one up to 21 days prior
to departure to Suriname,
have been in one of the
risk countries -- Sierra
Leone, Guinea or Liberia,
are not allowed to begin
the journey to Suriname,
unless they can prove to
be free of the Ebola virus
with an internationally
recognized health certificont’d on pg 19
Friday 24th October 2014
Mavado out, Cecile in at WCMF
this recently and since
then they have been trying their utmost best to
make it possible, but unfortunately without success,” Piper said. “And so
upon hearing that news in
light of that information
DFC has worked to find
an artiste from the same
genre that we feel will
add diversity to the festival while ensuring a great
performance from the reggae genre. That artiste is
none other than Cecile.”
Additionally, he said,
all logistics have been put
in place and Cecile will
be performing on Sunday
night at the WCMF. “This
obviously was something
that was unforeseen, but
“unforeseen travel issue.” it is something that we
He will be replaced by try to have a contingency
plan for and so we were
Jamaican artiste, Cecile.
“Their management able to work with some of
was only made aware of the agents that we had in
place to get some ideas,”
he stated.
In terms of funds already paid to the Mavado, Piper said, “We have
recouped funds and that
happened quickly and
speedily, so the deposits
that were paid was in fact
reimburse, so that’s not an
He stated that all acts
for the festival “remain as
it is.”
Meanwhile Piper said,
the First Serenade Band
will be added to the Sunday night lineup at the festival.
This, he said, “will
serve to supplement the
Cadence and the Bouyon
genre for Sunday night.”
Cecile will be performing in the United
States on Friday, however
she will arrive in Dominica on a WINAIR flight at
riving in Suriname will be
asked to provide detailed
relevant information by
filling out a form issued
by the Health Ministry.
The health ministry
also advised Surinamese
citizens to avoid traveling to high-risk countries
in West Africa.
The Dominican Republic has also joined
other Caribbean countries
and has issued a travel
ban restricting travelers
from West African nations affected by Ebola
The ban applies to
travellers in those countries in the past 30 days,
said health minister Altagracia Guzman on Tuesday. The health minister
said authorities will remain vigilant at airports,
seaports and at the Haitian border.
Just one day before
the annual World Creole
Music Festival (WCMF)
is set to kick off, the Dominica Festivals Committee
(DFC) has announced that
one of the major acts will
not be hitting the stage.
Chairman of DFC,
Colin Piper said at a press
conference on Thursday
that Mavoda is out due to
cont’d from pg 18
For those who have
begun their journey to Suriname, a period of monitoring or a maximum of
21 days in quarantine will
be conducted on their arrival at the border posts of
the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) country,
said the protocol.
According to the protocol, all passengers ar-
5:00 pm on Sunday to perform later that night.
Her back up musicians will be in Dominica
on Saturday, according to
group Flavour was axed
from the festival due to
the deadly Ebola Virus
Disease scare.
“I think we acted on
the best information that
we had at this time and reacted in the best interest of
the country,” Piper said.
The WCMF kicks off
on Friday, October 24.
There are no direct
flights between Suriname
or the Dominican Republic and any African country.
Other regional countries have announced
similar travel restrictions.
Barbados, however, has
decided not to impose
any restrictions for the
time being.(CNNOW)
20 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Friday 24th October 2014
Curacao wants greater separation
from Netherlands
WILLEMSTAD, Curacao -Curacao wants to get rid of the
Netherlands-appointed governor,
who must in turn approve ministerial appointments by law.
A parliamentary motion has
been filed to this effect and, with
this, the way will be open to appoint ministers to posts without
being screened for integrity. This
motion is a response to the intervention by Dutch interior and
kingdom relations minister, Ronald Plasterk, in St Maarten. Last
Friday, the Council of Ministers
in The Hague told the governor
of the island to postpone the appointment of the new Cabinet until incoming Prime Minister Theo
Heyliger and his team of ministers
have been screened under Dutch
A recent report on the integrity of the public administration on
the island indicated, according to
Plasterk, a “widespread lack of
integrity”. He fears a repetition
of the events in Curacao, where
the controversial politician Gerrit
Schotte came to power following a questionable screening process. The former prime minister
has since arrested on suspicion
of money laundering and forgery.
The Netherlands also supplied
manpower to help fight crime in
With the motion, filed by
Schotte, the parliament calls on
the government to amend the constitution of Curacao. According to
the same constitution, a proposal
to this effect needs a two-thirds
majority to be passed.
The governor of Curacao is the
representative of the Netherlands
king in Curacao. He defends the
general interests of the state and is
head of the government in Curacao. The governor has no political
responsibilities and is not part of
the Cabinet of Curacao.
Dutch Interior and Kingdom Relations
Minister, Ronald Plasterk
Aruba also has a governor.
Earlier this year, by order of the
Dutch government, he refused to
sign the Aruba budget for 2014,
leaving the Aruba government furious about the Netherlands’ interference.
Friday 24th October 2014
Get up to speed with the latest
(CNN) -- Obama expresses cautious optimism. An infected nurse
shows signs of improvement. And a military response team begins training.
With multiple developments underway, here’s
the latest on the Ebola outbreak:
Obama is “cautiously
more optimistic” that we
may be turning the corner
in the fight against Ebola.
Two infected Americans
are cured; Nigeria and
Senegal are Ebola-free;
and dozens of people
who came in contact with
now-deceased Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan
didn’t get the virus. “It
gives you some sense that
when it’s caught early and
where the public health
effectively, this outbreak
can be stopped,” he said.
Texas nurse Amber
Vinson, being treated for
Ebola at Atlanta’s Emory University Hospital,
is steadily regaining her
strength and her spirits
are high, her family said.
Doctors can no longer detect the virus in Vinson’s
body, and she’ll be transferred from isolation, her
mother said.
The condition of Nina
Pham, who, like Vinson,
contracted Ebola after
treating Duncan, has been
upgraded from fair to
Samples from nurse
Pham’s dog Bentley tested negative for the virus.
More specimens will be
collected before the end of
the 21-day quarantine.
A 30-member U.S.
military team that could
be called on to respond
to new cases of Ebola in
the United States has begun specialized training at
Fort Sam Houston in Texas. The weeklong training
includes infection control
and how to use the personal protective gear.
A total of 9,911 confirmed or probable cases,
and 4,868 deaths have
been reported in Guinea,
Sierra Leone and Liberia,
the World Health Organization said Wednesday.
Every district in Sierra
Leone has reported at least
one case.
All travelers coming
to the United States from
Ebola-affected areas will
be actively monitored for
21 days, starting Monday. Also, all U.S.-bound
passengers from Liberia,
Sierra Leone and Guinea
must land in one of the
five U.S. airports with
enhanced screening for
Ebola: New York’s John
F. Kennedy International,
Washington Dulles, New
Jersey’s Newark Liberty
International, Chicago’s
O’Hare International and
Hartsfield-Jackson International in Atlanta.
In a Thursday press
conference, World Health
again stressed that it opposes a travel ban as a
means of controlling the
virus. Some in the United States and elsewhere
have called for a blocking of those who attempt
to enter the nation by air,
while many in the scien-
tific and medical community say doing so would
make those with Ebola
more difficult to track because they would attempt
to cross borders by land.
If the United States were
to institute a travel ban, it
would be unprecedented.
Earlier, Belize’s government issued a ban on
citizens of affected West
African countries.
A pair of Beijing-based
agencies that specialize in
travel to North Korea say
they’ve been told by their
“partners in Pyongyang”
that the nation won’t allow international tourists
to enter starting Friday,
due to the threat of Ebola.
It’s not clear whether the
restriction affects business
22 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Friday 24th October 2014
Friday 24th October 2014
Who is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, the
man behind the deadly Ottawa
(CNN) -- What would
spur someone to walk up
to a war memorial, fatally
shoot a soldier guarding
it, then rush into Canada’s
Parliament and open fire?
The attacker, identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, may have taken the answer to his grave
when he himself was shot
dead before he could seriously hurt anyone inside
learning about the 32-yearold Zehaf-Bibeau, a man
with a criminal record
and, according to a friend,
an unstable mind:
-- He lived all around
lengthy criminal record
involving drugs and violence.
-- He appears to have
had a religious awakening
and talked about going to
Syria, but didn’t have a
Yet, bit by bit, we’re passport to do it legally.
-- He had “associations” with at least one
suspected terrorist, yet
authorities currently believe acted alone in killing
the guard at Canada’s National War Memorial and
wreaking havoc inside the
Canadian Parliament.
“In the days to come,
we will learn more about
the terrorist and any accomplices he may have
had,” Canadian Prime
Minister Stephen Harper said. “But this week’s
events are a grim reminder that Canada is not immune to the types of terrorist attacks we have seen
elsewhere in the world.”
EU leaders agree CO2 emissions cut
European Union leaders have reached a landmark deal to cut greenhouse gas emissions by
40% by 2030, compared
with 1990 levels.
The decision was
agreed after heated discussions at a summit in
Brussels, as some mem-
bers had argued that their
varied interests should be
Correspondents say it
could make the EU a leader again in climate policy.
The bloc also aims to
boost the use of renewable
energy to 27% in the total
energy mix.
24 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Friday 24th October 2014
Friday 24th October 2014
As a result of the passage of tropical storm Gonzalo, the
concert entitled “Praises Thanks and Adoration, A 50th Celebration” presented by the Spring Gardens Moravian Senior Choir and scheduled for Sunday October 19th has been
postponed until Sunday November 9th, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.
The Hon. E.P. Chet Greene M.P. for St. Paul’s in conjunction
with the National Solid Waste Management Authority has
organized a Clean Up Campaign for St. Paul’s
From Tyrells right through to Dockyard including Table Hill
Garden, Green Hill and Piccadilly. This campaign will take
place on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th October from 6
a.m. - 10 a.m.
Saturday 25th – Falmouth, Cobbs Cross, Piccadilly, English
Sunday 26th – Tyrells, Liberta, Table Hill Garden
Residents are encouraged to place their bulk waste for collection on the day specified for the area. Also you are if possible
invited to be a part of this effort by assisting in this process.
Let us all join together in this effort and let St. Paul’s shine.
The Spring Gardens Moravian Church presents it’s annual
pre Independence Food Fair, on the church grounds at St.
Georges Street, Saturday October 25th starting from 2pm
sharp Yes! You are invited to come out with the entire family
to sample and enjoy a wide variety of local and Caribbean
delights, there will be lots of rides and attractions for the
children including bounce castle face painting, horseback
riding... Lots of entertainment.. Steel band music, Fashion
Show by Queen Bee Designs, The Spring Gardens Praise
Team and DJ Riddim Master will bless you with the latest Gospel Hits!.. A Date you can’t afford to miss.. Saturday 25th October at the Spring Gardens Moravian Church
Grounds, St. Georges Street; 2pm, Tickets $20.00.. Come
enjoy an after good Food.. and Fellowship with Family and
Friends... see you there!
Annual General Meeting
The EAG's Annual General Meeting 2014 will be held on Saturday 25th October at 7 pm upstairs the Museum. All members
and prospective members should attend this very important meeting. During the AGM, we will be presenting the audited financial
records for 2013. In addition, there will also be elections to the
Board of Directors for vacant seats: there are six (6) spots that will
need to be filled. If you are interested in serving on the Board of
Directors, please reply to this email with a short bio.
In order to be eligible to vote or to become a Director, you
must be a current financial member of the EAG. Please see our
website for details on membership fees. Payment can be made at
the EAG office or on the evening of the AGM.
Presentation by John Mussington
We will also be hosting award winning local marine biologist
John Mussington, who will be giving a presentation on coral reef
management in Antigua and Barbuda as other current conservation issues in Antigua and Barbuda. Refreshments will also be provided. Please feel free to invite your family and friends.
Barbuda Express is sailing everyday except Mondays.
Tours available 5 days a week, call 560-7989 or 764-2291
for more info and reservations. You may also visit our
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26 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Friday 24th October 2014
Gibson says he was fired by the WICB
KINGSTON, Jamaica,
CMC - Ottis Gibson says
he was fired as West Indies
head coach despite a statement from the West Indies
Cricket Board (WICB)
suggesting otherwise.
Gibson’s declaration
three months after ending
ties with the WICB contradicts a statement from the
board which said the two
had mutually agreed to end
their association.
Gibson and WICB
severed ties in August on
the eve of a series against
Bangladesh involving twotest matches and One Day
Internationals (ODI).
He has been quoted in
the regional media as saying he was shocked when
WICB president Dave
Cameron fired him during a
telephone conversation.
He says Cameron told
him that players had lost
confidence in him.
Gibson’s contract was
renewed last year after taking up the post in January
the Windies came when he ICC World Twenty20 tour2010.
His finest moment with led them to victory in the nament two years ago.
Friday 24th October 2014
Thursday’s Sudoku Solution
1. La Brea goo
25. Hall of Fame quarterback Tarkenton
4. They’re meant to be
26. Film lioness
9. Inclines
27. Lawsuit basis
14. “So that’s it!”
28. Yoga class necessity
15. Strong suit
16. Brilliance
31. “Wicked Game”
singer Chris
17. Classical beginning?
33. It has the world’s
largest brass band
often stand
18. Second-year elective?
35. ‘50s sitcom name
40. Rate in the financial pages
20. Chatter
21. Miss’s equivalent?
22. Eagle homes
23. Newspaper money-
36. Phrase whose
abbreviation is the key
to four long puzzle
37. Scads
38. How flamingos
41. RR stop
42. Ford and GM
43. Neatnik’s bête
44. Juin or septembre,
for example
45. Cooking utensil
48. Use a plane, maybe
51. St. Petersburg
52. Spoiled
28 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Friday 24th October 2014
Villa Lions, Young Lions and 5ps
win in ABFA Second division
By Vanroy Burnes
Former stalwart team of
Antiguan football in the Premier division Villa Lions is
desperately making a bit to
return to the top flight. After a number of years in the
Premier division, they were
demoted to the first division
and then further demoted to
the second division.
However over the past
two years pressing, they
came close to be promoted
back to the first division, but
it seems that this years they
have their eyes and minds
bent on promotion as they
sits in the third position in
A of the second division on
13 points. In their most recent match, the Villa Lions
beat Bendals 2 goals to nil
at Dredge Bay with Gavin
Lewis scoring in the 50th
minute of play followed
by an own goal by Bendals
in the 70th minute. Those
valuable 3 points lifted the
Lions to 15 points.
Wadadli 5p’s struggled
to beat CPTSA Wings 3
goals to 2 at Johnsons. Alva
Guishard shot home twice
for 5p’s in the 22nd and
41st minute and goalkeeper
Harris Catchet scored in the
34th minute from the Penalty Spot. CTPSA Wings two
goals came from Dajour Alexander in the 60th minute
and Ajauni Matthew in the
65th minute.
The Young Lions of Old
Road one of the new teams
playing this year handed
Point West Ham a one nil
victory, the lone goal was
scored by Raniere Alfanse.
In the lone first division
match played on Wednesday, Liberta beat Willikies
by a goal to nil with Oshane
Blackwood the goal scorer.
The second division
will continue on Friday
with Garden Stars versus
Bethesda at Liberta, Golden
Grove versus Herbert’s F.C
at Golden Grove, Jennings
United versus Pares at Jennings and John Hughes versus Young Warriors at John
Friday 24th October 2014
I am a 21-year-old
woman from the Philippines. I have been insecure all my life. I know
I have a pretty face, but
I have a lot of scars on
my legs from childhood.
Because of this I am depressed, unhappy and
insecure. I never wear
shorts, skirts or dresses
that show my legs.
Do you think there
is some guy somewhere
who will love me despite
my scars? I’m well aware
that guys like sexy ladies
with flawless skin. I hate
the way my legs look, and
I doubt I will ever find a
husband. Please help me.
Please quit putting yourself down. Sometimes we
women can be our most
severe critics. If you stop
looking for reasons men
won’t like you and start
concentrating on why
they will, you may have
better luck.
Men like women who
are fun to be around,
who are kind, intelligent,
honest and who don’t
play games. A man who
would reject you because
of scars on your legs isn’t
a person you need for a
lasting, meaningful relationship.
Thursday’s Crossword Solution
ARIES (March 21-April 19).
Don’t worry — the Mercury
retrograde will soon be over.
In the meantime, technical
difficulties will arise. Also,
it will be challenging just
to get everyone to the same
place at the right time.
TAURUS (April 20-May
20). Here’s something to visualize: You are no longer
responsible for the outcome.
All that you were stressing
over is taken care of. Sit
back, relax and enjoy yourself.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
Your brain is wired to understand and then believe.
Use this to your advantage.
Decide that you’re going to
understand yourself, and
you’ll soon find that you believe in yourself more deeply, too.
CANCER (June 22-July
22). Lasso one of your piein-the-sky ideas. You’ll be
surprised how real it feels as
you tug it down to Earth. By
taking a few practical steps,
you’ll make it even more so.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The
thing that brings you to noble work is that you are trying to solve a problem that
has affected the lives of your
community members, your
family and yourself.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
No one can agree upon the
truth of a situation now because everyone’s reality is
different. Your acceptance
of this fact will help you empathize with someone many
others think is “out there.”
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
You are innately creative,
so let yourself “do” creativity. Stop thinking there has
to be a reason for it. There
doesn’t. Or rather, you don’t
have to know the reason in
order to get started.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). You have a valuable gift
to share. It might be something tangible, or maybe it’s
an idea worth sharing. Keep
in mind that sometimes people don’t know what they
want or what they need until
they are shown.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22Dec. 21). On this day of
changes, you may go from
feeling like a wizened elder to feeling like a youthful innocent and then settle
somewhere in the adolescent middle ground of the
19). You’ve needed guides
through most of your life,
and you need them still,
but lately they seem to be
in short supply. That’s the
universe’s way of telling you
that you already have the
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Do your best, and don’t
let them see you sweat. Truly you’re a master actor
these days, and you can pull
off any feat just by pretending to be confident.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Sometimes it’s as
though your brain can’t
distinguish between imagination and reality. You can
use this to your advantage,
imagining wondrous outcomes to your day.
cont’d on pg 22
30 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Friday 24th October 2014
MSJMC had the biggest margin
of victory in Wednesday night
Business League basketball
By Vanroy Burnes
Mount St. Johns Medical Center (MSJMC)
had the biggest margin
of victory on Wednesday night in the Cool &
Smooth Sponsored Business League Basketball
matches, playing in the
first of three matches at
the YMCA.
The men from the
Medical facility beat the
person who is responsible for law & order Police Vertex 63 points to
46. Damien Floyd shot
18 points and Lennox
McCoy 16 points for MSJMC, while for the Lawmen Alfred Telemaque
shot 13 points.
In the second match
at that venue, Eye Mobile
beat APUA Head Office
49 points to 39 in a low
scoring encounter. Bernard Andrew and Adonis
Humphrey’s both shot 13
points each for Eye Mobile, while Teon Joseph
shot 16 points for APUA
Head Office.
In the third and final
match at the YMCA on
Wednesday night, First
Caribbean International
Bank (FCIB) seems as if
it is no stopping them now
as the remains on beaten with 56 points to 47
over Board of Education
(BOE) Ishan Peets shot 18
points and Adissa Harris
17 points for FCIB, while
Alfred Lee and Erol Henry shot 17 and 18 points
respectively for BOE.
cont’d on pg 31
Friday 24th October 2014
Rosewood Jumby Bay look set
to retain their Business League
Volleyball Title
By Vanroy Burnes
Defending Champions
of the Cool & Smooth/
ABAVA Business League
Volleyball powered by
Vita Malt is moving closer to retain their title as
they beat Inland Revenue
2 sets to 1 on Wednesday
night in game 27.
The Champion came
out in the first set very recont’d from pg30
Over at the JSC Complex in the first of two
matches, Kennedy’s Blue
Diamonds beat Destiny Cleaning Services No
Hostage 54 points to 50
with Chaz Samuel the
top scorer for Kennedy’s
, while Toriano Matthew
14 points and Winston
Roberts 25 points for No
24 October 2014
lax, and inland took full
advantage to capitalized
on the situation and put up
a good fight as Rosewood
narrowly won 29-27.
However a determine
Inland Revenue came
back to take the second set
19-25, but the Champion
knows what winning is all
about took control of the
situation in the third set to
In the second match,
ABBA Executive beat L
& S Suprette Penetrators
58 points to 54. Marlon
Charles shot 20 points for
ABBA Executive, while
Wayne Coates shot 18
points for Penetrators. The
matches continue nightly at the two venues the
YMCA and the JSC.
win 25-16 and the match 2
sets to 1. Melissa Fletcher
was the outstanding player for Jumby Bay, while
S. Thomas was for Inland
In game 28, APUA
came out punching over
Pineapple and won the
first set easily 25-15.
However Pineapple decided that they are not go-
ing down without a fight
and bounces back in the
second set to win 25-27.
APUA reverted back
to experience and take
the third set very easily 25-11 and the game 2
sets to 1. D. Piggot was
the outstanding player for
APUA, while A. Looby
for Pineapple.
cont’d from pg 32
tour after Friday’s fourth
ODI in Dharamsala. The
dispute between the players and administration
had emerged ahead of the
first match of the series
and no resolution was
found despite several letters being sent back and
forth between the captain Dwayne Bravo, the
Patel said. He also confirmed that the annual
Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi
lecture, which was to be
delivered by VVS Laxman in Kolkata on October 19, will be rescheduled and held ahead of
the Kolkata ODI.
West Indies decided
to pull out of their India
Until 25 October 2014
27 October 2014
32 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m
Friday 24th October 2014
Sri Lanka to fill West Indies void in India
agreed to fill the void
that has been created by
West Indies abandoning
their current tour of India because of a payment
structure dispute between
the players and the WICB
and WIPA. They will play
a series of five ODIs in
“In principle we have
agreed to accept India’s
invitation to play five
one-day internationals,”
SLC secretary Nishantha
Ranatunga said on Friday.
“Initially India wanted us
to play a T20 international as well but we decided
that with the World Cup
only a few months away,
playing five ODIs would
be beneficial to both
Ranatunga said the
five ODIs would be
played between November 1 and 15 and that a final itinerary was awaited
from the BCCI. He said
the decision to accept India’s invitation was taken
after consultation with
the Sri Lankan coaching
staff and the national selectors.
This will be Sri Lanka’s first tour to India in
almost five years. The
BCCI’s working committee, in consultation with
the tour, programme and
fixtures committee, will
decide the itinerary of the
series in Hyderabad on
October 21. It remains to
be seen if all the five venues that were supposed to
host the remaining games
in the series against West
Indies - Kolkata, Cuttack,
and Ahmedabad - will be
allotted a match each in
the alternate series.
At the moment, only
Kolkata is assured of a
match. “It had been decided to award a match
to CAB following their
request to host an interna-
Lahiru Thirimanne did not play an ODI in the Pakistan series
and has been dropped for the India tour.
tional match to celebrate ata will stage a match,”
the 150th anniversary of BCCI secretary Sanjay
Eden Gardens, so Kolk- cont’d on pg 31
Caribbean Times is printed and published at Woods Estate /Friars Hill Road By Kimon Drigo who is also the Editor and resides at
Sugar Factory. Contact P.O Box W2099, Wood Estate /Friars Hill Road, St.John's Antigua/ Tel: (268) 562 - 8688 or Fax: (268) 562 8685.Email: