TEACHERS LUKEWARM TO MINISTER’S APOLOGY Wednesday 14th January 2015 A n t i g u a a n d Education Minister, Michael Browne, has publicly apologized to the Antigua and Barbuda Union of Teachers over comments he made regarding executive members of the union…but the ABUT’s response can at best be described as ‘lukewarm’. Browne took to the airwaves on Tuesday to publicly apologise to the ABUT following his very public squabble with the union over its representation to the Board of Education. During several media appearances, the minister also blasted the union’s executive claiming that some members were only interested in sitting on boards for financial gain. That statement angered the ABUT and its president, Ashworth Azille, fired back in a salvo withdrawing all ABUT members from the various board on which they sat. But in an about-face, Browne offered an apology to the ABUT and he expressed a desire to improve relations with the union, noting that as a former teacher, he too, was a member of the union and that he and the union share a B a r b u d a Vol.3 No.76 $2.00 PM Announces plan to tackle crime pg 4 Education Minister, the Hon., Michael Browne. common goal; the wellbeing of the students in the education system. He said his comments were taken out of context and he now wants to rectify any harm they may have caused to his relationship with the ABUT. Azille told CT that the union heard the minister’s statements and it will accont’d on pg 2 Police mourn with their own.........pg 12 Governor-General visits centenarian pg 12 pg 23 For Voucher 2 Wednesday 14th January 2015 caribtimes.com Barbuda to lead the way with green energy Plans are in the pipeline to establish Barbuda as a model for sustainable “green energy” development. Minister of Barbuda Affairs Hon. Arthur Nibbs said he is very excited with such a great move made by the Prime Minister Honourable Gaston Browne in the 2015 Budget presentation. Minister Nibbs said Barbuda leading the way in green energy will cont’d from pg 1 cept it ‘for what it is’. He said however, while the minister now says he is available to meet with the union to resolve any outstanding issues, he is not available for any meeting with the minister anytime soon. The ABUT is conven- make every single Barbudan justly proud, and since as Barbuda is a small country to pilot the green energy project is a move in the right direction. Barbuda which has great potential in providing for itself and a net contributor to not only its own development, but also that of Antigua will be able to utilize renewable power sources such as wind and solar ener- ing an emergency meeting on Thursday to discuss a number of issues, including the impasse with Minister Borwne, but according to Azille, Browne has not been invited to attend. “We will extend an invitation to him to attend our annual general meeting in May, but our meet- gy. This, MP Nibbs said, will indeed drive the transformation of Barbuda over the next five years. The construction of several hundred hotel rooms and condominiums all based on exclusive high-end properties on the sister isle as well will truly transform Barbuda into the Green and Blue sustainable capital of the Capital MP Nibbs further reiterated. ing for Thursday is solely for members to express their views on matters directly related to their wellbeing,” he added. The Ministry of Education is doing its best to facilitate the meeting as its will close all public schools on Thursday allowing teachers in the Two face forgery charge Two people have been charged with forgery in connection with a conspiracy to defraud an elderly woman. Head of the Criminal Investigation Department, Assistant Commissioner Nuffield Burnette, alleges that Natalie Jarvis, aged 35, of Martin Village and Georgette Simmons, 38, of Jennings are charged with issuing a series of cheques purporting to be someone they were not. The pair is also suspected of using fraudulent means to withdraw money from the victim’s account. Burnette said the criminal acts occurred between December 26 last year and January 6 this year. He said one of the perpetrators is known to the victim as she often provided taxi services to the woman. The police suspect that this was the means by which the two came into possession of the victim’s cheque book. Meanwhile, the two people charged in connection with guns and ammunitions following a police raid two weeks ago…are to face further charges. Burnette said the police plan to add robbery to the charges they face in court. These charges are likely to include robbery at the home of businessman Phillip Abbott. In related news…the police say they are pursuing a number of leads following the home invasion of businessman, Esau Mansoor on Sunday night. There are no arrests in this case. public sector to attend. The meeting will begin at 11:00 am as the union wants to ensure it has ample time to complete its packed agenda and allow for teachers to get home before dark. “Many of our teachers are females and we want to ensure that they can attend the meeting, fully participate in the discussions and enable us to complete the agenda in reasonable time. The safety of our teachers is also important to us especially in these times of criminal activities,” one ABUT official told CT. Meanwhile the Thursday’s agenda includes…. health and safety in the workplace… timely upgrade for teachers… retroactive payment in connection with the reclassification of teachers…and the condition of schools. Wednesday 14th January 2015 caribtimes.com 3 Canadain Minister Hiebert pays courtesy call to Minister of Tourism The government is working in earnest to develop and reform the country’s energy sector, this will in turn bring tangible enhancements to the people of Antigua and Barbuda. On Tuesday Member of Parliament in Canada Russ Hiebert paid a courtesy call to Minister of Tourism, Economic Development, Investment and Energy, the Hon., Asot Michael. Minister Hiebert, who also represents the Toronto based Company Hisel, has a joint venture with Solaris Energy which has an office on island. He said providing reduced costs of energy through solar power will allow for more effective foreign investment to prospective investors and Antiguans and Barbudans on a whole. Minister Michael welcomed the timely visit and said his Ministry’s five year plan focusses on the promotion and implementation of the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency. With the Renewable Energy Act’s first reading in Parliament on Monday Minister Michael continued that a proper tariff and the regulation of the industry will allow for a more leveled playing field for those involved. Enhancing energy efficiency is also based on the platform outlined the Antigua & Barbuda Labour Party’s Manifesto “The People’s Rescue Plan”. Member of Parliament in Canada Russ Hiebert, right, paid a courtesy call to Minister of Tourism, Economic Development, Investment and Energy, the Hon., Asot Michael. 4 caribtimes.com Wednesday 14th January 2015 PM Browne Announces Government’s Plan to tackle rise in Crime The Government of Prime Minister the Hon. Gaston Browne has laid down the gauntlet to criminals operating in the country - reform or face the full force of the law. Speaking in Parliament on Monday during his presentation of the 2015 Budget Statement, Prime Minister the Hon. Gaston Browne said that there are too many home invasions and criminal activities in the country and his government is fashioning programmes to give opportunities for personal advancement of individuals. However, those who choose crime will be dealt with severely. “My Government is fashioning programmes for human development by expanding opportunities for training, employment, proper housing, sports and recreational development that will empower our people and remove the temptation to pursue a life of crime and violence. We will not give the criminal any excuses. “We are creating opportunities for economic and social achievement. Those who choose a life of crime will do so because that is their disposition and choice. “In such cases, they will feel the full force of the law,” Prime Minister Browne pointed out. The country’s leader making his presentation to a packed parliament with standing room only also cont’d on pg 5 Wednesday 14th January 2015 caribtimes.com 5 cont’d from pg 4 gave an insight into his government’s crime fighting plan which is focused on strengthening law enforcement agencies. He pointed out that all the agencies of law enforcement will join forces in tackling crime and violence in the state. “We will do so by ensuring strong and effective leadership of these agencies’, and by providing the necessary resources to facilitate effective implementation of the operational plans. There will also be robust patrolling of communities and neighbourhoods with special focus on the high incident crime areas. In this regard, soldiers will assist the police in the night with patrolling duties. Standard rapid response times will be established and supported by a strategic combination of electronic monitoring devices and special quick response teams to support general patrol teams. Our Defence Force’s main task will be crime fighting, especially in areas of intelligence gathering, special rapid response units, and nightly patrols,” he said. A week ago, Prime Law Enforcement officials were recently summoned to Cabinet to give explanation of their stewardship and to hear government’s crime fighting agenda Minister Browne and National Security Minister the Hon. Steadroy Benjamin summoned the top brass and other officials of law enforcement agencies in the state to Cabinet, during which Prime Minister Browne made it clear that the full force of the law must be brought to bear on those who choose crime as their means of employment. He was emphatic in reiterating this position in parliament on Monday. “Criminals must be brought to swift justice with maximum penalties imposed on violent criminals. “Additionally, consideration will be given to amending the law to allow electronic tagging of re- peat offenders, since most crimes are committed by repeat offenders known to the courts. “Knowing where criminals are will aid in the rapid apprehension of guilty individuals. Let me make it clear, that we will be tough on those who persist in crime,” Prime Minister Browne sternly pointed out. Stating that the society cannot sacrifice to give persons a leg-up and a helping hand and at the same time allow a handful of criminals to thrive and spoil the tranquility of national life, Prime Minister Browne announced a standard reward of $50, 000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of individuals involved in a gun crime and rape. “Government will provide assistance for the establishment and operations of Neighbourhood and Community Watch Groups. This assistance will include training and other logistic support. Proliferation of home security electronic devices linked via internet to homeowners’ phones, and neighbourhood watch centres and police electronic surveillance centres, will be an important component of neighbourhood protection programmes. In this regard, government will continue to waive duties on the importation of security equipment,” Prime Minister Browne concluded. 6 caribtimes.com Wednesday 14th January 2015 Time – That most critical component Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne delivered the country’s 2015 Budget Statement on Monday and few will disagree that this was a delivery made by a man who has the daring brashness of youth tempered with an acute wisdom on matters related to finance and economy. He was at pains to try and get the people of the country he now leads to understand that the situation is dire. He was real as he stated with the necessary emphasis that what he has put forward has nothing to do with casting blame in the direction of any individual or group of persons. It was, he said, to tell the people of Antigua and Barbuda the facts related to their finances, the tasks to be undertaken and the personal sacrifices to be made to get things in any sort of decent order. “Had it not been for swift and decisive action by my Government immediately upon assuming office, calamity would have become disaster with grave and irreparable consequences for all our people.” Strong words indeed and enough to have the people of Antigua and Barbuda wonder if the country will ever again rise to the ascendancy it enjoyed for years, especially once it closed sugar operations and became a tourism-based economy. As I said in my New Year’s Day Message to the people of Antigua and Barbuda, “I make no exaggeration when I say that the most significant contribution my Government has made to date is to save our country from total collapse”. “I will lay-out the calamity that my Government has unearthed so far, but – as you will hear from the details of my presentation – we are not yet certain of the full extent of the previous government’s legacy. “Suffice to say, at this point, that the conditions we have inherited are grave. “They require urgent, creative and innovative attention to fix them, and to grow the economy out of its difficulties. “But, fixing them also causes a delay in the implementation of some of the policies that my Party had adumbrated prior to the general elections. Therein rests a major problem for this young ALP administration – that matter of time. Yes, they seem to have several wonderful plans and programmes and the electorate love to hear this sort of thing. They will, however, be quick to question should these things not come to fruition with bird speed. The people who voted for change will not be forgiving. So, can a young and energetic prime minister with wonderful plans and programmes be able to get them off and running to the benefit the great majority? Time is the issue and only time will tell. Based on what PM Browne outlined and should he be able to produce the goods he could well be soon wearing the hat symbolic of one of the great Caribbean leaders of the modern era. To retrieve Antigua and Barbuda from the precipice of disaster and in time to earn himself and his administration a second term in office will be no easy feat. Prime Minister Gaston Browne however, may just be brazen enough in the execution of his duties to pull off these things. Wednesday 14th January 2015 caribtimes.com 7 Police Mourn With Their Own In a saddened and somber moment, the Commissioner of Police Vere Browne, and the Rank and File of the Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda ex- presses heartfelt condolences to No. 217 Corporal Glenroy Michael, on the tragic loss of his son Glenroy “Glendon” Michael Jr. Glendon Michael was one of seven teenagers, who were tragically killed in St. Vincent on Monday, when the minibus they were travelling on plunged into the seas of Rock Gutter. Glendon was a 16yr old Fifth Form student of the St. Vincent & The Grenadines Grammar School. He was the only son of his father Corporal Michael, who is currently attached to the Dockyard Police Station. He is survived by his mother Gloridene Hoyte of Fancy Village, St. Vincent, and the entire Michael’s family; to include Sergeant Lisbon Michael at the Criminal Investigations Department and Constable Ian Michael of Parham Police Station. CONSULTANT FOR IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT ON BUSINESS TAXATION REFORMS Glenroy Michael and Glendon Michael. SAGICOR LIFE INC Narissa Hodge of Upper Gambles, Antigua having made sworn deposition that Policy No. S05043678 issued or assumed by Sagicor Life Inc on her life has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued. Dated: January 13th, 2015 By Order Althea Hazzard Corporate Secretary The World Bank Group (WBG) is seeking to hire a consultant for a six month appointment. He or she will be based in Antigua and Barbuda to provide implementation support on business taxation reforms. The consultant will work with a WBG team to support the Inland Revenue Department by: (i) providing technical input and insights on local business taxation; (ii) collecting and analyzing data; and (iii) developing recommendations and implementing reforms. Requirements: Degree in Accounting/Economics with a strong background in Tax Policy and Administration; experience working with government institutions particularly with regards to advising on process mapping and implementing new administrative solutions; and at least 10 years of relevant professional experience. For further details and to send expressions of interest, please visit the World Bank Group’s eConsultant2 website (wbgeconsult2.worldbank.org) Selection #: 1167819 or send your CV in English to LACProcurement@ifc.org Subject: Business Taxation Consultant. Deadline to apply is 23 January, 2015. Applications without a cover letter will not be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. 8 caribtimes.com Wednesday 14th January 2015 Missing the Point - Part I - I know a lot of people will consider what I am about to say quite disrespectful – but have you ever wished someone would run a Bishop of the Cloth around the place with a bull pistle? That rather pleasant and cathartic image occurred to me early last week, not too long after Attorney General Steadroy Benjamin announced that our new ABLP government was “mulling” a proposal to possibly raise the age of consent to 18, while increasing the penalties for the heinous crime of sexual abuse of minors. The Honorable Attorney General’s initiative follows a significant increase in reports of adults taking sexual advantage of young persons who have not attained the age when they can legally engage in sexual activity. Now, don’t get me wrong … at least, not yet: readers are free to indulge in that very popular pastime later. Right now, as I rush in where bishops fear to tread, I need you to focus on the point, and not the person. As a disclaimer, let me rather deceptively state at this time that I do not have any particular man of the cloth in mind for such therapeutic treatment. I am a peaceful man, except that even though I do abhor violence as a matter of principle I would dearly love to watch as some more sadistic individual takes matters into his or her hands: sort of like “The fear of the bull pistle is the beginning of wisdom.” Voyeurism set aside let us address the issue at hand. There are two major forces driving the apparently rising trend toward sexual exploitation of minors in this country. The first of these is our national tendency toward paedophilia. This is an undeniable fact of life in our tiny two-island state of mind. From time immemorial – and this goes all the way back to Africa, reinforced in our culture by the molding hand of industrialized African slavery – men have sought the pleasure of sexual relations with girls whom we, in our enlightened modern times, consider to be of a disgracefully young age. Back in the Mother Country, a young girl became eligible for marriage as soon as she began to see her periods. There were sound reasons for this policy: In a land where the life of a male might be rather nasty, brutish and short due to wild animals and tribal conflicts, it made sense for females to procreate as soon as practicable. And since women tended to significantly outnumber males, a successful man might have several wives. A chief might have dozens, as well as first pick of the prettiest of the nubile girls. Typically, a complex of rigid taboos reserved access to post-pubescent females for men who had passed a set of qualifications. “Bride price” also played a major role, and indiscriminate sex was firmly discouraged. Early marriage did a lot to compensate for the taboos. It also gave sex-starved males good reason to strive as hard as possible to prove themselves worthy mates. The end of the British Empire Atlantic Slave Trade put pressure on the plantation economy to find alternative sources of labor. Plantation masters sought to fill this gap by encouraging their chattels to procreate at a high rate; and since the slaves were not given the benefit of moral or religious education, everybody went at it with a will – Massa included. Today, when young girls claim their womanly status with the proud announcement “Me done breed a’ready!” they are echoing the ways of slavery. In his important book “Symbol of Courage”, Keithlyn B Smith records that the typical Antiguan male wanted to prove that his prospective bride could “ha’ pickney” before actually tying the knot. In those days before social security a set of offspring was a useful old age security blanket. This brings us to an even seamier side of our culture of paedophilia; and as I write this, a recent news item out of St Lucia comes to mind. HIV/AIDS workers in that happy isle are reporting a significant increase of HIV infections among adult males and young boys. I may only have a dirty mind, but I tend to conclude that the bi-sexual perverts who hide among St Lucians posing as decent citizens are having unprotected sex with male minors. My dirty mind also tells me that the anti-buggery laws on our books that date from very early times were (and still are) a response to historical predatory activity among Antiguan males in search of sex without commitment. The second major force driving paedophilia in this country is easy to understand: economics. Typicalcoint’d on pg 9 Wednesday 14th January 2015 caribtimes.com 9 Darkest Hours, Citizens, Motorists & Tourists Continued from yesterday’s issue THE ESCORT Having arrived at the “...Golden Grove intersection,” where it was initially intended to break escort, though there was no imminence of attack or lurking highway danger, even remote possibilities dictated continued escort to “...Jolly Harbour.” There was continuous flow of vehicular traffic northward and south bound on the poorly-lit “... Valley Highway.” Driving along in relative safety, they were eventually escorted to the “...Security CheckPoint” at the entrance to the resort. Alighting from my vehicle and approached the occupants to bid goodnight, the female driver unexpectedly, but presumably in good faith, presented an cont’d from pg 8 undisclosed folded sum of money (US Currency).” This, undoubtedly, suggested their expression of gratitude and/or appreciation of the assistance rendered to them. GRATUITOUS REWARD Seemingly recognizing my discomfiture and polite expression of refusal to the “...Gratuitous Reward,” the driver insisted that it was freely offered for the “...welcomed assistance,” thus, it shall be willingly accepted. The folded currency comprised “...three US$20 Notes.” This not only speaks to their generosity, but also the “...spinoff effect” from the tourism product. Though offered in good faith, accepting a reward for that which civic-minded nationals were required to do in helping ly, when we hear news of adult males exploiting young girls, the good citizens rise up in indignation to hurl righteous condemnation upon the men involved. Not many wish to confront the scandalous reality of our community, which is that poverty and the need to eat, to wear clothes and to have “things” drives parents (many of whom are single mothers subsisting through man-dependent low level prostitution) to deploy their girl children as a means of boosting the household income. These are a few of our open secrets, here in our slaphappy little la-la land, where the good citizens prefer to avert their eyes to make the tourists feel “...safe, secure, appreciated and comfortable,” was considered inappropriate in utilizing it for personal benefit. Therefore, the unsolicited sum was contributed to an out-patient who had been privately raising funds for follow-up medical attention abroad. CONCLUSION Though “...Road Signage” indirectly plays a meaningful part in enhancing the tourism product, evidence showed that nationally, other factors have directly affected the industry. Foremost are “...crime from reality while they wait for Spaceship Jesus to arrive and snatch them away in Rapture. So our Honorable Attorney general is “mulling” his rather limited responses to the paedophilia problem. What else can he do, other than raise the age of consent and increase the penalties against statutory rape? In our coercive, authoritarian culture that is the only logical course. The good news for the perverts and paedophiles among us is that the word “mull” has etymological roots that go all the way back to the mills of the gods; which as we all know grind exceedingly fine, as well as exceedingly slowly. and security; ...potholes and obscured speed bumps on highways.” These were known to have adversely impacted “...visitor’s driving comfort.” Evidence also showed that likened to many developing nations with “...tourism-based economies,” the industry has been made fragile, either by “...rampant crime against nationals and visitors, compounded by “... travel advisories and international terrorism.” These, therefore, dictate that policy-makers shall concentrate, not only their energies and creativeness, but also “...requisite resources in helping to increase marketability of the product.” Ultimately, these may help in (i) ...luring visitors and/ or boosting their confidence; (ii) ...increase in economic value and benefits from the industry; (iii) ...earning more foreign exchange; (iv)...providing employment opportunities; (v) ...allowing for more disposable income; (vi)... greater empowerment to the people; and (vii) ...a better quality of life for all.” 10 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m Wednesday 14th January 2015 Toddlers out of control Times have changed, to see these toddlers out of control; You can get a full image of them, on the supermarket floor. “I want a chips, I want a lolly,” with the loud crying in the place, And their tantrums that they display staring you in your face. To keep them quiet, you gave them your phone, Now you want it back, it’s not your own. Oh the parents are amused to see how they can swipe, Indeed times have changed, these toddlers are bright. You move the TV channel, they start to cry; Then you wonder why they are so spoiled. You give them a lash, and they reply “don’t lash me, Meh ha go tell fuh meh daddy.” This is a serious message, toddlers are out of control; Parents and guardians, their behavior cannot be ignored. Please get a grip and straighten them from now, Because years later teachers and society will be paying somehow. Written by Mrs. Jacqueline Wetherill. Wednesday 14th January 2015 caribtimes.com 11 12 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m Wednesday 14th January 2015 Joseph celebrates 100 years of life Mrs. Deloris Joseph of Greenbay Another individual has been named on the list of centenarians for Antigua and Barbuda. Mrs. Deloris Joseph of Greenbay celebrated her 100th birthday on Monday 12th January at her home. The celebration, coordinated by Director of the Community Development Division and Co-or- dinator of the Centenarian Project Brenda Thomas Odlum, was attended by Governor General Dr Rodney Williams, family and friends. Present were other representatives from the Ministry of Social Transformation and Human Resource Development to include Permanent Secretary Valerie Smith, Chairperson of the Board of Guardian Mary Baltimore, Community Development Field Officer with responsibility for the West Zone Sharon Richards and Community Activist Esther Henry. The Governor Gen- eral along with Member of the Grays Green Community Outreach Program Annette Greenaway made presentations to Mrs. Joseph. Prayers were done by Rev. Shawn Roberts of the Greenbay Moravian Church. Construction Alliance, Coalition of Service Industries meet to discuss results of framework analysis in construction sector ST. JOHN’S, ANTIGUA - Unveiling the results of a recently concluded frame work analysis in the construction sector will be the main focus this Thursday at a forum to be hosted by the Antigua and Barbuda Coalition of Service Industries and the Construction Alliance.Global trends, international competitiveness and best practices are also among the topics to be discussed. The intention of this research was to uncover gaps in the construction sector that would lead to a cleared path to greater competitiveness, while simultaneously taking into consideration global, regional, and international standards. Architects, Engineers, Surveyors, General Contractors, Electrical Contractors, Appraisers, Draftsmen, Tradesmen in Refrigeration and Plumbing as well as all other relevant stakeholders are expected to attend this forum as issues germane to their various fields will also be up for discuscont’d on pg 13 Wednesday 14th January 2015 caribtimes.com 13 JCI Antigua celebrates 55th Anniversary Junior Chambers International (JCI) Antigua has begun celebrating its 55th year of existence with the installation of its 2015 Executive Board and award ceremony. During the red carpet event at the Grand Royal Antiguan Beach Resort on Saturday 10th January, the organization installed Senator with responsibility for youth, Shenella Govia, as its president. Govia vowed that her executive team, which has been elected for one year, will stay true to the group’s mission, “To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.” Present at the event was Governor-General His Excellency, Dr. Sir Rodney Williams; Govcont’d from pg 12 FRONT- left to right: Melissa Joseph-VP, Cosria Farrell-Assistant Secretary General, Delacy Issac - General Legal Counsel, Shenella Govia- President, Kerri Anne Lewis-Secretary General, Rosa Ladoo-Treasurer, Tammie Gage –VP; BACK- left to right: Kadeem JosephPublic Relations Officer, Aziza Lake- VP, Alexis Murrya- Immediate Past President, Ransford Simms VP ernment Chief of Staff Lionel Max Hurst; Leader of the Opposition Dr Baldwin Spencer and sion, including but not limited to - the relevance of and challenges associated with the sustainability of respective associations, Caribbean building standards, policy issues, human resources, financing, capacity building and market development. In conducting the study, existing studies and reports, statistics, standards, SWOT analyses, and best practices were taken into account. As JCI Antigua celMinister of Telecommunication, Broadcasting ebrates 55 years of exisand Information Melford tence, the international body celebrates 100 years. Nicholas. The data and information that is gathered from the consultations will be collated and reviewed and used towards the future capacity building of the sector. The Meeting will be held this Thursday January 15that from the Sir Vivian Richards Cricket Stadium. Confirmation of Attendance should be made to the ABCSI Secretariat by email info@abcsi. org or by phone (268)-462-6628. The ABCSI is committed to the development of the services sector in Antigua and Barbuda and will continue to engage in activities that will empower private sector organizations. To this end the Association will also be holding an appraisal workshop also related to the construction sector on Monday January 19th. The presenter will be Wayne Martin. More information on this workshop can be found on the Coalition’s Facebook page. 14 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m Wednesday 14th January 2015 Barbados places temporary ban on poultry imports from Columbia BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, CMC – The Barbados government has announced a temporary ban on poultry from Columbia “with immediate effect” following the confirmation of outbreaks of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N8 in poultry farms in British Columbia. “Personal imports of all fresh or cooked poultry products, with the exception of fully-cooked products in hermetically sealed packages, are restricted entry from Canada as a whole, and all permits issued prior to this notice are revoked with immediate effect,” said Senior Veterinary Officer, Dr. Mark Trotman. However, he said that “the import restrictions do not apply to commercial imports or products originating outside of British Co- lumbia, to products originating from British Columbia that were produced prior to November 9, 2014, nor to processed poultry products and by-products that have been processed (e.g. heat treated) to ensure the destruction of the avian influenza virus”. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Water Resource Management said the ban would affect the importation of all live birds, hatching eggs, and on fresh, frozen and chilled poultry meat and products, including table eggs. Paralysed man killed by gunmen acting as Trinidad & Tobago police officers P O RT- O F - S PA I N , Trinidad, CMC – Gunmen, pretending to be police officers, shot and killed a 36-year-old paralysed man as the murder toll in Trinidad and Tobago climbed to 20 since the start of the year. Police said Kerwyn Scott, 36, of Blue Basin, Diego Martin, west of here, had been shot sev- eral times as he lay in his bed on Monday. The police said that the gunmen entered Scott’s home after claiming to be police officers. Scott had been shot several times last November, and left paralysed from the waist down after the attack His girlfriend, who did not wish to be iden- tified, said that four or six of the men, some of whom were dressed in police uniform, entered the bedroom where Scott was and fired several shot at it. “Scott’s girlfriend, Tishan John-Baptist, questioned how the killers were able to access law enforcement uniforms” reported the Trin- idad Guardian. According to the Trinidad Guardian, police indicated “Scott was killed for one of two reasons— to silence him as the main witness in the attempt on his life last year—or to ensure he was dead after the first attempt failed.” Police said no one had been arrested following the murder. caribtimes.com Wednesday 14th January 2015 Tuesday’s Sudoku Solution 15 SUDOKU C R O S S WO R D Across 1. Beat the air 5. Concords 10. Small price to pay 14. Plentiful 15. Garden-variety 16. Candid 17. Take in 18. Tester of Solomon’s wisdom 19. Catalog 20. Let it go 23. Second ending 24. Help wanted notice? 25. Berlin’s ‘’A ___ With an Umbrella’’ 28. Light touch 31. Very sophisticated 35. Paleozoic, e.g. 36. Potential boat capsizers 39. Settled down 40. Clean one’s clock 43. Manipulator 44. Liked 45. Prefix with conservative 46. Pass twice on the track 48. Word with black or private 49. Book maker? 51. Apple variety 53. Hymenopteron 54. Hope to get a hand? 62. Cry like a baby 63. Jump for joy 64. Incongruous mixture 65. Dueler’s choice 66. Hand measures 67. Gruyere coat 68. Realm 69. Now 70. Director’s unit Down 1. Wilma’s hubby 2. Untrustworthy one 3. ‘70s ‘do 4. Distant communicator 5. Forward 6. U.S. tennis great 7. Table sticks 8. ‘’Hands off!’’ (Var.) 9. Thick portions 10. Side dish 11. Monumental 12. Cozy spot 13. It can be a real blast 21. Riffraff 22. Old Testament book 25. Leg bone 26. Jagged 27. Boutonniere setting 28. ‘’Moll Flanders’’ author 29. Amalgam 30. Chap 32. Put in a row (Var.) 33. Locales 34. Guiding beliefs 37. Anti-prohibitionist 38. Another 37-Down? 41. Crushed 42. Hawsers 47. A way to stand 50. Zinger 52. Treasure container 53. Harold Robbins novel (with ‘’The’’) 54. Bear of literature 55. ‘’The Virginian’’ author Wister 56. Big showcase 57. Campus area 58. Arm bone 59. Pelvic bones 60. Berkshire response 61. Orbital point 62. ___ Paese (cheese) 16 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m Wednesday 14th January 2015 “The life you save could be someone you know” Antigua & Barbuda Red Cross Is Offering Certified FIRST AID/CPR Training Course Mondays and Thursdays 5:00pm to 8:00pm Starting on Thursday January 15th, 2015 For Further Information: Call Tel # 462 0800/ 771-8253 LEARN HOW TO MEDITATE Find out for yourself how a few minutes a day training your mind to focus improves the quality of your day. Free class. 10am at the Museum on Long Street, St.Johns. Any questions? Phone 776 2566 The Antigua & Barbuda Red Cross in collaboration with the American Red Cross has a First Aid App to launch. The Antigua & Barbuda Red Cross wants the residents of Antigua to know the importance of the App and the long term benefits to our Society. What you can do in case of an emergency or life threatening condition. It also has the Red Cross history, activities, sponsors, and quizzes. We would like the general public to be aware of the App and feel free to download same, if you have an android device such as a phone or a tablet kindly use the Android link and you can use the iOS link for your iPhone device. iOS devices: 3cu.be/shareatg Android devices: 3cu.be/shareatg If you have any questions contact Mr.Martin 723-7258 or email redcross@candw.ag or todtom27@yahoo.com Thank you for your attention and I look forward to your continued support. To: All food-handlers/vendors with expired food-handler’s identification cards, as well as new food handlers The Ministry of Health, Central Board will be conducting training in Food Safety for Food Vendors, Restaurants, Hotels, Caterers, School Cafeterias, Community Groups, and their Assistants who will be vending around Antigua and Barbuda. Food Handlers are asked to bring along:1. The Expired ID or 2 Passport sized photographs, 2. A Note Pad, and 3. A pen. Venue: Multi-Purpose Centre Perry Bay TIME: 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. DATE: Monday 26th & Tuesday 27th, January, 2015 “Together We Can” is the theme for Child Evangelism Fellowship 2015, We are presently inviting pastors and children ministry workers to a very important meeting on Thursday 15th January 2015. Venue: Ottos Wesleyan Church, Time: 6:00 pm. Our Regional Coordinator Myron Tschette from the U S A will be present, partnering with us as we seek to reach children in schools. Remember “IT IS BETTER TO BUILD A CHILD THAN TO REPAIR A MAN.’ please to be on time. Service Barbuda Express is sailing everyday except Mondays & Wednesdays. Tours available 4 days a week, For more info and reservation, please call 764-2291. You may also visit our website http://www.barbudaexpress.com. EAG field trip to Fort Barrington on Saturday at 6:30 am. For this beautiful morning hike, meet at Pensioner’s Corner at 6:30 am on Saturday 17th January. Our loop trail will take us through the part of The Flashes that was converted from swamp land, past the building site of the proposed new University of Antigua & Barbuda, and on to Ft Barrington before returning to Pensioner’s Corner. Difficulty: Easy to moderate / What to bring: Shorts or long pants, no slippers. Bring drinking water, and camera. For more information, call 462-6236. The Hon. Paul Chet Greene Member of Parliament for St. Paul’s invites all constituents to a Town Hall Meeting on Thursday 15th January at the Liberta School starting at 7:30 p.m. This a very important meeting as he would like to get some feedback from as he prepares for his Budget Debate presentation next week. All constituents are asked to make a very special effort to attend. This is a general notice by the Antigua & Barbuda Little League, to all its Board of Directors members, informing you of its 1st Executive Meeting for 2015, to be held on Thursday Wednesday 15th January at the Ministry of Culture on the corner of Corner Alley and Redcliffe St. starting at 6:30pm. For more information if necessary, please feel free to contact us at at 717-0068 or 720-5660. Please make a special effort to attend. Wednesday 14th January 2015 caribtimes.com 17 DEAR LADY X HOROSCOPE I am 40, married and busy. I work a full-time job and go to school parttime. My schedule is filled with just my normal activities. I have a busy social life and many family members, so every weekend my husband and I are invited to something. I enjoy these gatherings, but sometimes I just want a weekend to myself to do what I want to do -- go to the beach, a park, take care of something that needs to be done around the house, or just sit and watch TV or go to a movie. I find it hard to say no to the invitations. How can I politely decline some of them without offending or hurting friends or family members? -- SOCIAL ENOUGH IN THE SOUTH DEAR SOCIAL ENOUGH: So you’re a people pleaser. It is not rude or hurtful to refuse invitations by saying, “Thank you for wanting us, but we already have a commitment for that day.” It’s also not rude to tell the person your schedule has been so full that you have been buzzing around like a bee in a fit and need to just plain rest and catch up on chores. That’s what I recommend you start doing without feeling guilty about it, because everyone needs a certain amount of downtime so they don’t make themselves sick. Tuesday’s Crossword Solution ARIES (March 21-April 19). The way you become a powerful force in the world is very simple: Be yourself. Honor your joy. Get to know what makes you happy and keep doing that. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’re a leader, and you like to follow, too — it’s how you learned effective leadership in the first place. This conundrum will show up in your life, and there will be moments when you’re torn about whether to lead or fall in line. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Your social graces will be in top form today, and it’s a good thing — this is what the world needs. You’ll make it easy for people to get to know who you are and what you’re about, and you’ll share yourself in many ways. CANCER (June 22-July 22). In order to speak well on a topic, you have to first understand it thoroughly. That’s why you’ll do so much research and listening today. You’d rather not have to correct yourself later. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your dietary needs are changing with the physical demands of your life. With each meal you eat, ask yourself how you could make it better for yourself. Probably the answer is in fresh vegetables. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). There are life stressors that you can’t do anything but laugh about. The key is to determine quickly which are the ones that you can’t do anything about and consciously decide not to take them on. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). If you think your family is complicated and weird, just ask the person next to you to tell you a story about his family. There isn’t a person on the planet who doesn’t have weirdness in the family. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). There’s something you want to put off, but the very fact that you feel that way about it means you probably shouldn’t. Handle the hard stuff early in the day just to get it over with. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22Dec. 21). You are highly influential and may be able to convince an entire crowd of people to do something. This is, of course, most efficiently accomplished with social media. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You don’t usually consciously decide how you want people to treat you, until they happen to mistreat you. Then you understand clearly where the boundary is, and you work to reinforce that boundary for the future. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’ll be a great showman today with a production that is truly magnificent. You don’t even want credit. The artful aspect of it is that you dazzle them and make them feel as though they had a major part in it. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Stress is among the most harmful of outside forces. Do what you can to make it easy on yourself. Reduce the tension. There are simple ways to dial down the pressure. Start by asking for help. 18 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m Wednesday 14th January 2015 Bravo puts Windies behind T&T and Mumbai Indians Did Dwayne Bravo expose his true loyalties when it comes to cricket? In an interview with the Hindustan Times, the West Indies all-rounder who was excluded from the regional team for the ICC One Day International (ODI) World Cup that comes up in February, spoke on several cricket-related issues. Bravo spoke to the difference between the T20 leagues across the world, his admiration for fellow Trinidadian Brian Lara and Indian icon Sachin Tendulkar. However, Bravo, who was the captain of the West Indies ODI sqaud during the embarrassing aborted tour of India in October 2014, may have tipped his hand as to where his current loyalties lie. “I am a Mumbai Indian at heart, and they think the same way…,” he said, in response to question about his feelings regarding the addition of two teams to the Indian Premier League (IPL). His loyalty to the West Indies, however, does not rank so highly. Asked which he prefered, the Mumbai Indians or Trinidad and Tobago, Bravo replied “Of course T&T. It’s my country. Mumbai Indians come second, T&T come first and the West Indies third.” (DigicelSportsMax) caribtimes.com Wednesday 14th January 2015 cont’d from page 20 just in the Caribbean, but also outside. Former West Indies fast bowler and Lloyd’s former team-mate Michael Holding raised the question of why Bravo had been dropped when he was part of the ICC ODI Team of the Year for 2014. Pollard and Bravo are fourth and fifth on the list of highest run-scorers for West Indies since the 2011 World Cup. Lloyd said there were already too many allrounders in the squad and that the selectors had to take a call. He also hinted that the performances of Bravo and Pollard that have registered in the fans’ minds had mostly come in the domestic T20 leagues like the IPL. Lloyd revealed that he had spoken with both players in person last week in Cape Town: “Yes, I spoke to them in Cape Town. They understand what the situation is. Don’t forget, these guys have been playing for West Indies for a while. And they will be disappointed. “But they have a chance of redeeming themselves and getting back into our cricket in the future. One is 31 (Bravo) and the other is 27 or 28 (Pollard).” 14 January 2015 Lloyd also said he did not need to respond to Chris Gayle who called the selectors’ move “ridiculous”. Gayle had said that he was stunned to hear from Bravo that one reason for the pair being dropped was that the selectors wanted to rebuild the team. “He (Gayle) might think so, but the point is that he is not a selector. He is a player,” Lloyd said. “I have the greatest respect for him. But he will have to read what we are trying to do. He is part of that team that is going forward. Once he has been told what the situation is he will understand what we are doing.” Immediately after Bravo and Pollard were dropped from the South Africa ODI series but included for the T20 leg, the players’ lawyer Ralph Thorne said that “a gentle form of ruthlessness” by the WICB led to their exclusion from the World Cup squad. Thorne accused the WICB of victimisation and not honouring the word of the board president Dave Cameron who had said that the players who abandoned the tour of India last October would be treated fairly. Lloyd said he had explained the reasons, in writing, to all concerned Until 17 January 2015 19 parties, including the WICB, the West Indies Players Association, as well as the players’ lawyers. He insisted there was no discrimination by the selection panel. “No, no. That is not the way I live. I don’t believe in things in that nature at all. There is no axe to grind with these guys. There are other people that could have…You know we could have said, “What about X, what about Y? “This is the combination we came up with. And I am not one of those people who are going to direct to me what to do. I take orders from me, and nobody else. I am not into that situation where I will be worrying about what happened in India. That is past. That is gone. We are moving on.” Lloyd backed his statement by pointing out that the WICB had shortlisted Bravo as one of 12 players to be given a central contract for the 201415 season. “Doesn’t that tell you about something? He has been given a central contract. So that means he is not thrown out. That is what we should be talking about. We want people to feel they are still part of our cricket,” Lloyd said. 19 January 2015 20 c a r i b t i m e s . c o m Wednesday 14th January 2015 ‘There is no axe to grind’ – Lloyd Clive Lloyd, the former West Indies captain and current chairman of selectors, has said that the absence of “exceptional performances” from the pair of Dwayne Bravo and Kieron Pollard, coupled with the selection panel’s vision to move forward and look for young talent, were the chief reasons for omitting the two senior allrounders for the ODIs against South Africa and the World Cup. Lloyd said the decision had been a difficult one and was debated heavily. He insisted that it was not the end of the road for the discarded pair and it was up to the players to regain their spots on the back of performances. “It was a very difficult decision. I can tell you it went on for two days. We suspended it to give a chance to think about things and so on. There were a lot Dwayne Bravo lost his bat completing a run during a tense finish. of discussions,” Lloyd told ESPNcricinfo in an exclusive interview on Tuesday. “But then you get to a point where you say, right, this is where we want to go. It is very difficult for people to understand or to accept. But we want to move on. “I don’t think they have had any exceptional performances. Nobody (of the pair) has got exceptional performances as far as (playing for) West Indies is concerned. “They have been there and thereabouts. We really and truly want to pick people on what they have done for our cricket and not for anyone else.” Despite being part of the 30 probables for the World Cup, Bravo and Pollard had already been left out of the five-match ODI series against South Africa. Considering their popularity in domestic global Twenty20 competitions, the news created furore not cont’d on pg 19 Caribbean Times is printed and published at Woods Estate /Friars Hill Road By Kimon Drigo who is also the Editor and resides at Sugar Factory. Contact P.O Box W2099, Wood Estate /Friars Hill Road, St.John's Antigua/ Tel: (268) 562 - 8688 or Fax: (268) 562 8685.Email: editor@caribtimes.com/Advertising: advertising@caribtimes.com/www.caribtimes.com
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