89 OVERLOOK DRIVE MASTIC BEACH, NY 11951 PHONE: 631-281-5743 Roman Catholic Shrine Church of St. Jude WWW.STJUDEMB.ORG RECTORY@STJUDEMB.ORG FAX: 631-395-5786 “To the Greater Glory of God and the Salvation of Souls.” Celebration of the Eucharist Saturday Evenings 5:00pm 7:30pm Sunday 8:00am 9:30am 11:30am 5:00pm Vigil Mass Spanish Mass English & Italian Children’s Choir Adult Choir Youth Mass Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9:00am Mass Wednesday 9:00am Noon Mass Mass Saturday 8:30am Mass Holy days as announced. First Sunday of Lent- February 22nd 2015 Pastor Deacons Rev. Gregory Yacyshyn Thomas Gillen Kenneth Geoghan In Residence Mark Herrmann Msgr. John Heinlein Joseph Simeone John Gagliardi Senior Priest Rev. James Leone Parish Office Hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9:00am–5:00pm Wednesday 9:00am–6:00pm Friday CLOSED Saturday CLOSED Sunday 9:00am–12:00pm Closed Holidays Useful Numbers Rectory 1-631-281-5743 Parish Outreach 1-631-281-5634 Religious Education 1-631-281-2835 Pre-K 1-631-395-3959 Queen of Apostles School 1-631-878-1033 St. Vincent Depaul 1-631-219-3542 Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Sacrament of Marriage Couples wishing to be married should contact Available in danger of death or whenever there the rectory at least one year in advance to meet is a personal need, call with one of the priests the rectory for an to make wedding appointment. arrangements. Sacrament Pre-Cana is required for of Penance/ all couples. Confession Saturdays 4:00–4:45pm Sacrament of Baptism Celebrated most 1st and Wednesdays 3rd Sundays throughout 2:00–2:45pm the year. Please contact Also by appointment the rectory to set up an appointment with a Parish Outreach member of the staff to Mon.–Thurs. arrange for the 9:00AM–1:00PM Baptismal preparation Closed Fri., SAT., SUN., And Holidays and then to arrange for a Baptism date. Devotions Miraculous Medal Novena Mondays after the 9:00am Mass St. Jude Novena Thursdays after the 9:00am Mass Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesday 12:30pm–1:00pm Benediction at 1:00pm First Friday 8:00pm–9:00pm Benediction at 9:00pm The Holy Rosary Monday through Friday at 8:30am; Saturday at 8:00am Masses for the Week Saturday, February 21 2015 5:00pm 7:30pm Andrew J. LaBella Jr. † Parishioners of St. Jude Sunday, february 22, 2015 8:00am 9:30am 11:30am 5:00pm Antonino Franzino † Jennie Paroulo † Anna Cepeda † Steve Scafordi † MONDAY, february 23, 2015 9:00am Dominic Monaco † Tuesday, february 24, 2015 9:00am John J. Green † Wednesday, february 25, 2015 9:00am Teresa Gruosso † 12 Noon (Guild) Poor Souls in Purgatory Thursday, february 26, 2015 9:00am Bartholomew A. Gannon † Friday, february 27, 2015 9:00am Frank & Tillie Schurr † Saturday, february 28, 2015 8:30am Mary Graziano † 5:00pm Vincent Joe Castillo † 7:30pm Edward Sharkey † Sunday, March 1, 2015 8:00am Parishioners of St. Jude 9:30am Jennie Paroulo † 11:30am Daniel Fiorentine † 5:00pm Intentions of Rev. Gregory Yacyshyn † Denotes Mass is for deceased For the Sick: Benjamin Archer, Joseph & Cindy Balzer, Christina Bobas, Francis X. Butler, Joann Dillman, Alexandra Ditman, Robert & Robby DiFrancesco, Michael Drury, Elaine Fino, Joseph & Stephanie Frigano, Edward Fusco, Anne Giordano, Marybeth Hoffman, Lawrence Katz, Marilyn Lyden, Carmela MacDonald, Ronald Nappe, Kathleen Papile, Jessica & Joan Passaro, Robert Pickering Sr., Vurginia Purchia, Justina Rodriguez, Elizabeth, Eugene, & Salvatore Russo, Baby Leaha Stefanov, Christopher Stozzetto, Angelina Tangredi Richard Thomas, Bobby Walsheaha Stefanov, Richard Thomas, Bobby Walsh For the Deceased: Kathleen Papile, John Peter Green For the Military: John Abel, Nicholas Acierno, Matt Corica, Michael Cuervo, Daniel Engo, Cody Farrell, Kyle Christopher Gray, Patrick Gross, Jeffrey Holmes, Chris Howell, Steven Kay, Richard Kruger, T.J. Kurlowicz, Chris Manakides, Thomas Mannix, John Maresca, Richard Mclaughlin, Anthony Ochoa Jr., Katherine M. Onorato, Ramon Ortiz, Matthew Parenti, Rich Pinckney, Kerri-Anne Pliego, Gerard Posillico, John Redding, Jr., Eric Reilly, Vinnie Riveria, Steven Schloesser, Carl Seaman, Don Skelton, Arlise A. Smith, Bobby Sosa, Anthony Thompson, Timothy Weisner, Robert Weyer Parish Lenten Mission Important Lenten Information LENTEN REGULATIONS: All Catholics who reached their fourteenth year are bound to abstain entirely from meat on all Friday’s of Lent. All Catholics between the ages of eighteen and fifty-nine inclusive are also bound to observe the law of fast on Good Friday. This means limiting oneself to a single full meal and avoiding food in between meals. Two other light meals, which together do not equal a full meal, may be eaten during the day. MORNING LAUDS: As has been the custom here at St. Jude, we pray Morning Prayer FROM THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS (The Prayer of the Church) Monday through Friday at 8:15AM, followed by the Holy Rosary. LENTEN STATIONS OF THE CROSS: The Way of the Cross each Friday evening during Lent at 8PM. (Except March 20th Live at 7:30PM), Spanish Stations will be on Tuesday at 7:30PM, Italian Stations will be on Wednesday at 5PM. SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION/PENANCE: Lent is a special time of Grace in the life of the Church. It is time when many people receive the Grace to come back to the practice of the Faith. It is also a time of ongoing conversion for each of us. Sacrament of Confession/Penance is available each Saturday during Lent 12 noon-1PM and from 4PM-4:45PM and on Wednesday from 2PM-2:45PM. We encourage you to make use of this sacrament. The Confession schedule for Holy Week will be printed closer to that week. Please mention this opportunity to family and friends who may be looking for the opportunity to “come home”! Lenten Fish Fry or Alternative Pasta Dish ‘Now available- an alternative ‘Pasta Dinner’ option every week.’ ‘St. Jude Parish’ is hosting the Annual Lenten Fish Fry! Come feed your body and your soul on Friday’s during Lent began February 20th and will conclude March 27th, the week before Good Friday. There is plenty of time for you to enjoy a meal then afterwards join us for the ‘Stations of the Cross’ at 8PM in the church. There will be a special Live presentation on Friday, March 20th, at 7:30PM in the church. All Dinners include: roll, dessert, and soda (or bring a drink of your choice) for just $8pp. The fish fry will be held in the parish center hall from 5-7:15PM (last serving). Every Friday night we will offer our traditional Lenten fish fillet, French fries, & coleslaw. The alternative is the ‘Pasta’ option listed below: February 27th: Pasta with ala-vodka sauce and salad March 6th: Pasta with broccoli, garlic and oil and salad March 13th: Pasta with clam sauce and salad Fish Fry Raffle: 39’ Sharp LED HD Television, raffle tickets will be sold at the fish fry, ticket donation is 3 for $10 or 1 for $5. Drawing will be held the last night on Friday, March 27th. Tickets can also be obtained at the Rectory beginning Feb. 17th. PROJECT M.E.R.C.Y. (Ministry to the East-End Roman Catholic Youth) We will be hosting Friday, March 6th another “Mercy Night” and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Supported by the Campus Ministry Program of Bishop McGann-Mercy Diocesan High School, “Mercy Night” is open to ‘all’ high school-aged youth (grades 9-12) who wish to come together in prayer, fellowship, the desire to make a difference and have some fun while doing so. Following the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, a truly special and impactful spiritual experience, “Mercy Night” activities will explore the theme “Who Needs LENT anyway?” “Mercy Night” will take place from 7 pm to 10 pm in the school auditorium. For additional information and to RSVP, call 631.727.5900, ext. 315. You are invited to a Lenten mission here at St. Jude on March 3, 4, and 5th from 7:30 to 9:00p.m. The theme of the mission is Jesus Christ-The Way, the Truth, and the Life, Living a Spiritual Life in a Secular World. This mission has been put together by a team of St. Jude parishioners. The team has been working hard on this mission for months and has some great talks. There will be Confession available on all three nights before the mission starting at 6:30p.m. and on the first two nights after the mission. There will be Exposition and Benediction on March 4th and the mission concludes with Mass on March 5th. All are invited to join us. From the Pastor February 22nd, 2015 First Sunday of Lent ent 2015 The season of Lent has begun. Lent is the liturgical season marked by increased prayer, fasting (acts of self-denial), and almsgiving (along with other works of mercy). It is the immediate preparation for the celebration of our Lord’s glorious Resurrection. Lent is an opportunity for us to reflect upon what we can do or perhaps do differently this year to make this a more fruitful and joyful season. The main concept to grasp is that Lent is not primarily about self-improvement, but rather about the turning over of our lives to God. Change or sacrifice can be joyful when the goal of these actions shifts from the thought of a self-denial that is self-centered, to the idea of spiritual renewal that comes from the giving of ourselves through, with, and in Christ. It is all about our blessed Lord’s sacrifice and our neighbors’ eternal good. During Lent we typically “give-up” things that we enjoy, such as: desserts/sweets, snacks, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, etc. While this is a good start, our Lord calls us to “put out into the deep.” So whether you have already decided upon any Lenten “give-ups” or not, here are a few concrete suggestions of from what to fast and what to offer to the good God, and hopefully give up for good: •Complaining/criticizing/making sharp comments/sarcasm •Gossiping •Judging/quickly jumping to conclusions about others without all the facts •Procrastinating and wasting precious time •Being overly sensitive/self-centered •Un-productive laziness •Watching/reading/listening to/ dwelling upon impure/pornographic “trash” on the television, computer, radio, print media, etc. •Spending money (indulgently and wastefully); especially when on ourselves •Eating/drinking much more than necessary Some good practices we can add this Lent: •Practicing the “Presence of God” throughout the day: pausing to realize that we are in His Presence always and offering Him thanks •Praying/meditating more regularly •Praying the Rosary/Way of the Cross/Divine Mercy Chaplet •Visiting our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament •Praying for and seeking to see the presence of Christ in people we don’t like •Attending Mass one or more days during the week •Complimenting and thanking others more frequently •Letting go of grudges and old hurts •Talking less and… •Listening more and being more patient with others •Sharing good news and turning around conversations that have gone in a bad, gossipy, uncharitable direction •Limiting television/computer/texting time. This is a big addiction these days. •Reading sacred Scripture; spiritual reading •Donation of money to Parish Outreach, St. Vincent de Paul, or other charities •Making visits to (sick) friends or relatives especially those that we have been putting off •Doing household chores/cleaning/clearing snow without being asked or prompted •Limiting our intake of food and drink •In addition to Fridays, abstaining from meat on Wednesdays and/or other days These are but a few suggestions. The possibilities are myriad. Whatever you do and/or give-up, try to be realistic and not make goals you cannot reasonably hope to achieve. This will only bring sadness, as total failure is assured. Even if you give-up or do only one thing this Lent, make it a joyful offering from your heart to God for His greater glory, the conversion of sinners and the salvation of souls. That will be a most acceptable and pleasing offering to Him. Happy and Blessed Lent, Fr. Greg Spiritual Care Companion Would you like to learn to become a Spiritual Care Companion sharing your time and presence for those hospitalized, living in nursing homes, homebound or adults with special needs? Catholic Health Services of Long Island sponsors this free three-weekend training, for volunteers of all faiths, with basic pastoral skills and information to become a caring, attentive, listening presence. Our training includes communication skills, concerns of the sick and homebound, spiritual companioning, grief, death & dying, and how to care for the caregiver. Information session: Saturday, February 28th from 1:30-3:30pm at the Catholic Health Services of Long Island office 245 Old Country Rd. Melville. Please contact Carol at 465-6307 or Christine at 465-6306 if you would like to register for the upcoming training. The training sessions are on Saturday, March 14th, 28th, and April 11th from 9:15-3:30pm. (bring bag lunch). Lighthouse Catholic Media Online Store Bishop McDonnell Alumnae Association Looking for Catholic CDs, DVDs, and books not yet available in the Lighthouse Catholic Media kiosk? Would you like to help support this ministry and your parish with your purchases? Please visit www.lighthousecatholicmedia.org/ subscriptions?promoCode=23358 This will give you access to the Lighthouse Catholic Media online store where you can purchase books, multi-CD sets, and DVDs, join one of the subscription clubs, or access the free Bible app. Any store purchases and subscriptions made through this link will be credited to St. Jude parish. Thank you! On Saturday, April 25th the Alumnae Association will host its Annual Alumnae Reunion. The reunion will celebrate the special anniversary classes of 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, & 1970. All 30s, 40s, and early 50s classes are always welcome. The reunion will take place at Gargiulo’s Restaurant in Brooklyn. The cost for this event is $90pp. which includes coffee, wine on arrival and a buffet dinner. You can register or ask questions by calling Rita Monaghan-Maloney at 718-8572700 ext. 2253 or rmaloney@blmhs.org Journey of the Cross and Crucifixion Creative Ministries will be returning to St. Jude Church to perform, this beautiful production on Wednesday, February 25th at 8PM in the church. This performance is a journey back through time. It is an opportunity to walk with Christ and become one with Him and the people who walked with Him. For many who have shared the journey it is almost as if it were happening now for the first time. Spread the word & bring a friend. It will be one of the most powerful experiences you’ll have during this Lenten Season. * A free will offering will be collected from those who wish to donate as you exit. A New and Important Book- by Msgr. Daniel Hamilton ‘Worldviews in Radical Conflict’ by Msgr. Daniel S. Hamilton- “A priest and former editor tangles with The Times Editorial Board over its religion-related editorials.” More than 300 letter-essays evaluating The Times’ religion-related editorials for the period 1961-2014. Will our society become secularist? Our reasoning must be clear and convincing. Paperback is $15. This book is available at Createspace.com/5169783 or at Amazon. com/DB/0692352066. Msgr. Hamilton, a Rockville Centre Diocesan priest, is a former editor of The Long Catholic. CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL The 2015 Catholic Ministries’ Appeal (CMA) has begun here at St. Jude and throughout our Diocese of Rockville Centre. Our original goal for this year was $62,200. Due to the upcoming Capital Campaign to improve our parish building and grounds, St. Jude Parish petitioned Bishop Murphy and the Pastors’ Advisory Committee (PAC) to consider a reduction in our goal. We are most grateful to Bishop Murphy and the PAC for granting us a one-year Capital Fund Adjustment. Therefore our 2015 goal is now 50% of the original amount, or $31,100. Any monies that we receive in excess of 70% of the original goal – anything over $43,540 – will be 100% returned to St. Jude. So even though the goal has been reduced to encourage parishioners to contribute/pledge more generously to the Capital Campaign, the more we can raise for the CMA will be money in the bank – literally – for our needs. In the last few years, St. Jude has gone about 110% of our goal. For those who have previously supported the CMA, Thank-You for your sacrifices and generosity in the past, and we ask all parishioners to prayerfully consider a gift or donation this year; even if you have not done so in the past. Personally, I have pledged the same amount of support as last year, and will do so over a 10 month payment period on my credit card. Thanks, again, for your consideration to support the 2015 CMA. St. Vincent de Paul Jesus does the natural thing: goes off alone to think things through and confront the demons that would dissuade him from his mission. Then he goes to Galilee to proclaim the Gospel of God. This defines in a nutshell what Lent is all about: we, too, spend extra time by ourselves during Lent so that we can come to the Easter celebration better able to proclaim the gospel. The Manual of the Society states: Vincentians are called to holiness by striving to conform ourselves to Jesus, doing God’s will, and devoting ourselves to the service of God’s suffering and poor. “Join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul!” An Evening of Celtic Music Benefit for St. Anthony’s High School Celtic Friars Pipe Band Featuring: Celtic Friar Pipe Band, Empire Pipe Band, The Bob Morris Irish Band, Inishfree School of Irish Dance and Irish Sing-along Saturday, February 28th, @ 7:00 PM, St. Anthony’s HS Auditorium $20 in Advance $25 at door. To reserve tickets, please contact St. Anthony’s HS, 631-271-2020 located at 275 Wolf Hill Rd., South Huntington. Youth Group Becoming a leader starts with becoming a follower … of Christ Come on down to YDisciple Youth nights each Friday from 7 – 8:30 pm in the Parish Center. Youth in grades 7 and up are encouraged to attend any and all sessions. All sessions include time for socialization, pizza and refreshment. Civil Service Exam- Be a Suffolk Police Officer Registration is now open- salary & benefits • starting salary $42,000 annually. • Top pay $111,506 annually. • Generous benefit package. • Special opportunity for Spanish speaking applicants. The minimum age is 19 years on the date of the written test; maximum age, 34 years. Applicants that reach their 35th birthday on or before the test date are not eligible to take the exam. Military candidates may have a period of active military duty, up to six years, deducted from their age for purposes of determining whether they meet the age requirement. Education, graduation from a standard senior high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma recognized by the New York State Department of Education, by the date of appointment. (No college required) Written examination candidates who attain a passing grade will have to pass the following qualifying tests and evaluations: Medical, Personality Assessment, Polygraph, Extensive Background Check & Physical Fitness Screening. Citizenship candidate must be a U. S. citizen at time of appointment. Requirements apply online now! Last date for filing April 1, 2015, Exam date June 13, 2015 Application Fee: $100.00. If you need assistance with applying online, call the Department of Civil Service at 631-853-5500 for help. Informational Seminar is scheduled as follows: The meeting starts promptly at 7:00pm on Tuesday, February 24th, 2015 William Floyd Library 407 William Floyd Parkway, Shirley. For more information, please contact: donohrob@suffolkcountyny.gov The William Floyd School District Presents Common Core Literacy- A Parent University Workshop For parents with William Floyd students in grades K-12! Grades K-2 Parents this workshop will focus on the “Skills Strand” which teaches the mechanics of reading. Grades 3-12 Parents this workshop will focus on Strategies for Reading & Writing. Don’t forget to bring your Parent University Passports! Tuesday, February 24, 2015 Nathaniel Woodhull Elementary School at 7:00 pm. Women’s Empowerment Breakfast Retreat Heart & Hand’s Women’s Group invites you to “Supernatural Joy”. Dr. Carol Razza Ed.D. is a licensed psychotherapist and the author of two books. She has appeared on ABC’s 20/20 and she speaks at dozens of retreats, seminars, and conferences around the world each year where her Scripturebased message encourages joyous and playful Christian living. She will be speaking on the transforming power of Christ’s joy. The retreat is on Sunday, March 15th at The Birchwood, Riverhead from 9AM-12:30PM the cost is $25pp. Payment must be received by March 12th. For more information, please call Bernadette at 399-1949 or email bgorycki@optonline.net Mass Attendance Saturday 5pm Jan.25 243 Feb.1 219 Feb.8 242 Feb.15 259 7:30 145 110 128 80 Sunday 8am 9:30 11:30 5pm Total 189 296 515 201 1589 188 336 430 155 1438 163 278 620 151 1582 95 135 245 180 994 Weekly Collection Feb. 15th Spare-A-Dime $7,011.52 $678.00 Scripture Readings MONDAY , feb. 23, 2015 Lenten Weekday- Lv 19:1-2, 11-18/Mt 25:3146 Tuesday, feb. 24, 2015 Lenten Weekday- Is 55:10-11/Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday, feb. 25, 2015 Lenten Weekday- Jon 3:1-10/Lk 11:29-32 Thursday, feb. 26, 2015 Lenten Weekday-Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Mt 7:7-12 Friday, feb. 27, 2015 Lenten Weekday- Ez 18:21-28/Mt 5:20-26 Saturday, feb. 28, 2015 Lenten Weekday- Dt 26:16-19/Mt 5:43-48 Sunday, Mar. 1, 2015 Second Sunday of Lent: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Rom 8:31b-34/Mk 9:2-10 Altar Bread and Wine Have been donated: In memory of John J.Green Available dates: April 20th, May 25th and June 22nd Altar Flowers Available dates: March 15th June14,& 21st Baptisms Leanna Lynn Ciara Johnson May God Bless her and her family Applebee’s Flapjack Fundraiser Breakfast To Support James V. Kavanaugh Columbiettes Council #5293 Cost is $10.00pp On February 28th, 2015 8:00am.- 10:00am. Join us at Applebee’s 855 Montauk Hwy, Shirley. Meal Includes: Pancakes, Sausage, Scramble Eggs and Beverage. For Tickets Call: Patti 772-8081 Are You a Fully Initiated Catholic? The Sacraments of Initiation are Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist If you have not received all of these three sacraments, your initiation in our Catholic Faith is not complete. To sponsor someone who is going to be baptized or receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, you must have received all of these sacraments yourself. Some of our parishioners may not have completed their preparation for these sacraments when they were younger – they may have only been baptized or been baptized and received their First Communion. As in past years, we are offering a course for those who have been baptized and received first Communion as Catholics but have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation. This course begins Tuesday, April 7th at 7:00PM and will continue meeting once a week until May 19th. Materials fee is $20 per person. If you are interested in completing your initiation in our Catholic Faith, please fill out the form below and return it in any of the collection baskets or at the rectory and you will be contacted by phone or email. All of the classes will be here at St. Jude in the parish center and run approximately an hour and a half to two hours a week. PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE SO WE CAN MAKE THE NECESSARY ARRANGEMENTS . YOU WILL NEED TO PROVIDE YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE, PROOF OF BAPTISM AND COMMUNION. Name: Address: Bishop McGann-Mercy Diocesan High School-Open House On Sunday, March 1, 2015,from 12pm-2pm, McGannMercy will open its doors to families of prospective students for the 2015-2016 school year, grades 9-12, giving them the opportunity to tour the school and learn more about its academic, athletic and service programs in an environment where “goodness becomes greatness when faith comes first.” With STEM-centered engineering and environmental science curriculums, Advanced Placement, Scholars and Remedial Programs, comprehensive athletic and extracurricular opportunities, Bishop McGann-Mercy Diocesan High School provides a robust learning experience intermingled with Catholic values and is uniquely positioned as *THE* Catholic High School on the East End. For more information about the Open House or registration, please call the Admissions office at 631-727-5900, ext. 335. Faith Formation CONFIRMATION SPONSOR PAPERWORK – is due into the Faith Formation Office by Monday, February 23rd (date extended due to weather closings) with a copy of student’s Baptism Certificate (if not already submitted). Any paperwork brought in after February 23rd, WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AND A PARISH SPONSOR WILL BE ASSIGNED. NO EXCEPTIONS. Classes resume on Monday, February 23rd. Email Phone: Age: Date & Church of Baptism Sacrament you need to receive x Confirmation Only To take this course you must be at least 18 years of age and out of high school. For further information or any questions you may have, please contact the rectory during regular office hours. Bulletin Reflection The waters of Baptism make us part of the new covenant in Christ. The Bishops’ pastoral letter on stewardship reminds us that “there is a fundamental obligation arising from the sacrament of Baptism… that people place their gifts, their resources- their selves- at God’s service in and through the Church.” Living Stewardship We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish whose giving-whether of alms, time or service-will be an expression of gratitude for what the Father has given them. The Church in Need Collection This weekend February 21st & 22nd a second collection will be taken for “The Church in Need.” The monies collected at this time will be shared among three areas of the world where there is particular need for help: •Church in Central and Eastern Europe - the Collection provides support for basic pastoral programs and makes scholarships available for students studying to serve their local church. These students become vital participants in the renewal of the Church in the region. •The Church in Latin America faces many difficult challenges. Natural disasters in many areas caused lasting damage to the Church, while a significant loss of parishioners to migration and to other faiths, the inability to support itself financially, and a lack of priests and religious to help effectively minister to the large number of Catholics continue to trouble the region. •The Church in Africa – the funds will go to assisting African countries where poverty, sickness and political strife prevent people from living in dignity. Thank you for your generosity.
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