Welcome To GOOD SHEPHERD Catholic Church Menomonee Falls, WI (A Member of the Menomonee Falls Cluster Parishes) ~ Good Shepherd, St. James & St. Mary ~ Parish Life This Week † Monday, March 2 March 1, 2015 9:00 am 11:00 am 7:00 pm Sleeping Bags and More Faith Sharing Group Pastoral Council Meeting Tuesday, March 3 8:30 am 7:00 pm Liturgy - For all persecuted Christians † Grief Support Group Wednesday, March 4 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Film and Discussion Stations of the Cross Doubter’s, Thinkers, Seekers Thursday, March 5 10:30 am 7:00 pm Communion Service at Menomonee Place Ellacuria Sister Parish Committee Friday, March 6 8:30 am Liturgy - Jeanne Filo † Saturday, March 7 3:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:30 pm 5:40 pm Reconciliation Liturgy - Janet Dupree † Blood Pressure Checks Generations of Faith Sunday, March 8 8:30 am 8:30 am 9:30 & 12 11:00 am 11:30 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Liturgy - John & Sarah Degeneffe † Generations of Faith Blood Pressure Checks Liturgy - Francis Menacher † Catholicism 101 Evening Prayer Gay and Straight in Christ Upcoming Events: March 9 March 9 March 9 March 11 March 11 March 12 March 13 March 14 Sleeping Bags and More Faith Sharing Group Commissions Meeting Book Discussion Stations of the Cross Communion Service at MFHCC Social Justice Film and Book Club Movie Night Our Mission Statement: Good Shepherd is a Christian, caring community, nourished by a joyful spirit-filled liturgy that inspires our daily lives. We strive to welcome, accept and love all people as they are, and through our ministries reach out with active concern to those in need. Visit us online at: m y g o o d s h e p h e r d . o r g Transformation Through Prayer and the Gospel “It is good for us to be here.” In this one sentence Peter sums up the truth of our lived Chris!an experience. Wherever we are and whatever we are experiencing is good. St. Julian of Norwich said, “Whatever is, is good.” By that she meant that all of our experience is an experience of God and so builds us up. We tend to lose sight of this fundamental truth. I o"en feel disconcerted when prayer leaders invite us to place ourselves in the presence of God, as if we had been somewhere else. As Psalm 139 says, “Where can I run from your presence, Lord?” God is with us no ma#er where we are. Experiences like the one Peter, James and John had on the mountain are few and far between. Most of us do not have very many awe-inspiring things like this happen in our lives. S!ll we can say with Peter, it’s good for us to be here no ma#er where we are because God is with us. When we contemplate and pray over the events in our lives we can o"en find the presence of God even in the most difficult of experiences. Prayer opens us to the divine presence around us. Last Sunday at the beginning of Mass we were invited to decide to come to the end of Lent in a different place than we were last week. This week’s Gospel reminds us that we are called to be transformed. I don’t believe that God transformed Jesus before the disciples’ eyes just to glorify Jesus. “As I have done so you must also do,” extends to all of Jesus’ life. So if Jesus can be transformed so can, and should we be transformed. There is an old story from the 3rd century desert hermits. Abba Lot went to Abba Joseph and said, “Abba, as far as I can, I say my Li#le Office. I fast a li#le. I pray. I meditate. I live in peace and as far as I can, I purify my thoughts. What else am I to do?” Then Abba Joseph stood up, stretched his hands towards heaven and his fingers became like ten lamps of fire, and he said to him, “If you will, you can become all flame.” What I find remarkable is not only that Abba Joseph could turn his fingers into fire, but that this extremely holy man had so much more to do in order to become all flame. This gives me hope. If even the very holy have so much room to improve, then I am not alone. We all need to be transformed and it is possible for that to happen. There are things that we need to do to be transformed. Like Abba Lot we can pray, fast, meditate, live in peace, and purify our thoughts, but ul!mately it depends on our being open to God’s transforming love. On the mountain Jesus becomes all fire and he is radiant. This Lent let us enter into prayer asking God to transform us. To make us all fire. Then this Easter we may be radiant with the Gospel. ~ Mike Crain (Director of Chris!an Forma!on) March 1, 2015 Second Sunday of Lent Widening the Circle - Film & Discussion Wednesday, March 4th 9-11 am in Mary of Magdala Chapel Dinner and a Movie Night Come join us for dinner and the movie "Up" (rated PG) on Saturday, March 14th at 5:30 pm in Daniels Hall. Cost for dinner and snacks is $5 per person with a $20 max per family. Bring your family and friends. RSVP to Corinna in the CF office by “A modern day reflec!on on the Parable of the Prodigal Son” by Richard Rohr, OFM In this new teaching, Richard starts with reading the final part of the Scripture parable of the “Prodigal Son” as he focuses on the elder son. This reading gives insight into a deep reflec!on on something that we all have with us, the “Loyal Soldier”. In this teaching, Richard weaves a unifying narra!ve between Scripture, spiritual direc!on and mature spirituality. Come and hear how the Loyal Soldier is very helpful in our early years, but upon reaching adulthood, the !me comes to give the Loyal Soldier an “honorable discharge”. Come, experience Richard’s reflec"ons & share your own. Looking for New Work/Career/Retirement Direction? Notes from Gay & Straight in Christ at Good Shepherd Join us for our next mee!ng on March 8th at 7 pm in the Mary of Magdala Chapel. Jesuit Jason Welle, in The Jesuit Post, talks about the rejec!on of LGBT children by Catholic Parents: “And this kind of rejec!on is shameful and heartbreaking because, really, our faith tradi!on should teach us that rejec!ng our children is a rejec!on of the promises we make in Bap!sm, namely that when a Catholic parent has their child bap!zed, the priest or deacon instructs them to teach their child to keep God’s commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbor, and then asks pointedly, ‘Do you clearly understand what you are undertaking?’ …what part of throwing a gay or lesbian child out of the home shows our love of God and neighbor?” “LifeSHIFT: Work & the Chris!an Journey” with Monica Meagher & Tom Bachhuber April 11, 9am - 4pm at Cousins Center, 3501 S. Lake Drive in St. Francis Cost: $75 or $60 early bird special if you register by Mar 15. Life is about managing change. This retreat is an opportunity to reflect on life and faith while considering new career, job, work and/or re!rement possibili!es. Ac!vi!es include discussions, presenta!ons, individual consulta!on, journaling, the Strong Interest Inventory and aspects of Igna!an Spirituality. For more info, or to register, visit: www.centerforlifetransi!ons.net/lifeshi#/ or contact: Tom Bachhuber at tom@centerforlifetransi!ons.net or 414-394-9347 International Women’s Day Milwaukee Cultural dance and music, guest speakers & complimentary refreshments Sunday March 8, 2015 from 1:30 to 5:00 PM At the Bradley Pavilion inside the Marcus Center for Performing Arts 929 North Water St Milwaukee, WI 53202 PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS: GIFT BEARERS… Lent invites us to conversion ~ to do something different. We really would like individuals/families to bring up the gi#s of bread and wine, simple gi#s that become the Body and Blood of Christ, our food for the journey. Please consider doing this, star!ng with the Lenten season and con!nue during the Easter Season, Ordinary Time and the Advent/Christmas seasons. This ministry is one of the most ancient customs of the Church, presen!ng the “work of human hands,” an exercise of our royal priesthood. Please sign up on the sheets posted on the freestanding bulle!n board in the west lobby of church. If you want to do this but can’t walk the steps, arrangements will be made. Just no!fy an usher. St. Ben's meal program is in need of people to help provide the food. The need is as big as ever and some months we don't have enough food to feed all of those in need. You don't have to be a gourmet cook or even have lots of !me. You will provide meatloaf one month, fruit the next, dessert the next and then have a month off. You make the food in your own kitchen or buy it already made from the store, and drop it off in the Good Shepherd kitchen on the 3rd Tues. or Wed. of each month. Contact Corinna in the CF office if you would like to be a part of this team. A smile and a handshake Each week you come into the doors of Good Shepherd you are greeted with a smile and handshake given by one of our greeters. We are in need of a few more "smile and handshake givers." If you would be interested in being a greeter at one Mass about every 6 weeks, please let Corinna in the CF office know. Photographers Wanted The Chris!an Forma!on department would like to get a team of individuals to help photograph special events at Good Shepherd throughout the year. If you would be interested in helping us out or would like some more informa!on, contact Corinna in the CF office. Join the Baptism Prep Ministry Have you no!ced how many wonderful young families we have joining us at Good Shepherd? With young families come babies, and with babies come bap!sms. We are in need of adults to help with bap!sm prep for these families. This is a beau!ful ministry where you work with the youngest members our community and the people who love them. You will have guidance and training from Sister Joann, Deacon Sandy and Jenni Kryscio. Please contact Corinna if you are interested in joining this ministry. Readings for the Week of March 1st, 2015 Sunday: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Rom 8:31b-34/Mk 9:2-10 Monday: Dn 9:4b-10/Lk 6:36-38 Tuesday: Is 1:10, 16-20/Mt 23:1-12 Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20/Mt 20:17-28 Thursday: Jer 17:5-10/Lk 16:19-31 Friday: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a/Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Saturday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Next Sunday: Ex 17:3-7/Rom 5:1-2, 5-8/Jn 4:5-42 or 4:5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42 Question to Ponder - Second Sunday of Lent Children: What would you like to ask God to do for you and your family? Adults: How deeply do you believe, “If God is for you, no one can destroy you.”? Good Shepherd Directory N88 W17658 Christman Road Menomonee Falls, WI 53051-2630 Parish Offices ...............................................(262) 255-2035 Courtesy/Hall Phones ..................................(262) 255-2213 Fax ...............................................................(262) 255-2020 Website ..................................... www.mygoodshepherd.org Pastoral Team Parish Director .................................................. Sandy Sites Assisting Priest……………………………….Fr. Richard Hart Assisting Priest………………………………..Fr. Marty Pable Deacon .............................................................. Sandy Sites Pastoral Associate ............................... Jane Clare Ishiguro Director, Administrative Services .................... Mark Steimle Director, Liturgy & Music ................... S. Joann Julka, SSSF Custodian ................................................ Jerry Podkowinski Department Director for Christian Formation...... Mike Crain Director, Youth Ministry……………………….Bryan Ramsey CF Administrative Assistant ...................... Corinna Ramsey Coordinator of Time & Talent.................... Corinna Ramsey Pastoral Care Coordinator ......................... Cheryl Matusiak Administrative Assistant ................................Mary Crawford Pastoral Council Pat Sievers ........................................................Chairperson Randy Ellis ................................................Vice Chairperson Jenni Kryscio ......................................................... Secretary Bill Latus.................................................. Trustee Treasurer Barb Murphy.............................................Trustee Secretary Dian Fellows, Jane Goesch, Jeff Haydock, Chuck Koenings, Luanne Rambert, Katelyn Rekoske, Jeri Schuster, Karen Spivey Staff Email Parish Office.............................goodshepherd@gdinet.com Mike Crain……………………………….crainm@archmil.org Jane Clare Ishiguro ........................... ishiguroj@archmil.org S. Joann Julka, SSSF .............................julkaj@archmil.org Cheryl Matusiak ............................. matusiakc@archmil.org Bryan Ramsey………………………...ramseyb@archmil.org Corinna Ramsey ............................... ramseyc@archmil.org Sandy Sites ........................................... sitess@archmil.org Mark Steimle .................................... steimlem@archmil.org Mary Crawford................................ crawfordm@archmil.org For the Hard of Hearing Mass for the deaf, Sun. 11 am. Hearing Assisted Devices available; see usher for assistance. Liturgy Schedule Weekend: Saturday 4:30 pm; Sunday 8:30 am & 11:00 am • Childcare during 8:30 am Mass on Sun. in Rm. 219. • Sunday 11:00 am liturgy signed for the deaf. Weekday: Tuesday & Friday 8:30am Mass; Thursday 10:30 am [Communion Service at Menomonee Place (Tamarack) and MFHCC ] Sacraments Reconciliation: Communal services held in Advent & Lent. Individual Reconciliation - 3:30pm Sat. in the Mary of Magdala Chapel Marriage: Preparation begins by calling the parish office no later than 6 months prior to the planned date. Children’s Baptism: Call the parish to register. Next celebration is: April 11/12, 2015, 4:30 & 11:00 Mass Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults RCIA is a time to consider full membership into the Catholic Faith. Call our office for more information. Adult Confirmation Call our office if you wish to be confirmed. Membership Families or individuals over 17 are invited to join our Faith Community! Call the Parish offices or join us on our next Welcome Weekend on Sat., March. 28th at 5:45pm or Sun., March 29th at 9:45am and 12:15 am in the Christian Formation Office. Eternal Peace…. Henry Pionke, a Charter Member of Good Shepherd, was born into eternal life on Feb. 17, 2015. A Mass of Chris!an Burial was celebrated at Good Shepherd on Mon., Feb. 23rd at 11 am. Frank Filo, husband of Lucy and a Charter Member of Good Shepherd, was born into eternal life on Feb. 19, 2015. A Mass of Chris!an Burial was celebrated at Good Shepherd on Tues., Feb. 24 at 4 pm. Please remember their family and friends in your prayers. News from the Falls Food Pantry… Help is needed for the Boy Scout Food Drive, Sat. March 21, 9:30 am-1 pm. No need to sign up, just drop in at any !me to help. The next !me Good Shepherd will be working the Food Pantry is March 24th & 26th. Please call Monica Schultz at 262-250-3489 to volunteer. The pantry is low on the following items: pork n'beans, red kidney beans, refried beans, chunky soup and cream soups Work Camp Help Needed This year we have 34 youth who will be travelling to Kansas City, KS - July 11-17 for a mission trip/work camp to help those in need of our help. We are s!ll in need of 2 adult women (21 years or older) to join them. There is no cost for the adults. You don't need to be par!cularly handy, you just need to love the Lord, have a heart for service and have a week to give to our youth who need your guidance. Please prayerfully consider joining us. Contact Bryan or Corinna in the CF office to say, "Yes!" ~ Lenten Spotlights ~ ~ The 4 R’s of Lent ~ Some Spiritual Refreshment for Your Lenten Journey – Mini-Retreats! This Sunday: Repent - Second Sunday of Lent - March 1 Coming Up: Renew - Fourth Sunday of Lent - March 15 Rekindle - Fifth Sunday of Lent - March 22 ~ All gatherings - 9:45-10:45 am - Daniels Hall ~ ~ Led by the Holy Spirit with *Ken Wolff* & *Alice Hatzenbeller* ~ *Alice Hatzenbeller* has served the People of God in parishes and pastoral ministry for over 30 years. Presently she serves as Director of Mission and Pastoral Care at Clement Manor, a faith-based continuing care retirement community. *Ken Wolff* is a father of three daughters and a grandfather of six. A fellow graduate of LIFE to the FULL, he has served the church in a multitude of ways for over 40 years. He currently serves on the RCIA team and acts as an inter-parish Lenten Small group leader. Youth Corner Sponsored by 2 Saints & a Good Shepherd 6th + 7th + 8th Grade 21! Youth Group Lucky Lenten Scavenger Hunt at Good Shepherd Monday, March 16th, 6 - 8 pm (Use West Entrance & Meet Us in the Church) Teams will compete to solve “lucky limericks” about our Catholic faith, Lent and the St. Patrick’s Day tradi!on. So bring a Friend and a St. Patrick’s Day themed Snack, and we’ll provide the drinks. There will be prizes… If you’re lucky! And No Luck Needed to Find God This Lent! 7th Grade & Up Mini-Work Camp Saturday, April 18th 8 am - 5:30 pm $15 per person ($25 maximum per family) (Adult drivers needed) A day of spring cleanup for our area seniors - PLUS - three meals & a cool T-shirt. It's a great project for a CF class, a family or group of friends to get some service hours. contact Bryan Ramsey at ramseyb@archmil.org or 262-255-2035 (Good Shepherd) / 262-253-2238 (St. James) Take time to listen in prayer. What do you hear Jesus saying to you? Schmidt & Bartelt Funeral & Cremation Service Courtesy of Budish Chiropractic Office “Providing Affordable Services at Your Church, Chapel or Any One of Our Locations.” N88 W16644 Appleton Ave. 262-255-6250 Dr. Nancy Budish, R.N., D.C. Parish Member Menomonee Falls 251-3630 Contact Tom Schmanski to place an ad today! TSchmanski@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2537 Need to rent a hall? Visit the Knights of Columbus web site for hall rental Details at Kofc4240.org. Bar is open to the public Tuesdays and Fridays • Monthly Bookkeeping & Accounting • Payroll Check Writing • Individual Income Taxes Timothy Nolan - Parish Member www.nolanaccounting.com (414) 425-5690 Wishing Star Childcare LLC CHRIS BRENNAN, CFS, CRPC , CFP ® “Building Strong Relationships Focused on Success!” ® Helping to take the confusion out of retirement! CREATING FUTURE SUPERSTARS CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Office: 262-955-6925 | 800-236-2776 cbrennan@ziegler.com N89W1856 Appleton Ave. Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 (262) 251-8938 Find us on Facebook B.C. Ziegler and Company, Member SIPC & FINRA W233 N2080 Ridgeview Pkwy. • Waukesha, WI 53188 www.ziegler.com/brennan-kostrivas Residential Work Jay Van Beusekom RHU LUTCF President & CEO (414) 359-1756 www.why-jay.com Parish Member Since 1991 Jay Van Beusekom offers securities through Mutual of Omaha Investor Services, Inc., a Registered Broker/Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC. Jay Van Beusekom offers advisory services through Mutual of Omaha Investor Services, Inc, a SEC Registered Investment Advisory Firm. Jay Van Beusekom Financial Advisor, LLC and Mutual of Omaha Investor Services, Inc. are not affiliated. 640 S. 70th St. 414-471-8565 Models Open Call Today! Germantown & Lannon Locations www.homesourceone.net Kellie Hare (920) 979-4099 DENTIST At Harmony, we strive to provide each of our residents with caring, dignified and respectful services at a special place they are proud to call “home”. Please visit our Assisted Living Community at: RIVER VIEW VILLAGE W176 N9430 River Crest Dr., Menomonee Falls, WI (262) 255-2557 Welcome Home... Welcome to Harmony Visit us at: www.harmonyresidence.net C O M P L I M E N T S Apple Run Shop Shopping Center Appleton Ave. & Serving The Congregation For 20 Years Dr. Louis C. Boryc Good Hope Rd. • Menomonee Falls 13195 W. Hampton Ave. Jim Munnagle, Proprietor 262-251-4410 262-781-9585 O F CHILDREN’S COMMUNITY CENTER PERFORMANCE ROOFING SYSTEMS, INC. N88 W17550 Christman Rd. (262) 251-1212 Experience. Excellence. Since 1991 www.hagenplumbingservice.com PROUD TO SERVE THE GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC COMMUNITY (262) 251-4151 Pre-school/Child Care Center “Each child uniquely different, each child equally precious” Waters Contact Tom Schmanski to place an ad today! TSchmanski@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2537 Brisco County Wood Grill & Saloon Big Brothers Big Sisters • Featuring the Finest Black Angus Beef • Wood Fired Grill Make a Big difference. Be a mentor. Open 11-11, 7 Days a Week (414) 258-4778 Hwy 45 & Q East of 45 on the Exit • 251-8444 www.bbbsmilwaukee.org www.briscocounty.net BILCO AUTO BODY • EXPERT COLLISION REPAIR • ALL INSURANCE COMPANIES (since 1976) • ALL MECHANICAL WORK • TRUCKS • CARS • BOATS • CYCLES • RV’S FREE ESTIMATES (262) 255-3610 bilcoautomotive@gmail.com APPLETON AVE. NEXT TO D.Q. FOR AD INFO CALL TOM SCHMANSKI 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM Largest selection of cards and gifts in town N78 W14551 Appleton Ave Menomonee Falls 262-253-1313 Come see us on facebook A 2C 01-0062 GOOD SHEPHERD, MENO FALLS 02-11-2015 16:43:44
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