St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ St. Paul 1 March 2015 A Community of Christ, Helping, Reaching out, Inviting, and Serving Together. Church address: 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 Mailing address: 103 E. Cedar St. Anamosa, IA 52205 STORIES OF THE SAVIOR When: Easter Mor ning April 5, 2015 Christmas may be over to most, but it’s still coming to St. Paul. Time: 8:00-11:00 AM Where: St. Paul Fellowship Hall Sunday, March 1 “The Story” will be the Christmas story. Kids will be performing a special program during both services: 8:00 and 10:30. *We will be having a dress rehearsal practice on February 28th from 9-10am in the church sanctuary. All preschool4th grade KFC children should attend. We will be leading worship during both services on March 1st. Children should plan to attend both services. A snack and activity will be provided for children in between. Website: Fee will offering for Youth Summer Ministry. See Page 5 for more information HOPE CLUSTER WOMEN’S SPRING GATHERING Saturday, April 11, 2015 Hosted by: St. Paul Lutheran Church Anamosa, Iowa “HOPES” Story from “Hurt to Hope” ~The Epilogue STORY TELLER: Domestic Violence Intervention Program 8:30-9am Registration with coffee and fellowship Practice for Choir 9:00am-noon Worship service, short business meeting and program Noon– Luncheon and fellowship Sign up sheets on both bulletin boards at Church. Please sign up before Tuesday, April 7. Contact Virginia Danielson or Jane Ortgies if you are able to help serve. Katie Lowe Lancaster, Pastor Paula Hartman, Admin. Assistant (319)462-4841 St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ 2 inter bi4er cold and snow storms con5nue to be at the center of our daily lives as I write my newsle4er message this month. Each day we awake and realize that another winter day means another day of challenges with the basics such as to complete our outdoor chores, get to and from work or school. We long for warmth, sunshine and the color of green. Inten5onally or not - our individual voices have gathered together and we are one collec5ve voice - that is in both awe that has a tendency to be shared more in the form of a grumble. We also hear in the daily news report a er report of conflict, chaos and a lot of anger in our towns, country and across the globe. It can feel somewhat overwhelming yet – what would happen if we would welcome the conversa5on about what we really long for peace, God’s peace. From Dr. Aviezer Ravitzky we learn: “The Hebrew word for peace, shalom, is derived from a root deno ng wholeness or completeness, and its frame of reference throughout Jewish literature is bound up with the no on of shelemut, perfec on. Its significance is thus not limited to the poli cal domain to the absence of war and enmity-or to the social-to the absence of quarrel and strife. It ranges over several spheres and can refer in different contexts to bounteous physical condi ons, to a moral value, and, ul mately, to a cosmic principle and divine a!ribute. In the Bible, the word shalom is most commonly used to refer to a state of affairs, one of wellbeing, tranquility, prosperity, and security, circumstances unblemished by any sort of defect. Shalom is a blessing, a manifesta on of divine grace…The majority of passages on the subject of peace are concerned with family or communal life, that is, with internal peace among the people, and only a minority are concerned with external rela ons between Israel and other peoples, between na ons and states.” What if for a moment welcome peace into our lives as God created and desired? What if you and I listen to the world around us as God gi ed to us and gave thanks. Not the kind of give thanks you give with a faint heart but the kind of thanks that we give when we breathe in crisp winter air like a fresh mint or allow a snow flake to fall so ly on our nose. Jesus says in John 16, “…so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” I don’t begin to imagine your trouble. However, I believe God knows your troubles and your joys and invites you to experience peace. Come to worship on the weekends and again on Wednesday evenings to reflect and ponder what lies ahead in the gi of Easter Morning. This season of Lent – may you give room to welcome and receive God’s gi of peace. Shalom, ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH 201 N. FORD ST. ANAMOSA, IA 52205 (319) 462-4841 PASTOR KATIE’S EMAIL: St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ Baptisms Welcome to our church family Andrielle Marie Osterkamp, daughter of Cody & Kelli Osterkamp who was bap5zed at St. Paul on February 22nd. Sponsors were Pat Turnis and Heather Osterkamp. Pray for Our Military Please pray for our men and women currently serving in the military: • • • • Alec Embree Jeremy Fall Allen Gilbert Kalib Seeley Please call the church office if you would like to be added or deleted from this list. 3 Seeking Director of Discipleship Ministry Full time Director of Discipleship Ministry is needed to lead us forward in our mission to grow in our relationship with God and with one another. College graduate or equivalent candidate must be capable to inspire, engage, encourage and equip individuals in large group teaching, small group relationships, servant-minded with a heart for worship in culturally relevant setting. Only candidates who are personable, engaging, motivated and self-directed need apply. Job description available upon request via email at Please submit resume to: St. Paul Lutheran Church, Pastor’s Assistant, 103 E. Cedar Street, Anamosa, IA 52205, prior to March 15, 2015. Thank You Thank you to all who packed and delivered ALY bags in February. Women’s Circles Mary Circle will meet on Tuesday, March 10 at 7pm at the church. Hostess will be Mandy Zieser and Marty Rowland will lead the Bible Study. Sarah Circle will meet on Wednesday, March 11 at 1:30pm at Woodland Park. Hostesses will be Dorothy Harmon and Mary Lou Schipper will lead the Bible Study. Reminders: World Day of Prayer, March 6 Methodist Church, 1:30pm dessert. Anamosa Care Center Birthday Party, March 17 at 2:00pm. 2015 World Day of Prayer Service Anamosa United Methodist Church Friday, March 6th 1:30 p.m. Donations of personal hygiene and baby care items will be gathered and given to the Jones County Community Cupboard. Ray of Hope Grief Get-Together When: First Saturday of each month 9:00AM– 10:00AM Where: St. Paul Church Basement We will be embarking on a journey through grief entitled, “Beyond a Broken Heart” which will include a short video, a different topic each session followed by group discussion and concerns. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Call Karen at 462-2949 for further information. MAINTENANCE REQUEST By: ______________________________ Date: _______ Building/Location: ______________________________ Request: _______________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ If you see a repair on church property that you think needs someone’s attention please fill out one of these forms and return to the church office. Additional forms can be found in the church kitchen & upstairs bulletin board in the church. St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ 4 THE STORY CHAPTER SCHEDULE Date: Chapter: Bible Reading: Gospel Reading: 3/1/15 3/8/15 3/15/15 3/22/15 3/29/15 22– The Birth of the King 23– Jesus’ Ministry Begins 24– No Ordinary Man 25– Jesus, the Son of God 26– Hour of Darkness Isaiah 60:1-6 1 Corinthians 13:1-7 Psalm 100:1-5 2 Peter 1:16-21 Psalm 118:19-29 John 1:1-14 Mark 1:9-22 Mark 4:35-41 John 8:51-59 Luke 19:36-44 The Story Pastries with Pastor Katie There are a handful of “Teen Versions” of The Story s5ll available for $5 each. If you would like a copy please contact Laura Secrist at 462-2993. For those wan5ng to learn more about St. Paul, or interested in becoming members, we will host “Pastries with Pastor Ka5e” on Sunday, April 19th from 9:15-10:15 in Pastor Ka5e’s office. This will be an informal gathering that will give you the opportunity to ask ques5ons and visit with Pastor Ka5e. Please contact the church office at 462-4841 to RSVP for “Pastries with Pastor Ka5e” or to let us know your inten5on on becoming a member. CTIM: Called Together in Mission CTIM: Led By the Spirit will be held Saturday, March 14, 2015 at First Lutheran Church in Cedar Rapids. Keynote speaker will be Dr. Troy Tro gruben, assistant professor at Wartburg Theological Seminary. Troy will engage and inspire conference par5cipants to ac5on around the topic of what it means to be people of the Spirit. This event is for everyone! Join us for a day that will leave you with a fresh understanding of our iden5ty as children of God, led by the Spirit! Registra5on is $20/person with discounts available for groups of 10 or more. For more informa5on or to register, go to American Cancer Society Daffodils Place your order today for American Cancer Society Daffodils! An order sheet can be found on the bulle5n board in the church narthex. Order deadline is February 27, 2015. Daffodils are $10/bunch and Gi of Hope bouquets are $25 (delivered anonymously to a cancer survivor in Jones County). Please pre-pay with your order. Delivery will be March 18. For more informa5on contact Verlyn Stolte at 319-489-3171. St. Paul will be receiving new members the weekend of April 25/26 at all 3 services. HIS Women By Cheri Francik HIS Women: Saturday, April 25th 9-2:30 at the DoubleTree by Hilton in downtown Cedar Rapids. Angie Smith, wife of Todd Smith, lead singer of Selah will be the speaker. Tickets are $40 and includes luncheon. Buy your own 5ckets at Lemstone Parable Chris5an Store, Collins Road Square in Marion a er February 21st or by mail: Send a self-addressed stamped return envelope to: HIS Women, 7502 Macon Dr. NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52411, otherwise, Cheri Francik has some 5ckets to sell and Cheri will be organizing car pooling. Soup Labels, Box Tops & Pull Tabs for Kids By Betty Hunter As a reminder, you will find in the kitchen 3 tubs to place Campbell soup labels, box top labels and pop can pull tabs. I in turn, will take these items to Strawberry Hill School. Soup labels are used for teachers to buy supplies/books. Box tops are used to buy “rewards” for special needs children on work well done. Pull tabs are given to Camp Courageous. If you have any ques5ons please contact Be4y Hunter (462-3093). God bless all the li!le children. - Ma4hew 19:14 St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ High School Mission Trip Meeting There will be a High School Mission Trip mee5ng on Wednesday, March 4 at 8:00pm in the Sanctuary for those students and their parents interested in learning more about this Summer’s Mission Trip to Indiana. Palm Sunday Family FX Sunday, March 29 from 9:15-10:15am in the CE Building. Children’s Ministry will re-enact the days of Holy Week. It is a hands on experience the en5re family will enjoy. 5 First Holy Communion Conversation March 8 at 9:15am in Pastor Katie’s Office We will be hos5ng a conversa5on for anyone interested in receiving Holy Communion. Everyone is invited to receive God’s gi of compassion through Jesus Christ provided to us through Holy Communion regardless of age. It is our prac5ce that children in 4th grade and their parents a4end the conversa5on but all are welcome. T-Shirts for Summer 2015 Summer Youth Ministry In the summer of 2015 St. Paul will host two opportuni5es for our youth to grow in their rela5onship with God and with one another. We will send one team to the ELCA Na5onal Youth Gathering in Detroit as well as send a team to serve on a mission trip to Indiana. In addi5on to team building ac5vi5es, the teams will also need your prayers and financial support. Li our youth and their adult mentors in prayer. Please plan on a4ending the Easter Breakfast or donate items for the yard/rummage sale or purchase a t-shirt! National Youth Gathering 2015 Update St. Paul will be sponsoring four individuals to a4end the ELCA Na5onal Youth Gathering in Detroit this summer. The par5cipants are Amy Chris5anson, Alaina Elliot, Olivia Chris5anson and Jillian Farr. The St. Paul team is partnering with St. Ma4hew, Wayne-Zion, Faith and Ascension in Marion, First and St Stephen in Cedar Rapids. The Jones County churches have been mee5ng on a monthly basis for team building, games and devo5ons. We are thankful for the prayers and financial support from St. Paul to make this trip and experience possible. Yard/Rummage Sale To support Summer Youth Ministry as well as open our doors to individuals from the community we would like to par5cipate in the Anamosa City Wide Yard and Rummage Sale. Coordinators are needed to put together the details and work with our youth team. Please contact Pastor Ka5e if you would be willing to serve on the leadership team for this event. Suppor5ng our Summer Youth Ministry we will be offering t-shirts with a St. Paul logo on the front for sale. A coordinator is needed to take care of orders and sales. Please contact Pastor Ka5e if you would be willing to be the coordinator. Easter Pancake Breakfast We will offer a yummy pancake meal on Easter morning. Deb and Denny Oltmann are coordina5ng the need for supplies and dona5ons. The two youth teams will be serving all morning long. Plan on bringing your family and friends! Free will offering is appreciated. Girl Scout Sunday– March 8th By Mandy Zieser Sunday, March 8th is Girl Scout Sunday and we would like to recognize all Girl Scouts, including leaders by having them wear their uniforms to worship. On this day, we thank all the volunteers and members in our communi5es for their 5me, talent and financial support. We also thank St. Paul for invi5ng one of our Girl Scout Daisy troops to meet in the Chris5an Educa5on Building. That spirit of volunteerism and support makes it possible for us to grow future leaders. As Girl Scouts across the country celebrate 103 years of community service, we remain commi4ed to our mission. Girl Scouts salutes all houses of worship for their dedica5on and support of the posi5ve development of Girls everywhere. St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ Generous Giving So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gi-s, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gi- is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. -Romans 12:5-10 (NIV) This is just a sample of recent generous gi s shared by members at St. Paul. If you have been a generous giver and your name is not listed, please know, as a community we could never glorify and proclaim the Good News without your faithful stewardship. Your brothers and sisters in Christ thank you! • • • • • • • • • • • • Merlyn Wilken and Bob Goodyear for work on the parsonage. Lynn Decious and Jim Albrecht for repairs done at the church and CE Building. All of our assistants in worship especially with the added worship services. To the Ash Wednesday and Lenten food team members. Virginia Danielson for her portrayal of Esther. John Lancaster for his portrayal of Isaiah. Ralph Andresen for the new tool to put up banners. Barb Kleis for recording worship informa5on from the connec5on cards. Arlie Willems and Donna Condry for work on future staffing. Deb Hardersen for recording offerings. Nancy Lyon Douglas for her record keeping of the church’s finances. To everyone who helped with the packing and delivery of ALY food bags. Can you think of someone you would like to acknowledge? Contact the church office and we will add them to our Generous Giving list next month. FORKS & FRIENDS COMMUNITY MEALS 4th Thursday of the month 5-7pm at the Anamosa United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall 6 ELCA Renewing Congregations Ministry Accompany and equip congregations in their renewal efforts through ELCA synods. We are a church that is deeply rooted– and always being made new. Congrega5onal renewal is a biblical journey in which ELCA congrega5ons deepen their understanding of the word of God, expand their prac5ce of the word in the world and are inspired to share with others the beauty of the word. The ELCA churchwide organiza5on engages synods and other partners in renewing congrega5ons as vital centers for mission. By renewing congrega5ons, we aim to create communi5es of faith that are growing, vibrant and diverse, with more worshipers suppor5ng and engaging in God’ s mission– locally and globally. Goal for Renewing Congrega5ons: 8 million Ways to Give ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Through your congrega5on: Make checks payable to your congrega5on with the campaign priority (“ELCA Renewing Congrega5ons” or “Campaign where needed most”) in the memo line. Online: Make a secure credit card dona5on by visi5ng Mail: Make checks payable to Campaign for the ELCA with the campaign priority (“ELCA Renewing Congrega5ons” or “Campaign where needed most”) in the memo line. Mail checks to: ELCA, P.O. Box 1809, Merrifield, VA 22116-8009. Other ways to give: For other ways to give, including mul5-year pledges, gi s of securi5es or real estate and planned gi s, please call 800-638-3522, ext. 2612, or email Next month, learn about the ELCA’s New Congrega ons and Disability ministries. St. Paul “Faith Alive” Cookbooks We s5ll have a number of our 90th Anniversary “Faith Alive” cookbooks for sale at $15/each. These make wonderful gi s! Copies available in the church office. St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ Church Council Report 7 February 9, 2015 Balances of St. Paul Bank Accounts The mee5ng began with the approval of the agenda, last month’s minutes and the Financial report. As of 1/31/2015 Communica5ons/Requests/Responses received during the month included a Led by the Spirit publica5on and a subscrip5on request from the Our Daily Bread Ministries publica5on. General Fund Checking Account Beginning Balance $40,380.30 Ending Balance $35,426.91 This month there were no membership roster changes. Pastor Ka5e presented a wri4en report which was reviewed by Council. Council was presented with ministries reports from the Discipleship Ministries Team, On-going General/Property Financial, Grounds and Maintenance, Social Ac5ons and Compassion Care Team and Staffing Resources and Development Teams. Council ac5on items that were iden5fied from these reports were paying down the Annex Mortgage balance and the staffing recommenda5ons as presented by the Staffing Resources and Development Team. Budget Reserve Savings Account Beginning Balance $12,116.91 Ending Balance $12,116.91 Land Purchase Checking Account Beginning Balance $5,475.00 Ending Balance $5,068.54 In discussions regarding Old Business Council discussed and agreed to renew the new Annex property lease with Jeff Banowetz. The terms of the lease will be for 1 year with an addi5onal 6 months possible. Pastor Ka5e reported that a property and facili5es consultant from Mission Investment will be performing a walk through of all the church proper5es on Wednesday, February 11. The consultant will present the findings and recommenda5ons. Pastor Ka5e provided each council member with a rough dra of the Ministry Tool Kit and Resources for St. Paul Ministry Teams 2015. The final item Council discussed, and agreed with, was the staffing recommenda5ons provided by the Staffing Resource and Development Team. Council recommends that the Staffing Resource and Development Team con5nue to move forward with a presenta5on to the congrega5on and adver5sing for qualified candidates for the Director of Discipleship Ministry Posi5on. Land Purchase Savings Account Beginning Balance $13,240.11 Ending Balance $16,016.46 In discussion regarding New Business, Council discussed and approved allowing a Brownie Troop to meet at St. Paul CE Building. Council also discussed and agreed to support this year’s youth summer ministry opportuni5es, which include the Na5onal Youth Gathering and a High School mission trip to Hammond, IN. Council then agreed to a free will offering for the Easter pancake breakfast, with proceeds being used to help fund this year’s youth summer ministry opportuni5es. Council also discussed the need for a bad weather policy and has agreed that, for weekend services, everyone should use their own best judgment when deciding whether to a4end church. WD4 will con5nue to follow that Anamosa School district. Council discussed what to do with offering envelopes that have not yet been picked up. Council members will hand deliver some and the remaining will be sent in the mail. Pastor Ka5e reported that the Statement of Giving for 2014 statements had been sent out in the mail. The final item Council discussed and agreed to is to use $10,000 from the Land Purchase Savings Account toward paying down the Annex Mortgage. Insurance Restora5on Savings Account Beginning Balance $11,250.90 Ending Balance $11,251.88 The mee5ng was adjourned with a closing prayer. The next mee5ng is scheduled for March 9 at 6:30pm in the CE Building. RespecVully submi4ed, Kris5 Fortune, Council Secretary Do you have a topic or request for Church Council to discuss? Each month on the first Monday of the month the Church Council Agenda will be created for the Council Mee ng the following Monday. You are welcome to contact the church office and request an item be on the agenda. Deadline will always be the 1st Monday! If you have ques ons please contact Kris Fortune, Church Council Secretary for more informa on. Thank you! Luther League Checking Account Beginning Balance $5,388.01 Ending Balance $4,970.01 Luther League Savings Account Beginning Balance $976.76 Ending Balance $976.76 Mortgage Account Beginning Property Purchase Amount $258,250.00 Mortgage Balance $124,127.51 St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ 8 Thrivent Action Teams By Virginia Danielson Early last year, Thrivent Financial announced their new program to make community care ac5vi5es more personal for members. The program uses Thrivent Ac5on Teams to support, both volunteer and financial, to ac5vi5es that hold special value to individual members. Any Thrivent member is urged to set up an ac5vity, make up a team, and then apply for seed money, in the form of a $250 gi card. The applica5on is very simple, and the ac5vity is usually completed within 90 days. Each member is allowed 2 ac5vi5es each year within this program. Several St. Paul members have already used the program to support community groups like ALY, church ac5vi5es, including the God's Work, Our Hands weekend, the Advent “Homecoming” meal, and the Spring Break Youth Mission Trip led by the Anamosa Methodist Church and involving many young people from the community. If you are a Thrivent member, have an organiza5on you would like to support in some way, or would like to head up a fund-raiser for someone in need, or a church ac5vity you feel needs financial support, such as the St. Paul Mission Summer Trip, or any other good cause that is dear to your heart, invite some friends to help you carry it out, and apply to Thrivent for seed money. Make a call to 1-800-thrivent, go online at www.thrivent, or ask a St. Paul advocate, and you'll get informa5on or be walked through the process. Good ideas really can be rewarded. A note of thanks to the Thrivent members who have given your gi s of Thrivent Choice Dollars to the work of St. Paul Lutheran Church in 2014/15. A reminder to Members eligible for Thrivent Choice dollars: March 31st is the deadline for direc5ng your 2014 Choice Dollars. We urge you to direct in one of two ways: • Online at or • Call 800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent Choice” at the prompt. It’s fast and easy! Your St. Paul Thrivent Advocate Team: Hank Biere, Virginia Danielson, Sco4 and Cheri Francik, Dorothy Harmon, Angie Keller, Jerry and Verlyn Stolte Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits (January- March) We will be once again collec5ng personal care items for Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits. Individual items or complete kits may be donated, please put your dona5ons in the kit box in the church kitchen. Here are the items needed to complete 1 kit: ♦ One light or medium-weight bath-size towel (approximately 52”x27”) dark color. ♦ Two bath-size bars of soap (4 or 5 oz.) any brand, in original wrapping. ♦ One adult size toothbrush in original packaging. ♦ One sturdy comb, remove packaging. ♦ One metal nail clippers, remove packaging. Do not add any items or leave out any items listed. Use all new items. Wrap all items in the towel and 5e securely with ribbon or yarn. No plas5c bags. St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ 9 March Work Group Chairs: Scott & Cheri Francik Barry & Wilma Anderson John & Wendy Capron Tabatha Jayne Vic Hamre Nancy Hart Dennis & Beth Hora Angie Keller Dan & Marilyn Lambertsen Pat Merritt Sally Meyer Bob & Bonnie Prull Eloise Ricklefs Colin & Carol Stiffler Leonard & Joyce Stutt Jim Weers Jay & Arlie Willems A few du es include: Taking care of the family care room; (wipe off crib & li!le table, pick up and straighten room) over-see kitchen (*Launder towels on counter, check & clean refrigerators & stoves when needed) keep supplies stocked (paper towels, dish soap in kitchen, kleenex for the bathroom, plas c wrap & baggies etc.). *It is very important that Work Groups select someone to check on the kitchen. LSI (Lutheran Services in Iowa) During March’s Na5onal Professional Social Work Month, we celebrate social workers and the difference they make by dedica5ng their lives to helping others! Social workers are found in all areas of our communi5es, helping struggling children, families and adults find resources, discover their own strengths and build healthier futures. You make it possible for LSI’s many social workers to bring hope to Iowans who are struggling with mental illness, family crisis, addic5on, poverty and many other challenges. Thank you for your support and prayers that fuel LSI’s mission of responding to the love of Jesus Christ through compassionate service! LSI is proud to be an affiliated social ministry organiza5on of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Learn more at and “April is the best person I have ever worked with in her field.” The hard reality about paren5ng a child with a history of trauma is that as much as you want to find the right help, some5mes it’s impossible to know where to look. Just ask Jill and her 15-year-old stepdaughter Sierra. “Sierra has a history that a child shouldn’t have to go through,” she said. “We tried to seek help for her in several different places through therapists and ins5tu5ons and various agencies.” When Sierra was discharged from a residen5al placement, Jill and her husband were nervous. They knew she wasn’t ready to come home, but they felt they had exhausted all the op5ons. Fortunately, Jill had one last idea. She turned to someone she had known personally for years—April, an LSI social worker. “I can honestly say that April is the best person I have ever worked with in her field,” Jill said. LSI and April were different, Jill said. “We hit a lot of dead ends with agencies and people we called on for help,” she said. “It was frustra5ng. You think, ‘What are we going to do? Nothing is going to work for this kid.’ When we got involved with LSI through April, she always got back to us. She always had a sugges5on.” When their family faced a serious crisis last summer, Jill knew exactly who to call. “My husband and I were in Texas for a work trip,” Jill said. “Sierra made some bad choices, and we were concerned about her safety and her caregiver’s safety. Honestly, I don’t know what we would have done if we hadn’t had April geZng us the help Sierra needed.” With April’s support, the family made a plan to get Sierra in a safe place un5l they returned home. For Jill, April was a lifesaver. For April, it was simply life as usual at LSI. “We don’t have an internal stop clock, date or 5me,” she said. “We’re constantly working through crisis situa5ons. That’s just who we are at LSI, and I think that makes us different.” St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ COMMUNION BREAD MARCH DUTIES SCHEDULE 6:00 SERVICE DATE/SERVICE USHERS READERS COMMUNION PREP/CLEAN COMMUNION ASSISTANTS POWER POINT March 7– 6:00 Mike Fall Karen Stange Jerry/Verlyn Stolte Karen Stange Julie Fall March 14– 6:00 Dennis Hora Beth Hora Dee Ihlenfeldt Beth Hora Beth Hora March 21– 6:00 Jim Conley Darla Algoe Darla Algoe Eunice Conley Myra Powell March 28– 6:00 Bob/Betty Hora Dorothy Postel Bob/Betty Hora Dorothy Postel Lisa Hamilton MARCH DUTIES SCHEDULE 8:00 SERVICE DATE/SERVICE USHERS READERS COMMUNION PREP/CLEANUP COMMUNION ASSISTANTS March 1– 8:00 Neil & Elaine Stigen Don Harmon Don/Dorothy Harmon Brian/Michele Lubben March 8– 8:00 Lynn Decious/ Colin Stiffler Scott Francik Nancy Stout Cheri Francik Carol Stiffler March 15– 8:00 Denny/Deb Oltmann Deb Oltmann Jeff/Kristi Fortune Wayne/Becky Embree March 22 – 8:00 Don/Debbie Hardersen Jane Ortgies Barry/Wilma Anderson Dave/Jane Ortgies March 29– 8:00 Don/Debbie Hardersen Don/Debbie Hardersen Jim/Dolores Albrecht Brian/Jill Darrow March: Dee Ihlenfeldt MARCH ALTAR FLOWERS Lent– No Flowers Je MARCH DUTIES SCHEDULE 10:30 SERVICE DATE/SERVICE 10 USHERS READERS COMMUNION PREP/CLEAN COMMUNION ASSISTANTS POWER POINT VIDEO March 1– 10:30 CJ Sullivan Family Marcy Pate DJ/Donna Condry Aaron/Deb Zumbach Kirsten Lancaster Kyle Folken March 8– 10:30 Bob Goodyear/ Carl Achenbach Mary Achenbach Bob/Janice Goodyear Aaron/Deb Zumbach Seth Secrist Sebastian Goldsmith March 15-10:30 Bob Goodyear/ Carl Achenbach Arile Willems Bob/Janice Goodyear Darin/Nicole Sander Jenna Wilson Cole Sander March 22-10:30 Dan/Marilyn Lambertsen Dan or Marilyn Lambertsen Dave/Darcy Jacobs Dave Jacobs G or C Vavricek Kylee Secrist Olivia Christianson March 29– 10:30 S. Countryman Family Nancy Lyon Douglas Nancy Lyon Douglas Fred Austin/Nancy Lyon Douglas Gabe/Eian Countryman Alec Countryman St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ 11 ST. ST.PAUL PAULMARCH JULY CALENDAR CALENDAR SUNDAY, MARCH 1 8:00am Tradi onal Worship Service 8:00am Children’s Christmas Program 9:00am Coffee Hour 9:15am Sunday School 9:25am Adult Sunday School 9:30am Praise Band Prac ce 10:30am Praise Worship Service 10:30am Children’s Christmas Program MONDAY, MARCH 2 1:00pm Quil ng (Church Basement) 6:30pm GMT Mee ng (Church Basement) TUESDAY, MARCH 3 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 6:45am Good Guys (McO!os) 8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (W.Park) 2:00pm Ecumenical Bible Study (Grounds &Goodies) 5:00pm Lenten Worship w/Portrayal 5:30-7pm Lenten Meal (Church Basement) 6:30-8:00pm WD4 7:15pm Lenten Worship w/Portrayal 8:00pm HS Mission Trip Mee ng (Church) THURSDAY, MARCH 5 1:30 pm Holy Communion @ Anamosa Care Center FRIDAY, MARCH 6 1:30 World Day of Prayer (Methodist Ch.) SATURDAY, MARCH 7 9-10am Ray of Hope (Church basement) 9-3pm ARC (CE Building) 5:00pm “Saturday Night Live” Bible Study 6:00pm Contemporary Worship Service SUNDAY, MARCH 8 – Girl Scout Sunday 8:00am Tradi onal Worship Service 9:00am Coffee Hour 9:15am Holy Communion Discussion (Pastor Ka e’s Office) 9:15am Sunday School 9:25am Adult Sunday School 9:30am Praise Band Prac ce 10:30am Praise Worship Service MONDAY, MARCH 9 1:00pm Quil ng (Church Basement) 6:30pm Church Council Mtg. (CE Bldg) TUESDAY, MARCH 10 7:00pm Mary Circle (Church) 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 6:45am Good Guys (McO!os) 8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (W.Park) 1:30pm Sarah Circle (Woodland Park) 2:00pm Ecumenical Bible Study (Grounds & Goodies) 5:00pm Lenten Worship w/Portrayal 5:30-7pm Lenten Meal (Church Basement) 6:30-8pm WD4 7:15pm Lenten Worship w/Portrayal SATURDAY, MARCH 14 CTIM 5:00pm “Saturday Night Live” Bible Study 6:00pm Contemporary Worship Service SUNDAY, MARCH 15 8:00am Tradi onal Worship Service 9:00am Coffee Hour 9:15am Sunday School 9:25am Adult Sunday School 9:30am Praise Band Prac ce 10:30am Praise Worship Service MONDAY, MARCH 16 1:00pm Quil ng (Church Basement) TUESDAY, MARCH 17 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 6:45am Good Guys (McO!os) 8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (W.Park) 2:00pm Ecumenical Bible Study (Grounds &Goodies) 5:00pm Lenten Worship w/Portrayal 5:30-7pm Lenten Meal (Church Basement) 6:30pm WD4 Small Group 7:15pm Lenten Worship w/Portrayal FRIDAY, MARCH 20 4:00pm Newsle!er Ar cles Due SATURDAY, MARCH 21 5:00pm “Saturday Night Live” Bible Study 6:00pm Contemporary Worship Service SUNDAY, MARCH 22 8:00am Tradi onal Worship Service 9:00am Coffee Hour 9:15am Sunday School 9:25am Adult Sunday School 9:30am Praise Band Prac ce 10:30am Praise Worship Service MONDAY, MARCH 23 1:00pm Quil ng (Church Basement) TUESDAY, MARCH 24 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 6:45am Good Guys (McO!os) 8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (W. Park) 2:00pm Ecumenical Bible Study (Grounds & Goodies) 5:00pm Lenten Worship w/Portrayal 5:30-7:00pm Lenten Meal (Ch. Basement) 6:30-8pm WD4 7:15pm Lenten Worship w/Portrayal THURSDAY, MARCH 26 9:00pm Mail Newsle!er (Paula Hartman) 10:00am Friend to Friend (Ch. Basement) 5-7pm Forks & Friends (Methodist Church) SATURDAY, MARCH 28 5:00pm “Saturday Night Live” Bible Study 6:00pm Contemporary Worship Service SUNDAY, MARCH 29 8:00am Tradi onal Worship Service 9:00am Coffee Hour 9:15am Palm Sunday FX 9:25am Adult Sunday School 9:30am Praise Band Prac ce 10:30am Praise Worship Service 4:00pm GS Daisy Troop (CE Building) MONDAY, MARCH 30 1:00pm Quil ng (Church Basement) TUESDAY, MARCH 31 8:00am Alcoholics Anonymous LENT SCHEDULE Wednesday Evenings 5:00 & 7:15pm: Lenten Worship w/Portrayal 5:30pm: Lenten Meal/Fellowship (Church Fellowship Hall) 6:30-8:00pm: WD4 Palm Sunday 3/29/15 8:00 & 10:30am Worship 9:15-10:15 Palm Sunday FX Maundy Thursday 4/2/15 7:00pm Worship Good Friday 4/3/15 7:00pm Worship Easter Vigil 4/4/15 6:00pm Worship Easter Sunday 4/5/15 8:00 & 10:30am Easter Breakfast: 8-11:00am St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church 103 East Cedar Street Anamosa, IA 52205 12 Return Service Requested WORSHIP SCHEDULE Saturday: 6pm Contemporary Worship Sunday: 8am Traditional Worship 9am Fellowship 9:15am Sunday School 9:30am Adult Sunday School 10:30am Contemporary Worship MARCH BIRTHDAYS Alec Countryman Kim Ketelsen Mark Bickford Kael Hora Landin Luchtenburg Hannah Lancaster Kylee Secrist Curt Siebels Jerry Stolte Doug Fairbanks Carol Crump Ruby Robertson Elijah Lehrman Dee Ihlenfeldt Maya Ludwig Alec Embree Conor Fortune 01 03 04 04 04 06 06 06 06 07 08 08 10 11 11 12 12 Mariah Hankemeier Alex Schuerman Marlene Serbousek Marilou Vernon Karen Kleppe Eli Lambertsen Ivan Lambertsen Paula Sisler Louis Folken Brady Reynolds Allie Rogers Caden Smith Don Harmon Dave Martensen Janice Dougherty Be4y Hunter Andrew Tjaden 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 19 20 20 Carson Andresen Doris Henderson Andrew Thomas Chris Andresen Julie Soupene Dorothy Harmon Wya4 Heims Jenna Wilken Mary Martensen Amy Petersen Marilyn Lambertsen Kathy Hansen Mark Lehrman Corey Smith Brenda Lehrman Laura Ortgies 21 21 21 22 22 24 24 24 26 28 29 30 30 30 31 31 If your birthday was omi!ed from this calendar, it is because we do not have the date in our records. If you would like your birthday listed on our newsle!er calendar, please call Paula at 462-4841 or email her at and she would be happy to include it.
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