March 1st Bulletin - St. Joseph Parish and School

St. Joseph Parish and School
and our lady of lourdes grotto
Since 1831
Since 1832
Fr. Thomas S. Acker, S.J.
Miss Beth Frank
ACE Director
(Advanced Catholic
Deacon Steven Gies
Mrs. Sandra Blazewick
Parish Executive Assistant
Mrs. Julie Miller
Parish Office Hours
Mon – Fri 8:00 AM
to 4:00 PM
School Office Hours
7:30 AM to 2:45 PM
School Phone
School Fax
Rectory Phone
Rectory Fax
The Church 1904
School Email
2643 waterloo rd.
mogadore, Ohio 44260
The Generations of
Faith Program
Sacrament of Baptism
Call Parish to Schedule
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 4:00 – 4:30 PM
St. Joseph. Sunday, February 8th,
5:00 PM in the school hall.
Theme: Bullying & The Beatitudes
GOF website:
Sacrament of Matrimony
Consult Pastor Six Months Prior
Sacrament / Anointing of the Sick
Call Parish Any Time
March 1, 2014
St. Joseph Mass Schedule
5:00 PM
8:00 & 10:30 AM
Weekday Masses
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri.
8:30 AM
6:00 PM
Weekly Offertory
February 22, 2014
Offertory (Church & School) ………………
Ash Wednesday ….………………………….
Easter Flowers …. ………………………….
Gaudete Campaign ………………………….
Grotto Fund / candles …………….. ………
Funeral Dinners ……………………………..
Cemetery Care ………………………………
Haiti collection ………………………………
$ 6,404.74
175 Envelopes
& on-line givers donations
Thank you for your Sacrificial Offerings.
Total parishioner offering this week…………. $8,869.74
This Week In Our Parish
Mass Intentions
Saturday, February 28
5:00 PM
People of St. Joseph Parish
Sunday, March 1 – Second Sunday in Lent
8:00 AM Forgotten Souls of Atwater, Randolph & Suffield
(Tracy & Carolyn Kane)
10:30 AM
Lamar Jenior
(Nancy Phelps)
Monday, March 2
8:30 AM
Donny Schaefer
Tuesday, March 3
8:30 AM
Claude Wise
(K of C 2039)
Wednesday, March 4
6:00 PM
Mike Smith
(Nancy & Bob Schuck)
Thursday, March 5
8:30 AM
John Trares
Friday, March 6
8:30 AM
Bernie & Ruth Klauka
Saturday, March 7
5:00 PM
Special Intention – In Thanksgiving
(Andy Englehart)
Sunday, March 8 THIRD Sunday in Lent
8:00 AM Janet Stapin
(Pat & Chris Daley)
10:30 AM
People of St. Joseph Parish
Prayers for the Faithful Departed: Margaret Capes, Tom
Herman and Harold Lowden.
Second Sunday in Lent
6:30 PM
TOPS Meeting
Topic: Tune Up Your Workouts
(Meeting Room)
8:00 PM
K of C Meeting
(K of C Hall)
6:45 PM
Immigration to the Catholic Faith
7:00 PM
Home & School Meeting
7:30 PM
Contemporary Choir Practice
7:00 PM
Building & Grounds Meeting
(Meeting Room)
7:30 PM
Choir Practice
5:00 – 7:00 PM
Fish Fry
(School Hall)
7:00 PM
Stations of the Cross
10:30 AM
First Reconciliation
2:00 AM
Daylight Savings Time begins
Third Sunday in Lent
St. Vincent de Paul Society collects after all Masses
Grotto Fund collection
5:00 PM
GOF Session 6
Theme: Bullying & The Beatitudes
(School Hall)
Please Keep in Your Thoughts and Prayers
The Ill of the Parish: Arthur Coughenour, Marilyn Horning,
Jane Bedard, Edith Knapp, Emma Wages, Johnny Wise,
Rosemary Kehner, Roger Begue, Gary Warner, Dianna
Knapp, Doug Campbell, Lydia Cunduff, Carol Rufener,
Charlie Wise, Barb Seli, Norma Wanchick, Fr. Jim Lang,
Nancy Klauka, Marji Horning, Geraldine Morgan, Ray
Knapp Sr., Christopher Hamad, Richard Knapp, Paul
Warner, Bob Waples, Bill Hamilton, William Birchfield, and
Andy Kostrubanich.
Fish Fry Desserts
We could use some help with our desserts for the fish fry
dinners. Our students’ parents provide desserts, but we
have been blessed enough in the last couple of years to
have an increase in the patronage of our fish frys.
Therefore, we could use some extra desserts for our
dinners so that all diners may enjoy a sweet ending to their
meal. Desserts may be taken to the school office Fridays
or when you come to the Fish Fry Friday evenings. Thank
you for your consideration and last week’s donations. It
was greatly appreciated.
Second Fish Fry This Friday
Despite the frigid weather St. Joseph’s First Fishy Fry was
very successful. If the Artic Freeze kept you away from
the last week’s Fish Fry, you still have 5 more
opportunities to get the best fish dinner in the area. Refer
to the menu insert in last weekend’s bulletin for fish
choices and pricing, and come with the anticipation of a
most enjoyable dinner. Remember, carry outs are
available. See you there!
The Lenten Shroud
The fabric pieces with your prayer intentions written on
them are due back to church today, March
1, 2015. Please return all fabric intentions by
the end of today. This year the shroud will be
used as an altar cloth and we are hoping the
shroud will be ready to drape over the altar
next Sunday, the Third Sunday in Advent.
MARCH 1, 2015
Offertory Envelopes Have Arrived
The offertory envelopes (remember for the entire year)
have arrived and can be picked up at the back of church.
The envelope boxes are arranged in alphabetical order
with a label on top for easy finding. Please pick your
envelopes up as soon as you can. Thanks!
Advance Notice of Penance Services
Mark your calendars for this year’s
Lenten Communal Penance services.
Priests of the Deanery will be present
for the Penance Services which will be
held on the following dates at the following parishes:
March 19th - Immaculate Conception, Ravenna
March 23rd - St. Joseph, Mantua
March 26th - St. Patrick, Kent
All services begin at 7:00 PM. Weekly confession here at
St. Joseph is every Saturday from 4:00 to 4:30 PM, or by
appointment with Fr. Tom.
Rice Bowls
On this second week of lent our journey with Catholic
Relief Services begins in Tanzania, where a simple
soybean is changing lives! What actions can you take this
Lent to change lives – at home and around the world?
Remember to pick up your Rice Bowls located at the
back of church. Put your spare change into them and
return them Holy Week to the back of the church.
Pope Francis Urges Fasting from
Globalization of Indifference
St. Joseph Cookbook is Here!
Our St. Joseph Family “Tried and True” Cookbook is now
available! They are $10.00 each. You don’t want to miss
out on getting these delicious recipes! All proceeds go
towards our St. Joseph 7/8th Grade trip to Washington DC
this spring. Thank you to all who sent in recipes, they are
fabulous! We will be selling after all masses in the
upcoming weeks. Contact Krissy Moore 330-603-7855 to
buy one if you miss us at the masses.
The Grotto Store has Lenten Items
Don’t forget our own Grotto Store has many items for the
Lenten Season. Perhaps a statue of the Pieta would do for
your home or a specific piece of literature is what you are
looking for. Of course, after Lent is Easter and the Store
has many items for Easter giving also. Stop in to the store
and see what is available for you. The Store will be open
from 5:00 to 6:45 PM during the Fish Fry, or by
appointment for a specific time.
In his annual Lenten message, Pope Francis states,
“Indifference to our neighbor and to God also represents
a real temptation for us Christians. Each year during Lent
we need to hear once more the voice of the prophets who
cry out and trouble our conscience.
Whenever our interior life becomes caught up in its own
interests and concerns, there is no longer room for others,
no place for the poor. God’s voice is no longer heard, the
quiet joy of his love is no longer felt, and the desire to do
good fades.” He continues that, “We end up being
incapable of feeling compassion at the outcry of the poor,
weeping for other people’s pain, and feeling a need to
help them, as though all this were someone else’s
responsibility and not our own.
But when we fast from this indifference, we can began
to feast on love. In fact, Lent is the perfect time to learn
how to love again. Jesus—the great protagonist of this
holy season—certainly showed us the way. In him, God
descends all the way down to bring everyone up. In his life
and his ministry, no one is excluded.”
– Pope Francis Lenten Message, 2015