St. Joseph Parish and School and our lady of lourdes grotto PARISH Since 1831 School Since 1832 Fr. Thomas S. Acker, S.J. Administrator Miss Beth Frank Principal ACE Director (Advanced Catholic Education) Deacon Steven Gies Mrs. Sandra Blazewick Parish Executive Assistant Mrs. Julie Miller Administrative Assistant Parish Office Hours Mon – Fri 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM School Office Hours 7:30 AM to 2:45 PM School Phone 330/628-9555 School Fax 330/628-9942 Rectory Phone 330/628-9941 Rectory Fax 330/628-9942 The Church 1904 Website: School Email Email: Website: 2643 waterloo rd. mogadore, Ohio 44260 The Generations of Faith Program Sacrament of Baptism Call Parish to Schedule FIFTH SESSION Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:00 – 4:30 PM St. Joseph. Sunday, February 8th, 5:00 PM in the school hall. Theme: Bullying & The Beatitudes GOF website: Welcome! Sacrament of Matrimony Consult Pastor Six Months Prior Sacrament / Anointing of the Sick Call Parish Any Time March 8, 2014 St. Joseph Mass Schedule Saturday Sunday 5:00 PM 8:00 & 10:30 AM Weekday Masses Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. Wed. 8:30 AM 6:00 PM Welcome! ST. JOSEPH CHURCH MOGADORE, OHIO Weekly Offertory March 1, 2014 Offertory (Church & School) ……………… Ash Wednesday ….…………………………. Easter Flowers …. …………………………. Easter ………………………………………. Gaudete Campaign …………………………. Grotto Fund / candles …………….. ……… Funeral Dinners …………………………….. Cemetery Care ……………………………… $ 8,357.00 20.00 437.00 20.00 1,035.00 148.00 70.00 35.00 193 Envelopes & on-line givers donations Thank you for your Sacrificial Offerings. Total parishioner offering this week…………. $10,122.00 Mass Intentions Saturday, March 7 5:00 PM Special Intention – In Thanksgiving (Andy Englehart) Sunday, March 8 THIRD Sunday in Lent 8:00 AM Janet Stapin (Pat & Chris Daley) 10:30 AM People of St. Joseph Parish Monday, March 9 8:30 AM Annie & Bernie Jenior (Family) Tuesday, March 10 8:30 AM Earl H. Horning (Marge & Bob Cline) Wednesday, March 11 6:00 PM Richard Paul Wise (Yvonne & Steve Mudd) Thursday, March 12 8:30 AM Living & Deceased Family and Friends of Tracy & Carolyn Kane (Tracy & Carolyn) Friday, March 13 8:30 AM Joe Balbier – Special Intention (Katie Ellison) Saturday, March 14 5:00 PM Bill Wise (Andy Hughart) Sunday, March 15 FOURTH Sunday in Lent 8:00 AM Pam Horning Garza (Family) 10:30 AM People of St. Joseph Parish Prayers for the Faithful Departed: Tom Hermann, Harold Lowden, Karen Hartong King, and Marilyn Horning. This Week In Our Parish Sun: Mon: Wed: Thur: Fri: Sun: Third Sunday in Lent St. Vincent de Paul Society collects after all Masses Grotto Fund collection 5:00 PM GOF Session 6 Theme: Bullying & The Beatitudes (School Hall) 6:30 PM TOPS Meeting Topic: Embracing Change (Meeting Room) 6:30 PM Men’s Fellowship (Library) 6:45 PM Immigration to the Catholic Faith (Rectory) 7:00 PM SCC (Library) 7:30 PM Contemporary Choir Practice 7:00 PM Cemetery Meeting (Meeting Room) 7:30 PM Choir Practice 5:00 – 7:00 PM Fish Fry (School Hall) 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross Fourth Sunday in Lent Please Keep in Your Thoughts and Prayers The Ill of the Parish: Arthur Coughenour, Jane Bedard, Edith Knapp, Emma Wages, Johnny Wise, Rosemary Kehner, Roger Begue, Gary Warner, Dianna Knapp, Doug Campbell, Lydia Cunduff, Carol Rufener, Charlie Wise, Barb Seli, Norma Wanchick, Fr. Jim Lang, Nancy Klauka, Marji Horning, Ray Knapp Sr., Christopher Hamad, Richard Knapp, Paul Warner, Bob Waples, Bill Hamilton, William Birchfield, and Andy Kostrubanich. THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT Fish Fry Desserts We could use some help with our desserts for the fish fry dinners. Our students’ parents provide desserts, but we have been blessed enough in the last couple of years to have an increase in the patronage of our fish frys. Therefore, we could use some extra desserts for our dinners so that all diners may enjoy a sweet ending to their meal. Desserts may be taken to the school office Fridays or when you come to the Fish Fry Friday evenings. Thank you for your consideration and last week’s donations. It was greatly appreciated. Third Fish Fry This Friday Here we are again at the half way point of the Lenten Fish Frys! This Friday’s fish fry is indeed mid-way through the Lenten Season so if you want to get a great fish dinner, please don’t put it off too long as you wouldn’t want to miss out on this wonderful meal. Bring your family and friends and have an enjoyable time. Fish Frys are from 5:00 to 7:00 PM in the school hall and remember that carry out is available. The Grotto Store has Lenten Items Don’t forget our own Grotto Store has many items for the Lenten Season. Perhaps a statue of the Pieta would do for your home or a specific piece of literature is what you are looking for. Of course, after Lent is Easter and the Store has many items for Easter giving also. Stop in to the store and see what is available for you. The Store will be open from 5:00 to 6:45 PM during the Fish Fry, or by appointment for a specific time. Offertory Envelopes Have Arrived The boxed offertory envelopes (remember for the entire year) have arrived and can be picked up at the back of church. The envelope boxes are arranged by letters of the alphabet with a label on top for easy finding. Please pick your envelopes up as soon as you can. Thanks! Lenten Penance Services Mark your calendars for this year’s Lenten Communal Penance services. Priests of the Deanery will be present for the Penance Services which will be held on the following dates at the following parishes: March 19th - Immaculate Conception, Ravenna March 23rd - St. Joseph, Mantua March 26th - St. Patrick, Kent All services begin at 7:00 PM. Weekly confession here at St. Joseph is every Saturday from 4:00 to 4:30 PM, or by appointment with Fr. Tom. MARCH 8, 2015 Rice Bowls - Hungering for a Bountiful Earth This third week of lent our journey with Catholic Relief Services takes us to the coffee highlands of Nicaragua, where we are called to protect both the goodness of creation and the livelihoods of struggling families. How will this week’s fast remind us of the sacredness of God’s creation and our duty to protect it? Remember to pick up your Rice Bowls located at the back of church. Put your spare change into them and return them Holy Week to the back of the church. Holy Week and Easter Schedule We are already half way into the Lenten Season with Palm Sunday (the beginning of Holy Week) only 3 weeks from now. Palm Sunday is when our finalized Holy Week/Easter schedules are ready to be picked up. Located at the back of church is the signup sheet for all Liturgical Ministers so you may choose your desired Mass(es) for that week. Please sign up early, not only to get your preferred Mass, but also for the schedule to be finished on time. Thank you for your consideration. Any open ministries will be assigned. “Wisdom is with aged men, With long life is understanding.” Job 12:12 St. Joseph Parish has a lot of wisdom and understanding! We have over 120 members over the age of 80, 30 of whom are over the age of 90 and of course we all know Mary Denny will be 105 this June. One of our revered parishioners who celebrated his 90th birthday not too long ago is Paul Schaefer. You can see some of Paul’s celebration in this week’s bulletin. May the Good Lord bless all you folk of wisdom. Archbishop Hoban High School Presents Hello Dolly! Hello Dolly! With its memorable music and characters comes to the stage at Archbishop Hoban High School Thursday, March 19th at 7:00 PM; Friday, March 20th at 7:30 PM; and Saturday, March 21st at 7:30 PM. Hoban High School is located at 1 Holy Cross Blvd., Akron. Go to to purchase reserved seating for $12 plus a service fee, and general admission tickets for $8, plus a service fee. Tickets also sold at the door.
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