Contact : Linda Bhembe for more info on +268

Add multiple pictures in
most cases;
Once your listing is activated
you can manage the content
of your listing e.g. add products, services, change pictures, load pictures of Specials etc;
View it and access it anywhere i.e. on your cellphone, tablet, PC, at work or
at home or even at an internet café;
Potential customers can contact you by emailing directly
or your business online with
a query;
Give customers information
24/7/365 i.e. your business
is marketed at all times; and
Measurable marketing.
Private property listing is
E50 for 30 Days
Business Property listing is
E100 for 30 Days
“Bringing businesses &
communities together with our
easy find directory. ”
Get your business listed today!! if
you need assistance we are an
email or phone call away or find us
on facebook/swazifindbiz
Visit now to
get you business, products or
services listed.
Powered by
What is the cost?
Personal item listing is FREE
Business item listing is E50
for 30 days
Business listing is E100—1
Car listing is E50 for 30
1st Floor
119 Dzeliwe Street
Phone: (00268) 24046710
Contact : Linda Bhembe for
more info on +268
24046710, or 76348359
Yo u l i s t i t , w e m a r k e t i t
What is Swazifind?
Swazifind is a business and
personal marketing, employment and sales directory tool.
List on Swazifind to sell new or
second hand products, increase
company brand awareness, if
you are seeking employment
or looking to hire or for any
personal, charitable or upcoming event notices.
Where can Swazifind it be
accessed? – on your cellphone, at home, at work, on a
normal PC with internet connection or tablet, even at an
internet café.
The Swazifind objective - is
to assist businesses and individuals increase their exposure
through brand or product marketing, increase sales, offer
simple employment and community notices by enabling
businesses and individuals to manage
and control their own
listings, which are
priced well below the
cost of
other adEasy to use on your cellvertising
phone. Quick search option.
options in
How does Swazifind work?
Select “Add you listing” on the
top left of the page and all options will show, select one and
start listing. Still not sure complete our contact form and we
will contact you. Once we have
confirmed receipt of your payment the ad will go live.
Simple Swazifind searching
– all ads can be listed and
searched using keywords e.g.
should you require a certain
cell phone service you would
quick search in the search
block using the word “cell
If you are searching in a specific area e.g. Ezulwini you can
search by the area name to
find all listings in that area.
Who can view Swazifind
Swazifind is not only available
in Swaziland but worldwide via
the internet. The advantage is
that anyone searching for
more information, product,
service or particular businesses to trade with in Swaziland will find you!!
Swazifind Features & Benefits
Cost effective;
Your business or item is
easy to find and easy to
Simple search by area,
keyword etc;
Listing can run from 30
days to 365 days;