11:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Blended Worship Traditional Worship Gathering & Centering for Worship Gathering & Centering for Worship (In Sanctuary) (In Chapel) The Rebel Jesus Welcome & Announcements Centering Music Bringing in the Light of Christ * Call to Worship (cover) * Songs of Praise** Lord, For Your Glory Song of Love Opening Voluntary Concerto No. 2: Adagio (projected) Proclamation and Response Anthem As We Break the Bread Jay Althouse Children’s Message Offering of Tithes & Gifts Offertory Hymn No. 402 (vs. 1,2,4) Lord, I Want to Be a Christian * Response No. 95 Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow * Affirmation of Faith No. 881 Apostles’ Creed Scripture Matthew 5:38-48 (NT, p.5) Sermon Real Love Requires a Rebel Rev. Al Horton Holy Communion Invitation, Confession, & Pardon (p. 7) The Great Thanksgiving (p. 9) The Lord’s Prayer (No. 895) Sharing of the Bread and Cup Prayer of Thanksgiving (p. 11) Chiming of the Hour Welcome & Announcements Introit Kyrie eleison Shelden Bringing in the Light of Christ * Call to Worship (cover) * Opening Hymn No. 269 Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days Proclamation and Response Psalm 22:25-31 (projected) Children’s Message Offering of Tithes & Gifts Offertory Follow Me Wilson * Response No. 682 (vs 5) Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow * Affirmation of Faith (No. 881) Apostles’ Creed * Gloria Patri (No. 71) Scripture Matthew 5:38-48 (NT, p.5) Hymn No. 415 Take Up Thy Cross Sermon Real Love Requires a Rebel Rev. Al Horton Holy Communion Invitation, Confession, & Pardon (Hymnal, p. 7) The Great Thanksgiving (Musical Setting E, Hymnal, p. 24) The Lord’s Prayer (No. 895) Sharing of the Bread and Cup Prayer of Thanksgiving (Hymnal, p. 11) Sending Forth to Serve * * * * Hymn No. 395 Take Time to Be Holy Benediction Response (TFWS 2241) May You Run and Not be Weary Taking the Light of Christ into the World JS Bach (BWV 549) *All who are able, please stand. ** Song Sheets available on the back table TFWS = “The Faith We Sing” Hymnal Supplement Sending Forth to Serve * * * * Hymn No. 267 Benediction & Response Amen Taking the Light of Christ into the World Closing Voluntary Sortie O Love, How Deep Shelden Leon Boëllmann *All who are able, please stand. 9:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship (In Fellowship Hall) Gathering for Worship Gathering of the People Welcome & Opening Prayer Opening Song Led by the Band Children’s Message Holy Communion Invitation, Confession, & Pardon The Lord’s Prayer Sharing of the Bread & Cup Praise and Proclamation Announcements Discovering the Renegade Jesus A Lenten Journey toward the Cross Offering of Tithes & Gifts Praise Song Led by the Band Scripture Matthew 5:38-48 Band Special Message Real Love Requires a Rebel Rev. Al Horton Responding to God’s Grace Prayers of the People Sending Forth with God’s Blessing Led by the Band Words are projected for most songs, so let’s make a joyful noise! Next Sunday: March 8, 2015 (8:30, 9:45, & 11:00 a.m.) Worship Series: Discovering the Renegade Jesus: A Lenten Journey toward the Cross Worship Theme: Revolutionary Lifestyle Scripture Lesson: Isaiah 61:1-4 Sermon Title: God’s People Are Sent into the World FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 101 East Jefferson Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Phone: (434) 296-6193; Web: www.cvillefirstunitedmethodist.org Email: cvillefumc@embarqmail.com Alvin J. Horton, Pastor Second Sunday of Lent March 1, 2015 First United Methodist Church Leader: In a world torn by competing loyalties between nations, religions, and cultural differences, Jesus spoke of forgiveness and love for enemies. He was a rebel. People: In our world, torn by the same forces that divide us, we look for a Savior who alone can save us from ourselves. Leader: Jesus told those who would listen, “If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also...if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? (Matthew 5:39,46) Jesus was a rebel. All: Lord, in this time of worship, teach us your lessons of love and forgiveness. Help us to rediscover the rebel in the Jesus we love. Amen. Mark Your Calendars… Each Sunday 8:30 am 9:45 am 9:45 am 11:00 am Blended Worship in the Chapel Sunday School for all ages Contemporary Worship in Fellowship Hall Traditional Worship in Sanctuary Today’s Activities Pick up your Brunswick Stew Orders today after each service. 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:15 am 9:45 am 10:20 am 11:00 am 11:10 am 5:00 pm 5:30 pm Blended Worship Service (Chapel) First Kids (308) Contemporary Band Warm-up Virginia Blood Drive (parking lot) Children’s Choir Contemporary Worship Service (FH) Sunday School Classes; Youth & Adults: 2 yr olds (111), Pre K (109), K/1st (303/305), 2nd/3rd (310), 4th/5th (312) Youth (302/303), Focused Forum (308) Adult Fellowship (208), Adult Study (315), Adult Bible Discussion (T-210), Tower Class (314) Renegade Gospel Study led by Harry Kennon (Chapel) Chancel Choir Warm-up (Music Suite) Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary) First Kids (Preschool 111) Adult/Faith Explorers Sunday School (314) Sunday Evening Dinner with Youth Group (FH) Movie Night for Kids Under Construction and Tweens “A Dolphin’s Tale” (208) Film Adaptation of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter From Birmingham City Jail” (Chapel) Next Step Opportunities Mon., Mar 2 Wed., Mar 4 Thurs., Mar 5 Fri., Mar 6 Sun., Mar 8 9:15 am Preschool Chapel Services (Chapel) 12:00 pm Bread & Blessings (FH) 5:00 pm Stephen Ministry Meeting (208) 6:30 pm Renegade Gospel Study (Meghan Eddy’s) 7:00 pm Boy Scout Troop 36 (FH) 5:30 pm Worship w/Holy Communion (Chapel) 6:00 pm Fellowship Dinner (FH) 6:45 pm Church Council Meeting (Chapel) 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study (208) 10:00 am MOM’s Ministry (Art Adventure/Carver Rec) 11:00 am Women’s Prayer Group (208) 6:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Music Suite) Snow Camp Retreat for 8th-12th Graders Mar 6-8 9:30 am MOM’s Ministry Bible Study (208) 12:00 pm Reception for Jeanne Payne (Gathering Space) NEWS from Your Church Family A Weekly Publication of First United Methodist Church Charlottesville, VA March 1, 2015 Volume 59, Number 9 Our Mission: Changing Lives Through Jesus Christ BLOOD DRIVE TODAY FROM 9am1:00pm in the parking lot on the Virginia Blood Services bus. David Gilbertson said, “There is no more profound yet effortless way for Christians to love their neighbors than to donate blood.” Walk-ins are always welcome! MOVIE NIGHT FOR KIDS UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND TWEENS is tonight at 5:30 after the 5pm evening dinner. Join us for “A Dolphin’s Tale” and a great evening of fellowship and fun! A RECEPTION HONORING JEANNE PAYNE will be held next Sunday, March 8, in the Gathering Space immediately after the 11am service. Please join us as we celebrate Jeanne’s many years of service as the Chair of the First UMC Nurture Committee. WOMEN’S POTLUCK Please join us on Thurs., Mar 12 at 6:30pm at Julie Marazita’s home, 107 Kelsey Ct., C’ville 22903. Ph: 977-5552. Women’s potlucks are held the second Thursday of each month and each woman brings a dish to share. Please join us for great food and fellowship! If you are interested in hosting a potluck dinner, please contact Julie. BRUNSWICK STEW IS READY TO PICK UP TODAY after each of the services. Thank you so much for your order and support of our ASP field trip INSPIRATIONAL AUTHOR LADINE HOUSHOLDER will be here for a discussion of her book, The Well Women. Verlon Stone, Ph.D., Indiana University Liberian Collections, called The Well Women “an inspiring novel of triumph by and for strong and loving Christian women.” Join us Mar 19 at 11am in the Chapel for this discussion. For more information, contact Kelli Henning at 296-6193 or at Kellihenning.fumc@gmail.com. STOP HUNGER NOW! First UMC will host the annual food packaging for Stop Hunger Now on Easter Sat., April 4, from 9am-noon in the Fellowship Hall. All are invited to participate in this great fellowship; young children to mature adults. This year, SHN requires all volunteers to register online at http://events.stophungernow.org/first2015. Click on “Register for Event.” If you have any questions, please contact Andy Guertler at andyguertler@gmail.com. DON’T FORGET TO PICK UP YOUR NAME TAGS located on the left hand side of the Welcome Center. Each person is responsible for his/her own name tag. You can take them home or leave them outside of the area of the service you attend. VBS SET FOR JULY Save the dates of July 13-17 for this year’s Vacation Bible School. This year, VBS will be presented during the morning and hosted by First UMC. Stay tuned for more details. If you want to help, contact Anika Winterhoff at 296-6193 or email, anikawinterhoff.fumc@gmail.com. More information is available at the CONNECTION KIOSKs outside the Fellowship Hall, near the 2nd floor Gathering Space, & in the Welcome Center at the parking lot entrance. CHILD CARE DURING ALL SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES Two years and under in nursery on 2nd floor. Assisting in Worship Ushers 8:30 Loman Cunningham, E.N. Garnett, Jerry Pusey, Bill Dorsey, Julie Coiner 11:00 George Hale, Harlan Phelps, Jim Grigg, Dick Marsden, Walter Carpenter 11:00 Sean & Frances Manly Acolytes 11:00 James Spano Greeters 8:30 E.N. Garnett, Loman Cunningham 11:00 Hugh & Ruth Martin, Barbara Turner Lay Readers 8:30 John Morris 9:45 Mary Bentley 11:00 Nancy-Lee Kozub Communion Assistants 8:30 E.N. Garnett, Loman Cunningham 9:45 Kay Canter 11:00 Sean & Frances Manly Pianist 8:30 Kathy Berlin Organist 11:00 Andy Shelden Musical Groups 8:30 Celebration Singers: Carolyn Polson McGee 9:45 Contemporary Band: Phil Woodson 11:00 Chancel Choir: Andy Shelden Financial Stewards Kathlene Harding, Evelyn Kessler Congratulations! To Zella and Keith Page on the birth of their son, Owen David Page on February 22. Proud Grandparents are Jim and Tamara Bowden. Proud Great Grandparents are David and Mary Alice Lewis Welcome! If you are visiting with us, please complete the card provided by the ushers and place it in the offering plate. A “Get Connected” booklet that summarizes the ministries of our church can be found on our Connection Kiosks located outside our Fellowship Hall, in our Welcome Center, and in the Gathering Space between the Sanctuary and Chapel. After the service, please join us for a time of refreshments and conversation in our Gathering Space. If you would like information about how to become a member, please contact Pastor Al. Our sanctuary is equipped with a hearing loop assistive listening system for those with telecoil equipped hearing aids. For those with hearing loss and without telecoil equipped hearing aids, or no hearing aids, portable loop headsets are available in the narthex. Please see usher for assistance. Children’s bulletins are available at entrances to all services. Please see an usher for assistance. First UMC Finance Report Operating Budget as of: 1/31/15 Operating Income YTD: $46,141 Operating Expenses YTD: $53,432 Net Income for the Year: -$7,291 Capital Campaign Update as of: 2/19/15 Number of Commitments: 124 Total Amount of Commitments: $514,928 Amount of Commitments paid to date: $216,232 Balance of Sanctuary Renovation Loan: $11,000 TIME TO ORDER YOUR EASTER FLOWERS This Easter, help beautify our altars with lilies and tulips in honor of or in memory of friends and loved ones. Order forms are in the kiosks, or you can call Kathy in the church office, 296-6193. Please order by March 20. PACEM Shelter Ministry Set for March 14-28 Each year, congregations around Charlottesville host the homeless men and women of our community, providing dry, warm and safe places during the winter months. Through PACEM (People and Congregations Engaged in Ministry), we provide a warm meal each night. This year, First UMC will host our homeless guests Mar 14-28. For more details about how you can help, please contact Tommy or Virginia Gibson by email at tgibson@nexet.net, or sign up at http://tinyurl.com/firstumcpacem. VOLUNTEER TODAY! PACEM NEEDS YOU! First UMC’s Justice Ministry Team presents the film adaptation of Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘Letter from Birmingham City Jail’ TODAY, March 1, 5:30pm in the Chapel Come see why Dr. King’s letter is considered “the most important written document of the modern civil rights movement.” PRAYER REQUESTS: If you need prayer, please visit our website (www.cvillefirstunitedmethodist.org), click on "Prayer Requests" to register your prayer needs, or call the church office at (434) 296-6193. If you would like to join others in praying for people and their requests, please contact Dot Clark at tdrclark@cstone.net so you can be added to the prayer ministry email list.
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