This Week - Ss. Cyril & Methodius Slovak Catholic Church

Page 3:
Lenten Symposium
“Presence of God” Lenten Mission
Page 4:
EDGE Youth Ministry
Life Teen High School Ministry
YOLO Young Adult Ministry
Lenten Fish Dinners
Evangelization Meeting
Rosary Makers, Book Club
Catholic Relief Services
Page 5:
Adoration, Skate World of Troy
Feminine Genius, Blood Drive
Children’s Choir, 40 Days for Life
Page 6:
Lenten Projects for 2015
“Mother Theresa”, “Padre Pio”
“St. Barbara”
Page 7:
Rummage Sale
Catechism Corner
Monday Mass Schedule
Easter Novena
†Lenten Stations of the Cross†
Every Wednesday at 8:30AM &
Every Friday at 6:30PM
March 7, Saturday — Sobota
9:00AM B For the Intentions of the Rosary Society
4:00PM EW For the Holy Souls in Purgatory
vFor Felicity O’Brien (B’Day)
vFor Moneer & Alia Korkis v…Jennifer Pope
6:00PM JS *Latin-Tridentine (Missa Cantata):
vFor Sharon Brown v…Joe Basirico
March 8, Third Sunday of Lent—Nedela
Ex 20:1-17 or 20: 1-3, 7-8, 12-17: 1 Cor 1:22-25; Jn 2:13-25 (29)
7:30AM JS For the Sisters of the Monastery of St. Therese
vFor Vicki & Samantha Babbie
vFor Anwar Robin & Family
v…Paul Kozlowski (1st Ann.)
9:30AM B For Shane & Krissy Crump vFor Terry Bellows
vFor the Vitale & Monsu Families
v…Karen Majanoski
11:30AM B (Slovak) For Grace Zelenak vFor Eva Fleck
v…Anna Tomeckova
v…Ludmila Bucko req. Ann & Joe Venglar
1:30PM EW For the Dubon Family
vFor Anna May Jezak req. Jezak Family
v…James Arthur White req. James Jaczkowski
v…Christopher Boertmann
8:30PM EW In Thanksgiving req. Paulina
vFor the Anthony Karroca
vFor Drita C. Mark & Martin Dedivanaj
vFor the Living and Deceased Members of the
Raymond & Antoinette Families
March 9, Monday—Pondelok
6:00AM JS In Thanksgiving req. Hikmat, Noor, & Family
vFor Mark Varchetti v…Michael Beste
v…William Peter Lindsey
9:00AM B For Fr. John SimoneauvFor Nolan O’Brien (B’Day)
v…Julio Isip v…Bob Kaye
12:00PM VP For Christina Ivanaj vFor Heather Hyde
v…Michael Beste req. Paul & Mary Glantz
v…Arturo Zuzga
March 10, Tuesday— Utorok
6:00AM B In Thanksgiving req. Hikmat, Noor, Adeeba & Fam.
vFor Christina Ivanaj & Family vFor Kola Gojcaj
vFor the Living & Deceased Members of the
Granchi & Gallas Families
9:00AM EW For Priests & Religious vFor T.J. req. Aunt
v…Gregoria & Anastacio Isip v…Catherine Lautar
12:00PM JS For the Holy Souls in Purgatory
vFor Mark Varchetti vFor Chester Rudzewicz
(B’Day)v…Michael Beste req. David & Patrice Tay
March 11, Wednesday — Streda
6:00AM EW For Hikmat, Rawiya, Sarmad, Samir & Noor
vFor Luigi, Valentina & Nick
vFor Larry Leonardi Jr.
vFor the Living & Deceased Members of the
Ganorski & Grzesiak Families
Stations of the Cross
9:00AM JS For John Shkreli vFor the Living & Deceased
Members of the McCormick & O’Connor Families
v…Ethel Hugill v…Michael Beste req. Hasenauer’s
12:00PM B,d For Christians in Africa & Middle East
vFor Nina Franzese vFor Glen & Amy Varchetti
v…Irma Borton req. Family
March 12, Thursday – Štvrtok
6:00AM MD In Thanksgiving req. Hikmat, Noor, & Family
vFor Glen & Amy Varchetti & family
vFor Marash Shkreli & Family
vFor Katherine Leonardi
9:00AM EW For the Holy Souls in Purgatory
vFor Brenda Shermetaro (B’Day)
vFor the Living & Deceased Members of the
Suzanne Navarre Family
v…Anna Tomeckova req. Wolf’s
12:00PM B For the Holy Souls in Purgatory
vFor Sami, Lamia, Steven & Christine
vFor Jeff, Rita, & Laura v…Aggoubi & Katrina
7:00PM JS For a Special Intention
vFor the Holy Souls in Purgatory
vFor Fran Walden req. Women’s Group
v…Walter Kaszubski req. Mr. & Mrs. Jaczkowski
March 13, Friday — Piatok
6:00AM B For Hikmat, Noor, Entesar, Adeeba & Family
vFor Kola Gojcaj vFor Gerald Mazurkiewicz
v…Charles Sedlock req. Linda Schwartz
9:00AM EW For Fr. Luigi req. Durkee’s
vFor Elizabeth Lechner (B’Day) vFor the Living &
Deceased Members of the Brockman Family
v…Michael Beste req. Wolf’s
12:00PM RW For the Holy Souls in PurgatoryvFor Francisco
Ismael Sanchez req. Mr. & Mrs. Jaczkowski
vFor Beth Flynn (B’Day) v…Walter Hodor
Stations of the Cross
7:00PM LUM For Fr. Ben vFor Michael Lichocki
vFor Nate & Theresa Robinson& Family
vFor Victor & Martin Dedvukaj
March 14, Saturday — Sobota
8:00AM AB For Attendees of the Holy Trinity Apostolate
Lenten Symposium
4:15PM EW For Jeff & Lynn Gura v…John Wolfe req. Wife
v…Ronald Armstrong v…Eliezer B. Siwa (Ann.)
6:00PM LUM *Latin-Tridentine (Missa Cantata):
vFor Fr. Ben Luedtke v…Antonina Winiarski
March 15, Fourth Sunday of Lent—Nedela
2 Chr 36:14-14, 19-23; Eph 2:4-10; Jn 3:14-21 (32)
7:30AM EW For Vicki & Samantha Babbie
vFor Anwar Robin & Family
v…Anna & Joseph Trzasko v…Michael Beste
9:30AM LG For Terry Bellows v…Robert Stout Sr. req. Family
v…Filippo Marrocco (30th Ann.)
v…Raymond & Madelaine Bellows
11:30AM LG (Slovak) For Paul & Anna Magusin
vFor Mrs. Klasova J. vFor Mrs. Klasova M.
v…Ludmila Bucko req. Mr. & Mrs. O’Brien
1:30PM B
Theodore Patrick Hines & Anthony Michael Nelson
For Moneer & Alia Korkis vFor Hannah Wygant
vFor Nicholas Durkee v…Christopher Boertmann
8:30PM JS In Honor of Padre Pio
vFor the Holy Souls in Purgatory
vFor the Priests of St. Cyril’s
vFor Fr. Luigi req. Janet S.
Mass Celebrant Legend:
Fr. Ben Kosnáč-B, Fr. John Simoneau—JS
Fr. Elijah Washington—EW, Fr. Luigi Gabris—LG,
Msgr. Mike Dylag—MD, Fr. Louis Madey—LUM
Fr. Robert Witkowski—RW, Visiting Priest—VP
Deacon Gerald or Joe preaching-d
Holy Trinity Apostolate Lenten Symposium * NEXT Saturday, March 14
The Healing Power of Jesus—The Source of the New Evangelization”
The Most Rev. Allen H. Vigneron, Archbishop of Detroit; Holy Mass at 8:00AM
Symposium Speakers:
Fr. Peter Glas, Member of the Association of International Exorcists from Portsmouth, England:
some of his experiences fighting with Satan and one of his topics will be:
“Overcoming the Power of Darkness by the Light of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.”.
Dr. Janet Smith, Sacred Heart Major Seminary: “Connection between Contraception, Abortion & Euthanasia”;
Ralph Martin, President of Renewal Ministries and host of the Choices We Face:
“What is the New Evangelization? and Why Bother?”
Sister Sara M. Kowal, SCTJM, Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary:
“Grace, Nature and the Healing of our Humanity”.
Fr. Luigi Gabris, former Associate Pastor of Ss. Cyril & Methodius: “Obstacles and Hidden Blockages in Spiritual Life”.
Vic Faust, MC, Channel 7 News.
$40 per person; Youth $15. No charge for Seminarians. (Walk-ins: $45 per person)
Drop off registrations in the Parish Office (Monday—Thursday: 10:00AM—5:30PM)
Additional Info: Shirley, (313) 277-8905; HTA; P.O. Box 7095; Sterling Heights., MI 48311-7095
Barbara Middleton,
Youth Symposium (Ages 14-17):
Archbishop Vigneron and all speakers will give a talk to the Youth.
MC and Speaker: Fr. John Simoneau; “How to Evangelize your Friends and Help Them Stay in the Church”
Featured Speaker at the Youth Symposium, Fr. Marko Djonovic: “Being a Disciple is Not Only for Adults”
Youth Symposium: $15 per youth / $20 at the door
Holy Trinity Apostolate—BAKE SALE for Lenten Symposium
HTA is kindly asking parishioners of Ss. Cyril & Methodius to donate baked goods for the Lenten Symposium. All baked goods can be
left at the Fr. Mikus Hall between the hours of 1:00PM—5:00PM on Friday, March 13, or 7:00AM—8:00AM on Saturday, March 14.
Please indicate the type/flavor of your donated goods and special features such as “sugar free” or “contains nuts”.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Questions: Ann Marie Meldrum, (586)677-9407
All guests parking across Ryan Rd. are asked to please cross at the traffic light (18 Mile Rd. & Ryan for your own safety!)
NOTE: Front lot is reserved for handicapped.
·Ss. Cyril & Methodius Front Lot, Back Lot & Activity Center (entrance off 18 Mile Road, West)
·Burr Elementary School (just North of Ss. Cyril & Methodius on Ryan Road, right-side, East)
·5th/3rd Bank (Across from St. Cyril entrance)
·Our Lady of Czestochowa Church (Entrance of 18 Mile Road—1/4 Mile West from Ryan Road)
·Mandziuk Funeral Home (IF allowed—Parking will be AS DIRECTED)
“The Presence of God” Lenten Parish Mission * March 21—25
Dominican Preaching at Saturday Evening & All Sunday Holy Masses
7:00PM Holy Mass followed by Talk: “The Providence of God”
God rules over all things by his wise and loving hand and
directs every step of our lives. This talk shares the mysterious ways in which
God leads and guides us in all the events of our lives.
Fr. Benedict
Fr. James Brent,
Croell, O.P.
7:00PM Holy Mass followed by Talk: “The Indwelling of God”
God dwells in the hearts of all the baptized faithful by grace.
This talk shares how God is personally present within us awaiting our response of trust and love.
7:00PM Holy Mass followed by Parish Event: “A Eucharistic Encounter”
The presence of God in the Eucharist is able to renew families in faith and love.
This extended period of Eucharistic Adoration includes
a Benediction for healing for each person and family that comes.
The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, will lead the music for the evening.
Confessions available daily from 10:00AM—12:00PM and 5:00PM—7:00PM.
Dominican preaching at all Holy Masses throughout the Mission.
EDGE Youth Ministry
EDGE Youth Ministry is OFF this Monday, March 9, but will
meet again on Monday, March 16.
EDGE NIGHT on March 16: “Faith in Foreign Lands”
Date/Place: Monday, March 16, begins with
Holy Mass in the main Church at 6:15PM and
EDGE Night at Activity Center afterward until 9:00PM.
About the Night: Teens will learn more about Esther form the
Old Testament and St. Patrick. Both this brave Jewish girl and
holy young man who changed the fate of nations were
motivated through prayer.
EDGE Youth Ministry will also be off on Monday, March 23,
for the Parish Lenten Mission.
Questions about EDGE: Alexandria Lewis
(317) 331-4772 or
Life Teen High School Ministry
There will be NO LIFE NIGHTS on:
March 9 (due to prior weekend Junior-Senior Retreat)
March 16 (due to Rummage Sale), or
March 23 (due to the Lenten Mission).
Men’s Fellowship Group –Tuesday, March 10
Join us for pizza, games, brotherhood, discussion & prayer
When: Tuesday, March 10, 7:00—9:00PM
Where: Couch Room in the Activity Center
Last Date of Men’s Fellowship: March 31
Please pray for our Juniors/Seniors on the
Life Teen Upperclassmen Retreat THIS WEEKEND
Alex, John F., Tom, Luke, Bill, Daniel, Scott, Adam,
Sam W., Nick, Daniel, Kieran, Matt, Michal, Jackson,
John W., Sean, Sam S., Nathan, Tim, Emilie,
Rahmah, Rachel, Claudia, Laural, Katie,
Christina, Chloe, Pilar, Teresa, Anna, & Helen
For updates on our events, visit us on Facebook:
“Ss. Cyril & Methodius Life Teen Ministry”
Questions: Youth Minister & Life Teen Coordinator,
Jordan Langbeen,, (586) 943-1722
YOLO Young Adult Ministry
Attention Young Adult Men and Women: So far the Scripture
series has been absolutely amazing! We have had fantastic
discussions about how Scripture addresses things we face
every day in our lives. Through His Word we are growing
closer to one another as well as to Him. We encourage anyone
(18-30 years old) who has not been able to make it yet to make
an effort to come to one of the last couple of meetings! This
week, (Friday, March 13) we will not have a meeting but we
encourage you to attend the Lenten Symposium that takes
place on Saturday, March 14.
The next few meetings will continue to begin with 7:00PM
Holy Mass in the main church, followed by dinner and
discussion in the Activity Center.
Friday, March 20, YOLO night will be on homosexuality and
how, as Christians, we are called to love. It is our hope, as a
leadership team, this night will establish a better understanding
on what we are called to do as Christians in a culture that can
contradict our beliefs on the matter of homosexuality.
The last night of our Lenten series is on Friday, March 27, and
will be on true suffering (pet peeves), details will come soon.
Lastly, there will be no meeting on Good Friday (April 3) or
Easter Friday (April 10).
If you have any questions, please contact:
Facebook page: YOLO Live 4 Christ or
Mary Giroux,
Lenten Fish Dinners
Fridays, March 20, 27
Fr. Mikus Hall * Dine-In or Carry-Out
4:00PM – 8:30PM
You are invited to a delicious fresh dinner with friends and
parishioners while supporting an important ministry.
Other dinners include:
Salmon (Grilled or Blackened) w/ Rice & Vegetable ($10)
Beer Battered Cod w/fries or mac & cheese & cole slaw ($8)
Butterfly Shrimp w/fries or mac & cheese and cole slaw ($8)
Popcorn Shrimp w/fries or mac & cheese and cole slaw ($6)
Also, freshly-made Clam Chowder …
always a winner!
Carryout Available. Come & Enjoy.
Jim Stelzer, (586) 321-4487
Evangelization Meeting * Tuesday, March 10
There will be an Evangelization Committee Meeting this
Tuesday, March 10. We will meet in the Activity Center,
Room C246, at 7:00PM. All parishioners are welcomed and
encouraged to attend.
Our Lady’s Rosary Makers Meeting * Wednesday, March 11
The Rosary Makers will meet this Wednesday afternoon,
March 11, in Room #113 from 1:00—3:00PM.
For more information, please call:
Jo Ann, (586) 979-1078 or Helen, (586) 469-3181
Help Jesus in Disguise Catholic Relief Services Collection
Next Saturday & Sunday, March 14 & 15
The Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Collection funds six
Catholic Agencies that work to serve our suffering brothers
and sisters around the world. Through humanitarian aid,
resettling displaced individuals and families, and providing
legal and advocacy services for migrants, the CRS
Collection allows us to see every encounter with a person
who is suffering as an opportunity to help Jesus in disguise.
Envelopes are available in the vestibule for the CRS
Collection that will take place next weekend, March 14 and
St. Cyril's Book Club * March 16
"What a great favor God does to those
He places in the company of good people!"
(St. Teresa of Avila)
Come join us as we embark on a spiritual journey reading
the Life of St. Teresa of Avila. St. Cyril's Book Club
selection for March and April is: "St. Teresa of Avila" by
Marcelle Auclaire. We will meet on Mondays, March 16,
and April 20, at 7:00PM in Room 115. This book can be
ordered on-line or from Faith@Work, (248) 250-9216.
I would also like to share with you that there is a free (ebook) autobiography available online: "The Life of St.
Teresa of Jesus of the Order of Carmel, written by Herself"
at .
Come join us. Gina Smak
“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that
your fruit should abide; so that whatever you ask the Father in My Name, He may give it to you…” (John 15:16)
We’ve come now to the final stage of discernment: making your choice. I would suggest repeating the direction
from last week’s article (see Second Sunday of Lent, March 1st), as often as you can (if possible, daily) and sit
before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and go over your choices. On the forefront of your mind, remember
that all things on earth are meant to be stepping stones towards our end in life; to know, love and serve God.
Ask yourself which option allows you to more freely express your gifts He has given you? Which option points you, and ultimately others through you, towards God and their end more adamantly in life as well? Will this choice bring you closer to God or
further away from Him? Remember always, that if you sincerely desire to do God’s will, it is not about us.
After you’ve weighted all the options reasonably, and through the aid of divine grace, go ahead and make your choice! Commit!
Once you have made this firm resolution of commitment, get on your knees before Him in all His Eucharistic glory, and tell Him
what you’ve decided. Ask Him to bless it and guide you, telling Him you fully and absolutely place your choice, with complete
trust, into His hands.
That is it! Commit from that day forth to achieve that which He is calling you to! Large choice or small, it makes no difference.
Once you are able to discern more and more in this manner, you will begin to see so clearly how God works in your everyday life
and wants to be a part of it. It becomes a little easier to recognize Him each time. It’s never that He’s unwilling to help guide us;
it’s we who are usually unwilling to allow Him too. God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts (Isaiah
55:8-9) so we must adjust ourselves to Him and not Him to ourselves.
If you can commit to one hour of Eucharistic Adoration each week, or if you have any questions regarding
Perpetual Adoration, please contact: Julie Varchetti: or (586) 214-1825
Skate World of Troy Parishioner Night * March 16
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day
with your whole family
roller skating or blading at Skate World of Troy
(15 Mile, west of Dequindre Road)
n Monday, March 16 from 6:15—8:15PM.
Tickets are available in the Office.
For each skating person the ticket is:
$5 in advance or $7 at the door.
Non-skating parents are free.
You can bring your own skates/blades
or you can rent them
($3 for skates or $5 for blades)
For information or pre-order tickets, please call:
Mary Hale, (586)773-8261
Women’s Fellowship/Feminine Genius * March 17
Women’s Fellowship/Feminine Genius will meet on Tuesday,
March 17, at 7:00PM in the “Ping-Pong Room” of the
Activity Center. Join us this month as we discuss: Queen
Esther: When to speak up and when to be silent; presented by
Ms. Donna O’Hara who is an engineer at Ford, Catechism
instructor, and has her Masters in Theology from Sacred Heart
Major Seminary.
Questions, please call: Gabriella Stegner, (586) 992-8967
Easter Ham Sale * March 14, 15, 21 & 22
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and the Columbian
Squires, Winters Sausage Hams are spiral sliced! Delicious!
Half Hams (7—8.5 pounds) * Whole Hams (14—18 pounds)
One low price: $3.89 per pound
Deposit: $10 required to order ham
Columbian Squires and Knights of Columbus will be take
orders after Holy Masses on Saturday & Sunday, March 14 &
15 also on Saturday, March 21 and Sunday, March 22.
Ham Pick-Up: Good Friday, April 3, from 3:00PM—8:00 PM
Blood Drive * March 30
Our next Blood Drive is during
Holy Week on Monday, March
30 (same day as our “Big
Confession Day”).
The Blood Drive will take
place from 1:00PM-6:45PM.
I Gave my Blood, Christ Gave His.
I Gave a Pint, He Gave All.
The Needle is Sharp and Small,
The Nails were Large and Blunt.
The Bed is Soft and Restful,
The Cross was Rough and Painful.
The Nurses are Kind and Gentle,
The Soldiers were Cruel and Tough.
Humanity Applauds my Sacrifice,
The Crowds He Passed Reviled Him.
My Blood is O Positive,
His is Positively for All.
Mine will Prolong Life for Awhile,
His Will Save Forever!
The American Red Cross’ blood supply is critically low. The
schedule is now in the vestibule. Please sign up today on the
schedule or call the Parish Office, (586) 726-6911, to sign up.
Without the proper amount of blood on-hand, patients (perhaps
even our family members or friends) may not have blood
available for necessary operations or emergencies.
Questions, please call:
Sandi Brady, 586-726-6911 or Alice Tocco, 586-752-7282
Children’s Choir
Children’s Choir will have rehearsal each Sunday after the
9:30AM Holy Mass. We will meet in the Sanctuary near the
organ. Our goal is to be ready to sing for Holy Week.
Questions, please contact: Bethany Cabrera, (313) 522-7238
40 Days for Life Campaign Runs Until Palm Sunday, March 29
Join during Lent in prayerful witness outside Northland Family Planning, 3810 17 Mile Rd., west of Ryan Rd. Ss. Cyril & Methodius
has adopted all Mondays in Lent from 7:00AM—7:00PM. If you cannot attend, please pray for us during Mass or Eucharistic Adoration.
Questions: Barb, (248) 703-3577 or Paul, (586) 242-1178
Lenten/Easter Basket Offerings- 2015
Please open your hearts and prayerfully consider how you can offer your God given gifts and talents to help others this Lent:
Medical Equipment Sponsorship: Our highlighted Offering for 2015 is the Medical Equipment Sponsorship. Donations will help underprivileged families who reside in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and live in extreme poverty because their homeland has been at war for
more than 18 years. There is a great need for medical equipment to help treat the sick in the Congo, some who have never seen a nurse or
doctor! “And we become more human ourselves by seeing the humanity in the poor, the weak and the unborn child and then fighting for
it.” (Archbishop Chaput) Fr. Jean Ikanga, whose studies brought him to Detroit and St. Cyril’s for the past few years, is from the Congo.
When his studies are complete, Fr. Jean will return to the Congo to treat women and children with serious issues. The most urgently needed
medical equipment are: Microscope, Centrifuge, EEG (Electroencephalogram), Colonoscope, Endoscope and Defibrillator. To assist helping
the poor souls who are very ill and suffering, please consider offering a monetary donation so the necessary equipment can be purchased.
Please put your monetary donation in a Lenten Offering Envelope located in the vestibule, check the line marked, Medical Equipment Sponsorship and place your Lenten Offering Envelope in the collection basket during Holy Mass or drop it off in the Parish Office by April 2.
ICU Mobile Detroit: The Mobile Unit was birthed from Birth Choice Pregnancy Resource Center. “It is God who gives life. Let us respect
and love human life, especially vulnerable life in a mother’s womb.” (Pope Frances) Through the ICU Mobile, volunteers go to Detroit, local
Universities and areas where the need is great to reach abortion vulnerable women. The unit has ultrasound equipment and a room for counseling. Plans are underway to put the unit on the road by mid April! Please pray for the safety of the staff and clients. The group is in need of
RN’s- prolife, RDMS- Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographers-prolife-who can help in counseling, Peer Counselors (training necessary), Drivers (no special license needed), Pit Crew (responsible for maintenance of unit) and a garage large enough to store the mobile unit.
The cost to run the unit is $350/day. Consider offering a monetary donation to get the unit on the road to begin saving lives! Please put your
monetary donation in a Lenten Offering Envelope located in the vestibule, check the line marked Birth Choice Pregnancy Resource CenterICI Mobile, and place your Lenten Offering envelope in the collection basket during Holy Mass or drop it off in the Parish Office by April 2.
Families in Need: As a parish family we will show care and support for our members through prayer and monetary donations. “I tell you,
anything you did for the least of my brothers, you did for me, says the Lord.” (Mt 25:40) The loss of a job or a severe health issue can be
financially devastating. No one ever thinks they will fall into a position where they become unable to supply the basic needs of one’s family.
In order to assist our brothers and sisters in their time of need, please reflect on offering a monetary donation. Please put your monetary donation in a Lenten Offering Envelope located in the vestibule, check the line marked St. Cyril Families in Need and place your Lenten Offering Envelope in the collection basket during Holy Mass or drop it off in the Parish Office by April 2.
Sacred Heart Food Pantry Collection: “He sins who despises the hungry; but happy is he who is kind to the poor!” (Prv 14:21) St. Vincent
was remembered especially as the great apostle to the poor. The Saint Vincent de Paul food pantry, at Sacred Heart Parish, helps many poor
families in Imlay City. Please join us as we support less fortunate families by donating: Non-perishable Food Items: Rice, Beans, Cereal,
Pasta and canned goods. Please place your donations in the appropriate box located in the vestibule by April 2.
Senior Easter Bag Offering: Parishioners will join the Sisters in Detroit and help to make seniors, residing at the St Joseph Nursing Home, a
little happier this Easter. The kindness shown by a visit, a loving smile and an Easter Bag full of goodies will truly leave these lonely seniors
more joyful! “I tell you, anything you did for the least of my brothers, you did for me.”(Mt 25:40) 90 Easter bags will be given to seniors filled with homemade cards & cookies, candy, eggs and fresh fruit. If you would like to donate chocolate candy (please no nuts), plastic
Easter eggs, homemade religious cards, please place in the marked box in the Vestibule. To assist with the cost of the Easter gifts, please
offer a monetary donation. Make your check out to Ss. Cyril & Methodius, place it in a plain envelope and write Senior Easter
Bag Offering on the subject line. Place envelope in the collection basket or drop it off in the Parish Office by April 2. We are in need of 30
dozen homemade cookies and 90 religious Easter cards. If you would like to make homemade cookies (no nuts or hard candy decorations) or
cards, contact Amy Hastings at or the Langs at (248) 650-1777.
Prison Outreach: Pope Frances said, “Mercy means above all, taking care of wounds. When a person is injured, this is the immediate help
they need, not analyses; the special care can follow, but first we need to tend to the open wounds.” Gateway to Glory Ministries is a faithbased ministry which works both in the jail and aftercare. The jail ministry portion provides the inmates of the Macomb County Jail the
spiritual basis to draw upon during a persons’ time of incarceration, primarily through Bible studies and one-on-one spiritual counsel. The
aftercare portion provides a structured living environment that offers Bible studies, vocational training and other help to change behavior
patterns positively. The goal is to see the men and women restored to their communities and reconciled to their families. As many as 20,000
men and women go through the Macomb County Jail in a year! Please pray for these poor souls and give a helping hand by purchasing:
Stamps, filler paper and SOFT COVERED Bibles. Please place your donations in the appropriate box located in the vestibule by April 2.
Questions may be referred to: Alice Tocco, (586) 752-7282 or Sandi Brady, (586) 726-6911
Saturday, March 7, 5:15PM: “Mother Theresa: In the Name of God’s Poor” (NR / 1 hour, 32 minutes / 2009)
Teresa teaches at a convent, but is haunted by the faces of the starving, the poor and the homeless; the faces of these less fortunate
than her. With only her faith in God, she leaves the convent to live in the slums and care for the poor. Surprisingly, even one of the
world’s most revered, selfless heroes questioned her purpose. This is the story of a woman who proves that only one really can make a
Sunday, March 8, 4:00PM: “Padre Pio, Between Heaven and Earth” (NR / 3 hours / 2000)
Based on the historical records and the personal testimony of his fellow friars, this is the amazing true story of the life of the famous
stigmatic monk. St. Padre Pio, the beloved saint who died in 1968. Blessed with incredible spiritual gifts, including healing, bilocation, reading of souls, and the stigmatic wounds, Padre Pio was a powerful witness for Christ, and a great spiritual guide to countless souls for over 50 years.
Sunday, March 15, 4:00PM: “Saint Barbara, Convert and Martyr of the Early Church” (NR / 1 hour 40 minutes / 2012)
In 303 A.D. Barbara is the beautiful, twenty year old, daughter of Dioscoro, the Roman Governor during a time of fierce Christian
Persecution. Barbara is a Pagan, but when Giuliana, a slave raised alongside her almost like a sister, is condemned to death for her
Christian faith, Barbara rebels. She valiantly attempts to save Giuliana, as well as other Christians being persecuted, boldly protesting
her father and other government leaders. The courageous and holy witness of her Christian friends inspires her to convert to their religion, a decision which will eventually cost Barbara her life.
Annual Rummage Sale * March 16—20
We will be collecting your donations of gently used, clean
and working treasures that you no longer want or need in
your home: working appliances, books, cd's, dvd's, frames,
linens, gently-used clean clothing, house wares, jewelry,
shoes, sports equipment, purses, lamps, toys, tools, seasonal FARNOSŤ SVÄTÝCH CYRILA A METODA
items, etc., for our upcoming Rummage Sale.
Rummage Sale Drop Off Days (in the Father Mikus Hall):
Monday & Tuesday, March 16 & 17: 9:30AM—6:00PM
Sale Days:
Wednesday & Thursday, March 18 & 19: 10:00AM—6:00PM
: 586.726.6911
Friday, March 20: 10:00AM—12:00 Noon
: 586.685.1070
Questions: Redina (586) 212-0783
Catechism Corner
Jesus Christ, The High Priest
Class/Benediction Schedule:
Fr. Benjamín Kosnáč, Pastor
Wednesday, March 11, at 6:15PM:
Pastor Email:
Class for all & Benediction for 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th
Wednesday, March 18, at 6:15PM:
Class for 2nd & 8th graders only! NO Benediction
Saturday, March 21, at 10:00AM—2:30PM:
Fr. John Simoneau, Associate Pastor
Confirmation Retreat at Activity Center
Associate Pastor Email:
(Students arrive by 9:30AM for Robe Fittings)
Wednesday, March 25: No Class – Parrish Mission
Fr. Elijah Washington, Priest in Residence
Wednesday, April 1: No Class- Spring Break
Wednesday, April 8, at 6:15PM: Class for all & Benediction for K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Deacon Joseph Hulway
Wednesday, April 15, at 6:15PM:
Deacon Gerald Smigell
Class for all & Benediction for 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th
Saturday, April 18, at 12:00 Noon:
Confirmation Mass- Celebrated by Archbishop Allen Vigneron
Wednesday, April 22, at 6:15PM: Class for all & Benediction for K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd
REGISTRATION FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR (April 22 & 29):
In the Fr. Mikus Hall from 6:15PM—7:30PM
Wednesday, April 29 at 6:15PM:
Class for all & Benediction for 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th
REGISTRATION FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR (April 22 & 29):
In the Father Mikus Hall from 6:15PM—7:30PM
* You Must Be a Registered Parishioner to Sign up Your Students *
Paul or Carroll Schuller, Directors of Religious Education
Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish is a Roman
Catholic Community that welcomes all
(586) 254-9212 or
who wish to learn about, embrace and
Monday Mass Schedule
actively practice the Roman Catholic
The *Regular Monday Mass Schedule during the school year is 6:00AM, religion. As a “family of families,” we
9:00AM, 12:00PM, 6:15PM. Please note the upcoming Monday Mass schedule: are dedicated to the propagation and
deepening of our Catholic faith. This is
Monday, March 9: 6:00AM, 9:00AM, 12:00PM (NO 6:15PM Holy Mass)
facilitated through the teaching of, and
Monday, March 16: 6:00AM, 9:00AM, 12:00PM (NO 6:15PM Holy Mass)
adherence to, the Magisterium and
Monday, March 23: 6:00AM, 9:00AM, 12:00PM, 7:00PM (Parish Mission)
traditions of the Roman Catholic Church.
Monday, March 30: 6:00AM, 9:00AM, 12:00PM (NO 6:15PM Holy Mass)
Monday, April 6: 6:00AM, 9:00AM, 12:00PM (NO 6:15PM Holy Mass)
Monday, April 13 (*Regular Schedule Resumes until May 18. See Schedule Above.).
Beginning Monday, May 25, there will not be a 6:15PM Holy Mass until Fall.
Farnosť sv. Cyrila je slovenská rímskokatolícka farnosť, ktorá je otvorená
Easter Novena Begins Easter Monday, April 6:
každému, kto chce spoznávať a žiť
Our Easter Novena will begin on Easter Monday, April 6. katolícku vieru. Ako „Rodina rodín“ a
Novena Mass Cards (shown on left) are for living or de- „spoločenstvo spoločenstiev“ sa snažíme
žiť a šíriť tak, aby ľudia spoznali
ceased relatives and friends and are available in English and vieru
Boha a prinášali Kristov pokoj a radosť
in Slovak for $10 each. Available after Masses on weekends medzi ľudí. Farnosť sa usiluje byť
or in the Parish Office on weekdays from 10AM—5PM.
centrom spoločenského a kultúrneho
života všetkých Slovákov, ktorí sú vždy
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is
vítaní na tunajšej pôde.
the most precious gift anyone can receive.
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