St. Philip Neri Roman Catholic Church 1902 Munroe Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7J 1R8 M A R C H 8 T H , 2 0 1 5 Phone: 306-343-0325 Fax: 306-343-0900 T H I R D Office Hours: 9:00 am-4:30 pm Monday to Friday Closed Noon-12:30 pm O F S U N D A Y L E N T Office Email: “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you ’Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and Website: he would have given you living water.” (John 4) Weekend Masses: Saturday ~ 5:00 pm Sunday ~ 9:30 & 11:30 am Weekday Masses: Tuesdays ~ Fridays at 8:15 am Parish Priest ~ Fr. Emile April Pastoral Associate ~ Shirley Hyshka Parish Nurse Ministry ~ Ethna Martin Deb Bauche Music & Finance ~ Joanne Lysyshyn Admin. Assistant ~ Mary Wrishko Custodian ~ Sandi Lamborn ~Pictorial Directory ~ Please sign up today after Mass for your photo-taking appointment! The pictures will be taken here at the Parish. Appointments are available for April 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22,23,24 from 2:30pm to 8:30pm and April 11th and 25 from 9:30 to 3:00pm. For each sitting (free of charge) parishioners will receive a free copy of the directory and a $20.00 coupon toward a photo purchase. Please remember that this is also a fundraiser toward our window restoration project! Please contact Rita Lemay at 306-373-7247or Clare Schneider at 306-651-0518 for questions. Adoration Please join us for Eucharistic Adoration in our Chapel on March 12th from 9:00am to 9:00pm. Reconciliation The St. Philip Neri Parish Penitential Service will be held PPC Chair ~ Norma Denis 306-343-6125 K of C Grand Knight ~ Ron Denis 306-280-9863 CWL President ~ Charmaine Menard 306-931-6865 Parish Coordinator of Care ~ Ev Safronetz 306-343-7605 For Covenant of Care Guidelines visit: covenantofcare New to the Parish ~ Registration /Change of Address Forms, as well as Pre-Authorized Giving Forms, can be found on the tables in the Welcome Area “In all places and circumstances, Christians, with the help of their pastors, are called to hear the cry of the poor. This has been eloquently stated by the bishops of Brazil: “We wish to take up daily the joys and hopes, the difficulties and sorrows of the Brazilian people, especially of those living in the barrios and the countrysidelandless, homeless, lacking food and health care- to the detriment of their rights. Seeing their poverty, hearing their cries and knowing their sufferings, we are scandalized because we know that there is enough food for everyone and that hunger is a result of a poor distribution of goods and income.” ~ Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel, 191 Development and Peace has been working with the Brazilian bishops for many years to respond to the cry of the poor. Your generosity helps fund our partnership with their Pastoral Land Commission, which works to support the rural poor through agriculture development and land reform. You can learn more about our work by reading the Share Lent materials included with todays bulletin or by visiting The Share Lent collection for Development and Peace is on the Fifth Sunday of Lent - March 22nd. Parish News Pastoral Associate News Food Collection ~ In March we will collect canned vegetables and 100% real-fruit juice for the Food Bank. Also, there is always a need for any other nonperishable food. Please check ‘Best Before’ dates. Stewardship/Ministry ~ With the Triduum coming up soon, the sign up sheets for all the services are available in the welcome area. Once again, many ministries need to be filled. Please look ahead at your schedule and pray about the opportunity to serve. It is much easier if this is all completed before Palm Sunday and much less stressful in many ways. Thank you for your anticipated service. God bless! Small Christian Communities ~ Are open to anyone interested in breaking open the Sunday Readings and sharing your thoughts on their meanings. If you would like more info or to attend, please contact Sr. Kathleen Bolton at (306-242-7849) The final meetings until after Easter will be on March 10th & 12th. GOLDEN AGE ~ The next regular card party for the Golden Age Group will be Wednesday, March 11th at 1:15 pm. Eucharistic Adoration ~ Weekly Adoration is held from 6 - 10 pm on Monday Evenings. A Croatian Mass ~ This mass will be held here at the parish on Sunday March 15th at 7:00pm. There will be confessions before Mass Father Franjo Visaticki from Edmonton will be the celebrant. There will be drinks, munchies and fellowship after Mass. For more information please contact Lydia Simicic at (306) 242-9214. ALPHA ~ If you have questions or would like to join the discussion please call Deb Bauche at the parish office at 306-343-0325. Lenten Penitential Services: St. Philip Neri - Tues, March 24th - 7:00 pm Holy Spirit - Wed, March 25th - 7:00 pm St. Augustine - Thurs, March 26th - 7:00 pm Our Lady of Lourdes - Fri, March 27th -7:00 pm Opportunity for Reconciliation St. Joseph - Sat, March 28th - 12 pm - 4pm *Please Note: from Wed, Feb 25 through Lent, the Wednesday mass will be at 7:00 pm to allow interested parishioners the opportunity to attend the Ecumenical Lenten Prayer Service & Breakfast. (see announcement on the following page) Food Cards ~ The St. Philip Neri Knights of Columbus will once again be selling prepaid Food Cards. The cards are $25, $50 & $100 denominations. The cards will again be available for purchase after Mass on the 1st & 3rd weekends of the month. Marriage Preparation course Marriage Preparation course – Please keep in prayer those couples who are participating in the parish marriage course. They meet Sundays from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. in the welcome area for the next three weeks, concluding March 22nd. Altar Servers ~ At the altar server bowling party, there were over 20 people in attendance. The top score was achieved by Eva N. (female) and Charles S. (male). The two people with the most “strikes” were Bryan A. and Anika N. Yummy pizza was also enjoyed by all! Thank you to the parish Knights of Columbus who supported this for us! Much appreciated! Confirmation/First Communion – There are four preparation classes held and the first one is from 6:45 to 8:00 pm. on Tuesday, April 28, 2015. In addition to these four classes, there is also a Retreat/Rehearsal from 10:00 am to noon on Saturday, May 23, 2015. The celebration of these two sacraments is during a 7:00 pm. mass on Wednesday, May 27, 2015. There are registration forms in the welcome area. Please refer to more information in future bulletins. Rite of Christian Initiation – Both Gordon D. and Meagan K. will be received into full initiation in the Catholic faith this Easter vigil. Please keep them and their sponsors, Susan M. and Mike H., in your prayers. Young Adult Bible Study (ages 18 to 35) – For those who are registered, this Bible study continues 7:30 pm. on Thursday, March 12th at the parish. Stations of the Cross – During Lent, each Friday beginning at 5:00 pm. there is the devotion of the Stations. Please join others in the parish in walking the way of Christ. Palms – There is a basket in the welcome area for the collection of palms that are no longer needed. Thank you! Parish Nursing News Steak Night ~ The Parish Nurses of Saskatoon will be hosting a steak night at the Sutherland Bar & Grill on Tues, March 24th. Cocktails at 6:30 pm; Dinner served promptly at 7:00pm. Tickets are $20 each and are available from Ethna & Deb at the parish office. Proceeds will go toward hosting the National Parish Nurse Conference in June 2015, here in Saskatoon. Diocesan News Diocesan Social Media ~ Ideas for Lent, meatless dishes, etc. can be found on the dioceses Pinterest page at saskatooncath or follow us on Twitter: @Saskatooncath “Praying Lent with Pope Francis” features daily reflections which is available on the Diocesan website Universal Eucharistic Adoration ~ March 13 & 14 Please join St. Paul’s Co-Cathedral and St. Augustine Parish, in conjunction with the Diocese of Saskatoon and the Universal Church at the request of His Holiness Pope Francis to spend 24 hours with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration and receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation. _____________________________________ Adoration and Confession will be held at St. Paul’s CoCathedral from 1:00 pm until midnight Friday March 13th ~And continuing through the night ~ Adoration will be held at St. Augustine Parish from midnight to 1:00 pm Saturday March 14 with Confession resuming at 6:00 am Saturday morning. “Confession is going to praise God, because I the sinner have been saved by him, who always waits and always forgives with tenderness.” Pope Francis “Joe Kammermayer Commemorative Dinner”~ Columbus Bosco Homes invites you to the annual dinner on Thurs. April 16th at the Cathedral of the Holy Family Parish Hall. The Dinner is a fundraiser sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council #1517 in support of the Farm School, the Substance Abuse Education Program & eight Family Support Centres. These programs provide essential support to “at risk” adolescents, pre-school children & families in our community. Cocktails: 6 pm; Dinner: 6:45 pm. Tickets: $50 each. Event includes: door prizes, dessert auction, 50/50, silent & live auctions & entertainment all evening. For tickets call Chris 306343-5640 or Lorne 306-374-6134 or Ernest 306374-2492. “The Light of Glory in Prairie Skies” - Salvation History in the Stained Glass of Holy Family Cathedral ~ Join Bishop Donald Bolen and Agnes Pelletier for this prayerful, poetic and theological Lenten reflection on God’s revelation, examined through the lens of the beauty and art of the stained glass windows that circle the worship space at the Cathedral of the Holy Family. All sessions begin at 2pm Sunday afternoon: March 15th Annunciation and Incarnation, and March 29th Resurrection and Glory. No registration required. Attend one, two or all three of these Foundations ‘Exploring Our Faith Together’ sessions. Lenten Prayer Service and Breakfast : Are taking place Wednesday mornings at 8:15 am from February 18th - April 1st at Nutana Park Mennonite Church - 1701 Ruth Street. Participating churches: Calvin Goforth Presbyterian, Nutana Park Mennonite, Our Lady of Lourdes, Redeemer Lutheran, St. Martin’s United, St. Stephen’s Anglican, St. Philip Neri. Fashion Show ~ The Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Foundation Inc. will be holding their “Swing into Spring” Fashion Show & Dinner on Thursday, April 30 at Praireland Park. Tickets available at the Foundation office - 420 - 22nd St. E. or by calling 306-659-7003. For more info. See the poster in the Welcome Area of the church or visit their website at: ~ Diocesan Prayer Intention ~ We pray as a diocesan family for all those seeking employment or meaningful work. Retrouvaille helps hurting marriages! When couples experience difficulties in their marriage, they often feel alone; like there is no one who can help them. Retrouvaille cares about your marriage. Please consider registering for the Retrouvaille program before you consider divorce. For confidential information about the April 17 - 19 weekend, call 306-652-7155 or email: Week at a Glance Mon, March 9th ~ 6:00 - 10:00 pm Adoration (Chapel) Tues, March 10th ~ 8:15 am ~ Weekday Mass ~ 12:00 pm ~ Holy Yoga Wed, March 11th ~ 8:15 am ~ Ecumenical Lenten Prayer Service & Breakfast Nutana Park Mennonite Church - 1701 Ruth St. ~ 1:15 pm ~ Golden Age Group Card Party ~ 6:45 pm ~ RCIA ~ 7:00 pm ~ Weekday Mass Thurs, March 12th ~ 8:15 am ~ Weekday Mass ~ 9:00 am - 9:00 pm ~ Adoration in the Chapel ~ 6:30 pm ~ Alpha - Session 3 ~ 7:30 pm ~ Young Adult Bible Study Fri, March 13th ~ 8:15 am ~ Weekday Mass ~ 4:00 pm ~ Wedding Rehearsal ~ 5:00 pm ~ Stations of the Cross Sat, March 14th ~ 3:00 pm ~ Williams/Bachman Wedding ~ 5:00 pm ~ Weekend Mass ~ 6:00pm ~ Youth Group (Grades 3 - 8) ~ 6:00 pm ~ Retrouvaille Sun, Mar 15th ~ 9:30 am and 11:30 am ~ Weekend Mass ~ 1:00 pm ~ Marriage Preparation Class ~ 7:00 pm ~ Croatian Mass Rosary prayed 1/2 hour before Weekday Masses March 14/15 - 4TH Sunday of Lent 5:00 pm Sacristans Altar Servers Welcomers Lectors EMCs (Extra Ordinary Ministers of Communion) Hospitality Children’s Liturgy of the Word 9:30 am 11:30 am Doreen G Yvonne B Ron D Norma D Volunteer Clare S Marty S Aidan G Quinn G Anthony P Renatte L Shelley T Ethan H Sara H Charles S Merv S Bill H Don H Fran C Lawrence B Doreen G Don K Rose Ann K Volunteer Michael L Ted M Gertrude R N/A Gen S Greg S Clare S Marty S Jason F Volunteer Adele L Jim L Carrie L N/A Brian B Lorrie A Ray H Wendy H Sylvia G Ethna M Suzanne R Renatte L Shaun N N/A N/A Jennifer R Isabel B Heather S David S Jacob S Please arrive 15 minutes before Mass begins and let the Sacristan know when you arrive. If you are not able to serve remember to find your own replacement. Sacraments ~ Please call the parish office at 306-343-0325 for the following: Reconciliation Saturdays: 4:00-4:45 pm or by appointment. Sacrament of the Sick March 10th ~ Vic Godbout † Req’d by Vlan’s Nails Staff March 11th ~ Vlan’s Nails Staff (H&B) Req’d by Tammy March 12th ~ Theresa Weninger † Req’d by Al Weninger March 13th ~ Madeleine Bevans † Req’d by Chelsea & Hayden Rahn Available upon request. ~ Margaret Hanson † Req’d by Phyllis Brown Sacrament of Marriage Please contact Shirley to begin the marriage preparation process. Baptism ~ Fr. Les Paquin (H & B) Req’d Anonymous ~ Members of Mai & Truong Families † Req’d by Pham ~ Joseph Mai † Req’d by Pham March 14th ~ Michael Blackmon † ~ Leonardo Fernandez † (Ann) Req’d by Donna Banks & Req’d by Leslie Magno Dale Scott To celebrate a Mass Intention on a certain date, please book 2 months in advance - $10 suggested offering. The next baptisms of children (under age 7) and infants will be on the February 14 & 15 weekend. The 2 Baptism classes (required) are at 6:45 pm on February 5th & 12th. To register, call Shirley. Rite of Christian Initiation If you or anyone you know are interested in becoming Catholic, call Shirley. Parish Nursing Have you or someone close to you been diagnosed with an illness, admitted to hospital, or need a liaison between the medical world and your faith community? Please call the parish office and ask for Ethna or Deb. Check out their webpage on our website under Ministries. Collections - Feb. 28/Mar 1 Weekend General ~ Reserve ~ Pre-Authorized Giving Mar 1st ~ $6,841.15 $969.00 $12,680.00 Thank you for your support! Diocesan Bulletin Sunday, March 8, 2015 Third Sunday of Lent w w w.s aska t o o nrc di o ce se. c om 1 In all things we are rooted in Christ, in His desire to bring God’s love to all peoples. Upcoming Events McClure United and Holy Spirit Roman Catholic churches will celebrate 15 years of their covenant relationship 2 p.m. Sunday, March 8 at Holy Spirit parish, 114 Kingsmere Place, Saskatoon, featuring prayer, speakers, social: all are welcome. Marian Cenacle - holy hour with adoration, rosary, benediction, hymns and prayers, 3 p.m., Wednesday, March 11 at St. Paul Co-Cathedral, 720 Spadina Cres. E., Saskatoon. If Assisted Suicide is Legal, is it Right? Is Legal Euthanasia Risky? Holy Family CWL presents guest speaker Mary Deutscher 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 11, at the Cathedral of the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Rd., Saskatoon. All are welcome. “Joy of the Gospel – Unwrapping the Gift of Jesus” 7 p.m. March 11, 18 and 25 at St. Peter the Apostle Parish, 1121 Northumberland Ave., Saskatoon. Everyone welcome. Children’s Story Time 10 a.m. Thursday, March 12 with guest reader Erin Gratton at Msgr. Michael J. Koch Library, 2nd Floor, Cathedral of the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon. "World peace, Terrorism and Religious Traditions – Reflections on the aftermath of the Paris shooting” will be held 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, March 12 at the Royal Canadian Legion Auditorium, 606 Spadina Crescent West, Saskatoon. The panel includes academics, as well as local Jewish, Islamic and Christian leaders. Newman Players presents “Persuasion” at St. Thomas More College, 1437 College Drive, Saskatoon, a stage adaptation of Jane Austen’s last novel. Performances: 7 p.m. March 12 to March 14 and 2 p.m. Sunday, March 15. Tickets and info: (306) 966-8900 or see: 24 Hours for the Lord: Adoration and Confession - 1 p.m. to midnight at St. Paul Co-Cathedral Friday, March 13, and adoration from midnight to 1 p.m. Saturday, March 14 at St. Augustine Parish, 602 Boychuk Dr., Saskatoon (and confessions resuming 6 a.m. at St. Augustine). “The Light of Glory in Prairie Skies”- Join Bishop Donald Bolen and Agnes Pelletier for a prayerful Lenten reflection on God’s revelation, examined through the lens of stained glass windows and art at Cathedral of the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon. “Annunciation and Incarnation” is the theme 2 p.m. Sunday, March 15. Registration is not required. St. Michael Parish, Saskatoon, 60th anniversary celebration 9 a.m. Sunday, March 15 with Mass celebrated by Bishop Don Bolen, followed by a potluck brunch. All past parishioners and priests are invited to attend this milestone celebration. Marriage Conference April 17-18 FREE REGISTRATION for those involved in marriage ministry in the Catholic diocese of Saskatoon: For 12 years, an Annual Marriage Appreciation Banquet has been held to thank those working in marriage ministry in the Diocese of Saskatoon. This year, the diocese is showing appreciation by offering free registration for the Saskatoon Marriage Network conference April 17-18, featuring Gary Thomas, author of Sacred Marriage. If you are involved in any form of marriage ministry across the diocese (such as marriage preparation, enrichment, Retrouvaille), contact Blake Sittler at (306) 659-5834 to have your registration fee covered. For more information about the Saskatoon Marriage Network conference, visit: w w w . saskatoonmar r iag e ne tw or k. c a Bursaries are also available for others interested in attending this inspiring conference April 17-18. Find the “Education of Laity” bursary application form on the diocesan website at: or call Blake for more information: (306) 659-5834. A Croatian Mass will be held 7 p.m. March 15 at St. Philip Neri, 1902 Munroe Ave. (at Taylor St.), Saskatoon; (306) 242-9214. Are your affairs in order? Would your loved ones and executor be able to easily navigate through your will and final estates, know your funeral wishes, or how to contact friends? How to prepare: 1:30 p.m. March 18 at St. Paul Co-Cathedral, Saskatoon. Participants receive a copy of “Catholic Guide to My Estate.” A “Just In Case” binder will also be available for purchase ($30). Info: Jocelyne Hamoline (306) 659-5849. “Voices for Change: Be Transformed” will be presented 6:30 p.m. Thursday March 19, at the Roxy Theatre, 320 20th St. W. Saskatoon, with students from several Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools reflecting on the theme of anti-oppression through a variety of art forms. This event is free. “When the Movies Go To War... and Seldom Give Peace a Chance” - A free presentation by film critic Gerald Schmitz, 7 p.m. Friday, March 20 at Fr. O’Donnell Auditorium, St. Thomas More College, 1437 College Drive, Saskatoon. Men's Spiritual Enrichment Weekend open to all men, hosted by the Saskatchewan Knights of Columbus, will be held March 20-21 at Holy Spirit Parish, Saskatoon. Speakers: Bishop Albert Thevenot, Bishop Emeritus Gerald Wiesner, OMI, Rev. Amanda Currie, Fr. Steve Morrisey, CSsR. Cost: $30. Contact Dale Meier: (306) 374-9160 or: cd m e i e r @ s h a w.c a 2 Message Board From Mourning to Dawn diocesan grief support group for widows and widowers is hosting their spring session, beginning April 7: a journey of transformation and healing, offering support and encouragement for bereaved spouses, to be held 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on eight consecutive Tuesdays at the Cathedral of the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon. Cost: $25. To register, contact Elan at: (306) 679-7717 or e-mail her at: c i c .e l a n @ s a sk a to o n r cd i o ce se .c o m Rosetown Fundraiser for Girl’s School in Nigeria - A fundraising dinner will be held 6:30 p.m. Saturday, March 21 in the church auditorium at St. Theresa Parish, 208 Little Flower Ave., Rosetown, SK, to raise funds to build a school for underprivileged girls in northern Nigeria. Tickets: $15. Contact: Armella at (306) 882-2278; Lucille (306) 882-2569; or Dale (306) 882-2487. Pure Witness Alive Retreat will be held at Sacred Heart Parish in Watson Saturday, March 28: Confirmation/First Eucharist Retreat 9 a.m. to 12 noon, followed by the Alive Retreat for all youth/families from 12:30-8:30 p.m. For information contact Fr. Geoff Young at (306) 202-6936 or Lynda at (306) 338-3502, or e-mail: or Persecuted Christians in Pakistan - East Indian Buffet and Information Seminar about Christian Persecution will be held Sunday, March 29 at Rock of Ages Church, 130 Kingsmere Place, Saskatoon. Tickets are $20 in advance, or $25 at the door. Contact Nadeem Bhatti at s a v e p e a c e 3 @ g m a i l . c o m or (306) 717-7725 or Diego Monteiro at (306) 222-5007 or d i e g o m o n t e i r o @ s h a w. c a or purchase tickets online: Healing the Pain of Abortion: Rachel's Vineyard is now accepting registrations for the spring retreat April 10-12. For more information, visit the website: or e-mail: or call (306) 480-8911. 40 Hours For Life continues every day until Palm Sunday, March 29. Pray for an end to abortion and offer help to those who need support. This mission is held in front of Saskatoon City Hospital (signs are provided). Times are: Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and every day of the week from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. rain, snow or shine. For more information contact Denise at (306) 249-2764. Excel Breakfasts challenge Catholic business professionals to make Christ and their Catholic faith a foundational part of their business and work: 7 a.m. to 8:40 a.m., Friday, March 20 at the Parktown Hotel, Saskatoon. Tickets: $30 for breakfast and a keynote by James Peloso. See: w w w.e xce l b re a kfa s or e-mail or call Mike (306) 717-1497. Year of Consecrated Life “Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen to my life telling me who I am.” - Parker J. Palmer Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation Stewardship Corner: Your Faith in Action We are beneficiaries and stewards of God’s many gifts (spiritual and physical). Am I open to God’s promptings to share with others what God has gifted me? Foundations: Exploring Our Faith Together Please call to pre-register; sessions cost $5 each . “Pope Francis Said What?” - 7 p.m. Monday March 9, at St. Philippe Neri Parish in Vonda, SK. Sr. Teresita Kambeitz, OSU will examine Pope Francis’ “Joy of the Gospel”; contact Louise at (306) 258-2047. Also offered at 7 p.m. Monday, March 16 at St. Anne Parish in Delisle, SK.; contact Katie (306) 493-2380. “Evangelization” - 7 p.m. Wednesday March 11, at St. Anne Parish, 217 Lenore Drive, Saskatoon, with Bishop Emeritus Gerald Wiesner, OMI. Contact: Sr. Diane (306) 931-4700. “Can God Be Green? Theology in a Time of Ecological Crisis” - 7 p.m., Tuesday, March 17 at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Outlook, SK. with facilitator Dr. Chris Hrynkow of St. Thomas More College. Contact: Bill (306) 846-2161. “Catholicism Meets African Traditional Spirituality” 7 p.m., Tuesday, March 24 at St. Francis Xavier Parish, 222 Willow St., Saskatoon, with facilitator Fr. Iheanyi Enwerem, OP. Contact: Irene (306) 933-1108. Retrouvaille helps hurting marriages! When couples experience difficulties in their marriage, they often feel alone; like there is no one who can help them. Retrouvaille cares about your marriage. Please consider registering for the Retrouvaille program before you consider divorce. For confidential information about the April 17-19 weekend call (306) 652-7155 or email: r e t r o u v a i l l e @ s a s k t e l . n e t Development and Peace Share Lent – Responding to the cry of the rural poor with the bishops of Brazil. Development and Peace has been working with the Brazilian bishops for many years to respond to the cry of the poor. Donations help fund a partnership with their Pastoral Land Commission, which works to support the rural poor through agricultural development and land reform. Find Share Lent materials at your parish or visit: v p.or g – or download the development and peace calendar app for Lent. The Share Lent collection for Development and Peace will take place in parishes on the Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 22. Bishop Donald Bolen’s letter in support of Share Lent 2015 can be found on the diocesan website at: w w sk a to o n r c d i o ce se .co m /n e w s Springs of Living Water is a Catholic Charismatic prayer group that meets 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday at Holy Family Cathedral in Saskatoon. All are welcome. Contact Don at d o n l a l o n d e @ sa skte l .n e t or call/text: (306) 717-0370. Diocesan Prayer Intention - We pray as a diocesan family for all those seeking employment or meaningful work. This “Diocesan Bulletin” is a publication of The Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic Pastoral Centre, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon SK S7S 1H1 Phone: (306) 242-1500 or Toll free: 1-877-661-5005 E-mail: communications @s as kato o nr cdioces w w w.s as k at oon rcd ioces The communications office is supported by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.
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