The Window - First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego The Mission of First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego is to create community, to nurture spiritual growth, and to act on our values to help heal the world. VOLUME 25, No. 10 March 7 through March 13, 2015 Quick Links: Religious Education | Upcoming Events | Future Events | Calendar | First Church Website Minister's Blog | Podcasts | YouTube | iGive | Amazon | Pinterest | Twitter Feed | Facebook The deadline for the next electronic newsletter is March 11 (Wednesday) at 8 a.m. If you wish to be added to the e-mail list, click here. Upcoming Services March 8 (Sunday) Hillcrest Services “Turn and Face the Strange” (live) – Rev. Jennifer Channin, Assistant Minister. South Bay Service “Imagining the Beloved Community” (live) – Kristen Kuriga, Social Justice and South Bay Ministry Teams Coordinator. March 15 (Sunday) Hillcrest Services “Experiencing Selma” (live) – Rev. Kathleen Owens, Lead Minister. South Bay Service “Welcoming Those Who Serve” (live) – Rev. Jennifer Channin, Assistant Minister. March’s Transformational Theme is Letting Go. Our Church Family The Celebration of Life for Exzelia “Zil” Wener who died on February 16 (Monday) has needed to be rescheduled. As soon as another date is scheduled it will be announced here. Did You Know . . . ? Daylight Saving Time begins on March 8 (this Sunday). Please set your clock ahead one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night. The San Diego Half Marathon is March 8 (this Sunday) and could affect your route to Church with the course closures. Please plan extra time on your way to Services this Sunday. To see the full course map and any road closures, please click here. Camp de Benneville Pines and District Meetings Information is now available here. Our beloved District Camp holds a Welcome Reception beginning at 3 p.m. on April 24 (Friday) in Chandler, Arizona at Valley UU Congregation. "Some lovely home hospitality is available on a first-come, firstserved basis." The Pacific Southwest District meeting ends on April 25 (Saturday) at 6 p.m. Announcements Building Sacred Ground Facilitated by Ministers, Staff, and Lay Leaders, Building Sacred Ground is an experiential foursession program to help people explore Unitarian Universalism, share personal foundations of faith, and get to know a small group of people very well. The series ends with a private tea with Ministers where you have a chance to visit, socialize, and dialogue. This series is appropriate for newcomers and longtime UUs. It is strongly suggested for those in the process of becoming Members. There are a limited number of spaces available so register now! The Spring session are April 11 and April 18 (Saturdays) from 10 to 11:30 a.m., Sunday, April 12 and April 19 (Sundays) from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Please contact Suzette Southfox with questions at 619-398-4436, or register online. Generosity Offering for March: Computers to San Diego Kids In the month of March, our Generosity Offering is being received in support of Computers to San Diego Kids. Computers to San Diego Kids believes that all children and their families need to have equal access to technology and the crucial educational, occupational, and financial resources that technology can provide. For more information, you can come to the Social Justice table on the Hillcrest Campus, the Get Involved Table on the South Bay Camps, or go to their website Please look at the Service Project for March listed below, under March 22 (Sunday). Page 1 of 8 Back to Front Page The 11th Annual Dining for Dollar$ Silent Auction Returns! Through March we will be accepting your offers to host events. Dining for Dollar$ can include outings and tours, game nights, young adult gatherings, donated services, creativity workshops, poetry readings, even vacation get-aways. Visit to get an Event/Service Host form or submit an event/service online. You’ll also find the 2014 event booklet available there, which could inspire you to create a new event/service. You can also email Dorothy Pearlman or Laurie Crehan, this year’s event Co-Chairs, to learn more. Look for the Dining for Dollar$ table on the patio throughout March. Show Your Love of this Community – Be an Usher! The Usher Team at the Hillcrest Campus has an important role in welcoming people into the Meeting House every Sunday. Contact Paul Vachal by e-mail or Jan Carpenter Tucker at 619-527-2850 to volunteer. Represent First Church in Chandler Arizona and/or Portland Oregon If you have been a Member for at least one year, you are eligible and encouraged to be a Delegate to either or both the District Assembly (DA) and the General Assembly (GA). Delegate Application Forms for the Pacific Southwest District Assembly and the UUA General Assembly are now available online and in Box 13 in the Volunteer Workroom and are due by March 29. For more information about these events, contact Joan Cudhea at 858-272-4118. Religious Education and Family Ministry This Week in Children’s Religious Education Hillcrest Campus: 9:30 a.m. Service Childcare is provided for children from birth through two-years-old in Room 105. Celebrating Me and My Word (two and three-year-olds) This class helps children learn to celebrate the world around them while building friendships and self confidence. Children in this class may be brought directly to their classroom. Love Surrounds Us (pre-k and kindergarten) Our lesson is the Love Surrounds us in Ritual. Spirit of Adventure (second through fourth grades) This class begins with activities and games and concludes with our Chalice Council. This week we continue our unit on Sports. We will play games and talk about the lessons we learn about life through playing sports. Art and Spirituality (fifth and sixth grades) We will use hands-on activities and creative arts to explore what it means to be in community. This is a new format for this class intended to help our older children build community and develop as leaders and creative individuals. 11:30 a.m. Service Childcare is provided for children from birth through four-years-old in Room 105. Rainbow Adventures (kindergarten through sixth grade) Children are invited to join us for our weekly adventures. Together we will share in a chapel service including story and song that focuses on one of our Unitarian Universalist Principles. Children will then choose from a number of exploration stations where they can explore the principle through play and create creation. A Reminder: Unless otherwise noted, children four years old and up begin their Sunday morning in the Worship Service with their family. We consider the time we spend together in Worship before classes begin, as an integral part of our Sunday morning experience. Children three and younger may be left in childcare before you enter the Meeting House and need to be picked up immediately after the Service. South Bay: This Sunday’s Service at 9:30 a.m. at our South Bay Campus will feature Kristen Kuriga, Social Justice and South Bay Ministry Teams Coordinator, with a sermon entitled “Imagining the Beloved Community.” This Sunday’s Service, instead of a usual Story for All Ages, the Service will feature a Ritual of Creativity for All Ages. Youth Ministry: This Sunday, March 8 the 9:30 a.m. Youth Group will continue their exploration of “Letting Go” as they consider how holding on to the past keeps us from living fully in the present, and explore that how accepting loss and letting go allows us to move on with our lives. These themes will be illustrated in an excerpt from Up! Between the services, the Youth Service Planning Committee will meet in Room Page 2 of 8 Back to Front Page 114b to finalize their plans and musical selections for the upcoming Youth Service. The 11:30 a.m. Junior and Senior High Youth Groups will meet in Room 114b to enjoy some stimulating discussion, maybe even play a game or two and plan some of their upcoming events. On Sunday, March 15 the 9:30 a.m. Youth Group will to examine the idea of forgiveness and why it is important. They will also consider how refusing to let go of hurt, anger, and not forgive someone leads to loss and can limit our own lives, after they watch an excerpt from the movie, Ghost Town. The 11:30 a.m. Junior and Senior High Youth Groups will meet in Rooms 114a and 114b respectively for games, discussion and worship. Social Action Con Re-scheduled! The 2015 Social Justice Con will not take place May 1 through May 3 (Friday through Sunday) as previously announced. Due to college prep testing, the Con is being re-scheduled but will still take place at the Neighborhood UU Church in Pasadena at a date to be determined The theme of this year’s Con is: “Moral Values in a Pluralistic Society.” Stay tuned for more details as they develop! There is a third PSWD YRUU Board-sponsored Con being added to the annual rotation. Communications Con is still tentatively scheduled to take place June 5 through June 7 (Friday through Sunday) at the UU Church of Las Vegas. Family Ministry: Parenting Boys – March 7 (Saturday) at 4 p.m. Gather together with other parents to talk about what it means to raise boys in our world today. We will view the film “Boyhood” and share wisdom and reflections on the relationship between Unitarian Universalist principles and parenting. Childcare is provided. Family Dinner on March 13 Join for our next Family Dinner on March 13 (Friday) at 6 p.m. We will play and eat together as we create community. Bring a dish/drink to share, place settings for your family (to help us reduce waste) and a desire to play. All families are welcome! Does your group or meeting need childcare? If your group needs childcare, arrangements can be made by completing the childcare request form. Donations to cover the cost of childcare will be gladly accepted. Parents must remain on the church grounds. Contact Melissa James for more information. Adult Religious Education: The current Adult Religious Education course catalog is available on paper on the patio or on the Church website. Please pre-register, as we need to prepare adequate facilities and supplies. You may now register for Adult RE Classes online from our website. You do not need to be a Member of First Church to join in our classes. Contact Chris Christenson at 619-298-9978, ext. 214. Upcoming Events Saturday, March 7 Rasa Lila: The Energetics of Contemplation and Inner Healing with RJ Palmer Saturdays from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Room 113 Learn to help heal the wounds of time and memory and move forward into actualizing our deeper yearnings and potential. Through playful practices of contemplation and healing, new life skills come together with other spiritual and healing practices and the fulfillment of personal goals. Drop in. Sunday, March 8 Deep Conversations Sundays from 10:45 to 11:15 a.m. and 12:45 to 1:15 p.m., Archive Room 313 Did you find yourself moved in some way by the sermon? Did the reflection question stir something in you? Join with others for a facilitated Deep Conversation around the sermon message. Singletarian Luncheon March 8 (Sunday) at 12:30 p.m., Aladdin’s, 1220 Cleveland Avenue, Hillcrest Please contact Bob Graham at 858-337-4733 with questions. Page 3 of 8 Back to Front Page TED Talks on Economic Justice March 8 (Sunday) from 1 to 2:30 p.m., Room 323 The subject will be the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) as presented in videos by Robert Reich and Bill Moyers. Christina Imhoof will lead the discussion. All are invited. UU Christian Study and Discussion Group March 8 (Sunday) at 1 p.m., Room 321 “The Kingdom of God is within you,” says Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. What did he mean and what does this mean for us today will be the theme of our UU Christian Study Group Red Letter Sunday led by Arjay Palmer? “Heaven...” as within and among us, now and always, needing only to be realized as part of our "Original Blessing" according to Mathew Fox. Shape Note Singing: The Sacred Harp March 8 (Sunday) from 3 to 5 p.m., Room 113 Everyone is welcome. It doesn’t matter if you can’t sing. It matters that you want to. Your voice is your harp. Let’s sing together, without instruments or formal training, using shape note notation. Or just stop by and listen. Drop in, registration not required. Open Heart Buddhist Sangha Sundays from 4 to 6 p.m., Room 323 Practicing in the tradition of Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Most Sundays the group practices sitting meditation and walking meditation, has a short lesson, shares about the practice, and sings. Please bring a cushion or mat to sit on, or chairs will be available. Open to everyone; drop in. Friends of de Benneville Potluck and Gathering March 8 (Sunday) beginning with Social Hour at 5 p.m., St. Paul’s Manor, 11th Floor Social Room Contact Kay Thompson at 619 296-7598 or Mac Downing 619 542-9320 to RSVP or for directions. Please note the sign-in procedure at front desk. Far-East County Neighborhood Potluck March 8 (Sunday) at 5:30 p.m., Hosted by Lane Cole and Wilma Eaton If you live in La Mesa, El Cajon, or beyond and would like to be a part of this potluck group, please contact Drew Massicot at 619-460-2901. All are welcome! Monday, March 9 Yoga As Meditation with Rolly Fanton Mondays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Common Room Join for a restorative yoga class with a focus on personal body awareness and self-care; to aide in stress relief for both mind and body, by mindfully practicing the poses, guiding our minds to focus on positive thoughts and lighting our lives with laughter and community. Come early to get comfortable. Monday Evening Meditation Sangha Mondays from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Room 323 All are welcome for a silent sitting meditation from 7 to 7:20 p.m., followed by an open discussion of our meditation or practice. The remainder of the time will be focused on a recorded dharma talk and discussion. For more information, please e-mail John Holl or call 619-546-6525. Tuesday, March 10 Sufi Healing with Jamil Larry Sweet Tuesdays from 7 to 8 p.m., Room 321 Explore ancient individual healing practices of the Sufis; the uses of meditation, breath, sacred phrases and wazifa; and a healing ceremony. On-going, drop in. Wednesday, March 11 Wednesday Morning Meditation Sangha Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Room 323 All are welcome for a silent sitting meditation from 10 to 10:40 a.m., followed by a discussion of practice. The remainder of the time will be focused on a recorded dharma talk and discussion. For more information, please contact John Holl at 619-546-6525. Page 4 of 8 Back to Front Page Conversations with the Spiritually Curious Part 5 “Stages on the Journey” with Rev. Jim Grant March 11 (Wednesdays through May) at 6:45 p.m. for Coffee followed by the Discussion, Room 323 Rev. Jim Grant will lead conversations around former UU Minister William Houff’s book “Infinity in Your Hand: A Guide for the Spiritually Curious.” These conversations are meant to encourage people on the path to spiritual growth, an intensely personal undertaking. While we can learn from the journeys of others, it is only through taking out our own beliefs and listening to our inner wisdom, understanding them, and sharing them that we reveal our true self. Reading the book and attending each conversation is encouraged, but not required. Drop in. Thursday, March 12 Compassion Reading Group March 12 (second Thursdays) from 12:30 to 2 p.m., Room 320 The Compassion Reading Group, a group that meets once a month to discuss books that help us focus on compassionate living, is open to anyone who would like to join our discussions. This month we will be discussing Anne Lamott’s book Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith. You need not have read the book before joining us. If you have questions, please contact Sue McLeod. Screening of “Vessel” March 12 (Thursday) at 6 p.m., Meeting House Please join the Reproductive Justice Group for a screening of “Vessel,” which begins with a young doctor and an unlikely idea. Rebecca Gomperts, horrified by the realities created by anti-abortion law around the world, formed Women on Waves in 2000. Her goal: to prevent unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions by providing reproductive health services, including early medical abortions (abortion with pills) on board a Dutch ship, outside the territorial waters of countries where abortion is illegal. Admission is free, please RSVP to Karen Lamphere so we can plan for food and beverages. Book Lovers Affinity Group March 12 (Thursday) at 6 p.m., Common Room When we found out that Intern Minister Adam Dyer majored in English at Princeton, we couldn't resist inviting him to join us for a book discussion. We'll discuss his selection, "The Good Lord Bird," by James McBride, an historical novel about an escaped slave who joins John Brown's abolitionist revolt at Harpers' Ferry, West Virginia. The book won the 2013 National Book Award for Fiction in 2013. Everyone is welcome to join our discussion in the Common Room. Feel free to contact Maureen McNair at 619-427-1769 with questions. Military Ministry Toolkit #1, Pt 4 with Rev Kathleen Owens - Class Closed March 12 (Thursday) from 6:30 to 8 p.m., Room 323 Begin a conversation in our congregation about why and how to explore military ministry to inspire support for deepening and strengthening this aspect of our ministry. Friday, March 13 Family Dinner March 13 (Friday) at 6 p.m., Common Room Join for our next Family Dinner those in the congregation with and without children are welcome to attend. We will play and eat together as we create community. Bring a dish/drink to share, place settings for your family (to help us reduce waste) and a desire to play. Future Events Coffee Conversation with Rev. Jennifer March 15 (Sunday) following Service at the South Bay Campus Join after the Service for a conversation on the theme of the Service, “Welcoming Those Who Serve.” All are welcome! Ministry Team Council Meeting March 15 (Sunday) from 1:15 to 3:15 p.m., Bard Hall Are you a lay leader or would you like to build your leadership skills? All are welcome to attend our next Ministry Team Council meeting, where we will explore our congregation’s 4th strategic goal, Intentionally engage all generations in leadership development. Please attend to learn together, how Page 5 of 8 Back to Front Page we build multi-generational leadership in all of the ministries of our congregation! If you need childcare, please contact Melissa James this week so she can make arrangements. Inland North County Neighborhood Group March 15 (Sunday) from 4 to 6 p.m., in Rancho Peñasquitos Please bring a potluck dish and join us for an intergenerational social time. Hope to see you there. For more information, to RSVP, or for directions, please e-mail Bob and Betsy Stevens. Movie Lovers Gabfest (Affinity Group) March 19 (Thursday) from 7 to 9 p.m., Library Room 311 Suggested movies for March are: Matt Shepard Is A Friend of Mine, McFarland USA, Timbuktu, Girlhood, and, Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem. What movies (new and old) have moved you or made you laugh? We meet the third Thursday of every month. If you have any questions, please contact Janet Nicols at 619-318-5321. New City Sinfonia Concert Returns to First Church March 20 (Friday) at 7 p.m., Meeting House The 40-member New City Sinfonia, led by our own Daniel Ratelle, returns to First Church to present “An Evening of Mozart,” the orchestra’s first ever all-Mozart program Admission is Free. Service Project for March: Computer Donation Drive for Computers to San Diego Kids March 22 (Sunday) from 9 a.m. 2 p.m. on the Hillcrest Campus Patio March 22 (Sunday) from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the South Bay Campus Social Hall Computer donations are tax deductible and will help address the digital disparity in San Diego County. We will also need volunteers to help move the computers from South Bay and the Hillcrest Campus patio after the drive and for volunteers to help with loading them for delivery to the organization on March 23 (Monday). If you are able to volunteer, contact Carol Stultz. You can find more information about Computer to SD Kid at All Church Mixer sponsored by Your Welcome Hands Ministry Team March 22 (Sunday) from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., the Hillcrest Campus Join the newly named Welcome Hands Ministry Team (formerly the Membership Team) who welcome all in this community to a facilitated and fun way to get to know each other. Make sure you plan on attending to start building your community for 2015! Coffee Conversation with Rev. Kathleen March 29 (Sunday) following Service at the South Bay Campus Join after the Service for a conversation on the theme of Kathleen’s sermon, “Experiencing Selma.” Mid-East Neighborhood Group Potluck March 29 (Sunday) at 5:30 p.m., Rose Van Oss’s home The Mid-East Neighborhood Group invites those in this area for a potluck gathering. If you would like to go, please bring a dish to share. Please RSVP for directions and so Rose will know how many to expect at 619-582-7004. Her front yard has very tall cacti and parking in the driveway is fine. Climate Justice Volunteer Meeting April 7 (Tuesday) from 6:30 to 8 p.m., Room 323 Come to hear about "Climate Justice Month" at First Church. Rev. Jennifer Channin will lead the April 12 Sunday Worship Service in Hillcrest and the April 19 Service in South Bay with members of the Climate Justice team. Hear updates on the Listening Campaign with the congregation to hear what members think about Climate Change. What is the San Diego Climate Action Plan? We talk about what kind of plan that San Diego needs for a healthy future. Annual Spiritual Spring Retreat with Rev. Kathleen Owens April 10 (Friday) through April 12 (Sunday) at Prince of Peace Abbey in Oceanside There are still spaces available for the Annual Spiritual Spring Retreat with Rev. Kathleen Owens for renewal, healing, and spiritual growth, all in a beautiful and peaceful setting. We’ll grow through “P3: Psalms, Poems, and Prayers.” Contact Chris Christenson for further details or to register. Page 6 of 8 Back to Front Page Caring for Yourself When You Care for Someone with Dementia: Managing Emotional Aspects of Caregiving with Southern Caregivers Resource Center April 10 (Friday) from 12 to 1 p.m., Rm113 The more you know, the better your love one’s care will be. Recognize, understand, and respond to the emotional challenges of being a caregiver. Explore stress management techniques. Learn of the resources available for caregiver and care receiver. Drop in. Annual UU Men’s Fellowship Spring Renewal April 17 (Friday) to April 19 (Sunday) at Camp de Benneville Pines All UU men in the Pacific Southwest District (and beyond) are invited to a relaxing, yet challenging weekend in the in the beauty of the mountains and safety and fellowship of our Brothers. Included are workshops, deep sharing, music, drumming, music, laughter, silence, and of course great food. For more information and to register, please download the flyer-registration form, visit us at the patio table on Sunday morning, or contact Mike Dorfi at 619-466-5952. Women's Retreat at Camp de Benneville Pines May 15 through May 17 (Friday through Sunday) Camp de Benneville Pines Rev. Dr. Carolyn Owen-Towle will be the theme speaker for our district UU Women's Retreat. Register by March 30 (Monday) for early-bird discount at and enjoy a beautiful weekend in the mountains. Information is available from the Friends of de Benneville Pines patio table on Sunday. Week-at-a-Glance Calendar Saturday, March 07, 2015 Adult Ed Class: Rasa Lila * Raising Boys Sponsored by Children’s Ministry Sunday, March 08, 2015 Sunday Morning Meditation Children's Religious Education First Church Worship South Bay Worship Uptown Update: Helping the Homeless Deep Conversations* TED Talks UU Christian Study Group Shape Note Singing* Open Heart Sangha Monday, March 09, 2015 Yoga as Meditation Las Campanas Rehearsals Monday Meditation Sangha Tuesday, March 10, 2015 Art Guild Discussion and Reception Adult Ed Class: Sufi Healing with Jamil Larry Sweet Wednesday, March 11, 2015 Wednesday Meditation Sangha Adult Education: Coffee Conversations with Jim Grant* Thursday, March 12, 2015 Compassion Reading Group Book Lovers Affinity Group "The Vessel" Documentary Screening Adult Ed Class: Military Ministry Toolkit (#1) * Women's Ensemble Rehearsal Friday, March 13, 2015 Family Dinner 10:30AM - 12:30PM 4:00PM - 6:00PM Room 113 Room 321 9:00AM - 9:20AM 9:00AM - 1:00PM 9:30AM & 11:30AM 9:30AM - 10:30AM 10:30AM - 11:30AM 10:45AM & 12:45PM 1:00PM - 2:30PM 1:00PM - 3:00PM 3:00PM - 5:00PM 4:00PM - 6:00PM Room 323 Please See RE Office Meeting House South Bay Campus Room 321 Archive Room 313 Room 323 Room 321 Room 113 Room 323 10:00AM - 12:00PM 6:00PM - 8:00PM 7:00PM - 8:30PM Common Room Meeting House Room 323 6:00PM - 8:30PM 7:00PM - 8:00PM Bard Hall Room 321 10:00AM - 12:00PM 6:45PM - 8:00PM Room 323 Room 323 12:30PM - 2:00PM 6:00PM - 8:00PM 6:00PM - 9:00PM 6:30PM - 8:00PM 7:00PM - 8:30PM Room 320 Common Room Meeting House Room 323 Clark Chapel 6:00PM - 8:00PM Common Room * registration appreciated Page 7 of 8 Back to Front Page The Window - First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego VOLUME 25, No. 10 March 7 through March 13, 2015 Hillcrest Campus Location: 4190 Front Street, San Diego, CA 92103 South Bay Campus Location: 970 Broadway, Suite 104, Chula Vista, CA 91911 Sunday Services at 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. Sunday Bilingual Services at 9:30 a.m. Staff Members: Rev. Kathleen Owens, Lead Minister Rev. Jennifer Channin, Assistant Minister Adam Dyer, Intern Minister Rev. Jim Grant, Affiliate Minister Robie Evans, Director of Operations Dr. Melissa James, Director of Children and Family Ministry Daniel Ratelle, Hillcrest Music Coordinator and Adult Choir Director Lynn Mendoza-Khan, Youth and Children’s Choir Director Lorelei Isidro, South Bay Music Coordinator Andrea Newall, JUUL Tones Ensemble Director Roy Attridge, Handbell Ensembles Director Justin Murphy-Mancini, Organist and Pianist Kristen Kuriga, Social Justice and South Bay Ministry Teams Coordinator Suzette Southfox, Director of Membership and Development Alice King, Young Adult and Campus Ministry Coordinator Abby Koch, Executive Administrator and Office Manager Käthe Larick, Youth Programs Coordinator Chris Christenson, Communications, Database, and Adult Ed. Coord. Jenny Epler, Events Scheduler Connie Hayes, Bookkeeping Controller Revs. Dr. Carolyn and Dr. Tom Owen-Towle, Ministers Emeriti Board of Trustees: Tony Brumfield, President Claudia Lizett Lopez, Vice President Louise Klinke, Treasurer Mike Moreau, Immediate Past President Kath Hillery, Secretary Marcia Biller, Denny Braun, Michanne Hoctor-Thompson, Dave Karpinski, John Keasler, Pat Schmidt, and Carolyn Woodbury. Important Phone Numbers: First Church Office: 619-298-9978 Pastoral cell phone: 619-370-0891 (life and death emergencies only) Important E-mail Addresses: Facilities (request for maintenance): General First Church E-mail: Order of Service submissions: Scheduling of Church Property: The Window (bulletin): First Church Web Site: Care Network: (Main site) (UUs of the South Bay) Page 8 of 8 Back to Front Page
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