ST. ANDREW'S WRAYSBURY ST. MICHAEL'S HORTON The PURPOSE OF OUR CHURCH is to spread the good PRAY news of Jesus Christ and to increase the Christian family through Our prayers, Our worship and Our God-centred lives. WRAYSBURY BAPTIST CHURCH The PURPOSE OF OUR CHURCH is to love and worship God, to become more like Jesus, to love and serve others, and to share the good news of God's love. . 8th March, 2015: Issues1035. th SUNDAY 8 MARCH 2015 3 SUNDAY OF LENT - (YEAR B) rd Readings for both churches: Psalm 96; John 4:19-26. St. Michael's Horton 9.30 a.m. Informal Plus and Sunday School. St. Andrew’s Wraysbury 11.00 a.m. Parish Communion and Young Seekers Sunday Club. Wraysbury Baptist Church 10.15 a.m. Prayer Together. 11.00 a.m. Sunday Worship (Robin Urwin & Rev. David Clarkson). ************************************************************ WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK th MON. 9 Funeral Service for Samuel Smith 2.30 p.m. St. Michael’s, followed by burial at Ditton Cemetery. Weekly Prayer Time 6.30 p.m. St. Andrew’s. St. Michael’s PCC 7.00 p.m. “Osmington”, The Green. th TUES. 10 Weekly Prayer Time 10.00 a.m. St. Michael’s. Holy Communion 11.00 a.m. St. Michael’s. Pop In 1.30 p.m. Annexe – Beetle Drive. Lent Course - Moving On Session 4, 7.30 p.m. Annexe. th WED. 11 Coffee Morning 10.30 a.m. Wraysbury Baptist Church. Midday Prayer 12.00 noon Wraysbury Baptist Church. Angels’ Delight Mums & Toddlers 1.00 – 3.00 p.m. Annexe. Bell Ringing Practice 7.30 p.m. St. Andrew’s. th THURS. 12 Interment of Ashes of Gordon Clark St. Michael’s. Daytime Confirmation Course 5, 2.00 p.m. Vicarage. Prayer Meeting 7.00 p.m. Hill View Road. th FRI. 13 Please pray at 8.00 p.m. for the New Life Service, for all who are taking part and for the congregation. Men’s Pub Night 8.00 p.m. “The Five Bells” Horton. th SAT. 14 Holy Dusters 10.00 a.m. St. Michael’s. ************************************************************ th SUNDAY 15 MARCH 2015 MOTHERING SUNDAY - (YEAR B) St. Michael's Horton 9.30 a.m. Parish Communion and Sunday School. St. Andrew’s Wraysbury 8.00 a.m. BCP Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m. New Life and Young Seekers Sunday Club. Wraysbury Baptist Church 10.15 a.m. Prayer Together. 11.00 a.m. Sunday Worship (Rev. Carolyn Urwin). ************************************************************ CHIROPODY AT WRAYSBURY BAPTIST CHURCH: st Dee, our Chiropodist, will be with us next on 1 April and th 6 May. Appointments: contact Pam Hillman on 482296. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Adviza, a charitable organisation that supports young people to help them achieve greater things in life, is short of volunteers in its department which supports parents with children who have special needs. The work will be in the community across East Berkshire. Volunteers will be given high quality training and support and reimbursed for all reasonable expenses. If you are interested in helping please contact Jacob Cook ( ST. ANDREW’S CHANCEL: The PCC has passed a proposal to extend the raised area of the chancel forward a bit, up to the front pews. This will make it much easier to accommodate drama and other performances, the New Life Band, visiting choirs and the Young Seekers. Pictures can be seen on the second page of this Link on St. Andrew’s website ( – Weekly Newsletter). th CRAFT FAIR: 25 April, 1.00 – 3.30 p.m. Wraysbury Baptist Church! Tables may be booked to sell craft items (£15 large table or £8 small table) – booking forms available from Robin Urwin ( or 482553). We will have a couple of tables of our own and would be happy to receive donations of any suitable items which can be sold to raise money for the church – bring them to the Baptist Church or contact Robin. HELPING THE HOMELESS: At the end of February a further 12 large bags of clothes were taken to Slough Homeless Our Concern (SHOC), who are always looking for clothes in good condition for adult men and women who find themselves homeless in the Slough area. As the colder weather remains with us, they urgently need warm clothing, including coats, hats, gloves and scarves, as well as sleeping bags. Items may be brought to Wraysbury Baptist Church and we will pass them on to SHOC. SLOUGH FOODBANK: Donations of imperishable food items for Slough Foodbank, which aims to support local people with emergency food packages, can be placed in the boxes in all three churches throughout the year. At the moment they would particularly welcome long-life fruit juice, instant mashed potato, sponge puddings, long-life milk, soap and shampoo. ************************************************************ FOR YOUR PRAYERS: Alec Kemp, Edie Tanner, Pearl Rawlings, Richard Sharp, Josephine Baker, Kieran Doyle, Geoffrey Warwick, Lesley Hanson, Jo Porter, Michael Whittick, David Whittick, Tim Whittick, Gemma Green, Ann Coleman, Laurie Tucker, Stewart Baxter, Jamie Middleton, Kay Laxman, Judy Caddle, Dorothy Colton, Jennie Francis, Jane & Keith Huckle, Barbara Saunders, David Skenfield. St. John’s Mission Gwelutshena, Zimbabwe. REST IN PEACE: Samuel Smith, Gordon Clark. ************************************************************ St.A's & St.M's Contacts: WBC Contact: Vicar: Rev. Colin Gibson 01784 481258, Minister: Rev. Carolyn Urwin: 01784 482553, Parish Secretary: Maggie Gardiner 01784 482520, Wraysbury Baptist Church Hall: To book for a meeting or function, contact Annexe bookings: Katrina Musgrove 07974009915, Robin Urwin (01784 482553 or Notices for inclusion in The Link: to Diane Miller by Tuesday for the following Sunday's publication (01784 558972; 077919895899; ST. ANDREW'S WRAYSBURY ST. MICHAEL'S HORTON The PURPOSE OF OUR CHURCH is to spread the good PRAY news of Jesus Christ and to increase the Christian family through Our prayers, Our worship and Our God-centred lives. WRAYSBURY BAPTIST CHURCH The PURPOSE OF OUR CHURCH is to love and worship God, to become more like Jesus, to love and serve others, and to share the good news of God's love. . 8th March, 2015: Issues1035. St.A's & St.M's Contacts: WBC Contact: Vicar: Rev. Colin Gibson 01784 481258, Minister: Rev. Carolyn Urwin: 01784 482553, Parish Secretary: Maggie Gardiner 01784 482520, Wraysbury Baptist Church Hall: To book for a meeting or function, contact Annexe bookings: Katrina Musgrove 07974009915, Robin Urwin (01784 482553 or Notices for inclusion in The Link: to Diane Miller by Tuesday for the following Sunday's publication (01784 558972; 077919895899;
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