Newsletter - Yorba Linda Presbyterian Church

March, 2015
Palm/Passion Sunday with Communion
March 29, 9:30a.m. With joyous songs and the waving of
palms, we remember the steps of Jesus as he is welcomed by the
crowds into Jerusalem as their King. We then follow the events
that quickly turned to the last hours of Christ on earth when he
shared his Last Supper in the Upper Room with his disciples,
leading to his journey to Calvary.
Mission Statement:
Good Friday Tenebrae Service
Friday, April 3, 7p.m. Through sacred and inspirational
music, scripture, and prayer we continue observing Holy Week
as Jesus enters the Garden of Gethsemane in prayer, followed by
his trial, conviction, and crucifixion. Join the Chancel Choir,
Gloria Ringers, and guest flutist as we meditate, extinguish
lights and reflect on the sufferings and death of Christ for us and
our salvation.
Easter, Sunday, April 5
9:00 a.m. and 10:30a.m. Worship Services
We hope you will join us as we celebrate, with glorious sounds
of trumpet, bells and voices, the joyous event of the
Resurrection of Our Savior, the means of reconciliation with
God for human salvation. A special Easter Egg Hunt will be
held during Sunday School at both services.
For those who wish to attend a Maundy Thursday service, we
invite the congregation to attend Canyon Hills Presbyterian
Church’s service in Anaheim Hills from 7-8p.m.
Worship God
Through Jesus
Prepare Disciples
through Biblebased teachings
and activities;
Serve the World
through a caring
growing within
while reaching out.
Sunday Morning
Worship: 9:30 AM
Yorba Linda Presbyterian Church
19301 E. Yorba Linda Blvd.
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
From the Pastor
few years ago, my kids and I went to Big Bear to
enjoy some days in the snow. The weather was rainy
and we knew that the mountain roads going up the front way
required chains, so we took our chance and decided to go the back
way - via the desert and Lucerne Valley. When we stopped to eat
near Apple Valley, the sun was shining brightly, yet the air was
bitingly cold. After enjoying a hearty lunch, we headed out to the
desert. As we turned up the small 2-lane highway, the mountains
were to the east of us and the desert was to the west. It was quite
an amazing sight.
The mountains majestically rising from the ground appeared ominous. Large grayish black swirling
clouds covered them and we could practically see the snow falling. To the right of us was the desert, as
flat as the eye could see. In contrast to the mountains, the sky was clear and brilliantly blue and in the sky
were rainbows. Yes, not just one, but a double rainbow, both of them completely full. We were in awe.
We don’t see rainbows everyday, let alone two full ones.
For me, the seasons of Lent and Easter mirrors this experience. We observe the 40 days of Lent to remind
ourselves of the pain and suffering that Jesus experienced as he journeyed to the cross. First, he was
mocked and ridiculed. Then he experienced the pain of wearing a crown made of thorns, the disgrace of
having clothing gambled for, the knowledge of being rejected by his companions, and the loneliness of
being forsaken. It was an excruciating death being crucified on a cross. But then something unexplainable
came to pass. It’s like a day that God created the most enormous rainbow in a brilliant blue sky, one that
covered the whole earth. Through the darkest of dark days, Resurrection happened - the day of life and
Easter only comes by the way of Good Friday. The day of crucifixion is called good because all of God’s
goodness to us and for us happened because of this day. We are the ones that stand in awe and
humbleness because of this radiant event, a day that changed the world and our lives forever.
As you continue on this Lenten journey and as we get closer to the celebration of Easter, I encourage you
to not only to understand the darkness that surrounds you, but to get ready for the rainbows in life that
lead you.
In Lenten faith and Easter blessings,
PNC Update
Holy Week Update
We are moving closer in our process to find an installed pastor. At
our February session meeting, Rev. Forrest Claassen, Stated Clerk
for Los Ranchos Presbytery and Jack Clement, Chair of Committee
on Ministry (COM) shared the next steps for our search process.
Discussion included the possibility of searching for an installed pastor or a designated pastor, the financial responsibilities between the
PNC and the Session, the need for complete confidentiality for the
work of the PNC, etc. There was also discussion about the importance that the PNC be represented of the whole congregation.
While there were three options to consider, after a healthy discussion, session made the decision to utilize the congregational nominations committee to execute the process of selecting and nominating
the slate of members willing to serve on the PNC. PNC is voted on
by the congregation. The nomination’s committee is beginning that
process with elder, Jim Bowman as the chair.
Presbyterian ‘Lingo’
to know as we move to call our future pastor:
PNC = Pastor Nominating Committee. This is the
committee that the congregation will elect composed of members of the church that reflect the demographics and
ministry interests of the congregation.
MIF = Ministry Information Form. This is the required form of
the PCUSA of all congregations who are doing a pastor search
(formerly called CIF). The MIF reflects the demographics, needs,
interests of the church and the characteristics they are seeking in
the next pastor. The PNC puts this together and then submits this
to the . . .
CLC = Church Leadership Connection. The CLC (the ‘EHarmony of the PCUSA) matches the MIF with the . . . .
PIF = Personal Information Form. This is the required form of
the PCUSA of all pastors who are looking to find a new call in
ministry. It reflects their education, experience, theological beliefs and understanding of their personal gifts. It also includes
their Statement of Faith and references.
This year the worship committee
and session decided to celebrate
Holy Week with three services
remembering the passion,
crucifixion and resurrection of Our
Lord. The goal is to provide settings
for worship that brings the
congregation together in corporate
worship as we commemorate Jesus’
entry into Jerusalem, the Last
Supper, the betrayal, the
crucifixion, and then rejoice in his
triumph over death in his
Nomination’s Committee
On February 25, the nomination’s
committee met to discuss the steps
needed to find members who are
willing to serve on the Pastor
Nominating Committee. Members
are encouraged to contact Jim
Bowman or any of the
Nomination’s Committee, if they
are interested in serving. Please
look for weekly updates in our
bulletin regarding this process.
One Great Hour Of Sharing
An offering will be taken on Palm
Sunday, March 29th. Offering
supports people in need of food,
water, shelter, relief from crisis and
catastrophic events, and
developmental assistance.
Student Ministries
Greetings YLPC family!
It has been a wonderful start to the year here in our youth ministry. We recently finished our series on the
Old Testament learning about Moses and other important men and women such as Joshua and Deborah.
Additionally, our High Schoolers returned tuckered out after a jam-packed weekend in the mountains at
Forest Home Christian Camps where they learned how to start an avalanche of change for Christ. If you see
them, ask them about what it means to be a "lone nut" or about the four "I's" (Imitate, involve, initiate, and
invite). Some of our boys also participated in a grand polar bear swim, where they plunged into a frigid
creek of snow melt after a readings from John 3. What an adventure! You can see the brave souls in the
photo below just moments after the predawn lesson.
Take a moment to check out our new website. There you can do cool things like learn
about our next GOY event. On March 7th, starting at 6:00 p.m., we will be venturing to Danielle's for
dinner and a bonfire.
Finally! Don't forget to invite all your friendly students to join us for regular programming! Sundays 53:30 for Ohana (middle school) and 6:30-8 for Koinonia (high school). This Lent we will be joining the
congregation as we study Soul Feast!
Your Interim Student Ministry Leaders,
Danielle Martinez and Chris Hebein
Children’s Education
Facilities Update
Emmaus Road Sunday School
A Huge Thank You …
In February we studied the Lord’s Prayer in a variety of
ways. In the Information Station, children played a computer game called Galilee Flyer. In this game, children
navigated an airplane over the town of Galilee while answering questions about the Lord’s Prayer. In the Interpretation Station, children used color to help them memorize the Lord’s Prayer. They made prayer beads to take
home. In the Interpretation Station, children made prayer
bread as they learned about ACTS, (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication) which are parts of a
prayer. They wrote their own prayers, using ACTS, on
ribbons and hung them on trees throughout the campus.
On Celebration Sunday, children experienced the ancient
spiritual practice of praying the Labyrinth. In March we
will study Jesus’ Last Week with the Disciples.
…to our congregation for your patience as the Facilities Committee addresses several issues involving our
campus here at YLPC. In our continuing efforts to be
“front and center” with information, here is the status of
issues you might have questions about.
God’s Family at the Table: Childr en in thir d gr ade,
and their parents, are invited to attend a “God’s Family
at the Table” workshop on Sunday, March 22nd from
1:00 to 3:00 p.m.. We will explore the meaning behind
Communion through numerous interactive experiences.
On Sunday, March 29th, participants will be recognized
in the Communion service. Fourth and fifth graders who
have not attended this class before, are invited to participate. Register through the church office or contact Kim
Wisnia at
The new phone system has been installed, including a
private voice mail system. This means that all messages left for the Pastor or Staff will be confidential.
We are currently receiving additional bids from outside contractors to redesign and seal the Sanctuary
roof leak around the column, and the leaks in the
Men’s and Women’s restroom. Additional roofing repairs are also being considered for long-term leak prevention.
A “Campus Care Day” is being organized for March
21st, and will address several maintenance and beautification projects around our church. This will be one
of 3 such events throughout the year, the others are on
June 20th and August 29th. We hope you will set
aside a few hours on one or all 3 of these days to come
out and enjoy the sunshine, get your hands a little
dirty, and create even more pride in our beautiful campus. A project is also being considered whereby each
Parish will have an opportunity to “Adopt” a certain
flower bed and be responsible for its maintenance
throughout the year. Details on that will be coming
Normal repairs and maintenance are continuously being done, and you can help by simply pointing out to
us when you see something in need of repair. Contact
either the YLPC Office, or the Facilities Committee so
we can address the problem.
One Great Hour of Sharing: Once again, we will be
collecting the One Great Hour of Sharing offering. Fish
banks and information on the offering will be distributed
in March. Please return them on Palm Sunday, March
Palm Sunday: If your child would like to be par t of
the Palm Sunday processional on Sunday, March 29th,
meet on the patio 5 minutes prior to the start of the worship service.
Easter Eggs and Candy Needed: We will have our
annual Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday during Sunday
School at both services. We are collecting plastic eggs
and non-chocolate wrapped candy to fill on March 22nd.
Please bring any donations to church prior to the 22nd.
Again, thank you all for your help in keeping our campus
clean and attractive. With your ongoing attention and your
participation on our 3 Campus Care Days, it will insure
our surroundings will remain as pleasing as ever!
Save the Date: August 3-7, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Summer Intergenerational Arts Camp
A gathering of all ages to explore God’s creation through
music, art, drama and more. Watch for details and registration information
Mike Jacobs and Matt Kelly
March Birthdays
Rylan Kordolis 03/05
Bill Watt 03/05
Rachel Bird0 3/08
Danya Hoban 03/11
Roxanne Ford 03/12
Kristen Blincoe 03/13
Linda Richey 03/14
William Naylor 03/15
Mary Ellen Trefry 03/15
Tom Thrasher 03/16
John Sheldon 03/17
Jason Watt 03/17
James Goran 03/18
Jade Letourneau 03/18
Amanda Park 03/18
Shelly Rooks 03/18
Easter Lily Envelopes will
be in your Sunday worship bulletins beginning on March 15th.
Each plant is $12. Please fill out
the envelopes and have them in
the church Office by March 28th. You may also put
them in the offering plate. The lily dedications will
appear in the Easter Sunday bulletin.
Adam Stokes 03/18
Izabel Letourneau 03/20
Cynthia Bowman 03/21
Dick Wales 03/22
Julianna Thrasher 03/25
Linda Burne 03/26
Sara Ros 03/26
Libby Ragole 03/28
Ken Hess 03/29
Samuel Davis Kent IV0 3/29
Marlies Lunger 03/29
Kyle Paul Criswell 03/3015
Emily Green 03/30
Brandon Mamaril 03/31
Our very own Rowen Sabala will star in
the title role of an upcoming KCETLink
performance! On March 31st at 8:30p.m.
the television special ‘Vireo: The Spiritual Biography of a Witch’s Accuser’ will
be aired. Viero is a new opera composed
by Lisa Bielawa and brought to life through the partnership of
California State University of Fullerton with Grand Central
Art Center. Along with Rowen, who plays the lead role of Vireo, the program will feature the Kronos Quartet and other performers. Rowen is part of our youth program and Celebration
Choir and is the daughter of Greg Sabala, one of our sound
February Session
With one family’s request for removal and two requests for letter of transfer, YLPC membership is 247.
Annual Reports to the Presbytery were presented by the Clerk and approved.
Rev. Forrest Claassen and COM chair Jack Clement presented information regarding the process of forming a PNC and
the options available.
 Deacon’s provided a wonderful selection of treats for the Session members in appreciation of the work put into the Mission Study.
 The Generative Catalyst Report was discussed and depending on the meeting date, representatives from Session were
 CE reported that they are hoping for more people to sign up for the Lenten Adult Bible study and that they are searching
for ways to get more involved with community.
 Worship Committee added two new members: Ila Hitt and Roxanne Ford
 Stewardship reported income was down by about $5,000 but that it is not unusual for the start of the year. They are keeping an eye on it.
 Facilities reported training has begun on the defibrillator. Roof repairs bids are coming in. Phone system is being installed. The office desks were delayed 2-3 weeks due to measurement errors by the supplier. Work party dates are 3/21,
6/20 and 8/29. Bids for parking lot resurfacing are being gathered and the Facilities Usage Study is proving to validate
the Mission Study findings. Decision regarding the modular will be discussed next month.
 The Nominating Committee is close to finalizing a slate of Elders.
 Presbytery Commissioners will be chosen at the next Session meeting.
 Ann shared concerns and prayers for members of the congregation. She encouraged Session members to participate in the
Lenten study and shared some of her experience at the recent Pastor’s Retreat.
Respectfully submitted, Chris Hills, Clerk of Session
January Financial Report
OPERATING FUND: Summary Results
Through January, we expected to receive $35,425 and actually received $30,292. Also through January, we expected to spend
$37,687 and actually spent $34,165 and Reserved $4,111 for funds budgeted but not spent.
Cash Position
Less: Restricted Funds*
Unrestricted Funds
Mtg. Reduction
20,992 $
(11,936) $
* Restricted funds are restricted to use for a specific purpose. These include designated gifts, program
reserves, payables, reserves for building maintenance, and reserves for unspent program budget.
MORTGAGE REDUCTION FUND: This year we have received contributions of $190 and paid $3630 in principal.
LOAN BALANCES - Mortgage Reduction
General Assembly Loan II $
Total Loans $
1/31/15 Loan Payment
6,202 $
359,509 $
Interest Rate
OPERATING FUND Summary Results
Through July, we expected to receive $220,647 and actually received $222,027.Also through July, we expected to spend
$218,160 and actually spent $209,975 and reserved $10,612 for funds budgeted but not spent.