3rd SUNDAY of LENT - “Even the sparrow finds a home.” March 08, 2015 - (Comm Antiphon) Psalm 84: 4 March 8, 2015 – Lord, strengthen our faith in You The First Reading, recounts the reception of the Ten Commandments. The first three commandments deal with our obligation to God. We are not to create idols or worship strange gods which includes participating in pagan religions or practices that question God’s control over our destiny; e.g., horoscopes, palm readings, etc. God’s name and the Sabbath are to be treated with sacred respect, for the Sabbath harkens back to the days of creation, when God, after working six days, rested on the seventh. The Jews rest from sunset Friday through sunset Saturday; while Christians rest the next day, Sunday, in honor of Jesus’ resurrection. The other seven commandments regard our obligations to others. Only the absolute minimum is recommended. Even if we observe them all, we are not necessarily good Christians, since charity to others could still be lacking. The Beatitudes are like commandments for Christians, asking more of us, inviting us to generosity. Today’s Responsorial, the second half of Psalm 19, celebrates the goodness of the Law using different synonyms to describe it. The Psalmist prays that his words and meditation will please the Lord. The Law cannot really be perfect until it is interiorized in one’s heart and professed with one’s life. The Second Reading addresses the concerns of the Jews and the Greeks. St Paul explains that in reality, Christ is God’s power (the Jewish concern for power) and He is also God’s wisdom (the Greek concern for wisdom). God’s wisdom, power and love are incarnate in Jesus, God’s Son. He is above and beyond the ephemeral power and wisdom the world (the Jews and the Greeks) seeks. Today’s Gospel rests on Jesus’ words. He lays out an analogy between Himself and the temple. His entire ministry is a revelation of the Father’s love for us that can only end up on the cross. Jesus speaks of the destruction of the temple of His body, which His listeners mistook as a reference to the actual building. Many of His followers had superficial faith, being only interested in miracles and what they could get out of the relationship. They did not want to commit their lives or love to Jesus. Since Jesus knew all this, He did not trust them. On the other hand, when Jesus rose from the dead, His Apostles remembered His words about destroying the temple, and this fortified their faith in Him, and the Scriptures, as well. Daily Masses and Mass Intentions CHAPEL OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST Perpetual Adoration Times Adorers are needed: Monday 11pm - 12 Midnight Tuesday 7pm - 8pm Wednesday 3am - 4am, 4am - 5am Friday 12am - 1am Saturday 11am - 12 Noon, 12 Noon - 1pm, 3pm - 4pm, 7pm- 8pm Sunday 2am - 3am, 5pm - 6pm “In the Eucharistic celebration, the Son of God comes to meet us; In the Eucharistic adoration, We go to meet the Son of God.” (Pope Benedict XVI) If you would like to be in the Real Presence of Jesus and visit with Him for the above time, or any Hour, or be a substitute, please call Marge at 967-0641,or Chris at 966-3266. God is “thirsting” for you to satiate “His thirst.” What will convert America and save the World? My answer is prayer. What we need is for every parish to come before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in Holy Hours of prayer.” (Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta) . Sunday 03/08/15 7:30 AM (I) Mass for the Parishioners 9:30 AM (R) Gregorio & Hermelinda Avila by DeLeon Family 11:15 AM (R) Shirley & Ray Borchard by Elizabeth & Michael Hummer 4:30 PM (R) Lucille Mascara by Mary Ann Henrikson Monday 03/09/15 7:00 AM (R) Norman Ross by Eleanor & Mike Strazzo 8:30 AM (I) Vern Walton by Carol & Vic Warmerdam Tuesday 03/10/15 *MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA *7:00 AM (I) Rachel Brewer by St. Mel School & Faculty *8:30 AM (R) Thomas McMahon by Susan & Tim Baker Wednesday 03/11/15 7:00 AM (I) Nancy & Dennis Marks by Kathy & Bill Baxter 8:30 AM (R) Ed McCalgan by Mary Ann Henrikson Thursday 03/12/15 7:00 AM (R) Dr. James Luken by Friends 8:30 AM (I) Maldonado Family by Maria & Tom Johnson Friday 03/13/15 7:00 AM (I) Elizabeth & Michael Hummer by Knight’s of Columbus #6066 8:30 AM (R) Anthony Ibarreta by St. Mel School & Faculty (School Mass) Commentator & Music Leaders for March 14 & March 15, 2015 Mass Times Commentator Music Leader SAT 4:30 PM Mammano, N. / Mammano, F. Song Leader SUN 7:30 AM Yanez / Wagner, D. Johannis SUN 9:30 AM CFF / CFF Contemporary Choir SUN 11:15 AM Juten, K. / Allison Traditional Choir SUN Germoles / Ricaforte Song Leader 4:30 AM SPECIAL COLLECTION CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES Saturday 03/14/15 8:30 AM (R) Halina and Arkadiusz by Komorniczak Family 4:30 PM (R) Helen Kirkish by Mary Ann Henrikson Sunday 03/15/15 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:15 AM 4:30 PM (R) (I) (I) (R) Carrie Villegas Apodoca by Her Loving Children Mr. Chris Juten by Gina Tronci Mass for the Parishioners Lawrence Ritter by Antonia & Nick Cammarota STATIONS OF THE CROSS Stations of the Cross and Benediction will be held each Friday during Lent at 11:15am and 7:00pm. Exception: Friday, 3/27, the evening time will be at 6:30pm, followed by Lenten Penance Service. LENTEN PARISH MISSION - 2015 Father Sean Davidson will preside at all weekend Masses March 14 & March 15. The Mission will be held at 7pm in the church on March 16, 17 and 18. **CORRECTION to the insert in last weekend’s bulletin.** THERE WILL BE NO EVENING MASSES DURING THE MISSION. Confession will follow after the 8:30am Masses and each night after the evening Talks. HOLY HOUR - TAIZE′ PRAYER Wednesday, March 25 Next weekend, March 15, our parish will take up The Catholic Relief Services Collection. This Collection helps to fund six Catholic organizations that improve the quality of life and protect human dignity. Your gift will support agricultural development to strengthen economies and create food sustainability, provide outreach services to survivors of human trafficking, and supply pastoral care and advocacy for immigrants and refugees. By helping the marginalized and impoverished, you give hope to Jesus in disguise. Please be charitable in next week’s Catholic Relief Services Collection. CATHOLIC FAITH FORMATION If you have any questions, please call the CFF office, 966-4314 or email ccd@stmelschool.org. PAN DE VIDA Pan de Vida is coming to St. Mel March 20, 21 & 22. This is a retreat for all youth between the ages of 13 & 18. For more information visit the website www.pandevidaretreat.com, or call Sara Donnelly, 402-7640. Eucharistic Adoration, 7pm, in the Church. Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament with Taize′ Prayer Meditative Scriptural Passion Of The Christ. Celebrate the Paschal Mystery of Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection, in our Lenten journey towards renewal of both body and spirit. LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE Friday, March 27, at approximately 7pm, immediately following the Stations of the Cross and ending with Adoration/ Benediction. ST. PATRICK’S DINNER – MARCH 14TH The Knights of Columbus invite you to an evening of fun for the entire family, on Sat., March 14, following the 4:30pm Mass. Join us for a traditional Irish feast, live music, Irish dancers, raffle prizes, and more. Advanced tickets will be available following each weekend Mass and during the week in the parish office. Proceeds benefit the many local charities supported by the KoC, #6066. For more information, or to donate raffle prizes, call Bruce Fairchild 769-6300 or Jim Carlson 801-9373. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SAVE THE DATES: SVdP’s “9th Annual Benefit for the POOR” dinner is scheduled for Fri., April 17, at the Red Lion Hotel - Woodlake. For more information contact Craig, 826-6423. SVdP has scheduled the Annual SHRED EVENT for Sat., April 25. Please save your old bills, receipts, etc. to shred. ADDITIONAL EXTRAORDINARY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS NEEDED We have recently lost the services of 10 Eucharistic Ministers. Any adult parishioner who wishes to partake in this rewarding ministry is encouraged to complete an application. Applications are located in the vestibule of the church, and at the Parish Office. We are in need of Eucharistic Ministers for all Masses, especially the 11:15am Mass. Deacon Pescetti will be conducting a training class for new candidates in the near future. Questions? Contact Joyce or Bill ,944-1374. IMMACULATE HEART RADIO PLEASE NOTE! Immaculate Heart Radio Needs Your Help! March 9th-12th *** SCHEDULE FOR BULLETIN ARTICLES *** Have you ever considered volunteering a few hours of your time to assist us in answering phones during our Pledge Drive? You can meet the announcers and staff, enjoy special food, and fellowship with other volunteers. You may even win some great books and CD’s from the radio station prize closet. To join us, contact Nicole Cardin today, volunteers@ihradio.org or call 888-887-7120. Please send your typed articles, in MS Word - Times New Roman, font 10, via email to stmeloffice@yahoo.com, no later than NOON ON FRIDAY to be included in the next bulletin. ST. MEL’S MOTHERS GROUP (M.O.M.) St. Mel’s Mothers Group will meet at Miller Park (on Kenneth and Sunset), Thurs., March 12, at 10am. Bring your children to play while we fellowship. This will serve as our monthly meeting. All mothers are encouraged and invited to come and be refreshed in heart and mind. Questions? Call Jeanne, 349-6936. Bulletin Weekend Dates Articles DUE Prior To FRIDAY March 7 -March 8 March 14 - March 15 Feb. 27 March 06 March 21 - March 22 March 28 - March 29 April 4 - April 5 Easter March 13 March 20 TBD Thank you for your cooperation. St. Mel Church 4745 Pennsylvania Avenue Fair Oaks, CA Invites You to Attend Parish Mission - 2015 Mission Given By: Fr. Sean Davidson of the Missionaries of the Holy Eucharist, St. Maximin, France Fr. Sean will be presiding at all weekend Masses beginning Saturday, March 14th @ 4:30 pm and all Masses on Sunday, March 15th Mission: March 16, 17, and 18 (Monday- Wednesday) Time: 7:00 pm in the church IMPORTANT NOTICE EAGLE SCOUTS In lighting devotional candles, please remember that you are NEVER to extinguish a candle that has been lit for someone’s prayer. . . . . the flame must go out completely on its own. No candles are to be placed outside of the holders. Any that are, will be removed. The Fire Department is very strict about this ruling. St. Mel’s Boy Scout Troop #217 is proud to announce its latest two Eagle Scouts!!! Nyle R. Gaylon achieved the Eagle Scout rank on Dec. 13, and Nicholaus P. Stachniuk reached the Eagle rank on March 1. This is a major accomplishment and we congratulate Nyle and Nicholaus on their success and accomplishments! For more information about Boy Scouts and Troop #217 contact Doug, Scoutmaster, 635-3222, or Bob, Committee Chair, 852-7213. Let us pray for those in our community who have recently passed away: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. PILGRIMAGE Join St. Mel Parishioners for a Spiritual Pilgrimage to ITALY - MEDJUGORJE - FATIMA with Father Aldrin Basarte September 14-28, 2015 Holy Mass Daily, Adoration & Confession Available for Counseling Fr. Sean Davidson is a member of the Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist, a new public clerical association based in southeast France. It is a small Eucharistic community founded canonically in 2007 by Bishop Dominique Rey (Diocese of Fréjus-Toulon) and Fr. Florian Racine for the promotion of Eucharistic Adoration in the Church. Born in London, England in 1979, Fr. Sean spent much of his childhood and youth with his family in Ireland and it was there that he encountered the Lord at the age of 21. He decided to enter formation for the sacred priesthood in the summer of 2004 and this call was accompanied by a strong desire to make Jesus in the Eucharist known and loved. Thus, he made the decision to go to France and assist with the project of Bishop Rey and Fr. Florian to establish a missionary community of adorer-priests dedicated to this end. Fr. Sean completed his priestly studies at the pontifical Gregorian University in Rome 2009 and was ordained a deacon in Toulon, France in June 2010. Fr. Sean was ordained a priest on the Feast of Corpus Christi, June 26, 2011 in France. The spirituality of his association is based upon the writings of St. Peter Julian Eymard, the apostle of the Holy Eucharist canonized by Pope John XIII. Planning the Future - Where there’s a Will, there’s a Way. · If You Already Have a Will . . . · Have you considered leaving a gift to your Parish? Plan to join us: Where: St. Mel’s – John Paul II room When: Sunday, March 22, 2015 Time: 10:45 AM (after the 9:30 AM Mass) Come hungry, there will be fresh fruit, croissants, danishes, juice, coffee and tea provided. CAMP PENDOLA REGISTRATION For more information please contact : Theresa, 715-3050 or Jenni, 600-6808 Renewal of Sacraments * Confession Spiritual Healing * Strengthen the Family * Relationships Deeper Prayer Life * One’s Values Confession - After Each Mission Talk Also, after 8:30 am Mass March 16th, 17th, and 18th COME FOR BREAKFAST STAY FOR YOUR LEGACY… Virgil Sprenkle BE RENEWED! BE REFORMED! BE ALIVE! INTERNATIONAL PILGRIM VIRGIN OF FATIMA VISIT SCHEDULE This is the world-famous International Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady or Fatima, sculpted in 1947. It was blessed to be the pilgrim, the traveler, sent out to bring the message of Fatima to the world, it has been traveling continuously ever since. If you would like to see this famous statue please visit one of our neighboring parishes listed below. March 9 8am - 8pm Holy Family Parish, 7817 Old Auburn Road March 10 8am - 8pm St. Lawrence Parish, 4325 Don Julio Blvd., N. Highlands March 12 7:30am - 8:00pm St. Rose of Lima Parish, 615 Vine Ave., Roseville Camp Pendola, the official summer camp of the Diocese of Sacramento, is now accepting registrations for the 2015 summer season. Camp Pendola offers a fun filled experience for children and youth under the supervision of trained college age counselors. For more information and registration materials, check our web site www.pendola.org or call 733-0123. Our Early Bird Discount Ends on May 15. Please Pray for the Sick of Our Parish Anthony Caillou Audrey Holden Brian Condon Cecelia Beviacqua Chris Stabile Curtis Calvin Dave Chaney Deana Landingham Don Nice Dorothy Jenning Eduardo Murallon Florence Garcia Genevieve Kellemann George & Joanne Kim Howard McCormack Jeannette Barron Jim Maher Jody & Ron Martinez Jose Mascorro Johanna Ross John Langland Judy Spinelli Kathy Pescetti Keith Sprenkle Lance Whatley Lee West Leo Garcia Maria Maria - Elena Fallai Marge Buttner Mary Cotterman Mary Slocum Mike Marchese Nancy Dibble Nellie Henson Nick Tenaglia P. J. Spain Patty Arcenequx-Conti Richard Robinson Ricky Garcia Robin Dunton Ron Phillips Vanese Hampton Veronica McDevitt We welcome all new parishioners and ask that you complete this registration form and place it in the collection basket at Mass, or return it to the Parish Office. Quick Registration St. Mel Catholic Church Last Name_________________________________ Envelopes? Yes No First Name(s)________________________ Mailing Name (i.e. Mr. & Mrs. John Doe) ________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Street City Zip Code Phone #__________________________ Best time to Call: ______________________ (to complete registration by phone) Do you have any special request: ______________________________________________________________________________
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