8:55 “ALIVE” Service at PBUMC Welcome and Opening Prayer “Take My Life” “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” Old Testament Lesson Numbers 21: 4-9 Announcements, Joys and Concerns Baptism Nick Zorda Nick and Kristy Zorda Children’s Moment “The Wonderful Cross” Scripture Lesson Ephesians 2: 1-10 Gospel Lesson John 3: 14-21 “Forgive Us Our Trespasses” The Caleb Class now studying The Gospels, utilizing open discussion and The Word. Rotating facilitators coordinate lively discussion of this community-minded and active group. Each session is stand alone. PBUMC Activities Center Room #2102 9:15 - 10:15am The Corner Class is a diverse group of young (49) to old (94) folks who gather together to make our lives more meaningful, more spiritual, more servant-minded, and easier to deal with on a daily basis. No question is too strange, no opinion ignored. We want to leave the Sunday class prepared to meet the week head-on with Christ as our role model. We welcome all! PBUMC Activities Center Room #2206 9:30 - 10:30am Perdido Bay United Methodist Church Sharing the love of Jesus… The Seekers are re-visiting Adam Hamilton’s "Confronting the Controversies". Please feel welcome to join us no matter your age, gender, scriptural knowledge, singles or couples. We welcome the diversity that is in God's people. PBUMC Activities Center Room #2205 10:15 - 11:00am Offering Sermon Adult Studies The Ericson Class is comprised of prayerful women who enjoy the study of God’s Word, strive to serve God, PBUMC, the community, and each other. Our current lessons offer discussion and guidance through chapters of Revelation. Please join us. Worship Center Prayer Room 9:00 - 10:00am “Who Am I” Receiving New Members Sunday School Classes at PBUMC Pastor Levi Pastoral Prayer The Bible Searchers Class is an in depth Bible Study from the Old and New Testament. The class is an interactive and active group offering learning, service, and support for others. Open to those seeking a deeper walk with God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. PBUMC Activities Center Room #2103 9:30 - 10:30am The Parents of Tweens and Teens Class would like for you to join us for a new study by David Jeremiah from his book Answers to Questions about Spiritual Warfare. Worship Center Room #1116 10:00am The Chapter 2 Class (Our Journey Begins) is for college/career and young adults who are seeking fellowship. Our goal is to learn and apply God’s Word in today’s world by actively ministering to each other and our community. We meet often for off-campus fellowships and projects designed to put our faith into practice. Come let us meet you and get to know you. PBUMC Activities Center Room #2201 10:00 – 10:50am “Forever” Benediction CHILDREN’S CHURCH (FOR KINDERGARTEN – 2ND GRADE) (EXCEPT ON COMMUNION SUNDAYS) Appropriately-aged children will meet Ms. Hannah in the back of the gym when they are called, they will all go upstairs for their class, and then they will return to you during the final song for the close of the service. If you would like to volunteer to help with this ministry, please let Ms. Hannah know: hannah@pbumc.net Week at a Glance Mar 15 Disciple’s Path Class 1:00 - 2:30pm; PBUMC A.C. Mar 17 Kiwanis Club 7:00am; PBUMC A.C. Prayer Intercessors 8:00am; W.C. Women’s Bible Study 8:45am; PBUMC A.C. Ladies’ Bible Study 101 9:30am; PBUMC A.C. Mar 18 Quilters on the Key 10:00am; PBUMC A.C. Prayer Shawl Ministry 2:00pm; PBUMC A.C. Children’s Choir 4:30pm; W.C. Wednesday Night Dinner & Activities Begin 5:00pm Adult Studies: 5:45pm Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm; W.C. Mar 19 Grumpy Old Men Group 8:00am; PBUMC A.C. Pastor Levi’s Lenten Study 10:30am; PBUMC A.C. Adopt-a-Highway 9:00am; PBUMC A.C. CHILDREN & YOUTH SCHEDULE Nursery/Preschool Care Available Nursery Wing in the Worship Center 8:00am - 12:00pm Elementary (Kindergarten - 5th Grade) Elementary Wing in the Worship Center Sunday School 10:00am Youth (6th - 12th Grade) PBUMC Activities Center Contemporary Worship Service 8:55 - 9:55am (Youth are invited to sit with Mr. Josh & the Youth Group) Sunday School - Youth Room (upstairs) 10:00 - 10:45am Contact Us PBUMC: 13660 Innerarity Point Road, Pensacola, Florida 32507 Office: 850-492-2135 Fax: 492-9136 PBUMC Activities Center: 850-497-0000 Email: karen@pbumc.net Email: kandi@pbumc.net Preschool: 850-492-0647 Redemption Store: 850-497-6880 www.perdidobayumc.net Providing opportunities for a growing relationship with God through: Connecting, Strengthening, and Serving March 15, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Lent Bishop Paul Leeland, A labama-West Florida Conference District Superintendent Jeremy Pridgeon, Pensacola District Dr. Darren M. McClellan, Senior Pastor Rev. Levi S. Gardner, A ssociate Pastor 8:00 am Traditional Service at Perdido Bay UMC WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ENTRANCE CALL TO WORSHIP L: Bless the Lord, O my soul. P: All that is within me, bless God’s holy name! L: Bless the Lord, O my soul. P: Forget not all the benefits of the Lord! L: Who forgives all your sins and heals your diseases. P: Who redeems your life from destruction and crowns you with mercy and loving-kindness. L: Who satisfies you with good as long as you live, and renews your youth like an eagle’s. P: The Lord is full of compassion, slow to anger, rich in love. L: The Lord does not deal with us as our sins deserve. P: For the Lord knows how we are made. L: God remembers that we are dust. P: Bless the Lord throughout all creation! WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL TO WORSHIP L: Bless the Lord, O my soul. P: All that is within me, bless God’s holy name! L: Bless the Lord, O my soul. P: Forget not all the benefits of the Lord! L: Who forgives all your sins and heals your diseases. P: Who redeems your life from destruction and crowns you with mercy and loving-kindness. L: Who satisfies you with good as long as you live, and renews your youth like an eagle’s. P: The Lord is full of compassion, slow to anger, rich in love. L: The Lord does not deal with us as our sins deserve. P: For the Lord knows how we are made. L: God remembers that we are dust. P: Bless the Lord throughout all creation! *OPENING HYMN “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing ” AFFIRMATION OF FAITH Apostle’s Creed *HYMN OF PRAISE AFFIRMATION OF FAITH #881 *THE GLORIA PATRI Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. JOYS AND CONCERNS “Grace Greater than Our Sin” Numbers 21: 4-9 #365 PRAYER OF CONFESSION AND PARDON This is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, for people loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. Let us uncover our sin before the liberating light of Christ. Merciful God, we confess the folly of our sin and the hypocrisy of our complaints. We grumble about the evils in our world, even as we commit injustices and profit through deceit. We fret about the scarcity of resources while hoarding earth’s goods and cheating the poor. We protest the problems of our world, but we do not actively work to address them. Merciful God, expose our sins before the light of your grace. Heal our sin and free us from our foolish ways that we may know the joy of eternal life in Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. in the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven. Thanks be to God. INVITATION TO THE OFFERING THE DOXOLOGY PROCLAMATION AND RESPONSE PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION SCRIPTURE LESSON GOSPEL LESSON SERMON “Forgive Us Our Trespasses” PASTORAL PRAYER/LORD’S PRAYER THE GREAT THANKSGIVING GIVING THE BREAD AND CUP SENDING FORTH *HYMN OF SENDING “Amazing Grace” BENEDICTION CONGREGATIONAL BLESSING Apostle’s Creed #400 #881 Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. RECEIVING NEW MEMBERS Jan and John Tobey JOYS AND CONCERNS PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE HYMN “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” #400 *THE GLORIA PATRI OLD TESTAMENT LESSON PRAYER CONCERNS 11:00 am Traditional Service at Perdido Bay UMC Ephesians 2: 1-10 John 3: 14-21 Levi S. Gardner PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE HYMN “Grace Greater than Our Sin” OLD TESTAMENT LESSON #365 Numbers 21: 4-9 CHILDREN’S MOMENT INVITATION TO THE OFFERING THE DOXOLOGY PROCLAMATION AND RESPONSE PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION ANTHEM “On the Road to Jerusalem” SCRIPTURE LESSON Ephesians 2: 1-10 GOSPEL LESSON SERMON Chancel Choir John 3: 14-21 “Forgive Us Our Trespasses” Levi S. Gardner CLOSING PRAYER Abby Allie & Tyler America & its leaders Anderson, Adam Apple, Alice Baker, LaJuanna Johns & family Bankes, Deb Barger, Dottie Barnes, Becky Barnhart, Sharon Batenhorst, Bob, family of Batson, Doug & Beverly Beccue family Bennett, Frank & Doris Beumer, Alice Booth, Candace Boyle, Wini Briscoe, Dottie Brooks family Brown, Martha & family Brownfield, Kathy Bullard, Jerry Camp, Larry Carpenter, Beth Cotton, Gwen Crowder family Cruz, Deborah Curtis, Michael Dailor, Jim Daniel, Delorese Dike, David Drew, Lexie Dustoff Crews Worldwide Edelen family Edwards, Mike Findley, Donnie Fish, Noah Flora, Donna Foshee, Ray Gonzales, Bernice Hall, Jean Hamilton, Lynn Hand, JoAnn Hartsock, Betts & family Harville, Dan Head, Marilyn Hill, Shea Hinnant, Bill Homeless In His Service SENDING FORTH *HYMN OF SENDING “Amazing Grace” #378 BENEDICTION CONGREGATIONAL BLESSING Horn, Paul Huppertz, Carolyn Hutto, John Jaburg, Con, family of Jeter, Norm & Edra John, Julie & Jackson Johns, Vivian Jules & Jackson Karty, Phyliss Keith, Gwen Kelley, Sean King, Pete King, Winifred & family LaGrange Christian Church Lamar, Kayla & family Lanier, Kathy Lasar, Dick Lee family Leer, Jack & Jean Lemley family Little, Noncie Lowry, George Manning, Diana Marnell, Pastor Dave Marquez, Wanda Matthews, Tom Mazzullo, Zak Mead, Nathan & family Milstead, Elizabeth Nicholson, Trevor Noel, Lisa & family Norris, Ann Olsen, John & Jane Our Military & their Families Parker, Paul Pastor Darren & family Pastor Levi & Caroline Patillo, Jennifer PBUMC Ministries Perrino, Jean & family Phillips, Bruce Pierce, Rhonda and family Pribble family Prieth, Kim Ragsdale, Tadd Redding-Carey, Jill & Family Ushers 8:00 Jim & Mary Ayers Gage & Becca Woodward Charlie Sanders Acolyte 8:00 Nick Whitner 11:00 Claire Wright Counters Sandy Brooks, Betty & Joe Petrone Barnabas on Call Anne Gilbert #89 vs.3 #378 #89 vs.3 Redemption Store Reese, Laura Ryan, Patrick Saal, Richard Sampson family Shanks, Timmy Sharon Ruth Shell, Deb Shell family Sieling, Vern, family of Simmons, Sandy Slavens, Justin Smoak, Michael Snider, Annie Speno, Carol & Fred Stapleton, Mr. & Mrs. Stegeman, Beth Stephens, Martin, Jennifer, Ethan, & Henry Paul Stepler, Ron Stovall, Tyler & family Tasker family Tessein, Edna Thompson, Joe & family Those struggling with addictions Tichenor, Joy & family True family Unspoken Vermillion, Debbi Waits, David & family Walsh, David Walters, Till Watkins, Marcus Werner, Kathy White, Rhonda Whitmer, Linda Williams, Doyle Willis, Pam Wingo, Joy Winter, Terri Winter, William & family Wolfe, Becky Wood, Kim Wood, Tina & family Zamora, Terazzah Last Week’s Attendance: 454 11:00 Ralph Loveless Janet Swalley Richard Poulin Violet Mitchell Bobbie Westerman
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