MOST HOLY TRINITY PARISH Parish Office: 236 Route 390, Cresco, Pennsylvania 18326 Worship Site: Msgr. McHugh Auditorium, 212 Route 390, Cresco Parish Office Parish Office (570) 595-3100 (570) 595-3100 Faith Formation Faith Formation (570) 595-3111 (570) 595-3111 Fax Fax (570) 595-3200 (570) 595-3200 Website Website Email Email 5th Sunday of Lent March 22, 2015 Sunday Mass Schedule Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00pm Saturday6:00pm 4:00pm Sunday 8:00am 6:00pm Sunday 10:45am 8:00am 12:30pm 10:45am- Spanish 12:30pm - Spanish Reconciliation Reconciliation Monday 5:30-7:00pm - Parish Center First Saturday5:30-7:00pm of the month-12:00-1:00pm Monday Parish Center First Saturday of the month 12:00Other times by appointment. 1:00pm Other times byofappointment. Sacrament Baptism The sacrament is generally celebrated during the 10:45 am Mass on the second Sunday of Sacrament of Baptism the month. Parents/legal guardians are to The sacrament is generally celebrated at contact the office early to arrange sacramen12noon at each worship site. Parents/ talguardians instruction a date. areand to schedule contact the office early to “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit..” - John 12:22 MISSION STATEMENT We, the Catholic community of Most Holy Trinity Parish, rich in diversity, strive to achieve the unity that is the essence of God and the heart of the Church. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are called to be faithful stewards of the apostolic tradition, to stir into flame the gifts of God the Father, and to evangelize through our action as witnesses to our Lord, Jesus Christ. arrange Sacrament sacramental of instruction and schedMarriage a date. Aule couple contemplating marriage must meet Sacrament ofmonths Marriage with a priest at least six prior to the A couple marriage desired date contemplating of the celebration. Whenmust the meet with a priest at least six months prior standard pre-nuptial investigation has been to the desired datebe of the celebration. completed, a date can arranged. When the pre-nuptial investigation has Anointing of can thebe Sick been completed, a date arranged. As an aid to comfort and strengthen the sick, Anointing of the Sick to those the sacrament is administered As an aid to comfort and preparing strengthen for the advanced in years, those sick, the sacrament is administered to those surgery and those in danger of death. advanced years, those preparing for Contact the in parish office to make arrangesurgery and those in danger of death. ments. Contact the office to make arrangements. Sacrament of Holy Orders An Catholic male who feels that God maybe calling him to serve His people as a deacon or priest, should talk to the pastor. MHT PARISH MASS INTENTIONS Pastor: Rev. Paul Fontanella Parochial Vicar: Rev. Gregory Loughney Deacon: Ron Verkon 3/23 Email Addresses 3/24 Pastor: Assistant Pastor: Main Office: Faith & Family Life Coordinator: Weekday Masses MHT Parish Center Mon-Thurs: 7:00am and 8:15am Fri: 7:00am All regular weekday Masses are celebrated at the Parish Center, 236 Route 390 in Cresco. Please call the office to confirm the time of your weekday Mass intentions. Parish Office Hours Monday 9:00am - 8:00pm Tuesday-Thursday 9:00am - 5:00pm Friday 9:00am - 12noon Introduction to the Liturgy of the Word First Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34 I will make a new covenant and remember their sin no more. Psalm 51 “Create a clean heart in me, O God.” Second Reading: Hebrews 5:7-9 Christ leaned obedience and became the source of eternal salvation. Gospel: John 12:20-33 If a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it produces much fruit. Our readings today all invite us to be rather introspective. Jeremiah tells us that God’s law will be so written on our hearts that we will have no need to tell others how to know the Lord, it will be so evident. Saint Paul tells us about Jesus’ cries and supplications to the Father, some of which we hear in today’s Gospel. Indeed, Philip does what we all are to do: he beings others to Jesus. So let us listen for God’s message to us today even as we hear of God’s message to us today even as we hear of God’s message to Jesus. How do others know that we serve God in Christ Jesus? 7:00am MHT-PC Peter T. Ratajczyk Kate Woehrle 8:15am MHT-PC Maurice Smith Patty La Duke & Family 7:00am MHT-PC Lisa Francois The Ladies Guild 8:15am MHT-PC Jason Murray & Family Ken & Arlene Calemmo 7:00am MHT-PC Gail Forssell Charles & Marguerite Morrow 8:15am MHT-PC Tim & Tami O’Boyle Family 7:00am MHT-PC Ray Stanton Kathleen Mc Kevitt 8:15am MHT-PC Tim Cardwell The Family 3/27 7:00am MHT-PC Palmira Genzano Mario Genzano 3/28 4:00pm MMS Mary Vaccola By Family 6:00pm MMS Logan Crill His Family 8:00am MMS Louie S. Hanft Michael Malec & Family Charles Maldanado Janet Maldanado Joe Battisto The Regan Family 3/25 3/26 3/29 10:45am MMS 12:30pm MMS SANCTUARY LAMP Special Intention: Mary Ann Biederman Requested by: Vicky Knight & Family Most Holy Trinity Parish Stewardship March 15, 2015 Sunday Collection Flowers and Liturgy $ 9225.00 $ 1074.00 Thank You for your generosity to our parish. Vespers, also called Evening Prayer, is part of the Liturgy of the Hours, also known as the Divine Office. In the Liturgy of the Hours, the Church fulfills Jesus’ command to “pray always” (Lk 18:1). Through this prayer, the people of God sanctify the day by continual praise of God and prayers of intercession for the needs of world. Vespers gives thanks for the day just past and makes an evening sacrifice of praise to God. Please join us for Vespers each Sunday evening during Lent at 5:30pm in the Chapel of Most Holy PASTOR’S CORNER Dear Brothers and Sisters, Regarding the challenges of new parking and the walking distance between our cars and the entrance, a number of people have raised concerns about the elderly and others who have difficulty with mobility. Please keep in the mind the following : The days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. As we enter into this Passiontide, the last two weeks of Lent, the focus of the Church’s prayer begins to center itself much more distinctly on the suffering and death of the Lord. Far from sad or depressing, the image of his freely accepted and complete sacrifice calls to mind the blood by which the new and eternal covenant, long-foretold by the prophet Jeremiah, came to pass on Calvary’s hill and which, through the mystery of the most holy Eucharist, continues to bear fruit in our day and age. 1. There is reserved handicapped parking in the rear of the building, near the kitchen entrance complete with a ramp and very little walking Having been chastened and strengthened by our ongodistance at all between your car and the door. ing acts of prayer, fasting and charity, let us begin in earnest to walk with Our Lord the way of his holy 2. Those who have difficulty walking, including the Cross by which he has redeemed the world. It is not an length of the aisle to receive Holy Communion are easy path, but it is a joyful one and filled with hope, kindly encouraged to sit in the front on the right because through it we are led with great certainty to hand side of the worship space. There are even a few the glory of the resurrection. chairs with arms to help with the ‘ups and downs’ of the Mass! In the hearts of Jesus and Mary, Fr. Paul Thank you to all of our parishioners at the 10:45am Mass who each Sunday help us to break down a The Three Pillars of Lent portion of the chairs. Your continued assistance is Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving both appreciated and necessary. As you assist we kindly ask that you wait until the ministers of the The third traditional pillar, like Mass have recessed and are out of the auditorium fasting, is linked to our baptismal commitment in the same way. It is before collecting the chairs. a sign of our care for those in need If you have any suggestions please contact us and an expression of our gratitude and let us know how we can improve. for all that God has given to us. Works of charity and the promotion Word of Life of justice are integral elements of the Christian way of life we began On March 25, 2015, the Knights of Columbus will when we were baptized. host a Day of the Unborn prayer service in honor of the Blessed Mother on the Feast of the Annuncia- Almsgiving is simply a response by us to God, a tion, at the parish center chapel at 7:00 PM. All are response that we have come to through prayer and invited to honor the Blessed Mother and pray for fasting. It is an expression of our gratitude for all that the unborn, that their mothers, like Mary, will say God has given us, and a realization that in the Body of Yes to God; “be it unto me according to thy word.” Christ, it is never just “me and God.” Through prayer Luke 1:38 and fasting we come to a deeper understanding that the needs of all are the responsibility of all in the “Human life is good and to be protected. All Body of Christ. Works of charity and the promotion medical decisions ought to reflect this core belief.” of justice are integral elements of the Christian way of — “Advance Medical Directives: life we began when we were baptized. Planning for Your Future” MARCH PARISH CALENDAR Sunday March 22 9:00-10:15 am Religious Formation 4:00-7:00pm 5:30-7:00pm Monday, March 23 Eucharistic Adoration - MHT PC Confessions - MHT Parish Center 7:00pm Tuesday, March 24 Choir Practice 7:30pm Wednesday, March 25 Ecumenical Lenten Prayer Service Canadensis Methodist 7:00pm Friday, March 27 Stations of the Cross - MHT PC 5:30pm Sunday, March 29 Vespers - MHT Parish Center PARISH ACTIVITIES If you are interested in helping our parish family to praise the Lord in song at Mass, please consider becoming a cantor or participating the choir. We invite you to join us at practice. Choir Practice Tuesdays March 24, 7:00 pm MHT Parish Center March 31, 7:00 pm MHT Parish Center Thank you to all our Chili and Salsa Chefs who made this event possible. Spiritual Tea Also a big thank you to our Sponsors: April 16, 2015 1:00pm-3:00pm Handyman Party Shack & Rentals Scrudato’s General Marking Devices Forssell’s Plumbing & Heating Anonymous Jeff Woehrle Electrician Charlie Gardner MHT Ladies’ Guild MHT Knights of Columbus Prof. Al Moranville and County Line Band Bloomin’ Onion Kasa’s Pizza Pocono Brew Pub Callie’s Pretzel Factory Resort Beverage Sysco Foods, ESU Hotel, Restaurant, & Tourism Dept. At Most Holy Trinity Parish Center Guest Speaker: Sister Gloria Frank Topic: From Emmaus to Jerusalem Joy Reservation is required. Call Pat Baker 570-643-7073 $10.00 donation is appreciated. Via Crucis / Way of the Cross Join us for our 13th annual commemoration on Good Friday, April 3, 2015 beginning at 2:00pm. The procession will begin at the K-Mart parking lot in Mount Pocono and proceed to St. Mary’s church on Fairview Ave. For those interested in participating in this prayerful event please contact Jose Mendoza through the parish office. YOUTH MINISTRY Calling all High School Students: Your assistance is needed for the parish presentation of Living Stations on Saturday, March 28, 2015. We are in need of your talents in the following areas: Musicians, Backstage help and Hospitality. If you wish to help, please contact Sarah at 570-595-3111 or D IOCESAN N EWS Most Holy Trinity Pledge Goal 2014 - $85,000 Percentage of Goal Pledges as of March 9th: 77% Notre Dame High School presents their spring musical a Shakespearean comedy,“Love’s Labour’s Lost.” Join us for a fun-filled evening of song and merriment If you have not already done so, please make your on Saturday, March 21st at 7:30 pm and a matinee on pledge to help the thousands of people who will Sunday, March 22nd at 3pm. Tickets $10 adults & $7 directly benefit from your caring support. for students/seniors. NDHS 60 Spangenburg Ave, East Each day, with your gift to the Appeal you join in Stroudsburg. “Transforming Lives Together” by enhancing the Youth for Life Art and Essay Contest 2015 programs offered in each of our 120 parishes; by Students from grades 7 - 12 are invited to enter the 2015 educating our most precious resources: the approxi- Youth for Life Art and Essay Contest sponsored by Pennmately 6,000 students in our 20 Diocesan schools sylvanians for Human Life. The theme is “Human Life is and those children in parish religious education Precious in All its Stages.” Prizes are awarded to winners in programs; by responding to the poorest, the weakest a senior and junior division for the essay contest while in the art contest, all grades are combined. Three $100 first prizes, and those most in need through the good works of three $60 second prizes and three $30 third prizes are awardCatholic Social Services; and by supporting our ed. Essays MUST be from 400 to 600 words typewritten or retired and aging priests as well as our seminarians legibly handwritten. The deadline for entries is May 13, currently studying for the priesthood. 2015. Please mail entries to: Youth for Life Contest, Pro-Life Chrism Mass All the faithful of the Diocese of Scranton are invited to attend the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral of Saint Peter, Scranton, on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at 4:00 pm. At this Mass the priest of the diocese renew their priestly promises before the Bishop, and the sacred oils used in the celebration of our sacraments are blessed. Participation in the Chrism Mass is a beautiful way to pray for and support the priests of our diocese. Catholic Schools Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service Our diocesan Catholic schools prepare students for meaningful lives inside and outside the classroom. Our principals, faculty and staff are dedicated to encouraging each student from Pre-K to grade 12 to reach their own academic and spiritual potential. To learn more about us call: Msgr. McHugh School (Pre-K to Grade 8), Cresco: 570-595-7463 Notre Dame Jr./Sr. High School (Grades 7 to 12), East Stroudsburg: 570-421-0466 Information Center, 506 Broadway, Scranton, PA 18505. If you have questions, please call Sue at 570-343-5099. C OMMUNITY O UTREACH Family Promise 124 North 9th St., Stroudsburg, 570-420-8589 Family Promise provides shelter and support services for up to 4 families at a time. It also provides furniture, emergency housing assistance, and other such services to the community. You can call Elaine Madere to learn more about how you can help Family Promise. 732-9953370. Community Outreach Program (Trinity’s Treasure Trove): Stop! Don’t throw that out! One man’s trash is another man’s treasure! We can find a home for almost anything in good condition through local charities, food pantries, clothing closets, etc. to help the needy in our area. We are currently seeking donations of Easter baskets and items to fill them. Most Holy Trinity Parish Is Hosting Weekly A Meal for the Community Wednesdays, Noon to 1:00 St. Bernadette’s church hall, Route 390 Canadensis, PA Questions? Call Madeleine Forssell 570-595-6491 Volunteer Coordinator Nancy Santi 570-595-5063 The purveyor on March 11, 2015 was The Frogtown Inn and 6 Acres Restaurant in Canadensis. The desserts were provided by The Daily Bread Bakeshop. Ayuno y Abstinencia durante Cuaresma La Cuaresma es un tiempo de “PENITENCIA” que nos recuerda los 40 días que Cristo pasó en el desierto en ayuno y oración. La Iglesia recomienda que todos los Viernes de Cuaresma se abstenga de comer carne y que se debe ayunar el Miércoles de Cenizas y Viernes Santo. Es importante entender que la Iglesia exonera a ciertas personas de estas obligaciones ejemplo: diabéticos, personas de edad, embarazadas, problemas de salud, etc. Parroquia la Santísima Trinidad, Aud. Msgr McHugh LITURGIA PENITENCIAL Jueves, 26 de Marzo Hora 7:00 pm Invitamos a todos al Sacramento de la Reconciliación en este tiempo de Cuaresma. Habrá lecturas, música, reflexiones, nos acompañaran varios sacerdotes para ayudar a la confesión. No pierdas esta oportunidad de reconciliarte con Jesús. RETIRO DE CUARESMA Sábado, 28 de Marzo Hora 9:00am - 5:00pm La Catequesis Familiar, hace una invitación a toda la Comunidad a participar de enseñanza espirituales en preparación a la Semana Santa. Favor de inscribirse con tiempo. Todos están invitados. ACTIVIDADES PARROQUIA SAN MATEO CLASES DE LITURGIA: Estas invitados a participar de talleres sobre como trabajar en la misa-liturgia dirigido por el Prof. Nector García por 4 semanas, más. Reuniones cada Jueves a las 7:00pm hasta el 16 de Abril. Más información llamar a Nector telf. 646 221-6021 CURSILLO: Cada segundo domingo del mes. Vía Crucis: Cada Domingo después de misa, encargado Diacono Oscar. Baile Familiar: Sábado Mayo 2 pro-fondo a la Parroquia, información mas adelante. Santoral y Calendario Mes de Marzo 2015 23 Lunes Memoria de san Toribio de Magrovejo 25 Miércoles Solemnidad de la anunciación del Señor Los Santos fueron personas que siguieron las huellas de Cristo, viven gozosos en el cielo. Derramaron su sangre por su amor; y por eso se alegran con Cristo para siempre. ¿Quieres aprender Ingles? Anímate y aprenderías a entenderlo, hablarlo, leerlo y escribirlo Clases comenzaran después del día de resurrección (Easter) Muy pronto más información. Auspiciado: Parroquia La Santísima Trinidad Vía Crucis / El Camino hacia la Cruz Viernes Santo - Abril 3 Hora 2:00pm Procesión en MT Pocono - Kmart Parking Lot Invitamos a todos a participar en el 13avo. Año de esta representación de la Pasión de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo que entrego su vida para salvarnos. Todo lo hacemos con mucho amor, respeto y fe. Si estas interesado en participar favor de llamar a la oficina (570 595-3100) para dejar un mensaje a José Mendoza. Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas, He aquí, vienen días, declara el SEÑOR, en que haré con la casa de Israel y con la casa de Judá una nueva alianza. Al entrar a estas semanas de Pasión, las dos últimas semanas de Cuaresma, el enfoque en la oración Eclesial empieza a centrarse mucho más claramente en el sufrimiento y muerte del Señor. Lejos de triste y deprimente, la imagen de su sacrificio total y libremente aceptado, nos recuerda la sangre por la cual la alianza nueva y eterna, anunciada hace mucho por el profeta Jeremías, aconteció en el Monte del Calvario y que, a través del misterio de la Santísima Eucaristía, continúa dando fruto en nuestra época. Habiendo sido afligidos y fortalecidos por nuestros actos de oración, ayuno y caridad, empecemos seriamente a caminar con Nuestro Señor por el camino de su santa Cruz por la cual Él ha redimido al mundo. Éste no es camino fácil, pero sí es alegre y lleno de esperanza, porque a través de él somos llevados con gran certeza a la Gloria de la resurrección. En los corazones de Jesús y Maria, Padre Paul Parroquia La Santísima Trinidad Calendarios de Misas y Actividades durante Cuaresma Capilla Centro Parroquial, Cresco Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento Cada lunes de 4:00 a 7:00pm Sacramento de Reconciliación: Habrá confesiones cada Lunes 5:30pm a 7:00pm y cada primer sábado de cada mes 12:00am a 1:00pm Legión de María, Cada Lunes 6:00pm a 7:45pm Estación de la Cruz: Cada Viernes de Cuaresma 7:00pm Vísperas Cada domingo de Cuaresma 5:30pm Ensayo del Vía Crucis: Viernes 29 después de misa Aud. Msgr. McH. Catequesis Familiar: Cada Domingo 10:45am Coleg. Msgr McHugh Catequesis Familiar Actividades durante Cuaresma Cada último Sábado del mes, Habrán reuniones Familia de Nazaret y Catequista Hora 6:00pm Liturgia Penitencial: Jueves, 26 de Marzo 7:00pm Retiro de Cuaresma: Sábado, 28 de Marzo 9:00am a 5:00pm Primera Comunión: Domingo,24 de Mayo Grupos de Oración y Estudio de Biblia Los invitamos a participar en los diferentes grupos Viernes: 7pm Iglesia Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz, Brodheadsville. Viernes: 7pm Iglesia san Mateo, East Stroudsburg. Estudio de la Biblia en Ingles : Iglesia San Lucas, cada Jueves hora 10am y será Repetido a las 7:00pm. Todos son bienvenidos. Anuncios Llamar a la Oficina de la Parroquia La Santísima Trinidad hasta el día Lunes de 9:00am a 4:00pm Telf. # (570) 595-3100 o escribir al correo Electrónico:
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