Beacon First Baptist Church Montgomery bring them them up...send them out Volume 68 | Week of March 22, 2015 | Number 12 Spring Break Week at First Baptist Sunday, March 22 8:30 & 11:00 am Worship Services 9:45 am Bible Fellowship Classes No PM activities or services. Wednesday, March 25 No PM services or activities Pray for the Spring Break Mission Projects to Puerto Rico, Haiti, India, Nashville & Cuba | Office: 334.834.6310 | Prayer Line: 334.834.4585 CONNEC IONS from your Pastor’s Heart Easter is Coming! If you look at a map of the vast Pacific, you can discover a small spot called Easter Island. A Dutch navigator, Jacob Roggeveen, named this tiny place in Polynesia “Easter Island” since they encountered it on Easter Sunday of 1722. Because of the island’s appealing name, people flock to it each Easter. After a short visit on this uniquely named location, the tourists climb aboard the boats and go back to the mainland. Their visit to Easter is finished. My friend, Easter is not an island or even a day to be visited; but is God’s invitation to experience His living hope! Easter should become your daily experience of living with the risen Savior. It is the pulsating heartbeat of authentic Christian faith. That is why God’s Word proclaims, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. In His great mercy, He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” (1 Peter 1:3) The living hope of Easter made it possible for the famed missionary David Livingstone to affirm, “I go through the jungles of Africa because my Jesus is by my side.” The living hope of Easter compelled Savonarola to state before he was martyred for his faith, “They may tear me to pieces and kill me, but they shall never tear from my heart the presence of my Christ.” God’s living hope enables you to face the harsh tribulations of this fallen world with faith and courage that will lead you to God’s victory! Allow the next few days to constitute your runway that will prepare you to soar into the most spectacular Easter of your existence. Let every new leaf of spring and every blooming azalea remind you to live in the light of the empty tomb. Determine this spring, not to simply visit Easter, but choose to experience the resurrected Savior’s living hope every day. I rejoice in being your Pastor, FBC Faithfulness | Sunday, March 15, 2015 ATTENDANCE Bible Fellowship Enrollment 4963 | Bible Fellowship Attendance 1801 Weekly Attendance 2323 | Discipleship Attendance 1315 OFFERING Required Weekly $123,557.69 | Received Sunday $102,588.91 Required To Date $1,359,134.59 | Received To Date $1,240,257.78 Building Fund Sunday $386.00 | Building Fund to Date $7,947.10 Annie Armstrong Easter Offering® $52,237.94 Under Budget | $118,876.81 Ministry Announcements Preschool Ministry There will be a Parent/Child Dedication on Sunday, April 19 in the 8:30 & 11:00 am worship services. To register your baby for this special dedication, please call Tiffany Alewine at 241.5165 or visit If you would like your baby’s photo to be included in the Order of Worship that day, please email a high resolution photo of your baby to by Friday, April 3. Children’s Ministry Mark your calendars for Children’s Sunday on April 12. Our special guests for the evening service will be David & Teesha Laflin. Summer information will also be available. For more information, contact Glen Leathers at 241.5164 or There will be an Associational VBS Clinic on Thursday, April 17 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at Eastern Hills Baptist Church. You will see decoration ideas, find out what you are teaching every day, and get a sneak peak at what will be going on during our VBS. For more information, contact Glen Leathers at 241.5164 or Student Ministry Graduate Recognition is Sunday, May 3. The deadline for submitting photos is Friday, April 10. Register online at If you have any questions, contact Russell McCrory at 241.5163. Adult Ministry A new round of the Pastor’s Class continues Sunday, March 22 at 10:00 am in the main sanctuary. The 13-week class, open to everyone, will be an overview of the Bible. Missions Ministry The Charlotte Cearley Women On Mission Group will meet at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, March 24 at the home of Lyn Arnberg (2124 Bowen Drive). Pam Newman will share about her trip to France. Contact Kathy at 467.9178 if you have an interest in learning more about the focus and purpose of this group. There will be a Seattle Mission Project Interest Meeting on Sunday, March 29 in room 443. Join us to learn how you can participate in this summer mission project. For more information, contact Jeff Windham at 467.9028. The Japan Mission Team will be taking some extra bags to help the Loomis’ with their Homeless Ministry in Nagoya. We are asking our members to bring the following and place in the bins at the missions wall in the main foyer or the reception area at Scott Street Entrance. Items needed include: new socks (both warm weather and cold weather-ladies and mens); new ladies underclothing (mostly small and medium sizes); new boxers (mostly small and medium sizes, very few large); new undershirts (both shortsleeve and tanks); used sleeping bags; toothbrush, toothpaste, disposable razor, comb, bar soap, travel-size hand sanitizer or small packets of antiseptic wipes; used shoes in good condition (Japanese wear smaller sizes, nothing above a men’s 9-10 or ladies 8); used jackets and coats; new or used cold weather gloves. For more information, call Kathy Cooper at 241.5125. There will be Disaster Relief Training on Friday, April 10 and Saturday, April 11 at Shocco Springs. Some of the training opportunities include mass feeding, cleanup recovery, childcare, shower unit, administration, communication, chaplaincy and chainsaw. Visit sbdr. org/training to register and learn more about this conference. Early registration is encouraged as space is limited for this event. New Members By Letter Miss Kenzie Shell Gourlay 9340 Bristol Way | Montgomery, AL 36117 Our Church Family If you would like to add someone to the prayer list, contact Carolyn Bryan at 241.5120. Sympathy Extended to Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hancock (Mary Lee) in the death of their nephew Mr. & Mrs. Ed Haase (Shirley) in the death of his father Mrs. John Harris (Allyson) in the death of her husband; Mr. John David Harris III in the death of his father; Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Rigney (Eva) in the death of their son-in-law Mr. & Mrs. Tyler Mason (Jodi) in the death of his uncle Mr. & Mrs. Scott Cornette (Kristy) in the death of her father; Grant & Carson Cornette in the death of their grandfather Mrs. Bill Dismuke (Jan) in the death of her husband Mr. & Mrs. Mike Phillips (Barbara) in the death of his father Mr. Britian Pettway in the death of his mother Family and Friends of Jean Nowell Mr. Larry Chapman in the death of his brother Family and Friends in the death of Della Skipper Baptist East Frances Averette Jackson Macon Brock • Gene Bonner UAB Medical Center David Hicks Central Alabama Veterans Healthcare Chad Lynn Capitol Hill Mary Speed Aspire Physical Recovery Center Ann & Harrell Cushing Hillview Terrace Dot Robinson Congratulations Extended to Mr. & Mrs. William Bozeman (Shirley) on their 50th wedding anniversary (March 5) Women’s Ministry Save the Date for The Blessed Banquet, the FBC Mother/Daughter dinner, on Tuesday, May 5 in the fellowship hall. Ruthie Carlson is this year’s speaker. E-mail your mother/daughter photo and any questions to Sharon Windham at sbwindham@ Ticket sale dates will be April 12, 19, and 26. First Baptist Foundation The 2015-2016 First Baptist Foundation Scholarship Applications are available online. All completed applications must be returned by Tuesday, March 31. For an application, visit or email Alissa Irvin at The Baptist Foundation of Alabama has scholarship applications available for the 2015-2016 school year. Applications are due by Tuesday, March 31, and can be found at Volunteer Opportunity of the Week: Prayer Room Prayer Room Volunteers are needed to serve one hour a week to pray for the people in our church and our community. There are open hours available Monday through Friday. Check the schedule on the Prayer Room door or contact Sally Frazier at 274.8989, 224.9895 or Community Ministries As part of FBC’s Nehemiah Project, Chisholm residents will plant a 2-acre Community Garden this spring. Your help is needed to provide new or gently used garden tools and supplies for the Master’s Garden. The wish list includes hoes, rakes, long-handled shovels, gardening hand tools, garden hoses, garden gloves (all sizes) and large black trash bags. Monetary gifts are welcome as well in order to purchase equipment, seeds and plants. Please leave your donations in the drop boxes located near the church entrances. For more information, contact Jane Ferguson at 241.5141. There is a GriefShare Support Group on Tuesdays at 11:00 am in the Huff Community Ministries Building. The group leader is Marie Parma. If you have a friend or loved one who has lost someone dear to them, please encourage them to come. For more information, call Jane Ferguson at 241.5141. Join us for an Alzheimers Support Group on Thursdays at 10:00 am in the Huff Community Ministries Building. This support group is designed to give encouragement and support to caregivers and those dealing with Alzheimers. For more information, contact Jane Ferguson at 241.5141 or Judy Nuss at 241.5144. Churchwide News & Events Join us on Sunday, April 12 for our annual Bible Fellowship Class High Attendance Day. This year’s theme is “Easter Encore: Everyone Back” and our goal is to have 2,100 in Bible Fellowship Class attendance the week after Easter. We need your help! Begin now to pray for a great harvest and good weather. Invite prospects, friends and neighbors to come with you. For more information, contact Chuck Ashley at 241.5161 or or your Bible Fellowship directors and teachers. Men, join us for the annual Glenn Gordy Golf Retreat on Thursday, April 23 through Saturday, April 25 in Niceville, Florida. The cost is $325, which includes lodging, unlimited green fees, 18-hole cart per day, and prizes. Checks should be made payable to First Baptist Church. Deadline for reservations is Sunday, April 5. Get your tee time guarantee check in the mail today. Sign up by calling Steve Dubose at 277.8604 or Chuck Ashley at 241.5161. Do you have skills related to creating sets, building sets or painting sets? We need your help! Our older Children’s musical is entitled “I Am.” It will be presented on Sunday, May 3 and we need help building the set. Also, Vacation Bible School is just around the corner and we need assistance in creating and constructing the set. If God has gifted you in this area, then here’s your opportunity. Contact Ed Cleveland at or 205.223.6418 and let’s get started! Save the date for the Missions Auction and Cookout to benefit the Single Adult Missions Scholarship Fund on Friday, May 15 at 5:30 pm in the fellowship hall. More details coming soon! If you would like to donate to the auction, please contact Kathy Cooper at or 241.5125. 2015 VBS Journey off the Map is scheduled for Monday, June 22 through Friday, June 26 from 9:00 am to noon. Volunteers are needed to guide our children on a journey to uncharted territory where they will begin to understand that obedience to God can lead them beyond the expected. Contact Sheila Hinds (241.5166) if you are interested in helping with preschoolers or Glen Leathers (241.5164) if you are interested in helping with children. Pictorial Directories are here! Please pick up your copy in the main sanctuary foyer this Sunday. This week at FBC Montgomery For the complete calendar, visit Sunday, March 22 Mission Projects: India, Nashville, Cuba, Haiti & Puerto Rico 8:30 Worship Service 9:45 Bible Fellowship Classes 11:00 Worship Service Monday, March 23 5:15 5:30 Mission Projects: India, Nashville, Cuba, Haiti & Puerto Rico Sanctuary Handbells Men’s Bible Study Tuesday, March 24 Mission Projects: India, Nashville, Cuba, Haiti & Puerto Rico 9:30 Ladies Bible Study 11:00GriefShare 6:00 Narcotics Anonymous 6:30 Charlotte Cearley Mission Group Wednesday, March 25 Mission Projects: India, Nashville, Cuba, Haiti & Puerto Rico Thursday, March 26 Mission Projects: India, Nashville, Cuba, Haiti & Puerto Rico 10:00 Caregivers Support Group JOY Singers Rehearsal Friday, March 27 6:45 5:30 Mission Projects: India, Nashville, Cuba & Puerto Rico Friday Morning Men’s Group Celebrate Recovery Saturday, March 28 Mission Project: India 6:00 Narcotics Anonymous In Home Ministry Member :: Harold Hunt 4401 Narrow Lane Road, Apt 718 | Montgomery, Alabama 36116-2950 Morning Worship (8:30 & 11:00 Written In Red Holy Spirit | Sanctuary Choir | College Praise Team pm) No PM Service or Activities CrossRoads Broadcast Schedule Watch the sermon at the time below or online at Frazer Channel 13 (Montgomery & Prattville) Brighthouse Channel 122 (Elmore County) Sunday, 1:30 pm (full hour) & 6:00 pm Tuesday, 7:30 pm Thursday, 9:30 am & 6:00 pm WSFA-TV Channel 12 | Sunday, 10:30 am The Beacon (USPS #046-620) is published and printed weekly by First Baptist Church, 305 South Perry Street, Montgomery, Alabama 36104-4292. Periodical postage paid at Montgomery, Alabama. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Beacon, 305 South Perry Street, Montgomery, Alabama 36104-4292. montgomery Evening Worship (6:15 305 South Perry Street Montgomery, AL 36104 | Jay Wolf FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Message am)
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