HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH - ELCA 301 E. Mount Morris Avenue PO Box 57 Wautoma WI 54982 A congregation of: PASTOR: Nathan A. Gauerke SECRETARY: Becca McCoy *Office Hours: Mon-Thurs. 8:00AM – 4:00PM Friday 8:00 AM - NOON CHURCH PHONE: (920)787-3920 WEBSITE: www.hopelutheranwautoma.com Emails: office@hopelutheranwautoma.com pastornate@hopelutheranwautoma.com Worship Times: Sundays- 8:00 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Holy Communion served 1st and 3rd Palm Sunday Sunday, March 29 8:00am & 10:15am Maundy Thursday Thursday, April 2 6:00 pm Good Friday Friday, April 3 Worship at 6:00 pm Easter Sunday Sunday, April 5 8:00am & 10:15am *Easter Breakfast served between services All are welcome! First Communion Sunday 3.15.15 Back Row: Joey Hawlish, Esther Gauerke, Megan Miller, Wyatt McComb, Ethan Tratar, Front Row: Christian Hawlish, Hayley Moore, Anna Peterson, & David Miller Lenten Supper 3.25.15 Tim Roeske enjoying Lenten supper provided by the Hope Lutheran Church Women. Lenten Supper 3.25.15 Servers include: Marilyn Carpenter, Darlene Wedde, Karen Tschurwald, Adaline Robbins, and Janice Thrasher Children’s Message 3.15.15 Pastor Nate pictured with several youth sharing God’s loving word. Fourth Saturday Lunch 2.28.15 Back Row: Debbie Buchholz, Lynn Gohlke, Karen Roeske, Leah Gohlke, Julie Berger, Jan Grenier Front Row: Michael Roeske, Tim Roeske, Colin Berger, Zephen Berger, Mhari Gohlke Lenten Supper 3.25.15 People of Hope enjoying Lenten supper provided by the HLCW. Palm Sunday, Holy Week, & Easter Season March 29 – Palm Sunday: Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Together we wave our palms and enter into our last week of Lenten discipline and learning how “To be an instrument of the Lord.” Worship 8:00 & 10:15 am Scripture reading for the day: Isaiah 50:4-9a; Psalm 31:9-16; Philippians 2:5-11; Mark 11:1-11 April 2 – Maundy Thursday – Holy Communion, Handbells, & Stripping of the Altar – Psalm 40 - 6:00pm worship April 3 – Good Friday – Tenebrae Service featuring the Choir - 6:00 pm worship April 5 – Easter Sunday – Holy Communion & Easter Breakfast served 9:00 – 10:00 am April 12 – Praise Team Worship April 19 – Holy Humor Sunday May 3 – Confirmation Sunday – 10:15 am May 17 – Senior High Recognition Sunday Why does worship matter? The confirmation students have been learning about the Ten Commandments and the third commandment reminds us to “Remember the Sabbath & Keep it Holy.” God commands us to come and worship and share in the Sabbath practice of rest from work and normal daily activity to be in tune with God, our faith, and neighbor. Holy Week - Easter We’re almost there, but first we must prepare for the most somber and holy time of the liturgical church year – Holy Week. The challenge to be faced is that we must first experience Maundy Thursday and Good Friday in order to reach Easter and the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. In the painful, suffering, and death of Jesus we will gather, worship, watch, sing, pray, question, kneel, and wonder why this had to happen. It is because of our sin, following our wanton will rather than God’s will. Jesus loves us and loves God more than anything else. Can you give time for worship, time to ponder, and time to give our thanks and praise. Can we sacrifice for God, for what God has so freely given to us? This week people were given the opportunity to give blood through the Community Blood Center blood drive. It ends up being a few minutes of my time while we are healthy and have time, for someone who doesn’t have time, who is not healthy, and who may be in desperate need. Every two seconds someone needs blood. One pint of blood can save up to three people. I share this because the gift of giving blood started a long time ago with Jesus. Jesus went to the cross to give up not just a pint of blood, but he gave all of his blood. He gave all of his energy, all of his breath, and all of his life for you and for me. Jesus gave all and we are asked to give a bit of our lives back to God in various ways. Personally, I look forward to opportunities to serve and opportunities to give back and I hope that you are inclined to think about how you can live and give back to God too. Jesus has given us everything. God has given us the best of all that God has. I hope you will consider the blessings of Holy Week and Easter as we gather for worship and praise of Jesus, who is the Christ, the risen One, Alleluia!!! Tyler Person & Amanda Detlor 140 N. Linden Street Coloma, WI 54930 (715) 498-1916 or (715) 340-5860 Tyler and Amanda came to hope because Amanda’s grandparent is a member. They had been here a number of times through the years and always enjoyed their experience, feeling welcomed and comfortable. Tyler has been a resident for several years, while Amanda grew up in the area. They both enjoy camping, boating, and spending time with their friends and family. Tyler is a crane operator and Amanda is a secretary. Andrew & Jamie Stock Mylee, Brennan, & Maddyson W9256 Alpine Trail P.O. Box 183 Wautoma, WI 54982 (920) 296-9519 Andrew & Jamie moved from Beaver Dam, WI and have lived in Wautoma for two months now, but have been coming to the area since 2003 when their parents relocated to the Wautoma area. Jamie works at Stevens Point Honda and Andrew works at Darling Ingredients in Berlin. They enjoy going to races, playing games, and doing family activities. Their family attends Hope Lutheran and they have always liked the church and thought it was inviting. Roger & Charlene Stratton W11210 Brown Deer Drive Hancock, WI 54943 (715) 249-5682 Roger and Charlene are from the Wautoma area. Charlene was baptized, confirmed, and married here at Hope! They have three children: John (& Peg) Stratton and grandson Colin; Paul (& Roberta) Stratton and grandsons Jordan, Joshua and Taylor; Jennifer (& Nate) Ludke and grandsons Elliott and Esri. Charlene has been involved in special Education for 15 years and worked at the farm market the last two years before retirement. Roger was the head of irrigation for the UW Madison Hancock Research Station. Sunday, April 5, 2015 9:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M. Hope Fellowship Hall In Our Prayers For Our Members Prayers for healing: Com e c eleb ra te Christ’ s resurrec tion b y a ttend ing either servic e a nd enjo ying a w ond erful b rea kfa st! Special Prayers Free Will Offering All donations support the youth Michael Starrine, John Klimke, Bill Becker, Taylor Brownlow, Larry Kraemer & Howie Westphal Buzz Roeske & Greg Huot Pastoral Acts February 25, 2015 Funeral of Dolores Wickert March 21, 2015 Memorial Service of Patricia J. Glinski March 22, 2015 Baptism of Mila Elizabeth Zelienka To allow staff time with their families in celebration of Jesus’ triumphant return from the dead, the church will be closed on Friday, April 3 and on Monday, April 6. April 2015 News Four Lessons of Good Friday The Rev. James Martin, S.J., author of Jesus: A Pilgrimage (HarperOne), writes that Jesus’ suffering and death almost 2,000 years ago are very relevant to our 21st-century lives. He says Good Friday teaches us that: Did you know? * Remember to sign up for Easter Prayer Vigil Saturday, April 4. Sign up is located in the narthex. Bible Quiz As Jacob used a rock for a pillow – later to become a pillar honoring God – which of the following did he experience in a dream? A. Angels going up and down on a ladder between earth and heaven. B. The Lord promising that Jacob’s family would be a blessing to all nations. C. God’s assurance: “Know that I am with you and will keep you wherever you go.” D. All of the above. April 2015 News physical and emotional suffering are part of life; suffering isn’t always the result of sin; Jesus was fully human — and thus understands our humanity; and suffering isn’t the last word. “The message of Good Friday is incomplete without Easter,” Martin writes. “The story of the Passion is not simply of a man being brutally tortured, nailed to a cross and executed by the Romans. It’s the story of a man who turns himself fully over to the Father’s will, trusts that something new will come out of this offering and receives the astonishing gift of new life.” Easter Lily Double Easter Lily Triple Easter Lily Daffodil Bulb Plant Tulip Bulb Plant Hyacinth Bulb Plant Daisy Mum Plant Azalea Plant Hydrangea Plant Campanula Orchid Plant April – Jonah and the Big Fish $14.99 $29.99 $42.99 $14.99 $14.99 $14.99 $16.99 $29.99 $39.99 $27.99 $24.99 + up Flowers may be purchased on your own, or ordered through the church office from Floral Expressions by Renee. Please call the church office to place an order or watch for the order forms inserted in the Sunday bulletins. All orders must be placed by noon on March 30 Hope Lutheran donated 111 pounds of food to the Waushara County Food Pantry on March 6, 2015. Thank you to all those who donated! Remember, you can donate any non-perishable food items in the baskets across from the church office! Jonah 1-4 No Classes April 5 Last Sunday School Class on April 26 Last 4 weeks offerings (less Hope... Faith... Future renovation building contributions): February 22: $7887.58 (includes 2/18 Ash Wednesday) March 1: $4,961.25 (includes 2/25 Lent) March 8: $5,565.50 (includes 3/4 Lent) March 15: $3,822.23 (includes 3/11 Lent) March 22: $6,810.45 (includes 3/18 Lent) Average Weekly Expense: $5,612 needed per week for 2015 budget Operating Loss = $11,385.43 thru 2/28/15 Total Hope-Faith-Future contributions to date: $213,797.56 April 2015 News Global Table Event at Hope Lutheran On Wednesday, April 15, Hope Lutheran will host its third annual Global Table Event. We will gather to celebrate our various heritages as well as the diverse cultures of God’s world. Please join us at 5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall to learn about, eat, and experience the wondrous world God made! We need your ethnic dish! If you would like to bring a dish to share, please fill out the form below and return it to the church office by Monday, April 13. The evening will consist of setting up, then sharing about the foods that are brought and, of course, eating them together in fellowship with our neighbors near and far. I would like to bring a dish to share a region of the world with our community! My dish will be ______________________________ to represent the country of ________________________. Name: _____________________________________ Please call the church office if you have any questions! Feel free to dress up, dress down, bring items to decorate, etc. or just come as you are! All are welcome! The Transition Task Force has set aside Sunday, April 19 after each service for a and a inside of Hope beyond the sanctuary. designed by Barb Simonson to know the The Scavenger Hunt is designed for individuals, couples, and families to enjoy learning about the church. Clues will be given on a sheet of paper and stickers will be placed at areas throughout the church. You find the sticker and attach it to your scavenger hunt sheet and turn it in at the table in the fellowship hall and prizes will be awarded - for participation and winning. The Volunteer Fair is designed to get more members familiar with opportunities to volunteer and a complete flyer will be available listing all opportunities and what each of the areas includes. Tables will be in the fellowship hall for the opportunities to participate and there will be a person to explain the volunteer position and the duties included. In addition to the volunteer tables, the Scavenger Hunt, a (with special desserts made by Mary Kunasch) for great fellowship including coffee, juice and milk will be available after each service on Sunday, April 19. This service is also , so bring your smile, your appetite, and enjoy a fun day at Hope celebrating with laughter, a Scavenger Hunt and Volunteer Fair. Volunteer Opportunities include: Greeters - Judy Christian does an excellent job of getting greeters and can explain the position very well - each week for each service, four volunteers are needed to greet members and guests as they arrive for worship. Ushers - Each Sunday service includes four ushers and presently they are being recruited by Gary and Kay Christensen and Nadine and Gerald Warsek. They will be on hand to explain the duties of ushering at Hope. Readers - One reader is needed for each service every Sunday. Whether you are 10 or 101 you are invited to read. Communion Assistants - 1st and 3rd Sundays. 3-5 people are needed to help serve communion. Assistant Ministers - one person per service and volunteers will be instructed by Pastor Nate. Money Counters - Barb Lapp is instructing all money counters on a procedure that is making it easier for money counters and for the recording treasurer. Three people count money every Monday at 9 a.m. This procedure takes 1-2 hours. Altar Guild - a great volunteer opportunity for families, couples, individuals. This position takes 2-4 people to be on Altar Guild for a month at a time. Duties include changing the banner, paraments, setting up for communion and changing candles when needed. Presently this position has been filled by women in the church, but we see it as an opportunity for families and couples as well. Presently Marilyn Carpenter is in charge of volunteers for this position. Youth & Family Ministires – Need adults to help cook a meal for 10-15 people on Wednesdays and/or adults to volunteer to be present. (May 15-16) Service Project for Crossways Camping Ministries “Crossways camping ministries brings people together in Christ so that lives are changed and communities enhanced.” God has blessed our synod with the gift of Crossways Camping Ministries. Imago Dei Village in Clintonville, Pine Lake in Waupaca, and Waypost on Mission Lake in Hatley are rich resources where people of all ages find community, restoration, and faith formation. At this year’s synod assembly our focus will be to support Crossways Camping ministries through donation of supplies and intentional support. Crossways staff has carefully compiled a wish list of items needed for this coming year. Because the list is long and varied – we will collect items under various categories by conference. Please invite the members of your congregations to visit the list and be generous! Then simply bring those supplies to the Assembly. Waterfront or Office Supplies (canoe paddles, sand toys, vest life jackets, flip chart paper, easel, white or color copy paper, HP 12A, 15, 78, 56, 57, 96 printer ink, file folders, stamps, post-it notes, gas cards for canoe trips) Information regarding larger ticket items that are requested and priority projects for 2015 may be found at http://www.crosswayscamps.org/connect Needs List. If you would like to participate in supporting Crossways through one of these projects as a congregation, please contact Jake Czarnik-Neimeyer, Executive Director of Crossways Camping Ministries – jake@crosswayscamps.org or 920-882-0023. It has almost been a year since the start of the five-year Always Being Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA. In this first year of the campaign, ELCA World Hunger has a goal of raising $20 million to support the work of our partners in the United States and around the world. Thus far, through the end of November, together we have raised $11.2 million. The ELCA Malaria Campaign is also taking part in the campaign and has reached $13.1 million of the $15 million goal. Be a part of this special opportunity and invest in the future of our church. The East Central Synod of WI has reached our Goal of $300,000 for the Malaria Campaign!!! The ECSW had given $301,142.00! Congratulations to everyone who helped us reach this goal and more. The ELCA is so grateful for our long, faithful support of this campaign! Thanks to the leadership and the generosity of thousands, the ELCA Malaria Campaign has now reached $13.5 million. This means that the ELCA is 90% of the way towards its $15 million goal. This is very exciting! We have always been confident that the ELCA would realize the goal of $15 million, but never has it felt so near. 33 synods have now raised over $200,000 each, which is half of the synods of the ELCA! Although Easter eggs were once part of pagan spring festivals, they’ve become Christian symbols of new life. A cracked-open shell also represents Jesus’ empty tomb on Easter morning. The early Christians of Mesopotamia began staining eggs red in honor of Jesus’ blood shed on the cross. Red eggs remain part of Greek Orthodox celebrations today. For Lent, some families used to give up eggs and dairy, so they prepared a pancake feast on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. They solved the egg surplus by hard-boiling them in various broths, which led to colored eggs. In medieval times, churches held “egg-throwing” festivals. The priest threw a hard-boiled egg toward the choir boys, who tossed it back and forth. When the clock struck 12, whoever was holding the egg got to keep it. In some European countries, children go from house to house to collect Easter eggs. Each year, the PAAS Dye Co. sells more than 10 million egg-coloring kits, which consumers use to decorate 180 million eggs. The tallest chocolate Easter egg ever produced weighed 16,000 pounds — more than an elephant! April 17, 2015 @ 7:00 P.M. Emmy winning singer/songwriter Shaun Johnson has put together some of the best instrumentalists and arrangers in the Midwest – musicians who have toured with such luminaries as Aretha Franklin and Johnny Mathis, to create a contemporary big band sound with a pop flair. Shaun delivers a high-energy performance with a big band twist on everything from Sinatra and Buble to Elvis and Rhianna. You may hear hits from Glenn Miller one moment and the Spiderman theme or “Hallelujah” the next. Watch for The Big Band Experience on PBS as well! Adults: $35 Students:$24 Silvercryst Dinner & Show $52 April 2015 News Adventures In Reading The Bible Monday Bible Study 12:00 P.M. – 1:00 P.M. Hope Library April 13 and 27 For the following Mondays of April 13 and 27, we will be looking at Fear, Faith and Forgery phrases and quotes that are not in the Bible, but we use them as if they were. Everyone is welcome and invited to share in our study and discussion. Come and be part of the discussion to understand your faith and how it applies to daily living. You might be surprised what you learn about yourself and God! Circle of Hope April 7, 6:30 P.M. Grace Circle April 9, 1:00 P.M. Both groups meet in the Church Library Circle of Hope and Grace Circle are a gathering of women who are interested in fellowship and conversation around God’s word. The group uses the “Gather: For Faith & Action” magazine for the Women of the ELCA. Contact Becca, Church Administrative Assistant, for more information at (920) 787-3920. Blue Ribbon Kids’ Day Saturday, April 4, 2015 8:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. Held at Parkside School A fun, free, day for the whole family! Holy Humor Sunday April 19, 2015 Join us for this choir lead service of readings and music and light as we remember the solemn events leading up to Jesus’ death on the cross on Friday, April 3 at 6:00 P.M. Saturday, April 4 10 A.M. – 5 P.M. Have you ever sat alone in the sanctuary for a time of prayer – just you and God? If you have, then you know how that can replenish your spirit! If you haven’t, then you really want to experience it! You can say or write a prayer, create music or art or just enjoy a time of quiet listening – all are ways to connect with God! There is a sign-up sheet, in the narthex with time increments of 15 minutes, but feel free to sign up for 30 minutes, an hour, or longer! If you would have any questions, please call Kim Cassidy at (920) 573-1070. The service of Tenebrae, or “shadows,” is an ancient service that grew out of night prayer that focused on the commemoration of the passion. The most significant feature of this service is the gradual extinguishing of the lights and candles in the room. The candles represent the apostles and all followers of Christ, and the larger candle represents Christ. The dramatic high point occurs with the complete darkness (or as dark as it will be shortly after 6 pm during daylight savings time!) and the loud noise, or strepitus, at the death of Jesus. Ladies of Hope, Please plan to attend the Oshkosh Conference Spring Event to be held right here at Hope Lutheran on April 18, 2015, registration is at 8:00 A.M. and the conference begins at 9:00 A.M. Start your day with muffins and coffee followed by worship, sharing and fellowship and ending with a delicious luncheon! Cost of event is $10.00. Please register by calling Juanita at 920-787-7836 or the Church office at 920-787-3920. There will be a sign up sheet on our bulletin board which is next to the nursery. Our charity of choice for this event is Waushara County Domestic Abuse Outreach Center. Posted outside the office and near the nursery will be a list of items that are needed to help them continue with their work. Please bring an item with you. Thank You! See You There!! April 2015 News ** PACKING SCHEDULE** Tuesday mornings in the fellowship hall 8:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Come and go as you wish! Items shipped March 10, 2015 117 boxes of summer items 152 boxes of winter items 1 Wheel Chair 3 Canes 2 Walkers Over the next few weeks, the women of the church will be collecting donated items for the ELCA Oshkosh Conference Spring Event to be held on Saturday, April 18. This year, the charity of choice has been chosen as the Waushara County Domestic Abuse Outreach Center. A list of the items being collected for this is posted near the nursery. Please donate generously to help them continue with their work or bring an item with you to the event! Mark the evangelist The church knows Mark primarily as the author of the second New Testament book. Penned around A.D. 70, it was the first gospel written. He may be the Mark mentioned in Acts 12:12, also called John and to whose mother’s house Peter went after being miraculously freed from prison. This same John-Mark of Jerusalem went on missionary journeys with Paul and Barnabas (Mark’s cousin, according to Colossians 4:10). Though Paul had a disagreement with Mark early on, he later called Mark “useful in my ministry” (2 Timothy 4:11) and wanted to see him. It’s thought that Mark served the church in Rome for a time, and that as Peter’s scribe he wrote down the lead disciple’s firsthand accounts of Jesus, resulting in the gospel that bears Mark’s name. One tradition, though uncertain, dubs Mark the father of the Coptic (Egyptian Christian) church. Martyred in Alexandria on an Easter Sunday, he’s commemorated by the church on April 25. April 2015 News Book Club meets the third Tuesday of each month at 1:00 P.M. in the church library. Come join us! New members are always welcome! Upcoming Books Wednesday, April 8 7:00 a.m. at El Popo Restaurant April: School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister Men of all ages are welcome! Come and share in Christian fellowship. May: Ordinary Grace by William Krueger June: Wild by Cheryl Strayed July: The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins Have you directed all of your 2015 designated Thrivent Choice Dollars? Complete Victory At the cross, evil is conquered as evil... because God turns it back upon itself. He makes the supreme crime, the murder of the only righteous person, the very operation that abolishes sin. The [maneuver] is utterly unprecedented. No more complete victory could be imagined. - Henri Blocher, Evil and the Cross Eligible benefit members of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans have until March 31, 2015 to direct any remaining 2014 Choice Dollars. After that date, the unused Choice Dollars expire. Choice Dollars are part of Thrivent Choice. Through this Thrivent Financial charitable grant program, members can recommend where Thrivent Financial distributes part of its charitable grant funds each year. Choice Dollars can be directed among thousands of 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, including Hope Lutheran Church! Help support what matters most to you by directing Choice Dollars. Visit Thrivent.com/thriventchoice or call 800-847-4836. April 2015 News Act soon, before 2013 Choice Dollars expire! All Senior Scholarship applications must be turned into the church office by Friday, April 10 at Noon. Scholarships will be awarded May 13, 2015 at the Scholarship & Awards Ceremony at the McComb/Bruchs Performing Arts Center. If God didn’t withhold from us his very own Son, will God withhold anything we need? If trust must be earned, hasn’t God unequivocally earned our trust with the bark on the raw wounds, the thorns pressed into the brow, your name on the cracked lips? How will he not also graciously give us all things he deems best and right? He’s already given the incomprehensible. —Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts Country Fair with a Norwegian Flair, 2015 It is not too early to start thinking about what you can do to make our annual Country Fair a huge success. It will be on June 27, 2015, from 9:00 A.M. until 1:00P.M. (Note the time change.) We encourage you to use your talent to make and donate items for us to sell. This could be sewing, crafting, woodworking, cooking, “green thumb items,” and just about anything else that is your specialty. Our bakery and candy shops are always a big attraction so we will need lots of items in those departments. We need items for our Norwegian Auction. Some suggestion would be gift baskets, tickets for concerts or sporting events, gift cards or any items that would be desirable to win. If you would like to donate an item, please bring it into the Church Office or call Juanita at 920-787-7836. This is our fundraiser for the year so please help us make it a huge success! The proceeds will be used to support missions, scholarships, Bible camp, Orphan Grain Train, Habitat for Humanity, and many more worthy causes here in our community and elsewhere. April 2015 News HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, March 10, 2015 Council President Todd Klimke called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M Roll: Todd Klimke, Carl Grisar, Joanne Nelson, Janice Thrasher, Barb Simonson, Baird Stouffer, Lynn Gohlke, Gerald Warsek, Lori Lemberger, Kim Prindle, Pastor Nate Gauerke were in attendance. Excused: Glen Anderson, Jane Melby Spiritual Growth: Pastor Nate led a group puzzle exercise reinforcing the need to work as a team. He also shared scripture from Proverbs 29:18 KJV that says, “Where there is no vision, people perish.” We need to have vision and mission for Hope Lutheran Church. Minutes: The minutes of the Annual meeting and Jan. 25 council meeting (which served as our February meeting) were approved. Financial Report: Judy shared a budget profit & loss report for Jan-Feb. 2015, showing an operating loss of $11,385.43 through Feb. 28. The fund drive held in 2014 will help offset this, but offering is behind this same time last year. Our expenses for Pastor Sarah Timian will not be reduced until June. Due to corporate policy changes for First Merit Bank and in order to continue our Sunday offering practices, the church needs to switch banks. So, a portion of the Hope Faith Future funds have been invested at Hometown Bank, which also helps to keep funds separate. Staff Reports: Mary Kunasch has agreed to assume the Web Master position. Pastor Nate asked if anyone would like to go to Dubuque on March 20 to hear the Presiding Bishop of the ELCA. Committee Reports: Personnel Committee: council approved an unpaid, six-week maternity leave of absence for Becca. Barb Lapp and other volunteers will fill in during that time. Property Committee: Instead of contracting with a lawn service, Larry Buntrock has volunteered to fertilize in spring and fall and Candy Bandt will provide discounted fertilizer. Arrangements have been made for scaffolding to be brought into the sanctuary to replace numerous burned out light bulbs at a cost of $55. Gerald Warsek will look into use of a “time of day service rate” and report back to council. Office storage of confidential documents will be handled by the Personnel Committee. Two Service Task Force: Survey response has been very good. After March 16, any remaining surveys will be mailed out. Although suggested, the council will not include a SASE due to cost and setting a precedent for future mailings. The group will tally the responses and prepare a recommendation for the April 14 council meeting. Transition Task Force: A volunteer pamphlet is being developed, and ideas for large group activities being discussed including a Volunteer Fair and Scavenger Hunt on April 19. The group will meet again March 23. Council Transparency: In efforts to provide financial information, weekly giving and expense updates will continue to be printed in the bulletin in a new format. Judy will also provide a budget report for the newsletter. Team Think Tanks will take place at the April meeting. Committee Assignments: Cemetery: Chris Hawlish (chair), Bud Fenner, Nadine Warsek Constitution: Janice Thrasher, Joanne Nelson, Glen Anderson, Pastor Nate Gauerke Endowment 2015: Jay Klemann (Jan 2016), David Roeske (Jan 2017), Wayne Rasmussen (filling in for Doug Bartels - Jan 2017) Matt Wilbert (Jan 2018), Treasurer Dave Grenier (Jan 2018), President Todd Klimke, Pastor Nate Gauerke Executive: Todd Klimke, Joanne Nelson, Lynn Gohlke, Carl Grisar, Pastor Nate Gauerke Fellowship: Helen Grisar, Mary Kunasch Finance: Carl Grisar, Baird Stouffer (chair), Judy Puls, Glen Anderson, Pastor Nate Personnel: Janice Thrasher, Barb Simonson (chair), Kim Prindle, Mary Hawlish, Pastor Nate Gauerke Property: Roger Stratton, Bob Bergen, Lloyd Tschurwald, Roger Schmideke, Gerald Warsek (chair), Larry & Heidi Buntrock Sabbatical: Lynn Gohlke, Janice Thrasher, Joanne Nelson, Mary Kunasch, Pastor Nate Gauerke Youth & Family: Todd Klimke, Barb Simonson, Jane Melby, Lori Lemberger Worship & Music: Dave Berndt, Linda & Bob Bergen, Jill Waterman, Cari Schmidt, Joanne Nelson, Leah Gohlke, Pastor Nate Gauerke Additional Business: Compliments were given to Helen Grisar for her gracious devotion to providing food for special fellowship events at Hope. Starting in April, Council will go paperless for meeting materials. The meeting was adjourned with prayer at 8:35. Respectfully submitted, Lynn Gohlke Council Secretary February 28, 2015 The Hope Bell Choir hosted the Fourth Saturday Luncheon again this year. Homemade chicken rice/noodle soup was served along with ham sandwiches and homemade bars, cookies, and cupcakes. The attendance was not as good as other years. We served approximately 59 people. The fellowship hall was still pretty full and there was a lot of good socializing and conversing going on. I believe that is the goal of the luncheons and the numbers do not mean as much as the people who do attend. Again, we could not have done with without the help of our wonderful youth! This year, the young people who did most of the running were Leah Gohlke, Mhari Gohlke, Tim Roeske, Michael Roeske, Colin Berger, and Zephen Berger. They are turning into quite a little work force as they have been volunteering their time to help us for a bit now and they know their duties quite well! - Dear Congregation of Hope Lutheran Church, Thank you for your many kind words and well wishes on the day of and the weeks leading up to my final Sunday, February 22. I am truly grateful for the encouragement you gave me in my last days here, and I am hopeful for the faithful ministry you will continue in Wautoma. God Bless, Pastor Sarah Debbie Buchholz Thank you to the families who designated money in memory of Dolores Wickert. The HLCW or WELCA group appreciates the thoughtfulness of the family to direct funds on behalf of her. - Hope Lutheran Church Women April 2015 News In memory of Dolores Wickert From Lloyd & Karen Tschurwald General Fund In memory of Dolores Wickert William & Sheryl Pietkauskis WELCA In memory of Dolores Wickert From Howard & Shirley Johnson General Fund In memory of Dolores Wickert Charles & Barbara Dahlke WELCA In memory of Dolores Wickert From Wesley & Barbara Meckelberg General Fund In memory of Dolores Wickert Elaine Jones WELCA In memory of Dolores Wickert From Sandy Bartels General Fund In memory of Dolores Wickert Anne Timmel WELCA In memory of Dolores Wickert Nancy Naab WELCA In memory of Dolores Wickert Hazel Busse General Fund In memory of Dolores Wickert Baird & Julie Stouffer WELCA In memory of Pat Glinski David & Beth Stelter General Fund In memory of Dolores Wickert Janice Thrasher WELCA In memory of Pat Glinski Jon & Jane Wilcox General Fund In memory of Dolores Wickert Richard & Carol King WELCA In memory of Pat Glinski Donna & Robert Bandt General Fund In memory of Dolores Wickert Paul & Penny Hendrickson WELCA April 2015 News 1- Irene Drew Scott Hawlish Annette Rasmussen Bailey Walejko 2- Megan Miller David Miller Lydia Heller 3- Beverly Wilson 4- Jaclyn Gunderson Carter Lambrecht 5- Tom Rose Paul Brown Jonah Hawlish 7- Gary Kuntzsch Kenna Berger Readers 2- (6:00) Helen Grisar 3- (6:00) 5- (8:00) (10:15) 12- (8:00) Tudy Mattice (10:15) 19- (8:00) Judy Beattie (10:15) 26- (8:00) (10:15) Communion Assistants 2- (6:00) 5- (8:00) Trudy Mattice (10:15) Gerry & Nadine Warsek 19- (8:00) Ron & Judy Beattie (10:15) Zella Van Natta Linda Grenier; Bridgette Tschurwald Caring Visitors I Judy & Pearl II Penny & Karen 9- Emmett Caswell Brian Miller Curt Reimer Nicole Weiland Barbara Lapp 10- Josette Antony Barbara Simonson Nadine Warsek 12- Neal Olson 13- Logan Norlin Austin Norlin Maddison Norlin Cathy Zanto 14- Linda Bergen Brantley Tratar Coffee Servers 5- Easter Breakfast 12- Jennifer Johnson & Karen Miller 19- Eric & Becky Tratar 26- Roger & Sheryl Siddons Acolytes 5- (8:00) Chandler Krueger (10:15) 12- (8:00) Ava Gravunder (10:15) Joey Hawlish 19- (8:00) Jack Daberkow (10:15) Joey Hawlish 26- (8:00) Chandler Krueger (10:15) Joey Hawlish Altar Guild Mary Kunasch Marilyn Carpenter Assisting Ministers 5- (8:00) Marlin Carlson (10:15) 19- (8:00) Marlin Carlson (10:15) 26- (8:00) (10:15) 15- Paula Hottenstine Sara Gauerke 16- Roger Stratton 17- Glenn Arveson Valerie Lock Megan Plantz Logan Plantz 18- Carrie Oltesvig 19- Michele Marks Sue Martin 20- Robyn Krueger Sheldon Muzzy 21- Laura Berndt Lillian Simenson 22- Angela Gunderson 23- Clyde Simonson Kay Christensen Marian Ann Jole Tyler Anklam Jackie Vetrone 24- Mary Lou Thomsen 25- Harold Bartels Lillianne Heller 26- David Berndt Judith Rozek 27- Judy Beattie 28 - Arden Pomplun 29- Peter Frimm, Sr. Craig Norlin 30- Alex Schoenberger Greeters 2- (6:00) 3- (6:00) 5- (8:00) Gary & Juanita Zernia (10:15) Nancy Radloff; Jane Reepsdorf; Peggy Dobrecevich; Zella Van Natta 12- (8:00) Chris & Cheryl Hahn; Todd & Melissa Klimke & Girls (10:15) Avanelle Anderson; Florence Anderson; Roger & Mary Charette 19- (8:00) Ron & Judy Beattie; Lloyd & Karen Tschurwald (10:15) Chris & Cheryl Hahn David & Linda Grenier 26- (8:00) Ron & Janna Gunderson; Cheryl Olsen (10:15) Ushers 2- (6:00) 3- (6:00) 5- (8:00) (10:15) Bridgette Tschurwald 12- (8:00) (10:15) Roger & Mary Charette; Hawlish Family 19- (8:00) Howie & Eileen Westphal (10:15) Hawlish Family 26- (8:00) Howie & Eileen Westphal (10:15) APRIL 2015 Sunday 29 Monday Wednesday Thursday 31 1 Holy Week 9:00 AM Team Leadership Meeting 12:00 PM Al-Anon Holy Week 8:00 AM Orphan Grain Train Packing 11:00 AM OA 2:30 PM Tutoring 6:00 PM Bears Cub Scouts Meeting Holy Week 9:00 AM Rosemore Village Worship 10:00 AM Wild Rose Manor Worship 1:00 PM Quilting 5:30 PM Handbell Practice 6:30 PM Al-Anon/AlAteen 7:00 PM Choir Practice 7 8 8:00 AM Orphan Grain Train Packing 9:00 AM Pastor's Text Study 11:00 AM OA 6:30 PM Circle of Hope Women's Bible Study 7:00 AM Men's 10:00 AM AA 6:00 PM Wedding Breakfast & Fellowship 1:00 PM Grace Circle Rehearsal 7:30 PM AA 7:30 PM AA Hour at El-Popo 9:00 AM Library Knitting Group 1:00 PM Quilting 3:30 PM Confirmation 5:30 PM Youth Group 6:30 PM Al-Anon/AlAteen 6:30 PM Praise Team Practice 6 2 Friday 30 8:00 AM Worship 9:00 AM Education/Fellowship Hour 10:15 AM Worship 5 Tuesday Holy Week 10:00 AM AA 6:00 PM Maundy Thursday Worship 7:30 PM AA 9 3 Saturday 4 Holy Week 10:00 AM Holy Saturday Prayer Vigil, Sanctuary Holy Week 6:00 PM Tenebrae Worship 7:30 PM AA 10 8:00 AM Easter Worship with Holy Communion 9:00 AM Easter Breakfast 10:15 AM Easter Worship with Holy Communion 12:00 PM Al-Anon 12 13 14 15 16 17 8:00 AM Praise Team Worship 9:00 AM Education/Fellowship Hour 10:15 AM Praise Team Worship with Baptism 9:00 AM Team Leadership Meeting 12:00 PM Adventures in Reading the Bible 12:00 PM Al-Anon 1:30 PM HLCW Meeting 8:00 AM Orphan Grain Train Packing 9:00 AM Oshkosh Conference, St. Andrews in Oshkosh 11:00 AM OA 6:00 PM Personnel Meeting 7:00 PM Council Meeting 1:00 PM Quilting 3:30 PM Confirmation/Adopt a Highway 5:30 PM Global Table Event & Youth Group Event, Hope Fellowship Hall 5:30 PM Handbell Practice 6:30 PM Al-Anon/AlAteen 7:00 PM Choir Practice 10:00 AM AA 7:30 PM AA 7:30 PM AA 11 3:00 PM Wedding of McCoy/Dickson 18 8:00 AM Registration Begins Spring Conference 9:00 AM Women of the Church Spring Conference at Hope Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 23 Friday Saturday 19 20 21 22 24 25 Holy Humor Sunday 8:00 AM Worship with Holy Communion 9:00 AM Education/Fellowship Hour 10:15 AM Worship 11:00 AM Heartland House Worship 9:00 AM Library Knitting Group 12:00 PM Al-Anon 1:30 PM Pieces of Hope Prayer Shawl Ministry 8:00 AM Orphan Grain Train Packing 9:00 AM Pastor's Text Study 11:00 AM OA 1:00 PM Book Club 7:00 PM Habitat for Humanity Church Relations Committee 9:00 AM Rosemore 10:00 AM AA 7:30 PM AA Village Worship 10:00 AM Wild Rose Manor Worship 1:00 PM Quilting 3:30 PM Confirmation 5:30 PM Handbell Practice 5:30 PM Youth Group 6:30 PM Al-Anon/AlAteen 7:00 PM Choir Practice 7:30 PM AA 8:00 AM Confirmation Rehearsal 11:00 AM 4th Saturday Lunch, Grace UMC, Wautoma 26 27 28 29 1 2 Last Day Of Sunday School 8:00 AM Worship 9:00 AM Education/Fellowship Hour 10:15 AM Worship with Baptism 9:00 AM Team Leadership Meeting 12:00 PM Adventures in Reading the Bible 12:00 PM Al-Anon 8:00 AM Orphan Grain Train Packing 9:00 AM Pastor's Text Study 10:30 AM GLAD Meeting 11:00 AM OA 5:30 PM Worship & Music Committee 1:00 PM Quilting 10:00 AM AA 3:30 PM Confirmation 7:30 PM AA 5:30 PM Handbell Practice 5:30 PM Youth Group 6:30 PM Al-Anon/AlAteen 7:00 PM Choir Practice 30 7:30 PM AA
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