3232 S. Cooper St. Arlington, TX 76015 817.465.6793 / www.alctx.org March 25, 2015 Thoughts for the Journey Last Sunday, Church President Keith Kavanaugh talked to the congregation in worship about our ministry and our resources. Below is the text of that message. “I need to speak to you this morning about our church’s finances. I want to start by stating something that should be obvious but is often not said – everything that we as a congregation are able to do in ministry is a direct result of your time, your talent, and your resources that you share with us and with the work that God has given us here at Advent. As many of you are aware, we develop a budget for the church based on the pledges that we receive and a sense of what we can expect from those who don’t pledge but still give. From that information we develop a budget to pay for the various things that are required for our church to operate – the mortgage, the utilities, mundane but important things ranging from toilet paper, paper towels, coffee, paper for the copier, and so forth, the maintenance and improvement of our facilities, the salary for our pastors and staff, the things that our ministry teams want to do for our members and for the community around us, and finally the giving that we share with the national church, our synod, and other activities that we are as a congregation help sponsor. Then as you give to the church we are able to pay for these things and to actually perform the ministry that we are called to. Right now our budget is approximately $2,240 a day, and our giving is approximately $2,050 per day. Right now the shortfall is approximately $190.00 a day which doesn’t sound bad until you multiply it by 365. This shortfall means that there are things that we would like to be able to do that we cannot. We have carefully watched our expenditures and have adjusted our spending to what has come in, but there is not fat in the budget to start with. Our ministry teams have been running fundraisers to pay for things that should be in the budget. We have a number of people in the church who give more than they have pledged. We also have a number who have given less than they pledged. We have a number of people who don’t pledge but give to the church regularly. Finally we have a number of people who do not give at all. Let me share a personal instance that surprised me at the first of the year when I received our giving statement for last year. Helen and I give regularly according to our pledge. I was very surprised when looking at this statement to see that we had missed one of the times that we normally give because I was behind by exactly that amount. I didn’t remember missing one. In fact if you asked me, I would told you that we were right on target with our giving, but the report said that we weren’t. I would love to blame this on Helen, but she’s not the one who takes care of this; I am. We’ve been catching back up since we noticed that. What I am asking today is for you to look at what you are able to do and to see where you are with your giving. We are stewards of what God has given to us, and our church is one of the primary ways that God works in our lives and the lives of those who we encounter.” We have financial challenges, but wherever Jesus is praised and his death remembered and resurrection celebrated, there is new hope. Please decide how you can help us continue to offer the vibrant ministries and worship Advent has offered for many years. This is YOUR church. Peace, Pr. Joel Week of March 25, 2015 Prayers of the Community EXPECTING: Sarah & Travis Chrystie PENDING SURGERY: Roger Mangum HEALING: Abby Thigpen, Emily Cook, Lois Paulsen, Ed Lesser, Cindy Westfall, Gottfried Weber, Ellen Page, Ben Hedrick, Tom Ness, Guy McWilliams, Judy Bollman, John Staehle, Merrill Nelson, Bruce Chrystie, Cambri Collins, Dave Lindell, Myrtice Larson, Gloria Cramer, Gil Ginn LONG-TERM CARE: Joann Kelley, Lorris Tengvall, Kris Herbranson, Anne McWilliams MILITARY: Jeff Horn, Ben Bailey, Casey Durst, Landon Ludwick , Matt Dennis Non-Member Friends, Relatives EXPECTING: Michelle Felix, Karen Robertson, Dianna Bryan, Holly Henry, Katy HEALING: Cindy, Paige DeWitt, Carly Tretham, Delores Hammond, Rebecca, Randy Reynolds, Josie Holden, Deborah Sullivan, Phyllis Sorem, Caleigh Walker, Kathy Borochoff, Nona Owen, Angie Oller Carr, wife of Dan Brietske, John Clement. Emma DeAtley, Dana Scott, Domingo Albiliz, Dave Cook, Issac Ivey, Sharen Harris, Gizella Seuri, Shane Eaton, Allison Hileck, Noran Nygaard, Rod Eyster, Tracy LaHue, Wally Sundet, Dave Roos, Sandy DeClassis, Stefany Boyett, Kenneth Jones, Dorman Nelson, for our world, especially Africa & Middle East COMFORT/WISDOM/STRENGTH/GUIDANCE: Laurel & Ryan, Troy Wilkins, Kathy Crawford-Nelson, Vivian McCallum, Jacque Essman, Christina Aungst, Brian Wazac, Cindy, Donna Gaarder, Sue Waggoner, Brandi Kitchens, Gaelynn Brougham, Marta & family, the Fulbright family, Mark Wesley & family, Amy & family, the families of Lori & Walker Katch, Willard Balk, Jerry Stephens, Allison Hileck, Nik Patterson, Jonathan Boyd & Thomas family MILITARY: Mike Kelly, Joshua Nissen, Andrew Musfeldt, Travis Guidry, Matt Dennis PRAYER PARTNER: Green Oaks School, Darren Vercruysse, APD Use this QR code OR click here for online giving. DiscipleLife, Sundays, 9:45 AM YOUTH CLASSES CONFIRMATION (AC206) Pr. Marc: for youth, six - ninth grade, preparation to affirm the covenant God makes at baptism. ADULT CLASSES CLASS BY THE KITCHEN (AC101) Keith Kavanaugh: a book of the Bible or topic of faith or church. SENIOR HIGH YOUTH (AC206) Thane McCann: through the Bible using video-based conversation. LUTHERAN PERSPECTIVES (AC201-202) Joan Martin & Allen Hatfield: faith and religion with readings/videos. CHILDREN’S CLASSES Greta DeWitt: for all children, age two through fifth grade in the CGC. Stories, workshops: cooking, computers, fun `n games, drama, science and more! BOOKS OF FAITH (AC203) Teresa Thigpen & Margaret Johnson: scripture stories central to our faith in six to eight session studies. THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY - THE GOSPEL OF MARK The group will meets at 10:00 AM in the Gathering Room Thursday mornings through May 28 as we continue to prepare for Easter. LENTEN WORSHIP SERIES: “WHAT R U UP 2?” This Lenten series is based on Mark 8:31-38, "If you want to become my followers, deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me." Lent is often known as a time of giving something up in order to make room in our lives for spiritual pursuits. Rather than just "giving up" for Lent, this season, the scriptures ask us to consider all that Jesus is "up to" and all that he asks us to be up to in his name. What pursuits are we up to in our lives that call us to be our best selves, and our best selves as the church? The following topics/Bible verses will guide Pr Joel and Pr Marc in leading the congregation in worship during Lent, 2015. Palm Sunday Easter Sunday "SIT UP" "LOOK UP" John 12: 12-16 Mark 16: 1-8 . Palm Sunday Worship, March 29: 8:30 and 11:00 AM Breakfast Tacos / Fundraiser: 9:00 - 1:00 PM Maundy Thursday Worship, April 2: 7:00 PM Good Friday Worship, April 3: 7:00 PM Easter Sunday, April 5: 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM Easter Breakfast Fundraiser: 9:45 - 10:45 AM EGG-stravaganza: April 4, Noon - 2:00 PM See page 3 Week of March 25, 2015 LADIES . . . April 11 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Celebrate Spring! Attend the SPRING EXTRAVAGANZA ADVENT COMMUNITY GARDEN WORK DAYS FRIDAY, APRIL 3 AND SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 9:00 AM-NOON Agenda: Weeding, cleaning gardens, moving mulch, and planting a spring crop. Bring your gloves! For more information, contact Karen Riley (kriley18@hotmail.com) or Jeff Guidry (jaguidry@sbcglobal.net Tickets are only $12 and on sale NOW between Sunday services! Want to help plan or have questions answered? Contact toni_eaton@hotmail.com or 817-253-0228 NT-NL Synodical Women’s Organization Keep up with news and events from the NT-NL SWO by subscribing to The Tapestry, their online newsletter (ntnllutheranwomen.com). . A Community Event the Day Before Easter. Guests will enjoy lunch, decorate Easter eggs, have their picture taken with the Easter bunny, go on an egg hunt, hear the Gospel through Resurrection eggs, and take home tools to help share the GOOD NEWS with others! SENIOR CITIZEN RETREAT With April right around the corner, Briarwood is making preparations for a Senior Citizens’ Retreat! All senior folks looking for a few days of fun, fellowship, and spiritual renewal are invited to Briarwood, April 7 – 9. There will be traditional Bible study, bird watching, and nature walks, as well as some exciting new activities and entertainment acts! Mark your calendars now so you won’t miss it! Register at www.briarwoodretreat.org. If you have questions call 940-241-2099. NEED DONATIONS! - Check the board in the narthex to see how you can help! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! - Contact Greta, or sign-up on the Connection Card. Week of March 25, 2015 Children study the same story for three weeks, rotating through different workshops to explore the story in a new way each week. Workshops include Science, Movies, Drama, Crafts, Cooking & Games. DiscipleLife (Sunday school) 9:45 – 10:45 AM every Sunday JAM (preschool): 2nd grade on most first and third Sundays, 12:15 - 2:30 PM during the school year. Music classes are for 3rd - 5th grade, 12:15 - 2:30 PM. Both include lunch. NO JAM or Music Easter Sunday - April 5 NO JAM or Music Sunday, April 19 - See Communion Field Trip information below. Next regular JAM & Music - May 3 LAST JAM & Music - May 17 FLASH (Following, Loving and Serving Him!), for all children in 3rd - 5th grade, will meet in the CGC building, 6:30 - 8:00 PM for fun, fellowship & a snack. FLASH resumes April 15 - 6:30-8:00 PM Last FLASH of the season May 20, 6:30 - 8:00 PM A COMMUNITY EVENT THE DAY BEFORE EASTER. Guests will enjoy lunch, decorate Easter eggs, have their picture taken with the Easter bunny, go on an egg hunt, hear the Gospel through Resurrection eggs, and take home tools to help share the GOOD NEWS with others! Communion Training Field Trip - April 19, 12:30 - 3:00 PM To go along with Communion Training during DiscipleLife, all children preschool - 5th grade, and a parent, will meet in the gym at 12:30 - 1:45 PM for lunch and activities. Then we will caravan to Creative Hands (2225G West Park Row, 76013) where each child will pick a ceramic Christian symbol to paint. Children in 5th grade will paint a chalice. Many will be able to take their creation home. However, those that need to be fired (chalices) will not be available until Sunday, April 26 when they may be picked up during DiscipleLife. BRAILLE SERVICE PROJECT Wednesday, April 22 and May 27, 6:30 - 8:00 PM. (3rd grade & up eligible for youth service project) We need 7-9 youth and/or parents to make Bible Braille books. It’s fun and easy, and offers the blind a chance to read the Bible. Sign-up on the YOUTH bulletin board in the gym. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: June 22 - 26 Summer Camp @ Briarwood: August 2 - 7 If you have any questions about these or other activities for children, please give me a call or send an email. Greta DeWitt @ church 817-465-6793 ext. 239, or 817-996-7381 ©, or email greta@alctx.org Week of March 25, 2015 COUNCIL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS The following are hi-lights from the Council Meeting held on March 16, 2014: Treasurer’s Report: We have a deficit of $35,000. Giving is less than budget. We are controlling expenses as much as possible. Advent received a Senior Ministries Grant of $2,500 from the ELCA. A birthday party for older members is being planned to kick-off this new ministry. Pastor Marc is planning his sabbatical along with his support team for this summer. Hispanic Ministry: Candidates are being interviewed but the “right” candidate has not been identified. Several other possibilities maybe available for this ministry including Advent being a mission start (for a Hispanic/Latin@ congregation or one from Sierra Leone). Finding leaders may be difficult and require patience. Annex: There is water leak at the Annex and we have received an estimate of $35,000 to repair it and replace the plumbing. The water and gas will be turned off in April but the electricity will remain on. Youth from San Gabriel will sell tacos and taquitos at Advent to raise funds to attend the National Youth gathering. The date has not been determined. Respectfully Submitted, Sonja Kraus, Secretary COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESIDENT: Keith Kavanaugh TREASURER: Janet Wheeler VICE PRESIDENT: Tim McCann SECRETARY: Sonja Kraus BENEVOLENCE: Jane Owens CONGREGATIONAL CARE: Nancy Kuper EDUCATION: Margaret Johnson ENDOWMENT FUND: Tim McCann FINANCE: Jason Brown OUTREACH: unfilled PARISH LIFE: Melina Shaffer PR. JOEL’S MUTUAL MINISTRY: Al Peet PR. MARC’S MUTUAL MINISTRY: Karen Riley PERSONNEL: Keith Hutchins PROPERTY: unfilled SERVANT MINISTRY: Gail Schwebke STEWARDSHIP: John Staehle WORSHIP & MUSIC: Gail Srednicki YOUTH: Teresa Thigpen ay d o T ing h t lf e e m S o S e r Do tu u F r r. You o F t u a o h t nk Y a h T Will
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