March 29, 2015 710 East Park Street ∙ Arthur, Illinois 61911 ∙ 217-543-2781 TODAY’S WORSHIP CELEBRATION 10:30 am Sunday, March 29, 2015 We’re glad you’re here! Worship Leader: Nancy Kuhns Song Leader: Erica Schrock Message: Glen Rhodes Prelude Singing begins at 10:20 *indicates those who are able may stand GATHERING AS A CHRIST-CENTERED COMMUNITY *Gathering Song: “Mighty to Save” Welcome & Congregational Information Opening Prayer Call To Worship: “Jesus is the Way ” PRAISING AND WORSHIPING GOD’S NAME Video: Jesus’ Triumphal entry into Jerusalem *Children’s Palm Procession “Hallelujah, for the Lord our God” Children's Time We Worship God by Presenting our Tithes & Offerings *With Voices He Has Given Us: Brown #443 “Give me Jesus” Brown #306 “Jesus Saves” Intercessory Prayer - Jeff Marner HEARING GOD’S WORD Scripture Readings: Mark 11:1-10; John 3:14-21 Series “The God We Can Know: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” Message: “Knowing God’s Way” John 14:1-14 Sharing Communion: Remembering Christ’s Sacrifice for Us! SENDING FORTH IN THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT *Prayer of Response and Sending *Sending Song: “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” (v.1,2) Come forward for prayer following the service for anything in your life that you would like prayer for. A minister will be at the front of the sanctuary to pray with you. Have a great week! GROWING...TOGETHER IN CHRIST Daily Bible Readings for Growth Mar. 30 - Judges 9-10, Luke 5:17-39 April 1 - Judges 13-15, Luke 6:27-49 April 2 - Judges 16-18, Luke 7:1-30 April 3 - Judges 19-21, Luke 7:31-50 April 4 - Ruth 1-4, Luke 8:1-25 April 5 - 1 Samuel 1-3, Luke 8:26-56 WELCOME TO AMC! If you are a guest we look forward to meeting you and invite you back next Sunday. ► Information about AMC is available in the literature rack near the north doors. ► For more information check out our website at ► Children are welcome in the service and buddy bags are in the foyer for their use. We also have a nursery for children 5 and under in the east basement. March Benchmarks for growing in Christ Consider Fasting Practice contentment Display patience Meet others needs Lead with Christ’s Light Each month this year we will share various areas to focus on in our spiritual growth. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION BEGINS AT 9:30 A.M. Children: Ages 2-5, Grades 1-5 West Basement Jr High: Grades 6-8 - Youth House Youth: Grades 9-12 - Youth House Adults: ► “Acts of Worship” - F.H. ► Variety of Lessons - Room 5 ► “Esther, Ezra, and Nehemiah” - Room 1 Feel free to grab a cup of coffee from the kitchen on your way to class. PERSONAL WORSHIP NOTES Use this space to write down things that encourage you, inspire you, or speak to you during the Worship Celebration. Outreach MEALS ON WHEELS Thank You! COMMUNITY HYMN SING Tonight HOPE FOR NICARAGUA April 12th BENEFIT For Colton Weber FELLOWSHIP MEAL And Baby Shower Our Relationships with the World Thank you to all that helped with Meals on Wheels this month. We really appreciate your service! The Meals on Wheels schedule for this week is below. Mon. Junior Beachey Tues. Melissa Schrock A community hymn sing is planned for tonight at 6 p.m. at Sunnyside Mennonite Church. This is a great opportunity to gather with other Mennonites and fellow Christians in our community to sing hymns. A carry-in finger food fellowship will be held after the hymn sing. Please bring something to share. “Hope for Nicaragua,” an appreciation evening will be held at AMC on Sunday, April 12th at 6 p.m. Join us to hear from Kim Kauffman and others who traveled to Nicaragua recently about how God is moving in that country. More information is posted on the C.L. board. A benefit is planned for Colton Weber on Saturday, April 18th at The Otto Center. There will be a silent auction and haystack supper from 4-8 p.m. and a live auction at 7. If you would like to help or have items to donate for the auction please speak with Karen Litteral. Because of Easter the April Fellowship Meal will be on April 12th. We will also have a baby shower for Austin Kauffman on that day. We would like to bless Austin with diapers (Pampers size 3 or larger) and/or clothing (3-6 months or larger). AMC Youth Beat Today - March 29th The Youth Group will be meeting at Cliff & Kathy Yoder’s home this evening at 6 p.m. Next Sunday - April 5th Easter Breakfast! Be at the church at 7:20 a.m. to get ready. KEEPING UP WITH AMC The most recent Illinois Mennonite Conference Missional Crossroads newsletter is available on the table near the North doors. ANNIVERSARY THIS WEEK Fri. Roger & Jodi Kauffman BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK Mon. Kendall Burdick Tues. Kade Schrock Sarah Storm Thurs. Ervin Yoder Sherrill Shunk Fri. Chad Yoder Taylor Miller Sat. Derek Rhodes Ryan Miller We would like to thank everyone for all their prayers and kindness and for all the wonderful food brought to the house. It was so much appreciated. Our lives are blessed by having our church family, and special thanks to Glen. ~Love, Larry & Myra Thank you all so much for the college care package! I feel so blessed to have such a generous and supportive church family. ~Adriene Lane Community Life COMMUNITY SERVICES THIS WEEK Good Friday and Easter WMSC Guest Quilting CHOIR CONCERT AT AMC April 14th Our Relationships with Each Other The Arthur Ministerial Association is holding a Community Good Friday service here at AMC from Noon to 1 p.m. this Friday. The Easter Sunrise service will be held next Sunday at 6:30 a.m. at the First Baptist Church. We hope that you will join these community services during this very important week of our Christian faith. This Tuesday, WMSC will have a guest quilting at AMC. If you or someone you know likes to quilt then this is the day to come and help! The Eastern Mennonite High School Choir will have a concert at AMC on Tuesday, April 14th at 7 p.m. Mark your calendars! Jarred Stutzman, who grew up at North Vine Mennonite Church in Arthur, is the choir’s assistant director. Discipling EASTER BREAKFAST Sign Up On The C.L. Board EASTER FLOWERS Last Sunday to Sign Up Growing in our Relationship with Jesus The AMC Youth Group will be hosting an Easter breakfast next Sunday from 8:00 - 9:15 a.m. Please sign up on the Community Life board today if you plan to attend. This will be a fundraiser to help with the $700 they still need for their convention trip this summer. Let’s be generous and support our youth! This year we will be ordering lilies, tulips and hyacinths to adorn the sanctuary for Easter. You can sign up on the Community Life board and you are welcome to dedicate your flowers in memory of a loved one. You can select a flower to take home after the worship celebration on Easter morning. Please put your payment in the Secretary’s mailbox. Flowers are $12 each. Administration Attendance: Worship Celebration Christian Education Developing & Coordinating our Relationships LAST SUNDAY 156 54 Offering: General Offering $4,510 Primary Department February Mission Offering $28.29 REMINDERS Fellowship Meal - April 12th Kyle & Jackie Crabtree Junior & Judy Beachey Ervin & Bernadine Yoder Larry & Myra Beachy Arthur Home Srvc. - April 26th Room 5 Christian Ed. Class Homebuilders April Ervin & Nancy Kuhns Community Meal Helpers April 8 - 2:00-4:30 p.m. Phyllis K. & Lela R. April 8 - 4:30-7:00 p.m. Dory K. & Rickey F. Visitor of the Week: Phyllis K. Nursery: Today: Regina M. & Michelle S. April 5: Kenny & Erica Schrock OUR VISION AT ARTHUR MENNONITE By 2017, Arthur Mennonite Church will be actively transforming believers into more spiritually empowered disciples of Christ. Through a maturing faith well grounded in God’s word and spiritual practices, we will prepare ourselves for all opportunities and leave nothing to chance as we grow in our relationship with our Creator and the church body, and toward the expansion of Christ’s kingdom into the world. Wo r s h i p 5TH SUNDAY OFFERING Today EASTER CHOIR Last Practice! Our Relationship with Jesus The 5th Sunday offering today will go towards this summer’s Partnership Home Program house. This is a house that AMC and Sunnyside will be building for a family that lost theirs in a tornado. AMC is trying to raise $10,000 towards this Mennonite Disaster Service project. The AMC Easter Choir will be singing at the Community Easter Sunrise Service and at our Easter morning service next Sunday. The final practice will be tomorrow night (Monday) at 6:30 p.m. Everyone please try to make it to this last practice! PRAYERS FOR OUR CHURCH & COMMUNITY Joe & Liz Diener Family (Son Bob passed away recently) Ervin Yoder (Health) Delilah England (Fell and broke her shoulder recently) Colton Weber (Praise! Son of Rob and Kim, came home recently) Mara McFadden (Judy Beachey’s niece, starting cancer treatments) Felty Marner and Family (Felty’s cancer has spread) Patsy Lane (Matt Lane’s mother, healing from hip surgery) PRAYERS FOR OUR WORLD Families of airplane crash in the French Alps Violence in the Middle East and Africa Wars and unrest in Syria and Iraq World: Peace, Reconciliation, & Love MCUSA convention preparations for K.C. Missionaries: Strodes, Bergens, Birkeys CHURCH CALENDAR Today 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Mon., Mar. 30 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Tues., Mar. 31 All Day Wed., April 1 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Fri., April 3 12-1 p.m. Sun., April 5 6:30 a.m. Christian Education Worship Celebration / Communion Hymn Sing at Sunnyside Church Youth at Cliff & Kathy Yoder’s Vacation Bible School Meeting Easter Choir Practice WMSC Guest Quilting Day Prelude Practice Lenten Bible Study at church Community Good Friday Service at AMC Community Easter Sunrise Service at First Baptist Church 8-9:15 a.m. Easter Breakfast at AMC served by Youth 9:30 a.m. Christian Education 10:30 a.m. Easter Worship Celebration at AMC FUTURE EVENTS Fellowship Meal and Baby Shower—Sunday, April 12th Hope for Nicaragua Event at AMC —Sunday, April 12th at 6 p.m. SNAPSHOT OF THE WEEK JUST FOR FUN Levi and Sara playing Skip-Bo at a recent gathering of the Care ‘n Share group. ARTHUR MENNONITE CHURCH 710 E. Park, Arthur, IL 61911 217-543-2781 Email: Website: IL Conference Website: Administrative Assistant: Melissa Schrock Ministers: All of Jesus’ followers here at Arthur Mennonite Ministry Team Members Cell Phone Administration: Lamar Miller 369-8237 Outreach: Jeff Marner 273-5089 Discipling/Comm. Life/Worship: Glen Rhodes 273-5026 Email Address
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