Sunday, November 23, 2014 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Matthew 24:36 710 East Park Street ∙ Arthur, Illinois 61911 ∙ 217-543-2781 TODAY’S WORSHIP CELEBRATION 10:30 am Sunday, November 23, 2014 We’re glad you’re here! Worship Leader: Nancy Kuhns Song Leader: Lynn Marner Message: Glen Rhodes Prelude Singing begins at 10:20 *indicates those who are able may stand GATHERING AS A CHRIST-CENTERED COMMUNITY *Gathering Song: “Give Thanks” Welcome & Congregational Information Opening Prayer Call To Worship: Psalm 95 “Come, and worship God” PRAISING AND WORSHIPING GOD’S NAME Children's Time We Worship God by Presenting our Tithes & Offerings *With Voices He Has Given Us: Blue #100 “Praise Him, Praise Him” Blue #398 “I love to tell the story” Blue #336 “When peace, like a river” (v. 1,3,4) Intercessory Prayer - Jeff Marner HEARING GOD’S WORD Song of Worship - “Beautiful Day” - Kendall Burdick Scripture Readings: Psalm 100; John 5:22-25 Message: “Sharing the Master’s Happiness” Matthew 25:14-30 SENDING FORTH IN THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT *Prayer of Response and Sending *Sending Song: Blue #118 “Praise God from whom all blessings” Come forward for prayer following the service for anything in your life that you would like prayer for. A minister will be waiting at the front of the sanctuary to pray with you. Have a Great Week! Staying in the Word Daily Bible Readings This Week Nov. 24 - Psalm 85:1-7 Nov. 25 - Psalm 42:5-11 Nov. 26 - Psalm 33:1-9 Nov. 27 - Psalm 33:10-22 Nov. 28 - Isaiah 64:1-9 Nov. 29 - 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Nov. 30 - Mark 13:24-37 WELCOME TO AMC! If you are a guest we look forward to meeting you and invite you back next Sunday. ► Information about AMC is available in the literature rack near the north doors. ► For more information check out our web site at ► Children are welcome in the service and buddy bags are in the foyer for their use. We also have a nursery for children 5 and under in the east basement. November Memory Passage “But the _____ of the _____ is love, ___, peace, _______, ________, _________, faithfulness, _________, and ____________. Against ____ ______ there is no ____.” Galatians 5:22-23 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION BEGINS AT 9:30 A.M. Children: Ages 2-5, Grades 1-5 West Basement Jr High: Grades 6-8—Youth House Youth: Grades 9-12—Youth House Adults: ► “Sustaining Hope”—F.H. ► Variety of Lessons—Room 5 ► “Hebrews”—Room 1 Feel free to grab a cup of coffee from the kitchen on your way to class. PERSONAL WORSHIP NOTES Use this space to write down things that encourage you, inspire you, or speak to you during the Worship Celebration! Outreach MENNO HAVEN Winter Retreats ARTHUR MCC THRIFT SHOP Now Open! STAY INFORMED Mennonite News Our Relationships with the World It’s time to sign up for Menno Haven winter retreats. The Youth will be going Jan. 16-18 and Jr. High will go Jan. 23-25. Registration forms were in mailboxes last week and are due Dec. 14th. Please return them to the secretary’s mailbox. Spread the word that The Arthur MCC Thrift Shop is open! Hours are 10-4 p.m. Monday-Friday and 10-3 p.m. on Saturdays. Friday evening hours might be added prior to the holidays. The shop welcomes your volunteer hours and gently used donations. Christmas decorations, winter coats and boots are in demand right now as are male volunteers for hauling recycling and to check battery operated and electrical donations. Contact Nadine Miller at 543-2421 or at with questions. With all of the things going on within our denomination right now the Ministry Team would like to encourage AMCers to go to and sign up for their weekly newsletter called “TMail.” TMail is an ezine which is delivered to your inbox each Monday with news stories and opinion pieces that pertain to our Mennonite faith and happenings in the denomination. Today, Nov. 23rd Bowling in Effingham leaving right after church. Bring $10 for lunch. AMC Next Sunday, Nov. 30th Youth Progressive Dinner. Be at the church at 4:45. Beat Looking Ahead We will have a Christmas party on Sunday, Dec. 14th. Mark your calendar! KEEPING UP WITH AMC Floyd & Clara will celebrate their 54th wedding anniversary this week and Joe & Liz will celebrate their 62nd. Congratulations to both couples. Taya Foushi has moved. Her new address is 104 Rhine Blvd. in Arthur. Ed & Edna will be leaving for Florida on Monday. ANNIVERSARIES THIS WEEK Wed. Floyd & Clara Wood Thurs. Joe & Liz Diener Sat. Delmar & Linda Schrock Community Life HOLIDAY DECORATING Tomorrow! CARE ‘N SHARE Dec. 5th POINSETTIAS Sign Up CROSSROADS Dec. 19th CHRIST THE KING Thank You! BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK Today Levi Schrock Floyd Miller Thurs. Nadine Miller Sat. DuWayne Miller Our Relationships with Each Other We will be decorating AMC for the Christmas season tomorrow, Monday, Nov. 24th starting at 9 a.m. Plan on coming in for a few hours or for the entire day as we deck the halls! The Care ‘n Share fellowship group will have a Christmas gathering on Friday, Dec. 5th at 6 p.m. at The Smith House in Tuscola. Sign up on the C.L. board and if you have questions speak with Gloria Yoder. If you would like to purchase a white poinsettia with silver foil in memory of a loved one or to simply beautify the sanctuary for the holiday season. you can sign up through Dec. 7th on the C.L. board. They are $12 each. Please put your check in the secretary’s mailbox when you sign up. The Crossroads fellowship group will have an adults dinner out on Friday, Dec. 19th in Champaign. More details will be provided as the date nears. If you have questions please speak with CJ Yoder. A special thank you to the Crossroads fellowship group for providing the food for Christ the King on Friday. Your efforts are greatly appreciated! Discipling GDCC LETTER Responses Due Today Growing in our Relationship with Jesus The AMC Gift Discernment Coordinating Committee (GDCC) has been praying about and discerning the ministry team and commission roles for this coming year. Their letter with the proposed callings for next year was in mailboxes recently. Please return the response forms by today after worship. Administration 2015 BUDGET In Boxes 5TH SUNDAY OFFERING In November Developing & Coordinating our Relationships The Administration Commission’s proposed church budget for 2015 was in mailboxes last Sunday. This will be discussed and affirmed at the Congregational meeting on Dec. 7th during Christian Education time. The Administration Commission has designated this month’s fifth Sunday offering on Nov. 30th to go to Camp Menno Haven’s cabin restoration project. LAST SUNDAY Attendance: Worship Celebration 131 Christian Education 44 Primary Department Oct. Missions Offering $45.26 Offering: General Offering $3,167 Budget Goal $4,208 Year-to-Date Progress +1% REMINDERS Fellowship Meal - Dec. 7th John & Alta Yoder Willis & Dee Kuhns Carol Yoder Kyle & Jackie Crabtree Community Meal Helpers Dec. 10 - 2:00-4:30 p.m. Glen R. & Lela R. Dec. 10 - 4:30-7:00 p.m. Scott L. & Roy W. Arthur Home Service - Dec. 7th Led by Room 1 Christian Ed. Visitor of the Week Phyllis Kauffman Nursery: Today: Regina M. & Michelle S. Nov. 30: Kenny & Erica Schrock Homebuilders (December): Sandy Snyder Crossroads (December): Mike & CJ Yoder OUR VISION AT ARTHUR MENNONITE By 2017, Arthur Mennonite Church will be actively transforming believers into more spiritually empowered disciples of Christ. Through a maturing faith well grounded in God’s word and spiritual practices, we will prepare ourselves for all opportunities and leave nothing to chance as we grow in our relationship with our Creator and the church body, and toward the expansion of Christ’s kingdom into the world. Wo r s h i p ADVENT Daily Devotions CHUCK NEUFELD Announces Retirement Our Relationship with Jesus Advent will begin next Sunday! Our theme for this year’s Advent season is “Oh, that you would reveal your mystery.” You can get daily devotions from this theme sent via email by going to This past week Illinois Mennonite Conference Executive Minister Chuck Neufeld announced that he will be retiring from that position at the end of July 2015. His letter and other information pertaining to his retirement are posted on the Discipling board. PRAYERS FOR OUR CHURCH & COMMUNITY Megan Brough (Carol Yoder’s granddaughter had surgery last week) Brent Moore (Matt Lane’s cousin, at Mayo Clinic for health issues.) Felty Marner (Andy’s brother, recurrence of cancer and radiation) Oreo Otto (Health, still having serious breathing issues) Joe Diener (Health issues) Alma Schrock (Arthur Home) Kim Kauffman (Healing from recent procedure in Ohio) Several AMC families expecting babies in the near future. PRAYERS FOR OUR WORLD Wars and Unrest in Syria and Iraq Relationships within families Ebola outbreak Ukraine: Unrest and conflict ongoing MCUSA: Denominational issues Missionaries: Strodes, Bergens, Birkeys. CHURCH CALENDAR Today 9:30 a.m. Christian Education 10:30 a.m. Worship Celebration Noon Youth Bowling in Effingham 6:00 p.m. AMA Community Thanksgiving Service Mon., Nov. 24 9 a.m. - ? Decorating AMC for Christmas Wed., Nov. 26 8:15 a.m. Breakfast Club @ Yoder’s Restaurant Thurs., Nov. 27 Thanksgiving Sun., Nov. 30 9:30 a.m. Christian Education 10:30 a.m. Worship Celebration 4:45 p.m. Youth Progressive Dinner FUTURE EVENTS Dec. 7 Dec. 21 Congregational Meeting during Christian Education Christmas Program SNAPSHOT OF THE WEEK Jacque Lane was looking “sharp” at Central A&M school on Halloween. This outfit would be the “highlight” of anyone's wardrobe. JUST FOR FUN Why can't you take a turkey to church? Because turkeys use fowl language. Knock, knock! Who's there? Arthur. Arthur who? Arthur any leftovers? ARTHUR MENNONITE CHURCH 710 E. Park, Arthur, IL 61911 217-543-2781 Email: Website: IL Conference Website: Ministers: All of Jesus’ followers here at Arthur Mennonite Ministry Team Members Cell Phone Email Address Outreach: Jeff Marner 273-5089 Discipling/Comm. Life/Worship: Glen Rhodes 273-5026 Administration: Matt Lane 972-2861
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