LifeLines Newsletter - Lord of Life Lutheran Church

April 2015
Bringing the Vision
into Focus
We have begun
talking about our Vision for 2020. What
will Lord of Life be like
in five years? How do we envision the
ministry and mission changing over
There is no question that we change.
Like the weather in Chicago (“wait a minute, it will change”) people, institutions
and missions change. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said “No man ever
steps in the same river twice, for it's not
the same river and he's not the same
So the question isn’t
whether we change, its how
we change. As we talk about
the 2020 Vision; let me offer
three waypoints to guide the
discussion: who we are, what
we do and how we do it.
Who we are ---our identity--- doesn’t
change very much over time. In our Mission Statement we identify as people
“called by God to grow spiritually, welcome graciously, love unconditionally,
and serve together faithfully as followers
of Christ.” And, in fact, visitors often confirm that identify when they tell me that
LOL is friendly and welcoming.
Our Vision statement adds: “as a congregation of the ELCA, are called by God
to be a people of salt and light, working
together to bring hope and wholeness to
all as Jesus did. Retirement is not our
mindset, but rather rejuvenation and
As people in the Third Chapter of Life
we continue to live in the covenant God
made with us in baptism and to be open
to God’s call. We are constantly renewed
and transformed by God’s grace. And
that won’t change!
What we do ---our mission and ministry--- does change over time. As the demography of our community changes, as
the economy fluctuates, as our health
and welfare improves or deteriorates our
mission and ministry as a congregation
Our Vision statement identifies three
key areas of ministry:
Worship: Our worship is alive and
engaging, centered in the Gospel Relationships: As a specialized ministry, Care
Ministries will always be a priority. Service: it’s not all about us. We give what
God has first given us.
Is our community aging, staying the
same or getting younger? Are
more people working in and into
retirement? Do our adult children
assist with our care and/or do
they still require our assistance?
These are trends we will research
and discuss because they may
change what we do as a congregation.
How we do it ---methods and means-- may change a lot. Remember when
you never wore white after Labor Day?
Or always wore a suit or dress to
church? Times change and so do the
methods and means. Forty-five minute
sermons were once the norm. Today
most people prefer fewer words and,
perhaps, some audio-visual communications. Even though we stress the
“priesthood of all believers” we used to
expect the ministers to provide the ministry. Today we value the ministry of all the
baptized and realize that we’re all in this
together. When gas was 30 cents a gallon we thought natural resources were
cheap and inexhaustible. Today we’re
much more “green” regarding energy
and the environment.
April 2 - Maundy Thursday
Worship at 5:00 pm
April 3 - Good Friday Worship
at noon and 7:00 pm
April 4 - Easter Vigil Worship
at 7:00 pm
April 5
Easter Festival Courtyard
Worship at 6:30 am
Easter Continental Breakfast
at 7:30 am
Easter Festival Worship 8:30
and 10:30 am
So let’s start talking about our Vision
for 2020. On April 15th, after the Congregational Meeting to vote on the Kastelle
Legacy Gift, we will open a forum for
discussion. Over the remainder of 2015
we will have several ways to continue
the conversation: large and small groups
to discuss, study, plan and finally clarify
our vision. Some things will change,
many things will stay the same.
Let’s start the conversation!
Pastor Beyer
Monthly Activity
(If no contact person is listed, call the
church office for more information. )
Eye-Opener Bible Study
Wednesday, 7:30 am
All are welcome to attend this lively
conversation on the texts for the
coming weekend.
Men’s Breakfast Bible
Thursday, 7:00 am
Coco’s in Sun City Grand
(corner of Sunrise Blvd. & Clearview)
Contact: Ed Dregalla, 374-3354
Food Bank Brigade
This ministry will resume working
the second and fourth Saturday of
each month. Hours are 9:00 am 11:00 am at Valley View Food Bank,
10615 W Peoria, Sun City. For more
info contact Dean Fardal at 5845151.
Lord of Life University
Lord of Life University is continuing in a BIG way. Or should we
say Small Catechism way? On Wednesday evening from 6:30 7:30 the pastors teach Confirmation Class. Learn (or re-learn)
Luther’s Small Catechism, complete with memory verses but
minus the public test in front of the congregation!
What does this mean? We should fear and love God that we may not despise
preaching and His Word, but hold it sacred, and gladly hear and learn it.
Feel free to join in even if you weren’t here in the beginning. Classes will resume
Wednesday, April 22 at 6:30 pm.
For singles of all ages who enjoy
conversation and having fun with other
singles, come to our SOLOS events.
Join us for good food and shared conversation. Lunch-Friday, April 24 at 11:30
am at Olive Garden, 13324 W Grand
Ave., Surprise. Sign up around worship
services or through the church office.
Easter Vigil and Easter Continental Breakfast
On Saturday, April 4 we will celebrate the Easter Vigil service at 7:00 pm. Saturday
afternoon, April 4, we will be setting up food in the Social Hall for communion that is a
part of the Vigil Service. If you would like to volunteer to assist with the preparation,
please contact Fran Penry in the church office, 623-584-2000.
On Easter morning, following the 6:30 am Sunrise Service,
all are invited to join in an Easter Breakfast of Easter eggs,
rolls, fruit and coffee. Please feel free to come and have breakfast with us as no reservations are required. A suggested donation of $5.00 will be received. If you have hard boiled eggs
(colored or uncolored), we invite you to share them. Please
bring them to the kitchen refrigerator by Friday, April 3.
Please fill out a summer
address form to indicate
your plans for leaving Arizona and returning in the
fall. Forms may be found on
the counter in the Narthex
or in the church office.
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Bible Readings
For April
 April 5
Acts 10:34-43
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Mark 16:1-8
 April 12
Acts 4:32-35
1 John 1:1-2:2
John 20:19-31
 April 19
Acts 3:12-19
1 John 3:1-7
Luke 24:36b-48
 April 26
Acts 4:5-12
1 John 3:15-24
John 10:11-18
Pastor Kim’s April Reflections
“I come expecting Jesus to meet me in this place.
I come expecting to receive his goodness and grace.
When I eat the bread and drink the wine it will be a holy moment in time.
I come expecting Jesus to meet me in this place.”
Nancy Gordon
The Lenten Bible Series on the Lord’s
Supper has produced amazing conversations about what The Lord’s Supper
means to us. Thanks to the invitation of
the group leaders, Pastor Steve and I
have been able to participate in several
groups and we have enjoyed the wide
range of perspectives shared about Holy
Communion and worship in general. One
of the recurring themes I heard seems to
be around moments of silence in worship.
It was suggested that when the bulletin reads, “silence for reflection,” the silence offered isn’t long enough! Of
course some are quick to say that silence makes them uncomfortable. I
agree that we need silence in worship. In
the words to the song I printed at the top
of this page the phrase, “holy moment in
time” strikes me as what I want to call
those silent times.
The idea that we come expecting
Jesus to meet us as we commune is a
topic for lots of conversation. I enjoyed
hearing from the group participants
about what they think about on their walk
up to receive communion. We discussed
using that act of walking, approaching
the altar as a “holy moment” and as a
time for personal silence, to set our
minds on Jesus; expecting Jesus.
When do you “meet Jesus?” Is it in
the bread and wine? The prayers? The
music? The silence? How about from the
moment you enter the Sanctuary; the
house of God? Do we come to worship
with our hearts and minds centered on
meeting Jesus, or being in the presence
of Jesus? What part of the Lord’s Supper
helps you “feel” that your sins have been
forgiven? See what I mean about amazing conversations?
The Lord’s Supper means so many
things to us. We are privileged to share
in such an ancient practice that still carries such deep meaning after so many
centuries. When we share in the Lord’s
New Member
Supper we are sharing with millions of
Christians world wide and over the ages
in a sacrament that draws us into the
presence of God and proclaims the saving grace of Jesus’ death and resurrection all at once! It is a meal with a meaning that satisfies our spiritual hunger.
When you next walk up to the altar to
receive Holy Communion what will you
think about? When the bread and the
wine touch your lips, what will that mean
to you? Will you come expecting Jesus
to meet you in this meal? May the conversations continue as our faith is fed
and our love for God grows.
Special thanks needs to be made to
all those who hosted the Lenten Studies;
the leaders of each group and all of you
who were able to participate.
Pastor Kim
Service Opportunity
Lord of Life has so many wonderful
ways that members can give of their time
to help and serve others. Perhaps you
are looking for a new and different way
of serving the church. If so, please consider becoming a sponsor for an incoming new member.
The next new member classes are to
be held on May 5 and 19 at 6:30 pm.
The three major duties of a sponsor are
to attend the second new member class,
be with the new member at the worship
service when they are received and to
help and guide the member for the next
six months.
It is the hope that all new members
will feel welcomed and will learn of the
many opportunities that await them at
Lord of Life. Can you help to make that
happen? Please contact Lori Jensen,
623-214-0182 to add your name to the
sponsor list.
Would you like to become a member of
Lord of Life? There will be classes for
new members on Tuesday May 5 and 19
from 6:30 - 7:30 pm. The first class focuses on what it means to be a Lutheran
and the second class focuses on what it
means to be a member of Lord of
Life. New members will be received during worship on the May 23/24 weekend. If you are interested in membership,
either as a full or as an associate member, please speak with one of the pastors
or call the church office at 623-584-2000.
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Thoughts from the President...
We are now approaching Easter following our Lenten Journey. I
have found our mid-week
messages challenge my
thinking about my life in
this Third Chapter. I hope
you have found them stimulating as well.
Our winter of warm weather and occasional rain has now welcomed spring
with all the colors that occur on the desert. God is good and provides us with
inspirational views of his world. This past
month, members of the Congregational
Council have been working with the Resource and Benevolence Committees to
prepare a proposal on the distribution of
the Kastelle Bequest funds for the congregation to consider and vote on at a
Special Meeting on April 15th at 6:30 pm.
Dessert will be served before the meeting. Following the Congregational Meeting we will present a Forum with updates
on our budget and begin looking at what
Lord of Life Lutheran Church may look
like in”2020.”
I want to thank everyone who shared
their ideas on how the Kastelle Bequest
Funds could be utilized at Lord of Life
and in the greater community. It has
been a big task to carefully consider the
many options provided as we propose
how these funds can be distributed in a
responsible way. You will receive a copy
of the proposals before the April 15
meeting. Please save the date!
Twenty new members to Lord of Life
were received in March and will be received in April. Our next new member
class will be in May so if you are interested in joining Lord of Life as an associate or full member, please contact Pastor
Steve or Pastor Kim. We are looking for
members to assist new members as
sponsors as they gain knowledge of Lord
of Life and its programs and opportunities to serve God and his Community.
Some of you will soon be traveling to
your other home and church community.
I wish you a safe journey. Please keep
Lord of Life in your prayers and we look
forward to your return.
Glenn Austad
Congegational Meeting
Reserve Wednesday, April 15 at 6:30 pm. We will
meet in the Social Hall for dessert before the meeting.
For consideration will be the distribution of the
Kastelle Bequest Funds followed by a Forum with updates on our budget and what Lord of Life may look like
in 2020.
The ELCA Malaria Campaign supports programs to help end deaths from
malaria in 13 countries in Africa.
This campaign is uniquely positioned
to support Lutheran partners in providing
mosquito nets, education, testing, treatment and more to help eliminate deaths
from this disease - for good. Learn more
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Dean Fardal
Vesla Werket
Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center
Lutheran Campus Ministry
Grace Lutheran Church
Plants in the
We are trying a new look with an eye
to safety. Plants have been placed on
the side of the Chancel to further define
the side of the elevated portion of the
Chancel. Please bear with us as we work
on these improvements.
Buildings & Grounds
Quilting News
The quilters at
Lord of Life recently
donated the following
items: 82 Pocket Pal
Quilts for children in
the foster care system of the Arizona
Department of Child
Safely (funded by a grant from the
West Valley Lutheran Thrift Shop);
47 lap robes, 9 baby quilts (for the
VA Blessing Basket program for new
mothers) and 5 single size quilts to
the Carl Hayden VA Hospital in
Quilters meet in the Social Hall at
8:30 am on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month. New participants
are welcome. Also needed are used
blankets & light weight mattress pads
(used as fillers for the quilts) and
cotton fabric.
Music at Lord of Life
Saturday Nite Life
April 11, 6:15 pm
Good Friday at Lord of Life
April 3
12:00 noon: A traditional Good Friday
7:00 pm: Musical Good Friday Service.
A Cappella Singers, Celebration Choir
and Chancel Choir will all participate in
this musical service of meditation assembled by Director Dave Lien. Instrumentalists as well as soloists will also be featured.
Invite a friend!
Internationally Renounded Organist Here
Marek Kudlicki will be at Lord of Life in Friday, April 24, at
7:00 pm to present an organ concert. Marek is making his 51st
tour to the United States in April where he will be playing a
concert on the East Coast and then flying to Arizona to play for
us. This winter he toured Australia and Tasmania, playing both
solo concert/recitals and with a chamber orchestra. This past
fall, he played at ASU where Gloria was able to hear him and
meet him. He is Polish by birth and lives in Austria. More information will be given in our weekly announcement sheet.
Please plan to attend this exciting concert. Freewill offering.
Considering Singing
in a Choir?
Since some of the folks in our choirs
are leaving for the summer, this is a
great time to “experiment” singing in
Chancel or Celebration Choir without a
long-term commitment. This will also
infuse some energy into our choirs.
Rehearsal Schedule
 Celebration Choir on Wednesday at
3:00 pm
 Chancel Choir on Thursday at 2:30
Join us Saturday, April 11th at 6:15 pm
for a baseball themed Saturday Night
Life. Show us your team spirit by wearing
your favorite shirt or ball cap. Our ballpark menu will include hot dogs, potato
salad, baked beans, and ice cream bars.
Lord of Life Big Band will bring us an
evening of toe tapping sounds from the
30’s, 40’s, and 50’s. Come with your
dancing shoes on and enjoy an evening
of fun.
Tickets are $10.00 and may be purchased in advance at the church office
during regular business hours and
around worship services on the weekend.
Interested in
Concert Series
If you are available during the summer, we’d like to work with anyone interested in playing bells/chimes. It’s a wonderful team adventure and we’ll also
connect you with a mentor with experience.
We’ll also try to do something similar
next fall, for those who are gone during
the summer but would like to join us.
Contact Gloria Lien at
or 602-418-2989.
Gloria Lien finishes
out the Lord of Life
Concert Series with an
organ concert she will
also be playing a few
piano numbers.
Gloria is currently
composing an organ
piece to debut that evening and will also
play Guilmant’s “Organ Concerto.” Invite
your friends for Sunday, May 3, at 2:30
pm in the Lord of Life Sanctuary. Freewill
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Community Outreach
Thompson Ranch School
By now, the original list of supplies has often been depleted and the classrooms can
always use more of these: #2 wooden pencils, notebook paper (3-hole punched), wide
and college ruled notebooks and composition books, pocket folders, colored markers,
facial tissues and 3x5 index cards.
Always popular art supplies: scrapbooking stamps and supplies, crayons, pens,
colored paper, scissors, rulers, glue, stickers, maps, calendar pictures. Clean out your
desk and donate usable supplies!
To volunteer a half day a week in a classroom or in the office, contact: Jeanne Welborn, or 623-544-2440 or download a form at
Lutheran Thrift Shop
We love our volunteers!
Last week we celebrated the volunteers who generously give thousands of hours
every year at our annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. In 2014 our 350+ volunteers
worked over 50,000 hours in the shop and at home.
According to the Federal Agency for Service and Volunteering, an hour of volunteer time in Arizona is worth $22.52. That means our volunteers saved the thrift shop
more than $1,126,000 in payroll last year. Way to go volunteers – that’s good business!
This agency also reports across Arizona, typical adults volunteer an average of 31
hours per year. Our “untypical” volunteers average over 137 hours annually volunteering with us. Way to go LTS volunteers!!! We couldn’t give away nearly $7 million to deserving organizations without you!
Join us, won’t you? Shop with us, donate your gently used goods or join us as a
volunteer. Call us today to schedule a tour or a pick-up. 623-815-7061.
Action Teams are a way to help meet a need at Lord of
Life Church. Think about an unmet need in your church community and how you could help. Is their a need in a ministry in
which you are involved? Apply to lead a volunteer team in a
one-time fundraiser, service activity or educational event.
Each Thrivent member is eligible to apply for two action
teams per year. Each action team receives $250.00. More
information at
Not a Thrivent Member? Our mission is to help strengthen
Christian communities by helping members be wise with
money and live generously. Check us out at or contact Mark Funk, your Thrivent,
Representative at 623-234-9212.
Nadaburg School
Supplies Needed
A box has been placed in the Social
Hall to receive needed items such as
copy paper, lined notebook paper, #2
pencils, dry erase markers, crayons and
tissues. Thanks to all those who have
already given and thank you in advance
to all who will give.
Volunteers Needed
There are many opportunities available to volunteer, both in the classroom
and elsewhere. Contact Jack Sellers at
623-584-2049 or to
discuss this rewarding activity.
Tutoring at Pan de Vida
If you are interested in being a tutor
or a substitute tutor contact Joan Janis
( or Jan Yetter
( Tutors who are proficient in math as taught in schools today
are especially needed.
Mark Funk presented a check to Glenn Austad which represents the amount of money that Lord of Life members designated as Choice Dollars to Lord of Life throughout this past
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Fun With the Lord of Life Big Band
Terry & Knute Adams
Jodi Anderson
Johnny & Nancy Johnson
Jackie Britt-Lima
Alan & Cheri Katzberg
Susan Brokaw
Joyce & David Halmers
Lee & Betty Sandager
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Lynette Waldenberger
Kathie-Raye Hill
Mary Jane & Larry Warren
Judi Johnson
Rich Young & Shari Jones
Treasurer’s Report
News of Our Members
Stewardship Report
as of February 28, 2015
Attendance Averages
Hospitalized since last
Dean Gulden
Joyce May
Doc Danker
Loren Koppelman
Sheila Johnson Soma
Ellie Skon
Barbara Stoll
Ann McAlpin
Sandra Jennings
Dick Wrobel
Ray Morris
Removal from Membership
by Request
Revenues are running $24,500 less than budget for the first 2 months of the
year. Expenses are $5,500 less than budget for the same period resulting in a
$19,000 negative variance from the budget.
All amounts rounded to nearest $.
Shirley & Allan Budd
Elaine Barnes
Removal from Membership
by Death
Ruth Fardal
Richard Summers
Electronic Giving
Just a friendly reminder, Electronic Giving is available to you. Your
donation can be set up on the church website at or you
can scan the code at the bottom of the yellow sheet to get directly to
the donation site, we also have included it here. If you are more comfortable, forms are available here at the office, and our accountant can
set everything up for you. This method might be easier for you, with no
check writing this allows your contribution to continue even if you’re not able to get to
Congratulations to
the members of Lord of
Life. In January you responded with 326
pounds of food for the
Food Bank. Thank you
for your response to their
continual need.
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Care Ministries
 Transportation to medical appointments in special circumstances
From Our Parish Nurse
Carol Hokaj, RN
“Trust in the Lord with all your
heart…” Pr 3:5
We are all aware that many causes
now have identified days, weeks or even
months to raise our awareness of a specific issue. For the most part, it does
accomplish that, and for a short period,
may even get us thinking about doing
something about “it,” whatever that may
be. Did you know that April 16 is designated as National Healthcare Decision
Day? What does that even mean? If you
are thinking of Five Wishes, living wills,
medical powers of attorney and things
regarding end of life care, you would be
right. So many of you have accomplished these instruments and for those
who have, I say, “well done.” What a gift
for your loved ones to know your wishes
and remove some stress to what can
certainly be a very stress-filled situation.
I would encourage you to review
these documents on occasion to be sure
they still reflect your wishes and that all
of the information is still accurate. April
16 could be the reminder we all need to
do that. To those of you who have not
gotten around to actually putting pen to
paper, perhaps this could be your goal. I
know I always work better with a clear
With this in mind,
we will be having
another Five Wishes
workshop on Tuesday, April 7 from 10:00 am to 12:00
pm. The Five Wishes documents are
very user friendly. They allow you to express things that are important to you
and truly honor who you are. They follow
what is in most state forms but not in
“legalese.” You have the opportunity to
express what is in your heart and what is
important to you, in your own words.
If you have attended a workshop but
have not yet completed the forms, there
is no time like the present. If you need
any assistance or have any questions,
please contact me. If you would like to
attend the upcoming workshop, please
call the office and let us know of your
The very popular Matter
of Balance session will be
presented here again next
month. This is a very
popular course. Those
who have attended are still
talking about how helpful it
has been.
This is a series of eight two-hour
classes held every Tuesday and Thursday beginning May 5. Class time is
9:00 to 11:00 am. You should plan on
attending all classes.
We know how devastating falls can
be. In some cases, the results of a fall
can undermine your independence.
Some of the topics that will be covered
are setting goals to increase activity,
making changes to reduce fall risks at
home and exercises to increase strength
and balance. Call the Sun City West Fire
District at 623-544-5400 to register.
Class size is limited and the May class is
already filling up!
 Holy Communion in the home
 Delivery of CDs of weekly worship
 Telephone Ministry
Call the church office if you would
benefit from any of these. The ministries
are possible because of wonderful volunteers. If you would like to become a volunteer, please contact Parish Nurse,
Carol Hokaj.
Reminder Regarding
Please contact the Church if you are
in the hospital and would like us to be
aware of your situation. If you are not
able to do this yourself, you may ask the
hospital staff, chaplain or a friend to call
for you. We hope to be able to meet your
needs the best we can but we have to
know. Thank you for your cooperation.
April Gratitude Gift - World Hunger
Each year Lord of Life generously supports the
ELCA World Hunger program through our Christmas
Project: “Good Gifts.” Now members are invited to
continue support of the vital programs within the
ELCA World Hunger ministry which continue
throughout the year. The ELCA supports both funds
for international and domestic hunger projects. They
cooperate with Lutheran World Federation and Lutheran World Relief to distribute the funds for international relief.
Within the USA they contribute through Domestic Hunger Grants and special appeals for Disaster Relief caused by natural and human disasters. It is estimated there
are 868 million people in the world who are chronically hungry. 1.2 billion people live in
extreme poverty, living on less than $1.25 per day. In the United States, more than 50
million people do not know where their next meal will come from and 46.2 million
Americans are living in poverty. Hunger is a year round problem; please give generously to this month’s gratitude gift. Visit the ELCA website for more information.
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Lord of Life Women
Save These Dates and Become Involved
The Women of the ELCA (W-ELCA) Executive Board will meet Thursday, April 16 at
9:00 am, W-ELCA Board will meet Thursday, April 23 at 9:00 am and W-ELCA
Leader’s Bible Study will be Thursday, April 23 at 10:30 am.
Circle Meetings
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
● Esther, 9:30 am
Pam Wille 623-975-9693
14514 W Panther Dr., SCW
● Joanna, 1:00 pm
Marian Erickson 623-584-3348
Lord of Life Conference Room
Monday, April 6, 2015
Hannah, 10:00 am
Karen Austad 623-933-8383
Elaine Jebsen 623-547-7410
Lord of Life Conference Room
Rachel, 2:00 pm
Marilyn Carhart 623-584-2371
Rosemary Justus 623-556-0771
14110 W Territorial Lane, SCW
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
● Mary/Elizabeth, 7:00 pm
Bobbie Behnke 623-584-8362
Jan Welch 623-546-3822
Lord of Life Conference Room
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
● Priscilla, 9:30 am
Carol Hvidsten 623-544-0728
Lord of Life Conference Room
Thursday, April 9, 2015
● Ruth, 10:00 am
Pat Warren 584-2851
Lord of Life Classroom #2
Monday, April 13, 2015
● Miriam, 9:00 am
Virginia Rehder 623-584-0458
Lord of Life Conference Room
● Anna, 6:00 pm
Ronda Dostal 402-889-6815
22203 N Desperado Dr., SCW
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
● Eve, 1:00 pm
Orpha Ellingson 623-584-3128
16337 W Tierra Way, Surprise
Thursday, April 16, 2015
● Lydia, 9:30 am
Ellen Nelson 623-398-7181
21310 N Limousine Dr., SCW
Monday, April 20, 2015
Sarah, 1:00 pm
Chris Harris 623-556-5575
20231 Meadowood Dr., SCW
● Dinah, 1:00 pm
Jeanette Cooper 623-215-3492
13504 W Nogales Dr., Corte Bella
Naomi, 1:00 pm
Mary Etta Schaffler 623-584-6013
Donna Thompson 623-242-9800
Lord of Life Conference Room
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What Is Wirtzie’s
Come and Find Out!
Everyone is invited to attend a WELCA sponsored event on Thursday,
April 9. The evening will begin at 6:30
pm with ice cream for all and followed by
a presentation by Wirtzie’s Preschool
and Child Care program.
Wirtzie’s is a community program as
part of Benevilla, a nonprofit organization
serving families in the Northwest Valley.
The preschool and child care programs
are designed to provide an environment
that would enhance and enable learning
and community while providing quality
child care.
Programs are designed for wobblers
(12-20 months old); toddlers(20-36
months); and preschoolers(aged 3 to 5
years). Goals include celebrating individuality and providing a safe, nurturing
place to learn and develop.
An intergenerational program is a part
of Wirtzie’s and provides children an
opportunity to interact with seniors. Daily
planned activities might include activities
where children and seniors come together to grow, learn about themselves,
and form relationships. Activities could
include learning how to play bingo, how
to make bread, creating puppets and
perhaps putting on a show.
Wirtzie’s provides a community where
relationships are built and everyone contributes and belongs.
Plan to attend this event and bring a
neighbor or friend. Ruth and Priscilla
Circles will be hostesses.
Book Discussion
Greetings from the LOL
Book Discussion Group!
To all regulars who come
to Book Club: please
note the time change: From now on our
meetings will be on the last Monday of
the month (except May when we will
meet on the third Monday) at 1:00 pm
not at 10:00 am as in the past.
Do you like to read? Do you want to
meet new friends? Then come join us for
our next book discussion group here at
church. All are welcome!
In April we will discuss a wonderful
book called “Defending Jacob” by William Landay. Andy Barber has been assistant district attorney in his suburban
Massachusetts county for more than
twenty years. He is respected in the
community, tenacious in the courtroom
and happy at home with his wife, Laurie,
and their son, Jacob. But when a shocking event shatters their New England
town, Andy is blindsided by what happens next: his fourteen year old son is
charged with the murder of a fellow student. I can't wait to read this mystery and
find out more. Please join us for a discussion on this book on Monday, April 27
at 1:00 pm.
Upcoming books are “The Invention
of Wings” by Sue Kidd Monk in May,
“Leaving Time” by Jodi Picooult in September, “The Time Keeper” by Mitch
Albom in October, “The Storied Life of
A.J. Fikry” by Gabrielle Zevin in November and “Nothing to Envy” by Barbara
Demick in December.
All books may be found in the church
library and the local libraries as a regular
book or ebook as well as in bookstores.
There are no meetings in June, July and
August. We do hope you can join us
soon! If you have any questions please
contact me.
Blessings and happy reading!
Rita Boyd
Mission Endowment Committee Report
Do you realize the only source of income for the Mission Endowment Fund outside of investment income is
YOU? In the past 5 years contributions to the MEF have
totaled less than $25,000. The rest has come from investment income and monies designated from a large bequest made more than seven years ago.
We can’t expect the MEF to continue receiving the
kind of investment returns it has been blessed with for the
past five or six years. We have gone through a period
since 2008 when the financial markets have rebounded
from a low point providing retirement and essentially all managed investment accounts
with above average returns.
So, how can you help? By contributing money to the MEF you can help insure its
continuing purpose which is to provide funds to organizations which meet MEF’s donor
If you would like more information, contact a member of the committee:
Karen Austad
Natalie Ray
Ron Seegers
Larry Vering
Ken Stacey
Ted Valmassei
Claudia Zombek
Pastor Beyer
Refugee Focus 1st Annual Women’s Tea
and Fashion Show
Saturday, April 25, from 10:00 am—12:00 pm will be a morning of fun and fashion!
The Refugee Focus will be hosting a fundraising fashion show to support their
Women’s Empowerment Program.
Women from all over the world will model clothing and accessories created by refugees in the Valley. Tea and light refreshments will be provided. Don’t miss this event to
appreciate fashion and support refugee women! Tickets are $10.00 each. The location
is Refugee Focus, 3443 N Central Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85012. For ticket and information contact Donna Buckles at 602-248-4000 Ext. 117 or
- -page 11 - -
Winter Worship Times
Saturday, 5:00 pm
Sunday, 8:30 & 10:30 am
Church Office Hours
Monday through Thursday
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Phone: 623-584-2000 Fax: 623-584-1913
13724 W. Meeker Blvd.
Sun City West, AZ 85375-3730
April 2015
The Rev. Stephen Beyer
Senior Pastor
Current Resident/Or
The Rev. Kim Sterner
Associate Pastor
Carol Hokaj
Parish Nurse
Gloria Lien
Music Director
Dave Lien
Choir Director
Deb Dorough
Director of Administration
Marsha Shaw
Office Manager
Claudia Zombek
Fran Penry
Event Coordinator
Dave Wascher
Milka Huerta
Items of Interest…
Worship Services on the Web. If you are out of town or not able to attend services, visit
our website, and listen to the service.
Listening Devices. Assisted listening devices are available as part of our sound system
during worship services.
Holy Communion in the Pew. If you wish to receive Holy Communion in the pew during
worship, please notify one of the ushers prior to the beginning of the service. We are always
happy to offer the sacrament to anyone who is unable to come forward to the altar.
Unisex Handicap Restrooms. The restrooms in the Chapel are Unisex Handicap
Restrooms and are available for people who need family member assistance or are in
Wheelchairs. Wheelchairs are available in the Narthex for those who may have difficulty
walking from the parking lot to the Sanctuary for worship. The door into the Sanctuary on the
east side of the building (next to the Columbarium) is handicap assessible for those in
wheelchairs, walkers or who have difficulty walking.
Pastors on Call. One of your pastors is on call after office hours, on weekends and on
holidays for emergencies. If you need to contact a pastor during those times, call the church
office answering machine at 623-584-2000 and you will be given the name and contact
information for the pastor on call that week.
Hospitalizations. If you are in the hospital and want us to be aware of it, please call the
church office or have someone call on your behalf. Unless directed otherwise, your name will
be placed on the prayer chain and included in electronic notifications.
Council Minutes and Financial Statements. These documents are
available for your perusal in the church office.
Lost & Found. Come to the church office to claim lost items.
Mobile Donations. Use the code to the right to use Lord of Life’s secure
mobile donation site. Simply scan with your smart phone’s QR Code
reader application.