2015 Festival Marketplace Booth Rental Contract The West Virginia Book Festival has the right to refuse applications. Space is limited. Booths are generally assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. With each 10’x10’ curtained space, you’ll receive one table and two chairs. Enhancements are available directly from the Charleston Civic Center, and forms to place your order will be sent to you in September. Booth spaces are generally assigned on a firstcome/first-served basis. Our marketplace is not juried. Please do not send a copy of your book; it is not necessary. The deadline for reservations and payment is August 14. Please note that we generally sell out in late July or early August. Please make a copy of this form for your records. You will receive an e-mail confirmation when we receive your contract. Set-up and break-down (New Schedule for 2015) Friday, October 23 • Set up begins at 8 a.m. and must be complete by 12 p.m. • The Festival Marketplace will be open to the public from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. • There will be a reception in the Marketplace from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. • We invite you to have your authors at your booth to meet with the guests at the reception. Saturday, October 24 • Marktplace hours will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; break down after 5 p.m. Price: $125 per 10x10’ space. One space _____________________ X $125 = $_________________________________________ Additional spaces: $100 per each additional 10x10’ space. No. of additional spaces ______ X $100 = $_________ Total (One reserved space, plus fee for additional spaces) $ ______________________________________________ Vendor name (organization or individual author)___________________________________________________________________ Contact person (if vendor is an organization)_______________________________________________________________________ Contact person’s title__________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail____________________________________________________Website ___________________________________________ Mailing address______________________________________________________________________________________________ City, state & zip code__________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone____________________________________________________Date______________________________________________ Authorized signature__________________________________________________________________________________________ Tell us about the mission of your business/organization as it relates to reading, books or authors. If you are an individual author, list your titles here: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ I am interested in advertising in the West Virginia Book Festival spadea. Please have a representative from Charleston Newspapers contact me. My check for the full amount is enclosed and made payable to: The Library Foundation of Kanawha County, Inc. 123 Capitol Street Charleston, WV 25301 ATTN: Terry Wooten Charge to my credit card: Fax to 304-348-7142 Type of card____________________________________________Card number_______________________________________ Name as it appears on card________________________________Expiration date______________________________________ Questions: Contact Terry Wooten at terry.wooten@kanawhalibrary.org or at 304-343-4646, ext. 1287. Cancellations: Notice of cancellation must be received by August 31, 2015 in order to receive a refund of booth rental fees. Refunds will not be available after August 31.
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