Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 PUBLICATIONS MASTER LIST BOOKS 1970s 1. Wilson, A.G., 1970. Entropy in urban and regional modelling. London: Pion. (Translated from English to Russian, 1978. Moscow: Nauka.) 2. Wilson, A.G., 1972. Papers in urban and regional analysis. London: Pion. 3. Wilson, A.G., 1974. Urban and regional models in geography and planning. Chichester and New York: John Wiley. (Translated from English to Spanish. Barcelona: Oikos-‐Tan). 4. Rees, P.H. and Wilson, A.G., 1977. Spatial population analysis. London: Edward Arnold. New York: Academic Press. 5. Wilson, A.G., Rees, P.H. and Leigh, C.M. eds., 1977. Models of cities and regions. Chichester and New York: John Wiley. 6. Wilson, A.G., Bonsall, P.W., Champernowne, A.F. and Mason, A.C., 1977. Transport modelling: sensitivity analysis and policy testing. Oxford: Pergamon. 7. Wilson, A.G. and Kirkby, M.J., 1978. Mathematics for geographers and planners. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reprinted 1980. 1980s 8. Wilson, A.G., 1981. Catastrophe theory and bifurcation: applications to urban and regional Systems. London: Croom Helm and University of California Press: Berkeley. 9. Wilson, A.G., 1981. Geography and the environment: systems analytical methods. Chichester and New York: John Wiley. 10. Wilson, A.G., Williams, H.C.W.L., Coelho, J.D. and Macgill, S.M., 1981. Optimisation in locational and transport analysis, Chichester and New York: John Wiley. 11. Wilson, A.G. and Bennett, R.J., 1985. Mathematical methods in human geography and planning, Chichester and New York: John Wiley. 12. Bertuglia, C.S. and Wilson, A. G., 1987. Urban systems: contemporary approaches to modelling. London: Croom Helm. 1990s 13. Leigh, C.M., Monck, C., Stillwell, J.C.H. and Wilson, A.G., 1990. Yorkshire and Humberside: economic development and future prospects. Leeds: Yorkshire and Humberside Development Association. 14. Bertuglia, C.S., Leonardi, G. and Wilson, A.G. eds., 1990. Urban dynamics: designing an integrated model. London: Psychology Press. Re-‐issued in 2011 by London: Routledge. Google books -‐ 1 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 ( mics,+designing+an+integrated+model&source=bl&ots=Pae1lTJ2tP&sig=27tf1Al5JrkrFVwraN NwaAIvieo&hl=en&sa=X&ei=BOfSUPX6Hu-‐q0AWimICwBQ&ved=0CE0Q6AEwAw) 15. Bertuglia, C.S., Clarke, G.P., Wilson, A.G. eds., 1994. Modelling the city: Performance, policy and planning. London: Routledge. Google books – ( the+city:+performance+policy+and+planning&hl=en&sa=X&ei=b-‐ fSULnQMI2p0AWOioHQCg&ved=0CDYQ6AEwAA -‐ v=onepage&q=modelling the city%3A performance policy and planning&f) 16. Birkin, M., Clarke, G.P., Clarke, M., Wilson, A.G., 1996. Intelligent GIS: Location decisions and strategic planning. Cambridge: GeoInformation International. 2000 17. Wilson, A.G., 2000. Complex spatial systems: the modelling foundations of urban and regional analysis. Harlow: Prentice Hall. Google books – ( atial+systems:+the+modelling+foundations+of+urban+and+regional+analysis&hl=en&sa=X& ei=r-‐fSUPzXFtSp0AXnq4A4&ved=0CDYQ6AEwAA) 2010s 18. Wilson, A.G., 2010. Knowledge power: interdisciplinary education for a complex world. Abingdon: Routledge. 19. Wilson, A.G., 2012. The Science of Cities and Regions: Lectures on Mathematical Model Design. London: Springer. 20. Pagliara, F., de Bok, M., Simmonds, D. and Wilson, A. G., eds, 2012, Employment location in cities and regions: models and applications, Heidelberg: Springer. 21. Wilson, A. G., editor, 2012, Urban modelling: critical concepts in urban studies. Volume 1. The foundations, Abingdon: Routledge. 22. Wilson, A. G., editor, 2012, Urban modelling: critical concepts in urban studies . Volume 2. Towards large-‐scale models, Abingdon: Routledge. 23. Wilson, A. G., editor, 2012, Urban modelling: critical concepts in urban studies. Volume 3. Integration and innovation: the 1970s, Abingdon: Routledge. 24. Wilson, A. G., editor, 2012, Urban modelling: critical concepts in urban studies . Volume 4. Integration and dynamics: the 1980s and 90s, Abingdon: Routledge. 25. Wilson, A. G., editor, 2012, Urban modelling: critical concepts in urban studies. Volume 5. New models and challenges, Abingdon: Routledge. 2 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 26. Dearden, J. and Wilson, A. G., 2015, Explorations in Urban and Regional Dynamics. Abingdon: Routledge. 3 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 CHAPTERS AND ARTICLES 1962 1. Wilson, A.G., 1962. A kinematical fitting program for the analysis of bubble chamber events. HMSO NIRL/M/38. 1963 2. Wilson, A.G., 1963. Unitary symmetry. HMSO, NIRL/L/3. 3. Wilson, A.G., 1963. Hypothesis assigning in the testing of bubble chamber events. HMSO, NIRL/R/42. 4. Wilson, A.G., 1963. Analysis of neutral cascade events from a heavy liquid bubble chamber, HMSO, NIRL/R/56. 5. Wilson, A.G. et al, 1963. Direct measurement of ≅− and ≅° lifetimes. Physical Review Letters. 6. Wilson, A.G. et al, 1963. ≅° Properties. Sienna Conference Proceedings, 1, pp. 1-‐4. 1964 7. Wilson, A.G. et al, 1964. Preliminary report on the interactions of 3.5 GeV K mesons in Hydrogen. Sienna Conference Proceedings, 1, pp. 146-‐154. 8. Wilson, A.G., 1964. Hypothesis testing programme manual. Rutherford Laboratory: Chilton, Berks. 1966 9. 10. Wilson, A.G., 1966. The uses of cost benefit analysis in the local government sector. Local Government Finance, 70, pp.314-‐51. Robinson, D. and Wilson, A.G., 1966. A note on calculating average compound rates of growth. Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Economics and Statistics, 28, pp. 241-‐46. 1967 11. Wilson, A.G., 1967. Mathematical models in planning. Architectural Association Journal, 82, pp. 260-‐65. 12. Wilson, A.G., 1967. A statistical theory of spatial distribution models, Transportation Research, 1, pp. 253-‐69; Reprinted in: R. E. Quandt, ed. 1970. The demand for travel -‐theory and measurement, Boston: Heath Lexington, pp. 55-‐82. Reprinted in: Angel, A. and G.M. Hyman, G. M., (eds.) 1976. Urban Fields. London: Pion, pp. 162-‐78. Reprinted in: Wilson, A. G., editor, 2012, Urban modelling: critical concepts in urban studies. Volume 2, Towards large-‐scale models, 37, pp. 152-‐174, Abingdon: Routledge.* 13. Wilson, A.G., 1967. Forward financial planning in local government. Local Government Finance, 71, pp. 437-‐47. 4 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 14. 17 April 2015 Wilson, A.G., 1967. A note on intrazonal travel times. Transportation Research, 1, p. 288. 1968 15. Wilson, A.G., 1968. Models in urban planning: a synoptic review of recent literature. Urban Studies, 5, pp. 249-‐76; reprinted in: Papers in urban and regional analysis, pp. 3-‐30. 16. Wilson, A.G. 1968. Modelling and systems analysis in urban planning. Nature, 220, pp. 963-‐6. 17. Wilson, A.G., 1968. New methods in transportation planning. Urbanistica. 1969 18. Wilson, A.G., 1969. The use of entropy maximising models in the theory of trip distribution, mode split and route split. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 3, pp. 108-‐26. 19. Hyman, G.M. and Wilson, A.G., 1969. The effects of changes in travel costs on trip distribution and modal split. Journal of High Speed Ground Transportation, 3, pp. 79-‐85; Reprinted in: J.J. Murray, ed. Ground Transportation, Planning Transport Association Inc. Durham, N.C, pp. 367-‐372. 20. Wilson, A.G., 1969. Ground Transportation. Planning Transport Ass. Inc. Durham N.C., pp. 367-‐72. 21. Wilson, A.G., 1969. Research for regional planning. Regional Studies, 3, pp. 3-‐14. 22. Wilson, A.G., 1969. The use of analogies in geography. Geographical Analysis, 1, pp. 225-‐8; reprinted in: Papers in Urban and Regional Analysis, pp. 49-‐57. 23. Wilson, A.G., 1969. The technique of cost benefit analysis. Chapter 2 of Cost Benefit Analysis, Institute of Municipal Treasurers and Accountants; reprinted in: P. Brophy, M.J. Buckland and A. Hindle, eds. 1976. Reader in operations research for libraries. Washington D.C., N. C. R. Micro-‐card editions, pp. 231-‐36. 24. Wilson, A.G., 1969. New planning tools. Architectural Design, 39, p. 488. 25. Wilson, A.G., 1969. The integration of accounting and location theory frameworks in urban Modelling. In: A.J. Scott, ed. 1969. Studies in regional science. London: Pion. Reprinted in: Papers in urban and regional analysis, pp. 154-‐69.* 26. Wilson, A.G., 1969. Notes on some concepts in social physics. Papers, Regional Science Association, 22, pp. 159-‐93. 27. Wilson, A.G., 1969. Forecasting "planning". Urban Studies, 6, pp. 347-‐67; reprinted in: P. Cowan, ed., 1970. Developing patterns of urbanization. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. 28. Wilson, A.G., 1969. Developments of some elementary residential location models. Journal of Regional Science, 9, pp. 377-‐85. 29. Wilson, A.G. et al., 1969. Calibration and testing the SELNEC transport model. Regional Studies, 3, pp. 337-‐50; reprinted in: Papers in urban and regional analysis, pp. 202-‐15. 5 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 Reprinted in: Wilson, A. G., editor, 2012, Urban modelling: critical concepts in urban studies. Volume 2, Towards large-‐scale models, 39, pp. 193-‐214, Abingdon: Routledge. 30. Wilson, A.G., 1969. Heggie on gravity and interactance models -‐ a rejoinder. Operational Research Quarterly, 20, pp. 489-‐92 and p.496. 31. Wilson, A.G., 1969. Movement in London: a review. Traffic Engineering and Control, 11, pp. 382-‐83. 32. Bayliss, D. and Wilson, A.G. 1969. Urban systems analysis and transportation planning. Paper presented to Loughborough Conference on Transportation Planning, Working Paper 30. Centre for Environmental Studies. 33. Wilson, A.G. and Kirwan, K., 1969. Measures of benefits in the evaluation of urban transport Improvements. In Operational Research Quarterly (1970) 21, pp. 99. Paper presented in to Annual Conference of the Operational Research Society, Working Paper 43, Centre for Environmental Studies. 34. Wilson, A. G., 1969. Paper presented to Annual Conference of the Operational Research Society, Working Paper 43, Centre for Environmental Studies. 1970 35. Wilson, A.G., 1970. Inter-‐regional commodity flows: entropy maximising approaches. Geographical Analysis, 2, pp. 255-‐82.* 36. Wilson, A.G., 1970. Disaggregating elementary residential location models. Papers, Regional Science Association, 24, pp. 103-‐25. 37. Wilson, A.G., 1970. Advances and problems in distribution modelling. Transportation Research, 4, pp. 1-‐18. 38. Wilson, A. G., 1970. The use of the concept of entropy in system modelling. Operational Research Quarterly, 21, pp. 247-‐65; reprinted in: Papers in urban and regional analysis, pp. 135-‐53. 39. Wilson, A.G., 1970. National planning for ports: towards an improved methodology. Cooperative Endownment Lecture, University of Kent at Canterbury; reprinted in: Papers in urban and regional analysis, pp. 31-‐45. 1971 40. Wilson, A.G., Bayliss, D., Blackburn, A.J. and Hutchinson, B.G., 1971. New directions in strategic transportation planning. The urban transportation planning process, OECD, Pion. Also available with additional appendices as Working Paper 36. Centre for Environmental Studies, London. 41. Wilson, A.G., 1971. Generalising the Lowry model. In: A. G. Wilson, ed. 1971. Urban and regional planning. London: Pion, pp. 121-‐23; reprinted in: Papers in urban and regional analysis, pp. 58-‐70.* 6 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 42. Wilson, A.G., 1971. Metropolitan growth models. In: The mastery of urban growth. Brussels: Mens en Ruimte. 43. Cordey-‐Hayes, M., and Wilson, A.G., 1971. Spatial interaction. Socio Economic Planning Sciences, 5, pp. 73-‐95. 44. Wilson, A.G., 1971. On some problems in urban and regional modelling. In: M. Chisholm, A.E. Frey and P. Haggett, eds. 1971. Regional forecasting. London: Butterworth, pp. 179-‐220; reprinted in: Papers in urban and regional analysis, pp. 91-‐132. 45. Wagon, D.J., and Wilson, A.G., 1971. The mathematical model. Technical Working Paper 5, SELNEC Transportation Study, Manchester. 46. Wilson, A.G., 1971. A family of spatial interaction models and associated developments, Environment and Planning, 3, p 1-‐32. Reprinted in: Papers in urban and regional analysis, pp. 170-‐201.* 47. Wilson, A.G., 1971. Behavioural inputs to aggregative urban system models. Presented to the IBG/RGS/SSRC Conference on macro and micro approaches to urban systems research, London; reprinted in: 1972, Papers in urban and regional analysis, pp. 71-‐90. 1972 48. Wilson, A.G. 1972. Some recent developments in micro-‐economic approaches to modelling households behaviour with special to spatiotemporal organisation. Presented to the Centre for Environmental Studies Conference on Urban Economics, Keele; reprinted in: 1972, Papers in urban and regional analysis, pp. 216-‐36. 49. Wilson, A.G., 1972. Analysis and planning problems: uses and prospects. Papers in urban and regional analysis, pp. 239-‐52. 50. Wilson, A.G. 1972. Systems analysis: a case study in urban transportation. In: R.M. Lees, ed. 1972. New techniques in public administration, Vol. 1. College of Europe, Bruges, pp. 217-‐ 54. 51. Wilson, A.G., 1972. Understanding the city of the future. University of Leeds Review, 15, pp. 135-‐66; reprinted in abbreviated form in: Cambridge Review, 94, (2211), p. 936. 52. Wilson, A.G., Gwilliam, K.M. and O’Flaherty, C.A.O., 1972. Research programme in transport planning, SRC Project Working Paper 1, University of Leeds: Institute for Transport Studies. 53. Wilson, A.G., 1972. Developing issues in urban transport planning, and discussion. Minutes of Evidence, pp. 250-‐57. House of Commons, London: Environment and Home Office Sub-‐ Committee: The Expenditure Committee. 54. Wilson, A.G., 1972. Theoretical geography: some speculations, Transactions, Institute of British Geographers, 57, pp. 31-‐44; Reprinted in Japanese in: N. Buro, ed. 1976. Spatial theory. Tokyo: Kokonstroin, pp. 204-‐27. 7 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 55. 17 April 2015 Wilson, A.G., 1972. Multi-‐regional models of population structure, and some implications for a dynamic residential location model. In: A.G. Wilson, ed. 1972. Patterns and processes in urban and regional systems. London: Pion, pp. 217-‐42. 1973 56. Wilson, A.G., 1973. Further developments of entropy maximising transport models. Transportation Planning and Technology, 1, pp. 183-‐93. 57. Wilson, A.G. How planning can respond to new issues. In: P. Cowan, ed. 1973. The future of planning. London: Heinemann, pp.24-‐43. 58. Pay, J.L. and Senior, M.L. and Wilson, A.G., 1973. Student accommodation in Leeds, with particular reference to the contribution of the private sector, Appendix 5. In: Report of the Working Party on Student Accommodation. University of Leeds. 59. Wilson, A.G., 1973. Towards systems models for water resource management. Journal of Environmental Management, 1, pp. 36-‐52. 60. Rees, P.H. and Wilson, A.G., 1973. Accounts and models for spatial demographic analysis, 1, aggregated populations. Environment and Planning, 5, pp. 61-‐90. 61. Wilson, A.G., 1973. Principles for building a general urban model. Working Paper 21, Department of Geography, University of Leeds. 62. Wilson, A.G., 1973. From maps to models: geographical theory. In: N. Calder, ed. 1973. Nature in the round: a guide to environmental science. London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, pp. 129-‐37. 63. Wilson, A.G., 1973. Problems in urban development. In: R.M. Lees, ed. 1973. New techniques in public administration, Vol. 2. Bruges: College of Europe. 64. Wilson, A.G., 1973. Travel demand forecasting: achievements and problems. In: D. Brand, ed. 1973. Special Report, 243. Washington: Highway Research Board, pp. 283-‐306. 1974 65. Senior M.L. and Wilson, A.G., 1974. Disaggregated residential location models: some tests and further theoretical developments. In: E.L. Cripps, ed. 1974. Space-‐time concepts in urban and regional models. London: Pion, pp. 141-‐72. 66. Wilson, A.G. and Rees, P.H., 1974. Accounts and models for spatial demographic analysis 2: age-‐sex disaggregated populations. Environment and Planning, 6, pp. 101-‐16. 67. Rees, P.H. and Wilson, A.G., 1974. A computer program for constructing spatial demographic accounts (aggregate populations): user’s manual. Working Paper 60, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 8 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 68. Wilson, A.G., 1974. A maximisation problem associated with Drew's institutionalised divvy Economy. Research Memorandum, RM-‐74-‐5. Laxenburg, Austria: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. 69. Wilson, A.G., 1974. Linear-‐programming and entropy maximising models, Research Memorandum, RM-‐74-‐6. Laxenburg, Austria: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. 70. Wilson, A.G. and Senior M.L., 1974. Some relationships between entropy maximising models, mathematical programming models and their duals. Journal of Regional Science, 14, pp. 207-‐15.* 71. Wilson, A.G., 1974. Urban and regional analysis in Leeds -‐ the structure and development of a research programme. Working Paper 84, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 72. Wilson, A.G., et al., 1974. A transport model for West Yorkshire. Working Paper 57, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 73. Senior, M.L. and Wilson, A.G., 1974. Explorations and syntheses of linear programming and spatial interaction models of residential location. Geographical Analysis, 6, pp. 209-‐38. 74. Wilson, A.G. and Rees, P.H., 1974. Population statistics and spatial demographic accounts. The Statistician, 23, pp. 229-‐57.* 75. Cripps, E.L., Macgill, S.M. and Wilson, A.G., 1974. Energy and materials flows in the urban space economy. Transportation Research, 8, pp. 293-‐305.* 76. Wilson, A.G., 1974. Some methods for building dynamic models in urban and regional analysis. In: A. Karlqvist, L. Lundqvist and F. Snickars, eds. 1974. Dynamic allocation of urban space. Farnborough: Saxon House, pp. 15-‐42. 1975 77. Wilson, A.G., 1975. Learning and control mechanisms for urban modelling. In: E.L. Cripps, ed. 1975. Regional Science: new concepts and old problems. London: Pion, pp. 137-‐55.* 78. Rees, P.H. and Wilson, A.G., 1975. A comparison of available models of population change. Regional Studies, 9, pp. 39-‐61. 79. Wilson, A.G., 1975. Some new forms of spatial interaction model: a review. Transportation Research, 9, pp. 167-‐79. 80. Wilson, A.G., 1975. Urban and regional models: some organising concepts to describe the state of the art. In: R. Baxter, M. Echenique and J. Owers, eds. 1975. Urban development models. Lancaster: The Construction Press, pp. 41-‐60. 81. Rees, P.H. and Wilson, A.G., 1975. Accounts and models for spatial demographic analysis 3: rates and life tables. Environment and Planning, A, 7, pp. 199-‐231. 9 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 82. Wilson, A.G. (as a member of the group), 1975. The Channel Tunnel and alternative Cross Channel Services. The Channel Tunnel Advisory Group, London: Department of the Environment. 83. Mackett, R.L. and Wilson, A.G., 1975. Teoria y applicaciones de modelos. Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Seminar on the Planning and Design of Urban Environmental Systems. Caracas. 84. Wilson, A.G., 1975. Cities, planners, people and computers. New Society, 32, pp. 258-‐61. 1976 85. Wilson, A.G., 1976. Retailers' profits and consumers' welfare in a spatial interaction shopping model. In: I. Masser, ed. 1976. Theory and practice in regional science. London: Pion, pp. 42-‐59. 86. Wilson, A.G. and Rees, P.H., 1976. Spatial demography: some comments. The Statistician, 25, pp. 59-‐61. 87. Wilson, A.G., 1976. Catastrophe theory and urban modelling: an application to modal choice. Environment and Planning A, 8, pp. 351-‐6.* 88. Wilson, A.G., 1976. Non-‐linear and dynamic models in geography: towards a research agenda, presented to the SSRC Symposium on dynamical systems theory, University of Southampton, September 1976. Working Paper 160, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 89. Wilson, A.G. et al, 1976. SRC Transportation Planning Project: Computing and general systems units, Phase I Final Report. Presented to Science Research Council. 90. Wilson, A.G. and Pownall C.E., 1976. A new representation of the urban system for modelling and for the study of micro-‐level interdependence. Area, 8, pp. 256-‐64. Reprinted in: Wilson, A. G., editor, 2012, Urban modelling: critical concepts in urban studies. Volume 3, Integration and Innovation: the 1970s, 72, pp. 581-‐590, Abingdon: Routledge. * 91. Coelho, J.D. and Wilson, A. G., 1976. The optimum location and size of shopping centres. Regional Studies, 10, pp. 413-‐21. 1977 92. Wilson, A.G., 1977. Towards a unified model of urban structure and development. In: D.R. Deskins, G. Kish, J.D. Nystuen and G. Olsson, eds. 1977. Geographic humanism, analysis and social action. Michigan Geographical Publications, University of Michigan, pp. 217-‐58. 93. Wilson, A.G., 1977. The contribution of research to transportation planning. In: P.M. Bonsall, M.Q. Dalvi and P.J. Hills, eds. 1977. Urban transportation planning: current themes and future prospects. Tunbridge Wells: Abacus Press; Montclair, NJ: Allanheld, Osmun and Co. 10 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 94. Coelho, J.D. and Wilson, A.G., 1977. An equivalence theorem to integrate entropy maximising submodels within overall mathematical programming frameworks. Geographical Analysis, 9, pp. 160-‐73. 95. Poston T. and Wilson, A.G., 1977. Facility size versus distance travelled: urban services and the fold catastrophe. Environment and Planning, A, 9, pp. 681-‐86.* 96. Wilson, A.G., 1977. Recent developments in urban and regional modelling: towards an articulation of systems' theoretical foundations. Proceedings, Volume 1, Giornate di Lavoro, A.I.R.O. Parma: The National Conference of the Italian Operational Research Society. 97. Wilson, A.G., 1977. Research methods for urban and regional modelling. In: A.G. Wilson, P.H. Rees and C.M. Leigh, eds. 1977. Models of cities and regions. London: John Wiley, pp. 1-‐ 21. 98. Wilson, A.G., 1977. Some advances in urban and regional modelling. In: A.G. Wilson, P.H. Rees and C.M. Leigh, eds. 1977. Models of cities and regions. London: John Wiley, pp. 23-‐48. 99. Wilson, A.G., 1977. Models for urban transport planning. In: A.G. Wilson, P.H. Rees and C.M. Leigh, eds. 1977. Models of cities and regions. London: John Wiley, pp. 457-‐521. 1978 100. Wilson, A.G., 1978. Mathematical prerequisites for urban modelling. Presented to the conference on the Mathematics of Urban Systems, The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. University of Birmingham; Bulletin of the Polytechnic. Institute of Jessy, XXIV (XXVIII), pp. 61-‐68. 101. Wilson, A.G., 1978. Reviews; A critique of urban modelling. Environment and Planning A, 10, pp. 1085-‐1098. 102. Coelho, J.D., Williams, H.C.W.L. and Wilson, A.G., 1978. Entropy maximising submodels within overall mathematical programming frameworks: a correction. Geographical Analysis, 10(2), pp. 195-‐201. 103. Wilson, A.G., 1978. Spatial interaction and settlement structure: towards an explicit central place theory. In: A. Karlqvist, L. Lundqvist, F. Snickars and J.W. Weibull, eds. 1978. Spatial interaction theory and planning models. North Holland: Amsterdam, pp. 137-‐56. 104. Harris, B. and Wilson, A.G., 1978. Equilibrium values and dynamics of attractiveness terms in production-‐constrained spatial-‐interaction models. Environment and Planning, A, 10, pp. 371-‐88. Reprinted in: Wilson, A. G., editor, 2012, Urban modelling: critical concepts in urban studies. Volume 3, Integration and Innovation, 65, pp. 405-‐429, Abingdon: Routledge. 105. Wilson, A.G. and Williams, H.C.W.L., 1978. Dynamic models for urban and regional analysis. In: T. Carlstein, D.N. Parkes and N.J. Thrift, eds. 1978. Time and regional dynamics, Volume 3, Timing Space and Spacing Time. London: Edward Arnold pp. 81-‐95. 106. Wilson, A.G., 1978. Towards models of the evolution and genesis of urban structure. In: 11 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 R.L. Martin, N.J. Thrift and R.J. Bennett, eds. 1978. Towards the dynamic analysis of spatial systems. London: Pion pp. 79-‐90. 107. Wilson, A.G., 1978. Mathematical education for geographers. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2(2), pp. 17-‐28. 108. Wilson, A.G., 1978. Catastrophe theory and bifurcation, Leeds University Reporter, 134, pp. 10-‐12. 1979 109. Wilson, A.G., 1979. Equilibrium and transport systems dynamics. In: D.A. Hensher and P.R. Stopher, eds. 1979. Behavioural travel modelling. London: Croom Helm, pp. 164-‐86. 110. Wilson, A.G., 1979. From comparative statics to dynamics in urban systems theory. Geoforum, 10, pp. 238-‐96. 111. Wilson, A.G. and Clarke, M., 1979. Some illustrations of catastrophe theory applied to urban retailing structures. In: M.J. Breheny, ed. 1979. Developments in urban and regional analysis. London: Pion, pp. 5-‐27. 112. Wilson, A.G., 1979. Criticality and urban retail structure: aspects of catastrophe theory and bifurcation. In: D. Kahn, ed., 1979. Proceedings of the Workshop on Transportation/Urban Form Interactions, Report No DOT-‐TSC-‐RSPA-‐79-‐16. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Transportation Systems Centre. In: W.C. Schrieve, and P.M. Allen, eds. 1982. Proceedings, International Conference on Dissipative Structures. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press pp. 159-‐73. 113. Wilson, A.G., 1979. Opinion, Discussion with Dr T. Taylor. Royal Australian Planners' Institute Journal, pp. 163-‐66. 114. Macgill, S.M. and Wilson, A.G., 1979. Equivalences and similarities between some alternative urban and regional models. Sistemi Urbani, 1, pp. 9-‐40. 115. Wilson, A.G. and Macgill, S.M., 1979. A systems analytical framework for comprehensive urban and regional modelling. Geographica Polonica, 42, pp. 9-‐25. 1980 116. Wilson, A.G., 1980. Residential mobility: policy, models and information. In: W.A.V. Clarke and E.G. Moore, eds. 1980. Residential mobility and public policy. Beverley Hills: Sage Publications, pp. 153-‐67. (Longer version as Working Paper 251, University of Leeds: School of Geography). 117. Wilson, A.G., 1980. Theory in human geography: a review essay. In: E.H. Brown, ed., 1980. Geography -‐ yesterday and tomorrow. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 201-‐28. 118. Wilson, A.G., 1980. Comments on Alonso's "theory of movement". Environment and Planning, A, 12, pp. 727-‐32. 12 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 119. Wilson, A.G., 1980. Aspects of catastrophe theory and bifurcation theory in regional science. Papers, Regional Science Association, 44, pp. 109-‐18. 120. Williams, H.C.W.L. and Wilson, A.G., 1980. Some comments on the theoretical and analytic structure of urban and regional models. Sistemi Urbani, 2, pp. 203-‐42. 1981 121. Wilson, A.G., 1981. “New" methods for spatial planning: an informal review of performance. Working Paper 302, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 122. Wilson, A.G., Beaumont, J.R., Clarke, M., Keys, P. and Williams, H.C.W.L., 1981. The dynamic analysis of urban systems: an overview of on-‐going work at Leeds. In: D. Kahn, ed. 1981 Essays in societal system dynamics and transportation. Washington, U.S.: Department of Transportation, A5-‐1-‐A5-‐26; also in: W. Crosby, ed. 1983. Cities and regions as nonlinear decision systems. Colorado: Westview Press. (For AAAS). 123. Wilson, A.G., 1981. Some new methods for dynamic geographical modelling: catastrophe theory and bifurcation. In: N. Wrigley and R.J. Bennett, eds. 1981. Quantitative geography. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 192-‐201. 124. Beaumont, J.R., Clarke, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1981. Changing energy parameters and the evolution of urban spatial structure. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 11, pp. 287-‐315. 125. Wilson, A.G., 1981. The evolution of urban spatial structure: the evolution of theory. In: R.J. Bennett, R.J. ed. 1981. European progress in spatial analysis. London: Pion, pp. 201-‐5. 126. Beaumont, J.R., Clarke, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1981. The dynamics of urban spatial structure: some exploratory results using differential equations and bifurcation theory. Environment and Planning, A, 13, pp. 1473-‐83. 127. Wilson, A.G., 1981. Some new sources of instability and oscillation in dynamic models of shopping centres and other urban structures. Sistemi Urbani, 3, pp. 391-‐401. 1982 128. Wilson, A.G., 1982. Maps of reading. Working Paper 319, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 129. Wilson, A.G., 1982. Elements of research autobiography. Working Paper 320, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 130. Clarke, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1982. Frameworks for modelling in relation to strategic planning in a health service. Working Paper 334, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 131. Harris, B., Choukroun, J-‐M. and Wilson, A.G., 1982. Economies of scale and the existence of supply-‐side equilibria in a production-‐constrained spatial-‐interaction model. Environment and Planning, A, 14(6), pp. 823-‐937. 13 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 132. 17 April 2015 Wilson, A.G., 1982. The evolution of urban spatial structure: a review of progress and research problems using SIA models. Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics and its applications, 18, pp. 90-‐100. 1983 133. Wilson, A.G., 1983. Mathematical models in geography and planning: urban retail structure as an example. Mathematical Spectrum, 15, pp. 86-‐90. 134. Wilson, A.G. and Oulton, M.J., 1983. The corner-‐shop to supermarket transition in retailing: the beginnings of empirical evidence. Environment and Planning, A, 15, pp. 265-‐74.* 135. Wilson, A.G., 1983. Transport, location and spatial systems: planning with spatial interaction models and related approaches. Working Paper 347, University of Leeds: School of Geography. Also in Urban Systems: Contemporary approaches to modelling. London, Croom Helm, pp. 337-‐426. 136. Wilson, A.G., 1983. Varieties of structuralism. Working Paper 350, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 137. Wilson, A.G., 1983. Tobler's "an alternative formulation for spatial-‐interaction modelling": an observation. Environment and Planning A, 15, pp. 705-‐706. 138. Wilson, A.G., 1983. A generalised and unified approach to the modelling of service-‐supply structures. Working Paper 352, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 139. Clarke, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1983. The dynamics of urban spatial structure: progress and problems. Journal of Regional Science, 23 (1), pp. 1-‐18. 140. Wilson, A.G., 1983. Location theory: a unified approach. Working Paper 355, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 141. Wilson, A.G., 1983. Transport and the evolution of urban spatial structure. In: Atti delle Giornate di Lavoro1983, Naples: Guida Editori, pp. 17-‐27. Also in: Working Paper 362, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 142. Clarke, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1983. Exploring the dynamics of urban housing structure in a 56-‐parameter residential location and housing model. Working Paper 363, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 143. Wilson, A.G. and Birkin, M., 1983. Industrial location theory; exploration of a new approach. Working Paper 361, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 1984 144. Wilson, A.G. and Croutchley, R., 1984. The optimum sizes and locations of schools. Working Paper 369, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 145. Wilson, A.G., 1984. Inner cities and related topics: problems and prospects. Working Paper 370, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 14 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 146. Clarke, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1984. Modelling for health services planning: an outline and an example. In: M. Clarke, ed., 1984. Planning and analysis in health care systems. London: Pion, pp. 22-‐56, 1984. 147. Wilson, A.G., Birkin, M. and Clarke, M., 1984. Interacting fields: comprehensive models for the dynamical analysis of urban spatial structure. Working Paper 385, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 148. Clarke, M., Forte, P. and Spowage, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1984. A strategic planning simulation model of a district health service system: the in-‐patient component and results. Working Paper 387, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 149. Wilson, A.G., 1984. One man's quantitative geography: frameworks, evaluations, uses and prospects. In: M. Billinge, D. Gregory and R. Martin, eds., 1984. Recollections of a revolution: geography as spatial science. London: Macmillan, pp. 200-‐26. 150. Wilson, A.G., 1984. Making urban models more realistic: some strategies for future research. Environment and Planning A, 16, 1419-‐1432. Also in: Working Paper 358, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 151. Wilson, A.G., 1984. Dynamical models for person transportation and their relationship to urban structure and change. Report for CNR, Rome: GEAS. 152. Bellacico, A., Cosetto, A. and Wilson, A.G., 1984. Predisposizione di un modello dinamico per il trasporto di persone. Rappato No 2, Roma: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. 153. Bellacico, A., Cosetto, A. and Wilson, A.G., 1984. Modelli dinamici per il trasporto delle persone e lord relazione con i cambiamenti della struttura urbana. Presented to the Italian section, Regional Science Association, November 1984. 154. Clarke, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1984. Models for health care planning: the case of the Piemonte region. Working Paper 36, Torino: IRES. 1985 155. Clarke, M., and Wilson, A.G., 1985. The analysis of bifurcation phenomena associated with the evolution of urban spatial structure. In: M. Hazewinkle, ed., 1985. Bifurcation analysis. Dordrecht: Reidel, pp.67-‐99. 156. Wilson, A.G., 1985. Location Theory. Working Paper 390, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 157. Irwin, S. and Wilson, A.G., 1985. Modelling school systems -‐ framework for planning for falling rolls. Working Paper 412, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 158. Irwin, S. and Wilson, A.G., 1985. Performance appraisal in education. Working Paper 413, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 159. Clarke, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1985. Models and planning methods for the health and education services. Final report to ESRC. 15 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 160. Wilson, A.G., 1985. An interactive multi-‐district health services planning programme. mimeo, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 161. Wilson, A.G., 1985. Useful philosophy. Working Paper 437, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 162. Wilson, A.G., 1985. Structural dynamics and spatial analysis: from equilibrium balancing models to extended economic models for both perfect and imperfect markets. Working Paper 431, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 163. Forte, P. and Wilson, A.G., 1985. Speciality costs for health services planning: model-‐based approaches to estimation. Working Paper 394, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 164. Clarke, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1985. A model-‐based approach to planning in the National Health Service. Environment and Planning B, 12, pp. 287-‐302.* 165. Bennett, R. J., Haining, R. P. and Wilson, A.G., 1985. Spatial structure, spatial interaction and their integration: a review of alternative models. Environment and Planning A, 17(5), pp. 625-‐645. 166. Wilson, A.G., 1985. Research policy and review 3. Raising the levels of ambition in research: some lessons from the journal. Environment and Planning A, 17, pp. 465-‐470. Birkin, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1985. Some properties of spatial-‐structural-‐economic-‐dynamic models. Working Paper 440, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 167. 168. Clarke, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1985. A framework for dynamic comprehensive urban models: the integration of accounting and micro-‐simulation approaches. Working Paper 443, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 169. Clarke, M., Harvey, S. and Wilson, A.G., 1985. The use of performance indicators and interactive planning systems to examine in-‐patient psychiatric care in the Yorkshire Regional Health Authority. Working Paper 444, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 170. Wilson, A.G., 1985. A dynamic transport model: further developments and research, Chapter 4. In: A Bellacicco, S.Cosetto and A.G.Wilson. Case studies with a dynamic transport model, Rome: GEAS. 171. Wilson, A. G., 1985. The development and application of urban models. Working Paper 442, University of Leeds: School of Geography; presented to the Annual Conference of the Geography Society of China, Wuxi, November 1985. Clarke, G. P., Clarke, M. and Wilson, A. G., 1985. Multiple bifurcation effects with a logistic attractiveness function in the supply side of a service system. Sistemi Urbani, 7, pp. 43-‐76.* Also in Working Paper 397, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 172. 173. Clarke, M. and Wilson, A. G., 1985. The dynamics of urban spatial structure: the progress of a research programme. Transactions, Institute of British Geographers, 10, pp. 427-‐451. 16 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 1986 174. Wilson, A. G., 1986. Spatial dynamics: classical problems, an integrated modelling approach and system performance. Papers, Regional Science Association, 58, pp. 47-‐58.* Also in Working Paper 402, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 175. Clarke, M. and Wilson, A. G., 1986. Developments in planning models for health care policy analysis in the UK. In: M. Pacione, ed., 1986. Medical geography: progress and prospect, London: Croom Helm, pp. 248-‐283. 176. Haag, G., Wilson, A.G., 1986. A Dynamic Service Sector Model -‐ A Master Equation's Approach with Prices and Land Rents. Working Paper 447, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 177. Clarke, G.P., Clarke, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1986. Reexamining old problems with new methods: Portbury revisited. Environment and Planning C, Government and Policy, 4, pp. 353-‐374.* 178. Birkin, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1986. Industrial location models I: a review and an integrating framework. Environment and Planning A, 18, pp. 175-‐205. Also in Working Paper 400, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 179. Birkin, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1986. Industrial location models II: Weber, Palander, Hotelling and extensions in a new framework. Environment and Planning A, 18, pp. 293-‐306. Also in Working Paper 401, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 180. Wilson, A.G., 1986. Bifurcation, catastrophe theory, dynamical systems theory, system. In: D. Gregory et al, eds., 1986. A dictionary of human geography. Oxford: Blackwell, pp.31-‐32, 45-‐ 46, 114, 476. 181. Tadei, R., Leonardi, G. and Wilson, A.G., 1986. Localizzazione e allocazione dei servizi nelle aree urbane: indicatori di efficienza ed efficacia, mimeo. Taormina: Presented to the Convegno Nazionale Livelli di governo e loro finanziomento: teorie, esperienze, istituzioni. 182. Clarke, G.P. and Wilson, A.G., 1986. Progress in the modelling of service structures: empirical evidence and theoretical extensions, mimeo. Presented to the IGU Workshop on mathematical models, Madrid. 183. Clarke, G.P. and Wilson, A.G., 1986. Combining theoretical and empirical research in retail location analysis. Presented to the British Section of the Regional Science Association, Bristol; Working Paper 468, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 184. Clarke, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1986. Towards an applicable human geography, mimeo, presented to the Quantitative Methods Study Group, Institute of British Geographers, Workshop on Policy Analysis and Quantitative Methods, Leeds; Working Paper 485, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 185. Wilson, A.G., 1986. Performance indicators: evaluation in model-‐based urban planning, mimeo. Turin: IRES. 17 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 186. Clarke, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1986. The design of new planning systems for district health authorities, Final Report to the Nuffield Foundation. 187. Wilson, A.G., 1986. Economic and Social Research Council. Minutes of Evidence, pp. 286-‐298. Select Committee on Science and Technology, Sub-‐Committee II -‐ Transport, House of Lords, London. 188. Clarke, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1986. Health Services planning with an interactive model system: preliminary results from a case study. Sistemi Urbani, 1, pp. 13-‐43. 189. Clarke, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1986. A framework for dynamic comprehensive urban models: the integration of accounting and micro-‐simulation approaches. Sistemi Urbani, 2/3, pp. 145-‐ 177. 1987 190. Wilson, A.G., 1987. Research degrees and submission rates, Appendix 5h. The Social Science PhD, Background Papers, pp. 161-‐178. Economic and Social Research Council, London; republished in an abbreviated form in ESRC Newsletter, 60. 191. Wilson, A.G., 1987. Models and transport planning practice: current trends, best practice and future research priorities in relation to the CNR programme, mimeo, GEAS, Rome. 192. Wilson, A.G., 1987. Quantitative methods in regional planning: the state-‐of-‐the-‐art and prospects, paper presented at the 8th Annual IASI course. Sistemi informatici perlaprogrammazioner regionale, Capri. 193. Birkin, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1987. Dynamic models of agricultural location in a spatial interaction context. Geographical Analysis, 19(1), pp. 31-‐56; Working Paper 399, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 194. Birkin, M., Clarke, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1987. Theoretical properties of dynamic retail models, presented to the Symposium on Developments on Retail Modelling, Rotterdam, October 1986. In: J.H.P. Paelink, and A.C.F. Vorst, eds., 1987. Shopping models. Erasmus University: Department of Theoretical and Spatial Economics, Rotterdam. 195. Clarke, G.P. and Wilson, A.G., 1987. Performance indicators and model-‐based planning I: the indicator movement and the possibilities for urban planning. Sistemi Urbani, 2, pp. 79-‐123. 196. Rihll, T.E. and Wilson, A.G., 1987. Spatial interaction and structural models in historical analysis: some possibilities and an example. Histoire et Mesure II-‐1, pp. 5-‐32. In: Working Paper 481, University of Leeds: School of Geography.* 197. Bertuglia, C.S. and Wilson, A.G., 1987 Introduction, Chapter 1. In: C.S. Bertuglia et al, eds. 1987. Urban systems: contemporary approaches to modelling. London: Croom Helm, pp. 3-‐7. 198. Wilson, A.G., 1987. Urban analysis and planning with spatial interaction models, as Chapter 7. In: C.S. Bertuglia et al, eds., 1987. Urban systems: contemporary approaches to modelling. London: Croom Helm, pp. 337-‐426. 18 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 199. Rihill, T. and Wilson. A.G., 1987. Model-‐based approaches to the analysis of regional settlement structures: the case of ancient Greece. In: P. Denley and D. Hopkin, eds. 1987. History and Computing. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 10-‐20. 200. Birkin, M. Clarke, M, Clarke, G. and Wilson, A.G., 1987. Geographical Information Systems and model based location analysis: a case of ships in the night or the beginnings of a relationship? Paper presented at ESRC/NSF workshop on GIS, Edinburgh. Working Paper 498, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 201. Clarke, G.P. and Wilson, A.G., 1987. Performance indicators and model-‐based planning II: model-‐based approaches. Sistemi Urbani, 9, pp. 138-‐165.* 1988 202. Wilson, A.G., 1988. Configurational analysis and urban and regional theory. Sistemi Urbani, 10, pp. 51-‐62. 203. Wilson, A.G., 1988. Store and shopping centre location and size: a review of British research and practice. In: N. Wrigley, ed., 1988. Choice, store location and market analysis. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 160-‐186. 1989 204. Birkin, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1989. Some properties of spatial-‐structural-‐economic-‐dynamic models. Presented to the Fourth European Colloquium on Quantitative and Theoretical Geography, Veldhoven. In: J. Hauer et al eds., 1989. Urban Dynamics and Spatial Choice Behaviour. Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 175-‐201. 205. Wilson, A.G., 1989. Mathematical models and geographical theory. In: D. Gregory, and R. Walford, eds., 1989. Horizons in human geography. London: Macmillan, pp. 29-‐47. 206. Wilson, A.G., 1989. Classics, modelling and critical theory: human geography as structured Pluralism. In: Macmillan, W. ed., Remodelling geography. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1989. 207. Clarke, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1989. Mathematical models in human geography: 20 years on. In: N. Thrift and J. Urry, eds., 1989. New models in geography. London: Unwin Hyman, Vol. 1, pp. 30-‐40. 208. Birkin, M., Clarke, G., Clarke, M. and Wilson, A.G., 1989. Broadening the focus and extending the horizons: from GIS to EIS. IBG Workshop on Applied Geographical Information Systems, Leeds. 209. Clarke, G.P., McDonald, A.T., Walker, S. and Wilson, A.G., 1989. Gridnet, an approach to the integration of hydrologic network and demand for regional water control. 5th River Basin Management Conference, International Association of Water Pollution Research and Control, Rovaniemi, Finland, July 1989. 1990 19 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 210. Wilson, A.G., 1990. Approaches to stock dynamics based on spatial-‐interaction models. In: C.S. Bertuglia, G. Leonardi and A.G. Wilson, eds., 1990. Urban dynamics: designing an integrated model. London: Croom Helm, Chapter 3, pp. 45-‐68. 211. Leonardi, G. and Wilson, A.G., 1990. The elements for an integrated approach. In: C.S. Bertuglia, G. Leonardi and A.G. Wilson, eds., 1990. Urban dynamics: designing an integrated model. London: Croom Helm, Chapter 6, pp. 141-‐157. 212. Wilson, A.G., 1990. Services 1: a spatial-‐interaction-‐dynamic approach. In: C. S. Bertuglia, G. Leonardi and A. G. Wilson eds., 1990. Urban dynamics: designing an integrated model. London: Croom Helm, Chapter 10, pp. 251-‐273. 213. Wilson, A.G., 1990. Transport. In: C. S. Bertuglia, G. Leonardi and A. G. Wilson, eds., 1990. Urban dynamics: designing an integrated model. London: Croom Helm, Chapter 16, pp. 346-‐ 366. 214. Wilson, A.G., 1990. The dynamics of central place networks. In: M. Chatterji and R. E. Kuenne, eds., 1990. Dynamics and conflicts in regional structural change. London: Macmillan, Chapter 5, pp. 95-‐119. 215. Leigh, C.M., Stillwell, J.C.H. and Wilson, A.G., 1990. Manufacturing under pressure: Yorkshire and Humberside in profile. Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Research Observatory, Leeds. 216. Birkin, M., Clarke, G.P., Clarke, M. and Wilson, A. G., 1990. Elements of a model-‐based Geographic Information System for the evaluation of urban policy. In: L. Worrall, ed. 1990. Geographic information systems: developments and applications. London and New York: Belhaven Press, Chapter 7, pp. 133-‐162. 217. Birkin, M., Clarke, G.P., Clarke, M. and Wilson, A. G., 1990. Information Systems for urban policy appraisal. Paper presented to the Institute of British Geographers Annual Meeting, Glasgow. 1991 218. Rihll, T. and Wilson, A.G., 1991. Modelling settlement structures in Ancient Greece: new approaches to the polis. In: J. Rich and A. Wallace-‐Hadrill, eds., 1991. City and Country in the Ancient World. London: Croom Helm. 219. Wilson, A.G., 1991. The dynamics of urban economic development: towards an integrated model system. Sistemi Urbani. 220. Wilson, A. G. 1991. The future geography of the UK. The University of Leeds Review, 34, pp. 81-‐96. 221. Jin, Y-‐X., Leigh, C.M. and Wilson, A.G., 1991. Construction of an input-‐output table for Yorkshire and Humberside. In: Working Paper 544, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 222. Wilson, A.G., 1991. Interaction Patterns in Cities and Regions. Current Contents, 50, pp. 10. 20 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 223. 17 April 2015 Wilson, A.G., 1991. Classics in human geography revisited. Progress in Human Geography, 15, 4, pp. 433-‐436. 1992 224. Jin, Y-‐X, Leigh, C. M. and Wilson, A.G., 1992. Spatial socio-‐demographic study for the Leeds Metropolitan District: Some preliminary results. In Working Paper 92/16, University of Leeds: School of Geography. 225. Wilson, A.G., 1992. Choices in higher education: the academic agenda. In The future of higher education, University of Leeds: Chaplaincy. 1993 226. Jin, Y-‐X. and Wilson, A.G., 1993. Generation of Integrated Multispatial Input-‐Output Models of Cities (GIMIMoC) I: Initial Stage. Papers, Regional Science Association, 72, 4, pp. 351-‐367. 227. Birkin, M., Clarke, G., Clarke M. and Wilson, A.G., 1993. Modelling and the development of urban services: applications in Leeds. Revue d'Economie Regional et Urbaine, 5, pp. 753-‐11. 228. Clarke, M. et al, 1993. Intelligent interactive and analysis based GIS. In: P. M. Mather, and J. Wiley ed. 1993. Geographical Information Modelling -‐ Research and Application. London, pp. 325-‐337. 1994 229. Wilson, A.G., 1994. Universities and Communities: fulfilling the potential of local regeneration partnerships. In: World Class Leeds Conference Proceedings, 22 October 1993. 230. Wilson, A.G., 1994. Reflections. Environment and Planning A, 26, pp. 3-‐5. 231. Wilson, A.G., 1994. The Management of Change in a Large Civic University. In: S. Weil ed. 1994. Introducing change from the top in universities and colleges. London: Kogan Page, pp. 95-‐105. 232. Bertuglia, C.S., Clarke, G.P. and Wilson, A.G. 1994. Introduction, in: C. S. Bertuglia, G. P. Clarke and A. G. Wilson eds., 1994. Modelling the city. London: Routledge, pp. 1-‐3. 233. Clarke, G.P. and Wilson, A. G., 1994. Performance indicators in urban planning: the historical context. In: C. S. Bertuglia, G. P. Clarke and A. G. Wilson, eds., 1994. Modelling the city. London: Routledge, pp. 4-‐19. 234. Bertuglia, C.S., Clarke, G.P. and Wilson, A.G., 1994. Models and performance indicators in urban planning: the changing policy context. In: C. S. Bertuglia, G. P. Clarke and A. G. Wilson eds., 1994. Modelling the city. London: Routledge, pp. 20-‐36. 235. Clarke, G.P. and Wilson, A.G., 1994. A new geography of performance indicators for urban planning. In: C. S. Bertuglia, G. P. Clarke and A. G. Wilson, eds. 1994. Modelling the city. London: Routledge, pp. 55-‐81. 21 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 236. Birkin, M., Clarke, G., Clarke M. and Wilson, A.G., 1994. Applications of performance indicators in urban modelling: subsystems framework. In: C. S. Bertuglia, G.P. Clarke and A. G. Wilson, eds., 1994. Modelling the city. London: Routledge, pp. 121-‐150. 237. Bertuglia, C.S., Clarke, G.P. and Wilson, A.G. 1994. Concluding comments. In: C. S. Bertuglia, G. P. Clarke and A. G. Wilson, eds., 1994. Modelling the city. London: Routledge, pp. 175-‐ 177. 1995 238. Wilson, A.G., 1995. Simplicity, Complexity and Generality: Dreams of a Final Theory in Locational Analysis. In: A.D. Cliff, P. Gould, M. Hoare & N.J. Thrift eds., 1995. Diffusing Geography (Festschrift of Essays to Professor Haggett). Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 342-‐352. 239. Wilson, A.G., 1995. Reflections on “Being Heard”. In: T. Rathwell and M. Goose, eds., 1995. Jewels to be treasured: how to use complaints to improve quality standards, University of Leeds: Nuffield Institute for Health. 1996 240. Wilson, A.G., 1996. Conceptual capability. Capability, 2, p. 80. 241. Wilson, A.G., 1996. The virtual university: an institutional perspective, [online] The Higher Education Academy. Available at: < > [Accessed 29 July 2011] 1998 242. Wilson, A.G., 1998. Land-‐use/transport interaction models: past and future. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 32, pp. 3-‐26.* 1999 243. Wilson, A.G., 1999. Information technology in the social sciences. In: T. Coppock, ed., 1999 Information Technology and scholarship. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 189-‐201. 2000 244. Wilson, A.G., 2000. Strategy and management for university development. In: P. Scott ed. 1999. Higher education re-‐formed. Brighton: Falmer Press pp. 29-‐44. 245. Wilson, A.G., 2000. Spatial Modelling: conceptual, mathematical and computational challenges. In: A. Reggiani, 2000. Spatial economic science: new frontiers in theory and methodology. Berlin: Springer, pp. 15-‐29.* 22 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 246. 17 April 2015 Wilson, A.G., 2000. The widening access debate: student flows to universities and associated performance indicators. Environment and Planning A, 32, pp. 2019 – 2031.* 2002 247. Wilson, A.G., 2002. Complex spatial systems: challenges for modellers. Mathematical and Computational Modelling, 36, pp. 379-‐387. 2003 248. 249. Berzins, M. and Wilson, A.G., 2003. Spatial interaction models and Fisher information: a new calibration algorithm, Environment and Planning A, 35, pp. 2161-‐2176. Bennett, R.J. and Wilson, A.G., 2003. Geography applied. In: R. J. Johnston and M. Williams, eds. 2003. A century of British Geography. London: British Academy, pp. 463-‐501. 2005 250. Wilson, A.G., 2005. Values in higher education: a social and evolutionary perspective. In: S. Robinson and C. Katulushi J., eds. 2005. Values in Higher Education. University of Leeds, pp. 65-‐73. 2006 251. Wilson, A.G., 2006. Ecological and urban systems models: some explorations of similarities in the context of complexity theory. Environment and Planning A, 38 (4), pp. 633-‐646. 2007 252. Wilson, A.G., 2007. A generalised representation for a comprehensive urban and regional model. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 31 (2), pp. 148-‐161. 2008 253. Wilson, A.G., 2008. Boltzmann, Lotka and Volterra and spatial structural evolution: an integrated methodology for some dynamical systems. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 5, pp. 865-‐871. 254. Wilson, A.G., 2008. Urban and regional dynamics – 1: A core model for the analysis of urban dynamics. CASA Working paper 128, University College London: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. 255. Wilson, A.G. 2008. Urban and regional dynamics – 2: an hierarchical model for interacting regions. CASA Working Paper 129, University College London: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. 256. Wilson, A.G., 2008. Urban and regional dynamics – 3: Urban and regional ‘DNA’: the basis for constructing as typology of areas. CASA Working paper 130, University College London. 23 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 257. Dearden, J. and Wilson, A.G., 2008. Exploring urban retail phase transitions – 1: an analysis system. CASA Working Paper 140, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London. 258. Wilson, A.G., 2008. Phase transitions in urban evolution. CASA Working Paper 141, University College London: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. 259. Wilson, A.G., 2008. Commentary: Science and the city. Environment and Planning A, 40, pp. 2800-‐2808. 2009 260. Dearden, J. and Wilson, A. G. 2009. Exploring urban retail phase transitions, Proceedings, CUPUM Conference, Hong Kong, June 2009. 261. Wilson, A. G., 2009. The ‘thermodynamics’ of the city. In: A. Reggiani and P. Nijkamp, eds., 2009. Complexity and spatial networks, Berlin: Springer, pp. 11-‐31. 262. Wilson, A.G., 2009. Social sciences in the city: think big. Journal of the Foundation for Science and Technology, 20 (2), pp. 22-‐24. 2010 263. Pagliara, F. and Wilson, A.G., 2010. The state of the art in building residential location models. In: F. Pagliara, J. Preston and D. Simmonds, eds. Residential location choice: models and applications. Berlin: Springer, pp. 1-‐20. 264. Wilson, A.G., 2010. The general urban model: retrospect and prospect. Papers, Regional Science Association, 89, pp. 27-‐42. 265. Wilson, A.G., 2010. Cities as complex systems: modelling climate change dynamics. Emergence: complexity and organisations, 12, pp. 23-‐30. 266. Wilson, A.G., 2010. Urban and regional dynamics from the global to the local: hierarchies, ‘DNA’ and ‘genetic planning’. Environment and Planning B, 37 pp. 823-‐837. 267. Wilson, A.G., 2010. Entropy in urban and regional modelling: retrospect and prospect. Geographical Analysis, 42, pp. 364-‐394. 268. Wilson, A.G., 2010. Remote sensing as the ‘X-‐ray crystallography’ for urban DNA. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(22), pp. 5993-‐6003. 269. Wilson, A.G., 2010. A note on the Bass model applied to retail dynamics, CASA Working Paper 167, University College London: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. 270. Wilson, A.G., 2010. A general Richardson-‐Lotka-‐Volterra-‐reaction diffusion model, CASA Working Paper 159, University College London: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. 24 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 271. Wilson, A.G., 2010. Knowledge power: ambition and reach in a re-‐invented university. In: R. Munck and Mohrman. K., eds., 2010. Re-‐inventing the university. Dublin: Glasnevin Publishing, Chapter 3, pp. 29-‐36. 272. Wilson, A. G. and Dearden, J., 2010. Exploring the possibility cone of urban development. CASA Working paper 158, University College London: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. 2011 273. Dearden, J. and Wilson, A.G., 2011. A framework for exploring urban retail discontinuities. Geographical Analysis, 43 (2), pp. 172-‐187 274. Wilson, AG. and Dearden, J., 2011. Phase transitions and path dependence in urban evolution. Journal of Geographical systems, 13, (1), pp. 1-‐16. 275. Wilson, A. G. and Dearden, J., 2011. Tracking the evolution of regional DNA: the case of Chicago. In: M. Clarke and J.C.H. Stillwell, eds. Understanding population trends and processes. Berlin: Springer, Chp. 1-‐, pp. 209-‐222. 276. Dearden, J. and Wilson, A. G., 2011. The Relationship of Dynamic Entropy Maximising and Agent-‐Based Approaches. In: Heppenstall, A.J., Crooks, A.T., See, L.M., Batty, M. (eds.) Urban Modelling in Agent-‐Based Models of Geographical Systems. 2011. Berlin: Springer, Chp. 35-‐, pp. 705-‐720. 277. Wilson, A. G., 2011. The Humanities and Social Sciences in a Technological Age. CASA Working paper 168, University College London: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. 278. Pagliara, F., Wilson, A. G. and de Martinis, V., 2011. The Evolution of Hierarchical Transport Networks: A Demonstration Model. CASA Working paper 169, University College London: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. 279. Baudains, P., Fry, H., Davies, T. and Wilson, A. G., 2011. Introducing space to mathematical models of conflict. CASA Working paper 171, University College London: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. 280. Dennett, A. and Wilson, A. G., 2011. A multi-‐level spatial interaction modelling framework for estimating interregional migration in Europe. CASA Working paper 175, University College London: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. 281. Dearden, J. and Wilson, A. G., 2011. Using Participatory Computer Simulation to Explore the Process of Urban Evolution. Transactions in GIS, 15, (3), pp. 273-‐289. 2012 282. Fry, H. and Wilson, A. G., 2012. A dynamic global trade model with four sectors: food, natural resources, manufactured goods and labour. CASA Working paper 178, University College London: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. 283. de Martinis, V., Pagliara, F and Wilson A.G., 2012. Planning the evolution of the transport network for a region of Naples. CASA Working paper 179, University College London: Centre 25 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 17 April 2015 for Advanced Spatial Analysis. Wilson A.G., 2012. A mathematical challenge: the centre size distribution in a dynamic retail model. CASA Working paper 180, University College London: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. Singleton, A. D., Wilson, A. G. and O’Brien, O., 2012. Geodemographics and spatial interaction: an integrated model for higher education. Journal of Geographic Systems, 14:223–241, DOI: 10.1007/s10109.010-‐0141-‐5, Online First. Wilson A.G., 2012. Urban and regional modelling: the science and contributions to planning. CASA Working paper 187, University College London: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. Wilson, A. G., 2012. Geographical modelling for archaeology and history: two case studies. Advances in Complex Systems, 15 (1-‐2) pp 1150008-‐1-‐1150008-‐14. Wilson, A. G. and Pagliara, F., 2012. Employment Location Models: An Overview. In: Pagliara, F., de Bok, M., Simmonds, D. and Wilson, A. G., eds, 2012, Employment location in cities and regions: models and applications, Heidelberg: Springer. Marchione, E., Johnson, S. and Wison, A. G., 2012. Modelling Maritime Piracy: a spatial approach. CASA Working paper 182, University College London: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. 2013 290. Bevan, A. and Wilson, A. G., 2013. Models of settlement hierarchy based on partial evidence. Journal of Archaeological Science, 40 (5), pp. 2415-‐2427. 291. Davies, T., Fry, H., Wilson, A. G., and Bishop, S.R., 2013 A mathematical model of the London riots and their policing. Nature Scientific Reports 3, 1303. doi:10.1038/srep01303 Wilson, A.G., 2013. Commentary: A modeller’s utopia: combinatorial evolution. Environment and Planning A, 45, doi 10.1068/a4671 292. 293. 294. Wilson, A. G., 2013. Gérard Hégron (eds.) 2013. Urban and Regional Modelling: The Science and Contributions to Planning. La Modélisation des flux au service de l’aménagement urbain, pp. 17-‐40. IFSTTAR. Dennett, A., Wilson, A. G., 2013. A multi-‐level spatial interaction modelling framework for estimating inter-‐regional migration in Europe. Environment and Planning A 45: 1491-‐1507. 2014 26 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 295. de Martinis V, Pagliara F, Wilson A, 2014, The evolution and planning of hierarchical transport networks, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 41(2) 192 – 210 296. Davies, T., Fry, H., Wilson, A., Palmisano, A., Altaweel, M. and Radner, K. 2014. Application of an Entropy Maximizing and Dynamics Model for Understanding Settlement Structure: The Khabur Triangle in the Middle Bronze and Iron Ages. Journal of Archaeological Science doi:10.1016/j.jas.2013.12.014. Dennett, A. and Wilson, A. G., 2013. A multi-‐level spatial interaction modelling framework for estimating interregional migration in Europe. Environment and Planning A, 45: 1491-‐ 1507 297. 298. Marchione, E., Johnson, S. and Wison, A. G., 2012. Modelling Maritime Piracy: a spatial approach. Volume II “Modelling social phenomena in spatial context”, Geosimulation series at LIT publisher. Editor: Andreas Koch. Birkin, M., Clarke, G., Clarke, M. and Wilson, A. G., 2014. The achievements and future potential of applied quantitative geography: a case study. Geographica Polonica, 87 (2), pp. 179-‐202 RIBA Think Piece Series – Digital Planning: Ideas to make it happen, 2014,‐ _digital_p?e=2663058/7886017 299. 300. 301. Defence Scientific Advisory Council: Triennial Review Report, 24 March 2014. Ministry of Defence, London 2015 302. Caschili, S, Medda, F. R. and Wilson, A. G., 2015. An Interdependent Multi-‐layer Model: Resiliance of International Networks. Networks and Spatial Economics. Doi: 10.1007/s11067-014-9274-2 303. Baudains, P; Zamazalová, S; Altaweel, M; Wilson, A. G., 2015. Modeling Strategic Decisions in the Formation of the Early Neo-‐Assyrian Empire. Cliodynamics: The Journal of Quantitative History and Cultural Evolution. 304. Dearden, J. Jones, M. and Wilson, A.G. Visualising possible futures for a retail simulation. The Visual Computer. In Preparation • D’Lima, M., Medda, F. and Wilson, A.G. Urban agglomeration through the diffusion of investment impacts 27 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List • 17 April 2015 Baudains, P., Davies, T., Fry, H. and Wilson, A. G. Field Marshal Blotto games: strategic spatial allocation of resources 28 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 NEWSPAPER ARTICLES 1964 1. Wilson, A.G., 1964. The politics of computers. The Guardian, June, 1964. 1968 2. Naylor, G., 1968. Changes in the Gorbals. The Guardian, 5 August. 1972 3. Wilson, A.G., 1972. Environmental disasters demand more than a blueprint for survival. Times Higher Education Supplement, 11 February, p. 123. 1975 4. Wilson, A.G., 1975. Cities, planners, people and computers. New Society, 32, pp. 258-‐61. 1983 5. Wilson, A.G., 1983. From the specific to the general. Times Higher Education Supplement, 14 October. (Original title, ‘Transcending Disciplines’) 6. Wilson, A.G., 1983. Billiard cue. Times Higher Education Supplement, 18 November. (Original title, ‘Types of Complexity’) 7. Wilson, A.G., 1983. The best of both worlds? Times Higher Education Supplement, 23 December. (Original title, ‘Rigour and Creativity: the best of both worlds?’) 1984 8. Wilson, A.G., 1984. New foundations laid for a general approach. Times Higher Education Supplement, 10 February. (Original title, ‘A radical framework for a multi-‐disciplinary degree) 9. Wilson, A.G., 1984. Adding a degree of subtlety. Times Higher Education Supplement, 23 March. (Original title, ‘Necessary Subtleties’) 10. Wilson, A.G., 1984. Understanding each other. Times Higher Education Supplement, 20 April. 11. Wilson, A.G., 1984. Catastrophe theory. Times Higher Education Supplement, 25 May. (Original title, ‘General contributions to methodology: catastrophe theory as an example’) 12. Wilson, A.G., 1984. When decoding is encoding. Times Higher Education Supplement, 29 June. (Original title, ‘Post-‐structuralism and the deconstructed electron’) 13. Wilson, A.G., 1984. Reticular research. Times Higher Education Supplement, 20 July. 14. Wilson, A.G., 1984. Jam on the bread and butter. Times Higher Education Supplement, 28 September. (Original title, ‘Choosing a research topic: jam for the bread and butter’) 29 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 15. 17 April 2015 Wilson, A.G., 1984. Solving the problems. Times Higher Education Supplement, 30 November. 1985 16. Wilson, A.G., 1985. Humble role on the world's stage. Times Higher Education Supplement, 18 March. 1992 17. Wilson, A.G., 1992. New maps of old terrain. Times Higher Education Supplement, 1 May. 2002 18. Wilson, A.G., 2002. Measures of success. The Times Higher Education Supplement, 10 May. 19. Wilson, A.G., 2002. A league of quality and quantity. Financial Times, 11/12 May. 2009 20. Wilson, A.G., 2009. Universities must step in to reverse the atrophy of A-‐level physics standards. Times Higher Education, No. 18898, 26 March, pp. 26-‐27. 2010 21. Wilson, A.G., 2010. Reflections – Sir Alan Wilson-‐40 Years On: A Geographer and Serendipity. School of Geography Alumni Newsletter, No. 3, April 2010, University of Leeds, pp.6-‐7. 30 Professor Sir Alan Wilson’s Publications Master List 17 April 2015 EDITED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1960s 1. Wilson A.G. et al, 1963. Programming for the H.P.D and other flying spot services. Geneva, CERN 63-‐64. 1970s 2. Wilson, A.G., 1971. Urban and regional planning. London Papers in Regional Service, 3. London: Pion. 3. Wilson, A.G., 1972. Patterns and processes in urban and regional systems. London Papers in Regional Science, volume 3, issue 4, p. 324. London: Pion. 31
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