Celebrating FAITH, LIFE and LOVE in COMMUNITY. 22nd March 2015 - Year B FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT ALL HALLOWS’ PARISH CHURCH 2 Halley Street FIVE DOCK 2046 Parish Priest: Fr Greg McGregor Associate Pastors: Fr Salas Muttathukattil MSFS Secretary: Elena Di Perna Presbytery: Monday: Closed Tues - Fri: 8.30am - 3.30pm Closed for lunch 12.30-1.30 pm Phone: 9713 7960 Fax: 9713 5172 Dear Parishioners, 1. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah In the Gospel, some Greeks ask to see Jesus. Jesus responds by saying that anyone who loves his life will lose it; to gain your life, you have to be like a grain of wheat which brings forth much fruit only by falling into the earth and dying. The Greeks must have been baffled. What has this speech of Jesus’ got to do with their request to see him? But consider those Greeks. They accord Jesus rock-star status. They don’t even ask to talk to the great man. They want only to see him. And they don’t dare come to Jesus directly. They just approach one of his friends, Philip, and they call Philip “Sir” - Kyrie. Even Lady Gaga’s groupies wouldn’t call one of her friends, “Lord,” would they? Email: parishallhallows@gmail.com Jesus’ response helps those Greeks to see him - the true Lord, not the rock-star the Greeks were looking for. The true Lord did not come to get status and power. He came to lose his life, to fall and die, like a grain of All Hallows’ Parish School wheat. Web: www.allhallows.org.au Principal: Mrs Helen Elliott Phone: 9713 4469 Fax: 9712 5184 Email: info@ahpsfivedock.catholic.edu.au Web: www.ahpsfivedock.catholic.edu.au Sacramental Life Eucharist: Saturday - 9.00am & 5.30pm Vigil Sunday - 8.30am Sunday - 10am Children’s Liturgy Sunday - 6.00pm Youth Mass Monday - 9.00am Tues - Wed - 8.00am Thurs - Fri - 9.00am Lauds (morning prayer) is prayed 20 minutes before morning mass daily. All Welcome. Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30 - 10am & 4.45 - 5.15pm Anointing: First Friday of the month at 9am mass. (except January). The point is made emphatically at the end of Jesus’ response to the Greeks. He ends with a prayer. “Father,” he prays, “glorify your name.” Jesus, the true Lord and not the rock star, came to seek God’s glory. He did not come to seek not his own glory. The final part of the lesson for the Greeks and for us comes in God’s response to Jesus’ prayer. God honors Jesus by answering his prayer out loud: “I have glorified My name, and I will glorify it again!” “This voice didn’t come for my sake, but for yours,” Jesus tells the awed bystanders. God’s voice came to finish the lesson: God honors those who seek to honor him. True glory lies not in rock-star status, then, but, on the contrary, in being willing to fall and die like a grain of wheat. It consists in being willing to let go, to lose one’s life in this world in love for the glory of God’s name. And so the Greeks do get what they asked for. In the response of Jesus to them, they and we see the true Lord, and with the true Lord the pattern for going for glory in our lives, too. Glory, glory, hallelujah! 2. Stations of the Cross As is the custom here at All Hallows, there will be Stations of the Cross after the 9am Mass on Fridays during lent. All welcome. Sick Calls: Any time - day/night. Funeral Masses: In co-operation with Funeral Directors. Exposition: Third Thursday of every month after Mass. 3. Project Compassion This year Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion campaign is centered on the theme “Food for Life.” This theme ties in with Caritas internationals global initiative to end hunger by 2025, an initiative strongly supported by Pope Francis. I invite you all to take up this year’s appeal . Project Compassion envelope and boxes are available in the gathering space for you to take home. 4. Palm Sunday Next Sunday is Palm Sunday, the parish will be providing some palms, please feel free though to bring palms from home as has been the custom here to be blessed at the Palm Sunday Mass. 5. Morning tea This Weekend the Parish Pastoral Council will hold a morning tea after the 10am Mass. Please join us for a cuppa. 6. PPC Meeting The PPC will meet on Wednesday 25th March at 7.30pm in the presbytery. 7. Easter Masses Below are the times for Easter Services here at All Hallows including the Second Rite of Reconciliation being held at St Marks, Drummoyne. In the gathering space you will find sign up sheets for different ministries during our Easter Service. Please consider being part of these special ministries during the Easter Triduum. All Hallows' Parish Fishing Trip Last Saturday, twenty-three men from the Parish including Father Greg and Father Salas left the Thames Street Wharf at Balmain at 7am with high hopes of catching plenty of fish. The eskies varied in size which showed some were more optimistic than others. Cruising out through the harbour was helped with short black coffees supplied by Tony Geronimo. From the moment we stopped the engines the fish were on. The skipper said he'd never seen so many King Fish caught. It was a fantastic day. Special thanks to Joe Saija for coordinating the day. We will keep you posted for the next event. John Velluti - Parish Pastoral Council FROM OUR FAMILY EDUCATOR Thank you to all who are continuing their generous donations for our Toiletry Runs. This month we are low on stock of men's deodorants, shaving cream and packets of razors blades. Any of these items would be gratefully received. SPECIAL INVITATION An invitation is extended to parents and parishioners 9am - 10.45am to take part in our Holy Walk and reflections. Everyone is welcome to come and spend some time reflecting upon this most sacred time of the year RECONCILIATIONSERVICES EASTER TIMETABLE HOLY THURSDAY: 2nd April Mass of the Lord’s Supper - 7.30pm Adoration from 9pm – 11pm GOOD FRIDAY: 3rd April Stations of the Cross - 9.30am Liturgical Action of the Lord’s Passion - 3pm HOLY SATURDAY: 4th April Vigil Mass of the Lord’s Resurrection - 7.00pm EASTER SUNDAY: 5th April Masses are: 8.30am, 10am & 6pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Second Rite at St Marks, Drummoyne Tuesday 31st March at 7.30pm EASTER SATURDAY: 4th April 9.30am – 10am & 4.00pm – 5.00pm God Bless Fr. Greg Thurs26March7.30pmStMartha’sStrathield Mon30 March7.30pmStAmbroseConcordWest Tues31March7.30pmStMark’sDrummoyne Wed 1April 7.30pmatStPatrick’sMortlake CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE SILVER CIRCLE Congratulations to Week 2 winners: 1st No. 2 Josephine Livolsi; 2nd No. 23 Des Cooper. PILGRIMAGE SEPTEMBER 2015 TO FRANCE AND ITALY Festive season is over so why not come join us on a pilgrimage to France and Italy. Start in Paris, and finish in Rome while meandering your way through France and Italy, with a great group of like-minded people. Start the pilgrimage on Tuesday 8th September 2015 in Paris and finishing on Sunday 27th September in Rome. Included are 19 breakfast and 15 dinners, plus all transfers. The estimated cost per person will depend on number traveling and will range from $3762/ person for group of 40, to $4588/person for group of 25. Maximum numbers will be limited to 40. Air fares estimate $2275/person, minimum group of 25, subject to availability. For more details please contact Camillo on 0405 133 014 or adrmarlor@hotmail.com POPE FRANCIS’ COLUMN PopeatGeneralAudience:ChildrenAreaRichnessforHumanity RelectsontheGiftofChildrenForSocietyDuringWeeklyGeneral Audience Childrenarebothagreatgifttohumanityandalsothemostexcludedfromsociety.PopeFrancissaid thesewordsduringhisweeklyGeneralAudiencethismorninginSt.Peter'sSquare. TheHolyFathercontinuedhiscatechesisonthefamily,focusingonthegiftchildrenareforsocietyand humanity.Healsosaidthatnextweekhewillre$lectonthewoundsthatdamagechildrenintheiryouth. RecallinghisvisitinJanuarytoSriLankaandthePhilippines,thePoperecalledthatwhilehesawchildren$illedwithenthusiasmandjoy,healsosawmanythatlivedin"undigni$iedconditions." "Infact,asocietycanbejudgedbyhowtheytreatchildren,"hesaid. ThePopesaidthatchildrenareareminderthatinthe$irstmomentsoflife,mankindiscompletelydependentonothers.Re$lectingontheChristmasseason,theHolyFathersaidthatthecrè cheisareminderthateventheSonofGodwasnotsparedthisimportantstep. "ItisthemysterythatwecontemplateeveryChristmas.Thecrè cheistheiconthatcommunicatesthis realityinthemostsimpleanddirectway." Jesus,hecontinued,alsoseestheimportanceofreturningtothesimplicityof"thelittleones" "Therefore,childrenarethemselvesarichnessforhumanityandfortheChurch,becausetheyconstantlyrecallthenecessaryconditionstoentertheKingdomofGod:thatofnotconsideringourselvesselfsuf$icient,butinneedofhelp,oflove,offorgiveness,"hesaid. 'WeAreAllSonsandDaughters' Continuinghiscatechesis,PopeFrancissaidthatchildrenareareminderthatweareallsonsand daughters,nomatterwhatagewereach. Thisidentityofsonsanddaughtersservesasareminderthatthe$irstgiftreceivedisthegiftoflife. "Attimeswerisklivingourlivesforgettingaboutthis,asifwearethemastersofourexistence,andinsteadweareradicallydependent,"hesaid. "Inreality,itisagreatcauseforjoytofeelthatineveryageoflife,ineverysituation,ineverysocialcondition,weareandremainsons[anddaughters]." The78yearoldPontiffwentontosaythatonlythroughthepresenceofchildrencanmankindberemindedofthisfact. ToSmileandToCry PopeFrancisalsosaidthatchildrenallowmankindtoviewhumanityinaspontaneous,yethonestway. Theirworldview,hesaid,isstillpureandnotyetinclinedtomaliceandduplicity. "Childrenarenotdiplomatic!"heexclaimed"Theysaywhattheyfeel,theysaywhattheysee,directly! Manytimesitcausesdif$icultyforparents." "Theymightsay:'Idon'tlikethatonebecauseheisugly'infrontofotherpeople.Butchildrensaywhat theysee.Theyarenotduplicitousperson,theyhavenotleanedyetthisscienceofduplicitythatwe, adults,havelearned." Inalightheartedmoment,thePopespokeonthereactionofchildrenwhohegreets.Somesmile,others "seemedressedinwhite,andthinkthatIamadoctorthat'sabouttogivethemavaccineandtheycry." Thisabilitytobothsmileandcry,hecontinued,arethingsthatadultsusually"block".Manytimes,our capacitytosmileisarti$icial,whereaschildrencaneitherspontaneouslysmileorcry. "Childrencanteachusonceagaintosmileandcry,"hesaid."Butwemustaskourselvesregularly:doI smilespontaneouslywithfreshness,withloveorismysmilearti$icial?DoIstillcryorhaveIlostthecapacitytocry?Thesearetwoveryhumanquestionsthatchildrenteachus. Concludinghiscatechesis,PopeFranciscalledonthefaithfulpresenttofollowChrist'scallto"become likechildren".Healsosaidthatasocietybecomes"sadandgray"withoutthepresenceofchildren. "Andwhenweseethatthebirthratebarelyarrivesto1%,wecansaythatthissocietyisgraybecauseit hasremainedwithoutchildren,"heconcluded. New Readers Roster available in the Gathering Space A Walk Through Holy Week When: 9am - 10:45am Thursday, 2nd April. Where: All Hallows Primary School, Mulpurpose Room Dear Parents and Parishioners, During Week 10 The School’s Mulpurpose Room will be turned into a special space reflecng the Events of Holy Week, “A Walk Through Holy Week”. All students will all have the opportunity to take part in the Walk Through Holy Week at the beginning of the week with their class. However, All Hallows would like to invite the Parents and Parishioners to take part in the Walk on Thursday, April 2nd, between 9am - 10:45am. WE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED In your love and concern, please pray for:Recently Deceased: Willie Baugh, Peter Muller, Giuseppe Zirilli, Olga Flanagan Anniversaries: Giuseppina & Giuseppe Fonti, Angelo Costa, Peter Fiorini, Giovanni La Scala, Gregorio Buda Also for: Gerry & Joe, Augello Family For the following ill members of our community:John O’Dwyer, Maria Recchia, Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, Vince Moschella, Crochetta Valenti, Brian Gallagher, Bernadette Lane, Vanessa Lane, Muriel Daly, Margaret Gleeson, Mary Johnson, Carmen Gallagher, Mary Longrell, Benilda Buenafe, Lorenzo Mioli, Frances Hennessy, Antonietta Ciaglia, Tomas Laming, Angela Colantonio, Ida Bova, Amelia Casarotto, Mirella Mercuri, Madelina Michael, Monica Moschella, Marcello Cheles, Brian Lees. (Names will remain on list for 1 month unless notified.) We invite you to take some me out to pray, reflect and meditate at the staons set out for Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. All classes have been working hard to create a space full of prayer and reflecon and we look forward to your sharing in our Holy Week Reflecon. GET YOUR COPY OF THE CATHOLIC WEEKLY • • • • BAPTISMS • We welcome HARRY GIUSEPPE LOMBARDO • • ARIANE EVE CUTRUPI • JULIAN LEONARDO GALATI who were baptised into our parish family of All Hallows recently. • • • May God bless them and their parents • On the frontline of life Pope Francis announces Holy Year of Mercy Gabbana and Dolce veto: gay fashion gurus say ‘no’ to same-sex marriage Warm smiles, friendly faces melt anxiety of Vinnies Van first-timers 15th century ‘friend of the poor’ is a saint for modern business My pontificate will be brief, pope predicts ‘Meet me in St Louis, Ivan’ not an option as appearance of Medjuorge ‘seer’ in cancelled Kristina hits perfect pitch as Catholics sell their intents on the wicket best Francis is ‘top of the pops’ in pope-ularity Fr Frank: ahead of his time in so many ways Mountain farmers in Peru: Project Compassion Vista: what’s on in your parish and diocese ONLY $2.00 AVAILABLE FROM THE STAND Musicians needed for Sunday Night Mass Please contact Bruno on 0419 498 243 Kid’s Corner Q. What kind of cats like to go bowling? A. Alley cats FASHIONSHOESFROMCHILDRENFROMALL OVERTHEWORLD 70GreatNorthRoadFiveDock (nexttoRSLClub) WWW.THELITTLESHOESHOP.NET THELITTLESHOESHOP@HOTMAIL.COM “Y-Factor is a camp for all high school aged youth who want to explore their faith in a very fun and active environment. Y-Factor is run by Catholic Youth Services - the Archdiocesan youth agency - in conjunction with NET ministries and other parish youth ministry coordinators from around the Sydney Archdiocese and will be held in the coming school holiday break. It will involve a significant amount of time dedicated to lively activities and fellowship as well as time for prayer, personal reflection, sharing/discussion, talks/ presentations, music, praise/worship, personal testimonies, drama/skits, adoration and the sacraments. For more information, please visit the website or contact Catholic Youth Services on 9764 4357.” Brazilian Samba Classes at the Parish (for women), with Shyamla Eswaran Looking for a fun way to keep fit? Then join us for this popular, fun dance class. Join highly sought after Brazilian Samba dancer Shyamla Eswaran to unlock your inner sambista. Learn the basic samba step and other vibrant, sensual movements to experience the joy of Brazilian dance. This class will uplift your spirit, get your hips shaking and put a smile on your face. No prior experience necessary - just a willingness to shake, shimmy, sweat ... and smile! Shyamla Eswaran With over 25 years of experience, Shyamla shares the joy of dance through teaching, performing and fusing various styles including Hip Hop, Bollywood, Funk and Brazilian Samba. She has been dancing samba professionally for over 7 years performing with Rhythm Brazil, Australia's leading Brazilian performance company. New Classes recommencing Thursday 16 April at 5:30pm to 6:30pm 6 week course - $65 12 week pass - $120 Bookings essential: Michelle Carrick 0438 219 165 or michellecarrick@bigpond.com.au A Catechist has left a black cardigan in the presbytery. Please collect during office hours. THE INNER WHEEL CLUB OF BALMAIN INVITES YOU TO JOIN US FOR A SPECIAL EVENT TheCentreforChristianSpirituality: AdultFaithFormation2015 StTeresaofAvila Cord Blood Research Fundraising Luncheon Sunday 3rd May 2015 12noon Club Burwood RSL - 96 Shaftesbury Road, Burwood $45PP 3 course meal and drinks at Club prices $15 for children under 12 RSVP 24 April Ursula 0450 361 909 Joe Calabrese BishopDavidWalkerDD,EmeritusBishopofthe DioceseofBrokenBay,willdeliverteachingsonSt TeresaofAvilainApril&May2015. P: 9743 1333 M: 0438 869 883 StTeresa,aDoctoroftheChurch,hascometobe recognisedasoneofthegreatteachersofhowto journeytoGod. ComeandjoinusinexploringtherichnessofStTeresa’s wisdom.Allarewelcome! ThevenueforallcourseswillbeTheCentreforChristian Spirituality,14FrancesStRandwick. joe@calabreselaw.com.au All court matters - Criminal Law - Debt Recovery Family Law - Civil & Commercial Litigation - Wills & Estate Law - Property Law & conveyancing 22/103 Majors Bay Road, Concord StTeresaofAvila2:TheInteriorCastle Dates:Wednesday’s29April,6&13May2015, 7.00-8.30pm. CourseCost:$25LimitedSpaces-Bookingsessential. Toregister:http://trybooking.com/GVFS StTeresaofAvila:OneDaySeminar Date:Sunday12April2015,10am-4pm.Massat9am. CourseCost:$100includesalightlunch.LimitedSpaces- Bookingsessential.Toregister:http://trybooking.com/GVFT PILGRIMAGE: 26 Days of Marian Pilgrimage of Mercy & Europe Tour (Medjugorje, Poland, Austria, Slovakia, Czech Rep, Hungary, Croatia) for $6,599 from 1/10/2015-26/10/2015 with Fr. Emmanuel-tv(Spiritual Director). Contact us ASAP: 0896225411, 0417999553, fremmanueltv@hotmail.com Bethlehem College Ashfield. All former students and staff are invited to attend the Ex-Students' Association 2015 annual reunion day on Sunday 14th June. The day will commence with Mass at St Vincent's Church at 10am. Morning tea will be in the College hall, followed by a light luncheon. For further information and to RSVP, before 5 June : contact bethlehemexstudents@gmail.com or visit the website www.bethlehemcollege.nsw.edu.au or Phone (02)9799 2057 M: 0447 991 449 W: 9705 0191 r.cameron@futurestepfinancialservices.com.au Future Step is an Authorised Representative of Lifespan Financial Planning Pty Ltd AFS 229892 Investment Advice Business Finance Personal Insurance Personal Finance Superannuation Mortgage Broking Transition to Retirement Business Consultation Estate Planning SMSFs Transition to Aged Care Financial Planning First consultation is free and without obligation! CARING FUNERALS PTY LTD Inc. BURIALS AT SEA “Proudly Australian Family Owned and Operated” ADAM J. LEE Director Head Office: 9713 1555 160 Great North Road Five Dock Email: carefunerals@ozemail.com.au Fax: 9713 1400 Pager: 9937 2478 Eastern Suburbs: 9699 7877 L.A.R. Limousines Excellence in service and quality Weddings and Formals - Accredited Business Call Enzo or Terri on 9712 1990 www.larlimousines.com.au Residential Builder New Homes Extensions Renovations John Biazzo M: 0419 238 809 F: 02 9712 3750 T: 02 9713 5676 E: john@statensw.com Frank’s Pitstop Motors Specialising in: BMW ALFA ROMEO FIAT MERCEDES SAAB AUDI Frank & Tony Ph: 9799 7688 FRANKSPITSTOP@OPTUSNET.COM.AU 45 Liverpool Road Summer Hill NSW 2130 Catering from $19.50 Weddings Corporate & Social Functions Christenings - Birthdays Home Catering “We deliver to you” 1800 OTTIMO Or make an enquiry at www.ottimohouse.com.au 120 Great North Road, Five Dock Practice Information Sheet Shop 3 Level, 213-235 Parramatta Rd, Five Dock (Next to Officeworks) Phone: 9745 6728 Bulk Billing Practice Practice Opening Hours Monday 9:30am-8.00pm Tuesday 9:30am-6.00pm Wed/Thur 9.30am-8.00pm Friday 9:30am-4:30pm Saturday 10:00am-4:00pm Sunday Closed Practice Doctors Dr Georgette Boctor (Female Doctor) Dr Natascha Bohm (Female Doctor) Dr George Thiraviarajah (Male Doctor) Allied Health Service Katja Bulic (Psychologist) Position Vacant : The Diocese of Parramatta is seeking applications for the position of Executive Assistant to the Chief of Operations & Finance. For a confidential discussion please contact Anthony Spata, REACH Human Resources, on 0402 210 055. A copy of the position description is available at www.catholicjobsonline.com.au . Applications close Monday, 23 March 2015. Positions Vacant. The Parish of Our Lady of Fatima, Kingsgrove is inviting applications for the position of Youth Coordinator. For a confidential discussion please contact Anthony Spata, REACH Human Resources, on 0402 210 055. A copy of the position description is available at www.catholicjobsonline.com.au. Applications close Thursday, 26 March 2015. Position Vacant . The Seminary of the Good Shepherd, Homebush is inviting applications for the position of Part Time Cleaner. Working days are Mondays and Tuesdays, 9.30am to 2.30pm. Enquiries to Anthony Spata, on 0402210055. A copy of the position description is available at www.catholicjobsonline.com.au Applications close Friday, 27 March 2015. The 500th anniversary of the birth of St Teresa of Jesus, foundress of the Discalced Carmelite Order. On Saturday March 28, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Varroville will be celebrating a wonderful event: Come along and bring your friends for: 10:00am Mass with Bishop Peter Ingham 1200pm Sausage sizzle lunch 200pm, Concert ‘til 430pm, 700pm, dinner dance. Please call 9603 7373 for further information. AFTERNOON FOR COUPLES HOPING TO CONCEIVE: Married couples (Catholic or otherwise) who are hoping for children, struggling to conceive, or who wish to better understand what the Church offers and promotes in regards fertility awareness and assistance are invited to an afternoon of information and discussion. It is also an important opportunity for fellowship with other couples facing similar difficulties. WHERE: Catholic Adult Education Centre, 3 Keating Street Lidcombe. WHEN: Saturday 28 March 2015, 2:00pm-5:00pm Please direct RSVPs and inquiries to 9307 8403 or lifemarriagefamily@sydneycatholic.org NEXT WEEK Sunday 22nd MARCH 2015 - FIFTH SUNDAY of LENT READINGS: Jer 31:31-34; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33 SATURDAY 5.30pm SUNDAY 8.30am SUNDAY 10am SUNDAY 6.00pm Youth Mass READERS WHAT’S ON IN OUR PARISH? Catholic Women’s League Five Dock rd 3 Friday of month 12.00pm in Parish Hall For more information please contact Rosetta on 9712 3076 Bingo/Tombola 1st Friday of month in the parish hall at 10.00am. All profits to charity M. Natoli P. Cremin L. Gatto N. Rogheto C. Mylott R. O’ Dwyer J. Heffernan D. Triulcio L. Regan A.M. Ludeke A. Slyney Intro & P/F: Liam Ist: Emily Ps: Chris 2nd: Owen EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION A. Falcone D. Grippi G. Bonaddio J. Bonaddio V. Radice A. Fabro R. Glover R. Compantangelo J. Pappalardo M. Coleman M. Piccolo I. Bova R. Liberatore G. Favotto E. Ferraro M. Hadjidakis C. Petrucco N. Ancona S. Carbone L. Moliterno F. Mercuri C. Modini A. Bonaccorso A. Biazzo A. Kirby E. Di Perna W. Florian C. Pollifrone ALTAR SERVERS Inner Wheel Club - Balmain Group 1st Tuesday of month 6.30pm - 9pm in Hall St Vincent de Paul Society Meetings held each 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month at 6.30pm in the meeting room connected to the garage. Contact Gerry Modini on 0418 966 247 Group 7 Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 HOME VISITS: J. Pappalardo, M. Coleman, J. Pappalardo, E. Ferraro NURSING HOMES: Visit 26 March - Parkview: Mass Visit 27 March - Russell Lea: Mass COUNTERS: Group 2 TRANSPORT: Maria, Tony, Miranda, Tony PIETY STALL: Sue, Mary R, Elena ALTAR SOCIETY: Christine, Barbara, Mary V, Helena, Catherine CHILDRENS LITURGY: Linda/Annalicia Italian Prayer Group Tuesday - 1 pm in Parish Hall Messa Italiana ogni ultimo martedi del mese Enquiries: M. Mureddu 9712 2394 Playgroup 9.30am -11.30am in Parish Hall (not during school holidays) Wednesday - Antonella 0417 068 323 Choir Practice All welcome to choir practice in the Church 7.30 pm every Monday. Ring Maria on 9713 7310 Italian Choir Group Tuesday -12.30 pm in the Church Family Mass Choir Practice Wednesday 7.45pm in Church All welcome! Italian Prayer Group - Thursday In Chiesa, ogni settimana dopo la messa delle nove (9). Ogni terzo Giovedi del mese l’intenzione è per il Gruppo di Preghiera di Riparazione Eucaristica. Siete tutti benvenuti! NEXT WEEK Sunday 29th MARCH 2015 - PALM SUNDAY READINGS: Mk 11:1-10; Is 50:4-7; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1-15:47 SATURDAY 5.30pm SUNDAY 8.30am SUNDAY 10am SUNDAY 6.00pm Youth Mass READERS T. McCabe C. Natoli M. Zol M. Piccolo K. Hextell R/A Kirby H. Chow A. Casarotto P. Gambino H. Gibson R. Salvato Intro & P/F: Jill M Ist: Owen M Ps: Kayleigh-Anne 2nd: Linda L EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION R. Pozzer V. Moschella M. Zol A. Pollifrone L. Speranza S. Mangano C. Tramonte L. La Cava P. Moschella M. Mureddu MJ Megna M. Megna M. Hinds R. Pietrobon D. Scelzi L. Scelzi M. Caldareri A. Caldareri A. Roberts A. Incampo P. Pavan A. Biazzo N. Lazzaro K. Ommundson L. Parisi M. Zol Chris M M. Di Bella ALTAR SERVERS Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 2 HOME VISITS: L. La Cava, P. Moschella, M. Hinds, D & L Scelzi NURSING HOMES: Visit 1 April - Parkview: no visit Visit 2 April - Russell Lea: no visit COUNTERS: Group 3 TRANSPORT: Robyn, Miranda, Sue PIETY STALL: Mary C ALTAR SOCIETY: Lorraine F, Lorraine C, Enza, Vicki, Melissa CHILDRENS LITURGY: Sonia/ Bianca
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