Latest - Ardmore Baptist Church

Volume 58 • Number 16
April 20, 2015
Announcing the Mission and Ministries of Ardmore Baptist Church, Inc., Winston-Salem, NC
Youth Week Staff - 2015
Worship Connection
April 26
“Let’s Finish”
2 Corinthians 8:11
Dr. Don Gordon
KidNection (10:45)
“Parable of the Talents”
Matthew 25:14-30
6:00 p.m.
Church Conference
Bring a Friend!
(Front) Bethany Helm, Amanda Tucker, Karefa Dabo, Caroline Hartley, Connie Tilson
(Back) Graves Littlejohn, Matthew Cothran, Riley Oakes, Luke Hutcherson
Church Conference Sunday
n addition to the normal membership and finance reports, this conference will
have a number of important matters for our consideration. A Bylaws amendment
regarding the process for calling part-time ministers will be presented. Copies are
available for review at the Welcome Center. The Personnel Council will bring
recommendations regarding the Minister of Community Impact/Global Connections
and the Minister of Invitation and Hospitality positions. We will also be affirming
the search team members for the Minister with Youth and College position. Don’t
miss out on this essential conference Sunday, April 26, at 6:00 p.m.
“Let’s Finish” Q & A
f you have questions about our “Let’s
Finish” campaign, the Stewardship
Committee wants to know. They will
be available to answer your questions
Wednesday, April 22, at 6:00 p.m. in
the Conference Room.
he final “F” in our Let’s Finish campaign stands for Faith. “Faith is being
sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (Heb. 11:1) Our
most recent campaign theme has been Bold Faith which challenged us to boldness as people of faith. The pivotal element of this new campaign initiative is the
confident hope which gives us the assurance of God’s faithfulness to do great
things in and through us. In 2 Timothy 4:7 Paul wrote, “I have finished the race
and have kept the faith.” As we come to
the finish line of this project, it is essential that we keep our faith and live it out
on a daily basis.
Rachel Hull
And the Lord Added
(Continued on page 2)
Page 2
April 20, 2015
Wednesday Night Opportunities
Our Pastor Writes ...
Let’s Finish
ay 3rd is Finish Line Sunday at Ardmore Baptist Church. It is the Sunday
we will bring and make our commitments to the “Let’s Finish” campaign
to end the debt incurred when we built our new sanctuary, new music suite, and
new educational space for our preschool and children. Only 12 years ago we
moved into this new sacred space to worship, sing, and train children up in the
way of the Lord. What a phenomenal day it will be to end this debt after such a
short time period.
In his second letter to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul admonished the church:
“Now you should finish what you started. Let the eagerness you showed in the
beginning be matched now by your giving. Give in proportion to what you have.
Whatever you give is acceptable if you give it eagerly.” Paul was referring to the
Jerusalem offering he had asked the Gentile churches to collect to help the struggling and persecuted mother church in Jerusalem. Word was out that these
churches were collecting such an offering. Paul didn’t want the offering to fail or
be disappointing after the Jerusalem church had already heard about it. He wanted
the churches in Corinth and the surrounding areas to finish what they had started.
It would help the Jerusalem church in great need and it would demonstrate solidarity between Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians.
April 29, May 6 & 13 - Smart Money,
Smart Kids: Join us for this threeweek, video-based discussion group of
Smart Money, Smart Kids, a book
written by financial expert and bestselling author, Dave Ramsey, and his
daughter, Rachel Cruze, to help equip
parents to teach their children how to
win with money. Starting with basics
like working, spending, saving, and
giving, and moving into more challenging issues like avoiding debt for
life, paying cash for college, and battling
discontentment, Dave and Rachel present
a no-nonsense, common-sense approach
for changing your family finances. We
will meet in F202 at 6:00 p.m. Leaders:
Ty Talton and Jay Van Nostrand.
We are close, folks. Our debt note is now less than $600,000 from an original
cost of 6.3 million dollars, which incurred an original debt of 4.9 million dollars.
Can you believe we are this close? Our staff ministers and deacons have pledged
or committed $200,780.00 toward the retirement of this debt.
The Finish line is near. Let’s cross the line and celebrate the victory.
We want to finish in Fifteen. Before the end of the year, let’s pay off this debt.
Finishing will lead to Freedom. Freed from debt we can dream and plan for
The Future is wide open for us to get on our knees and seek God’s direction.
Let’s step out in Faith, eager to offer generous gifts for God’s church.
Join us for Finish Line Sunday on May 3 , bring your commitments to this
effort, make reservations and stay for lunch so we can celebrate this good news
See you at the Finish Line!
Faith (Continued from page 1)
- Don Gordon
Commitment cards are being mailed this week. The graphic on
the card is a puzzle piece from a picture of the church. A giant
puzzle of the church will be on display in the lobby. Every
family is encouraged to put a puzzle piece in place once they
return their commitment card. Remember that every piece is
essential to complete the picture. Everyone is encouraged to
bring their card to our joint worship service at 10:45 a.m. on May 3 (no 8:15 a.m.
service) and help us finish what we started.
Reservations for the luncheon on May 3 are needed by Monday, April 27.
Vacation Bible School
Urgent Need
VBS Volunteers Needed
(June 22 - 26)
he VBS Countdown continues! Only
63 days to go! Volunteers needed:
Adult - 29; Youth - 15.
There are so many ways to serve!
If you can help with this important
week, contact:
♦♦ Anna Rubin (403-9271)
♦♦ Julie Jones (771-6366)
♦♦ Lee Ritchie (725-8767, ext. 104; 706-247-0376).
VBS Volunteer Training
Monday, May 11
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, May 14
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
hoose one of the two dates to attend
VBS Training to learn the ins and
outs of VBS! Meet in FHB.
Page 3
April 20, 2015
Ardmore ABCs ...
Deacon of the Week
Our sympathy and Christian concern are expressed to the following in the loss
of loved ones:
Carolyn Gilbert in the death of her uncle, Donald Vaughn
Gracious notes of appreciation have been received from the following and are
posted on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall:
Samaritan Ministries
April 20 - 26
Scott Crockett
Phone: (h) 778-0059
Weekend Call
Hospitality Par Excelance
will always treasure the opportunity I had to work with some of the fine folks
at Ardmore in hosting WMUNC’s 2015 Missions Extravaganza. What a joy to
work with able and willing people who eagerly carried out their responsibilities
with a big smile and an attitude of “All for You” - our theme.
A special thanks to the following who chaired the committees: Joyce Camp,
Greeters; Helen Baker, Lunch; Bonnie Whitaker, Floral Arrangements; Ty Talton,
Parking and Facilities; Russell McBride, Esther Hurtado, and church staff. Also,
special thanks to all the approximately fifty who helped them. The Lord blessed
our efforts and the 950 who attended had high praise for Ardmore.
God enabled us to meet this big challenge and His Spirit directed the work. To
God be the glory!
- Bea McRae, WMU Director
Ministry Area Emphasis Of The Month
Community Impact and Global Connections Ministry Area
hen the CIGC MALT (Ministry Area Leadership Team)
merged with the Missions Council, it inherited the administration of Mission Funds for the church. We have two
basic Mission Funds: Mission Ventures and Volunteer Mission
Trips. Ardmore is traditionally a mission-minded church. Our
mission is to connect people of all ages with Jesus Christ and each
other in life-changing relationships. We believe this is done by equipping, empowering, and involving every member personally in ministry.
The Mission Ventures budget line item was established as “seed” money for
mission-oriented ventures originating from the membership of Ardmore Baptist
Church. This year the CIGC MALT is exploring and praying about starting a
Christian Women’s Job Corp. Hoping to partner with other churches, we will
need “seed” money to help pay for a Site Coordinator.
The Volunteer Mission Trip budget item is to encourage members, who need
financial help, to participate in a mission trip, be it homeland or international.
- Joyce Camp, Interim CIGC MALT Coordinator
April 25 - 26
Betty Wright
Phone: 406-9966
Courtyard Bricks
re you interested in adding a name(s)
to our “Walk of Faith”? Many
folks who have joined our church family since the original construction may
want to purchase a brick in honor or
memory of someone. Orders may be
submitted using a brick order form at a
cost of $40 per brick. Order forms are
available at the Welcome Center.
Movie Night For Adults
e will gather in the Youth Place
at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, May 1.
The movie, Going My Way, will start
at 7:00 p.m.
Kids Corner
GA Lock-In
he GA Lock-In is Friday, April 24,
6:00 p.m. - Saturday, April 25,
8:00 a.m. in the Youth Place. All GAs
(1st - 6th grade girls) are invited to this
free overnight event of fun and service.
Please e-mail Lee (lritchie@ardmore to reserve your spot.
Ardmore Announcer is published weekly by Ardmore Baptist Church, Inc., 501 Miller Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27103. Publication Number USPS 545780.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Ardmore Announcer, 501 Miller Street, W-S, NC 27103-3610.
Church Phone: 336-725-8767; Fax: 336-725-2487; E-mail:; Web Site:
Memorials and Honoraria
Baptist Children’s Homes Food Round-up
In Honor of David Fitzgerald, Norris
Norwood and Senior Adult Choir
YAH Club
Building Fund
In Honor of Colon Putnam
Leon & Lynda Phillips
In Honor of Jo West
Jane Boyles
Handicraft Ministry
In Honor of Linda Cline and the
Janet Hellard
Homeland Missions Offering
on’t forget to pray and support
SBC missionaries and CBF field
personnel. Envelopes are available at
lobby display and pew racks.
For the Record
April 19, 2015
Pilot Mt. Baptist Association
Senior Adult Luncheon
Thursday, May 14; 12:00 noon
Old Town Baptist Church
njoy a wonderful meal (crispy ovenbaked chicken), warm fellowship,
and an inspiring program! Tickets ($6)
are available in the church office.
Please contact Janet Hellard (7258767;
Offering Emphasis For April
Kitchen Fund
In Honor of Esther Hurtado and her
Foy & Linda Crouse
Weekly Budget Needs
Budget Receipts 04/19/15
Special Ministries
In Memory of Ralph Edmiston
Adult 9, Coed 1
Unified Budget
In Honor of Bea McRae and Joyce Camp
Martha & Marvin Taylor
H2H Backpack Program
In Memory of Dr. Gordon A. McLorie
Brandon Craven
Sunday Bible Study
Morning Worship
8:15 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
Peru Mission Trip
In Honor of Kathy Stewart
IG Ladies Bible Study Class
Bold Faith
Receipts 04/19/15 $
Receipts-To-Date $
WS Youth Chorus
Spring Choral Concert
Ardmore Baptist Church
April 25; 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Tickets: $10
ear over 100 voices of the WSYC
as they perform their Spring
Choral Concert under the direction of
Founding Artistic Director, Barbara C.
Beattie. Celebrate with them as they pay
tribute to Mrs. Beattie as she directs her
last full choral concert before retiring
in June 2015.
auren is 23 years old and has a rare
blood disorder for which there is
no cure and the only treatment is blood
transfusions. She has received between
150 and 200 transfusions during her
lifetime. Lauren is eternally grateful
for faithful donors because without
their willingness to donate their blood,
she would not survive. You can help
save the life of someone like Lauren
by donating at our upcoming blood
drive on Thursday, May 14, 3:00 p.m.
- 7:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Our
goal is 50 donors and there are plenty
of open appointments still available.
Please contact Rob Lemons today (4166187; to sign
up to give the gift of life!