Latest - Ardmore Baptist Church

Volume 58 • Number 20
May 18, 2015
Announcing the Mission and Ministries of Ardmore Baptist Church, Inc., Winston-Salem, NC
Music & Arts Series Presents:
he North Carolina Brass Band will present a patriotic concert in our sanctuary on Friday, May 22, at
7:30 p.m. The concert will celebrate the Memorial Day
holiday and honor our veterans. Tickets are available
online at www.
Worship Connection
May 24
Morning (8:15 & 10:45):
Biblical Perspectives on
Love, Marriage & Sex:
“What Men Wish Women Knew”
Ephesians 5:21-24, 33
Dr. Don Gordon
Bring a Friend!
May Special Offering Emphasis
NC Baptist Hospital Mother’s Day Offering
hen Betsy Simpson learned she had endometrial cancer, she headed straight
for the excellent care of Baptist Hospital … and fell through the cracks. “I
thought I had good insurance, but I found out it wasn’t going to cover anything,”
she explained. “I almost delayed surgery because I was going to turn 65 in six
months and Medicare would kick in. I thought I should wait till then but my
niece, a nurse, said no, we shouldn’t wait, we’d figure something out.”
“When you get a cancer scare, you just do what you have to: I put it in His
hands. I said, ‘Lord, you’ll get me through this.’” And the Lord did. The surgery
was a success. But then the medical bills rolled in. “It was a big worry on my
mind,” she said. “I didn’t know what I was going to do. I figured I’d have to take
all my savings and pay it off. And then what? What would I live on?” She even
considered coming out of retirement to go back to work even though she had
debilitating arthritis. Again, she turned to prayer. “I thought, if the good Lord
didn’t take me, then there was a reason. One way or another, it was going to get
taken care of.”
It was taken care of. Now, Betsy’s cancer-free and worry-free. Thanks to the
Mother’s Day Offering and NC Baptists, her hospital bills were paid. “Oh my
goodness, it was such a relief,” she exclaimed. “I got that letter and started to cry.
I can’t believe they did that for me. I can’t thank them enough. God’s love is always
around us. This is love I can reach out and touch. I was surprised, but, then again,
I wasn’t surprised because I know that Baptists are loving and giving people. If
you can be that person too, that would be wonderful. It’s a gift.”
Vacation Bible School Volunteers
e still need a few adult and
youth volunteers to make our
week of Vacation Bible School all that
it needs to be to welcome the children.
Please contact Lee Ritchie, Julie
Jones, or Anna Rubin if you are able to
Happy Memorial Day
he church office will be closed
Monday, May 25 in celebration of
Memorial Day. The Announcer will be
sent on Tuesday.
Graduating From College?
E-mail the graduate’s name/
degree/school to Betty (bwright@
Page 2
May 18, 2015
Our New Ardmore Baptist Church WEE Director
n behalf of the Weekday Early Education Committee, we are happy to announce that Julie Sugg will be the next director of the Ardmore Baptist
Church WEE Program. Julie will begin her work around the first of June, and she
will oversee all aspects of our program, including curriculum development,
teacher and staff supervision, and fiscal oversight. We are confident that Julie is
the person to whom God has led us in order to continue our program’s tradition
of excellence.
Many of you already know Julie well – she has been a member of Ardmore
Baptist Church for most of her life. She is currently serving in numerous volunteer
roles at Ardmore, including working as a children’s missions leader and serving
on the Children’s Faith Formation Team. Her husband, Josh, is also a long-time
Ardmore member. Their family is involved in the life of our church in many different ways.
Julie is a graduate of Appalachian State University with a degree in elementary
education. After graduation, she taught second grade and ESL for five years in
Davidson and Davie Counties. Later, she served as a pre-K lead teacher in a local
preschool program. She has earned licensure in birth-kindergarten education.
In August 2009, Julie became the Preschool Director at Hillsdale Baptist Preschool.
There, she oversaw all aspects of the church’s preschool, including hiring and
supervising staff, developing an appropriate curriculum, and maintaining positive
relationships with both students and parents. In terms of educational philosophy,
Julie believes children learn best when they feel safe and loved and their individual interests are recognized and nurtured.
We are so excited that one of Ardmore’s own has been called to fill this important
position. We also join the congregation in gratitude to Jo West for her over two
decades of WEE Program leadership. Finally, we express sincere thanks to all of
you who kept us in your thoughts and prayers as God guided us to the next leader
of our program.
- Lee Ritchie, Minister with Children and Families
- Ryan Vann, WEE Committee Chair
Where Do You Park?
Did You Know …
ccording to a recent survey, visitors make up their minds regarding a new
church in the first ten minutes of their visit. For most of our guests, the first
ten minutes does not include hearing the beautiful music from Ardmore musicians or listening to an inspiring sermon from Dr. Gordon. The first ten minutes
happens in the parking lot and as they enter the lobby doors. You are the person
who impacts, either positively or negatively, a guest’s first impression of our
church. You can help make guests feel at home at Ardmore by giving up your
prime parking spot so that they don’t have to worry about the initial need of
where to park. You can greet guests with a friendly smile and a simple “hello.”
You can be someone’s positive first impression of Ardmore Baptist Church. I
vividly remember my first visit to Ardmore, and I’m grateful for the people that
took the “risk” to speak to me!
Volunteer Training
Tuesday, May 19;
Wednesdays, May 27 & June 3
6:00 p.m.; F221
olunteers help members and/or
non-members with transportation,
make home visits, provide emotional
and/or spiritual support, provide meals,
make phone calls, pick up groceries/
medications, etc. If you are interested,
contact Debra Norris in the office (7258767). It’s not too late to join us.
Precious Water
he church has received a letter
from Global Women thanking us
for our contribution of $1,250.00 to
place Bio Sand Filters in homes in
Zambia, in partnership with Seeds of
Hope. These filters will provide mothers
and their children a lifetime of water
99% free of disease causing pathogens.
The full letter will be posted on the
bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall.
Our local Ardmore Global Women’s
group also thanks you for your generous support of this project.
Brookridge Lunch & Learn
Tuesday, June 2; 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
njoy a delicious free lunch and a
conversation with our own Franklin
Watkins, MD on the signs of a stroke,
symptoms of dementia, and questions
to ask your doctor. To sign up, contact
Janet Hellard.
Wednesday Opportunities
May 27: RA/GA Pinewood Derby;
Preschoolers & Popsicles on
the playground
Page 3
May 18, 2015
Ardmore ABCs ...
Deacon of the Week
Our sympathy and Christian concern are expressed to the following in the loss
of loved ones:
Pat Wilcox in the death of her husband, Hank Wilcox; father of Jason Wilcox;
Doug Sprinkle in the death of his brother, Mike Sprinkle;
Mary Jenkins in the death of her brother, Ira Ousley
Gracious notes of appreciation have been received from the following and are
posted on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall:
Trudy Johnson, Global Women
Woodville Baptist Church WMU, Hertford
May 18 - 24
Steve Jolley
Phone: (h) 768-8110
Congratulations to:
Tori Wise and Gene Crouse who were married at Ardmore Baptist Church on
May 16th. Gene is the son of Foy and Linda Crouse;
Ed and Jean Landers – 58th wedding anniversary on May 18th;
Ryan and Shannon Vann – 10th wedding anniversary on May 21st;
Coley and Cathy Rimmer – 35th wedding anniversary on May 24th
Weekend Call
Congratulations To Our College Graduates:
Matthew Bissette – UNC Chapel Hill with a double major, BA in Political
Science & Economics. Proud parents are Steve and Donna Bissette;
Benjamin Cain – UNCG with a BS degree in Entrepreneurship & Spanish Minor.
Proud parents are Mark and Rene Cain;
Madison Lackey – UNC Chapel Hill School of Public Health with a Master’s in
Health Administration. Proud parents are Greg and Jill Lackey;
Brinan Elizabeth Landreth – UNC Greensboro with a BS in Human Develop ment and Family Studies. Proud parents are Mark and Beverly Isley-Landreth;
David Newsome, Jr. – Georgia Regents University with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. Proud parents are David and Debbie Newsome;
Ashley Powers Thrower – NC A&T State University with a Master’s in Teaching
Health & Physical Education. Proud parents are Keith and Patti Powers;
Laina Womble – The Kenan-Flagler Business School of The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill with a degree of BA in Business Administration. Proud
parents are Dan and Jan Womble.
Grace Notes
special thank you to those church members who agreed to serve as host
homes for the Mwangaza African Children’s Choir. This is quite a commitment and it is greatly appreciated! Please spread the word about their concert this
Wednesday, May 20, at 6:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. The children will share music,
testimony, and African dance! This will be a concert you do not want to miss!
I also want to thank all who were involved in the Pepper Choplin Composer
Weekend and those who attended the concert last Saturday! It was an amazing
weekend with Pepper Choplin. The choir and orchestra are to be commended for
such a deeply moving and spiritual time of music and worship! I don’t believe I
have ever heard the choir and orchestra sound so beautiful, powerful, and inspirational! Those who attended expressed this same sentiment. Thank you choir and
(continued on page 4)
May 23 - 24
Betty Wright
Phone: 406-9966
Order Yours Today
ontact Janet Hellard (725-8767,
ext. 110; jhellard@ardmorebaptist.
org) to order the following:
• Courtyard bricks - Cost: $40 per
brick. Place your order by June 1.
• Puzzle of the church - smaller
version (16 x 20) of the one on display in the main lobby. Cost: $40
each. Order by the end of May.
ur Vacation Bible School theme
this year is Everest, as in Mt.
Everest, and we need backdrop/decorating items. If you have any of the
following items we could borrow,
please leave them at the church office
or contact Barbara Hudgens (9454154).
♦♦ Flat white bedsheets, or large pieces of white cloth or cotton batting (for creating snow scenes)
♦♦ Hiking/camping gear: parkas, boots, rope, lanterns, small tents, sleeping bags for outdoor use, camp cookware, etc.
♦♦ Artificial Christmas trees
Ardmore Announcer is published weekly by Ardmore Baptist Church, Inc., 501 Miller Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27103. Publication Number USPS 545780.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Ardmore Announcer, 501 Miller Street, W-S, NC 27103-3610.
Church Phone: 336-725-8767; Fax: 336-725-2487; E-mail:; Web Site:
Memorials and Honoraria
Building Fund
In Memory of R. S. White
Adult 10, Coed 2
Jerry & Carolyn Gilbert
Bob & Linda Smith
Sara Richardson
Bill & Barbara Beattie
Handicraft Ministries
In Memory of R. S. White
Jim & Wilma Brown
Memorial Fund
In Memory of R. S. White
Laurel & Jenny Boyles
Mother’s Day Offering
In Memory of Mary Katherine West, Della
Bovender, and Louise Bovender
Carl & Sandra Bovender
Music & Arts Series
In Memory of Murray & Sara Pate and
In Honor of Gayle Hartgrove
Ann Jones
Volunteer Missions
In Memory of R. S. White
William Fordyce
For the Record
May 17, 2015
Sunday Bible Study
Morning Worship
8:15 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
Weekly Budget Needs
Budget Receipts 05/17/15
Let’s Finish
Receipts 05/17/15 $
Receipts-To-Date $
Music Ministry
In Memory of R. S. White
Rebecca McCollum
Jim & Susan Mabe
In Memory of Mike Sprinkle and R. S. White
Charlie & Ellen Bumgarner
Unified Budget
In Memory of R. S. White, Mike Sprinkle,
and Nell Whitlock
Billy & Bonnie Whitaker
In Memory of R. S. White
Charles Griffin
Wayne & Marvorene Edwards
Weekday Early Education
In Honor of Jo West and the WEE Program
Jean Landers
(continued from page 3)
instrumentalists for your hard work
and many hours in preparing for this
event! Your music was a true blessing!
This week, 24 of our choir members
are headed to New York City to sing in
the premier of Pepper Choplin’s “Our
Father: A Journey Through the Lord’s
Prayer,” that our choir presented on
Saturday. They will sing with over 200
other singers in the Lincoln Center’s
Avery Fisher Hall on Memorial Day!
What an exciting week they will have
in New York City. Please keep them in
your prayers as they witness through
their music. They will also be taking
“Daily Bread” bags and blankets made
by our youth and adult handicrafters,
and other items collected by our music
ministry. These will be distributed to
homeless people by Graffiti Church in
- David Fitzgerald
Special Ministries
In Memory of R. S. White
Pat Whisnant
Nancy Barker
Carl & Sandra Bovender
Jerry & Barbara Gray
Laurel & Jenny Boyles
In Memory of Bob Warhurst
Adult 9, Coed 1
In Memory of R. S. White, Bob Warhurst,
and Gloria Warden
Barry & Carolyn Tilley
Yard Sale For Missions
Saturday, June 6
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
ur Sisters Of Faith missions
group is accepting donations of
household items, toys, or children’s
clothes. Collection boxes are in the
stairwells. Proceeds will be used for
mission projects throughout the year.
Contact: Susan Jordan (945-5228) or
Beth Steen (403-6776).
2015 Farmer's Market & Bazaar
When: August 15; 8:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.
Where: Fellowship Hall
What: Proceeds go to H2H Ministry
lease let Emily Lemons know by
August 1st if you plan to donate
goods or help (;
409-4038). Donations of handmade
crafts, homemade baked and canned
goods and silent auction items (ex: gift
baskets and gift certificates) are requested. Invite your friends!