Volume 58 • Number 18 May 4, 2015 Announcing the Mission and Ministries of Ardmore Baptist Church, Inc., Winston-Salem, NC Worship Connection May 10 Morning: Mother’s Day Parent/Child/Church Covenant Biblical Perspectives on Love, Marriage & Sex: “The ‘A’ Honor Roll for Parenthood” Proverbs 22:6, 15 Dr. Don Gordon Bring a Friend! S Want A Puzzle? everal folks asked if they could get a puzzle of the church like the one on display. We will order a smaller version (16 x 20) for anyone who would like one. Cost will be $40 each. Please notify the church office to place your request. Special thanks go to Doug Sprinkle for the photograph and to Jim Mabe for converting it for reproduction. T he 100+ voice combined choirs of Ardmore Baptist and Clemmons United Methodist, along with a full orchestra, will present Pepper Choplin’s newest work, “Our Father: A Journey Through the Lord’s Prayer,” under the direction of the composer, Pepper Choplin, in our sanctuary. This is a prequel to the actual premier of the musical in the Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall in New York City on Memorial Day. Twenty-five of our choir members will travel to New York to join with over 200 singers and orchestra for the National Premier. We are very excited about this distinguished opportunity and hope that you will join us for the special presentation in our own sanctuary. Please help us spread the word to the community. The concert is free. A love offering will be received. - David Fitzgerald S We Did It! unday morning, the generous folks of Ardmore crossed the Finish line to Freedom for our Future with Faith, pledging gifts of over $556,135. Gift totals ensure that we will be able to pay off our building loan before the end of 2015. We received up-front gifts of $343,228 and pledges of $212,906. When coupled with the $68,000 building reserve, sufficient funds were raised to satisfy the debt in full. All gifts above the debt are being placed in our new Vision Fund as goodfaith seed money for our future. Commitments are in and the puzzle picture is now complete. To God be the Glory! Great things God has done! Prayer, Praise, and Proclamation T he subject for this Wednesday’s PPP will deal with 19th century American religious life and how the nation offered religious justification for and against slavery. And the Lord Added Archer Livengood Page 2 May 4, 2015 Our Pastor Writes ... Our New Minister of Community Impact and Global Connections he church in conference on Sunday, April 26, called Mike Nuckolls to serve as our new part-time Minister of Community Impact and Global Connections. Mike will begin his work around the first of July since he is currently a guidance counselor at Mineral Springs Elementary School and would like to finish out the school year. Mike will work 20 hours a week, leading the CIGC Ministry Area Leadership Team (MALT), overseeing the missions work of the congregation, training people to carry out missions work in our community and around the globe. Mike is a graduate of the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and later earned a M. Div. at Campbell Divinity School. He also has a master’s degree in counseling from Wake Forest University. He and Lisa have been married for six years. They recently adopted a beautiful little boy, Liam, born on December 10, 2014. They have been members of Ardmore Baptist Church for the past two years. For nine years Mike has been working “in the mission field” as he calls it, at Mineral Springs Elementary School. He will resign his guidance counselor position at Mineral Springs at the end of this school year so he can begin his work with us. Mike also has a private counseling business where he counsels men in the many issues they face. He will continue this part-time counseling practice while working at Ardmore for 20 hours per week. Mike grew up Methodist but became involved at University Baptist Church in Chapel Hill when he was a student there. He reluctantly went on a mission trip and was hooked. God spoke to him, challenged his worldview, and called him into a new way of thinking centered on being on mission for Christ everywhere and all the time. His passion is spreading that spirit and equipping others to be on mission for Christ wherever they are. We are excited to have Mike, Lisa, and Liam as part of the Ardmore family and look forward to him joining our staff in July. - Don Gordon T T Community Impact and Global Connections MALT Report he Community Impact and Global Connections MALT made two decisions at their April 26 meeting the church should know about: 1. We made a commitment to be a “Church Champion” for Baptist Global News, an independent Baptist news source which provides daily news articles, opinions, and analysis on an array of subjects which matter to the church. Baptist Global News originated from a merger of Associated Baptist Press and the Religious Herald of Virginia. Being a “Church Champion” will allow our members access to their cutting edge website and a certain number of their monthly printed publications. 2. We made a commitment to pursue sponsoring a “Christian Job Corps,” an in-depth Christian ministry to support women and/or men in job and social skills to help them become successfully independent. We plan to cultivate other area churches and community individuals to partner with us in this ministry. “Christian Job Corps” is an intensive program utilizing mentoring, Bible study, training, and Christian support for people who need a “hand up,” not a “hand out.” 2015 College Graduates A re you or one of your children graduating from college this year? We want to know! E-mail Betty (bwright @ardmorebaptist.org) with the graduate’s name, degree, and school. W Wright Stuff e are assembling memory books for each High School graduate. We would like for church members to contribute their thoughts and encouraging words. Blank cards and a list of the senior class are located at the main Welcome Desk, second floor lobby, and Sunday Bible Study office. Thank you for your support and encouragement of our youth. - Betty Wright Wednesday Opportunities May 6 & 13; 6:00 p.m. oin us for the study Smart Money, Smart Kids by Dave Ramsey. We meet in F202 - led by Ty Talton and Jay Van Nostrand. J National Day Of Prayer Thursday, May 7 • 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. - West Forsyth High School students are invited to a prayer service outside River Oaks Community Church. Sponsored by the YMCA of Clemmons. • 11:30 a.m. - Dr. Gordon and other members will lead a service at Jerry Long YMCA in Clemmons. • 6:00 p.m. - “Community Day of Prayer” at the Bolton Park picnic shelter. T Called Meeting he Pilot Mountain Baptist Association will have a called meeting Thursday, May 7, at 7:00 p.m. at Northwest Baptist Church. Page 3 May 4, 2015 Ardmore ABCs ... Deacon of the Week Our sympathy and Christian concern are expressed to the following in the loss of loved ones: Nancy Zwack in the death of her brother-in-law, Bob Warhurst Gracious notes of appreciation have been received from the following and are posted on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall: R.S. & Inez White Aftan Wooten (niece of Mary Stevens) Vickie Jones, Crisis Control Ministry May 4 - 10 Chris Hartley Phone: (h) 923-8099 Congratulations to David & Mary Lou White – 55th wedding anniversary on May 7th. Blood Drive May 14; Fellowship Hall e have open appointments from 4:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. Contact Rob Lemons (416-6187; fourlemons@ aol.com) to sign up. Our goal is to have 50 donors - 31 have signed up. W Weekend Call May 9 - 10 Lee Ritchie Phone: 706-247-0376 PMBA Senior Adult Lunch Thursday, May 14; 12:00 noon Old Town Baptist Church ontact Janet Hellard in the church office for tickets ($6.00) and let her know if you want to ride the church van - it will leave at 11:15 a.m. C The Mwangaza African Children’s Choir In Concert - May 20, 6:00 p.m. his wonderful group of children from East Africa is an inspiring group of 20 hopeful and talented children, ages 8-14, who represent the orphaned and poverty-stricken youth of Uganda. Touring as a ministry outreach of Africa Renewal Ministries, they share a special message of hope through authentic Ugandan song and dance. This performance will be part of Mwangaza’s tenth international tour! Please join us that evening as these children touch our hearts through dancing, singing, and sharing testimony about their experiences. T Host Families Needed - We are in need of eight host families to house them overnight for two nights. Please contact me if you can serve as a host home (dfitzgerald@ ardmorebaptist.org). Host Family requirement are: 1. Two nights of housing for two or three boys/girls and a chaperone (Tuesday and Wednesday nights, May 19-20). Children can sleep in same bed or on sofa or cot. Separate bed for chaperone. 2. They need to be back at church at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday and Thursday morning, but you can drop them earlier if needed. 3. Provide dinner on Tuesday night after you pick them up at church. They will eat dinner at church on Wednesday before the concert. 4. They need breakfast and a bag lunch for both Wednesday and Thursday. This is a real ministry and a wonderful opportunity for you and your family. - David Fitzgerald Tuesday, May 12; 10:15 a.m. he “Morning Glories” will be our guests. As usual, we will enjoy good fellowship and a great lunch (Roasted Pork Tenderloin). We look forward to seeing you! T Vacation Bible School Urgent Need VBS Volunteers Needed (June 22 - 26) he VBS Countdown continues! Only 49 days to go! Volunteers needed: Adult - 19; Youth - 14. If you can help, contact: ♦♦ Anna Rubin (403-9271) ♦♦ Julie Jones (771-6366) ♦♦ Lee Ritchie (725-8767, ext. 104; 706-247-0376). T VBS Volunteer Training Monday, May 11 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. or Thursday, May 14 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. hoose one of the two dates to attend VBS Training to learn the ins and outs of VBS! Meet in FHB. Childcare will be provided. C Ardmore Announcer is published weekly by Ardmore Baptist Church, Inc., 501 Miller Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27103. Publication Number USPS 545780. Postmaster: Send address changes to Ardmore Announcer, 501 Miller Street, W-S, NC 27103-3610. Church Phone: 336-725-8767; Fax: 336-725-2487; E-mail: Postmaster@ardmorebaptist.org; Web Site: www.ardmorebaptist.org Memorials and Honoraria May Special Offering Emphasis NC Baptist Hospital Mother’s Day Offering Vietnam veteran and a policeman for 30 years, Craig Hutchinson was used to being in charge. Suddenly, he wasn’t; doctors were. “The day we found out it was pancreatic cancer, I started crying,” said his wife Terri. Then, the poor girl from the billing department came in and told us what we owed and I burst into tears again.” The family was overwhelmed by the heavy burdens they were carrying. “All I thought about was, we’re gonna have to sell everything and lose our home,” Craig said. “I was down. I don’t like owing. I was so stressed I had a hard time sleeping.” Then the Hutchinsons received a gift of hope: much of their hospital bill was paid by compassionate and mission-minded North Carolina Baptists through the Mother’s Day Offering. “When we got the letter, we cried,” Craig explained. “It was humbling. The gift was a blessing.” “The Mother’s Day Offering intensified my faith in people and in God: I know everything will work out. Craig had to undergo some awful stuff, but he’s here and he’s cancer-free. Thank you, NC Baptists.” A Building Fund In Honor of our Grandchildren Martha & Marvin Taylor In Memory of Gloria Warden Adult 10, Coed 2 Bob & Linda Smith In Memory of Joe Provenzon Karen Provenzon In Honor of Richard & Jane Eskew Pat & Charles Schaible Special Ministries In Memory of Gloria Warden Carl & Sandra Bovender Reception Honoring Jo West M For the Record May 3, 2015 Sunday Bible Study Morning Worship 8:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 488 NA 456 Stewardship Weekly Budget Needs $ 33,425 Budget Receipts 05/03/15 $ 39,861 Needs-To-Date $ 601,659 Receipts-To-Date $ 609,734 Over/(Under)-To-Date$ 8,075 Let’s Finish Receipts 05/03/15 $ 203,543 Receipts-To-Date$ 2,160,163 ark your calendar now for a reception honoring Jo West as she prepares to retire. The reception is Sunday, May 17, in the Fellowship Hall; 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Come and celebrate with us as we recognize Jo for her work and ministry at WEE as director for the last 24 years. Music & Arts Series North Carolina Brass Band Concert Friday, May 22 7:30 p.m. Ardmore Baptist Church oin us for this patriotic concert to celebrate Memorial Day and honor our veterans. Tickets are available online (www.ncbrassband.org). J H2H Golf Tournament Friday, May 15; 12:00 noon Reynolds Park Golf Course upport our H2H Ministry! Register with Susan Denton in the church office or Jeff McIntyre (jeff@mcmetals.com). Teams are being formed now. You don’t have to golf to enjoy the food and fellowship. We will eat around 5:30 p.m. Cost of stand-alone dinner is $10. Brochures are available at the Welcome Desk. S
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