ALL SAINTS COLLEGE 2015 ST MARY’S CAMPUS MAITLAND Inspired by the Dominican Tradition, St Mary’s Campus is an inclusive, caring and student centred community, committed to a holistic education that celebrates personal excellence. EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY JUSTICE Friday, 20 March 2015 A Parable of Challenge (from “out of the ordinary: prayers, poems, and reflec ons for every season” by Joyce Rupp) To my brothers and sisters in developing countries; While I was deciding which oat bran cereal to eat this morning, you were searching the ground for le over grains from the passing wheat truck. While I was jogging at the health centre, you were working in the wealthy landowner’s field under a scorching sun. While I complained about the poor service in the gourmet restaurant, you were gratefully ea ng a bowl of rice. While I poured my “fresh and be er” detergent into the washing machine, you stood in the river with your bundle of clothes. While I watched the evening news on my wide‐screen television set, you were being terrorised and taunted by a dictatorial govern‐ ment. While I read the newspaper and drank my cup of steaming coffee, you walked the long, dusty miles to a crowded schoolroom to learn how to read. While I scanned the ads for a bargain on an extra piece of clothing, you woke up and put on the same shirt and pants that you have worn for many months. While I went to church last Sunday and felt more than slightly bored, you stood on the land with those around you and felt gra tude to God for being alive for one more day. My brothers and sisters; Forgive me for my arrogance and my indifference. Forgive me for my greed of always wan ng newer, bigger, and be er things. Forgive me for not doing my part to change the unjust systems that keep you suffering and impoverished. I offer you my promise to become more aware of your situa on and to change my lifestyle as I work for the transforma on of our world. Dear Parents and Students The above reflection as the weeks of Lent move towards the Holy week supports our need to remember we need to support each other. This week the School Assembly theme was around “Giving”. This too was reflective of our need to be aware or our neighbours, to love one another, and to give without counting the cost. The above reflection reminds us that we are extraordinarily lucky to live in such a safe and wonderful place in our world. All Saints College, St Mary’s Campus Email: 16 Grant Street Maitland NSW 2320 Website: Phone: (02) 4933 6177 Fax: (02) 4934 2667 Intranet: Feast Days During this week we have celebrated two important Feast Days in the Church’s Year. St Patrick’s Feast Day was on Tuesday and St Joseph’s Feast Day was on Thursday. Given that we have three schools in our region who have these saints as their patrons I am sure there has been happy celebra ons in those schools. Awards A number of students have been awarded this week with Gold and Silver Personal Excellence Awards. These students, acknowl‐ edged later in this Newsle er, are to be commended on their efforts during this term. All students are capable of these awards by doing their best. Congratula ons to all these students. Thankyou A very big thankyou to Maitland Highway Motors for their wonderful cheque dona ons to the school. As tenders for our new Hall are being sought this money will go towards the stage sound and ligh ng. Congratula ons Congratula ons to two of our talented swimmers. St Mary’s is celebra ng having both the boys and girls 17 and over Diocesan Champions. Congratula ons to Ma hew Pender and Makayla Lambert. Well done. Congratula ons also to the Mock Trial team who have recently beaten Hunter Valley Grammar in Round 1 of the Compe on. Thank you to Mrs Pruteanu for her support of this team. We wish Samara, Lilli, Isabella, Eliza, Emily and Caitlyn all the very best as they prepare for Round 2. Jono Mahoney has progressed to the NSW All Schools U19’s team for Cricket. The CCC team, of which Jono was a member, won the carnival thus retaining the Tim Caldwell Shield – a wonderful effort on the part of the team and congratula ons to Jono. We wish Jonathon all the best as he plays at the next level in September. Congratula ons to the Rugby League team who began their season in the Catholic Cup with an impressive win against St Joseph’s Aberdeen, followed by a 6‐6 draw with St Francis Xavier Hamilton. Unfortunately the team does not go through to the next round as SFX had a higher points varia on following their easy win against St Clare’s Taree. Service to Our Community (STOC) In line with the theme of Giving Ms Sivyer launched our STOC program for Year 11 at Assembly this week. Please make sure you read this informa on later in the Newsle er and encourage your child, if in Year 11, to proac vely be involved in the expecta ons of STOC – the posi ve outcomes can be quite significant. Elizabeth Cornwall Principal All Saints College, St Mary’s Campus Email: 16 Grant Street Maitland NSW 2320 Website: Phone: (02) 4933 6177 Fax: (02) 4934 2667 Intranet: From the Assistant Principal Today we held a special assembly to present cer ficates to students who have been selected for the first series of Personal Excellence Awards. The selec on process is based on the grades achieved on the School Progress Reports that were recently completed by staff and posted home. The All Saints College St Mary’s Campus Personal Excellence Awards are presented to students who: • demonstrate diligence and sustained effort in their studies, regardless of rank or degree of difficulty, • are commi ed to St Mary’s core value of Integrity, and • respect and adhere to St Mary’s Cornerstones. These Personal Excellence Awards are based on levels of achievement on three components of the Student Reports: • Contribu on to Learning, • Comple on of Ac vi es, and • School Cornerstones They are presented at both Gold and Silver levels. The objec ve of the Personal Excellence Awards is to encourage and reward students for simply doing their best. Congratula ons to the following students on receiving the ini al Personal Excellence awards for 2015: PERSONAL EXCELLENCE GOLD .. YEAR 12 Megan Ayscough; Marnie Brunner; Mikhyla Budden; Alexander Connolly; Gabrielle Elphick; Chelsea Ernst; Elise Foxall; Darcy Greaves; Millie Hartcher; Ma hew Hughes; Emmelene Keevill; Luke Kerry; Nicola Lane; Lauren Levey; Bethany Mate; Beth Mill‐ steed; Isabella Moore; Georgia Mowe ; Kathleen O'Connor; Ma hew Pender; Sophie Price; Gabrielle Rawsthorne; Naomi Rodwell; Leela Sagar; Nowell Sater; Caprice Skinner; Lillian Stevenson; Eliza Tupper; Bri any Whereat; Paige Whi ield; Lauren Whyte. PERSONAL EXCELLENCE GOLD .. YEAR 11 Jack Biddles; Eliza Brown; Eli Burke; Caleb Callinan; Bonny Ernst; Lillian Fairfax; Morgyn French; Grace Jones; Larissa Jordan; Patrick Kevin; Lucy Knight; Emelia Lindus; Eliza Mathews; Laura McNickle; Abby O'Connor; Rylee O'Rourke; Isaac Petersen; Samara Peter‐ son; Megan Ryan; Bri any Safranko; Lydia Sanders; Emily Shakespeare; Julia Slorach; Caitlyn Touzell. PERSONAL EXCELLENCE SILVER .. YEAR 12 Laura Baker; Jessie Black; Benjamin Cant; Rebecca Chan; William Cri enden; Pamela Cruz; Tahnee Douglass; Sarah Giffen; Andrew Goodyer; Morne Greyling; Monica Halbauer; Olivia Harbrow; Ashlee Harvey; Megan Hayes; Sarah Hayes; Dominic Howell; Alexander Hurn; Zoe Jeffries; Nathan Jennings; Mikaela Keegan; Brent Lilley; Isabella Lyall; Charlo e McKenzie; Geordie Mills; Niky a Morton; Abby Murrell; Amy Nicholson; Laura Nigh ngale; Megan Pearce; Isaac Peek; Emma Shannon; Jessica Snell; Conor Tumbers; Jacob Williams; Amelia Young. PERSONAL EXCELLENCE SILVER .. YEAR 11 Bree Aspinall; Elizabeth A ield; Jacqueline Bates; Courtney Bell; Ruby Bell; Haleigh Berthold; Annalyse Bonnard; Connor Chenery; Brooke Chiddy; Georgia Cramp; Tasha Dean; Kaitlyn Debijl; Lachlan Donnelly; Rachel Dostal; Rachel Duff; Adam Duggan; Elli Eckersley‐Gilmour; Jacob Fiorenza; Lucy Gooch; Samuel Gurr; David Harvey; Reina Huggins; Christopher Jordan; Charlo e Lambert; Carly ‐Jane Le Mo ee; Bonita Maher; Aaron McCool; Kate Newcombe; Mikhaela Oldham; Demi Peacock; Emma Sherwood; Rachel Steel; Oliver Stephens; Lilli Thompson; Kitana Tuliatu; Billie Wheildon; Caleb Whitaker. Be good to .. and responsible for .. each other Phil Tobin Assistant Principal All Saints College, St Mary’s Campus Email: 16 Grant Street Maitland NSW 2320 Website: Phone: (02) 4933 6177 Fax: (02) 4934 2667 Intranet: SCHOOL FEE REMINDER Term 1 school fees are now overdue. Accounts were emailed/mailed to the address on our records at the end of week 2. If you have not received your account, need to discuss fees, or make BPAY arrangements, please contact the finance office from 8.00 to 3.30 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday. Phone 4933 6177 and follow the ‘finance’ prompts. Thank you Finance Office Mock Trial Victory On Wednesday March 11th, the Year 11 Mock Trial team played their first game at Maitland Town Hall against Hunter Valley Grammar. With no experience under our belt the day was intended to be a learning curb with our first glance at how the compe on worked giving us an idea of what lay ahead in further rounds. The team acted as the defendants, pleading the innocence of Lee Ward, a former coach of the Mock Trial Compe on who was accused of spiking a coffee which resulted in the death of a colleague and foe, Ka e Lynch. Our Barristers and Solicitors had to think on the spot, claiming objec ons where necessary in the opponents’ ques ons and crea ng cross examina on enquiries of their own. The two witnesses were required to memorise a script and step into the role of their characters whilst not breaking part when put under pressure. The defendant was ul mately found guilty of the crime Team from le –right Samara Peterson, Isabella Ma sson, however the St Mary’s Year 11 Mock Trial Team were victorious in the Caitlyn Touzell, Lilli Thompson, Emily Shakespeare and Eliza game with a score of 238‐219. Mathews. Mrs Sheridan Pruteanu (Mock Trial Coordinator) BLOOD BROTHERS The Musical Recently Yr12 Music, Textiles and Drama students attended a fantastic performance of Blood Brothers at The Hayes Theatre Company in Sydney. The performances were very strong with excellent singing and acting. Many students were impressed how easily the actors convincingly changed characters and drew their emotions into the storyline. All the students were wonderful representatives of St Mary’s Campus and had a great day out while learning at the same time. Thankyou to all the students for your interest and commitment. Mrs Wilson-Lambert – Music Teacher All Saints College, St Mary’s Campus Email: 16 Grant Street Maitland NSW 2320 Website: Phone: (02) 4933 6177 Fax: (02) 4934 2667 Intranet: Service To Our Community Program 2015 “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.” Peter 4:10 This week the Service to Our Community Program was launched at Assembly. Through this program, St Mary’s offers students opportunities to actively assist those in need within our local community and develop a strong Christian testimony that reflects on the character of the individual. It is expected that all Year 11 students engage in a minimum of 10 hours community service over the Terms 2 and 3, 2015. Students have been asked to organise a volunteer activity which does not attract any payment and benefits members of the community. There are many suitable activities, but students should choose one or two where they can assume a meaningful role and respond to an identified need in their family, school or local community. Students can access the MN LIVE site from home and find a list of suggested volunteer activities in the Service to Our Community library under the MAM-Students link. This document library also contains useful web addresses for community organisations and local school directories. One particularly useful site is: Do Something! Near You A STOC Planning form has been sent home for students and parents to complete. Students can select one activity or a combination of activities. Please note that the Red Cross Blood Service has restricted donations to one per year for students aged 16 to 18. One donation will count for half of the STOC requirements. Thus all blood donors will need to engage in at least one other volunteer activity. Some students have already made enquiries about participating in Relay for Life, as they have supported this event for a number of years. This is an ideal activity. However, students should check the date for this event in their local area and ensure it does not fall in a major assessment or exam period. For insurance purposes, the (yellow) Service to Our Community Planning form must be returned completed and signed, by Thursday 2nd April. If you need assistance in organising an activity or you have any enquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact Ms Sivyer on 49336177 or send an email to Debbie Sivyer (STOC Facilitator) We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But if that drop was not in the ocean, I think the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. “ Mother Teresa (1910-1997) Canteen Roster Mon 23/3/15 V McDougall A Howell Tue 24/3/15 C Anderson M Delaney Mon 30/3/15 D Gordan A Abdulla S Cairns Thur 26/3/15 L Sullivan S Waeger Tue 31/3/15 J Kauter L Taylor Fri 27/3/15 L/S Saxby Thur 2/4/15 L Bowe T McClung All Saints College, St Mary’s Campus Email: 16 Grant Street Maitland NSW 2320 Website: Phone: (02) 4933 6177 Fax: (02) 4934 2667 Intranet: Rugby League – CCC Cup Wednesday 18th March Diary Dates The St Mary’s Rugby League team began their 2015 campaign in the Newcastle round of the CCC Cup on Wednesday 18th March. The CCC Cup is a state‐wide knockout compe on involving only Catho‐ lic schools. St Mary’s began the day against St Joseph’s Aber‐ deen. Combina ons were rusty, given this was the first opportunity for many of the team to play together, but the player’s effort was excep onal and their superior skill level shone through, pos ng a convincing victory. commencing at 6pm in Café Sabina . All parents interested in A more difficult opponent awaited in the final game of the day. St Mary’s came up against old foe St Francis Xavier Hamilton, them‐ selves a comfortable first round victor. In a ght and extremely physical first half, St Mary’s posted first points through a fortunate bounce of the ball. SFX replied in the second half to level the game at 6‐all, which is how the score remained. Unfortunately SFX had a superior points difference from their previous game and progressed to the final 16 of the compe on. Joe Bromage, Max King, Jordy Mitchell, Nick Lawrence and Brodie Jones were notable for their strong performances in both games. All St Mary’s players, however, deserve congratula ons on the sportsmanlike manner in which they played each game and their mature conduct off the field. Next Wednesday (25th March) the Rugby League team will play a trial match against Melbourne’s Hallam College at Maitland Sportsground. Kickoff is 10am and all supporters are welcome. This is the final game of the term before the GIO Cup kicks off in Term 2. We will convene the Formal Commi ee next Tuesday 24 March assis ng in the organisa on of the Formal are invited to a end. There is plenty of parking in the Staff Car Park in Bent Street Maitland. The next P & F Mee ng will be held on Tuesday 5 May commencing at 7pm. All parents and friends are most welcome to a end. Year 12 Parent‐Teacher‐Student Interviews: Tuesday 24 March/Monday 30 March/Thursday 2 April Year 11 Parent‐Teacher‐Student Interviews: Thursday 2 April. 24 March ‐ Tenta ve Day for Vaccina ons 2 April Term 1 ends…….. 20 April Term 2 begins Year 12 Tuesday 24th March .. 4:00pm – 6:30pm Monday 30th March .. 4:00pm – 6:30pm Year 11 & 12 Thursday 2nd April .. 8:30am – 2:30pm Brad Melville YR 12 Formal 2015 The P & F will convene the Formal Committee on Tuesday 24 March at 6.00pm in Cafe Sabina. All interested parents are invited to attend. On the agenda will be the appointment of parents to the Formal Committee Executive which will consist of Coordinator, Treasurer and Secretary. Other parents who do not wist to hold a position on the Executive are welcome to attend as the planning of the Formal commences. Other items to be discussed will be the new venue and contract. I look forward to seeing you there. Kind Regards, Robyn Hope ASC St Marys Campus P & F President All Saints College, St Mary’s Campus Email: 16 Grant Street Maitland NSW 2320 Website: Phone: (02) 4933 6177 Fax: (02) 4934 2667 Intranet: Our Fantastic Four Diocesan Swimming Carnival On Tuesday 10th March Matthew Pender, Beau Laczkowski, Makayla Lambert and Tayla Pearce represented St Mary’s Campus at the Diocesan Swimming Carnival held at Lambton Pool. What exceptional swimmers and outstanding representatives they were. The competition between the senior students this year was very intense with great swimmers from all schools, but our fantastic four rose to the occasion and achieved wonderful results. Congratulations to all of you. Mrs Wilson-Lambert Matthew Pender: 17 and over Boys Champion 1st - 200 Free, 200 IM, 100 Free (Record), 50 Back, 50 Fly 2nd – 50 Free 3rd – 50 Breast Beau Laczkowski: 2nd – 200 Free 3rd – 100 Free, 50 Back, 50 Fly and one 4th Makayla Lambert: 17 and over Girls Champion 2nd – 200 Free, 200 IM, 100 Free 3rd – 50 Free Tayla Pearce: and two 4th 1st – 50 Breast 3rd – 100 Free, 50 Fly, 50 Back and one 5th NEWS FROM THE MATHEMATICS FACULTY Over the next couple of weeks all Mathematics students will be completing an assessment task. All students should have received an Assessment Notification and have familiarised themselves with the content of their assessment task. The Year 12 tasks are held on Wednesdays and students are required to be at school by 8.15 am for a prompt 8.30 am start. Students are not required to wear school uniform. If your child is unable to attend on the day of the task please contact the school and follow the usual assessment procedures for being absent on the day of an assessment. All students should now have received their Mathsonline login and also those studying General Mathematics courses should have a login for the interactive textbook found on Nelsonnet. If your child does not have these please contact me via email or through the school office. Both of these are excellent resources that can supplement your child’s inclass learning. Over the last couple of weeks we organised for some of our current year 12 Mathematics students’ to return to St Peter’s Maitland and St Joseph’s Lochinvar so they could talk to the current year 10 students about Mathematics at St Mary’s and share their experiences. They reflected on their work ethic in year 10 and how that has changed, they talked about what they would do differently if they had their time over and they gave advice and recommendations on how to prepare for Senior School Mathematics. Both of our junior campuses valued their insights and appreciated that they gave up valuable time on their Wednesday. A big thank you to: Ben Cant, Rebecca Chan, Nathan Jennings, Meg Pearce, Jaymes Thomas, Dylan Wadwell, Brittany Whereat, Lauren Kempe, Alex Hurn, Jacob Williams, Matt Pender, Brad Borg, William Legge, Sophie Dehn, Lara Searle, Mrs Cathy Ingham (Maths Coordinator St Joseph’s) and Mrs Karen Hickling (Maths teacher St Peter’s) Louise FitzGerald Mathematics Coordinator (acting) CAREERS MATTERS “Choose a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” (Confucius). Want to receive the latest Careers News on what interests you? Want to quickly find information to help with career choices? Go to and watch the 3 minute video on the top right hand corner. Our school's password is: mares. You will find this a really valuable resource and a great help with your career path planning! Employment Opportunities! MIGAS is currently advertising a position for an apprentice Floor & Wall Tiler at: MEGT is currently advertising a position as a Glass & Glazing Apprentice at: The Newcastle Club is currently advertising a position as an Apprentice Chef at: Lindsay & Dynan Consulting Engineers is currently advertising a position as an apprentice Draftsperson at: Sprout Cafe & Catering Business is currently advertising a position as an Apprentice Chef at: A Frame Truss Traineeship is currently being advertised at Bennetts Green at: Moray & Agnew Lawyers is currently advertising a position as Trainee Junior Legal Assistant at: Hunter H2O Holdings PTY LTD is currently advertising a Trainee Business Administration position at: PeopleCheck is currently advertising a Business Administration Traineeship at Accuweigh is currently advertising a position as a Customer Service representative/ Sales Assistant at: Documents/Careerlink%20photos Restaurant Botanica at Spicers Vineyards Estate is currently advertising a full time Trainee Hospitality position and restaurant floor casual positions at: Mann Recruitment is currently advertising a position as a Beauty Therapist Junior at: Kabuki Hair is currently advertising a first Year hairdressing apprenticeship position at: HTN is currently advertising apprentice Chef positions at: Apprentice Solutions is currently advertising chef positions in the Maitland and Hunter areas at:‐chef‐maitland‐hunter‐valley/ Bakers Delight is currently advertising Apprentice Baker positions at: Rebel is currently advertising a fulltime position as a Footwear Team member in their Maitland store. If you are interested in applying please visit: Applications close 31 March 2015. Rays Outdoors at Kotara is currently advertising for a casual retail team member at:‐s‐Outdoor_job/1431050 Hungry Jacks Raymond Terrace is currently looking for casual staff. If interested please visit: Cessnock Oporto Drive Thru is currently advertising a Customer Service casual position. If you are interested please visit: New Updates! Youth Off The Streets 2015 Scholarship Program closes 3 April 2015. If you need help (this scholarship is worth $6,000) and can be used in any education or training course. For more info please visit: Southern Cross University Access closes 3 May 2015. “SCU Access provides an opportunity for Year 11 and 12 students to gain direct entry and advanced standing into a variety of Associate degrees offered at Southern Cross University. Free from university fees, the program offers you the chance to gain a taste of university life, stimulate your interest in academic pursuits and enhance your educational performance and long term aspirations”. Year 11 and 12 students gain direct entry and advanced standing at SCU. Applicants are selected on recommendation from principal, registration form and personal statement. For more details please visit: The University of New England, Armidale, HSC Booster Days are happening on Monday 1 June to Wednesday 3 June 2015. Registration will open on Monday 20 April 2015 at: Western Sydney Careers Expo 2015 is happening from 18 to 21 June 2015 at the Sydney Show Ground, Sydney Olympic park. For more details please see me for a brochure or visit or call 1300 190 290 2015 Galuwa Engineering and IT Experience @ University of Technology Sydney for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students is happening from 29 June to 3 July 2015. If you are interested in attending this free event please see me for a flyer or apply through Jumbunna by Friday 29 May 2015 by email to . Application forms can be downloaded from:‐engineering‐and‐information‐technology/what‐we‐ do/outreach‐and‐community/galuwa Macquarie in a Day is happening on the 16 April 2015 from 8.30am to 3pm. Year 11 or Year 12 students who want to see what’s in store get a taste of what a day in the life of a Macquarie Uni student is really like. Register now at or get in touch: T: (02) 950 7250 or E: Defence Force Recruiting at 528 Hunter St Newcastle is holding the following information sessions: Women in Defence – Tuesday 28th April @ 6pm Army Communication Roles – Wednesday 29th @ May 6pm The following Information Session on the Army Reserve will be held at Bullecourt Barracks (Adamstown Army Reserve Depot) Military Road, Adamstown on Tuesday 14th April @ 6:30pm. Please RSVP by email or call 02 4974 5400 NEWCASTLE INDIGENOUS LEADERSHIP PROGRAM INFORMATION SESSION will be held on Monday 20th April 2015 at the Jesmond Neighbourhood Centre at 44 Mordue Parade Jesmond from 3.30 – 5pm. If you are interested in attending please email for more details AIE Open Day is on 16 May 2015, from 10.00am to 3.00pm at their Sydney and Canberra Campuses. Information sessions on their Full‐time/part‐time courses and entry requirements will be provided. Student work will be on display and Career opportunities explained. If you are interested in attending please visit:‐open‐day‐saturday‐16th‐may‐2015 The Queens Commonwealth Essay Competition closes 1 May 2015. For under 18s, the theme is ‘A Young Commonwealth’. For more info please visit: Lattitude Global Volunteering applications are now open for 2016. Priority applications will close on the 5 June 2015. If you are interested in this alternative for a gap year, please visit:‐to‐apply/ready‐to‐apply‐for‐2016 for more info. An info session will be held in Sydney on the 6 May 2015. For more details please visit: International College of Management Sydney (ICMS) Information Evening on Sport Management is happening on 30 April 2015 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm at 151 Darley Road, Manly. “This evening is designed for students and their families. It provides an overview of our courses, application process and you will hear directly from our students and staff about the ICMS experience”. For more details and to register, visit‐information‐evening Pathway to Becoming a Doctor ‐ My Health Career has created 10 pathway infographics for students looking at becoming a doctor. The specialty areas covered are anesthetics, dermatology, general practice, intensive care, obstetrics & gynecology, ophthalmology, pathology, psychiatry, radiology and surgery. If you are interested please visit:‐a‐doctor Gap Medics ‐ Work experience in hospitals in Tanzania, Thailand, Poland and Croatia. If interested in this opportunity please visit: for more details. UNSW Health Careers Kit 2014 provides Info on going to university in allied health/medicine/nursing programs. If you are interested in this info please visit:‐careers‐kit#.VO_o5rkfpD8 for more details Land Surveying Opportunities ‐ Students looking for work experience with a surveying firm can register at‐work‐experience/secondary‐students/. We will liaise with local firms to help source placements where capacity is available. Students with a strong aptitude in Maths and an interest in Geography, IT and the Environment are encouraged to apply. Places limited A Career in Radiation Oncology ‐ Read career stories and about starting in this career by visiting UNSW Engineering Link Project 2015 is happening from 15 April to 16 April, 8.30am to 4.00pm at ANZAC Parade Sydney. This project provides hands on experience in different engineering fields. If interested in this project please visit: ICMS Information Evening on Hospitality, Tourism, Event and Business is happening on 30 April 2015 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm at 151 Darley Road, Manly. This evening is designed for students and their families. It provides an overview of our courses, application process and you will hear directly from our students and staff about the ICMS experience. For more details and to register, visit‐information‐evening UNSW 2016 Guaranteed Entry refers to selection rank details which allow for guaranteed entry into specific 2016 UNSW courses. The selection rank is both raw ATAR and eligible bonus points. For more details please visit: web.pdf University of Notre Dame Logos for Schools‐ Logos I – Philosophy 29 June to 3 July Logos II Ethics 14th December to 18 December. This program allows Year 11 students to study at Uni and have the 2 Unit course appear on their HSC but not in their ATAR. For more details please contact: (02) 8204 4164 or or visit: Information you may have missed! The 2016 Australian Defence Force (ADF) Gap Year Program ‐ applications opened on 2 March 2015. If your are interested in applying please register your interest by visiting: _medium=edm&utm_source=eoi_newcastle The HSC and Careers Expo 2015 is happening on Thursday 28 May to Sunday 31 May 2015 at the Royal Hall of Industries, Moore Park, Sydney. If you are interested in attending please see me for a program/brochure or visit: UNSW School of Civil and Environmental Engineering High School Work Experience Program is on the 15 to 19 June 2015 @ UNSW Kensington Campus Sydney. Students experience engineering projects first hand. For more details please visit:‐engineering/high‐school‐work‐experience‐program UTS Discover Sessions Nursing and Midwifery ‐ Discover Midwifery is on 14 April 2015 @ 6.00pm and Discover Nursing is on 30 June 2015 @ 6.00pm. For more detail on these Interactive workshops please visit:‐students/health/about‐health/events‐and‐brochures/discover‐ sessions UNSW Built Environment Parent and Student Information Session is on 25 March 2015 from 6.00pm to 8.30pm. Learn about degrees within Architecture, Design, Construction and Planning and career paths. For more info please visit: Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School Discovery Days are on 20 April to 22 April, 13 July to 15 July, 7 October to 9 October and 2 December to 4 December 2015. This is a Hospitality three day residential program. For more info please visit:‐days/ Hairdressing Hunter TAFE Information Session is on the 2 April 2015 @ 9.00am @ Newcastle Campus. For more info please visit:‐Footprints‐Newsletter‐ 2015.pdf William Angliss Institute Trial a Trade is on 14 April 2015 from 10.00am to 12.00pm @ William Angliss Institute, Surry Hills. Hands on experience in the fields of coffee, cookery, patisserie or travel/events/hospitality management. For more details please contact: Anna Klingberg on +612 9125 5179 or or visit:‐for‐trial‐a‐trade Karl Von Busse Institute of Design Work Experience Program ‐ applications are now open. This is a four day work experience program in Fashion, Graphic or Interior Design for senior high school students. If you are interested in more details please visit:‐ work‐experience/ . You must also contact me if you are interested in applying Skills Road Job Interviews 101 Checklist – need help preparing for an interview ‐ please visit:‐events/news/all‐news/november‐2014/job‐interviews‐ 101#.VNrHg_mUeW4 Young People at Work ‐ This website, run by the NSW Government, offers a wide range of advice on getting a job, workers’ rights at work, how to leave jobs, and more. If interested please visit: Open Universities Australia ‐ Studying at Open Universities Australia allows students to work their way through a degree, at a pace that suits them and then graduate with the same qualification as an on‐campus student. For more details please visit: http://us5.campaign‐ Engineers Australia 2015 Autumn School of Engineering is on 13 to 17 April 2015. Students can attend lectures at university and participate in industrial visits to see different engineers at work. For more info please contact: Katrina Meggitt on 02 9410 5613 or‐division/valemus‐autumn‐school Women In Engineering Morning Tea will be happening on Friday 27 March 2015 from 10am – 1pm at RW149 Nursing Theatre at the University of Newcastle. If you are interested in attending please see me for a copy of the flyer or email or call 02 49217840 to RSVP by 23 March 2015 WEP (World Education Program Australia) “provides high school students with international experiences that enhance personal growth, broaden future prospects and instil tolerance for individual, societal and cultural perspectives”. They offer 100 academic exchange programs to over 20 countries. A new Group Outdoor Education program in Asia has been introduced. If you are interested in any of these programs please visit: or see me for a flyer WEP Student Exchange Information Sessions WEP Student Exchange Scholarships ‐ WEP is offering scholarships for two students wishing to participate in a semester or year‐long student exchange program in 2016. The award consists of a $2000 discount of the program fee AND $1000 spending money for each participant. Visit, call 1300 884 733 or email to request an information pack Cultural Care Au Pair in the USA is hosting an information session on the 22 March 2015 from 10am – 12pm at Belmont Library, 19 Ernest Street, Belmont, Newcastle. If you are interested in attending please register @ or call 1800677373 Oxbridge Academic Programs: 2015 Summer Study Abroad offers students the opportunity to study abroad during June – August. If you are interested in any of these programs please visit: or see me for a brochure Careers Australia Institute of Training is currently advertising an Electrical Trade Work Experience 4 day course from 7 to 10 April and 13 – 16 April 2015 @ a cost of $250. If you are interested in more info about this course please call 02 4967 9200 Sydney Design School Interior Decoration Master Class is on 15 and 16 April 2015. Gain a taste of life as an Interior Designer or Decorator. Over two fun, intensive days, learn how to put together an interior scheme including planning your layout, selecting furniture, furnishings, colour and lighting. Cost: $330 (GST inclusive). For more info email Projects Abroad Volunteer Overseas Webinar is on 24 March 2015 from 6pm to 7pm. Programs are available for year 10 and 11 students to volunteer overseas in their school holidays. Register your free place and find more details here: http://www.projects‐‐info/information‐ events/webinars/ or call 1300 132 831. The Australian Defence Force Recruiting (ADF) will be holding the following information sessions at 528 Hunter Street Newcastle: Tuesday 24th March 6pm – Engineering Wednesday 25th March 6pm – Indigenous Thursday 26th March 6pm – Royal Military College The following Information Session will be held here at Bullecourt Barracks (Adamstown Army Reserve Depot) Military Road Adamstown: Tuesday 10th March 6:30pm – Army Reserve. If you are interested in attending any of the above info sessions and you have a candidate ID number Please call 13 19 02 or if you do not have a candidate ID number, please call 02 4974 5427 to book. Professional Cadetships Australia (PCA) Business Cadetship Program combines university study with paid work at a leading global company. 2016 applications for the Business Cadetship Program will open on the 9 March 2015 and close on the 15 May 2015. For more details please visit: . Charles Sturt University MYDay 2015 Calendar is available @ . These are an excellent opportunity to experience a day in the life of a university student in a particular course. Please visit the above website for more details Spare copies of the UAC 2014‐2015 Guides are available from the CRC. Please come and collect a copy if you are interested The University Admissions Centre (UAC) is the organisation that administers university applications for NSW and the ACT. Please visit regularly, or to keep up to date with university applications. There is also a lot of other very valuable info on this site The Undergraduate Medicine & Health Sciences Admission Test (UMAT) 2015 must be completed by any student who is interested in applying for medicine or health science courses at certain universities. Registration closes online on Friday 5 June 2015 and the test date is Wednesday 29 July 2015. International students need to sit the ISAT. Please visit to collect more info and details regarding which University courses require this test result as part of their entry procedures and for sample test papers. Also, you can collect from me a copy of the UMAT 2015 Information Booklet if interested Med Entry is a UMAT Preparation course. If you are intending to apply for medicine and a number of other Health Science professions at a variety of Universities across Australia, you will need to sit the UMAT test which is scheduled for end of July 2015. This preparation course is designed to improve your chances of success in this test. If you are interested please see me for a brochure or visit for more details. Scholarships are available and there is a discount for groups of students completing this course National Institute of Education (NIE) also offers programs to prepare for the UMAT. If you are interested in their courses/programs please see me for a copy of their flyer or visit or Call 1300 974 187 University of Newcastle 2015 Future Students Guides are available from the CRC (Careers Resource Centre). Please come and collect a copy if you are interested BiG Day In Newcastle ‐ Thursday 30 April 2015. BiG Day In IT Careers Conference for students Yrs. 9 to Yrs. 12 @ University Of Newcastle will be on Thursday 30 April. Speakers include Microsoft, NIB, The Greater, Westpac, IBM, WiseTech Global, HP & more talking about their careers & the future of technology. Loads of cool exhibitors including Microsoft, Westpac, WiseTech Global & more to come. Tickets $10 for students. If interested in attending please visit: Have no ideas what you would like to do at the end of school? Please come and make an appointment to complete an Occupational Search Inventory (OIS) assessment tool/questionnaire that “measures an individual’s vocational interests”. This assessment will help you look at what careers might suit and/or be of interest to you. Then we can have a chat about collecting info regarding following these possible career paths Ms Lyn McKendry Careers Adviser (
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