THE KINGSTON DAILY FREEMAN. KINGSTON, N. Y., THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 7, 1961 Dec. 13 at 8 p. m. in the social hall, of the Temple instead of as Temple Emanuel Sisterhood announced in last night's FreeThe Sisterhood of Temple man. All members are urged to Emanuel will meet Wednesday, attend. Club Notices • Records • Sheet Music • • • • For CHRISTMAS... Phonographs Instruments Repairs Bongos ' " M SOUNDING MUSICAL GIFTS ABRAMS MUSIC STORE 38% JOHN ST. FE 8-4232 I GIFT CERTIFICATES I THIRTY-FIVE party and Mrs. Jacob Ruben- Arnold Pinsly and Mrs. Seystein will preside. The Mmes. mour Semilof. The two groups George B r a u n s t e l n , Stanley will then convene to witness the Kohnberg, George Muller, Ar- traditional candlelighting cerethur Schiff, Seymour Semilof; mony by Jacob Rubenstein and and Merrill Stone are serving sing Hanukkah songs lead t>v Mrs. Joseph Colin. Refreshments on the committee. On Sunday, Dec. 10 at 2 p. m., Children seven years old and will be service and each child Congregation Ahavath Israel younger will assemble in the will be given a favor. will sponsor a Children's Hanukkah party in cooperation with vestry hall, where Mrs. Max Sisterhood Ahavath Israel. Chil- Goldberg and Mrs. Merrill Stone dren of Congregants and Sis- will lead them in games and St. Mary's stories. The older group, meetterhood members are invited. Harry Fertel, president of the ing in the Synagogue, will have St. Mary's Girl Scouts and Congregation is in charge of the a program conducted by Mrs. Brownies are sponsoring a fair M r M M f M M M X R J l M M M M a M ^ M ^ Kingston Resident Is Named to *WIWs Who' Ahavath Israel Will Have Hanukkah In American Universities and Colleges Carol R. Gaise of Presidents Party for Children aajBBjBWMBBjj Place, a senior at Wagner College, Staten Island, has been chosen for inclusion in 'Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges." Nominees for the honor are chosen on the basis of their academic acheivement and extracurricular activities in the fields of service, athletics and leadership. Miss Gaise, daughter of the Rev. Dr. ' and Mrs. David C. Gaise, is the president of the Wagner chapter of Alpha Delta Pi sorority and chairman of the college's Board of traditions. She is a former president of the Junior Class and is a member of Student Council and the Dormitory Council on the campus. A graduate of Kingston High School, class of 1958 she is majoring in sociology and anthropology. on Saturday in St. Mary's school hall. The hours will be from 2 to 9 p. m. A variety of Christmas suggestions will be on display and gifts may be purchased. The public is invited. World, Only fully Girl Scout News I ELECTROLUX*, WM. R. GOULD 184 Hamilton Court, Port Ewea FE 1-1X00 CAROL R. GAISE Newman Club Will Sons of Norway Plan Yule Party Sponsor Friday annual Christmas party Night Socials Here • forThemembers and their children Newman Club of Kingston of Hudson Valley Lodge of the High School has announced the Sons of Norway will be held Sunopening of an entirely new pro- day, Dec. 10, beginning at 3 p. m. I gram for the school year. The at the Elks Hall. Parents are to gifts for their children and Knights of Columbus have grant- bring covered dish for the supper ed use of their building to the aportion of the party. Donations high school students of the area cookies are being accepted ' for a social. This will include not of to be used as Christmas I only dancing to records but also also, gifts to shut-ins in local institu' a game nwrn and a television tions. ] room. Plans are being made to Officers of the lodge will meet obtain a juke box »nd pool table along with some other similar briefly to take care of monthly business since the Sunday gathgames. ering will take the place of the It is planned to run several regular meeting of Saturday, pool, table tennis, checker tour- Dec. 9. The next regular meetnaments during the year. Plans ing will be January 13, at which are also in the making for sev- the installation of new officers eral excursions to New York will take place. plays, basketball games and posThe Eastern Hotel in Boston sibly the Ice Capades. The Aquinas Club is in charge was the United States' first of running the program which steam-heated building in 1843. will be held every Friday from &«»«)« W*£tt£*I«53KI 7:30 to 11 p. m., (11:30 on nights of home games for KHS), beginning this Friday. All are welcome. I I 1 The practical gifts THE BOOTERY Kingston, N. Y. 292 Wall St. Bicycle Racing Schools such as Yale, University of Connecticut, Princeton, Dartmouth, Providence College, Williams and the City College of New York have bicycle racing on. a club basis. GIFTS ! S T O P DREAMING. . ^ . , START ENJOYING . . . / I We Will Gladly Exchange for Sit* or Style Any Time. TOWLE - * THAOE^f^MAHK LARGEST SELECTION OF i UNIFORMS! weekly- STERLING SILVER CLUB NO MORE WAITING! For as little as 33c a week, per place setting you can be the happiest hostess in town tonight and every night, proudly serving your family and guests with your complete set of Towle Sterling. Come in and choose your favorite Towle pattern . . . make budget arrangements thatfityour purse — and then take your complete service for 4 , 6 , 8 or 12 home with you at once! Join our Towle Sterling Club . . . all the sterling you want is yours and your budget will never feel it! I I X 317 WALL ST. \ your sterling by paying mere pennies ^y> FOR CHRISTMAS « for your friends and relatives who are nurses, wait- j | reaaea aad beauticians. • • ' ! Of ULSTER OOCNTT FREE tarnish-proof chest with your purchase of I or 12 place settings. FREE! Repeat of a Sellout! This 1 GENUINE mm m mm mm When You Purchase a Sterling Service for 8 at S C H N E I D E R ' S ! COLLARED FASHION COATS Select from over 100 leading Sterling Patterns by Towle and other famous silversmiths. ANOTHER SCHNEIDER DIVIDEND: Ask to be listed in Schneider's silver registry which hai unbe/ievabfe o f only helped thousands of women in this area complete their sterling. tfktt« aalfanas, thart •Uevas. la darroa. nylon, M t t M • * wa.a *a" wear cattane. alias f-18. 10-20. t4H-M!/j. Medium Wright Pattern ~ RraadHota rattaa aalforma. alaaafl 12 ta 4a la aqaa. alnk. black, 1 H t M . U«M blaa. 4art M p * r . !»»«•• aa4 aniaa, White Cattea S M M M * * * f a r m . ate** 10-4S, i t * »• t4>^.i Calarad Saanackar anlfarata.j •l«aa 12-4S. M«>- » ' • • • f a y . Choose from «ar tremendous selection o f fur frimmed unfrimmed coats Of $ 2 6 and GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE FOR UNIFORMS Service for 8 10 months 12 Months 24 Months $240 $24.00 $20.00 $10.00 $23.83 $11.65 $280 $28.00 Plus a Small Service Charge Heavy Weight Pattern S The $lt\ price is not • typographical error! These are GENUINE MINK-collared coats, at exactly half the price you'd expect to pay. Here is unsurpassed magnificence, interpreted for you in dramatic black, and crowned with an elegant wedding band collar of genuine mink* (Pieced). The coat, gently flared with three button front and rounded yoke back. We can't rave enough about this sensational value! You'll just have to come and see for yourself. Sites 8 to 18 in a precious blend of wool and mohair, with genuine mink-dyed black collar. Amount of Monthly Payments Average Price * *4\ daer.aj papllat 40-M ' Telephone FE 1-1888 Eitahlithed 1928 FREE Broadway "<| Dry Goods OPEN EVENINGS 'til 9 P M . *W»f*l INC. > illSIIHI HWRH.. IfWHII. AMUICAI W MClftY / MflSfttfl S t t t B'WAY •«** O'Ne-U St. I Opp. Readout National Bank I gEmffaton, N. T. Ph. FE S-fllWJ • Open Friday Till 9 p. m. I Other Evening, by Appoint. Member Park B Shop WHSTOH, 1 T OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL • (Except Saturday) STARTING FRIDAY, DECEMBER S • Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
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