St Mary’s Wilby St Lawrence’s Brundish Parish Newsletter - April 2015 1 APRIL SERVICES in our EIGHT PARISHES Maundy Good 5th April 12th April 19th April 26th April Thursday Friday Easter Day 2nd Easter 3rd Easter 4th Easter Zephan 3:14-20 Acts 4:32-35 Acts 3:12-19 Acts 4:5-12 Romans 6:3-11 1 John 1:1-2:2 1 John 3:1-7 1 John 3:16-24 Mark 16:1-8 St Lawrence Brundish 5.30am Choral Serv of Light Holy Liturgy 9.30am HC Communion 10am St Mary John 10:11-18 12 noon Liz Hamilton Tina Smiddy Readers John 20:19-31 Luke 24:36b-48 Wilby 11am TBA Paul Smiddy 9.30am 11am 9.30am Family Morning Village Communion Prayer Worship Readers TBA J&J Newton A&R Gwyn TBA St Nicholas With 11am Worl'worth Holy Bedfield Communion St Mary 7pm 11am 9.45am 8am Cratfield Agape Holy Café church Holy bring/share Communion All Saints 10.30am Quiet hour 10am Communion 8am HC 9.30am Holy 6pm Evensong Family Communion Hartismere Hse Service St Peter 11am 11am 11am Monk Soham Holy Holy Morning Communion Communion Prayer 9.30am 11am 11am Holy Holy Morning Communion Communion Prayer Laxfield St Ethelbert Tannington 10am St Mary Worlingworth The Cross Services: VW = Village Worship; HC = Holy Communion; MP = Morning Prayers; FS = Family Service; FC = Family Communion; CS = Carol Service; BC = Benefice Communion; TBA = To be announced Priest/Presiding: DB = David Burrell; RO = Ron Orams; AV = Andrew Vessey; SL = Susan Loxton; 2 c/o The Rectory, 15 Noyes Avenue, Laxfield IP13 8EB 01986 798136 April 2015 Dear friends, We have just been celebrating the feast and season of Easter, the most important of all Christian Festivals. Easter is important because it is the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus from the dead, thus promising to all of us who follow in his way, eternal life and ultimate salvation. There will come a time when all our burdens of sin and guilt will be lifted from us and God will welcome us home as his beloved children. What is it that we can do to earn our place in heaven with God, well the Good News is we can’t, none of us has anything to give to God or do for God that is not already his, our life is his, our home is his, our money, our clothes, our families and friends are all his; No we can do nothing to earn salvation because God gives it freely through his great love for us. When someone shows extravagant love towards us we feel beholden to them, we want them to know that we appreciate the love that we have been shown. God delights in our thanking him, he delights in the things we do for him but mostly the things we do for others that show the love and care that God shows to us. One expression of acknowledgement of the love of God is through His Church. Too often the Church is thought to be the building that stands in virtually all our villages, it is true that the building can be seen as a symbol of the presence of God in a certain place but the building is not the Church, the Church is the people who attend the building. Unfortunately some Churches are so weak that they lose their building and it is either sold off for another use or demolished and the ground flattened for a new use. Imagine the villages of England and the terrible gaps there would be if the church buildings were removed. Where would you celebrate the marriage of your children? Where would you have them baptized? Where would you bury your dead? There is a story of a minister who had decided his congregation was dead, no planning, toil, exhortation, no urging could kindle a spark of life or waken any response, so he arranged a funeral for the church. The building was crowded on the appointed day, a coffin was solemnly brought in and the minister carried out the service even to the point of the burial. As a final token of respect, he invited the congregation to file past the grave, as they did each received a shock because the coffin was open and empty except for a large mirror laid on the coffin floor. As each person peered into the grave they saw themselves. We have eight church buildings in this benefice, each one has historical importance, each has a beauty of its own but its life depends upon you. If you profess to be a Christian and know the love that God has shown to you then show your appreciation by being an active and lively member of the Church, not one of its corpses. David The front cover is of the Royal Oak, Laxfield, the third in a series of local pub signs. 3 Regular events . . . Please contact Ron Orams for more details MEN’S GROUPS. I have had several enquiries about when and where we meet. As from 1st March, we meet on the first Tuesday of the month in the Cratfield Poacher at 7pm, and on the second and third Tuesdays in the Laxfield Low House, also at 7pm. If you would like to know more, please call me on 01986-798901. Ron Orams OPEN THE BOOK. Open the book is a project to offer Bible stories in schools, churches and other places where children meet. Teams of between four and seven volunteers use a variety of visual aids to present stories in a lively and compelling way. We are establishing a team in this benefice so if you would like to know more then please let me know, but be warned: you must be prepared to have fun. Ron Orams Brundish & Wilby Diaries Tuesday, 31st March Seder Feast, Braiseworth Hall (p 5) Thursday, 2nd April, 10.00am Friday, 3rd April, 7.00pm Brundish Coffee Shop, BVH (p 12) Music for Passiontide, W’th Church (p 15) Tuesday, 7th April, 12.45pm Thursday, 9th April, 7.00pm Wilby Village Lunch, WCH (p 9) Brundish Film Night, BVH (p 5) Saturday, 11th April, 10.30am Saturday, 11th April, 10.30am WDGC, Rod Leed’s garden (p 9) Brundish Litter Pick, BVH (p 13) Thursday, 16th April Wilby WI Meeting, WCH (p 9) Tuesday, 21st April, 12.45pm Thursday, 7th May, 7.00pm Wilby Village Lunch, WCH (p 9) Wilby Parish Council Elections, WCH (p 7) Saturday, 9th - 31st May Wednesday, 13th May, 7.00pm Suffolk Walking Festival (p 15) Wilby Parish Council Meeting, WCH (p 7) Thursday, 14th May, 7.00pm Thursday, 4th June, 10.00am Brundish Film Night, BVH (p 5) Brundish Coffee Shop, BVH (p 12) Saturday, 6th June, 12 noon Celebration Afternoon, WCH (p 8) Saturday, 20th June, 7.00pm Saturday, 4th July, 11.30am Jazz in the Nave, St Lawrence’s (p 12) Wilby School Summer Fayre Sunday, 19th July Brundish Fete on the Green, BVG (p 11) 4 FOUR RIVERS BENEFICE Seder Feast When Jesus met with his disciples for the last time before his crucifixion he ate the Passover meal with them. This is known as the Seder Feast and involves Roast Lamb and lots of lovely food. It was at this meal Jesus instituted the Eucharist, asking his followers to take bread and wine in remembrance of him. We are going to share a Seder Feast on Tuesday 31st March at Braiseworth Hall, Tannington. Seating is limited to 25, so you will need to book early for a place. Please phone me, book early and avoid disappointment. The cost is £10 each. David 01986 798136 Wilby & Brundish Lent Lunches A big thank you to everyone who supported the Lent Lunches held at Oaklands Farm, Wilby, and Mulberry Lodge, Stradbroke. The donations from the two events totalled £393 which will be divided equally between St Elizabeth Hospice and Wilby Church. Barbara Barker BRUNDISH FILM PROGRAMME - SPRING 2015 On 9th April 2015 we will be showing Director Mike Leigh’s film Mr Turner. Covering the last quarter century of the great, if eccentric, British painter, JMW Turner’s life, the film stars Timothy Spall, voted best actor at the Cannes Film Festival for his role, Paul Jesson, Dorothy Atkinson and Lesley Manville with many other cameo parts depicting Turner’s contemporaries such as Constable and John Ruskin. An artistic delight, the film traces the impact of the death of Turner’s much loved father, the artist’s relationship with housekeeper and seaside landlady, his travels, his painting and his role as a popular but anarchic member of the Royal Academy of Arts – a man both celebrated and reviled by the public and by royalty. A man who through his paintings foresaw the imminent changes facing Victorian Britain. Certificate 12A. Doors open in Brundish Village Hall as usual at 7 pm for a 7.30 pm start. Tickets (£5 for adults and £4.50 for Under 18s) payable at the door. To reserve your place please contact Priscilla Williamson by e-mail: or by telephone: 01379 388034 Our final film of the season will be The Imitation Game to be shown on 14 May 2015. Brundish Cinema Night. STOP PRESS. Fifty Shades of Grey As an extra showing after the Cinema Night season is ended, Brundish Village Hall will be showing the recent ticket office blockbuster, “Fifty Shades of Grey” on Thursday, 11th June. As this is expected to be a sell-out several times over, we need to have seat reservations settled early. David Mulrenan has agreed to take the bookings on Wednesday, 1st April. Telephone him on 01728 628063. Don’t miss out! 5 NEWS FROM WILBY SCHOOL Many thanks to all who came to the school’s Easter service at St Mary’s Church on 19th March. If you’ve noticed a gleaming silver star zipping around north Suffolk – no it’s not an astronomical event to rival the solar eclipse, its Wilby School’s fabulous new minibus! The purchase of the bus was made possible by years of hard work by the Friends of Wilby School Association (FOWSA) – how many fairy cakes and tombolas? – and by a grant from School Sports Funding. The minibus gives the school invaluable flexibility in getting out and about, particularly for access to sport activities. On Monday 9th March our children spent a wonderful day in school working with poet David J Mason, culminating in a very entertaining performance poetry evening. Mr Mason worked will all three ‘key stages’ during the day and also held a teachers workshop. Over the past month: Willow class (years 1 & 2) went to the SeaLife Centre in Great Yarmouth. They enjoyed meeting all those creatures and talked about them all week! Willow class (years 3 & 4) went to Ipswich Museum and also the climbing wall at the Mid Suffolk Leisure Centre (linked with their ‘Mighty Mountains’ study topic). Beech class (years 5 & 6) went to Stradbroke high school for a sports hall athletics day, and on another day visited Dunwich Museum and the ruins of Greyfriars (as part of their ‘coasts’ study topic). And we dressed up for Red Nose Day! Some dates to note: Saturday 6th June – School taking part in Wilby Village Hall celebration Saturday 27th June - School taking part in Stradbroke Festival Saturday 4th July – School Summer Fayre, 11:30am to 2pm Thursday 16th July – Year 6 Leavers’ Service Friday 17th July – last pupil day of the summer term As reminder, the school’s toddler playgroup (‘Tea & Toys’) is now a weekly event – Thursdays from 9 til 10:30am. Any parents (and grandparents / carers) and children (up to age 5) from the local area are welcome. We are sure this will complement other playgroups nearby. Come for a cuppa and meet other mums & dads! Please feel free to contact Mrs Coleman and her team if you have any questions about Wilby School. Wilby Church of England Primary School Mrs Philippa Coleman, Headteacher / Mrs Kim Palmer, Chair of Governors Brundish Road, Wilby IP21 5LR 01379 384708; 6 PARISH COUNCIL NEWS - April 2015 NEWS FROM WILBY PARISH COUNCIL The Parish Council held its last meeting on 4 March 2015 before it is reconstituted after 7 May. The business in hand largely covered reviews of internal procedures to ensure their compliance with audit requirements. In addition the Council reviewed its Emergency Planning policy. Importantly this meeting afforded the opportunity to mark the completion of service of certain individuals. District Councillor Stuart Gemmill will be standing down at the election having served the Stradbroke and Laxfield wards for some 24 years. He has invariably attended the meetings of the Parish Council and we are most grateful for his informative contributions and wise advice. Our best wishes go for his forthcoming retirement from public service. Penny Dupuy has announced her retirement from the Council. She previously served as Clerk to the Council for 16 years and has been a councillor since January 2011. Her contribution to the Council and to the community of Wilby over this extended period has been without parallel always providing cogent comment and whose extensive local knowledge and recall of matters past has frequently proved essential to the Council’s decision making. In addition to her duties as a councillor she has acted as webmaster for the village web site (along with David Holliday). Latterly Penny and her husband Fred have also served the council as Tree and Footpath Wardens and we thank them for their efforts in ensuring that our footpaths are kept in good order and that tree hazards are removed. Fred has also acted as the coordinator for our Emergency Planning, keeping key information up to date and liaising with the Emergency planning authorities. We wish them both a long and happy retirement from public service to the community in Wilby and with most grateful thanks for their unstinting support. Matt Stanford is also standing down from the Council for business reasons. He has made a particularly valuable contribution representing the views of the farming community and serving as the Council’s representative on the Village Hall Committee. In addition he has brought a younger voice to the Council. There are now at least two vacancies on the Parish Council which should preferably be filled on 7 May 2015. Being a Parish Councillor is an essential part of our local democracy and affords an opportunity to address issues of concern to the community and indeed to influence the Parish Council itself. It provides a real opportunity to serve the people of Wilby. The community is best served by having a vibrant Parish Council and therefore if you are interested in joining the Council and ensuring its continued viability and relevance please contact the Chairman (Ian Williamson on 01379 388034) or the Clerk (Julie Collett on 01986 798258). Nomination papers need to be completed and countersigned for submission by 9 April 2015 to comply with the electoral timetable. As previously advised an election to the Parish Council will only be held if the number of candidates submitting nominations exceeds the seven posts available on the Council. The Annual Parish Meeting will be held in the Village Hall at 7 pm on Wednesday 13 May 2015. This is the opportunity for residents to raise and discuss any issues of concern relating to Wilby. The meeting will follow the customary form of short presentations from the Parish Council, Church, School, Village Hall etc. on their activities in the previous year and future plans. An open forum will be held for public debate and a short presentation will be given on the proposed Village Survey. At the conclusion of the meeting refreshments (cheese and wine) will be provided for those attending. We look forward to welcoming residents to this important annual event. 7 NEWS FROM WILBY CORONATION HALL A tribute to Marian! THANK YOU ALL Carol Cropley, representing Wilby Village Coronation Hall Committee, decided on 12th March, Thursday night, that I should have the pleasure of accepting an award from Babergh and Mid Suffolk Councils for selfless service to the Community. I accepted the honour asI felt it would bring more attention to the Hall and also to thank all the people who had helped me - there were so many of them! I just said I didn`t know how to do something and found that people from the council or the community did. Apparently it was because I was persistent that the hall got its refurbishment. When it came to showing a film (made a month ago of Carol and myself) I was the first to be presented out of 25 various people, representing different community services. A relevant part of film was shown then the person it concerned went forward. The whole thing was sponsored by the East of England Co-op. The Chairman of the Council, Councillor Roy Barker, and the head of Member and Community Services of East of England Co-op, Christian Bone, made the presentations. Upon arrival we were served drinks. Sitting at tables for 8 people, we had an elaborate ploughman`s supper, followed by mouth sized pieces of various desert cakes. Supper was accompanied with 2 bottles of wine, elderflower drink or water. We were served - so no queueing! 2 representatives from the council sat at each table and showed all people every consideration by helping them up steps, giving seats etc. The evening was well planned. We were there from 6p.m. - 9.30p.m. In order to gain the award I have to say THANK YOU to so many people who played a part. There were so many spokes to the hub of the wheel, reaching from the users of the hall, including those on the steps upwards to the various funders who were Big Lottery Fund, Suffolk County Council Corporative Fund, Mid Suffolk Section 106, Mid Suffolk Capital Grant, Guy McGregor’s Locality Grant i.e. Transforming Suffolk Fund, Adnam`s Charity, Suffolk Foundation Grant + Transforming SFK. Fund and Village Reserves. Villagers plus ex committee members who were interested in the project lent a hand too. The result was due to a great combined effort so THANK YOU ALL. Marian Ward (retired Chair Person) Change of date for Celebration Afternoon Due to a number of circumstances we are now going to celebrate the 60th. Anniversary of the opening of Wilby Coronation Hall on Saturday 6th. June from 12-3pm. This will be an afternoon for all to enjoy. We are holding a competition for the best made/best looking scarecrow. There will be prizes for different age categories, adults included! We are looking to have a few different stalls and a barbecue. If you are willing to help out or donate any prizes it would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to contact Les or Carol on 01379 388 548 (email: or me on 01379 388 112 (email: 8 What’s on at WILBY CORONATION HALL The following are the public bookings for April 2015 in Wilby Coronation Hall: Zumba: Mondays 13th, 20th, & 27th Village Lunch: Tuesdays 7th & 21st Sequence Dance Practice: Wednesday 1st, 8th, 22nd, & 29th: start at 7.30 - 9.30pm Newcomers welcome. Details from Gwen 01728 638357 Yoga: Thursdays 16th, 23rd & 30th : Start 9.00am WI Darts: Thursday 9th WI: Thursday 16th Social Evening: Friday 17th, Private Party: Saturday 18th [until 6.00pm] Social Dances: In Aid of the Hall: Newcomers welcome. Details from Gwen 01728 638357 Saturday 4th: Start 8.00pm Annie Saturday 18th: Start 8.00pm Howard & Chris Bookings for the hall can be made through Gwen on 01728 638357 To receive an Eletter about your Hall: Email your Email address to Wingfield and District Gardening Club For our April meeting we have arranged to visit Rod Leed’s garden near Lavenham on Saturday 11th April meeting at his garden at 10.30am. Rod gave us a wonderful talk last March, describing the delightful range of bulbs which can be grown providing interest throughout the year. We do need to know numbers in advance and it may be helpful to arrange car-sharing, so if you are interested, please: email: or ring 01379 388034 The charge for members will be £2 and for non-members £5 and will include coffee/tea and homemade biscuits. If you google him and read some of the articles about his garden it may prove irresistible! 9 ST LAWRENCE’S CHURCH, BRUNDISH The Blessing of the Palms 10.15 a.m. Palm Sunday, 29th March at St Lawrence’s We have a new format for Palm Sunday this year. Each parish will gather at their church for the blessing of the palms and then travel to Wilby for a Benefice Service starting at 11 a.m. Brundish’s service will be conducted Lay Minister David Mulrenan. After the Wilby service, there will be a “Bring and Share” lunch at the Coronation Hall. Everyone will be very welcome. Maundy Thursday Agape 7 p.m. on 2nd April at St. Mary’s Church, Cratfield A special feast service of Agape will be hosted by Cratfield, as above, to mark the occasion of The Last Supper. Just turn up. You will be very welcome. Choral Liturgy Service for Good Friday 12 noon on 3rd April at St. Lawrence’s The Chantry Singers will relate the story leading up to Christ’s crucifixion through St John’s Passion. The church is stripped bare of all adornment on this solemn occasion but the atmosphere of pathos in the beauty of our church can stir the soul greatly. Please come and join us. A Service of Light 5.30 a.m. Easter Morning in the churchyard At sunrise on Easter Morning, it is a long held Christian to experience the first light of the day of Jesus’ resurrection. Many local Christians pilgrim to the coast to see the sun’s first rays of dawn. Brundish will mark this event by lighting a fire in the churchyard from which the village’s paschal (Easter) candle will be lit and solemnly processed into the church to remain lit in time for the first communion of Easter later that morning. It is a formal service and if you feel you would like to witness this, please join us. Easter Family Communion 9.30 a.m. Sunday, 5th April at St. Lawrence’s As gloriously joyful as Good Friday is sad, our much loved church will be swathed in the gold and white of the season and bedecked in floral finery to celebrate that miracle which is central to the Christian faith. Our Rector, David Burrell, will conduct this service for the first time for us and will be joined by The Chantry Singers who will add to the air of rejoicing by singing Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus. Afterwards tea/coffee/juice and traditional Simnel Cake will be served as our younger friends will be hunting through the church and churchyard for chocolate eggs left their by....? Most Christians will say that this service is far more important than those at Christmas and so, just as enjoyable, if not more so. How it would thrill us all to see just as big a congregation on the day! Oh and by the way, there will be a special prize for the best Easter Bonnet! Please do come. As is said, so many times; the welcome you will receive would be as warm as ever. Annual Parochial Church Meeting 10.15 a.m. Sunday, 12th April in the church. The annual meeting will take place as above. Those on the electoral roll are invited to attend. 10 ST LAWRENCE’S CHURCH, BRUNDISH - RESTORATION Hello Brundish Church Friends Did you know that whenever you buy anything online - from your weekly shop to your annual holiday - you could be raising a free donation for St Lawrence Church Brundish Restoration Fund? There are nearly 3,000 retailers including Amazon, John Lewis, Aviva, thetrainline and Sainsbury's, who will donate a percentage of the amount you spend to St Lawrence Church Brundish Restoration Fund to say thank you for shopping with them. It's really simple, and doesn't cost you anything. All you have to do is: 1. Go to 2. Sign up for free 3. Get shopping - your donations will be collected by easyfundraising and automatically sent to St Lawrence Church Brundish Restoration Appeal. It couldn't be easier! There are no catches or hidden charges and St Lawrence Church Brundish Restoration Appeal will be really grateful for your donations. Thank you for your support. BRUNDISH PARISH COUNCIL FETE ON THE GREEN - 2015 The Brundish Village fete will be held on Sunday 19th July. Times to be confirmed at a later date. Last years fete was a great success inspite of the weather! This year hopefully we will raise more money and attract more people. Kevin Apps is organising the classic, vintage car and motor bike display. If you would like to enter your machine, there is plenty of time to remove the dust, cobwebs, mice and polish your treasured vehicle. Please do ring Kevin on 01728 628607 to enter. Last year a number of people made suggestions for interesting games for the fete. If you have any ideas or can help with manning the stalls please let me know. The more variety we have, the more fun the day will be and hopefully help raise lots of money for the village. Please contact: ANTHONY BRYANT 01728 628600 11 BRUNDISH BARISTAS' Next date is Thursday, 4 June at the Coffee Shop 10am to 12 noon at Brundish Village Hall Good coffee, bacon buns, Todd's juices and butters, book swap, and, of course, great company Not forgetting this month's gathering: Thursday 2 April, same time and place See you there Jazz in the Nave 7 p.m. Saturday, 20th June at St. Lawrence’s Church Frank Noble and his family and friends make a welcome return to Brundish for an evening of “cool, elegant Jazz.” There will be a barbecue and drinks before we assemble in the church to enjoy a relaxing and convivial mid-summer evening of the finest music performed by local exponents. More information will be given in the next few newsletters, including the cost. However, please mark this date in your diary, and if you wish to make sure of your reservation (don’t forget your cushion for the church!) phone David on 01728 628063. Please make sure you are able to support Brundish and its continuing success as an enviable community village. 12 Brundish Parish Council I am pleased to announce that Dina Bedwell has agreed to be employed as Brundish's new Parish Clerk. For a number of years Dina has been a full time clerk to both Debenham and Shotley Parish Councils. I believe her experience of managing two large parishes in addition to Brundish will represent good value and will enable the parish council to keep up to date with the ever increasing volume of new regulations. Anthony Bryant, Chairman Litter Pick Contributed by David Mulrenan Litter Pick. Saturday 11th April. Meet at 10.30am outside Brundish Village Hall. Chris Smart has very kindly agreed to organize us all again this year. She does have some litter pickers, black bags etcetera, but suggests you arm yourselves with garden gloves and hi-viz jackets, if you have them. A kind villager has already worked on Foals Green Road, Stradbroke Road down to the pub and Tannington Long Road up to the junction with the Wilby Green road. If you don’t wish to join us on the morning but have cleared, or will clear a specific area, please let Chris Smart know so that no effort is duplicated. Chris’s telephone number is 01728 627838. Thank you very much for all your help. Do you think you could sing in a Church Choir? The Chantry Singers, who are based at Brundish, are on the look-out for new recruits. We meet at 7 p.m. on Friday evenings, not all year round, but sometime before big church services such as Easter, Harvest, Advent and Christmas. If you would like to join us, please contact our Director of Music, Michael Spencer on 01728 724590 13 BRUNDISH VILLAGE HALL See main notices and advertisements in this Newsletter for details BRUNDISH TRAINING CENTRE: For all courses, it is important to book in advance. Please ring 01728-627174 or email Thank you. Venue Course Dates Time Brundish Monday Computer Club Tuesday Computer Club Wednesday Computer Club iPad for Improvers iPad ImproversWorkshop ditto Alternate Monday mornings Every Tuesday 1000 – 1200 hours 1000 – 1200 Every Wednesday 1000 – 1200 Monday 1300 - 1500 Aldeburgh Tuesday Computer Club Third Thursday of each month (dates 1030 – 1230 may vary) ditto 1330 - 1530 Every Tuesday fortnight iPad Improvers- Second Thursday of each month Workshop ditto ditto Southwold Computer Club Every Monday 1400 - 1600 1030 – 1230 1330 - 1530 1400 - 1600 ZUMBA: Eileen Torosian-Tinney. Text or telephone: 0781 385 4255 or email: 6 to 7 p.m. each school term Tuesday. PILATES: Fiona Palmer. Telephone: 07767384983. 9.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. each Monday. BRUNDISH COFFEE SHOP: Next date: 2nd April. Please see page 12. Sue Sharples. Telephone: 01728 628631. CINEMA NIGHTS (Flicks in the Sticks!): Next date: 9th April. Please see page 5. Priscilla Williamson. Telephone: 01379 388034. BRUNDISH PARISH COUNCIL: Parish Clerk, Christine Smart. Telephone: 01728 627838. Next meeting: 7.45 p.m. Tuesday, TBA. Please see page 11. WINGFIELD AND DISTRICT GARDENING CLUB: Next meeting: Thursday, 11th April. Please see page 9 Priscilla Williamson. Telephone: 01379 388034. Please see details in main advert. 14 Suffolk Walking Festival 9th - 31st May 2015 We are fast approaching that time of year again when the air will start warming up, the bluebells will be blooming and the Suffolk countryside will be enticing us to dig out our walking boots and start exploring. What better way to do this than to join in the annual Suffolk Walking Festival which takes place 9th - 31st May. The programme is packed with over 90 guided walks around medieval villages, market towns, along the coast and through gentle landscapes across the county. The eclectic mix of walks includes Sketch Book Strolls for children (there's also one for adults) with a local artist around Brandon Country Park; a seven mile hike called Food Glorious Food through Thetford Forest to the award-winning restaurant at the Elvedon Hall Estate for lunch; A Scottish Visionary and His Fairytale Village, starting from Thorpeness along the coast as well as Beachcombing for Beginners on Felixstowe beach. You can follow in Benjamin Britten's footsteps along 'Curlew River' and learn about the composer, his music and the wildlife that inspired him; walk the Horseshoe Trail and learn about horse racing in Newmarket; explore the Ponds of Helmingham Hall, walk in the footsteps of Thomas Gainsborough around Sudbury or learn about John Constable as you amble through 'Constable Country'. There are far too many walks to list here, so please visit to look at the programme and to book your tickets. You can also pick up a brochure from you local tourist information centre. We hope you will be inspired to join in this fun and sociable festival to enjoy Suffolk at its very best. "MUSIC FOR PASSIONTIDE" There will be a performance of "Music for Passiontide", "All in the April Evening", "God So Loved the World" and other music on Good Friday, 3rd April at 7.00pm in Worlingworth Church, performed by the augmented singers of the Benefice Choir. "Music for Passiontide", written for choir and organ, is a setting of St Matthew's account of the last few days of Jesus' journey to the cross. First performed in 2011, this is another opportunity to hear this item which was written by local composer Bernard Butler, a member of the Benefice choir. Come and listen to this concert of appropriate music for Holy Week. Entrance is free, and there will be a retiring collection. 15 Goodbye and Hello! Louise Howie who lived at 3, Sunnyside for twelve years has moved to Garboldisham. We wish her well in her new home. Susan (surname as yet unknown), previously from Cratfield, has moved in place. Welcome to Brundish and we hope Susan will be very happy amongst us here. Ruby and Herbert Coe have lived at Crown Corner for as long as most people in the village will remember. It’s strange to think that neither of them will be there anymore with a friendly wave as one drives by. They have moved to Stradbroke recently and all of us wish them great happiness in this latest adventure. Nikki and Kenny Cox and their family have moved into The Coe’s old house from their previous house along the back row of Crown Corner. We wish them too every happiness in their new home. 16 Mobile Library The librarian has asked if we could make everyone aware of this excellent local community facility. The County Council’s Mobile Library stops monthly at Crown Corner, Brundish Tuesdays from 11.00 to 11.20am. The next few dates are: 17 Mar. 2015 dates are: 14 Apr, 12 May, 9 Jun, 7 Jul, 4 Aug, 1 Sept, 29 Sept, 27 Oct, 24 , Nov, 22 Dec For information please see: Daniel Abbott Garden maintenance Grass and hedge cutting Fencing Painting sheds etc And other gardening jobs Tel. 01728 627807 or 0789 8308601 GET YOURSELF ON THE RIGHT TRACK Do you know what a Personal Trainer offers ? Our aim as Personal Trainers is to improve your overall fitness, health, well-being and perhaps keep the Doctor at bay !! Thanks to our extensive training, skill and experience, we can do this in a safe and effective fitness programme which is designed for the individual. We also give you advice, motivation and assistance to help you reach your personal health and fitness goals. We include relaxation classes, general health and nutritional advice. Our trainer will pay close attention to your lifestyle factors, exercise plan, motivation and diet. If you want to improve how you look and increase your physical fitness, heart condition and general health you could use a personal trainer. Our trainers come to your home for total privacy; or train outside in your garden, local park or even use the gym of your choice. Everything is personalised and can also be in small groups - but our aim is to make each individual as successful as possible. If you would like further information or would like to learn more about personal training then please contact me as follows: Miss Camille BAULT (graduated in France as a personal trainer) mobile: 07871 604994; email: 17 18 STRICTLY! comes to Dennington Village Hall! Waltz to Strauss Foxtrot to Sinatra Tango Jive Cha cha Rumba New dance class strictly for absolute beginners. Come along and have some fun! Beginning Tuesday 30th October Class 7-8pm Practise and have a beer or two 8-9pm!!! All at Dennington Village hall £5 per person For further info: Tel:- 07884267430 Private lessons also available for adults and children 19 LESTER MAYES Peasenhall Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning FRIENDLY, LOCAL SERVICE Carpet & Fabric Protectors applied Moth Treatments available 01728 660186 Mobile: 07867 681571 THE GARDEN ROOM at FOALS GRANGE WILBY Bed and Breakfast Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage. You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom: a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products. To book contact Debbie GRIFFITHS on 07582 789782 or 01379 384873 Website; 20 Would You like to Update Your Computer / iPad Skills? Then why not come to a FREE taster session at one of our friendly Computer Clubs held at Brundish Village Hall? Sessions: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 10.00 am to 12.00 noon For more information: iPad tel: 01728 627174 and email: Android sessions Find our apple butter and apple juice at the monthly Brundish coffee shop, or at 20 shops across Suffolk and beyond, plus the monthly Snape Maltings Farmers Market - first Saturday of each month, 9:30 till 1.00. We're in need of a 20 ft shipping container, old railway carriage, or shed for our Brundish orchard. Please contact us! 07985 411289 21 House Sitting Services Do you need someone reliable and trustworthy to look after your home and pets while you are away on holiday? Complete care of your house and animals. Many years’ experience with dogs, cats, chicken, horses etc. Be able to go away, knowing that your home is in safe hands. Excellent references available. Contact Louise Howie: (M) 07920 047274 Email: . a star! Everyone Your little one’s early years are magical You are very welcome to visit, and see all that our school and nursery have to offer including our special focus on music and drama All lead nursery staff are fully qualified teachers Our nursery is fully integrated with the rest of our warm and welcoming school Places available for children aged 3 and 4 All are welcome to our 'Tea & Toys' Playgroup' for ages 0 to 5: Thursdays 9 till 10:30 - come for some playtime and a cuppa! Stradbroke Road, Wilby, IP21 5LR (01379) 384708 Everyone a Star! 22 Bulk Haulage Aggregate Road Planings Stock Feed Railway Sleepers Crossing Timbers Bark Woodchip All Aggregates & Topsoil (Different Grades) Grasscrete Blocks Excavations Muckaway Dyke Cleaning Roadway Construction Malham Limestone Rocks Flints Carrstone Compost Lump Chalk For further information please contact: Timothy Askew—Phone 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109 Email: YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST—NOW TRY THE BEST 23 SPURLING & REMBLANCE MOTOR ENGINEERS MOT TEST CENTRE * Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4's* *Specialists in vehicle diagnostics* *Free local collection and delivery * Courtesy car available* *Prompt attention assured * Competitive rates* (01379) 384689 Open 8:00 am -5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am -12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke. IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 - 1¾ mile outside Stradbroke, towards Laxfield 24 Come to Callendar’s for Quality and Professional Floristry Traditional or Modern Designs Bouquets - Hand-tieds - Arrangements Wedding flowers - Funeral Tributes and all your floral requirements. Flowers delivered Locally, Countrywide or Internationally using the Interflora Service 25 THE CROWN INN BRUNDISH Tel: 01728 628282 We would love to see you at the Crown. Why not come and try our extensive menu cooked to order, with fresh local produce and vegetables in season. Or relax and have a snack in the bar with a drink. Bar open Wed-Sat 12-2.30 and 6-11, Sun 12-4 Restaurant Wed-Sat 12-2 and 7-9, Sun 12-2 Fish and Chips served from 5-6.45pm, Fridays only. Eat in or take away. Bar open from 5pm. Normal menu served from 7pm Are you one of those people who hates standing there Ironing? Do you find it boring? Do you wish there was someone who would do this job for you? Well now there is ME Yolanda Howard I will do your ironing for you so you don’t have to! I charge £7.50 per hour and don’t worry if you are unable to deliver it I can collect it for an extra fee of £1.50 (depending on location) (MUST BE WITHIN 8 MILES FROM STRADBROKE). If you could do with my help then please feel free to contact me On Tel: 07789 090110 or email: I LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU 26 Is your garden overover-run with Moles? Do you have a wasp’s nest? Are your paddocks overover-run with rabbits ? All typical Pests controlled. For ALL your Domestic / Commercial Pest Control. No obligation – free survey/quotes. Please call for a chat 01379 788865 / 07809 226109 / 07518 731106 Paul Smyth 01379 770433 07765 868180 We offer a friendly and professional local service 15 years experience in helping businesses of all sizes (Sole Traders to FTSE 100) Free, no obligation, initial consultation of your requirements Prospect Farm Laxfield Road Stradbroke Eye IP21 5JT PC/Server Support, Networking (Wireless), Software/Hardware upgrades • Internet Access, Email/Exchange, Disaster Recovery, Remote Access • Security (Firewalls), VPN, SQL Server, Project Management etc. • 27 Have your house treated for flies this summer! Don’t suffer like we did last year. A clean & safe treatment of approved products. Pick up the phone and call 01379 384819 and speak to David Hendrick to get more information. Hair Logic Street Farm, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tuesday-Thursday 9am-5pm Friday 9am-6pm Saturday 8.30am-4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am-8pm 28 BRUNDISH COAL R G AMIES 6 Varieties of pre-packed coal available at very competitive prices Minimum delivery = 5 bags MANOR BARNS THE STREET BRUNDISH WOODBRIDGE SUFFOLK IP13 8BL Phone: 01379 388162 Fax: 01379 384084 Producers of wide range of high quality pork products from our own home produced stock. ____________________________ COUNTRY FOODS BRUNDISH SUFFOLK IAN AND SUE WHITEHEAD Tel: 01379 384593 Email: Thanks to all those who supported us in the past, but we can no longer run our "Freezer 10% sale". For any special requirements, though, please do phone me and we will try to help. We will still be able to donate 10% of any sale to Brundish Church 29 ACORN FOOT HEALTH Annual advertising charges are: Roger C. Griffiths, BSc(Econ), Dip Soc Sci, PGCE, MCFHP, MAFHP £7.50 for an eighth of a page £14 for a quarter page £27.50 for a half page or £55.00 for a full page Contact Tim Gillingham Tel: 01728 628269 The Woodlands, Brundish, Woodbridge, SUFFOLK IP13 8BH FOOT HEALTH CONSULTANT HOME VISITS, CARE HOMES and PRIVATE CLINIC Verruca treatments, Ingrown toenails, Calluses, Fungal Infection, Corns, Nail Cutting, Bunions and Foot Care for Diabetics Foot health checks and all nail conditions. For an appointment Tel. 01379 384873 (Wilby) Mob. 07724 073328 Email; Cheques should be made payable to Brundish PCC Please note that Invoices will be submitted in March 2015 Some evening appointments available Property Maintenance All types of property maintenance and refurbishment undertaken Kevin 01728 628607 07770530771 Just give me a ring, I’ll see if I can help LES RUTH (Yaddy) For all your carpentry needs – plus painting, decorating and tiling. Tel: 01379 384484 07900 287888 30 All types of house & garden property maintenance undertaken Phone home: ( 01728) 621341 Mobile: 07887925507 Email: Septic Tank Emptying & Domestic drains cleared. Fast, friendly, reliable service. (Environmental registered carrier) Call Lenny: 07905 794221 31 WHO’S WHO IN THE CHURCH Rector Rev’d David Burrell (pages 2-5; 10) Priest Rev’d Ron Orams 01986 798136 01986 798901 WILBY Churchwardens: Mary Pipe 01728 723443 Rob Barber 01379 388040 Lay Elders: Sheila Pipe 01728 723443 Fabric Officer: PCC Secretary: Mary Pipe 01728 723443 BRUNDISH Margaret (Mig) Bacon John Graham David Mulrenan Sandra Apps Michael Spencer Terry Lee (pages 10,11) Gillian Self 01379 388808 01379 384444 01728 628063 01728 628607 01728 724590 07739 195944 01728 621577 VILLAGE DIRECTORIES Community Police Officer - P.C. Kane Martin - 01986 835300 First Responders (Recruitment) - Maria Smith - 01379 388669 Neighbourhood Watch - Via any Parish Councillor Oil Syndicate - Tim Gillingham - 01728 628752; Rix Petroleum - 0800 5424924 Wilby Parish Council Chairman - Ian Williamson Parish Council Secretary - Julie Collett - 01986 798258 (page 7) Village Hall Chair - Mrs Alison Taylor - 01379 388112 (page 8) Village Hall Bookings - Mrs Gwen Warne - 01728 638357; Les Cropley - 01379 388548 (pp 8-9) Wilby School Headteacher - Mrs Philippa Coleman - 01379 384708 (page 6) Wilby School Chair of Governors - Mrs Kim Palmer Brundish Parish Council Chairman - Anthony Bryant Parish Council Secretary - Chrissie Smart - 01728 627838 (page 11) Village Hall Chair - Jane Lee - 01728 628095 Village Hall Bookings - David Mulrenan - 01728 628063 (pages 12, 14) Brundish Events Group - David Mulrenan - 01728 628063 Brundish Crown - Lesley and Maz Balshaw - 01728 628282 (pages 15, 26) Brundish Training Centre - Anne Banham - 01728 627174 (pages 14, 21) Brundish Cinema Night Bookings - Priscilla Williamson - 01379 388034 (page 5) Education Foundation - Gerald Western - 01379 388775 Village Websites Parish Newsletters can be viewed online on:; or Items for the May 2015 Newsletter to:Tim Gillingham at by April 18th, please. 32
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