June 2015 - the Burley First Presbyterian Church

The Presbyterian
Monthly Newsletter of
First Presbyterian Church
June 2015
“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a
mustard seed, you can say to this mountain,
‘Move from here to there’ and it will move.
Nothing will be impossible for you.”
—Matthew 17:20-21
From the Desk of the Pastor
- By Rev. Josyph Andrews
• From the Desk of the Pastor
• Pastor’s Report
Scripture Lessons
Tithes & Expenses
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Dates to Remember
Committee Chairpersons
• Calendar
• June Servers
• Scout News
• Presbyterian Women
• Committee Reports
• Bits & Pieces
• Contact Information
Greetings to all in the name of our Risen Lord! When I came here, everybody told me that it
never rains. Well, I guess we can now put that myth to rest. The past several weeks have been
filled with rain – and while that is not a bad thing, it is different from what we have come to
believe is the norm.
I make that point because it sometimes seems that we make decisions and do things based on
what we believe to be true. The fact is that in most cases, we do something because that is the
way we have always done it. Case in point is the changing of worship to earlier hours in the
summer and forgoing Sunday School. The session decided this year to not change the hours and
when it was announced, the response was resoundingly glad.
While I have not spoken to each member personally on the subject, I have not heard one
complaint nor have I heard anyone mention that we should have changed to the earlier time. I
assumed that the early summer hours was something everyone wanted and I fully expected some
pushback when the time remained the same. I had nothing to base that feeling on, but it was my
How many other things in the life of this congregation are done because that is the way it has
always been done? It is kind of like the young girl who helps her mother make an apple pie.
When the crust is placed on top, her mother takes a fork and pokes the top several times before
cooking the pie. The young girl asks her mother why she did that – and after thinking for a
moment the mother replies, I guess because that is the way my mother did it. In reality the holes
in the crust allow the steam to escape (or so I am told), but the mother did it because that was the
way she was taught.
While the holes in the crust were actually functional and it was good the mother perpetuated the
practice, she did so not because it was needed, but because her mother did so. I think the same
thing happens a lot in our daily lives and in how we “do church”. Perhaps we perpetuate old
habits or customs simply because that is the way it has been done without asking why or
wondering if there was justification for it or perhaps a better way of doing so. I know, I am
meddling with that change word again, but sometimes, we need to stop and think about what we
do and why we do things.
I am not advocating changing any particular thing, or necessarily changing anything at all, but
asking a question. The church we read about in the 2nd chapter of Acts is not the same church
we have come to know, and the church we have come to know is not the same church that we
grew up in.
Continued on next page
From the Desk of the Pastor - continued
When most of us were growing up, going to church was accepted as the norm and even expected by most of the population.
Unfortunately, today the majority of the population has no relationship with the church except possibly Christmas and Easter.
That said, things like the fork holes in the apple pie are no longer being passed on to the youth and the landscape of Christianity is
changing. Churches are closing at alarming rates and congregations are declining. The need in our communities is growing at
alarming rates because we, as a society, are no longer in a church where the church takes care off its own. Consequently, there are
more and more people in need of help with no place to turn. I do not have all the answers to the questions that arise because of this
situation, but I know that if we continue to do the same things in the same ways, the results are going to be the same.
Perhaps it is time for us as a congregation and as a society to take time to consider a fresh new approach to how we “do church”.
Perhaps we need to think outside the box and develop a way of helping those in need other than simply giving a couple of cans of
food to the local food bank in hopes the hungry find it. While I would love to solve all the problems in the world, I cannot, but with
a concentrated effort, we can make a difference. We must find a way to revitalize the way the Good News is shared so that more
and more can hear it and receive it.
So, as we enter the summer months I urge each and every one of you to consider how you as an individual and we as a
congregation might make a difference in a changing world. If we cannot find a way to change what we do to integrate a changing
society, then the outcome will not change. We need to change how we do things, not to grow our congregation, but to further the
kingdom of Heaven which will strengthen the Body of Christ here and everywhere. That is what we are called to do in the name of
the Risen Lord.
It is my hope that your summer will be great and fun, but I urge you to make sure you make time to worship God who makes all
things possible, and I urge you all to take a few minutes to consider how you and we might do things differently in the months and
years to come.
God Bless and Keep you,
Pastor Josyph
Pastors Report May 2015
Miles Driven Last month: 854
Visits: 4 (Home 3, Hospital Visits 0, Nursing Home 1)
Communion Served: (1st Sunday, Shut Ins 1)
Worship Services Conduced: 5
Funerals: 1
Bible Study Groups: 7 (Tuesday Men’s 4, Thursday Afternoon 3)
Committee Meetings Attended: 1
Presbytery Meetings:
June 21-26 I will serve as Dean at Camp Sawtooth
Planning July 7-13, Pastor John will preach June 12
Study Leave:
Next will be in October
Dear Partners of PFF,
As the deer pants for
the water brooks, so
pants my soul for You,
O God.—Psalm 42:1
May 2015
The frontier mission world understandably is focusing a lot attention
these days on Muslim communities. One out of every four people on
earth belongs to a Muslim people group. Islam is the largest world
religion after Christianity. However, Islam is not the only major nonChristian religion. Buddhism and Hinduism claim many adherents and
wield lots of influence. We must not lost sight of them.
The photo in our PFF prayer calendar for May shows a young
devotee of Tibetan Buddhism. This form of Buddhism is dominant in
Tibet, Mongolia, parts of Russian and China and in the Himalayasincluding Nepal and parts of India. It is the state religion of the tiny
nation of Bhutan.
Tibetan migrants have spread the faith to many western countries-I
recall the days of seeing Buddhist monks in airports and in other public
spaces. The most prominent spokesperson is the 14th Dalai Lama.
Worldwide this version of Buddhism has between 10 and 20 million
The monk in the calendar picture was asked is he had ever heard the
name of Jesus. He responded by asking if “Jesus” lived nearby and if
so, where. PFF seeks to mobilize Presbyterians and others to help
Buddhist and Hindus and Muslims to hear the Good News of Jesus.
Thanks for joining us in this wonderful enterprise. Your May gift of
$125.00 will help us to involve others in passing on the name of
Jesus-the One who lived and died and rose again-that they and we
might have life in His Name.
Blessings in Christ,
Richard Haney
Executive Director/Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship (PFF)
Session Highlights
Greetings from the Session
The Session met on May 13th for its
regular meeting. Josyph opened the
meeting with prayer and a scripture
reading. Four Elders were present with
two excused.
Pastor Josyph continues to make
home, hospital and nursing home
visits. If you would like for him to call
on you or you know someone in need
of a pastor’s visit, please contact the
church office. Josyph conducted the
funeral of Randy Holl on April 28th at
the Hansen Mortuary in Rupert.
Randy is the husband of Darla
Everheart Holl. The Session extends
sympathy to the Holl family. Pastor
Josyph will be Dean at Camp Sawtooth
the week of June 21st. and will on
vacation July 7 –13.
The Session was pleased to be able
to award a $500 scholarship to
Madison Searle, Barbra Moore’s
granddaughter. Madison is attending
Utah State University.
Congratulations, Madison.
Tithes for April were $5513 and
expenses were $9457. Tithes for
March were $9819 and expenses were
$9980. All bills have been paid and
staff compensated. We are fast
running out of our meager savings,
which acts as a buffer for expenses.
Please continue to give as generously
as you can. Thank you for all you do
to support the church. The Session
appreciates your generosity.
Our annual Memorial Day
Remembrance will be on June 7th. We
will remember those who have died
since last Memorial Day.
Ron Lavoie will preach from our
pulpit on June 28th. He is Executive
Presbyter of the Kendall Presbytery.
Please attend and make him feel
The choir will not be singing during
the month of June. We will be hosting
guests to celebrate with us and provide
special music.
There will be a special July 4th
service during worship on July 5th.
Plan to attend and celebrate our
country’s birth.
The Mission Committee reported that
the first quarter mission pledge has
been paid.
Worship summer hours will be the
same as winter hours. We will
continue to meet at 10:45 A.M.
Sunday School will continue to meet
during the summer as well.
The Joint Deacon/Session meeting
will be held on July 15th at 6:30 P.M.
Elders and Deacons, please mark your
The annual Fall BBQ will be on
August 29th from 3:30 to 6:00 P.M.
This is for the whole community.
Mark your calendars and bring a
Thanks to all who supported, worked
on and helped with the Sausage
Supper. We did very well. A grand
total will be announced when all bills
are paid.
Keep Camp Sawtooth and the
campers in your prayers for the
summer. Great things happen at our
Christian camp. All of our youth will
be attending.
Please be safe and careful this
summer. Praise God for the May rains.
Happy gardening.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Poulton, Clerk of Session
A very special THANK YOU to ALL our Silent Servers. Those who do without being asked. Who make coffee,
replace light bulbs, serve and wash dishes. All who keep the grounds looking so lovely, who pick up trash, plant flowers
and just look around to see what needs to be done—and then do it. To you (and you know who you are) we thank you
and praise God for you. For it is you who help to make this a beautiful church and a great place to be on Sunday and
any other day we are having special activities. We just want you to know that your humble sacrificial service has not
gone unnoticed.
Prayers for the Churches—
First United Presbyterian Church
The Malad Presbyterian Church has been a strong witness for the Reformed faith in southeast Idaho for over 130
years; the church building was erected in 1882. These days, the Presbyterian congregation is providing space also for
the North Hills Christian Fellowship, the local Catholic congregation, and a Girl Scout troop. The church is active in the
Malad Interfaith Council and participates in ecumenical services at Christmas and Easter. For the last three years, the
church has offered a summer Bible School for local children, which has been well attended, and is exploring more ways
to reach out to the community’s assisted living and nursing home residents. Members are seeking ways to be even
more warm and welcoming to those outside the church, and more sensitive to community needs. They are excited
about the possibility of sharing a pastor/CRE with the Presbyterian church in Preston and about becoming more
involved with the activities of Kendall Presbytery. They would like prayers for their witness in Malad and for the new
possibilities that may be in their near future.
June Scripture Lessons
In preparation for Pastor Josyph’s ministry of the Word, we
encourage you to read the scripture verses for each Sunday.
June 7
1 Sam. 8:4-11 (12-15) 16-20 (11:14-15); Ps. 138; 2 Cor. 4:13-5:1; Mark 3:20-35
June 14
1 Sam. 15:34-16:13; Ps. 20; 2 Cor. 5:6-10 (11-13) 14-17; Mark 4:26-34
June 21 [Father ’s Day]
1 Sam. 17:(1a, 4-11, 19-23) 32-49; Ps. 133; 2 Cor. 6:1-13; Mark 4:35-41
June 28
2 Sam. 1:1, 17-27; Ps. 130; 2 Cor. 8:7-15; Mark 5:21-43
For the word of God is
quick, and powerful, and
sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing
even to the dividing
asunder of soul and
spirit, and of the joints
and marrow, and is a
discerner of the thoughts
and intents of the heart.”
—Hebrews 4:12
June Birthdays & Anniversaries
1 Don Bohon
1 Norm Rayburn
3 Ed & Marilyn McKim
5 Karl Fuelling
8 Jake Stabley
9 Hazel Vegwert
10 Marianne Bohon
10 Steve & Marcia Lynch
17 Michael Behr
26 George McGee
27 Fred & Gay Neiwert
God Bless Your Special Day!
Building & Grounds
Larry Mulholland
Christian Education
Erika Wittman
Terrie Shockey
Carleen Clayville
Missions, Evangelism & Outreach
George McGee
Personnel & Nominating
Erika Wittman
Kristi Pugh
2015 Year to Date
Tithes and Expenses
Tithes $5,513.00
Expenses $9,437.39
YTD Totals:
Tithes $28,996.80
Expenses $37,075.28
June 2015
7:30 Men’s Breakfast
2:30 pm Bible study
4:30 pm Choir
VBS at Burley UMC June 1—5 at 5:15 pm
7:00 Scouts
9:30 Sunday School
10:45 Worship /
Communion Sunday
7:30 Men’s Breakfast
Memorial Day
9:30 Sunday School
10:45 Worship
Articles Due
2:30 pm Bible study
4:30 pm Choir
7:00 pm Session
7:00 Scouts
Deadline to register
for Camp Sawtooth
7:30 Men’s Breakfast
PW Church Wide Gathering
Minneapolis 6/18—6/21
7:00 Scouts
Father’s Day Brunch
after worship
9:30 Sunday School
10:45 Worship
7:30 Men’s Breakfast
Relay for Life
Fri 5pm—Sat 10am
2:30 pm Bible study
4:30 pm Choir
9:30 Sunday School
10:45 Worship
2:30 pm Bible study
4:30 pm Choir
Pastor Josyph7:00
at Camp Sawtooth 21—26
7:30 Men’s Breakfast
Ron Lavoie preaching
“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as
a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain,
‘Move from here to there’ and it will move.
Nothing will be impossible for you.”
—Matthew 17:20-21
June Servers ~ Thank You!
Head Usher: Dan Shockey Head Greeter: Harold Gebauer
Communion Servers: Erika Wittman, Kristi Pugh, Sharon Napier, Tom Clayville
Lar Reader: 6/7 _____, 6/14 _____, 6/21 _____, 6/28 _____
Coffee Hour: 6/7 Fellowship, 6/14 _____, 6/21 Fellowship, 6/28 _____
Boy Scout News
Hello everybody!
This past month we went on a campout to Yost, Utah and had a great time. We gained a new member to the
troop, Elijah Gage. We continue to work on rank advancement. This month we will work on knot tying and learn
to start a fire using a bow drill. We also helped Mason Wittman work on his Eagle Scout project. We are looking
forward to nicer weather so we can do more outdoor activities.
Gavin Wilkinson,
Troop Scribe
Scouts meet every Wednesday at 7:00 pm at the church
Any questions, please call the Dan or Mason Wittman at 678-4846-4846
Special Dates to Remember:
Choir taking break during June, resuming June 28th
VBS at Burley UMC 1—5 at 5:15 pm ages 3-10
Memorial Day Service
Deadline to register for Camp Sawtooth
Scholarship Presentation
PW Church Wide Gathering, Minneapolis 18—21
Relay for Life 19—20
First Day of Summer
Father’s Day Brunch after worship
Pastor Josyph Dean at Camp Sawtooth 21—26
Ron Lavoie preaching
04: Independence Day
05: 4th of July Service
12: John Ziulkowski preaching
15: Joint Elder/Deacon Session 6:30 pm
Presbyterian Women in the News
The PW met on May 16th for our annual May Brunch. Six ladies attended. Gay Neiwert, Chris Scott and
Kathy Poulton served the brunch. The ladies collected the Birthday Offering. This offering will be given
as grants to women’s shelters in Barranquilla, Colombia and Memphis, Tennessee.
We, also, collected our Least Coin offering. This offering goes to various women and children’s programs.
We collect pennies and small change at each of our meetings. If you have pennies you would like to share,
put them in the gold can in the kitchen. A few cents goes along ways to help those in need.
We will be installing officers at our next meeting in September - Carleen, Moderator; Kathy, V. Moderator;
Janell, Secretary; Gay and Jean, Caring and Sharing. We are looking for a lady to serve as Treasurer. Judy
Meyer is resigning her position after many years of service. Thank you Judy for serving so faithfully. We
will miss having you as an officer.
PW is looking for ideas for projects, service and money making, for our new year. Please give your
suggestions to Kathy or Carleen.
PW welcomes all women to our meetings. Please come and join us. We always have a great time, good
food, and wonderful fellowship.
Kathy Poulton V. Moderator
The Presbyterian Women’s Summer Ecumenical Brunch will be held
Saturday, August 1, 2015 at 10:00 am. There will be a wonderful
program—keep watching for more information. Mark your calendar,
Save the Date, Plan to attend … and bring a friend!
Questions? Please contact Carleen Clayville at 312-5661
Committee Reports
This is a re-run of the Report from the Finance Team (June
2014) I think we need reminded of the generosity of some of
our long-time member families.
"This past week, I had the opportunity to withdraw some
needed funds from several trust funds that were set up many
years ago, by some dedicated members of First Presbyterian
Church of Burley. Think about that era, these families were
working very hard, to be successful in their businesses,
whether it be farming or a business in town, but always in
church on Sundays. Having the vision to build this beautiful
facility on money borrowed from a bank, and then a few
years later, contracting with an artist from San Francisco to
design and make the stained glass windows. These families
had a vision about the future members, and our place in the
community. What a blessing it is to have their hard earned
money set up in trust funds specifically for us to use as
needed, or;
To use for two scholarships given to graduating seniors for
their education. For Outside Grounds needs. For the PW to
give to a woman in need, or for furthering a woman’s
educational needs. For the Deacon’s for their missions
The only rule is to never use the principal, so it will be
available for many years to come. These funds are in the
Presbyterian Foundation, and have made decent interest the
past few years. We are very pleased and honored to have
known these people personally, please remember these
peopled with prayer for their dedication and
Greetings from the Worship Committee! We decided to
have the Memorial Day Celebration on June 7th because
the attendance on Memorial Day Weekend is usually low.
Carleen stated that she will send out the invitations to the
families of those who have passed this last year. Kristi
spoke with Rob Newman to sing some patriotic songs for
this service. He stated that he will have Allen Hale to
accompany him. Pentecost will be on May 24th this year.
Look for the Sanctuary to be decorated for this day! Ron
Lavoie will be preaching on June 28th. The projector is now
hooked up to the computer in the back of the Sanctuary.
We are planning to have a service in the mountains on
possibly the 26th of July. Stay tuned for more information!
The choir is going to take the month of June off. They will
start up again on June 28th. We will be decorating the
Sanctuary for the 4th of July on the 5th of July service.
Wear your red, white a blue!
We are looking forward to a great summer! God bless!
Respectfully submitted;
Kristi Pugh, Chair
We honor fathers who not only gave us life,
But who also show us how to live.
Yours in Christ, with his blessing
Just reminiscing about our past
Your Finance Team
Really, it's June already??
Kathleen Morgan will be using a new curriculum
in the Children's Sunday School called
"Children's Ministry". It includes 8 books and can
be saved on a zip drive and used for current and
future classes.
Plan on Birthday/Anniversary Cupcakes June 7th
Celebrating Fathers June 21st by serving "Brunch" right
after Worship.
Hope to see you there with the Dads' in your life.
Thank you, Kathleen, for everything you do!
Respectfully submitted,
Terrie Shockey
Respectfully submitted,
Erika Wittman
As the earth brings forth its bud, as the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth, so the
Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to
spring forth before all the nations.—Isaiah 61:11
Bits & Pieces
Day of Pentecost—May 24, 2015
Day of Pentecost, May 24, 2015
Victor and Paul Pugh with PJ during Children’s Time
How about a Sermon on the Mount this summer?
Session is considering taking our Worship service
to Mt Harrison at the end of July or beginning of
August. We would have church in the ski lodge
and either take lunch or purchase lunch there.
The rest of the day could be spent hiking, bike
riding, and sight seeing on the mountain. Please
let Kathy Poulton know if you would support such
an outing. It would be a great experience and
fun day!
Bring [your children]
up in the training and
admonition of the Lord.
—Ephesians 6:4
The Lord make His face
shine upon you, and be
gracious to you.
—Numbers 6:25
A Service of Remembrance
June 7, 2015
In Memory of:
James Lynch, Sr
Jim Walkington
Kelly Elliott
Randy Holl
And in Memory and Honor of:
All Military Men and Women
Around the world—Past & Present
During this time we remember those who have left us a great heritage,
who have left their print on our church family. Indeed, we have been
surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses who have passed on to us their faith..
Pastor: Rev. Josyph A. Andrews
Pastor’s office hours: Tues—Thurs 9am—3pm
(also available after hours by appointment)
First Presbyterian Church (USA)
2100 Burton Avenue
Burley ID 83318
Josyph’s E-mail: josypha@aol.com
Josyph’s cell: 312-9373
Visit us on the web at:
Clerk of Session: Kathy Poulton
Office Administrator: Barbra Moore
Office Hours M—F 9am—1pm
Office phone: 678-5131
Office email: burleypc@pmt.org
Director of Music: Dr. Paul Pugh
Pianist: Susan McGee
Organist: Mayna McGill
Custodian: Linda Culley
Prayer Chain: Gay Neiwert 678-2760
Service Times:
Sunday School 9:30 am
Worship 10:45 am
Return Service Requested
The Presbyterian Messenger and
The Lord’s Day Bulletin are published by
The First Presbyterian Church of Burley, Idaho.
Please submit your Newsletter items by the
15th of the month and Bulleting items by Wednesday.
Healing, Strength and Encouragement for: Jean Andrews, McGee family dealing with troubled
youth, Gene Holsinger, Gary Hollinger, Elaine Victor, Anna Hindman, Jerry Vegwert, Gay
Neiwert, Terri (Larry Mulholland’s daughter), Leanna (5 year old burn victim), Billie (Hazel
Vegwert’s sister-in-law, Lewisa (Josyph & Jean Andrew’s daughter). Barbra’s grandson Caleb.
Those who are sick or injured. All who have lost jobs. Those facing financial uncertainties,
Wisdom for those making difficult decisions. KAIROS Prison ministry. Pastor Saeed Abidiniimprisoned in Iraq. And we encourage you to join other congregations in praying for The First
Presbyterian Church of Malad
• Our Church Leaders: Elder s Kathy Poulton, Kr isti Pugh, Lar r y Mulholland,
Carleen Clayville, Erika Wittman, and George McGee. Deacons Paul Pugh, Gary
Hollinger, Janell Martin, Sharon Napier, Chris Scott and Tom Clayville
• Pastor Josyph and Jean Andrews as they shepherd our flock
• World unrest
• Wisdom for our National and Local Leaders
• Service Men & Women around the world.
• Our Church family; strength & wisdom and to keep our eyes on Jesus
—James 1:2-4 “consider it all joy…”